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• EAGLE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH - P 0 PLEASE CALL FOR FINAL . Box 850 - 550 Broadway PERMIT MUST BE POSTED INSPECTION BEFORE COVERING Eagle, Colorado 81631, AT INSTALLATION SITE ANY•PORTION OF INSTALLED SYSTEM N o 56 6 328-7311 or 949-5257 or 927-3823 PERMIT NO. 81628 OWNER: E1 Jehel Ent (C} ,5`3AT2]3snnl ADDRESS: 0014 FPnderT,a.ne, El .TPhel Cn SYSTEM LOCATION: YENW-LNEa, Sec. 33, T7S, R87W of 6th PM LICENSED INSTALLER: Henrik Brusletto LICENSE NUMBER: **CONDITIONAL INSTALLATION APPROVAL is hereby granted for the following: MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: 1250 gallon septic tank or aerated treatment unit. Absorption area or dispersal area computed as follows: PERCOLATION RATE: 1 inch in 20 minutes. Absorption Area per Bedroom 300 sq. ft. No. of Bedrooms 2 x 300 sq. ft. minimum requirement per bedroom 600 total sq. ft. minimum requirement. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: DATE: June 9, 1982 INSPECTOR: Erik Edeen **CONDITIONS: 1. All installation must comply with all requirements of the County Individual Sewage Disposal System Regulations, adopted pursuant to authority granted in 25-10-104, C.R.S. 1973, as amended. 2. This permit is valid only for connection to structures which have fully complied with County zoning and building requirements. Connection to or use with any dwelling or structure not approved by the building and zoning departments shall automatically be a violation of a requirement of the permit and cause for both legal action and revocation of the permit. 3. Section III, 3.21 requires any person who constructs, alters, or installs an individual sewage disposal system to be licensed according to the Regulations. FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM: No system shall be deemed to be in compliance with the Eagle County Individual Sewage Disposal System Regulations until the installed system is approved prior to covering any part. Installed Absorption or Dispersal Area: lrpb sq. ft. Installed Septic Tank: Igallons. Design Engineer of System: f Installer of System: NA Septic tank cleanout to within 12" of fintl grade ors aerated access ports above grade? Yes No Proper materials and assembly? Yes XNo Compliance with permit requirements? Yes No Compliance with County/State regulations r quirements? COMMENTS: Phone: Yes No (Any item checked "No" requires correction before finalj"royal o y tem is made. Arrange a re-insp catiion when work is completed DATE: 1 b INSPECTOR: RE -INSPECTION ATE: INSPECTOR: P'_EASE RMIRM THIS PORTInN WITH YnUR SITE PLAN AND FEE(S) i 311 949-5257 927-3S.2'3 - ENVIROIII•'ENTAL HEALTH BOX 850 EAGLE, COLOR/\DO 81631 PERIIIT IEE _ $150 PERCOLATION TEST FEE _ $50 APPLICATIOid FOR INDIVIDUAL SE1.-!AGE DISPOSAL SYSTEI-! PERPIIT Co NAME 'OF 01JNER: L 6f t ADDRESS: cot `l �r`-rilV F4. 366,!j-4 e0 -'wPHONNE: q6 3 / 7 NAMF OF APPLICANT (IF DIFFERENT FROM O'JNER): ADF)RESS : DESIGN ENGINEER OF SYSTEM (IF APPLICABLE): PHONE: ADDRESS: PHONE: PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR INSTALLATION OF SYSTEM: U'nIL 8 ADDRESS: Z,l �� T�iLf'�C �,lL ji,q� (� 4!k) PHONE:q�,-7`eo--F— PERIIT APPLICATION IS FOR: New Installation ( ) Alteration ( ) Repair LOCATION OF PROPOSED FACILITY: County City or Town, if within City or Town Limits Lot Size Z�.e--iA& LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 6ce STREET (RURAL) ADDRESS: IS SYSTEMM DESIGNED FOR LESS THAN 2,000 GALLONS PER DAY? ( /) Yes ( ) No BUILDINGS� OR SERVICE TYPE: (Check applicable category) Residential - Single-family dwelling ( ) Residential - Triplex ( ) Residential - Duplex ( ) Residential - Quadplex ( ) Commercial - State usage # Persons ' # Bedrooms%i WASTE TYPES: (Check all applicable) ( ) Commercial or Institutional (�) Dwelling ( ) Garbage Grinder ( ) Non -domestic wastes ( ) Transient Use ( ) Dishwasher ( ) Other ( ) Automatic Washer SOURCE AI'dD TYPE OF 14ATER SUPPLY: (.V) Wel1 ( ) Spring Give depth of all wells within 200 feet of the system: If supplied by community water, give name of supplier: TYPE OF INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PROPOSED: (�) Septic Tank ( ) Aeration Plant ( ) Vau l t P`'. i.vy ( L. irr �L Tv ( ) Pit Privy ( ) Incineration Toilet ( ) ( ) Greywater ( ) Other ( ) Creek or Stream �/9 ` - Chemical Toilet n. D, Uz Recycling, Other Use WILL EFFLUENT BE DISCHARGED DIRECTLY INTO WATERS OF THE STATE? ( ) Yes Date * * * * * * * * Signature * * * * *c * * *, * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * INFORMATION BELO14 TO BE FILLED OUT BY ENVIP.ONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER GROUND CONDITIONS: Percent Ground Slope: Depth to Bedrock (per 8' Profile Hole): ( tl) No Depth to Groundwater Table: SOIL PERCOLATION TEST RESULTS: Minutes per inch in Hole No. 1 Minutes per inch in Hole No. 2 Minutes per inch in Hole No. 3 FINAL DISPOSAL BY: ( ) Absorption Trench, Bed or Pit ( ) Evapotranspiration ( ) Above Ground Dispersal ( ) Sand Filter ( ) Underground Dispersal ( ) Wastewater Pond ( ) Other tA- IF KRABACHER. HILL & EDWARDS. P.C. R 201 NORTH MILL STREET, SUITE 201 0 ASPEN, COLORADO 81611 M TELEPHONE (303) 925-6300 (303) 925-7116 ^ l I � � J j��cy� ,� ) . ......K..l..`- ..!. . D'6 DA ............ . �..7�( T0: Fiarf t-.......w........................................... 1 MUM nn (�2(/ ►. > . .........ydv.... ....Co .. C ...... `n:n........c�... ..S .0 .....fit ................. DATE: ............ ATTENTION:................................................ ❑ URGENT / ❑ PLEASE RESPOND BY ....... SUBJECT: ................................................... .............. / ❑ NO REPLY NEEDED P tf:-2C().. n-....... �6................ ....................... REPLY TO: REPLY ...................................................................................................................................... ..... .c, ..... nci) ..... t .l .... ....................... • �..Q.C.. ................................... ......YYI.. L,crn..........C� - ............. ......�................... (21 ..��.c.....................P.....2.............�m...........��.. ...........I— ..........1..��..�..���......� .. ...s�'Tc..�...�.�s� ......... ..` /. — 1 - ....(..Y►..f�::.. .......:�.0 ..... (,�-2t- .t ........ fffS ........ 1. ....... e .....`�� .,..a z .... ...................... ....... ... ......Q.�J..Y� 1...................................... .... S.66..............T. ....M f�i..... Oc�S �........................................ L�......... ..�..�. �.........n.C.,h. . ��..cc...�.............N......... .. ......r�.6..g.......�.. ......... .. .. ��._.......................................................................... ............................................................................................ L v �5 ........... a n/P .��. f� ..m..... ..................... ► ......► . AV........fi k/@ - . :� i...:...�:� .:.......................................... ff ....... ..m.............................................. [-..... ........................ p....L- .......a . -bv.�.S .......jr— 6Aj ............................................................................. ...F> . CST .5........ �a�l....?"ff.�E7...................................... Icy.-....... �(rv...........f V S.......f.....'..: '.:..-. ......�v.................................. SIGNED: .................................... .................. FORM 98501 COLWELL ........... ............................................. ............................................................................. / SIGNED , % ••F �� ..... ................ DATE: 1.0...1:IS .. 1 wi lz !'! 1VV 1-! I" vl-4!`r 11\1 Al 11 1Lll--CL{-1 10/31/16 Denton Walker 14 Fender Lane Carbondale, CO 81623 Colleen Wirth Eagle County Building Dept. PO Box 179 Eagle,CO 81631 e-mail colleen. wirthgeaglecounty.us Hi Colleen, NOV 01 2016 EAGLE COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MAN F-to-J& -1,54 23 Regarding the trailer site septic tank, let me know when the inspector would like to inspect the tank and we will have it open. My wife's father advised me that tank was pumped in 2002, 2012 and last week, and that there has never been a problem with that tank. He has asked the B & R Septic Service to provide us with copies of their invoices for those services: We will forward those copies when received. On the issue of a fire water storage tank, the Eagle County Wildfire Assessment Map designates the trailer site on this property as Moderate by the yellow overlay color. Since it is hard to see the main house and barn in the background after the color overlay was applied, I have penciled in the location of the trailer site, the main other structures and the nearby streets, on the enclosed copy of that map. The different fire mitigation construction required for the different fire hazard area designations are found in the Eagle County Building Resolution section For. the Low Hazard areas, Section A. provides that no construction mitigation measures are required. For the Moderate Hazard areas, Section A. provides that Defensible Space shall be implemented and that roofs are to be Class A or B and Decks are to be fire resistant and vents for roofs are not to be in the horizontal soffit. Water tanks and fire hydrants are not required mitigation even in a High Hazard area (see, but are only required as mitigation in the Extreme Hazard areas (See D). Therefore the Eagle County Building Resolution does not require the construction of a fire water storage tank for this application. Further, as a practical matter we are trying to install affordable housing for myself my wife and our three year old and one month old children. Such an underground water storage tank with the necessary engineering, excavations, lines, valves, pumps, permit and inspection fees etc. would cost tens of thousands of dollars. I can obtain financing for the double wide trailer home and I can obtain fire insurance for it, but I can not obtain a loan for installation of a very expensive underground water storage tank on the landlords property. If that storage tank is imposed as a requirement it will result in my inability to provide this otherwise affordable housing for my family. In a large lot rural setting we do not expect to have city fire hydrants, and are willing to accept that "moderate" risk. Denton Walker L 0L ccu G L 4— 0 U ca W Vti - j OZ6 RECEIVED 140V a 1 2016 EAGLE COUNTY COMMUNITY E mz d `0 10 Uv a0 ..1 �Z co N M c c O d m o r €m O O 90 8 Q O � LL1 K O KZ O =a -Z 0 o Ln 0 ill LL e �. o� m G2 O N Y� N N ca WI - L O O N N 64 cfl L ,,J^^ V LL LL a) a .a w 0 U d 0 y . EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH ROUTE FORM Swami s� ,n E1 e T411 "All �r ms d 6/02/82 936 DATE ROUTED N12, NW14, NE%, Sec. 33, US, $87W of 6th PM APPLIC. NO. LOCATION Please review the attached Individual Sewage Disposal System Permit Application and return it and this completed form to the Environmental Health Office. PLANNING: Complies with: YES NO REVIEWED BY DATE Subdivision Regulations: Zoning Regulations: Recommend Appro al:(1/4 COMMENTS: 11nu4-1 dA. raIA 0kAA101A100 Ait1A1IAA A- D11T1 MTKIP. ENGINEER: Complies with: Roads: Grading: Drainage: Recommend Approval: COMMENTS: ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH: Floodplain Permit Necessary: I.S.D.S. Regs. Compliance: Recommend Approval: COMMENTS: YES NO REVIEWED BY DATE YES NO REVIEWED BY DATE PERCOLATION TEST FEE: $50 I.S.D.S. APP. # -OWNER' LEGAL DESCRIPTION: RURAL ADDRESS: 0) 0 iel FpAe C "`►,A-,e a,601 Cam, TYPE OF DWELLING: OF BEDROOMS: DATE OF PERCOLATION TEST: TYPE OF SOIL: TEST HOLES PRESOAKED? YesNo 'WATER DEPTH( INCHES OF FALL•, HIM MEaNIMME PERCOLATION RATE: _ Z D RECOMMENDED MINIMUM SEPTIC TANK SIZE: RECOMMENDED MINIMUM LEACH FIELD SIZE: �p o RECOMMENDED MINIMUM SQUARE FOOTAGE PER BEDROOM: Site has been reviewed and tested for percolation x Date Environmenta eatOfficer COMMENTS: 'IVT` I L QQ�O T� ci VC Ieted ` "\ DATE: (' f 1l tiv`com' ,'y� 3���� is maae 1 CHARGES INSPECTOR: 4 ., TE: INSPECTOR: LYY�Y.L .L •.Y Y..••YAY..�11 .Y�.�,�� RETAIN WITH RECEIPT RECOR Elation Test = $50.00 It Fee (includes final inspection) :NECKS OR MONEY ORDERS ARE TO BE )E PAYABLE TO: EAGLE COUNTY - N, •N PERMIT NO. N? 6 6 6 Name.of Applicant:} Name of Owner: G. Swanson Amount Paid: $200.00 Receipt Number: 5382 ► 5384 Cashier: ! and Pink rnniac 5bb - varcel 9F' - i , uu.Lq rencter. Ln HTay"82, E1 Jebel, JOB NO. BILL TO DATE STARTED DATE COMPLETED DATE BILLED _� �3L t1l. ' �-�l i Jc�Se t ML'Ls ccoo Lq R& 4he' JOB COST SUMMARY -TOTAL SELLING PRICE TOTAL MATERIAL L ''= `'� PERMIT # 566,. OWNER: E1 Jebel Enterprises/G. Swanson LOCATION: Highway 82 - El Jebel, CO 0 (1 INSTALLER: E. Dreager/H. Brusletto SIZE OF TANK: 1,250 gallons DWELLING: Residential - 2 bedrooms x 300 sq.ft. PERC RATE: one inch/20 minutes (600 sq.ft.) Finalized: 6-14-82 By: Richard Pylman TOTAL LABOR INSURANCE SALES TAX MISC. COSTS TOTAL JOB COST GROSS PROFIT LESS OVERHEAD COSTS % OF SELLING PRICE NET PROFIT F�l JOB FOLDE .. r CY 0 �r • Printed in USA s I1IPP0 VIYM A P44RCIZ OF LA10 SITUATED LV THE A7 ,,2 ,V L4�1,' COUt+PI'Y SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE Deposited this day of_ 19 at m., in book of the County Surveyor's land survey plats/rights-of-way surveys at page ,Reception Number This land survey plat complies with NORTH 1 !4 COR. SE..33 Section 38-51-102, Colorado Revised Statutes. R,1111 L.S. 12376 N' 8939'72' E 218.86' 1 r .STAVE HOUSL' DL'TAIL SCALE: 1 INCH = 40 F=z ACCOM MC 7D OMO ADD UK MU MAT MWOM ANY LEGAL ACWN BALD LOW ANY DMr N W "WY WM 3 )EMS AF7ER M FMT ASWIV AM Offer N NO Mt MAY ANY AC7XW BASED UW ANY AEf ff LN W IR)EY K tXIM EM AMW XV IN TEARS FRDN 7W DATE aF IiR7FlG I M SOW FL9L M County Surveyor N 89.1912 E 11: ------ ----- i J % cLEC BOX -R!C L.S. J19598 / 1. J � 4 WATER tf BARN SET R /C L.S 22580_- --- �-- -- _ 573.8' WITNESS x--x--x----x--� \ \� ARENA \� —x-- x--- x- —x-j -`p�S11NG — DkWWAY - f SA?ELUTE `\ DISH '� loo � L � SFF a-, ems � OFF i w S 89'35'19' W 1147.1 14PROVEVE1'T SURVEY STEVE}r R. PACE, DO HEREBY CER-17Y THAT ' AMA REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR -d! ENSED :ENDER THE LAWS OF' THE SATE OF COLORADO AND DO HEREBY CERTIFY -HAT Th.'S IMPROVEMENT SURVEY WAS PREFARED BY SCARROW do WALKER, INC. FOR JOSEpH F E0 V, BARDS R AND LINDA B. ED WARDS IT {S FURTHER CERTIFIED THAT THE IMPROVEMENTS ON THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PARCEL ON THIS DATE,: OCTOBER 26, 1992, EXCEPT UTILITY CONNE�710NS, ARE ENTIRELY WITHIN T,IE BOUNDARIES OF THE PARCEL, EX EPT AS SHOWN, 7HAT THERE ARE NO ENCROACHMENTS ,PON THE DESCRIBED PREMISES BY Ak"ROVEMENTS ON ANY ADJOINING PREMISES KNOWN TO ',!E, EXCEPT AS INDICATED, AND THAT 'HERE IS NO APPARENT EVIDENCE OR SIGN OF ANY EASEMENT ;CROSSING OR BURDENING A1IY PART OF SAID PARCEL KNOWN TO ME; EXCEPT AS SHOWN. :7-IIS SURVEY DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A TITLE SEARCH RY SCARROW AND WALKER, INC. TO OE —ERMINE OWNERSHIP OR EASEMENTS OF RECORD. ALL INFORMATION REGARDING OWNERSHIP, L=ASEMENT5 AND OTHER ENCUMBRANCES OF RECORD WAS OBTAINED FROM AND SUBJECT TO A 77 011MITMENT PROVIDED BY ATTORNEYS' 77TILE GUARANTY PJND j�(� . �l?MMITMENT NO. C123801, DATED SEP7EMBER 14, 1992. ..**%,-A"QCA��IIII/n ST EVEN R. PAC61r.11 FOR ON AND 8 OF ejp, 1 INC. soxcEY �J OF SEC. 33, T.7 S. R 87 F. OF THE'6TH Pff,-. COLROADO 2' ALUM. CAP LS 18478_ E 1116 COR. S281SJJ 624.87' -- - --- - -- --- SHAfT (Cc co 0 R O 0 SET RIC L.S. # 22580 6Q 4' WITNESS C0R CUFF STREET ADDRESS 14 FENDER LANE, EL JEBE'Z, COLORADO. N.E CORNER SEC, 28 STONE \ _ N8939420E- 1372 053' Y LINCH-- 100 FEET b,S ' N"9'12T �' N8939 421 T373.4�/ 1372-05'__ + Lw Cc -' 137a97' 1M.29' S 1374.5.3' '374.5,3' . _ 547280' -- - --- SAY 33 ! `Cx 0 �o 2752.86' 2752.36' �. S89'05'' 'W 5505. T7' -- Sz-ff�"OtY SPLIT -OUT VP7 TO SUL F - - NOTES 1) BASIS OF BEARING FOR THIS SURVEY 1S A BEARING OF N.89 39'12'E. BETW-DV THE NORTH QUARTER CORNER OF SE71ON 33, A REBAR AND CAS _.C. 2376 IN PLACE, AND THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 33, A IN PLACE. 2) SOME INTERIOR FENCES HAVE NOT BEEN Si -`OWN. PROPERTY DESCRPRON. A PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN THE N1,12 NW114 NE1/4 OF SEC71ON ;3, ?OWNSHIP 7 SOUTH, RANGE 87 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, COUNTY )F =AGLE, STATE OF COLORADO, SAID PARCEL BE7NC MORE PARTICULARLY DESCR::._� '.S FOLLOWS. COMMENCING AT THE NORTH QUARTER CC4NER OF SAID SE77ON 33, A .�EB,;i AND SAP L.S. 12376 IN PLACE, THENCE N.893020E. ALONG THE NORTHERLY L;;E 2F SAID SEC71ON 33, 218.86 FEET TO THE PUE POINT OF BEGINNING THE.' CE CONTINUING ALONG SAID NORTHERLY LINE N.89 39'12'E. 1154.54 FEET T^ ;� NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID N112 NWI1-' NE1/4, A 2' ALUMINUM CAr :S ,f 18478 IN PLACE, THENCE S.0032 25 W. ALONG 7HE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID N',, '� Nr," j 4 NEIA 662.79 FEET TO 7HE SOUTHEAST --ORNER OF SAID N112 NWt j4 NE' f4, THENCE 58935'190W. ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID N112 NWII 4 NE IA 1147.16 FEET, THENCE N.00'05'52'W. 664.05 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING: SAID PARCEL CONTAINING 17.526 ACRES, MORE OR LESS q� a as G <Q 7 toez it m o � v W' 0) Q U k� Q> 1' 7N SO*, Zy c_ oTrz o L All a �y NIORTH-',NW! ! 4 ,NE4 SEC.33 7.7S ,R.87 W.,OF THI 6th P.M. EAGLE COUNTY, C LORADO LESS THE WESITERLY 3.40 AC.* C 33 R -3c SET R 3 C 6E7 XV N R 3C .36T �i88 240.Do i l zS-gip,. 1-� G IlVe_ .SECT/UN h R 3 e- -4T W I� fl r � , 1112 0� EN�✓� ,/E2 SEC' 3. 0 12.5A Exne-,=Aen rA=A 'T r -3 AC. VLAM.o SST �� © do 5.0 Ac• \ �04 .lu 22G . 32 Ilk v Q� Q s 2�'0 , !✓ o oEC.� '• ' STO,t/E � T/O SALE= /NC.�✓ -/OFF FEET ,Te4' 4 E-: / 4©' 1 NOTICEt According to Colorado law you must commence any legal action based upon any defect in this survey thin six years after you first Scwmw Walker discover such defect. In no event may any action based upon any u Erqmpwa defect in this survey be commenced more than ten years from theLand Surft"rs date of the certification shown hereon. ' cN a fmigs ��5 Revision Schedule drawn by date no by 0 1-�D checked by c% scale date // — //- 8Q ,32 33 34 .ram- z Et .m vI CI N 17- K MAo= IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE I hereby certify that this improvement location certificate was prepared for El Jebel Enterprises, Inc., that it is not a land survey plat or improvement survey plat, and that it is not to be relied upon for the establishment of fence, building or other .future improvement lines. I further certify that the improvements on the above des- cribed.pareel on this date, November 11, 1980, except utility connections, are entirely withinthe boundaries of the parcel, except as shown, that there are no encroach- ments upon the described premises by improvements on any adjoining premises, except as indicated, and that there is y' xt no apparent evidence or sign of any easement crossing or burdening any part of said parcel, except as noted. y ` John , . Baxter, h.S. 117475 Date IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERT. _r sheet number REPARED FOR EL JEBEL ENTERPRISES INC. % CATHY THALNER REALTY WORLD of 2826 GLEN AVENUE jots no 4s'UU. GLENWOOD SPRINGS,COLORADO 9 8