HomeMy WebLinkAbout104 Vega - 239127303011 - 0476ISEAGLE C:.___,,VTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONME'�)%L HEALTH /RMIT MUST BE PMSTED Box 850 )Mff 6th & Broadway GALL FOR FINAL INSPECTION Eagle, Colorado 81631 PERMIT NO 4� (this does not constitute • a building or use permit) Owner __ Raymond and Marie Boyer System Location Lot 12, Aspen Mesa Estates Licensed (R9W;(9VX Installer• * Conditional Construction approval is hereby granted fora 1.000 gallon xx Septic Tank or Aerated treatment unit. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: Absorption area (or dispersal area) computed as follows: Perc rate 1 inches in 10 minutes 750 sq. ft. absorption area per bedroom 250 sq. ft. # of bedrooms 3 x 250 sq. ft. minimum requirement May we suggest Date October 29, 1980 Inspector FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM: 1,000 gallon septic tank with 750 sq. ft. leach field Erik W. Edeen No system shall be deemed to be in compliance with the Sewage Disposal Laws until the assembled system is approved prior to covering any part. optic Tank cleanout to within 12 of final grade or aerated access ports above grade. roper materials and assembly. A quate absorption (or dispersal) area. Adequate compliance with permit requirements. Adequate compliance with County and State regulations/requirements. Date �� —y Inspector Y v c RETAIN WITH RECEIPT RECORDS AT CONSTRUCTION SITE * CONDITIONS: 1. All .installation must comply with all requirements of the County Individual Sewage Disposal Regulations, adopted pursuant to authority granted in 25-10-104, CRS 1973 amended 25-1-614, CRS 1973 2. This permit is valid only for connection to structures which have fully complied with County Zoning and building requirements. Connection to or use with any dwelling or structures not approved by the building and Zoning office shall automatically be a violation of a requirement of the permit and cause for both legal action and revocation of the permit. 3.28 3. Section III, ;&X.24 requires any person who constructs, alters, or installs an -individual sewage disposal system in a manner which involves a knowing and material variation from the terms or specifications con- tained in the application of permit commits a Class I, Petty Offense ($500.00 fine - 6 months in jail or hnth_ H1lV3H lV1N=iWNOkiI/�N3—AdoO uaa�0 1NV01lddV—AdoO anl8 H0103dSNl—AdoO aiiyM ee�� AS 30Nvnssi a0i 03ACiaddV AS 03J103HO SNVId AS (331d3OOV NOIlVOIIddV 08-9T abed puOh� h�het f�oiF�ixr�l�n� �1�Ni15 'N0i-Lz)n -LSNOO 30 30NVlNHOJH3d 3Hl HO NO11onHISNOO ONuvino3u MVl 1V00I 80 31VIS 83HIO ANV d0 SNOISIAOUd 3HI 130NVO 80 31VIOIA Ol AlIHOH.LnV 3AID Ol 3vunS3Ud ION S30O JAWBEld V d0 9NI1NVH9 3H1 '.LON 80 N13H3H 31VO 1N30V 03Z aOHlnv 80 aOlOVa1NOO i0 3an1VNOIS 031d103dS H3H13HM H11M O311dW00 38 I"I IM NHOM 30 3dAl SIHI 9NINH3AO`J S30NVNl(3HO ONV SMVI d0 SNOISIAOkid llV '103aki000NV 3nkil3801 3WVS 3H1 MONK ONV NOI1V0IlddV SIHI 03NIWVX3 0NV OV31A 3AVH 11VHl Ad111130 A83H3H I LL „sueld ol!S aoj sluawaalnbaa lelllwgnS ?g alydea0„ uoileailgnd /4unoC) 816e3 of aajaa suollanilsul uoileiedaad ueld ails ao3 •uoilnlos@H 6uippq A4uno0 916e3 ul pajs11 aae staoljdaaxa :NOIJ-VO11ddV SIH1 HlIM a3af11ON1 38 1sm NVId 311S :uoljewlojul leuoljlppV pue suol}lpuoa lelaadS 9L :a6eJan03 10110 o6elool tS £L 0 Z :apea6 yslul} anoge ajnlonjls }o 14618H g L s a a o E• T :jol;o a6elool •bs ao a6eenV Z L • 4 - • b s Z £ 9 ' Z :ajn}aruls jo ease fool} le}ol bL 0 0 0 ' 0 6 $ :IaoM jo uolienleA L L of asn }o a6ueg0 woj} asn }o a6ue40 pl uzal.s s oil as Jo u0z-.-eTTP-4Suz PUP uoil.Dnal.suoo auiou MGM :IJoMagllasaO g 3AOW38 ❑ 3hOW ❑ HlVd3H ❑ NOIlVH3llV ❑ NOLLIOOV ❑ M3k 6 :Aj()M 10 sselo g T s,unbu l—o 10'ON aouap-rsaa ATTwej 9T.6UTS L ONIOIIne i0 3Sn HONVaB 9 SS38OOV IIVW a301\131 'ON 3SN3011 3NOHd r KN 5 SS3HOOV IIVA a33NION3 00 'pooMaTbug 'an-raa ad 'ON 3SN301I T S t t — 6.8 L 3NOHd P4upS ggnOS 6LZ£ •auI 'sauzox puouzaia SS3800V IIVA a3NOIS30 HO 103111-108V 'ON 3SN301I 3NOHd aauM0 £ SS3800V IIVA U01OV81NOD a .0 • 4S aaanS 80T0 as og • I a-ra'eW pua 'a puouiAag Z E�[ C6 : auOt [d Hd dIZ SS3800V IIVA a3NMO T 3NO ( 133HS 03HOV11V 33S❑ 1 10V a1 NIa Z T ON lOI IV03I L 4uno0 aTbV9 OTPpuogaa0 salviSg vsaw NgdSK ssaao0v aor A/uo saaeas paaagtunu e4a/acuoa o; 4ueai/aad UBIS [ H ] 6uipea0 [ J ] walsAS lesodsla a6ennaS lenpinlpul [ d ] AeM jo l461a/In0 peo8 [ 3 leaiuegaaLN [ d l lea!a13813 [ 0 l 6uigwnld [ 8 ] 6ulplln8 [ d ] —A-lddV 1VH13SOH13-10810 :S11Wa3d ONIM0110d 3H1 d0 1lV HO ANV HOJ JNIA1ddV N3HM INHOd SIHI 3sn AlNn00 319V3 ;o uoiaalpslanp E 10 L N011V:)llddd 11 W 83d NOR:)n211SNOD 31VCI ;�% 31:11711VNJIS 3. 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An onsit.e inspection of the sewage disposal system on November 13, 1985 revealed that the septic system appears to be functioning properly with no apparent problems. The individual sewage disposal system was inspected and approved by Gerry Best on November 21, 1980, Permit # 476. Potable water is supplied by the Aspen Mesa Estates Community Water Supply. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact our office. Sincerely yours, Sid Fox Asst.-Environmental EAGLE COUNTY SF/gp cc: Colorado National Bank Health Office Board of County Commissioners Assessor Clerk and Recorder Sheriff Treasurer P.O. Box 850 P.O. Box 449 P.O. Box 537 P.O. Box 359 P.O. Box 479 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 i.iwvLnl .tviv 1 GJ 1 _---- FEE: $SO APPLICATION NO. �✓�� OT�INER: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ed RURAI; ADDRESS: - TYPE OF DWELLING:, ,� �-e-- # OF BEDROOMS: 1 . J. DATE OF TEST: / `—%— �'C/ TYPE OF SOIL; TEST HOLES PRESOAKED: YES NO �� ��5-<�.{ Cco-,o TIME WATER DEPTH INCHES OF FALL RATE 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 l Z 3 s F PERCOLATION RATE: // %'7/nT� TANK SIZE: /000f SQUARE FOOTAGE PER BEDROOM: LEACH FIELD SIZE: Site has been reviewed and tested for percolation rate. 1,.e recommend: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL DATE: EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER li ' 1 i •-) Date: February 28, 1990 To: ISDS File No. 476, 0104 Vega Rd Owner: Andrew Mazeika From: Raymond P. Merry, R. ^ Re: Failing Septic Syst4 On February 28, 1990 I received a report of effluent surfacing on the ground at Lot 12 in Aspen Mesa Estates (0104 Vega Road, owned by Andrew Mazeika). Discussions with Mr. Mazeika indicated that he thought he smelled sewage last December and discovered the visible effluent last weekend. The effluent was surfacing in an area before reaching the seepage bed approximately 25 feet south from the southeast corner of the house. The manhole to the first compartment was removed and it looked like the tank had not received sewage for some time. The building sewer appeared to be sloping upward into the tank. Digging around the inlet side of the tank revealed that the cast iron pipe had broken allowing sewage to flow around the tank and out onto the ground. Mr. Mazeika replaced the broken section with PVC schedule 40 pipe. As the cost for repair was less than $100.00, no permit was required. 1989 WORLD ALPINE SKI CHAMPIONSHIPS VAIL'BEWER CREEK EAGLE COUNTY 551 Broadway Eagle, Color -ado 81631 (303)3287311 FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL BULLETIN DATE: TIME: TO: FAX d FROM: A- ?ek FAX # (303) 328-7207 DEPT. # TEL pages to be transmitted, including this cover page. TYPE OF DOCUMENT : I", C"GW6 Deliver Immediately Deliver within 4 hours Addressee will pick up Notify addressee Additional instructions or comments: Sending operator: Board of County Commissioners Assessor Clerk and Recorder Sheriff Treasurer P.O. Box 850 P.O. Box 449 P.O. Box 537 P.O. Box 359 P.O. Box 479 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 8163.1 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 c RedifTrm 7H724 OUR N 4:3') 1 DATE Sold November 14, 1985 To Raymond Boyer CUSTOMER'S ORDER 0104 Vega Road Carbondale, CO 81623 SALESMAN TERMS Shipped To F. O. B. Address Via Loan Inspection Fee for property located at 0104 Vega Road, 25 00 Aspen Mesa Estates, of nit 2. Remit To: Eagle County Community Development P.O. Box 179 Eagle, Colorado 81631 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE 25 00 INSPECTION..REQUEST % EAGLE COUNTY gIJILDING DIVISION P.O. Box 179 PHONE: 328-7311f DATE C%} JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER ❑ PARTIAL. READY FOR INSPECTION MON TIIF INr-n TI-IIIR FRI 'APPROVED ❑ DISAPPROVED ® UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS i Ann ann ❑ REINSPECT p EAGLE COUNTY ENVIROMIENTAL HEALTH ROIITE FORM DATE REFERRED / � _ APPLICATION NO. LOCATION 1 Please review the attached application and return it and this completed form to the Environmental Health Office.. ITNINTG_ Comments: Complies with: Yes No Reviewed By Subdivision Regulationsi Zon/ing Regulations I Recommend Approval BUILDING Set Backs tI/ Site Zz:Cl=�� �Z Other Recommend Approval Comments: (not always necessarv) Roads Grading Draina¢ R ommend App Comment 0476 Lt 12, Aspen Mesa NAME Estates,-E-1-3-2-- Vega Rd, -Bev--ER- Parcel # 2391273030111/ JOB NO. BILL TO DATE STARTED DATE COMPLETED DATE BILLED �} ; III �i;;sn C,c C Ck Ac�� JOB COST SUMMARY TOTAL SELLING PRICE TOTAL MATERIAL TOTAL -LABOR ---------- ---- - y{ S( r� EC At c ltti ? 1 J PERMIT # 476 OWNER: o LOCATION: Lot 12 - Aspen Mesa Estates INSTALLER: SIZE OF TANK: 1,000 Gallons DWELLING: Residential - 3 bedrooms x 250 sq.ft. - PERC RATE: one inch/10 minutes (750 sq.ft.) Finalized: 11-21-80 By: Gerry B est INSURANCE SALES TAX MISC. COSTS TOTAL JOB COST GROSS PROFIT LESS OVERHEAD COSTS % OF SELLING PRICE NET PROFIT JOB FOLDER Prods / r Printed in U•S.A.