HomeMy WebLinkAboutR96-138 Rural REsort REgion collaboration on human needsCommissioner ~ moved adoption of the following esolution: HOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO RESOLUTION NO. 96-~~ A JOINT RESOLUTION OF THE BOARDS OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF PITRIN, EAGLE, GARFIELD, SUMMIT AND LAKE COUNTIES - THE RURAL RESORT REGION - REGARDING A POLICY OF COLLABORATION ON HUMAN NEEDS THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and between the Boards of County Commissioners of Eagle County, Garfield County, Lake County, Pitkin County and Summit County, hereinafter referred to as the "COUNTIES". WHEREAS, the COUNTIES have determined that they are linked by a common resort economy and have established a local planning area with representatives from Eagle, Garfield, Lake, Pitkin and Summit Counties, known as the Rural Resort Region (RRR); and WHEREAS, over the past three (3) years the COUNTIES have been working together to identify barriers and obstacles to adequate provision of health and human services to area residents; and WHEREAS, intergovernmental cooperation and public-private partnerships are needed to address the identified and common needs in the health and human services arena; and WHEREAS, the COUNTIES have identified eight (8) priority issue areas for our region including health, housing, child care, transportation, safety, workplace conditions, environment and education; and WHEREAS, the COUNTIES also wish to begin to address common growth issues through the coordination of joint legislation and intergovernmental agreements; and WHEREAS, the COUNTIES worked to articulate a vision statement for each of the priority issues and wish to begin to measure specific indicators of each issue; and WHEREAS, the COUNTIES have determined that a Rural Resort Region Coordinator is needed to organize and facilitate project development for these priorities and to help the COUNTIES pursue private funding to support these projects; and WHEREAS, the COUNTIES are ready and willing to make a financial commitment to this project in an effort to show commitment, cooperation, and collaboration, and to attract outside funding sources. NOW, THEREFORE, THE COUNTIES, IN CONSIDERATION OF MUTUAL PROMISES SET FORTH HEREIN, AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1. The COUNTIES agree to implement a RRR Action Plan. The RRR Action Plan will include the coordination of the drafting of legislation and intergovernmental agreements for local, federal, and state governments and agencies. It will also include the hiring of a separate project development and project management coordinator to pursue non-profit status for the purpose of soliciting private funding to support various projects. The Coordinator will be required to build a climate of trust between the public, private and non-profit entities involved and to expand public and private participation and partnerships in these efforts. 2. The COUNTIES agree that the County Commissioners of the five counties will direct the RRR Action Plan, make recommendations on the same and direct the drafting of legislative initiatives needed to meet the goals of the RRR. 3. The COUNTIES collectively agree to address the joint issues and common needs as a region. The COUNTIES shall create subcommittees to address three benchmarks of regional concern as delineated in the Rural Resort Region Generic Grant Plan, dated June, 1996, which are as follows: A. Health and Human Services B. Housing and Transportation C. Resource Restructuring 4. The COUNTIES agree to prioritize three specific issues, housing, a regional mental health inpatient facility, and an inter-county On-Line project. 5. The RURAL RESORT REGION, STEERING COMMITTEE ("STEERING COMMITTEE") is hereby created to oversee the work plans of the RRR subcommittees. The STEERING COMMITTEE shall consist of one County Commissioner from each of the five County Commissions and appointed subcommittee representatives. The STEERING COMMITTEE shall be governed by an EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE comprised of County Commissioners. 6. A. The COUNTIES agree to create and fund a position to be known as the RRR Project Coordinator to oversee the development of a plan to restructure public and private resources to reach the regional benchmarks mentioned above. B. The STEERING COMMITTEE will hire an independent contractor as the Project Coordinator. C. The Project Coordinator position will be funded for at least six months from the date a candidate is appointed. 7. The COUNTIES agree to regularly review the RRR action plan and recommend amendments, when appropriate. Amendments may be made by any COUNTY and shall become effective upon the approval of all of the COUNTIES. 8. The COUNTIES agree to initially support the Project Coordinator at $20,000. Each County will pay its share of this amount based on a formula that is weighted 33.33% on population as defined by the state demographer, 33.33% on the taxable sales base and 33.33% on the current assessed valuation of commercial and residential property. 9. The Project Coordinator will be responsible for targeting and pursuing other funding for project sustainability. The fiscal agent of the COUNTIES' contributions will~be determined by unanimous agreement of all COUNTIES. The amount of future contributions from the COUNTIES will be determined by the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. 10. This AGREEMENT shall become effective upon adoption by all COUNTIES and shall remain in force for the twelve months of the 1997 calendar year, unless otherwise renewed by agreement of the COUNTIES. MOVED, READ AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, at its regular meeting held the ~~~ day of ~t~~Z~, 1996. ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ATTEST: ~ . ~~.~ Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO, By and Through Its BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS By: George ~. Gates Chairman ~~ ohnnette Phillips • Commissioner c Commissioner seconded adoption of the foregoing resolution. he roll having been called, the vote was as follows: Commissioner George A. Gates (~~ Commissioner Johnnette Phillips ~,y,L Commissioner James E. Johnson, Jr. ~~ This Resolution passed by ~ ~'~~ -vote of the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. R\rrr.iga 96-12