HomeMy WebLinkAbout586 Big Dipper Rd - 194134101011P.O. BOX Colonld.o 110, PLICATI ON' 1,V R � I ND.11V L Cr ;U1 a1 1'ERMI-'-11 No. Addre.,,s: (190 Na-p�e of Applicant: 6- Address: Qxritrac !---e-: Address Design Engineer: Address: D F1 / 0 v 1W .0,/ 17 "1 - n /Q C" -9�,rn A, k - Y 7 Y) C-0 k- �j. - t)v Tz-,& Z— Mime-: el-7b - /36 Phone: Phone: 1�76 - /36 e) Phone: to IS P,-,,P,'flIT MR: New Installation Alteration Repair LOQ4TION1, OF P-120POS-T? D FACILITY: County Lot Size 6 City or To,,,n (if within City or To,, Limits) LE CAT p _jEqrl tllu W-6TES TYPE: Dwelling()Commercial or' Institutional Transient Use lqon-do,-n J estic Wastes Other IS S-fSTEJ DESIMED FOR 2,000 (--,4T s pF-R DAY f OR LESS? BUIMUqG OR SERNICE -ale- 1;122. --,W-z�ber of Persons 2. Nunber of Bedroom 60 Garbage Grinder Auto-matic Washer Dishwasher SO I URCE AND TYPE OF !,!k-LER STj-ppl:z: Well Spring Strewn or Creek Give depth of all wells within 180 feet of system: If supplied by conpimity water, give naLq-- of supplier: .ELLI(4046 41 Oe4e Wom r- 00J.,c- a- Assoc., GROUIT) CO1-,'-'NDITIOM'-,: Percent ' Ground Slope:--.. 20 - � r .10110 Depth to bedrock: ? - Depth to Groin -id Water Table: SOIL PERCOI�%TMN TEST RES=S: Minutes per inch in Hole No. 1 1,Unutes — Per inch in Hole. No.-2 TUE OF 111DEUDUAL Shl,,V%(,,T,' DISPOSAL S., S, I,p I ppo OS: Septic Tiyl-, ( ) Aeration Plant Cheinical Toilet Q--eywater Vault Privy ( ) Corj)osting Toilet Relcycli-Tig, potable use (D ( ) Other Pit P-ivy- ( ) Incineration Tni 1 r,4- ;__ -4-1--- - - Cn cc } W D U) 0 z Q J 0 W or W F- W cr W Cr W W z c3 z W Q z J D VN z U z a a O U 0 z FE W W z F5 z W 0 0 a 0 0 J W co rn L0 CR L0 9 M O Cl) O c� 0 0 a 0 J 0 0 vi C7 z FX 0- 0 0 z W J (D M W X 0 m W D z W > a W Y a J m 0) N 00 October 16, 1979 Eric Edeen Eagle County Environmental Health Department P.O. Box 850 Eagle, CO 81631 RE: Pat Parks On -Site System Dear Eric: I have enclosed for your review and approval the proposed design of the evapotranspiration system of the Park's residence. This design includes necessary flow reduction. It is my opinion that this is very necessary because of the amount of available land To the best of my information, Pat Parks is in the process of acquiring the "low-water" toilet and shower heads. Since winter is approaching in the days (or hours) ahead, we would appreciate a timely review. Thank you for your time and if you have any questions, feel free to contact me. Yours truly, Bryan Duff P. E. BD/j1w Enclosure xc: Pat Parks ... Co ts7 Q Vl Cr M � October 16, 1979 W 00 Co a a Pat Parks e o P.O. Box 1314 o Vail, CO 81657 o Dear Pat, c o Enclosed are two copies of the discussed on -site system design for W your residence. It is important for you to complete your "site C) application" and send in to Eric if you have not already. I have ` °o sent a copy of the plans to Eric and upon his approval and comple- -` ? tion of the site application, I would assume that construction can W 2 W proceed. CD .. z The location of "Area A" may require a variance from the lot line, LU since the bed will be within ten feet of the property line. You ? need. to contact Eric to see if this will be any problem. o As you know this design is very dependent upon flog reduction. z m Therefore, the "Mi crophor Toilet" will be necessary, along with low- 0 o use shower heads. Also, as construction commences, both Eric and myself should be contacted. z , If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. < o a > Respectfully, ca e( Z✓�_ t, -� W Ca Bryan Duff s w Z M � BD/,j1w Z to Enclosure n / a xc: Eric Edeen a 0 a w �%AE COUNTY Environmental Health P.O. Box 850 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328-7311 January 24, 1980 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Ext 241 ADMINISTRATION Patrick Park - Ext241 P.O. Box 1314 ANIMAL SHELTER Vail; Colorado 81657 949-4292 ASSESSOR RE: Lot 33 - Bellyache Ridge Filing #2 Ext 202 BUILDING IN Dear Sir: INSPECTION Ext 226or229 The above -referenced house and lot were inspected by meon CLERK & January 22, 1980. RECORDER Ext 217 The inspection revealed per requirements of this department COUNTY that two (2) 1,000 gallon storage vaults have been installed, ATTORNEY Ext242 are approved, and will remain in use until'the: evapotranspira- ENGINEER tion system is completed on or before June 1, 1980. Ext 236 Potable water is supplied by the Bellyache Ridge Homeowners ENVIRONMENTAL Association and is an approved source of water. HEALTH Ext 238 EXTENSION Should a time delay be encountered in completing the AGENT evapotranspiration'bed by June l,.a reasonable time period up Ext247 to 6 months may be granted upon just cause for continued use LIBRARY of the vault system. Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH If you have any questions, please contact this office. Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476.5844 Sincerely, PLANNING Ext 226 or 229 �� PURCHASING/ Y�' "(f PERSONNEL Erik W. Edeen Ext245 Environmental Health Officer ROAD & BRIDGE Ext 257 EWE/ncm SHERIFF Eagle Ext 211 Basalt 927-3244 Gilman 827-5751 SOCIAL SERVICES 328-6328 TREASURER Ext 201 t.&2M� GOMa4M 8�4oQo44�c�o �c�w�oQaw�d� To: Subject: File ISDS Final From: File No.: Date: Erik W. Edeen ISDS #418 Oct. 14, 1981 RE: Lot 33, Bellyache Ridge Subdivision, Filing #2 Owner: Patrick Park ISDS PERMIT #418: The system was completed and covered over without a final inspection by the Environmental Health Dept.. It was completed the summer of 1981, according to the owner. EWE/ncm `, k e TELEPHONE 303/328-7311 Board of County Commissioners Ext 241 Assessor Ext 202 Clerk and Recorder Ext 217 Sheriff Eagle: Ext 211 Basalt: 927-3244 Gilman: 827-5751 EAGLE COUNTY Eagle, Colorado 81631 October 27, 1982 Mr. Allen Tofoya Ruoff/Wentworth Architects 500 Lionshead Mall Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Allen: Treasurer Enclosed you will find portions of our file concerning Lot 33, Ext201 Filing #2, Bellyache Ridge subdivision. Administration An on -site inspection of the installed individual sewage disposal Ext 241 system revealed the following deviations from the approved engineered Animal Shelter design for the lot: 949-4292 1. The air vents should be 4 inch solid wall PVC riser Building pipes with rain hoods. As they exist, they do not have Inspection rain hoods and some have perferated pipe. (Note: The Ext 226or229 riser pipes can be lowered for aesthetic reasons.) Community 2. The evapotranspiration bed should be covered with top Development soil, 4 inches at the center to 0 inches at the edges, Ext 226 or 229 mounded for surface drainage - inch g per foot. The top County Attorney soil should be seeded with blue grass, 4 to 6 inches Ext263 per 1,000 square feet, and brush willows should be planted on 3 foot centers. Engineer Ext236 The multi -flow aeration tank was operating at the time of the inspection. The sewage pipe from the house to the aeration tank was exposed. How - Environmental ever, the slope Pe of the pipe would probably eliminate any potential Ext238 freeze problem. The pipe could be covered for aesthetic reasons. Extension Agent In general, the system appeared to be operating properly, but for long- Ext247 term maintenance free operation, the above mentioned items should be completed as weather permits. Library Ext255 rf you have any questions, please give me a call. Public Health Sincerely, Eagle: Ext 252 Vail: 476-5844 _ Personnel Ext 241 Sidney N. Fox Assistant Environmental Health Officer Purchasing Ext 245 Road and Bridge SNF/lf Ext 257 Encs. (3) Social Services 328-6328 • EAGLE COUNTY 551 Broadway Eagle, Colorado 81631 (303) 328 7311 July 7, 1986 Sandy Hahn Mortgage Associates 108 South Frontage Road West Suite 103 Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Lot 33, Bellyache Ridge Subdivision - Filing #2 Dear Ms. Hahn, All water and sewage disposal system loan inspections are done under the authority of the Eagle County Building Regulations, Section 10, Sub -paragraph 3-A, adopted by the Eagle'County Commissioners, September 20, 1982. Eagle County issued individual sewage disposal permit number 418 for installation of this system. The system is not installed according to permit requirements and a final inspection and approval has not been granted by this office. An onsite inspection of the sewage disposal system on July 3, 1986 revealed the following deviations from the permit requirements for the lot. 1. The air vents should be 4 inch solid wall PVC riser pipes with rain hoods. As they exist, they do not have rain hoods and some have perforated pipe. (Note: The riser pipes can be lowered for aesthetic reasons.) 2. The evapotranspiration bed should be covered with top soil, 4 inches at the center to 0 inches at the edges, mounded for surface drainage 14 inch per foot. The top soil should be seeded with blue grass, 4 to 6 inches per 1,000 square feet, and brush willows should be planted on 3 foot centers. Board of County Commissioners Assessor Clerk and Recorder Sheriff Treasurer P.O. Box 850 P.O. Box 449 P.O. Box 537 P.O. Box 359 P.O. Box 479 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 July 7, 1986 Sandy Hahn Page Two In addition, the drain pipe under the driveway is damaged and must be repaired. The multi -flow aeration tank was operating at the time of the inspection. The sewage pipe from the house to the aeration tank was exposed. However, the slope of the pipe would probably eliminate any potential freeze problem.. The pipe could be covered for aesthetic reasons. In general, the system appeared to be operating properly, but for long-term maintenance free operation, the above mentioned items should be completed as soon as possible. Potable water is supplied.by the Bellyache.Ridge Homeowners Association. The Community Water Supply is sampled and inspected on a regular basis by the Colorado Department of Health. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Sincerely, Sid Fox, Assistant Environmental Health Officer Eagle County SF/cb cc: Becky Bultemeier P.O. Box 1696 Vail, CO 81658 Files August 5, 1986 Linda Park Box 1314 LVail Colorado 81658 Re: Lot 33,Bellyache Ridge Subdivision, Filing #2 Dear Ms. Park All loan inspections are completed under the authority of the Eagle County Building Resolution, Section 3.09.03-A(7), adopted by the Eagle County Commissioners on October 8, 1985. Permit number 418 was issued by this office and final approval was granted in July 22, 1986. An onsite inspection on July 31, 1986, revealed that the system appears to be functioning properly. This department recommends that the septic be pumped every three or four years. The Property is served by the Bellyache Ridge water system. Water test results are available from this office. If you have any questions concerning this inspection, please contact this office. Sincerly, Erik Edeen Environmental Officer xc: Becky Bultemeir Sandy Hahn EAGLE COUNTY 551 Broadway Eagle, Colorado 81631 (303) 328 7311 C01 July 23, 1986 Becky Bultemeir Box 1696 Vail, colorado 81658 Dear Ms: All loan inspections are completed under the authority of the Eagle County Building Resolution, Section 3.09.03-A(7), adopted by the Eagle County Commissioners on October 8, 1985. Permit nunber 418 was issued by this office and final approval was granted in July 1986. An onsite inspection on July 22, 1986, revealed that the system appears to be functioning properly. This department recommends that the septic be pumped every three or four years. The Bellyache Ridge subdivision is served by a Comunity well. Water test results are available from this office. On July 22, 1986 the cast iorn sewer pipe where it crosses thedriveway was not covered. Please call for a final inspection, when the work has been completed. Please note the fee for the additional inspections is $ 25.00 If you have any questions concerning this inspection, please contact this office. Sincerly, Erik Edeen Environmental Officer xc:Linda Park Sandy Hahn Board of County Commissioners Assessor Clerk and Recorder Sheriff Treasurer P.O. Box 850 P.O. Box 449 P.O. Box 537 P.O. Box 359 P.O. Box 479 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 5 Ti FIRST WESTERN MORTGAGE SERVICES, INC. February 17, 1993 Eagle County l� Community Development Box 179 Eagle, CO 81631 Attn: Tania Re: 586 Big Dipper Road, Bellyache Ridge Dear Tania: Please provide a lender's septic inspection for Manuela C. Payne, property located as above. Enclosed please find our check in the amount of $200. Please fax to: 949-1001 and mail the original to: First Western Mortgage Services P.O. Box 1237 Vail, CO 81658 Thank you for your help. Ple,ase.call if you.have any questions or require additional information. FIRST WESTERN MORTGAGE SERVICES, INC. C4",ajo Carol B. LaCroix : cbl Encl. 40801 Highway 6 & 24 / Suite 3 / Eagle -Vail, CO 81620 P.O. Box 1237 / Vail, Colorado 81658 / 303/949-6060 / Fax 303/949-1001 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT (303) 323.3730 EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO February 23, 1993 First Western Mortgage Services Attn: Carol B. LaCroix P.O. Box 1237 Vail, CO 81658 500 BROADWAY P.O. BOX 179 EAGLE, COLORADO S 1631 FAX (303) 325. 7207 RE: Individual Sewage Disposal System (ISDS), and water well inspection for property located at: 586 Big Dipper Road, Lot 33, Bellyache Ridge, Filing 2, Tax Parcel # 1941-341-01-011 Dear Sirs: All loan inspections are completed under the authority of the Eagle County Building Resolution, Section 3.09.03, B(6), adopted by the Eagle County Commissioners on October 8, 1985, amended June 23, 1992. On February 21, 1993, this department conducted a site inspection of the above referenced property. The inspection was requested by you for the purpose of evaluating the existing condition of the on -site ISDS and water well. A review of Eagle County records indicates that: On October 14, 1981, the ISDS was permitted under Permit Number 418, and was covered before a final inspection could be done. The system consists of two, 1,000 gallon holding vaults and 1700 square feet of evaporation transpiration system. A site visit was done but due to the snow accumulation it is impossible to determine the status of this system. Obviously, this does not guarantee the continued satisfactory performance of the system. The water supply to this residence is from Bellyache, a community water system. The community water system is inspected on a regular basis by the Colorado Department of Health and to the best of our knowledge complies with current drinking water standards. If you have any further questions concerning this inspection, please feel free to call me at 328-8755 or write. Respectfully Submitted, X/Lu � Tania Busch -Weak Environmental Health Specialist Eagle County cc: Files/ISDS 418 LOAN INSPECTION FORM LOCATION: 951 H; G D;L oT R.EQUESTOR: �-e JeH 1�a- el 76 j WL COPIES TO: Md2T- Assee. 5�1N4� 4-4,9hN Ste, 103 - BILL TO:D2- G ISDS PERMIT # INSPECTION INFORMATION: ' cl2G f/- 7� - Zz INSPECTION DONE BY: DATE: e f To: Subject: Patrick Park, Owner ISDS Permit #: 418 for Lot 33, Bellyache Ridge Sub - File No.: Date: division, From: Erik W. Edeen, Environmental Health Officer December 9, 1980 Please advise this office as to the date of installation of the evapotranspiration sewage disposal system that you were to have installed as of June 1, 1980. As per our letter to you January 24, 1980, a reasonable time period up to 6 months may be granted upon just cause for continued use of the vault system; however, as we have not heard from you, please advise. You can reach my office at 328-7311, 949-5257, 949-5631, or 927-3823 or you may write to Box 850, Eagle,'Colorado 81631. ig Bryan Duff, P.E. FROM : MCPAYNE PHONE N0. Dec. 09 2011 12:10PM P1 El 3 ' 1 Y IX S, N OtP G'fA4 RiJA del � ,A�i l. �' C'p w iJ'r � a � A • 0 .fits b'PP�*, Rp�, 0418 Lt 33 Filing 2 Bellyache 86 1 6 - P JOB NAME Rdg,0005Big Dipper Rd, t BaT*t4a-1 JOB NO. 70B LOCATION BILL TO DATE STARTED DATE COMPLETED 0114 FTT)0A691 M'Cv\L'r-)16f C"' R vrva' 'ZO q�" M'fckC6� T) PERMIT #418 C! Rrc- OWNER: -,Fvtr?ek--R*Pk— LOCATION: Lot 33 - Filing #2 - Bellyache Ridge 00 0 INSTALLER: ? SIZE OF TANK: two - 1,000 holding vaults in place DWELLING: Residential - one bedroom PERC RATE: DATE BILLED JOB COST SUMMARY TOTAL SELLING PRICE PERMIT # 417 Vatri• c"(Park Ridge Lot 33 Fil'ng 'Bellyache -OCP' 0 Completed and covered over without a final inspection (10-14-81_ rrinted In U.S.A. V 6 K&C 10 *135 7-73 MC 11330 yy _ • �j.- _.. _..��- 1. _.: • - .. __ _ _ . d _ _- __ __ _ __ _ _ _ � _ _ _ _ _- _ _ �- - __ - ___ _ _ - _ __ -_ . _ s _ - r - Yr-/ 0_ !ll!.-/i 14N11 f'!�'ll�-C'Dh�131T1DN. /"y lf4e411JR46" �z 174401f1�'f�T1 V`✓• ,GF_ W40 4JJ/9E114S�QA S �rV ftNY C:9�-1Fe4&1XS49 A�E�S �dUZOO ee