HomeMy WebLinkAbout15440 Hwy 6 - 210906200017EAGLE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH _SASE CALL FOR FINAL P. 0. Box 850 - 550 Broadway PERMIT MUST BE POSTED INSPECTION BEFORE COVERING Eagle, Colorado 81631 AT INSTALLATION SITE ANY PORTION OF INSTALLED SYSTEM N o 546 0 328-7311 or 949-5257 or 927-3823 PERMIT N0. - OWNER: Gary and Linda Feucht ADDRESS: P.O. Box 793, Eagle, CO 81631 SYSTEM LOCATION: LICENSED INSTALLER: "The Feucht Tract" - approx. 2 miles west of Eagle Owner -installed LICENSE NUMBER: n a **CONDITIONAL INSTALLATION APPROVAL is hereby granted for the following: MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: 1,000 gallon septic tank or aerated treatment unit. Absorption area or dispersal area computed as follows: PERCOLATION RATE: 1 inch in 7 minutes. Absorption Area per Bedroom 210 sq. ft. No. of Bedrooms x sq. ft. minimum requirement per bedroom = 800 total sq. ft. minimum requirement. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Please call th.is office before covering any portion of installed system, including tank and leach field. DATE: Nov. 6, 1981 **CONDITIONS: INSPECTOR: Sid Fox, Assistant 1. All installation must comply with all requirements of the County Individual Sewage Disposal System Regulations, adopted pursuant to authority granted in 25-10-104, C.R.S. 1973, as amended. 2. This permit is valid only for connection to structures which have fully complied with County zoning and building requirements. Connection to or use with any dwelling or structure not approved by the building and zoning departments shall automatically be a violation of a requirement of the permit and cause for both legal action and revocation of the permit. 3. Section III, 3.21 requires any person who constructs, alters, or installs an individual sewage disposal system to be licensed according to the Regulations. FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM: No system shall be deemed to be in compliance with the Eagle County Individual Sewage Disposal System Regulations until the installed system is approved prior to covering any part. Installed Absorption or Dispersal Area: p sq. ft. Installed Septic Tank: /000 gallons. Design Engineer of System: Installer of System: 61 Septic tank cleanout to within 12" of final grade or aerated access ports above grade? Yes _— No Proper materials and assembly? Yes X No _ Compliance with permit requirements? Yes_ No Compliance with County/State regulations requirements? Phone: Yes XNo ,(Any item checked "No" requires correction before final approval of system is made. Arrange a re -inspection when work is completed.) DATE: �'� INSPECTOR: RE -INSPECT ON DA E: INSPFUnP- f UM lU!t Wl IH 1UUtt .:t I.-. FLhN AND � L�, 28--731'1 9n.9-52', 7 927 .38,", FNVI RONMENTjA_ HEALTH BOX 850 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 PERMIT FEE _ $75 PERCOLATION TEST FEE _ $50 APPLICATION FOR INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT NO. ADDRESS: �- cox -7 `i .� 4T PHONE: NAME OF APPLICANT (IF DIFFERENT FROM OWNER): ADDRESS: _ _ PHONE: DESIGN! ENGINEER OF S';STEM (IF APPLICABL.E): ADDRESS: _---- -- �.IHONE: — PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR INSTALLATION OF SYSTEM: ADDRESS : \ ¢_, x 01- PERMIT APPLICATION IS FOR: New Instal laticn ( 1 Alteration ( ) Repair LOCATION OF PROPOSED FACILITY: County Ci ty or Town, i f wIi/thi n Ci ty or Town L 'mi-ts LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET (RURAL) ADDRESS: IS SYSTEM DESIGNFD Fn R LESS THAN 2,000 GALLON` PER DAY? BUILDING OR SERVICE TYPE: (Check applicable catec�o,~" ( ) Residential - Single-family dwelling ( } Commercial - State usage it Persons # bedroom". ---- -- Lot Size(_ Yes ( ) No' Residential Triplex WASTE TYPES: (Check all applicable) ( ) Commercial or Institutional (`-') Dwe'-ring ( ) Non -domestic wastes ( ) Transient Use ( ) Other SOURCE AND TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: Well ( )''spring Give depth of all wells within 200 feet of.the system: IT supplied by community water, give name of supplier: TYPE OF INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PROPOSED: % V"� Cnr.+�(. To*. I; � � iSnr.❑+inn f��-+nl- � I ( ) Vault Privy ( ) Composting Toilet ( ) ( ) Pit Privy ( ) Incineration Toilet ( ) ( ) Greyviater ( ) Other ( ) GaYbage'Grinder ( ) Dishwasher (� Automatic Masher (:;reek or Stream 77 -- - -- Recycling,Potable Use Recycling, Other Use WILL EFFLUENT BE DISCHARGED DIRECTLY INTO WATERS OF THE STATE? ( ) Yes ( )` No Signature Date � S/ INFORMATION BELOW TO BE FILLED OUT BY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH '?FFTCER GROUND CONDITIONS: Percent Ground S'1:ope: Depth to Bedrock (per 8' Profile Hole): '7 Depth to Groundwater Table: SOIL PERCOLATION TEST RESULTS: _ Minutes per inch in Hole No. 1 Minutes per inch in Hole No. 2 Minutes per inch in Hole No. 3 i"INAL DISPOSAL BY: () Absorption Trench, Bed or Pit ( ) Evapotranspiration ( ) Above Ground Dispersal ( ) Sand Filter ( Underground Dispersal ( ) 'Wastewater Pond ( Other "SCIir;IARTZ TRACT" A tract of land in the County of Eagle and State of Colorado, designated the"Schwartz Tract",, lying in that part of Tract 51 that lies in Section 6 of Township 5 South, Range 84 West of , the 6th Principal Meridian, being; more particularly described as follows, to wit: Beginning at the Southwest Corner of said "Schwartz Tract" identical with Corner No. 3 of the aforementioned Tract 51; thence I,I.84011' 20"E. 1232.64 feet to the East Corner, an iron pin with a white plastic cap set in con- crete on the southerly right of way fence line of U.S. I-Iig way No ° s. 6 and 24 as it now exists; thence along said right of way fence line N.69°16'W. _ 38.50 feet; thence. N.82032'1011W. 652.08 feet; thence N.60013'W. _45.32 feet; thence . N.83�36 30'!T l ° 94 fe�°t; thence N.73057' 20"��1. 1.3.7 ,16 feet; thence N.70°44'40"'O = .feet; thence N.670491 . 92.».7g.. 'feet to the Northwest Corner, an iron pin with a white plastic cap, set in concrete at the intersection of said southerly right of way fence line of U.S. Highviay No's. 6 and 24 with the westerly line (2--3) of said Tract 51; thence S.00024' 30"E. 372.51 feet along said westerly line (2-3) of Tract 51 to the Southwest Corner the place of beginning. Containing an area of 4.614;-4 acres more or less. Less rights of way for an. existing ditch and telephone li_n.e . EAGLE COUNTY, Environmental Health P. O.E Box 850 � � pC� EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 ff o G TELEPHONE 303/328-7311 July 29, 1981 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Ext 241 ADMINISTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER �' 949-4292 Gar and Linda Feucht P.O. Box 793 ASSESSOR Eagle, Colorado 81631 Ext 202 BUILDING IN Dear Mr. and Mrs. Feucht: INSPECTION Ext 226 or 229 CLERK & The purpose of this letter is to address the suita- RECORDER bility of the "Schwartz Tract" (see enclosed legal Ext217 description) for an approved individual sewage disposal COUNTY system. The results of the soil percolation test on ATTORNEY July 28, 1981, indicate that this site is suitable for an Ext242 individual sewage disposal system. ENGINEER Ext236 This approval only indicates suitability of the site ENVIRONMENTAL for an individual sewage disposal system and does not HEALTH constitute a permit which would require evidence of a safe Ext238 and adequate water supply and compliance with the conditions EXTENSION and criteria of the Eagle County Individual Sewage Disposal AGENT Regulations. Ext 247 LIBRARY Sincerely, Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-76-5844 PLANNING Sidney N. Fox Assistant Environmental Ext 226 or 229 Health Officer PURCHASING/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 SNF/ncm ROAD & BRIDGE Ext 257 Enclosure SHERIFF Eagle Ext 211 xc: Planning Department Basalt 927-3244 Gilman 827-5751 SOCIAL SERVICES 328-6328 'TREASURER Ext 201 . FEE: $50 APPLICATION .JO. OT)'NER: !/ DA a % + LEGAL, DESCRIPTION: RURAL ADDRESS: TYPE OF DWELLING: S `-�le�m r I # OF BEDROOMS: DATE OF TEST: TYPE OF SOIL: G i" Irle TEST HOLES PRESOAKED: YES NO , TDIE WATER DEPTH INCHES OF FALL RATE 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 L 1 2 '3 'f ` S 16 1 r� 2,5 Z s`zq �� 3�e/L 2314 o -� J51 3L 5131. �.° d33 S g13 LY 4�57 as -i ��- f / / 2- 6" Al 6_-S_0 d541 314, f —Ell I 1 PERCOLATION PATE: w % TANK SIZE: SQUARE FOOTAGE PER BEDROOM: LEACH LEACH FIELD SIZE:a- Site has been reviewed and tested _tor percolation rate.` T•:e reco-mend: APPROVAL - DISAPPROVAL DATE. EAGLE CO :'TY ENVIRON-MaiTAL HEALTH OFFICER EAGLE COUNTY 551 Broadway Eagle, Colorado 81631 (303) 328 7311 April 16, 1985 Kathy Young P.O. Box 1237 Vail, CO 81658 RE: Loan Inspection of property located at Feucht Tract Dear Ms. Young: Individual Sewage Disposal System for 15440 Hwy 6, two miles west of Eagle - All water and sewage disposal system loan inspections are done under the authority of the Eagle County Building Regulations, Section 10, sub -paragraph 3-A, adopted by the Eagle County Commissioners, September 20, 1982. An onsite inspection on Monday, April 15, 1985 of the above referenced property revealed that the septic system appears to be functioning properly with no apparent problems. The original individual sewage disposal system, Permit #546, was approved on November 27, 1981 in accordance with applicable County and State regulations concerning such installations at that time. This department recommends that the septic tank be pumped every three or four years. A water sample was taken and delivered to the Upper Eagle Valley Sanitation District for processing. Results will be mailed to the owner. Sincerely, Erik W. Edeen Environmental Health Officer EAGLE COUNTY EE/gp cc: Files Board of County Commissioners Assessor Clerk and Recorder Sheriff Treasurer P.O. Box 850 P.O. Box 449 P.O. Box 537 P.O. Box 359 P.O. Box 479 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 lc� IN IS N ' z / CA % 0 o W I 1 Cal I O S= „O�,tbZ o00 S 0 m x m D 0 r- L rn U) v o 0 \ ca rn O 0 v CIr 0 Cn y v rn v b COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH oACCOMIMIODATIONS INSPECTION REPORT C-4 Nam® cry L-rv��/� / CCdt Co. Acct. No. Category No. Location l AT 4,11-�1-2 7; p Owner ---A? � C Address Zip Operator Address Zip Units �- Capacity Dale Female Juv. Water, Source -Type %tie �� Sewage, Type -!.Method Food Source Swimming Pool An inspection of the above noted facility on this date reveals the violations and deficiencies listed below which you are hereby ordered to correct: tha r�41 mid t' 014 8/& /u-IT 0�0'1 6'L� 7WXe ) `6 c e /veowo� Vp L-/4/z- 'e-ra 6, 45 Date Received By Inspected By Score CP$:57 (5-75-10) r 50,E 9 r 6. 001 i - LINES - -� AD __ --- N 63°3i .L, a .1 r 57 �I t T20 co m rn m N m Eo m Tl,? CN CV � t._ V r4 N0 / Tr 51 � � r O T 14 o t19 T 81 t,I I LaCD �. h 0 \ tLJ W m 0 - 3.97a m N • Z 0 o ^ r 0 ti0 `. i� Tg T2 =. N 88° 30C 22" E 424.59 N820 34-28" W Denver n d R► 0 Gran d e WE � S.High w(ly �.24 h� C or 4 C��3cnJ M Tr 4G A Tr 5 1 B E M L-t> _t> i`(P JOB NAME, Fe 01� I 'I T �- e`er Rle. ,JOB NO: e! ( X OB LOCATION i BILL TO DATE STARTED DATE COMPLETED DATE BILLED Lei 0 a Lee, Tram' JOB COST SUMMARY TOTAL SELLING PRICE TOTAL MATERIAL I F7w&Fk, ��/!" i� O �j X '1 q 3 PERMIT # 546 OWNER: Gary and Linda Feucht LOCATION: Two miles west of Eagle - Feucht Tract INSTALLER: Owner SIZE OF TANK: 1,000 gallons DWELLING: Residential - 3 bedrooms x 210 sq.ft. PERC RATE: one inch/7 minutes (800 sq.ft.) f �T"C'1; �iv»li ­-ll 77 Ol (wIs-R-) _ TOTAL LABOR INSURANCE SALES TAX MISC. COSTS TOTAL JOB COST GROSS PROFIT AD LECOSTS % SELLING PRCE�(�I NET PROFIT —DER Printed in U.S,A. - f - Op"� N "0°44, 4pW 9 6 00, N OVERHEADNES /3 /6 , 0 N 83036'3011 W 199.94' o4S 6p° 131 0d � 10 co,N-�ovc O., N 82° 32ip„ W w �O PI PELIN N — Ul weld HOusE - _ _ _ _ IA) 100 ` k 0i - 10 i232.62 h = cad _ W g 4° 11 2O E r e� 5 - - Johnson, Kunkel & Assoc' Wes, Inc. LAND SURVEYING - CIVIL ENGINEERING - YAPPING . P.O. Box 409 • 113 East ith Streit Eagle. Colorado 8163E - Phone: (303) 3M6368 - �� EaS\t CO `� 1 ORN. L DES. /C CMK. REV. SKEET qF DA�i --• REV- Jn�--