HomeMy WebLinkAbout1022 Eby Creek Rd - 193929401001EAGLE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH PLEASE CALL FOR FINAL P. 0. Box 850 - 550 Broadway PERMIT MUST BE POSTED INSPECTION BEFORE COVERING Eagle, Colorado 81631 AT INSTALLATION SITE ANY PORTION OF INSTALLED SYSTEM 328-7311 or 949-5257 or 927-3823 PERMIT NO. N c 59 9 OWNER: Don Pease ADDRESS: P.O. .sox 607 - Eagle, Co28-7322) SYSTEM LOCATION: Lot #217 - Eby Creek Mesa LICENSED INSTALLER: Les Frimmel LICENSE NUMBER: **CONDITIONAL INSTALLATION APPROVAL is hereby granted for the following: MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: 1,000 gallon septic tank or aerated treatment unit. Absorption area or dispersal area computed as follows: PERCOLATION RATE: one inch in 15 minutes. Absorption Area per Bedroom 260 sq. ft. No. of Bedrooms 3 x 260 sq. ft. minimum requirement per bedroom 780 total sq. ft. minimum requirelnent. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: 1'ec 0 tYl w) P;1-) 6 DATE: 3107183 **CONDITIONS: Field must be at least 100 feet from the welln / .B / n— r � INSPECTOR: 1. All installation must comply with all requirements of the County Individual Sewage Disposal System Regulations, adopted pursuant to authority granted in 25-10-104, C.R.S. 1973, as amended. 2. This permit is valid only for connection to structures which have fully complied with County zoning and building requirements. Connection to or use with any dwelling or structure not approved by the building and zoning departments shall automatically be a violation of a requirement of the permit and cause for both legal action and revocation of the permit. 3. Section III, 3.21 requires any person who constructs, alters, or installs an individual sewage disposal system to be licensed according to the Regulations. FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM: No system shall be deemed to be in compliance with the Eagle County Individual Sewage Disposal System Regulations until the installed system is approved prior to covering any part. Installed Absorption or Dispersal Area: 19' X 40' sq. ft. -7D "MS Installed Septic Tank: 1,000 gallons. 2►00�11' Design Engineer of System: Les Frimml Installer of System: Les Frimml Phone: 328-7279 Septic tank cleanout to within 12" of final grade or aerated access ports above grade? Yes X No Proper materials and assembly? Yes X No Compliance with permit requirements? Yes X No Compliance with County/State regulations requirements? Yes X No COMMENTS: i (Any item checked "No" requires correction before final approval of system is made. Arrange � re -inspection when work is completed.) DATE: May 3, 1985 INSPECTOR: Erik W. Edeen y RE -INSPECTION DATE: INSPECTOR: 4�1.415/2 323-13ll EAGLE, COLOR;i'O 81631 PE1.1'IT bEc = $150 FEPCCL TiG;! TEST E, Z S�0 APPLICATI0'i FOR iI1DI'�'IDUr.L SE::f.�,E DISFCS;,L SYSTE?'' PER:'.'.IT 110. / f NAME '0'F 0 -RIER: ADDRESS: �a l a °7 / ,�/— �D PHONE: aQ'= 307 NAME OF APPLICANT (IF DIFFERENT FROM 01.-INER): ADf,RESS: _ PHONE: DE.SI GN ENGINEER OF SYSTEM (IF APPLICABLE): ADDRESS: _ PHONE: •• . SOId 'RESPOilSIGLE FOR INSTALLATIO"! OF SYSTE:•'.: ADDRESS: PHONE: P7R&'IIT APPLICATION IS FOR: ( ^leer Installation ( ) Alteration ( ) Repair -PROPOSED 'County Lot Size /"5-,, LOCATION OF FACILITY: L3 City or Town, if within City or Torn Limits .LEGAL DESCRIPTION: / � d� 'enp CS_� TREET (RURAL) ADDRESS: IS SYSTEM DESIG!!ED FOR LESS THAN 2,000 GALLONS PER DAY? ( es ( ) No - 'BUILDING OR SERVICE TYPE: (Check applicable category) ( Residential - Single-family dwelling ( ) Residential - Triplex '( ) Residential - Duplex - ( ) Residential - Quadplex ( ) Commercial - State usage Persons -Bedrooms WASTE TYPES: (Check all applicable) - - --- ( ) Commercial or Institutional ( D�reTlinq ( Garbage Grinder ( ) Non -domestic wastes ( ) Transient Us ( ) D'.shwasher _ ( ) Other ( tomatic Washer SOURCE A?1D TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: ( ) Well ( Spring ( ) Creek or Stream - Give depth of all wells within 200 feet of the system: If supplied. by community water, give name of supplier ^ `-TYPE OF IND DUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PROPOSED: ( Septic Tank ( ) Aeration Plant ( ) Chemical Toilet i VaulL Privy t l L.,1lLrUJLi11J luii:L *i=•.ycllil�, )v av1= t•JC ( ) Pit Privy ( ) Incineration Toilet ( ) Recycling, Other Use Greywater ( ) Other `WILL EFFLUEI•!T BE DISCHARGED DIRECTLY INTO WATERS OF THE STATE? ( ) Yes '_Signature �e DateAf3- :: _Y • * ..;.*. * * * * :k is �c * it k �c �c * k c * * it it 4c F * is is 7F * k t INFORMATIO"I BELOW TO BE FILLED OUT BY ENVIROINfIEIlTAL HEALTH OFFICER GROUND CONDITIONS: Percent Ground Slope: 1— 3 07o l Depth to Bedrock (per 8' Profile Hole): Depth to rrounu:'rater Table: 8 SOIL PERCOLATION TEST RESULTS: /5 Minutes per inch in Hole Ilo. 1 Minutes per inch in Hole No. 2 FINAL OISPCS"IL BY: !Iinutes per inch in Hole No. 3 ( Absorption Trench ' or Pit ( ) Evanotransoiration ( } Above Ground Dispersal ( ) Sand Filter ( ) Uncerground Dispersal ( ) :•!aste,;rater Pond ( ) O t"e r L4 4e� PERCOLATION TEST FEE: $50 I.S.D.S. APP. # OWNER: L2ca Af (r��51= LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Vic:<< RURAL ADDRESS: TYPE OF D;JELLING: C7 + # OF BEDROOMS: DATE OF PERCOLATION TEST: � — 7 — TYPE OF SOIL: (!5 TEST HOLES PRESOAKED? Yes No WATER DEPTHIINCHES OF FALL•, EWA PERCOLATION RATE: RECOMMENDED MINIMUM SEPTIC TANK SIZE: .Ono 64 %. RECOMMENDED MINIMUM LEACH FIELD SIZE: RECOMMENDED MINIMUM SQUARE FOOTAGE PER BEDROOM: Site has been reviewed and tested for percolation rate. In i Ec') Date I L Environmental Health Officer COMMENTS: T, )fN-" � (0 1::7-tzc0 (� cC �v tM vn e Aj rp RECOLi,.i' ENDED SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE INSTALLATION OF DUG VIELLS FOR PRIVATE SUPPLIES Location of the well: Every well should be located and constructed in such a manner that neither underground nor surface contamination from any septic tank, seepage pit, dis- posal field, privy, corral flooding, or other possible source of pollution can affect such water supply. The well should be located on higher ground than any source of pollution and the horizontal distance from any such source of pollu- tion should be as great as possible, but in no case less than 50 feet. If it is necessary to locate the well within 50 feet of any pipe which may carry sewage or waste water then said pipe should be constructed of extra heavy cast iron soil pipe or cast iron crater pipe with leaded joints tested for water tightness. In no case, should the well be located within 20 feet of any buried pipe carrying sewage or waste water. Wall or casing: The wall or casing below the 10 foot minimum depth as illustrated should be constructed of hard burned bricks, concrete blocks, field stone, or equiva- lent to facilitate entrance of the ground water. he gall or casing to a depth of at least 10 feet below the ground surface should be made watertight in one of two ways. 1. Fig. A - Vitrified clay tile with bell and spigot joints, concrete pipe or equivalent should be used. The bells should be placed downward and the joints should be made watertight by using an asphaltic jointing compound or equivalent. Several sections of tile should be joined together above ground before setting in place. The annular space, preferably 6 inches, between the outside of the tile and the sides of the excavation should be filled to the ground surface with a concrete mixture prepared by using a cement mixture or similar device to produce a mixture which will flow easily. 2. Fig. B - Precast a reinforced concrete slab 6" thick with a diameter equal to the diameter of the walled up section of the well. Leave a 411 diameter hole in the center of the slab. After curing, lower the slab into the well and set it on top of the -walled up section. Set a 4" casing at least 11 feet long in thb hole in the slab and caulk the joint between the casing and concrete to insure water tightness. Fill the excavation above the slab and around the casing with clean fine sand to within two feet of the ground surface. The last 2 feet should be filled with clay puddled in place. 3. A concrete wall or casing may be used in place of the vitrified tile in Fig. A. If used the concrete wall should be 6" thick to a depth of at least IO feet. The platform, sleeve, well seal, etc., are the same as shown on the illustration. Platform: A watertight reinforced concrete platform at least 4 inches thick and 4 feet square or extending at least 1 foot beyond the tile wall should be con- structed. The top of the platform should slope away from the casing as shown on the illustration. COLOPADO STATE DEPARMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH SANITATION DIVISION DUG NELL INSTALLATION 0, aA. \ i.• _ •-�• \ O L 4- cp 9 4 N (.i i 76 CL cn LL I o 1 \ a' •\ C� I i t7 \ ! ulnW1U1W ,01�1 y• - 'tea\ al ae .-�j,Y•. .1 7 O � c a 6 v - a c° O O 1 I N _ o .� n0 Lac E o • 4� Q . V lot O San: PI 11 9-50-10 ��'-`;��C✓ r. RECOMMENDED SPECIFICATIONS FOR SPRINGS Location of Springs: Every spring should be located and constructed in such a manner that neither under- ground nor surface contamination from any septic tanks, seepage pit, disposal field, privy, corral, buried sewer line, or other possible source of pollution can affect such water source. The spring should only be developed on higher ground or above any possible source of pollution and in areas not subject to flooding. To provide adequate protection springs should be properly developed at the point they out crop and in such a manner that surface water will filter through an earth layer of at least 10 feet before reaching the water strata. Marked increases in turbidity during heavy run-off may indicate that surface water is reaching the spring. For your protection water samples should be collected periodically for bacteriologi- cal examination. Construction: Springs used for drinking or domestic supplies should be enclosed by reinforced con- crete walls and cover or other durable and relatively watertight material. Construction should be in such a manner to admit spring water unrestricted, but to exclude surface drainage or other foreign material. No openings should be provided for drawing water by bucket or cup directly from the spring. An overlapping cover, that will give a tight and secure pit, should be provided for future repair of encasement or spring. An earth cover, natural or fill, of at least 10 feet should be provided over the water bearing strata and should extend at least 50 feet on a radius from the point of out crop. A screened overflow pipe should be provided in the spring encasement. A diversion ditch should be provided at least 25 feet or more from the spring to divert surface run-off. The area in the immediate vicinity of the spring should be fenced to exclude stock and should;�be so located that stock cannot get between the diversion ditch and the spring. Water from the spring should be carried by gravity directly to the distribution sys- tem or to a properly constructed storage reservoir. Materials: All materials should be new. All forming material should be removed after construc- tion. Chlorination: All new or repaired springs are considered to be contaminated and should be chlorin- ated before use. After construction or repair and just prior to sealing the following procedure should be followed. Lower the water in the encasement as far as possible and shut off the flow from the discharge pipe or pipes. Add a solution of two or three quarts of any liquid laundry bleach containing 5% available chlorine mixed with 10 gallons of water. Allow this to stand in the encasement overnight, if possible, or not less than three hours, thereafter allow the spring to run until the odor or taste of chlorine has disappeared. Twenty-four hours later collect a sample of water for bacteriological ex- amination in a sterile container furnished by the Colorado State Department of Public Health. If water must be used before laboratory results are obtained, it is recommended that it be boiled for two minutes. Abandonment of existing springs: For personal and public safety the spring should be labeled or tagged "UNSAFE WATER - DO NOT DRINK11, if it is found to be contaminated after repeated laboratory analysis and tests. COLORADO STATE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH SANITATION DIVISION RECOMQENDED INSTALLATION FOR SPRINGS SURFACE WATER DIVERSION DITCH p ygNEW GROUND LEVEL c'ppG IIU FILL DRAIN VALVE REI11FORCING STEEL CLAY ASPHALTIC NOT LESS �� SEAL OVERFLOW THAN 6 �1 25 FEET � OR MORE — WATER •BEARING . SAND OR GRAVEL • FLOW BE San: PHE 24 11-50-5 Douglas Bartlett P. 0. Box 98 Eagle, CO 81631 NARRATIVE: EAGLE COUNTY 551 Broadway Eagle, Colorado 81631 (303) 328 7311 July 29, 1988 ACTIVITY REPORT Donald Pease P. O. Box 607 Eagle, CO 81631 Doug and Susan Bartlett and the occupant of the Donald Pease residence, Patty Stevens, reported that a water sample from their shared well indicated bacterial contamination and requested an inspection of.the well. I visited the site on July 20, 1988, and inspected the well. The well is constructed of concrete rings and is approximately 15 feet deep. The well is not properly constructed and is prone to contamination. The well cap or housing is not sealed to the top concrete ring. This gap allows rodents and other sources of contamination to enter the well. The exterior of the concrete rings was not grouted and surface water could enter the well causing contamination. A rodent hole was present within 2 feet of the well head. Mr. Bartlett indicated that he removed several dead rodents from the well. The.presence.of dead rodents in the well explains the significant levels of bacterial contamination. This well should not be used for any domestic purposes.i.e;.drinking, bathing, washing dishes or food until the following -steps are taken to improve the condition of the well and a safe bacterial sample is obtained: Board of County Commissioners Assessor Clerk and Recorder/ Sheriff P.O. Box 850 P.O. Box 449 P.O. Box 537 P.O. Box 359 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Treasurer P.O. Box 479 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Page 2 Activity Report Bartlett/Pease 1. Pump the well; 2. Clean out the bottom of the well; 3. Seal the sides and top of the well from contamination sources; 4. Sanitize the well; 5. Pump until acceptable chlorine residual levels are a.cheived - (1 ppm); 6. Sample; 7. Wait for laboratory confirmation of a safe water sample. See the attached recommendations for additional assistance: 1. Recommended specifications for'the installation of dug wells for private supplies; 2. Recommended specifications for springs. Any person who has used this water and has symptoms.of gastrointestinal distress or infection should consult a medical doctor as soon as possible. Sincerely, S;o Sid Fox Department of Community Development Environmental Health Officer SF/ar xc: Patty Stevens Encl : 2 . _�s'-.�`�S �F-�t.�':�5°�'i s���"��«E�.`_�'l-»yia+».�a-*_i_z _'�,.a c� l.G ty{�'k'�:�4 .xe.e a i'; �. �,•�. .A 1�`'�'� � ;-�`t"V'' �,- z `�� EAGLE COUNTY memorandum To: Subject: Mr. Don Pease ISDS PERMIT #599 - Attached From: He No.: Date: Environmental Health Office March 29, 1983 Attached please find your .individual sewage disposal system permit #599 for property located on Lot 217 - Egy Creek Mesa. The information on the permit application indicates that the system will be agent installed. Therefore, he will be responsible for the installation of the system. The permit must be posted on the installation site. The installer must call our office for final inspection before covering any portion of the installed system. We can be reached at 328-7311, ext. 238. - if you have any questions, please contact us. --Lorraine Funke, Secretary ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICE EAGLE COUNTY /1f Attach. d Date Routed ROUTE FORM EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICE Name loo I Application No. Location Please review the attached Individual Sewage Disposal System Permit Application and return it with this completed form to the Environmental Health Office. PLANNING: Complies with - YES NO REVIEWED BY DATE Subdivision Regulations: Zoning Regulations: Recommend Approval: COMMENTS: BUILDING: Complies with - Building Permit Applied For: Building Permit Issued: Recommend Approval: COMMENTS: NO REVIEWE D BY DATE. ENGINEER: Complies.with - Roads: Grading: Drainage: Recommend Approval: YES NO REVIEWED BY DATE COMMENTS: ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH: Complies with - Floodplain Permit Necessary: I.S.D.S. Regs. Compliance: Recommend Approval: YES NO REVIEWED BY DATE COMMENTS: / ` JOB NAME0599 Pease Lot 217 Eby Creek le,Mesa OB BILL TO DATE STARTED DATE COMPLETED DATE BILLED 0 Fi le IUD to : - -7-Zc) - 8& So -<on i letfi vUQs lX� 10 rep ieu� _ fty- Pease -fi Ie C# sue). -Pho tti copies w0ce p ukhosed 0f W)t of -tic.. fil,e . JOB FOLDER Produi 1 vVo f VL.SLr . JOB COST SUMMARY TOTAL SELLING PRICE TOTAL MATERIAL TOTAL LABOR PERMIT #599 V h� tbaa� Owner: err ftm-Te- l P.O. Box 607 Eagle, CO 81631 001OZZ F_6 Cj`2e "' y LOCATION: Lot 217, Eby Creek Mesa C�.310 qua ., INSTALLER: Les Frimml SIZE OF TANK: 1,000 gl. 70 Degree - 5 " DWELLING: Single Family - 3 Bedroom PERC RATE: 1 inch/15 minutes - 780 S.F. Minimum Finalized: May 3, 1985 By: Erik Edeen