HomeMy WebLinkAbout136 Lost Bear Trl - 194122301003Work Classification: NewPermit 121 5TH ST HINSDALE IL 60521-4608 Address Owner Information Permit Status: Active Project Address 194122301003 Permit Type: OWTS Permit Permit NO. OWTS-10-09-3844 Expires: 10/29/2010 Issue Date: 7/1/2010 Parcel No. 000136 LOST BEAR TRL Suite: 63 WOLCOTT AREA, CO Private Wastewater System Environmental Health Department P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631-0179 Phone: (970)328-8755 Fax: (970)328-8788 Phone: (630)850-9512 Cell: Inspection For Inspections call: (970) 328-8755 Inspections: IVR OWTS Partial Inspection 093 OWTS Final Inspection 095 PhoneEngineer(s) (888)406-2289Eliminite Contractor(s)Phone Primary ContractorLicense Number SEPTIC SMART (970)343-0229 Yes01-10 PETER MASON Permitted Construction / Details: Redesign reviewed and approved. This system consists of a 1500 gallon 2 compartment septic tank with a 120 TANC Eliminite unit and 1500 square feet of absorption area credit via 76 Q-4 Infiltrator chambers configured in 4 pressure dosed trenches of 19 chambers per trench. Install exactly as depicted on the design dated , stamped, and signed May 12, 2010. * Note - the design includes a dry sewer and access for servicing which crosses the water line. Encase the vacuum sewer as depicted on the drawings. Issued by: Environmental Health Department, Eagle County, CO July 02, 2010 Date Customer Copy Andrew Jessen CONDITIONS: 1. THIS PERMIT EXPIRES BY TIME LIMITATION AND BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF THE WORK AUTHORIZED BY THE PERMIT IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS OF ISSUANCE, OR BEFORE THE EXPIRATION OF AN ASSOCIATED BUILDING PERMIT 2. ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN C.R.S. 25-10-101, et seq., AS AMENDED 3. THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR CONNECTION TO STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS. CONNECTION TO, OR USE WITH ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT, AND WILL RESULT IN BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT 4. CHAPTER IV, SECTION 4.03.29 REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED Department of Environmental Health Eagle (970) 328-8755 Fax: (970) 328-8788 El Jebel (970) 704-2700 TOLL FREE: 800-225-6136 P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631 www.eaglecounty.us APPLICATION FOR INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT ISDS Permit # ®w 5 - 10--cq -,3g,4 q Building Permit # INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED (SITE PLAN MUST BE INCLUDED) FEE SCHEDULE APPLICATION FEE $373.00 This fee includes the ISDS Permit, Site Evaluation (Percolation Test, or Soil Profile Observation) and Final Inspection. Additional fees may be charged if a re -inspection is necessary, or a pre -construction site visitor consultation is needed. The re -inspection fee is $55.00. Make all remittance payable to: Eagle County Treasurer. Property Owner: Peter and Peg Mason Mailing Address: 121 E.5th Street, Hinsdale, IL. 60521-4608 Phone: 630-850-9512 Applicant/Contact Person: Holland Creek Metro District Phone: 970-926-6060 Licensed Systems Contractor: Donald Odell Company/DBA: Septic smart, LLc Mailing Address: Holland Creek Metro, PO Box 600, Edwards. CO.81632 License # 01-10 Phone: 970-343-0229 Permit Application is for: � New Installation Alteration r` Repairer PRP CRAkjGL ReQji21NG �daDiTiaelt�i� 2�v1EuJ Location of Proposed Individual Sewage Disposal System: Legal Description: Red Sky Ranch lot 63 Tax Parcel Number: 1941-223-01-003 Lot Size: 10.385 Assessor's Link: www.eaglecounty.us/patiel Physical Address: 163 Lost Bear Trail, Wolcott, CO.81655 Building Type: rx Residential/Single Family Number of Bedrooms: 5 [— Residential/Multi Family Number of Bedrooms: r Commercial/Industrial* Type of Use: *These systems require design by a Registered Professional Engineer Type of Water Supply: r Private Well r Spring r Surface r Public If Public Name of Supplier : Holland Creek Metro, Plant ID #CO-0119673 Applicant Signature Office Use Only Amount Paid:,,-3.?3 Receipt#: Ni_A Check#: Date: C, IZ�(l� .4v Department of Environmental Health Eagle (970) 328-8755 Fax: (970) 328-8788 El Jebel (970) 704-2700 TOLL FREE: 800-225-6136 P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631 www.eaglecounty.us APPLICATION FOR INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT ISDS Permit # DU)TS-/0 -Oct- gkI4�1 Building Permit #--01?-3fs03 INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED (SITE PLAN MUST BE INCLUDED) FEE SCHEDULE APPLICATION FEE $373.00 This fee includes the ISDS Permit, Site Evaluation (Percolation Test, or Soil Profile Observation) and Final Inspection. Additional fees may be charged if a re -inspection is necessary, or a pre -construction site visit or consultation is needed. The re -inspection fee is $55.00. Make all remittance payable to: Eagle County Treasurer. Property Owner: Peter and Peg Mason Mailing Address: 121 E.5th Street, Hinsdale, IL.60521-4608 Phone: 630-850-9512 Applicant/Contact Person: Holland Creek Metropolitan District Phone: 970-926-6060 Licensed Systems Contractor: Donald Odell License # 06-09 Company/DBA: Septic Smart,LLc. Phone: 970-343-0229 Mailing Address: PO Box 600, Edwards, CO.81632 Permit Application is for: >< New Installation j- Alteration F7, Repair Location of Proposed Individual Sewage Disposal System: Legal Description: Red Sky Ranch lot 63 Tax Parcel Number: 1941-223-01-003 Lot Size: 10.385 Assessor's Link: www.eaglecounty.us/patie/ 13& Physical Address: _Iff Lost Bear Trail, Wolcott, CO.81655 Building Type: Residential/Single Family Number of Bedrooms: 5 j" Residential/Multi Family Number of Bedrooms: r ; Commercial/Industrial* Type of Use: *These systems require design by a Registered Professional Engineer Type of Water Supply: [ Private Well f ' Spring r- Surface r Public If Public Name of Supplier : Holland Creek Metro, State of Colorado Water Plant Plant ID # CO0119673 Applicant Signature Office Use Only Amount Paid: y37-3010 Receipt#: Check#: 3 35-;{ Date: /D 5 D Raymond P. Merry, RHES Director Environmental Health Director Eagle County Government P.Q. Box 179 Eagle, CO 81631 Subject: Final Certification, Lot 63, 163 Lost Bear Lane. Dear Mr. Merry: Please accept this certification letter for Red Sky Ranch, lot 63, located at 163 Lost Bear Lane, Wolcott, CO.81655 to Eagle County. The OWTS system, permit number OWTS-10-09-3844, tax parcel number 194122301003 was installed per the approved revised plan dated 5-12-2010. The OWTS system serving Lot 63 OWTS was finished last fall however still needs a completion letter to close out the file. This system was inspected by Eagle County Environmental Health Department last fall prior to completely back filling the system, during that inspection the component locations and field corners were recorded with Eagle Counties GIS equipment which I would consider to be more accurate than my hand held GPS information below. We also visited this installation on your last trip to Red Sky Ranch when we showed the system to Mia Tuchulke from the Colorado School of Mines. GPS Coordinates: (+/- 3 foot accuracy gps unit) Center Septic Tank: N39 41.084 W106 40.658 Center Eliminite Unit: N39 41.085 W106 40.659 Field Corners, 1: N39 41.099 W106 40.667 2: N39 41.100 W106 40.665 3: N39 41.085 W106 40.644 4: N39 41.081 W106 40.642 Cleanout: N39 41.075 W106 40.661 The control panel PLC was programmed to allow an Eliminite dose with a 2 minute run and 10 minute rest on the timer. The dose pump is controlled by an enable timer float with a demand override float. If you have questions, p Sincerely, Thomas 1 Kallenbach, P. Page 1 of 1 Terri Vroman From: Donald Odell [DOdell@vailresorts.com] Sent: Monday, October 12, 2009 5:20 PM To: #environment Subject: Red Sky lot 63, 136 Lost Bear trail - postponed Attachments: image001.jpg I just received notification from the general contractor for RSR lot 63 that the owner has decided to postpone construction until early spring. There is no need to rush on the review for the OWTS plan as they are no longer in a hurry to get the building permit for the lot. If you have any questions please feel free to email or call me at 331- 9057. Thanks. Don O Donald Odell, Project Manager Certified Master Level - CIOWfS, CWP Holland Creek Metropolitan District cell 970-331-9057 dodell@va.i_lresorts.._c€ rn Do you really need to print this e-mail? The information contained in this message is confidential and intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above, and may be privileged. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure, or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please reply to the sender immediately, stating that you have received the message in error, then please delete this e-mail. Thank you. 10/11: 2009 From: Ray Merry Sent: Tuesday, March 09, 2010 2:50 PM To: Andy Jessen; Laura Fawcett; Monqueescha Walker; Terri Vroman Subject: FW: Lot 63 revision letter for building sewer Attachments: image001.jpg; Letter Metro Sanitary Lot 63 RSR signed 3-9-10.pdf; image002.jpg Email two of three regarding OWTS-10-09-3844 - Lot 63 RSR Raymond P. Merry, REHS, Director Environmental Health Department Eagle County Government P.O. Box 179 Eagle, CO 81631 970-328-8757 fax 970-328-8788 ray.merry@eaglecounty.us P Thanks for not prinng electronic media From: Donald Odell [mailto:DOdell@vailresorts.com] Sent: Tuesday, March 09, 2010 2:01 PM To: Ray Merry Subject: Lot 63 revision letter for building sewer Ray, attached is a letter from John Kronholm, Kronholm Civil Engineering, regarding the requested changes for the building sewer line serving RSR lot 63. The attached drawings show the revisions to plan sheets discussed in the letter and indicates that John will provide the inspection letter after the sewer line has been installed. If you have any questions please feel free to call. Thank you. Don Donald Odell, Project Manager Certified - CIOWTS-A, CWP Holland Creek Metropolitan District cell 970-331-9057 dodell@vailresorts.com Save a tree, please do not print me! The information contained in this message is confidential and intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above, and may be privileged. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure, or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please reply to the sender immediately, stating that you have received the message in error, then please delete this e-mail. Thank you. From: Ray Merry Sent: Tuesday, March 09, 2010 2:49 PM To: Andy Jessen; Laura Fawcett; Monqueescha Walker; Terri Vroman Subject: FW: Lot 63 revision letter for building sewer Attachments: Letter Metro Sanitary Lot 63 RSR signed 3-9-10.pdf; image001.jpg Terri or whomever, please attach this to the RSR Lot 63 - OWTS-10-09-3844. This project has two engineers working on separate aspects of the project. This letter deals with changes to the building sewer and driveway crossing design done with the utilities plan done by John Kronholm. Tom Kallenbach has yet to revise the table in his plans that specified 18 chambers per trench to 19. Once we get that, we can get the actual permit for construction to Don Odell. I’ll also forward an email I received from Don which describes the project engineering responsibilities and Metropolitan District relationship. The BP has been released. Thanks Raymond P. Merry, REHS, Director Environmental Health Department Eagle County Government P.O. Box 179 Eagle, CO 81631 970-328-8757 fax 970-328-8788 ray.merry@eaglecounty.us P Thanks for not prinng electronic media From: Donald Odell [mailto:DOdell@vailresorts.com] Sent: Tuesday, March 09, 2010 2:01 PM To: Ray Merry Subject: Lot 63 revision letter for building sewer Ray, attached is a letter from John Kronholm, Kronholm Civil Engineering, regarding the requested changes for the building sewer line serving RSR lot 63. The attached drawings show the revisions to plan sheets discussed in the letter and indicates that John will provide the inspection letter after the sewer line has been installed. If you have any questions please feel free to call. Thank you. Don Donald Odell, Project Manager Certified - CIOWTS-A, CWP Holland Creek Metropolitan District cell 970-331-9057 dodell@vailresorts.com Save a tree, please do not print me! The information contained in this message is confidential and intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above, and may be privileged. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure, or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please reply to the sender immediately, stating that you have received the message in error, then please delete this e-mail. Thank you. Kronholm Civil Engineering, Inc. March 9, 2010 Don Odell Holland Creek Metropolitan District Edwards, CO 81632 dodell(@vailresorts.com RE: Red Sky Lot 63 Sanitary Sewer Revision Dear Mr. Odell: John W. Kronholm, PE President johnk@kronholmcivil.com CELL: (970) 376-4599 PH: (970) 926-2263 Physical: 291 Main St. Minturn, CO 81645 Mailing: P.O. Box 2392 Edwards, CO 81632 Through the Holland Creek Metropolitan District's coordination with the Eagle County Environmental Health director, Ray Merry, it has been requested that Kronholm Civil write a letter indicating a change to the sanitary sewer line as proposed on Lot 63, Red Sky Ranch. It has also been requested that Kronholm Civil inspect and issue a letter indicating that the sanitary sewer line has been installed as per Kronholm Civil plans. I have revised the Lot 63 Utility Plan to reflect the 4" sanitary sewer service line to be sleeved within a 6" pipe at the driveway crossing. Both pipe types are shown to be Schedule 40 PVC. In addition to this change, a clean out was added near the proposed residence at a bend and the location of the cleanout at the driveway crossing was adjusted slightly to be shown at the bend. A note has been added indicating inspections required to write a letter stating that the sanitary sewer line has been installed per plan. The attached changes will be issued to the contractor before construction begins on Lot 63 as part of a supplemental revision package as coordinated with GPSL Architects. Please review the att d and feel free to call with any questions or comments. Phans, 00O KO " ;R ��. Kron Im, PE �cent C Cc. Scott Lindall at G PSL Architects Enc. `pop 17_)c) 1 r Drainage, Utility Infrastructure, Water and Sanitation Infrastructure, Roadway Design, Land and Site Development \ I A 1 1 1 M a �M M \ \ I PROPOSED 4" ISCHEDULE 4 PVC SANITARY SEWER SERVIC� a I o0 \ AT 1% SLOPE � I I 4" SANITA Y SEWER SERVICE TO BE INSTALLED I� I O 02 Q` QV PIPE SL EVE AT DRIVEWAY CROSSING. USE 6" S HEDULE 40 PVC SLEEVE IAT CROSSING. N Q� I X I I I �� s l y alX I o� C000 / � PR DI C-7 ER o I Q QG PRlF SED CLENOUT INV- 499 S S Q Q� I� I X � QG EANOUTPI 40 INV= 7499.5 I 40'111C..'/ � I �Q Q � 2+40-1 5 I� Engineer's Supplemental Instructions Mason Residence Lot 63 RSR, March 03092010 Summary: Sheet C004 Site Utility Plan Sleeve sanitary sewer under driveway Adjsuted location of Cleanout KRONHOLM CIVIL ENGINEERING, INC. P.O. BOX 2392 EDWARDS, CO 81632 PH:970-926-2263 johnk@kronholmcivil.com I 11 Q PROPOSED CLEANOUT o / I PROPOSED 4" SCHEDULE40 a PVC SANITARY SEWER SERVICE AT f7. SLOPE I3 U \ PROPOSED GAS 4ETER / �. i PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER / INVERT = 7504 / Jt- 5. Kronholm Civil Engineering, Inc. to observe installation of proposed sanitary sewer service line and cleanouts to limits as shown on this sheet (C004). Contractor shall give Engineer 24 hours advance notice to observe at the following installation steps: A. When sanitary sewer service has been backfilled and compacted to springline of pipe as per "Sanitary Sewer Service Bedding" Detail Sheet C006. Pipe shall be exposed over spring line. Contractor to verify slope as indicated on plans with level mounted on tripod. B. At final placement of bedding over service line. C. At completion of final grade prior to seeding and placement of topsoil. D. At other requested times from Holland Creek Metropolitan District. Engineer's Supplemental Instructions K FR ON H OLM CIVIL Mason Residence Lot 63 RSR, March 03092010 ENGINEERING, INC. Summary: Sheet C004 Site Utility Plan P.O. BOX 2392 Cleanout added, observation note #5 added. EDWARDS, CO 81632 PH:970-926-2263 johnk@kronholmcivil.com �����r� �A��r �� ������ � ���r�� ���rr� ��yr�.�r �� � �� �� �y r� ��� ���r� �� ��� � ������ ��'����� i��.��w���� �� � i �� �w� � �� �M����i���� ������� ������ ��r�������i �r+���r� �� ir������i�, �� �I��i 1�=i�������1 �� � �� ���wl�� � �.a� � �A� I���r� ����r� r� �ar�� �� ��� ������� �r �w��� ���� ��w���� �� ��� �� �� � �� ����� ����� ������ ��w��� � ����a�� �w� � �� � � �r� � ������` ��[�������r� �r �� � w� �������� �rr���r���iw �� ������ ���`+���r��� �w�� � �� �������� �� ��� ���� ��� w�� ���� ���� ��ti� �A� ���� ��R� ���r� ���� r�� �� ����� ������ ����� �rr� �rr� �rr� �r� r � i�r� EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT DESIGN CRITERIA PIT No. 31 Horizon Depth Thickness Texture Color Rxn C.F.% Mottled Roots Struct. 0-16 16" Loam 10yr 2 0 5 No Yes Str.A Med Gran BT 16-28 6" Cla Loam 10 r- 0 5 No Yes Weak-Str UK C1 28-53 25" Cla Loam 10 r - 0 50 No To 37" wGturele66 C2 53-96 1 44" 10 r- 0 65 No No Structuneless _r.IAV Residence: Single family home, 5 bedrooms Wastewater production: 5 bedrooms x 2 persons/bedroom x 75 gpd/person x 150% peaking factor = 1125 gal./day Minimum septic tank volume: 1125 gpd / 24 hr/day x 30 hr = 1406 gal. Measured percolation rate (t) : 19.9 min/inch LTAR Based on Percolation Rate and Soils Report: 0.75 GPD/ft^2 Absorption area required: A= 1125 / 0.75 = 1500 ft^2 I Soo -1 0 .� 3 Area reduction for dosing: 0% I IO Area reduction for chambered absorption field: 50% Design absorption area: 1500 x 0.50 = 750 ft^2 750 ft^2 / 10 ft ^2 per chamber =Chambers 6 ,,;�— THE MASON RESIDENCE SUBMITTED TO CONTACTS/CONSULTANTS 11 - APPROVAL STAMPS Thomas J. Kallenbach, P.E. Eliminite, Inc. I' 3341 Frontage Rd. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Three Forks, MT. 59752 P: 406-388-7504 ISDS for a single family residence located F: 406-388-7549 in Eagle County, Colorado. Red Sky Ranch Donald O'Dell Lot 63 Septic Smart, LLC Eagle County, CO. 81655 P: 970-343-0229 F: 866-613-9385 SYSTEM DESIGN BUILDING SEWER: 4"0 SCHEDULE 40 PVC SEPTIC TANK: 1500 GAL. 2 COMPARTMENT SEPTIC TANK PUMP CHAMBER: 650 GAL. SINGLE COMPARTMENT COMBINED W1 SEPTIC TANK ELIMINITE UNIT: 120 TANC ELIMINITE PUMP: HYDROMATIC SPD-50 M1, 230 VOLT, SINGLE PHASE SUBMERSIBLE ELIMINITE PANEL: ELIMINITE DUPLEX PANEL, 230V PUMP CIRCUIT DRAINFIELD PUMP: HYDROMATIC SPD 100H M2, 230 VOLT, SINGLE PHASE, SUBMERSIBLE EFFLUENT PUMP, 2" DISCHARGE FORCEMAIN: 2" SCH 40 PVC b � DRAINFIELD: 15 CHAMBERS, -Ott LV FT, 4-7d' LATERALS '16-L So A( SHEET INDEX SHEET C1.0 COVER C1.1 SITE PLAN C1.2 DETAILED SITE PLAN C1.3 DRAINFIELD DETAILS C1.4 120 TANC C1.5 CONTROL PANEL DETAILS C1.6 NOTES C1.7 NOTES r�v� S J. KA((F��9�t �� s 33633 �O REG'� 33630- idfia THIS SET OF PLANS IS NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION UNLESS PROJECT ENGINEER'S SEAL AND SIGNATURE IS AFFIXED HERE AND A VALID PERMIT ISSUED BY EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT IS POSTED. !M APPROJm The Mason Residence Red Sky Ranch, LOT 63 Eagle County, CO. 81655 Eliminite Inc. SCIENTISTSoENGINEERSolNVENTORS 3341 FRONTAGE RD.-THREE FORKS•MONTANA 59752. 966-406-2289•FAX 406-366-7549 Title Sheet - T-e-' Q 1, i G INFILTRATOR QUICK SCARIFY TRENCH O CHAMBER OR EQUIVALENT BOTTOM $I_QII 81 off 8,_O„ eW/ HAND RAKE TYPICAL PLANTS SOD1'11'�,��_11�,��,_ y TOPSOfL 7499 = .. 7498 a _ 749751 e EL7496 7497 ■■®®■■■■®:■:::®:o®::®e:: STEP 1 LATERAL EL7495 $ ■■®:®®:•�::�■■■■■■■•■■■■• 1z" SEPARATE TOPSOIL, SOD AND PLANTS DURING LATERAL 3 EL 7494.5+� I .i EXCAVATION. PRESERVE EXISTING SOD AND PLANTS. LATERAL 2 EL 7494 + — � as° STEP 2 LATERAL 1 LOOSELY PLACE TOPSOIL OVER TRENCH. REPLACE INSTALL ACCORDING TO MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS SOD AND PLANTS UPRIGHT IN THE TOPSOIL AFTER . AND AS DESCRIBED IN NOTES ON PAGE C1.5. CONSTRUCTION. 1 TRENCH EXCAVATION AND BACK FILL 2 TYPICAL DRAINFIELD CROSS SECTION 3 INFILTRATOR QUICK 4 INSTALLATION 2" 0 MANIFOLD 1 Z" GATE VALVE !s� 2x2x2 TEE Jt>Fi9 MOUND SOIL TO %"0 SCH. 40 COMPENSATE FOR PVC LATERAL 1VO SCH. 40 THREADED CAP SETTLING SUSPEND FROM 1V 0 SCH. 40 PVC THREADED UNION TOP OF 6"0 CIRCULAR VALVE BOX (ORBIT PART No. a CHAMBER 53021 OR EQUIVALENT OVER FLUSHING VALVE. USE 6"0 PVC PIPE TO EXTEND VALVE BOX --- :_ 1%"O SCH.40 PVC 45° BEND FLUSH WITH FINISHED RA DE tY"OSCH. 40PVC TEE 1 Z' 0 LATERAL 6"0 PVC PIPE FOR INSPECTION PORT w/ 2-1 2" REDUCING BUSHING{ FINISHED CIRCULAR VALVE BOX FLUSH w/ GRADE INSTALLQUICK4 INFILTRATOR END 2" 0 MANIFOLD i LEI ! I PLATE • QUICK4INFILTRATOR CHAMBER PLASTIC VALVE BOX SCARIFY TRENCH 0 SCH. 40 PVC BALL VALVE t1'/z"0 SCH. 40 PVC LATERAL Y2 IN COVER FLUSH 3 TYPICAL BOTTOM WITH CLOSED DURING NORMAL OPERATION. KEEP PIPE NETWORK FREE WITH FINISH.GRADE HAND RAKE SEE DRAINFIELD NOTES OF DEBRIS C7.3 GATE 7 VALVE C1.3 1Yz"0 SCH. 40 PVC SLOTTED FLUSHING LINE. TO AVOID DAMAGE TO NATURAL SOIL STRUCTURE, PERSONNEL MAKE SAWCUTSAPPROX3/16"WIDEANDAT OR MACHINERY SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED ON TRENCH BOTTOM APPRox 4"SPACING. LAST ORIFICE POINTED DOWN SEE DRAINFIELD MANIFOLD LATERAL DO NOT CAP END NOTE#2 4 GATE VALVE DETAILS 5 DRAINFIELD TRENCH DETAIL 6 LATERAL DISTAL END DETAIL 1. PVC TO BE JOINED W/ PRIMED SOLVENT/CEMENT WELD JOINTS. PRIMER MUST IMPART A SALIENT NOTE: MATCH VALVE DIAMETER TO / COLORATION TO THE COMPONENTS BEING CEMENTED. FITTINGS PRIMED W/ COLORLESS PRIMER WILL BE LATERAL DIAMETER, ADD BUSHING TO ��9 TYPICAL UNION PLATE ORIFICE ` REJECTED BY THE ENGINEER AND REPLACED AT THE CONTRACTORS EXPENSE. MANIFOLD TO SIDE AS NECESSARY J� J 4)�i� PLACED INSIDE SCH 80 PVC UNION s TO 16INCH VALVE STEM DOWN FOR VALVE STEM UP FOR THICKNESS NORMAL OPERATION FLUSHING LATERAL 1 112" Q ORIFICE 0 PER LATERAL DRILLING SCHEDULE SEE FULL PORT 9 C1. 3 SLIP x SLIP FLOW TO 2"SCH 40 D LATERAL DRILLING SCHEDULE SEGMENT/ LATERAL NUMBER TRENCH BOTTOM EL. (APPDX.) TOTAL LENGTH UNION PLATE ORIFICE DIAMETER NUMBER OF ORIFICES NUMBER OF INFILTRATOR CHAMBERS 4 7496 i5 NO PLATE 15 3 7495 d5 NO PLATE 15 118 jy 2 7494.5 �75 NO PLATE 15 $8 1 �j 1 7494 NO PLATE 15 j cT 2. ORIFICES SHALL BE DRILLED ON THE CROWN OF THE PIPE (12:00), EXCEPT EVERY 5TH ORIFICE WHICH SHALL BE DRILLED AT THE BOTTOM (6:00) FOR DRAINAGE. INSTALL SPLASH PLATE BELOW EACH ORIFICE DRILLED ON PIPE BOTTOM. 3. CONTRACTOR TO PRESSURE -TEST SYSTEM IN PRESENCE OF THE ENGINEER. 4. TRENCH BOTTOMS ARE TO BE LEVEL. 5. SUBSTITUTIONS TO THE DESIGN ARE TO BE EVALUATED BY THE ENGINEER. FLUSH LATERAL MANIFOL urEv:LVE 1%"0 SCH 80 PVC 6. ALL FLUSHING VALVES MUST BE OPEN BEFORE THE DRAINFIELD IS PRESSURIZED FOR THE FIRST TIME SO UNION w/ THAT DEBRIS IS PURGED FROM THE PIPING NETWORK. 2x1%" SCH 40 ORIFICE PLATE. FORCEMAIN: APPROXIMATELY 60% OF 2" 0 SCH 40 PVC PIPE. REDUCING TEE 7. SLOPE ALL PIPES TO DRAIN. MANIFOLD: 2" 0 SCH 40 PVC PITCHFORK MANIFOLD APPROX. 25' IN LENGTH 8. CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVE ADDITIONAL BLANK ORIFICE PLATES AND VARIOUS SIZE DRILL BITS ON SITE TO NOTE; CONTRACTOR LATERALS: SEE LATERAL SCHEDULE ABOVE ALLOW FOR MODIFICATIONS AS DIRECTED BY ENGINEER. MAY SUBSTITUTE KNIFE VALVE FOR UNION & ORIFICES: 3/16"0 ORIFICES DRILLED 6.0" O.C„ DRILL IN A MANNER SUCH 9. FITTINGS SHALL BE USED IN LATERALS LAYOUT TO MAINTAIN A CONSTANT ELEVATION. ORIFICE PLATE 1 1/2"0 SCH 40 THAT ALL BURRS ARE REMOVED WITHOUT DAMAGE TO THE DRILLED INTO GATE PVC LATERAL ORIFICES. 10. DEFLECT/ADD FITTINGS TO CHAMBER AS REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN CONSTANT ELEVATION. ZORIFICE FOR FLOW/ PRESSURE CONTROL. REFER TO SPEC. FOR CORRECT 11. TWO INSPECTION PORTS SHALL BE INSTALLED PER LATERAL. ORIFICE DIAMETERS. NOT TO SCALE 7 GATE VALVE 8 MANIFOLD 9 NOTES Gi ORAWN� CHECKED `�21T l EIIrn1nite Inc. PRQIECTNO. con 4DATE The Mason Residence DRAINFIELD DETAILS NO, I DESIGNFG THHOMAS J. HAUE"BACH, P•E• Red Sky Ranch, Lot 63 SCIENTISTS o ENGI N EERS®INVENTORS SHEET NO. �CORiCGpM �FfAlA6dIEF pF pMb9"+ppp FANI� N� wY pp ---- T P Ql€ GIN pFPPDpLCFD� SIpfED IN A Pfl WY., ME �r1W,ID1F"RroiFD N r_- 1 M Eagle County, CO. 81655 3341 FRONTAGE RDlTHREE FORKS•MONTANA 59752• 888-406-2289-FAX 406-388-7549 /� '� {i TOP VIEW OF SEPTIC TANK SIDE/PROFILE OF SEPTIC TANK AGROUND LEVELT pavlpVon TM Fa sede m wYgY plwe Ac een.M n Y a unMndl, aarourrwd wr or zv d A v =A =k d ever der eumnl aenb Aka baked robn bve a bad, an P�e Ye r Tp I p or prow on op rd.1 na ARE! ECS SERIES CURRENT SENSOR G ,at wltage must he wapplied at all Umes for proper mrecton. When a fault b e.need throughdul the trip lay, the output Rioy b energ@ed. When the eument 1 old B n—.t. NEMA 4X ENCLOSURE he delay 0 If O fauRdb ..the. anthan whited, rveted balare the 1dpp delay ie eamphited, the relay III not energize and Ne trtp delay to zero. Select the desired /uncUan, a r r uMer current MOTOR wemin9• Set the trip paint and trip delay to CONTACTONS proximate settings. tFly power to the ECS and the onitored load. Turn juofinent and watch the LED. ED will Tight. Wm an,ghBy In apposite direction until U) le off. Ad wtment be done while connected to the eontro� cirau8ry If the trip delay le act at FUNCTION Overaurent I> TP _ TC NEC Undercurrent IK COMPLIANT GROUNDING OC — ROD q8 TP Trip Point R - Reset OC — Moridorad Current EUMII NO a Normally Open Contact NC - Normally Closed Contact A Sensing Delay On Start Up TD Trip Delay DRAINFIELD PUMP (PUMP2) FLOW FLOW PUMP I I CONTROL CIRCUIT CIRCUIT R a TOP VIEW OF 120 TANC LIGHT SIEMENS LOGOI CONTROLLER AGO TYPE HEATER FUSE BUSSMAN 0.5A, 250V AGO CONTROL/ALARM FUSE SUSSMAN 2A, 250V DISPLAYING COUNTERS —Pane the n or v keys to earoll through the aount— EUMINITE PUMP TIMER SErn,NG INSTRUCTIONS, (PUMP 1) —Press the v key until the clack/date careen M displayed. —Press the "ESC" key. GRAINFIELD PUMP —Preen the v key to "Set Par.. and press the "OK" key. (PUMP2) —Prose the & or v kayyss to dlaplay the different parameters ON AMR - EUMINITE PUMP ON TIME OFF TMR EUMINITE PUMP OFF TIME FAIL 7ME _= EUMINITE PUMP FAIL DELAY —Press the -OK' key on the parameter that needs to be set. INCOMING SERVICE —Press the ® D e keys to change the haement+. CONNECTION FROM —press the "OK' keyy to wave the parameter waiting. MAIN SERVICE PANEL PRDMDE SEPARATE —pass the to ore keys to change the next parameter a CONTROL AND PUMP CIRCUITS Press the 'ESC' key twice to exit back to the counter dlaplay wereerl0. RESETTING AN EUMINITE PUMP FAILURE RESET/TOGGLE —Hold the TEST, NORMAL, SILENCE .witch In the SILENCE SWITCH ALARM poalticn far 3 seconds ' SILENCE avmaL aavxrnp balne�exWuR eannictlam. u.a prwnap bueNnPn ma w alma u. Ines a rwyn .ern �: nwrM The 0 m .1of tlwin�leerw for ewNue uMrmee, Ce,dW exw! mdnede oa Yoe eWa v wen M P— 2 P IMTARo dhFxEamrx F—. la DO ga LXIIIID PLAT W etAl0U5 RMURY CR IwAN IAVU. aARrr DRamm waP OP1de1f1D PNP IINTl m DRAINFIELD SEE NOTE (1) DIMENSIONED 120 TANC SCHEDULE OF PARTS 0. DESCRIPTION 1 RECIRCULATION PUMP 2 DISCHARGE PUMP 3 4 5 6 7 SUBGRADE INSULATION 2" THICK MIN 8 HIGH LEVEL ALARM FLOAT SWITCH 9 DRAINFIELD PUMP ON FLOAT SWITCH 10 DRAINFIELD PUMP OFF FLOAT SWITCH 11 LOW LEVEL OFF SWITCH 12 SPRAY BAR ASSEMBLY 13 SPRAY NOZZLE 14 LUNG AIR ENTRAINMENT DEVICE 15 AIR DISCHARGE LINE 16 DENITRIFICATION RETURN LINE 17 FLOAT STAND 18 QUICK RELEASE COUPLING 19 FRESH AIR INTAKE 20 METAROCKS SUPPORT FRAME 21 ELECTRICAL JUNCTION BOX 1221 SPRAY BAR SUPPORT CLAMP 1231 EFFLUENT FILTER NOTE DELIVERY TRUCK MUST BE ABLE TO BACK IN PERPENDICULAR TO LONG DIMENSION OF EXCAVATION. IF THE EXCAVATION IS T00 WIDE OR UNSTABLE TO ACCOMMODATE REQUIRED MAXIMUM DISTANCE BETWEEN TRUCK AND EDGE OF EXCAVATION, A CRANE LLI CAPABLE OF INSTANG THE TANK WILL BE REQUIRED ON SITE NOTES: 1. DRAINFIELD SHOWN IS FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY. REFER TO APPROVED PROJECT PLANS FOR ACTUAL REQUIREMENTS. 2. TANKS MUST BEINSTALLED ON A FIRM STABLE BASE SETTLEMENT MAY RESULT IN DAMAGE TO COMPONENTS. 3. SOME DIMENSIONS MAY VARY BY LOCATION DUE TO DIFFERENCES IN TANK FORMS. DIMENSIONS SHOWN APPLY TO TANKS SHIPPED FROM EUMINriE IN THREE FORKS. MONTANA 4. DRAINFIELD PUMPS CAN BE INSTALLED AT THE FACTORY. PLEASE CONTACT EUMINITE, INC. FOR DETAILS. 5. FULL INSTALLATION INSTRUCnONS CAN BE FOUND IN EUMINITE C SERIES INSTRUCTION MANUAL S. CONTROL PANEL SHOULD NOT BE MOUNTED DIRECTLY TO THE WALL OF THE FACILITY/HDME OR IN ANY OTHER LOCATION WHERE OCCUPANTS WOULD BE DISTURBED BY THE SOUND GENERATED WHEN THE PANEL MOTOR CONTACTORS ENGAGE 7. WIRE 10 WIRE CONNECTIONS MUST BE COMPLETED WITH WATERPROOF CONNECTORS. e. ALTERNATE CONFIGURATIONS AND MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION AVAILABLE CONSULT EUMINITE, INC. FOR DETALS. 9. HIGH LEVEL ALARM, DRAINFIELD ON AND LOWLEVEL OFF FLOATS ARE PRESET'. REFER TO CHART FOR DRAINFIELD OFF FLOAT SETTING. 10. AUTOMATIC TELEPHONE DIALERS ARE AVAILABLE AS AN OPTION, SPECIFY WIRED, WIRELESS OR CELLULAR, 11. WEIGHT DRY APPROX. 12,000 LB 12. ELECTRICAL CONDUIT MUST BE FITTED WITH AN APPROPRIATE VAPOR SEAL TO PROTECT ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS FROM CORROSIVE GASES AND MOISTURE 13. CONNECT HIGH LEVEL FLOAT 70 TERMINAL 1 & 2 OF THE CONTROL PANEL THE PURPOSE OF THIS FLOAT IS TO MONITOR LEVEL IN THE SEPTIC TANK AND PROVIDE AN ALARM IF THE EFFLUENT FILTER BEGINS CLOSING. 14. ALTERNATE RISERS, LIDS AND CONTROLS AVAILABLE, CONTACT ELIMINTE, INC. FOR DETAILS. UINww ^" GA,� UrIGUKGU DATE The Mason Residence OESIGNFn 1409 'IHOMAS J. KALLENBACH, P.E. Red Sky Ranch, LOT 63 DA P OJE c Eagle County, CO. 81655 Eliminite Inc. SCIENTISTS oENGINEERS 0INVENTORS 3341 FRONTAGE RD.`THREE FORKS•MONTANA 59752" BW-406-2289•FAX 406-388-7549 120 TANC COMPONENT/ FUNCTION TYPE LOCATION CONTROL PANEL REF. CONNECTION HIGH LEVEL FLOAT PUMP CHAMBER TB1 [:fl & 8❑ D ALARM 20" FROM TANK FLOOR DRAINFIELD PUMP START FLOAT PUMP CHAMBER 18" FROM TANK FLOOR TB1 ❑5 & 6❑ C . DRAINFIELD PUMP STOP PUMP CHAMBER TB1 �3 & 4❑ B FLOAT 16" FROM TANK FLOOR ELIMINITE (EPUMP FLOAT PUMP CHAMBER T61 & 2❑ A LOW LEVEL CUTOUT 7" FROM TANK FLOOR RECIRCULATION OSP-50 PUMP CHAMBER M1 T1 I& T2 G HYDROMATIC PUMP DRAINFIELD PUMP SP PUUMPMP PUMP CHAMBER M2 T1 & T 2 H INCOMING PUMP TB2 ❑1 & F E PUMP CIRCUIT CIRCUIT INCOMING CIRCUIT ALARM TB2 E & 4❑ F ALARM CIRCUIT REFERENCE A B C D E F G H TB1 1 2 n n�� 7 8 T32 1 2 3 4 M1 T1 2 M2' 1 2 T T-Ll 0 o J L H�H LIPUMP 1 CONTROL/ DRAINFIELD LEVEL INCOMING ALARM DRAINFIELD PUMP ALARM POWER INCOMING ELIMINITE® PUMP START POWER PUMP1 PUMP2 PUMP STOP LOW LEVEL OSP-50 SPD100H CUTOUT PUMP PUMP FIELD CONNECTIONS* *TEMPERATURE RATING OF FIELD INSTALLED CONDUCTORS MUST BE AT LEAST 140 f (60C). FIELD WIRING TERMINALS AND GROUND LUGS WILL ACCEPT COPPER CONDUCTORS ONLY. TORQUE RATINGS OF FIELD WIRING TERMINAL CLAMPING SCREWS IS 9 IN-LBS FOR TB1, 32-35 IN-LBS FOR TB2 POSITIONS 1 &2,18-20 IN-LBS FOR TB2 POSITIONS 3&4, 20 IN-LBS FOR MOTOR CONTACTORS AND 46 IN-LBS FOR GROUND LUGS. THE USE OF SEPARATE POWER SOURCES FOR PUMP AND ALARM IS REQUIRED. MAIN SERVICE DISCONNECT PROVIDED BY OTHERS. CONTROLS INTERFACE WITH NSF AUTO DIALING REMOTE ALARM INDICATOR TO BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS. CONTROL PANEL FUNCTIONS 2 CONTROL PANEL pe¢rlPtmn e Eas se .. o1 sll phwe AC eumnt ; undeen le a uNxe nl e 3 reurte't ae " s 'sow l.°f Delecb over u der eurcent ewnrke locked tor, Imo of boo" open healer er temp lee,. I ALARM LIGHT or proves an opemq T. bkie ple<e Rr ABS ECS SERIES he, endm. CURRENT SENSOR > z< p -� O siEMErJs UNDER/OVER ' CURRENT SIEMENS LOGO! SELECTOR SIT 4 k 1';1.jwi ACC TYPE HEATER FUSE BUSSMAN 0,5A. �� SENSD n`c$o's" 250V TRIP DELAY AGC CONTROL/ALARM 0001 I �' SIFMF FUSE BUSSMAN 2A, 0.5SEC-50SEC 250V TRIP POINT ELIMINITE PUMP I' (PUMP 1) 2A-20A 20A CIRCUIT p DRAINFIELD PUMP BREAKERS - (PUMP 2) LED Pl�s.wr-rak r b— Nmughmp-- f Input voltage must be super pl eODat °II Cmes for proper NSA q� v pM�ERusO mNG WsmucnOrx: operation. When a fault is eensed thrau hout the tri xRq WuwckckNxle scre,nheepm>,d dela , the 1 t r to 9 eo ENCLOSURE INCOMING SERVICE -ores. w•E6 w. y o pu e y s energ ied. When the cum t CONNECTION FROM -Press uwekgm5etperem endpre,slN roMkxr. returns to the nor al run oond't'on, the output and 0g m ® MAIN SERNCE PANEL Press makwvkvysbmzphy Nedmnen. wreme,en: I he delay are ese! If fault is ensed and then 1' PROVIDE SEPARATE ON aAR=FIJNILNITEPDMP ON nME corrected before`the trip delay is completed, the relay i CONTROL AND PUMP OFFTMR-EUMIwtE PUMP OFr TM1E 1 2i CIRCUITS FNLTMe— INDe—F"LDELAY will no[ energize and Ne trip delay 's fees[ [o zero. - T M 2 -Press Ne'oK'kry soma parsma:erWl wedsm De AdtsfrmenoV MOTOR Select the desired fun, , er or under current CONTACTORS ✓ -Prevw 4pnnrkersm U.mgpwhcremsres ' si q. Set the trip point and lrp deloy to e 4-Passw•oK•keymsewwpxmrcemr-0. approximate settings. Apply power b the ECS nd the e. y 5 L RESET/TOGGLE SWITCH-Pm,swe,er ores lPcmnpa D. wa Pxn*emror onitomd load. Tum adjustment and watch the LED. ALARM SILENCE pN a LED will H hl; turn slightly in opposite direction until 8 eRSC Fey M2em exv. each lawnumpr2pxy LED Is off. Adjustment can be done hits eo scrod 7 saeam. to the Control ercui�o '�uhT trip delay Is seL at (` B RESEmNGANEUMNI-EP—L— %1 -tmhw TES T,NORiMLeA.ENOEexgchhlhx Ul NM FUNCTION w wseknrerss,nmz. t o Overcurrent I> ' TP oC CAUTION NC INo—a"I' cloaure not prori e C gnding between eonduil ono lion,. Use rougrou ding bushings a d J per wires. Use hubs 11 fittings 'Hh the same Undo current IC nvUo enbm6ngn s the nclosure. NEC i The bottom of Nee closure Is rese d TP COMPLIANT ; for conduit entrance. Conduit must ccxexiemx.w GROUNDING F ® maintain no iroh spacing from livx pans. NN0 ROD N!? CIRCUIT CIRCUIT uweeacwww Q TP = Trip Point R = Reset OC = Monitored Current ^•�- — "`'rs`x1LPa" Ed'-ISECONNECSHOCK ALH LCPOHRO NO - Nomnaliy Open Contact NC - Normallyy EUMINITE PUMP ;d DRAINFIELD SOURCES BEFORE SERVICING. Closed Contact A = Sensing Delay On Star! Up (PUMP i) ,". `.' PUMP FAILURE TO DO S° COULD TO Trip Delay ''>R (PUMP 2) ,Ps=�RESULT IN SERIOUS INJURY OR = zcn:ertamsnn"i DEATH. 3 CONTROL PANEL Z G n� 1 T Nn ! !o DRAWN AC one CHECKED DATE N0. - REVISIONS BY DATE The Mason Residence Eliminate Inc. CONTROL PANEL DETAILS PROJEDT NO. DESICNFn 9/09 7HOMASJ.IrLNGINBACH.P.E Red Sky Ranch, LOT 63 SCIENTISTSoENGINEERSaINVENTORS COP(ldCglr gaag DIYNIIE e14 ALL PaHSI NSEA(2. PRWIED "THE YN11Ea PATE PRS J. ENGINEER SHEET N0. �sAEgaFANDdc"°'"�Rg°°°"°°"gEGL"HeOR w"E Eagle County, CO. 81655 3341FRONTAGE RD.-HREEFORKS°MONTANA59752e888-406-2269-FAX406-388-7549 iy P� rr�EtsOFL'nt'®pNI"C AYEC1gNl•.M, P� °aCOP a�RFt�lq 0N°P gIN� � l t^' wIDIWf ltE PRxJR YIRIfiFN PE)a SVM of ELuxll� "e APPROVEn n.Tc oon�crT us.renrn Incorporated by reference into this plan set is the document, " Fiberglass Storage Tanks, Installation Instructions, Containment Solutions." Publication number INST G001 F. The contractor is instructed to obtain this document and follow all applicable instructions. NOTES: 1. These plan notes are not an all inclusive set of installation instructions. Complete installation instructions are located in the installation manual for particular system being installed. You must read and understand the installation instructions before attempting to install the system. Do not proceed with system installation if you do not have the proper experience and training. 2. The actual installation of the systems shown have not been engineered by Eliminite. The owners engineer of record is responsible for the final design. The presence of an Eliminite representative at the job site does not relieve the owner, contractor or engineer of responsibility to follow correct procedures for the installation of these systems. 3. In addition to the installation instructions, the installation must comply with OSHA and all applicable Federal, State, Local construction, safety and environmental codes and regulations. 4. Do not stand on or under tank while tank is being lifted. This could result in personal injury or death. 5. Do not release the straps securing the tank to the delivery truck before the appropriate lifting equipment is properly secured to the tank. This could result in personal injury or death. 6. Do not allow tank to roll or tilt unevenly. This could allow internal components to break and may cause the tank to fall. 7. Follow OSHA guidelines for tank excavation. 8. Do not enter the excavation unless in compliance with OSHA regulations. Collapsing excavation walls can cause injury or death. 9. Tanks are not rated for traffic loads. 10. Bedding material: Pea gravel: Clean naturally rounded 2" minus. Crushed stone; Washed, 2' minus. 11. Use a long handled wooden probe to push backfill in place under the tank. Do not leave void spaces. Do not puncture tank. 12. If site conditions necessitate tank anchoring, refer to supplemental instructions for procedures and methods. 13. Tank shall not be buried deeper than 18" from the crown without prior written authorization from owners engineer. 14. Once backfill has reached the crown of the tank, cover tank with 2" thick extruded sub -grade installation board. Insulation should extend to the walls of the excavation and completely cover the tank. The circular pieces of insulation removed for the risers are used to insulate the riser lids. BACKFILL MATERIAL 1. ELIMINITE tanks must be installed using either pea gravel or crushed stone as backfill material. If damage is detected, do not attempt repairs. Contact ELIMINITE, INC. immediately. Telephone and fax numbers are found on the front cover of these plans. Using other than approved bedding and backfill materials without prior written authorization from ELIMINITE, INC. will void the tank warranty. 2. Use of unapproved backfill material may cause tank failure, or damage the tank or surrounding property. Backfill material must meet the following specifications: The material is washed, free -flowing, and free of ice, snow and debris. When using pea gravel, the material is to be a mix of rounded particles, sizes between 1/8 inch and 3/4 inch. The pea gravel must conform to the specifications of ASTM C-33, paragraph 9.1, sizes 6,67 or 7. When using crushed stone, the material is to be a mix of angular particles, sizes between 118 inch and 1/2 inch. The crushed stone must conform to the specifications of ASTM C-33, paragraph 9.1, sizes 7 or 8. No more than 5% (by weight) of the material may pass through a #8 seive. It is recommended that the materials supplier certifies that the material conforms to ASTM C-33 and any other applicable specifications. If material which meets these specifications is not available, contact technical support at ELIMINITE, INC. for information on alternative materials and the process for approval. EXCAVATION PARAMETERS 1. Follow OSHA regulations for tank excavations. Collapse of excavation walls could result in death or serious injury. GENERAL 1. The installing contractor must take all precautions necessary to protect employees working in or near a tank excavation. These precautions should include but are not limited to the following: Locate and protect any utility installations near the excavation before opening the excavation. Secure the walls of the excavation. Prevent exposure of employees to hazardous fumes from the excavation. Protect employees from hazards associated with water accumulation in the excavation. Erect barricades, etc., to prevent unauthorized vehicle or pedestrian traffic. Inspect, a minimum of once a day, the excavation and surrounding area. 2. For additional information on excavation, trenching and shoring safety practices, consult the following OSHA standards: Part 1926, Subpart M (Fall Protection), 500-503; and Part 1926, Subpart P (Excavations), 650-652. PVC CEMENTING NOTES: 1. PVC to be joined w/ primed solvent/cement weld joints. Primer must impart a salient coloration to the components being cemented. Fittings primed wl colorless primer will be rejected by the engineer and replaced at the contractors expense 2. All orifices to point down for gravel trench. Orifices shall be drilled on the crown of the pipe(12:00), except every 5th orifice which shall be drilled at the bottom(6:00) for drainage. Install splash plate below each orifice drilled on pipe bottom. 3. Contractor to pressure -test system in presence of the engineer. 4. Trench bottoms are to be level. 5. Substitutions to the design are to be evaluated by the engineer. 6. All flushing valves must be open before the drain field is pressurized for the first time so that debris is purged from the piping network. 7. Slope all pipes to drain. 8. Contractor shall have additional blank orifice plates and various size drill bits on site to allow for modifications as directed by engineer. 9. Fittings shall be used in laterals layout to maintain a constant elevation. 10. Deflect/add fittings to chamber as required to maintain constant elevation. 11. Two inspection ports shall be installed per lateral. PART 1-GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION This section covers the construction of the drainfield, including construction of piping networks, purging/pressure testing, backfilling, dressing and clean up of the site. PART 2-PREPARATION 2.1 SITE PROTECTION Before doing any work, fence off drainfield area. Do not drive over drainfield area before or after installation of pipe network. 2.2 SITE PREPARATION STEP 1: Fence the site to prevent damage to the area during other construction activity on the lot. Vehicular traffic over the area should be prohibited to avoid soil compaction. Contractor is responsible for locating and preserving all utilities. STEP 2: Stake out the drainfield perimeter in the proper orientation. Reference stakes set some distance from the drainfield perimeter are also required in case the corner stakes are disturbed. STEP 3: Cut and remove any excessive vegetation. Trees should be cut at ground surface and the stumps left in place. STEP 4: Measure the average ground elevation to determine the bottom elevation of the drainfield. STEP 5: Construct trenches as shown on plan for placement of drainfield laterals. PART 3-EXECUTION 3.1 SITE PREPARATION AND DRAINFIELD CONSTRUCTION 3.1.1 All infiltration pipe and fittings shall conform to ASTM D1785, standard specification for PVC plastic pipe, schedule 40 and schedule 80. 3.1.2 All solvent -cemented joints shall be made in accordance with ASTM D2855, standard practice for making solvent -cemented joints with PVC pipe. Primer used shall impart a salient coloration. Any solvent cemented joint not exhibiting such coloration shall be rejected by the engineer and replaced at the contractor's expense. (see section 3.2 preparation of pipe surfaces and cement process for plastic pipe). 3.1.3 Construct the force main as shown on the plans for each absorption field. Trenching, excavation, and bedding shall be in accordance with plan details. Force main shall not be backfilled with stones larger than 1 1/2 inches. 3.1.4 DRAINFIELD CONSTRUCTION: STEP 1: Assemble the distribution network. The manifold should be placed so it will drain between doses, either out the laterals or back into the pump chamber. The laterals should be laid level. Pressure test the laterals prior to chamber installation if required. (See section 3.3 pressure testing/system purging). STEP 2: Install infiltrator chambers (See section 3.4, chamber installation). STEP 3: Mound soil over the top of the trench to allow for settling as shown in plans. STEP 4: Re-vegatate the entire drainfield using grasses adapted to the area. Shrubs can be planted in the drainfield area. Lateral orifices shall be drilled on the bottom of the pipe. The first orifice shall be drilled 24 inches from the beginning of the lateral. Orifices are to be drilled in a manner that minimizes deviation from specified diameter and maintains a sharp edge. All burrs, cuttings and/or other material are to be removed from within and around each orifice without damaging the orifice. Flushing assemblies shall be constructed according to the plan details. 3.1.5 Pressure test laterals prior to backfill. (See section 3.3 pressure testing/system purging) 3.1.6 ' Install washed gravel and filter fabric. 3.1.7 Every precaution should be taken to prevent foreign material from entering the pipe while it is being installed. At times when pipe laying is not in progress, the open ends of the pipe shall be closed by a plug or other means approved by the engineer. The contractor shall clean and remove all debris that has entered the lines in the process of construction. Any foreign material remaining in the distribution system after construction shall be removed at the contractor's expense. APPROvcO The Mason Residence Red Sky Ranch, LOT 63 Eagle County, CO. 81655 Eliminite Inc. SCIENTISTS® ENGINEERS oINVENTORS 3341 FRONTAGE RMI REE FORKS-MONTANA 59752. 888-406-2289•FAX 406-388-7549 NOTES l' I A 3.2 Preparation of pipe surfaces and cement process for plastic pipe Joining plastic casing is a relatively simple process, but the integrity of the joint will be a function of the thoroughness of the joining techniques. The materials and tools required include (AWWA,1981): 1.A fine-toothed saw 2.A mitre box &A small knive, file, or beveling tool 4.Fine-grained abrasive paper 5.Clean, dry cloth or paper towel 6.Cleaner, and/or primer capable of imparting color 7.The proper solvent cement &A natural bristle brush approximately half the diameter of the casing being joined o a specially designed applicator which may be included in the solvent cement container. Preparation of the pipe surfaces and the actual cementing process should be accomplished as listed below (AWWA,1981). Because solvents are highly flammable and their vapors may present a health hazard in enclosed areas, solvent cements should be used with care; avoid contact with eyes and skin and long-term breathing of vapors. STEP 1:Cut casing using a fine-toothed saw and a mitre box to avoid rough or uneven cuts. STEP 2:Smooth the cut end with a knife, file, or sandpaper. Remove all burrs an cuttings. STEP 3:Clean the contact surfaces of the pipe end and socket with a clean, dry cotton cloth or paper towel. Grease must be removed with a cleaner recommended by the solvent cement manufacturer. Roughening the contact surfaces with abrasive paper aids in the development of a better bond. STEP 4:Check the fit of the sections to be cemented. A good "dry fit' should show the spigot end entering the socket to about one-half to two-thirds of its depth. Some manufacturers supply casing with marks to designate proper fit. Incorrectly dimensioned pipe, bell, or coupling shall not be used. STEP 5:If the casing is made of PVC, apply a primer to the inside surfaces of the socket. The primer may require more time to soften the belled end casing sockets than is necessary to prepare the sockets of a molded coupling. STEP 6:Primer shall be applied to the outside of the PVC casing (spigot) end to prepare it forjoining. All surfaces to be cemented shall be coated with the primer. STEP 7:Apply a thin coat of solvent cement to the interior surface of the socket. The use of too much solvent could weaken the casing wall. STEP 8:Apply a uniform coat of solvent cement to the outside surface of the spigot end of the casing. STEP 9:lnsert the spigot end of the casing section forcefully into the socket in the entire depth of the socket while both the inside socket surface and the outside surface of the casing are completely coated with wet cement. STEP 10:Twist casing 1/8 to 1/4 turn then hold the socket and casing sections together for at least 15 to 20 seconds or until an initial set takes place. STEP 11:Wipe the excess cement from the socket. A properly cemented joint should show a bead of solvent cement around the entire circumference of the casing where it meets the socket. STEP 12:To insure a strong bond, a joint should remain undisturbed until an initial set is reached (Table 1) TABLE 1. Solvent cementing of belled end casing -approximate initial set times* Temperature Range Set Time in Minutes During Initial Set 2 and 3 in Sizes Larger (51 and 76 mm) than 3 in. F° C. Casing (76 mm) 15 to 40 -9.4 to 4.4 7.5 15 5 to 15 -15.0 to -9.4 30 60 -20 to 5 -28.9 to -15.0 90 180 *Development of full operating strength requires cure periods about ten times longer than shown by this table 3.3 Pressure testing/system purging Once the system has been constructed to the point of testing and purging, the system is to be purged and pressure tested in the presence of the engineer using the following procedure: STEP Ulll the dose tank with clean water. STEP 2:Open all flushing valves on each lateral. STEP 3:Fill the dose tank to the level which activates the drainfield pump (s) and allow the laterals to purge. Repeat until all foreign objects have been discharged from the force main and laterals. STEP 4:Drill an orifice in the clean out cap of each lateral that is the same diameter as the orifices in the laterals. STEP 5:Fill the dose chamber to the point where the pump (s) engage (s). The engineer shall be present during pressure testing of the infiltration system to measure the difference in discharge in the lateral ends. **Please note that design and installation of a subsurface drainfield for this lot is contingent upon the existence of suitable soils to a depth of at least 48" beneath trench bottoms before a limiting layer is encountered. A limiting layer at a depth of less than 48" from trench bottoms may result in additional requirements. The contractor is instructed to contact the engineer if such conditions are found. The Mason Residence Red Sky Ranch, LOT 63 Eagle County, CO. 81655 APPRDV- Eliminite Inc. SCIENTISTS ENGINEERS oINVENTORS 3341 FRONTAGE RD.-THREE FORKS•MONTANA 59752. 888-406-2289•FAX 406-388-7549 NOTES vq " Lq Tr Cb v r OR A} m I,_ LN .N IN o0 0 O 9� 7-1 G .O � Q fi �• � Q