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INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT Eagle County Department of Environmental Health PERMIT N2 0706 P.O. Box 850 - 550 Broadway Eagle, Colorado 81631 Telephone: 328-7311 or 949-5257 or 927-3823 YELLOW COPY OF PERMIT MUST PLEASE CALL FOR FINAL INSPECTION BEFORE BE POSTED AT INSTALLATION SITE COVERING ANY PORTION OF INSTALLED SYSTEM Owner: Joseph O'Connor & Cal VanEssen Telephone: 361-9494' Address: 1010 S. Joliet Denver, CO System Location: NW,. of NE,. Section 28, T3S. R83W. 6th P.M. Licensed Installer: License Number: Conditional installation approval is hereby granted for the following: Minimum requirements: 750 Gallon Septic Tank or Aerated Treatment unit Absorption area of dispersal area computed as follows: Percolation rate:_I Inch in 30 Minutes Absorption area per bedroom 373 Sq. Ft. Number of Bedrooms 2 X 373 Sq. Ft. minimum requirement per bedroom equals (746)750 Total Sq. Ft. minimum requirement Special Requirements: Date: July 24, 1985 Environmental Health Officer: Erik Edeen CONDITIONS: 1. All installations must comply with all requirements of the Eagle County Individual Sewage Disposal System Regulations, adopted pursuant to authority granted in 25-10-104, C.R.S. 1973, as amended. 2. This permit is valid only for connection to structures which have fully complied with County zoning and building requirements. Connection to or use with any dwelling or structure not approved by the zoning and building departments shall automatically be a violation of a requirement of the permit and cause for both legal action and revocation of the permit. 3. Section III, 3.21 requires any person who constructs, alters or installs an Individual Sewage Disposal System to be licensed according to the regulations. FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM: No system shall be deemed to be in compliance with the Eagle County Individual Sewage Disposal System Regulations until the system is approved prior to covering any portion of the system. INSTALLED ABSORPTION OR DISPERSAL AREA: % 00 SQ. FT. INSTALLED SEPTIC TANK: J 912 GALLONS; DEGREES; FEET DESIGN ENGINEER OF SYSTEM: INSTALLER OF SYSTEM: +4 tPHONE:_ SEPTIC TANK CLEANOUT TO WITHIN 12"OF FINAL GRADE OR AERATED ACCESS PORTS ABOVE GRADE: t4i�- YES NO PROPER MATERIALS AND ASSEMBLY: YES NO COMPLIANCE WITH PERMIT REQUIREMENTS: YES O COMPLIANCE WITH COUNTY / STATE REGULATION REQUIREMENTS: YES No COMMENTS: (Any item checked NO requires correction before final approval of system * ade. Arrange a re -inspect on when e work is completed.) ,(� DATE (Final Approval) gL-662 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER: - AoD,. 1'' wit 4f A DATE (Re -Inspection) ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER: Name of Applicant: RETAIN WITH RECEIPT RECORDS Colorado Custom Log Homes PERMIT Name of Owner: Joe O'Connor & Cal VanEssen Amount Paid: $150.00 - Receipt Number: C0386 Date:10/18/85 Cashier: Gail Parker $50.00 C0389 White and Pink Copies - Environmental Health Department Yellow Copy -Applicant / Owner APPLICATION FOR INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DI `S� ENVIRON fENTAL HEALTH OFFICE GL�A0 N , �• �1985 •1 P.O. Box 850 Eagle, Colorado " VIRONMENTAL HEALTH ( ` otyl PER`fIT APPLICATION FEE: $150.00 328-7311 PERCOLATION TEST FEE: $50.00 NAME OF OWNER: ' C-6k /P �6 CAL 4� f_SS' G A_) ADDRESS: IQ�O ifDL+t�T�- J�i/� t�G�. PHONE: 6 l NAME OF APPLICANT (if different from owner) : �IQxb. co Sys 116E MtP4 15 S �3os� T0, ��/o�,S. Co, ' -6 �� ADDRESS: ,�, S�Q PHONE: DESIGN ENGINEER OF SYSTEM (,if applicable): n QAJ OC66 e, ACS ADDRESS: �/IC/G �/ CQ. �DOPHONE: 13 "CS /O 0 PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR INSTALLATION OF SYSTEM. - Licensed Installer (see at ched list): YES :� NO ADDRESS: g; PERMIT APPLICATION IS FOR: (Ki New Installation ( ) Alteration ( ) Repair LOCATION OF PROPOSED INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM: Street/Rural Address: C '�' & " "AXI&V1' Lot Size: 566 ACCES Legal Description: OF AU9 V#4-. .2cP T45A 3 K16 lJ� 6 p�• BUILDING OR SERVICE TYPE (check applicable category): ( Residential - Single Family ( ) Residential - Quadplex ( ) Residential - Duplex ( ) Commercial (state usage) ( ) Residential - Triplex NUMBER OF PERSONS: NUMBER OF BEDROOMS: WASTE TYPES (check applicable categories): ( ) Commercial or Institutional, y (^) Dwelling ( ) Non -Domestic Wastes ( ) Transient Use (� Garbage Disposal ( ) Dishwasher (� Automatic Washer ( ) Spa Tub ( ) Other TYPE OF INIDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PROPOSED: ( ) Septic Tank ( ) Composting Toilet ( ) Incineration Toilet ( ) Vault Privy ( ) Greywater ( ) Chemical Toilet ( ) Pit Privy ( ) Aeration Plant ( ) Recycling, Potable Use (Y-) Other /,jrj j� jCi,C4,13 ( ) Recycling, Other Use WILL EFFLUENT BE DISCHARGED DIRECTLY INTO WATERS OF THE STATE: YES ( ) NO IS SYSTEM DESIGNED FOR LESS THAN 2,000 GALLONS PER DAY: YES (K.) NO ( ) WASTEWATER FLOW REDUCTION PLAN: YES ( ) NO (J�) (16 Yes, see attached wa�stewatetc 6tow tceduc tc:on methods) NOTE: The Env.iunmentat Health 066.ieetc may tceduce the &equiAed absokpti-on attea upon app,tovat o6 an adequate wastewatett 6tow tceduetl on plan. SOURCE AND TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: (,k) Well ( ) Spring ( ) Creek/Stream Give depth of all wells within 200 feet of system: If sup y c mm ni water, give name of supplier: SIGNA RE: / CC6AWZb CUMA AP4 M,*F- DATE: C - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - INFOR,q{AT BEL0,W TO BE FILLED OUT BY ENVIRONjJENTAL HEALTH OFFICER: GROUND CONDITIONS: Percent GAound Stope C Depth to Bedtock (pen 8' P&o6,ite Hole) Depth to Gttoundkate,t Tab.2e SOIL PERCOLATION TEST RESULTS:.,] cS�b MikUtU petr- inch tin Ho-t- l 4EI�;r� Minuta peh inch to Hote #2 Minutes pets .inch to Hote # 3 FINAL DIS L BY: ( Ab�sottption Ttcerteh, Bed otc Pit ( J Evapotmisp-itc-aon ( ) Above Gtcound D.&spettsae ( ) Sand Fi ten ( ) Unde tgtr and D.f s pets s a e ( ) Wa s telwtet Pond ( ) Other Amount Paid: Aapn,ao Receipt Nwiibetc Date: �//Af- --------------------------- C ----------/--�-- z-- NOTE: Site Plan must be attached to application. (Env. Health Department - Rev. 4-07-83) PERCOLATION TEST ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT Eagle County FEE: $50.00 ISDS APPLICATION NO. opp!�F( OWNER: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: (l1,Wy — i1 RURAL ADDRESS: (Ranchays TYPE OF DWELLING: R05_ S;gda_FaxiiI NUMBER OF BEDROOMS: .�2J DATE OF PERCOLATION TEST: TYPE OF SOIL: C/ `ti (— TEST HOLES PRE-SOAKED: YES NO TIME WATER DEPTH INCHES OF FALL RATE 1 2 3 1 ! 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 PERCOLATION RATE: e�� 130 RECOMMENDED MINIMUM SEPTIC TANK SIZE: 7-s7 0 RECOMMENDED MINIMUM LEACH FIELD SIZE: RECOMMENDED MINIMUM SQUARE FOOTAGE PER BEDROOM:'}` SITE HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND TESTED FOR PERCOLATION RATE. Environmental Health Officer Date COMMENTS: Rev. 5/31/84 V V ie Q V 1% V C i 11`I %' V %J 1"'/#% FM i P.O. BOX 5151.3017 DELTA DRIVE SECURITY, CO., 80931• PHONE 392-7198 CLIENT: . JOE O'CONNER Ai-j b (1/32- Uri CSS6J PROJECT: * "THE WATERFORD RANCH AT WOLCOTT" � DATE: -,c--9"vL >e" 9 LOCATION: /„j e/4'/4 3ECTION,aTOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 83 WEST OF THE SI�� PRI CIPAL MERIDIAN , EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO. CLIENTS TRACT. NO. • LOCATION MAP 1 % 2000, LEGEND:)(FOUND USBLM BRASS CAP. 0 Me REBAR AND SURVEYORS CAP" NO. 7228. `, li c lY g cc . 2e �� l �yv, 2— AC- TRACT MAP 111 = 300 , m � S T Irf � 7c •,� 1wo X n , . St PSI U 1 IV CERTIFICATION: l RICHARD COX A REGISTERED LAND SURVEYER IN rJO STATE OF C3&AADO DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE FIELD SURVEY , ,P SURVEYORS MAP WAS SURVEYED AND DRAWN BY ME OR UlVDE '�``" try''"•,, ' DIRECTION AND THAT /T IS TRUE Am,, CORRECT TO THE . •�°f'''�� MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF. � •`� 9�''• 4./7 • 22coull " RICHARD- 'C'OX._,, R.L. S. NO. 7228 EAGLE COUNTY 551 Broadway Eagle, Colorado 81631 (303) 328 7311 July 24, 1985 Joseph O'Connor & Cal Van Essen 1010 S. Joliet Denver, Colorado 80200 RE: ISDS Permit #706 Dear Sirs: Enclosed is a copy of your ISDS Permit #706 for property located at NW,, of NE,, Section 28, T3S, R83W, 6th P.M. (Water- ford Ranch). The original copy has been mailed to Colorado. Custom Homes in care of John McPhee and must be posted on the installation site. You must call our office for final inspection before covering any portion of the installed system. We may be reached at (303) 328-7311, Extension 328. If you have any questions, please contact our office. Sincerely, Abjj Gail Parker, Secretary Environmental Health Office EAGLE COUNTY /9p Enc. cc: Colorado Custom Log Homes Board of County Commissioners Assessor Clerk and Recorder Sheriff Treasurer P.O. Box 850 P.O. Box 449 P.O. Box 537 P.O. Box 359 P.O. Box 479 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 EAGLE COUNTY 551 Broadway Eagle, Colorado 81631 (303) 328 7311 November 14, 1986 MEMORANDUM TO: PROPERTY OWNERS FROM: EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICE RE: EXPIRED INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMITS Our records indicate that your Permit # C(o has not had a final inspection of the individual sewage disposal system. If you do not have a current building permit, the above referenced permit has expired. Please contact the Eagle County Environmental.Health Office at the following address and give us the current status of your septic tank system and/or arrange for a final inspection. Eagle County Community Development Environmental Health Office P.O. Box 179 Eagle, Colorado 81631 (303) 328-7311, Ext. 227 Your immediate response to this request will be greatly appreciated. Board of County Commissioners Assessor Clerk and Recorder Sheriff Treasurer P.O. Box 850 P.O. Box 449 P.O. Box 537 P.O. Box 359 P.O. Box 479 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 EAGLECOUNTY BUILDING DIVISION P. O. Box 179 Phone: 328-7311. INSPECTIO REQUEST i BUILDING PERMIT NO. COMMENTS: ❑ APPROVED ❑ DISAPPROVED REINSPECT ❑ Upon the Following Corrections: DATE: TIME: INSPECTOR ❑ APPROVED ❑ DISAPPROVED REINSPECT ❑ Upon the Following Corrections: DATE: TIME: INSPECTOR VTv w -J?B NA rsepl� JOB JOB LOCATION BILK TO DATE STARTED r DATE COMPLETED r 201— �.�] �, %-AO PERMIT #3 OWNER: Joe O'Con)<and Cal VanEssen LOCATION: Waterfgrd an WA a� `lLI Cx?Q�2�iAli C, INSTALLER: Colorado Custom Log Homes SIZE OF TANK: 1000 gl. DWELLING: Res. Single Fam. - 3 bedroom PERC RATE: I inch in 20 minutes ABSORPTION AREA: 700 s.f. FINALIZED: 09/30/86 BY: Andy Montoya DATE BILLED JOB COST SUMMARY TOTAL SELLING PRICE TOTAL MATERIAL TOTAL LABOR INSURANCE SALES TAX MISC. COSTS TOTAL JOB COST GROSS PROFIT LESS OVERHEAD COSTS % OF SELLING PRICE I NET PROFIT JOB FOLDER Produrt278 j5�gj® NEW ENGLAND BUSINESS SERVICE, INC„ GROTON, MA 01471 l JOB FOLDER Printed in U.S.A. INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT Eagle County Department of Environmental Health PERMIT N2 0726 P.O. Box 850 - 550 Broadway Eagle, Colorado 81631 Telephone: 328-7311 or 949-5257 or 927-3823 YELLOW COPY OF PERMIT MUST PLEASE CALL FOR FINAL INSPECTION BEFORE BE POSTED AT INSTALLATION SITE COVERING ANY PORTION OF INSTALLED SYSTEM Owner: Joe O'Connor and Cal VanEssen Telephone: 361-9494 Address: 1010 S. Jollet - Aurora, CO System Location: Lot 18, Waterford Ranch Licensed Installer: Colorado Custom Log Homes License Number: - 85-22—I Conditional installation approval is hereby granted for the following: Minimum requirements: 1000 Gallon Septic Tank or Aerated Treatment unit Absorption area of dispersal area computed as follows: Percolation rate: 1 Inch in 20 Minutes Absorption area per bedroom 200 Sq. Ft. Number of Bedrooms 3 X 200 Sq. Ft. minimum requirement per bedroom - equals 600 Total Sq. Ft. minimum requirement Special Requirements: Maintain 100' distance from water supply well. Date: October 28, 1985 Environmental Health Officer: CONDITIONS: 1. All installations must comply with all requirements of the Eagle County Individual Sewage Disposal System Regulations, adopted pursuant to authority granted in 25-10-104, C.R.S. 1973, as amended. 2. This permit is valid only for connection to structures which have fully complied with County zoning and building requirements. Connection to or use with any dwelling or structure not approved by the zoning and building departments shall automatically be a violation of a requirement of the permit andcause for both legal action and revocation of the. permit. 3. Section III, 3.21 requires any person who constructs, alters or installs an Individual Sewage -Disposal. System to . be licensed according to the regulations. FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM: No system sball be deemed to be in compliance with the Eagle County Individual Sewage Disposal System Regulations until the system is approved prior to covering any portion of the system. INSTALLED ABSORPTION OR DISPERSAL AREA: SQ. FT. INSTALLED SEPTIC TANK: (0052 GALLONS; DEGREES; FEET DESIGN ENGINEER OF SYSTEM: INSTALLER OF SYSTEM: PHONE:. SEPTIC TANK CLEANOUT TO WITHIN 12"OF FINAL GRADE OR AERATED ACCESS PORTS ABOVE GRADE: YES NO PROPER MATERIALS AND ASSEMBLY: YES NO COMPLIANCE WITH PERMIT REQUIREMENTS: YES NO COMPLIANCE WITH COUNTY / STATE REGULATION REQUIREMENTS: YES NO COMMENTS: (Any item checked NO requires correction before final approval of system is made. Arrange a re -inspection when work is completed.) al DATE (Final Approval) . � &I ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER: ft e' 1 DATE (Re -Inspection) ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER: 0 05 "6 :Z Name of Applicant: Amount Paid: RETAIN WITH RECEIPT RECORDS PERMIT Name of Owner: Receipt Number: Date: Cashier: White and Pink Copies - Environmental Healtb Department Yellow Copy - Applicant / Owner b' APPLICATION FOR INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PER`TT ENVIRO.N'`IENTAL HEALTH OFFICE - EAGLE COUNTY P.O. Box 850 Eagle, Colorado 81631 No. (� \. PERMIT APPLICATION FEE: 8150.00 328-7311 PERCOL-'1TION TEST FEE S50.00 NAME OF OWNER: �Q A C©►JI`i��� �1• CAL- 4 ADDRESS: /b/O 10Ys,ra Atofte* CO PHONE: NAME OF APPLICANT (if different from owner): M K_ VOVNGKAj CC, u iyye,� t-a e. K m-,.DES �/L�C ADDRESS: Y.O. Fso,c cep 4ON.5 c0 8'a.54ey PHONE: DESIGN ENGINEER OF SYSTEM (if applicable): ADDRESS: PHONE: P}J'ICJ VIV INSTALLATION OF SYSTEM: LA LSE SfGtiNG g Licensed ^Installer (see attached list): YES- NO ADDRESS: 1 • U , �j o K C.L-y� /Usk (D . � S t PHONE: PERMIT APPLICATION IS FOR: ( New Installation ( ) Alteration ( ) Repair LOCATION OF PROPOSED INDIVIDUAL SE14AGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM: Street/Rural Address: LO-T- 1 Lot Size: Legal Description - BUILDING OR SERVICE TYPE (check applicable categorv): (54) Residential - Single Family ( ) Residential Quadplex ( ) Residential - Duplex ( ) Commercial (state usage) ( ) Residential - Triplex ? NUMBER OF PERSONS: NUMBER OF BEDROOMS: WASTE TYPES (check applicable categories): ( ) Commercial or Institutional Dwelling ( ) Non -Domestic Wastes ( ) Transient Use ( ) Garbage Disposal ( ) Dishwasher (jC) Automatic Washer �) Spa Tub -5 ( ) Other TYPE OF INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTE,1 PROPOSED: ( ) Septic Tank ( ) Composting Toilet ( ) Incineration Toilet ( ) Vault Privy ( ) Greywater ( ) Chemical Toilet ( ) Pit Privy ( ) Aeration Plant ( ) Recycling, Potable Use ( ) Other ( ) Recycling, Other Use WILL EFFLUENT BE DISCHARGED DIRECTLY INTO WATERS OF THE STATE: YES ( ) NO (�) IS SYSTEM DESIGNED FOR LESS THAN 2,000 GALLONS PER DAY: YES (x) NO ( ) WASTEWATER FLOW REDUCTION PLAN: YES ( ) NO (16 Yes, see attached was.tewate-t �Zoty reduction methods ) NOTE: The EnvZtonmerrtat Hea2fi 06�ice�t may reduce the requited absottpti.on attea upon approval o6 an adequate Lvas.tetvater 6ZOW reduction plan. SOURCE AND TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: (><) Well ( ) Spring ( ) Creek/Stream Give depth of all wells within 200 feet of system: If supplied by community water, give name of supplier: SIGNATURE: DATE: - - - - INFORMATION BELOW TO BE FILLED OUT BY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER: GROUND CONDITIONS: Percent Ground Slope Depth to Bedrock (per 8' Pro bite Hot e ) Depth to Gttoun&vatelt TabZe SOIL PERCOLATION TEST RESULTS:. ,� hiytutn pert inch tin Ho.2e TI r, Minute pen .inch .to HoZe #2 �P "i YLU to s per iiLCIL tic HoZe # 3 FINAL DIS SAL BY: ( AbsorptioA Trench, Bed or Pit ( ) EvapotmispiActi.on ( ) Above Ground D.ilspmsat ( ) Sand FZUct ( ) Undetground DZspeAsa2 ( ) Was,teivate•,c Pond ( ) Othe t Amount Paid: g ISD__ Receipt Ntunbe•'t �_ tj�$lp Date: r-- ---- - - - - ----------------Go38�--------- a - NOTE: Site Plan must be attached to -application. (Env. Health Department- Rev. 4-07-83) EAGLE COUNTY 551 Broadway Eagle, Colorado 81631 (303) 328 7311 Date: November 7, 1986 Joe O'Connor and Cal Van Essen 1010 S. Jollet Aurora, CO 7D Co RE: Final of ISDS Permit # 7X This letter is to inform you that the above referenced ISDS Permit has been inspected and finalized. Enclosed is a copy to retain for your records. If you have any questions regarding this permit, please contact the Eagle County Environmental Health Office, P.O. Box 179, Eagle, Colorado 81631. Phone: (303) 328-7311, Ext. 227. Sincerely, I Eagle'County Community Development Environmental Health Office Board of County Commissioners Assessor Clerk and Recorder Sheriff Treasurer P.O. Box 850 P.O. Box 449 P.O. Box 537 P.O: Box 359 P.O. Box 479 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Joe O'Connor and Cal Van Essen 1010 S. Jollet Aurora, Colorado RE: ISDS Permit for property located at.Lot 18, Waterford Ranch Dear Sirs: Enclosed is your ISDS Permit #726 for .property located at Lot 18, Waterford Ranch. The information on .the permit application indicates that Colorado. Custom.Log Homes will be responsible for the installation of this system. I will send them a copy of the permit also, which must be posted at the installation. site.. Colorado Custom Lot Homes mustcall our office for a final inspection before covering . any portion of the installed system. We can be reached at 328-7311, . Ext. 238. If you have any questions or concerns.regarding this matter, please contact our office. Sincerely yours, Gail Parker, Secretary Environmental Health Office EAGLE COUNTY \ /gP Enc .+f cc: Colorado Custom Log Homes , { u: (° 4;F. Board of County Commissioners k . Assessor Clerk and Recorder Shenff t r Trease _r P.O. Box 850 P O Box 449 P.O. Box 537 �''�' 0 ,Box 359� ; Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 'Eagle, Colorado 81� 31 Eagle,lo ar�do81631:1 Eagle, Colorado3 EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICE a5 85 CC�a. �Narr,e b ' Ce-►s-{— D A e R Zuted App i ication 11 Location) Please reviel:i the attached Individual Se:,rage Disposal System Permit Application and return it with this completed form to the Environmental Health Office, PLANNING: Complies with - YES NO REVIE,;ED 8Y DATE Subdivision Regulations: { ) ! Zoning Regulations: Recommend Approval: , COIMI .ENTS : ' BU.ILD,ING: Complies with - Building Permit Applied For: Building Permit Issued: Recommend Approval: COMMENTS: ENGINEER: Complies with - Roads: Grading: Drainage: Recommend Approval: COMMENTS: ENS/IRON-IMENTAL HEALTH: Comp 1 i es wJ th - Floodplain Permit Necessary: I.S.D.S. Regs. Cc;,.pliance: Recommend Approval: CO. '.,*-1Er1TS : YES j NO ' I REVIE'-IED BY YES NO I REVIE'-1ED BY DATE DATE I. PERCOLATION TEST ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT Eagle County FEE: $50.00 ISDS APPLICATION NO. OWNER: ���nva►� LEGAL DESCRIPTION: RURAL ADDRESS: TYPE OF DWELLING: �gg.S�r�q, �a NUMBER OF BEDROOMS: —"-'S DATE OF PERCOLATION TEST: TYPE OF SOIL: TEST HOLES PRE-SOAKED: YES NO TIME +� WATER DEPTH I INCHES OF FALL RATE 1 Z 2 ' 2-6' 3 it 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 2,_7�� 2-7 9 �z i II If \ It I �f PERCOLATION RATE: RECOMMENDED MINIMUM SEPTIC TANK SIZE: RECOMMENDED MINIMUM LEACH FIELD SIZE: 1_7ZP 87///1�UUa/ RECOMMENDED MINIMUM SQUARE FOOTAGE PER BEDROOM: SITE HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND TESTED FOR PERCOLATION RATE. =�2.5' Environmental Health Of icer Date COMMENTS: Rev. 5/31/84 -.xV`.-�y�'!'',x'.'"� 4a• x .. n ,� a :. Sri. ', �i - -dam p .!'1.•'�, `i ,S� J 3, ''S 3 ,*S� y K�a`".- (1, a�a-x• c���''���-k�, � L b \ �%•` s :,:� 3' .r � fry} I - -41 MMU-P ; .dak�lf}i•�` lT -S� \ ' �` • \ 1 y'P I'd33�+.•x �� rS � � z l r`tS .35 IS s 'jam` \ \ e \f3 b > � a rTl CZJ p ice+ rn O C cD o mozicc) r. rTj S \ ' -�#Gra�� fat �.: 3 ♦ ... .. .. �`e �' _ ; r .F3, .i jhE ': nP"6,+.. 3' v:. .. i -. a,G .r'„yi_ .•�..�00� wfA c vim. ;is` 144 �i 'o �/�� )LLI't- 1 0726 O'Connor Lot lg i JOB 'NAME Waterford Ranch � Z �U! JOB NO. Akc, �� C IJOB LOCATION 1 BILL TO DATE STARTED DATE COMPLETED DATE BILLED JOB COST SUMMARY TOTAL SELLING PRICE p t' "`' y TOTAL MATERIAL TOTAL LABOR INSURANCE SALES TAX MISC. COSTS TOTAL JOB COST GROSS PROFIT LESS OVERHEAD COSTS % OF SELLING PRICE NET PROFIT JOB FOLDER Product 278 Q® NEW ENGLAND BUSINI ER Printed ;n USA