HomeMy WebLinkAbout95 Fender Ln - 239127202006 - 0146ISENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH P.O. BOX 811 . NO. EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 PERMIT FEE $25.00 APPLICATION FOR INDIVIDUAL/SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMITN0 291 Name of Owner: Lf:.f C3� Phone: -9&3 :3 E'%G' R(13 Address of Owner: a l �� 7-,q Is facility within boundaries of a city/town or spnitation district? A L� Distance to nearest sewer system: Location of Proposed System: Legal Discription: Type of Structure: Single Family Dwelling ( x ) Other: No. Bedrooms Water Supply: Private Well ( ) Location: Distance From leach field: JW 0 Size of Lot: m S;a ctur 2) Public Water Supply: C - r An appropriate plat plan must accompany site inspection for this application showing required information. (See attached sheet.) The individual sewage disposal system will be constructed and installed in accordance with the regulations governing individual sewage systems within Eagle County, and shall comply with House Bill 1553 CRS 66-14, 1973. Payment shall be made to the Eagle County Treasurer. Permit, upon approval of this application, may be obtained at the Eagle County sanitarian's office. Appointment for final inspection must be made prior to construction by contacting the inspecting sanitarian. [Phone 328.7718 between 8:30 and 9:00 AM.] Refer to permit number. No approval will be given on any system without final inspection. Name, adcl�r s, andteNphone person respRnsi�le for cl ign of system: .1 — The undersigned acknowledges that the above information is true and that false information will invalidate the application or subsequent permit. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT: Date: In (This application becomes invali4j, months from above date.) HEALTH DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Percolation Information: �C )%�`� Permit No. _ Tank Capacity: 0 gal. (minimum) Fee Receipt:',fYC/ Absorption Area:- Sq. ft. (minimum) File: REMARKS: APPLICATION IS: APPROVED ( ) DENIED The above individual sewage disposal system was installed by AND HAS BEEN INSPECTED AND APPROVED BY A REPRESENTATIVE OF THE EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH DEPT. Dote: �� �O, 1977 Sanitarian: 4L l- PEIICOL.; TZ014 T;:S'I' Fee: $50.00 1Pnlic, tion No. d9/ Permit No. Owner: Le---,,l Description: Tyne of Dvellin , No. of Bedrooms: 1.3 Date of Test: Denth of Holes: Diameter: Tyne of Soil: Locution of Test Holes: Test hole was nresoaked from: To: Time Dz to . ' Tiine . Date ALE -� TIME 17.ATER. DEPTH j INCHES OF FALL, DATE 1 2 3 1 2 3 L 1 2 3 1 2 3' l2 `� Percolation Rater Site :has been reviewed- and .tested fox ;:excolatio:i. i ate.. j y Itie reco.-imiend: lPkROWL _z DISlPPROVAL DITI;: . }:i�vi.a.•onmc►�t<<1 lic,:lth • F.aUlc County drl EAGLE UNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONN TAL HEALTH Box 811 6th & Broadway Eagle, Colorado 81631 PERMITU 146 (this does not constitute a building or use permit) Owner Robert P. Sewell System Location Lot 6, Vied. Table Acres, 2nd Filial• Licensed Contractor * Conditional Construction approval is hereby granted fora 1, 000 gallon nf. Septic Tank or Aerated treatment unit. Absorption area (or dispersal area) computed as follows: Perc rate 1 inches in 301 minutes 3OC. sq. ft. absorption area per bedroom # of bedrooms x sq. ft. minimum requirement May we suggest 300 sq. ft. of drainage field Date /- J 47-�_`-" 77 Inspector — (� - (�-- FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM: No system shall be deemed to be in compliance with the Sewage Disposal Laws until the assembled system is approved prior to covering any part. Septic Tank cleanout to within 12" of final grade or aerated access ports above grade. 6/ Proper materials and assembly. Adequate absorption (or dispersal) area. ✓ Adequate compliance with permit requirements. Adequate compliance with County and State regulations/requirements. Date 77 Inspector `lt C el'j RETAIN WITH RECEIPT RECORDS AT CONSTRUCTION SITE * CONDITIONS: 1. All installation must comply with all requirements of the County Individual Sewage Disposal Regulations, adopted pursuant to authority granted in 25-10-104, CRS 1973 amended 25-1-614, CRS 1973 2. This permit is valid only for connection to structures which have fully complied with County Zoning and building requirements. Connection to or use with any dwelling or structures not approved by the building and Zoning office shall automatically be a violation of a requirement of the permit and cause for both legal action and revocation of the permit. 3. Section III, 3.24 requires any person who constructs, alters, or installs an individual sewage disposal system in a manner which involves a knowing and material variation from the terms or specifications con- tained in the application of permit commits a Class I, Petty Offense ($500.00 fine - 6 months in jail or EAGLE COUNTY ENVINONMENTAL IIIALTH n INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTLM PERMIT 7'ao? ROLTE SLIP Name Date Referred y4Al Location Please review the attached application and return it and this completed form to the Environmental Health office within G working days. Planning: moments: File Number Complies with: Subdivision Regulations Zoning Regulations Recommend Approval Yes No Reviewed By Date 'ounty Engineer: Roads Grading: Drainage Recommend Approval / h/ ✓��� 3omments: Building Department: Set Backs Site Access • r Other Reconunend Approval ',or iients: ',or iients: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT (303) 323-S730 EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO May 10, 1993 Mr. Kurt Koski 95 Fender Lane Carbondale, CO 81623 Dear Mr. Koski, 500 BROADWAY P.O. BOX 179 EAGLE. COLORADO 81631 FAX (303) 328-7207 As you are aware, on November 25, 1992, this division conducted a loan inspection at Lot 6, Filing 2, Red Table Acres Subdivision, for the purpose of evaluating the condition of the on -site wastewater disposal system. It was noted at the time, that the septic tank's center baffle had deteriorated and was in need of repair. In addition, it was also noted that the current system was undersized to accommodate the maximum occupancy of the home. At the time, immediate attention was not necessary, but action was to be taken in the spring of 1993. It's now spring, and time to start thinking about repairing your septic system. I have enclosed a permit application and other ISDS information. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to call me at 328-8755. Sincerely, Tania M. Busch -Weak Environmental Health Specialist cc: Ray Merry, Environmental Health Manager ISDS file #146 Memorandum TO: Ray Merry FROM: Tania M. Busch 4l� DATE: November 28, 1992 RE: Loan Inspection on ISDS #146 Sue Kohak from Colorado Federal Savings contacted this office on Tuesday Nov. 24, 1992 requesting a loan inspection for Lot 6, Red Table Acres Filing II (ISDS #146). On Wednesday Nov. 25, 1992 I went to the above address to perform a loan inspection. According to the file, a 1000 gallon tank with 800 sq. feet absorption area was installed. It appears to have been finaled by this office (Erik Edeen). However, the site plan included within the file is incorrect. A more accurate site plan is drawn on the cover of the file folder. My observances of this system are the following: 1. There was only one man hole cover to the tank. When I uncovered this lid, the tank was completely full to the top (solids were present). Therefor, I could not verify what the tank was made of, or if it was a two compartment tank. 2. The ground around the area of the lid appeared to be saturated with sewage, and a sewage smell was present. I talked with the home owner, Mrs. Koski, and explained the situation to her. She was going to call a pumper to come out on Friday Nov. 27, 1992. I told her to ask the pumper to determine the size of her tank, and whether or not it was two compartments. She was then going to call this office today Saturday Nov. 28, 19921 and let me know what she had found out. She has not called yet, so I expect she will be calling the early part of next week. I have not written a letter to Sue Kohak (Colorado Federal Savings) detailing the loan inspection, because obviously it has not been completed yet. We have not received the fee for this loan inspection, however, Sue has been told she will not receive the letter until it arrives. a 7505 --t� 1-%D December 4, 1992 Ms. Jody Cooper Colorado Federal Savings Bank 100 S. Spring St., Suite #2 Aspen CO 81611 Dear Ms. Cooper, All loan inspections are completed under the authority of the Eagle County Building Resolution, Section 3.09.03, A(7), adopted by the Eagle County Commissioners on October 8, 1985. On November 25, 1992, this department conducted a site inspection of the above referenced property. The inspection was requested by Sue Kohak with your office for the purpose of evaluating the condition of the on -site wastewater disposal and water supply systems located at Lot 6, Filing 2, Red Table Acres Subdivision. A review of Eagle County records indicates that: On April 20, 1977, the sewage disposal system was permitted under ISDS Permit Number 146, inspected and approved in accordance with Eagle County Individual Sewage Disposal System Regulations. The system consists of a 1000 gallon septic tank and 800 square feet of absorption area. A visual inspection of the ground surface indicated that the system was quite full but was not failing. Upon further investigation, two issues were discovered that will need to be addressed next spring. Apparently, the interior baffle between the two compartments of the septic tank has deteriorated. This increases the potential for solids to enter the leach field and cause premature system failure. Since the system was recently pumped and the leach lines cleaned, it is not imperative that corrections be made immediately. Ms. Jody Cooper December 4, 1992 Page 2 The other issue is that the system is currently undersized to accommodate maximum occupancy of the home which assumes two people per bedroom. My understanding is that six people are living in the six bedroom dwelling and not twelve. Therefore, the actual daily flows to the septic system should not exceed the design flows anticipated for the three bedroom dwelling originally permitted. This issue will also need to be addressed in the spring and does not require immediate attention. Obviously, this does not guarantee the continued satisfactory performance of the system. The water supply to this residence is from the community Red Table Acres water system which is inspected on a regular basis by the Colorado Department of Health. To the best of my knowledge, the water system complies with current drinking water standards. If you have any further questions concerning this inspection, please feel free to call me at 328-8755 or write. Respectfully Submitted, Raymond P. Merry, REHS Environmental Health Officer Eagle County, Colorado /RM cc: ISDS file #146 Tania Busch, Env. Health Div. Memorandum TO: Ray Merry FROM: Tania M. Busch `IA IJ DATE: November 28, 1992 RE: Loan Inspection on ISDS #146 Sue Kohak from Colorado Federal Savings contacted this office on Tuesday Nov. 24, 1992 requesting a loan inspection for Lot 6, Red Table Acres Filing II (ISDS #146). On Wednesday Nov. 25, 1992 I went to the above address to perform a loan inspection. According to the file, a 1000 gallon tank with 800 sq. feet absorption area was installed. It appears to have been finaled by this office (Erik Edeen). However, the site plan included within the file is incorrect. A more accurate site plan is drawn on the cover of the file folder. My observances of this system are the following: 1. There was only one man hole cover to the tank. When I uncovered this lid, the tank was completely full to the top (solids were present). Therefor, I could not verify what the tank was made of, or if it was a two compartment tank. 2. The ground around the area of the lid appeared to be saturated with sewage, and a sewage smell was present. I talked with the home owner, Mrs. Koski, and explained the situation to her. She was going to call a pumper to come out on Friday Nov. 27, 1992. I told her to ask the pumper to determine the size of her tank, and whether or not it was two compartments. She was then going to call this office today Saturday Nov. 28, 1992, and let me know what she had found out. She has not called yet, so I expect she will be calling the early part of next week. I have not written a letter to Sue Kohak (Colorado Federal Savings) detailing the loan inspection, because obviously it has not been completed yet. We have not received the fee for this loan inspection, however, Sue has been told she will not receive the letter until it arrives. -1505 # /-%o COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT (303)328-8730 EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO December 22, 1992 Mr. Kurt Koski 95 Fender Lane Carbondale, CO 81623 Dear Mr. Koski 500 BROADWAY P.O. BOX 179 EAGLE. COLORADO 8 163 1 FAX (303) 328-7207 As you are aware, on November 25, 1992, this department conducted a loan inspection at Lot 6, Filing 2, Red Table Acres Subdivision, for the purpose of evaluating the condition of the on -,site wastewater disposal system. It was noted that the tank had reached its capacity and was in need of pumping. Conversation with the pumper, B & R Septic, indicated that the center baffle of the septic tank has deteriorated and cannot be repaired. In addition, solids that escaped the deteriorating septic tank plugged the leach line, resulting in the necessity to jet the line. Since the system was pumped and the leach lines cleaned, repairs needed for this system are not imperative at this time, and can be taken care of in the spring when weather permits it. In addition, the current system is undersized to accommodate the maximum occupancy of the home which assumes two people per bedroom. We understand that at this time only six people are living in this home, and not the maximum occupancy of twelve. Therefore, immediate attention is not required, however, this will also need to be addressed in the spring. Obviously, we are not guaranteeing the continued satisfactory performance of the system. However, we believe that these problems do not require immediate attention, and can be addressed in the spring. Please refer any further correspondence to your ISDS file #146. Mr. Kurt Koski December 22, 1992 Page 2 If you have any further questions concerning your septic system, please feel free to call me at 328-8755 or write. Sincerely, Tania M. Busch -Weak Environmental Health Division Eagle County, Colorado cc: ISDS file #146 Ms. Jody Cooper December 4, 1992 Page 2 The other issue is that the system is currently undersized to accommodate maximum occupancy of the home which assumes two people per bedroom. My understanding is that six people are living in the six bedroom dwelling and not twelve. Therefore, the actual daily flows to the septic system should not exceed the design flows anticipated for the three bedroom dwelling originally permitted. This issue will also need to be addressed in the spring and does not require immediate attention. Obviously, this does not guarantee the continued satisfactory performance of the system. The water supply to this residence is from the community Red Table Acres water system which is inspected on a regular basis by the Colorado Department of Health. To the best of my knowledge, the water system complies with current drinking water standards. If you have any further questions concerning this inspection, please feel free to call me at 328-8755 or write. Respectfully Submitted, 4v/ Raymond'P. Merry, Environmental Health Of cer Eagle County, Colorado /RM cc: ISDS file #146 Tania Busch, Env. Health Div. Kurt Koski COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT (303) 3 28.8 730 EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO December 4, 1992 Ms. Jody Cooper Colorado Federal Savings Bank 100 S. Spring St., Suite #2 Aspen CO 81611 Dear Ms. Cooper, 500 BROADWAY P.O. BOX 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 FAX (303) 328.7207 All loan inspections are completed under the authority of the Eagle County Building Resolution, Section 3.09.03, A(7), adopted by the Eagle County Commissioners on October 81 1985. On November 25, 1992, this department conducted a site inspection of the above referenced property. The inspection was requested by Sue Kohak with your office for the purpose of evaluating the condition of the on -site wastewater disposal and water supply systems located at Lot 6, Filing 2, Red Table Acres Subdivision. A review of Eagle County records indicates that: On April 20, 1977, the sewage disposal system was permitted under ISDS Permit Number 146, inspected and approved in accordance with Eagle County Individual Sewage Disposal System Regulations. The system consists of a 1000 gallon septic tank and 800 square feet of absorption area. A visual inspection of the ground surface indicated that the system was quite full but was not failing. Upon further investigation, two issues were discovered that will need to be addressed next spring. Apparently, the interior baffle between the two compartments of the septic tank has deteriorated. This increases the potential for solids to enter the leach field and cause premature system failure. Since the system was recently pumped and the leach lines cleaned, it is not imperative that corrections be made immediately. Ms. Jody Cooper December 4, 1992 Page 2 The other issue is that the system is currently undersized to accommodate maximum occupancy of the home which assumes two people per bedroom. My understanding is that six people are living in the six bedroom dwelling and not twelve. Therefore, the actual daily flows to the septic system should not exceed the design flows anticipated for the three bedroom dwelling originally permitted. This issue will also need to be addressed in the spring and does not require immediate attention. Obviously, this does not guarantee the continued satisfactory performance of the system. The water supply to this residence is from the community Red Table Acres water system which is inspected on a regular basis by the Colorado Department of Health. To the best of my knowledge, the water system complies with current drinking water standards. If you have any further questions concerning this inspection, please feel free to call me at 328-8755 or write. Respectfully Submitted, Raymond P. Merry, Environmental Health Of cer Eagle County, Colorado /RM cc: ISDS file #146 Tania Busch, Env. Health Div. Kurt Koski / x zsi a00,0g*lls w ' OEz 8 mt Ik r f i Q17pi SG � oQ 'Ong 00 `� x 0 / ` _w rn 'o N 41, go 1 900z ,A 0 rn VVO LQ 69*0 / -3 Eby ' ss o - .' 2 iN3w3S g 3Nt"Ia3M j- - - - - -- - r; COMO y 6z , DLL'O -j pu 0 o!L 0) No awai,ox �aq► ti+0 , „41 ,04o1EN / (D �NCh M„61,00 % o£ v d 6v os �► �'` I ON ,v �a s 6 .� N a 6Z'gZb -:�� t->C)5 �y aJO� Ck r -e S Do r�ck--� LA-D l Ck- gems-, f-cxy, ale 0146-Lot 6 Filing2 Red Table Acres JOB NAMI asZa�t- �I �� ��L_LI�_6"b JOB NO. L a BILL TO DATE STARTED DATE COMPLETED DATE BILLED hE D �2 Sc�T ej �� ��c'S-'L-�v ��j� � PERMIT # 146 �'Z-_ / � — � 2- �,�I�3' OWNER: Roberi -P . ewe I 1 LOCATION: Lot 6 - Filing #2 - Red Table Acres (.82 acres) ��(� � ��,��� I ,�n� . INSTALLER: Owner �-V_f �,1 frl -�}- SIZE OF TANK: 1,000 gallon �j� - yT'Lsp-tek) DWELLING: Residential - 3 bedrooms PERC RATE: one inc/30 minutes (800 sq.ft.)J�S3 suggest 800 sq.ft. of drainage field Fi nE.l i zed: April 20, 1977 By: Erik Edeen - L N1 11 1Q JOB COST SUMMARY TOTAL SELLING PRICE TOTAL MATERIAL TOTAL LABOR INSURANCE SALES TAX MISC. COSTS TOTAL JOB COST GROSS PROFIT LESS OVERHEAD COSTS % OF SELLING PRICE NET PROFIT Printed In USA JOB FOLDER Product 278 NEW ENGLAND BUSINESS SERVICE, INC., GROTON, MASS, 01471 JOB FOLDER Q QJ I ►J 6 C3 lj< } i 5.� RAwt. SpAerw IAM Ask OF Home.