HomeMy WebLinkAbout7122 Hwy 24 - 237704400014EAGLE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH PLEASE CALL FOR'FINAL P. 0. Box 850 - 550 Broadway INSPECTION BEFORE COVERING Eagle, Colorado 81631 ANY PORTION OF INSTALLED SYSTEM 328-7311 or 949-5257 or 927-3823 PERMIT NO. N o 68 4 PERMIT MUST BE POSTED AT INSTALLATION SITE OWNER: Robert N. & Carilyn Kuehl ADDRESS: 1759 S. Logan - Denver, CO 80210 SYSTEM LOCATION: 7 22 Rtyhwa, . 024 _ ^Qgd eCl i ff, Cbl dMdo LICENSED INSTALLER: ? LICENSE NUMBER: **CONDITIONAL INSTALLATION APPROVAL is hereby granted for the following: MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: 750 gallon septic tank or aerated treatment unit. Absorption area or dispersal area computed as follows: PERCOLATION RATE: one inch in 10 minutes. Absorption Area per Bedroom n/a sq. ft. No. of Bedrooms x sq. ft. minimum requirement per bedroom = 500 (min.) total sq. ft. minimum requirement. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: 10 x 50 or 250 I= lineal feet of 2 foot wide trench DATE: 10/16/84 INSPECTOR: **CONDITIONS: Erik Edeen 1. All installation must comply with all requirements of the County Individual Sewage Disposal System Regulations, adopted pursuant to authority granted in 25-10-104, C.R.S. 1973, as amended. 2. This permit is valid only for connection to structures which have fully complied with County zoning and building requirements. Connection to or use with any dwelling or structure not approved by the building and zoning departments shall automatically be a violation of a requirement of the permit and cause for both legal action and revocation of the permit. 3. Section III, 3.21 requires any person who constructs, alters, or installs an individual sewage disposal system to be licensed according to the Regulations. FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM: No system shall be deemed to be in compliance with the Eagle County Individual Sewage Disposal System Regulations until the installed system is approved prior to covering any part. Installed Absorption or Dispersal Area: 500 sq. ft. Installed Septic Tank: 750 gallons. Degrees: 300 Feet: Design Engineer of System: Installer of System: Phone: Septic tank cleanout to within 12" of final grade or aerated access ports above grade? Yes X No Proper materials and assembly? Yes X No Compliance with permit requirements? Yes X No Compliance with County/State regulations requirements? Yes X No COMMENTS: House construction has not started .vet (Any item checked "No" requires correction before final approval of system is made. Arrange a re -inspection when work is completed.) DATE: May 31, 1985 INSPECTOR: Erik W. Edeen RE -INSPECTION DATE: INSPECTOR: RETAIN WITH RECEIPT RECORDS PERMIT NO. N! 6 84 CHARGES Name of Applicant: Robert/Carilyn Kuehl Percolation Test = $50.00 Name of Owner: Robert/Carilyyn Kuehl Permit Fee (includes final inspection) = Amount Paid: $200.00 (9/18/84) ALL CHECKS OR MONEY ORDERS ARE TO BE Receipt Number: C-0201 MADE PAYABLE TO: EAGLE COUNTY Cashier: Erik Edeen White and Pink Copies - Environmental Health Department Green Copy - Applicant/Owner OzU.1 (17Pvc 'yPs-y— yx-e e 11 I Z ` APPLICATION FOR INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT d ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICE - EAGLE COUNTY P.O. Box 850 Eagle, Colorado 81631 No. 0 0 C) PERMIT APPLICATION FEE: $150.00 PERCOLATION TEST FEE: $50.00 NAME OF OWNER: Robert N. and Carilyn M. Kuehl ADDRESS: 1759 So. Logan - Denver, CO 80210 PHONE: (303) 777-0453 NAME OF APPLICANT (if different from owner): ADDRESS: DESIGN ENGINEER OF SYSTEM (if applicable): ADDRESS: PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR INSTALLATION OF -SYSTEM: Licensed Installer (see attached -list): PHONE: PHONE: Not -selected -as yet. YES NO ADDRESS: PHONE: PERMIT APPLICATION IS FOR: (X ) New.Installation -( Alteration ( ) Repair LOCATION OF PROPOSED INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM: Street/Rural Address: 7122 Highway 24 - Redcliff, CO Lot Size: 5.17 acres> s k/ Legal Description: Patented mining claim 4F2338 - a esna P BUILDING OR SERVICE TYPE (check applicable category): (X ) Residential - Single Family ( ) Residential - Quadplex ( ) Residential - Duplex ( ) Commercial (state usage) ( ) Residential - Triplex NUMBER OF PERSONS: 2 WASTE TYPES (check applicable categories): ( ) Commercial or Institutional ( ) Non -Domestic Wastes ( ) Garbage Disposal ( ) Automatic Washer ( ) Other TYPE OF INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PROPOSED:' ( X) Septic Tank ( ) Composting Toilet ( ) Vault Privy ( ) Greywater ( ) Pit Privy ( ) Aeration Plant ( ) Other NUMBER OF BEDROOMS: ( X) Dwelling ( ) Transient Use ( ) Dishwasher ( ) Spa Tub X / -- ( ) Incineration Toilet ( ) Chemical Toilet ( ) Recycling, Potable Use ( ) Recycling, Other Use WILL EFFLUENT BE DISCHARGED DIRECTLY INTO WATERS OF THE STATE: YES ( ) NO ) IS SYSTEM DESIGNED FOR LESS THAN 2,000 GALLONS PER DAY: YES (X ) NO ( ) WASTEWATER FLOW REDUCTION PLANT: YES ( ) NO ( X) (I6 Yes, See attached wa�stewateA 6tow Aeduction methodt5 ) NOTE: The Envi.onmenta.2 Health 066ieeA may reduce the tequi&ed abZonption 0Aea upon appnova.2 06 an adequate waztewaten 4.2ow Aeduction p.2an. SOURCE AND TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: ( X) Well ( ) Spring ( ) Creek/Stream Give depth of all wells within 200 feet of system: None If supplied by community water, give name of supplier: SIGNATURE: (/f 6t6. V DATE: Sept. 17, 1984 _ -------- - - - - -- � �i.��� INFORMATION BELOW TO BE FILLED OUT BY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER: GROUND CONDITIONS: Peneent GAound Slope Depth to Bedrock (peA 8' Pno4ite Hote) Depth to GtcoundwoteA Tabte SOIL PERCOLATION TEST RESULTS:. A nute/s peA inch tin Hote #1 Minute/5 pen .inch to Ho.2e # 2 FINAL DISPOSAL By: Minuteis pen .inch to HoZe # 3 ( ) Abzonption Tneneh, Bed on Pit ( ) Evapottanspucation ( ) Above GAound Duspeuat ( ) Sand Fitter ( ) Undengnound DZspeeua2 ( ) WastewateA Pond ( ) OtheA Amount Paid: 2-0010(2 Receipt NumbeA Z`:27 Date: --/g-- - NOTE: Site Plan must be attached to application. (Env. Health Department - Rev. 4-07-83) PERCOLATION TEST ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT Eagle County FEE: $50.00 ISDS APPLICATION NO. 2000 OWNER: Robert & Carilyn Luehl LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 7122 Higqway24—BPsL_Cliff - T7.c, - g8fl W - fith n m RURAL ADDRESS: TYPE OF DWELLING: //1/ NUMBER OF BEDROOMS: l+ DATE OF PERCOLATION TEST: 10- C� " TYPE OF SOIL: TEST HOLES PRE-SOAKED: YES NO WATER -DEPTH INCHES OF J � IMP PERCOLATION RATE: /0 / 2 Pam. RECOMMENDED MINIMUM SEPTIC TANK SIZE: 7�' 0 RECOMMENDED MINIMUM LEACH FIELD SIZE: 5`G�i,--7 / 7e�o G� Co�u RECOMMENDED MINIMUM SQUARE FOOTAGE PER BEDROOM: 2ZU SITE HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND TESTED FOR PERCOLATION RATE. �L l Environmental Health Officer Date COMMENTS: Rev. 5/31/84 Y '4R.;-5•Rev. 76 COLORADO DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES 'a 818 Centennial Bldg., 1313 Sherman St., Denver, Colorad IffttVED RECEIVED PERMIT APPLICATION FORM_ JUN 20 1984 Application must JUG! 2 91984 be complete where applicable. Type or ( ) A PERMIT TO USE GROUNDWATER VAI R RLSWRCFg print in BLACK ( )0 A PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT A WELL FOR: ( ) A PERMIT TO INSTALL A PUMP WATER RESOURCES STATE - ENGINEER &7ATE-E " fMIL I N K. No overstri kes CDL& or erasures unless ( ) REPLACEMENT FOR NO. initialed. ( ) OTHER WATER COURT CASE NO. t 1) ArPLIUAN I - mailing address NAME Robert N. Kuehl STREET.1759 So. Logan CITY Denver Colorado 80210 (State) (Zip) TELEPHONE NO. 303-777-0453 (2) LOCATION OF PROPOSED WELL County. Eagle NE Y of the SE '/a, Section 4 Twp. 7 S , Rng. 80 W 6 P.M W,Si (E,W) (3) WATER USE AND WELL DATA Proposed maximum pumping rate (gpm) 15 Average annual amount of ground water to be appropriated (acre-feet): Number of acres to be irrigated 1 0 Proposed total depth (feet): 100 Aquifer ground water is to be obtained from: Owner's well designation GROUND WATER TO BE USED FOR: ( X) HOUSEHOLD USE ONLY - no irrigation (0) ( ) DOMESTIC (1) ( ) INDUSTRIAL (5) ( ) LIVESTOCK (2) ( ) IRRIGATION (6) ( ► COMMERCIAL (4) ( ) MUNICIPAL (8) 1 OTHER (9) DETAIL THE USE ON BACK IN (11) (4) DRILLER Licensed Name Street City (State) Telephone No. Lic. No FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: DO NOT WRITE IN THIS COLUMN Receipt No. �� L 6 Basin Dist. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL This well shall be used in such a way as to cause no material injury to- existing -water rights. The issuance of the permit does not assure the applicant that no injury will occur to another vested water right or preclude another owner of a vested water right from seeking relief in a civil court action. 1) APPROVED.PURSUANT TO CRS ' ', 37-92-602 (3)(b)(II) AS THE ONLY WELL ON A RESIDENTIAL SITE OF_5- ACRES DESCRIBED AS_ .1f,4TT­1-=5,V _ Lope, /N..S. 2338- 2) THE USE OF GROUNDWATER FROM THIS WELL IS LIMITED TO ORDINARY HOUSEHOLD PURPOSES INSIDE A SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING, AND SHALL NOT BE USED OUTSIDE THE HOUSE FOR ANY PURPOSE. 3) THE RETURN FLOW FROM. THE USE OF THE WELL MUST BE THRU AN INDIVIDUAL WASTE WATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM OF THE NON - EVAPORATIVE TYPE WHERE THE WATER IS RETURNED TO THE SAME STREAM SYSTEM IN WHICH THE WELL IS LOCATED._ n-r. 7-S--8y APPLICATION APPROVED PERMIT NUMBER 13 G0 f �y 7 DATE ISSUED J U L 0 5 1984 EXPIRATION DATE JUL 0 5 1986 ( ATE EN NEER) S. n , BY .. 1 '� !! V I•D• 3 / COUNTY l (5) I lit LUUA I ILIN UF- 1 HE PROPOSED WELL and the area on which the water will be used must be indicated on the diagram below. Use the CENTER SECTION (1 section, 640 acres) for the well location. 14 1 MILE, 5280 FEET �I I I � I NORTH SECTION LINE I NORTH+ w _Z .J I Z 0 1 I U w I rn W W 4— 4 I rt — 4-- - I I I 't � I I I M �- D N M m 1 0 Z r_ Z m II I 1 SOUTH SECTION LINE + + 4 4--- --- - - + - - -f - -{- - -+- - 4- - -�- The scale of the diagram is 2 inches = 1 mile Each small square represents 40 acres. (6) THE WELL MUST BE LOCATED 'BELt3:!V -�� by distances from section lines. 2,640 ft. from south sec line (north or south) 660 ft. from east sec. line (east or west) LOT BLOCK FILING * SUBDIVISION (7) TRACT ON WHICH WELL WILL BE LOCATED Owner:. Robert N. Kuehl No. of acres 5 Will this be the only Jvell on this tract? yes (8) PROPOSED CASING PROGRAM Plain Casing 6-5/8 in.from 0 ft. to 20 ft. 4-1/2 in. from 20 ft. to 30 ft. Perforated casing 4-1/2_ in. from 30 ft. to 100 ft. in. from - ft. to ft. (9) FOR REPLACEMENT WELLS givedistance and direction from old well and plans for plugging it: WATER EQUIVALENTS TABLE (Rounded Figures) An acre-foot covers 1 acre of land 1 foot deep 1 cubic foot per second (cfs) ... 449 gallons per minute (gpm) A family of 5 will require approximately 1 acre-foot of water per year. 1 acre-foot ... 43,560 cubic feet ... 325,900 gallons. 1,000 gpm pumped continuously for one day produces 4.42 acre-feet. (10) LAND ON WHICH GROUND WATER WILL BE USED: Owner(s):_._ Robert N. and Carilyn M. Kuehl No. of acres: 5 Legal description: Patented Mining Claim — Rattlesnake Lode — #2338 (11) DETAILED DESCRIPTION of the use of ground water: Household use and domestic wells must indicate type of disposal system to be used. Household _-use only, septic tank, and leach. --field (12) OTHER WATER RIGHTS used on this land, including wells. Give Registration and Water Court Case Numbers. Type or right Used for (purpose) Description of land on which used (13) THE APPLICANT(S) STATE(S) THAT THE INFORMATION SET FORTH HEREON IS TRUE TO THE BEST OF HIS KNOWLEDGE. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT(S) Use additional, sheets of paper if more space is required. , 0 co M p 0) r' N O L _0 LL1 = O C14 O E Ca N N O N (Q J O O U (: N U) p Q rn M L � O- - _. 00 > N O N 4- •L LL CF) O Q. N M M N 0 (n O I— J H +� 2E N , Z E O N O Q O L LO N O «_ co E E N o U) �. fF. ZVJ c � E c Q cu 0 0 v m — v � � u (�co N 000 O 41 m _ m .� CC E d m 0 V =OQ Urn 0 (6 W c zi 0 U � m 3 Zz Q � c � 0 0 E � 0 T a� � w O U W .aY O 6) N C yr 3 s O O 0 Q w .> m 0 d' LL !3 > a� 0 00000 } o C14 N N M M - -0 N w O � = N Q N N 'Q M > a- O O F- •i Q Cn +� N O N O J Z N Q O CL O M N L N C O Z ic o 9) Q 0 v — v U) o co u v 00 a) wE �`4 cc En O u UQm o _ w L 7 o N O N 0 o 0O m � Q) 3 Q U p U Q _ a Q 0- O O 7 o E M U) O o U co I c � C U O W .0 o 0 m � 3 o .c N .? 3 OO Z.) 0) Li H > i 0 00 V U� °- wyr .JOB NAME_ Z/c� 14w !Z JOB LOCATION BILL TO DATE STARTED DATE COMPLETED DATE BILLED JOB COST SUMMARY TOTAL SELLING PRICE TOTAL MATERIAL TOTAL LABOR INSURANCE SALES TAX MISC. COSTS TOTAL JOB COST GROSS PROFIT LESS OVERHEAD COSTS % OF SELLING PRICE NET PROFIT JOB FOLDER Product.278 �® NEW ENGLAND BUSINESS SERVICE INC GROTON, MA 01471 Printed in USA JOB FODDER - r _ _ R4Lf i N. st C4,,Pll Y/V A,1 13 g, O� 15"Or 66 i —�- E467' PREP ,. .......... E FOfr'. SEA �, ROAD #70 t OF 2 .E9