HomeMy WebLinkAboutR96-128 approval of preliminary plan and zone district amendment for St. Clare of Assisi. ~
Commissioner To/~ moved
of the following Resolution:
l~ ~
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for the St. Clare of Assisi Planned Unit Development
FILE NO: PD-343-96-P
AND ZC-277-96
WHEREAS, on or about July 9, 1996, the County of Eagle,
State of Colorado, accepted for filing an application submitted
by the St. Clare of Assisi Parish, Archdiocese of Denver and the
Colorado State Land Board(hereinafter "Applicant") for approval
of a Zone District Amendment and the Planned Unit Development
Preliminary Plan for the St. Clare of Assisi Planned Unit Devel-
opment, a parcel of land described in Exhibit A attached hereto
„~ and incorporated herein by this reference; and
WHEREAS, the applicant requested the approval of a Planned
~, Unit Development (PUD) Preliminary Plan to allow for development
~ as follows:
~ Church, Fellowship hall, Administration 17,900 Sq. Ft.
~'r Early Learning Center 24,300 Sq. Ft.
~r Elementary School 46,000 Sq. Ft.
~t Rectory 3,830 Sq. Ft.
~'t Campus Maintenance 1,400 Sq. Ft.
~ Housing (30 Units) 30.000 Sq. Ft.
TOTAL 123,430 Sq. Ft.
and as further described in Exhibit B, Conceptual Plan and
Preliminary Plat of St. Clare of Assisi, approved by the Board of
County Commissioners (hereinafter "the Board") on September 17,
1996; and as further described in the St. Clare of Assisi Planned
Unit Development Control Guide described in Exhibit C attached
hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, received by
Eagle County Department of Community Development on August 29,
1996, and approved by the Board on September 17, 1996; and
WHEREAS, public hearings were held .by the Board on September
17,1996, and
60'>473 B-?06 P-490 U9/Zg/lyy6 n3:1~P Pr.~ 1 nF 19 N~'C Dr~r NOT
Sara J. E~isher Eagle County Clerk & Recorder U.OU
WHEREAS, base_ on the evidence, testimony, exhibits, study of
the Master Plan for the unincorporated areas of Eagle County,
comments of the Eagle County Department of Community Development,
comments of public officials and agencies, the recommendation of
the Eagle County Planning Commission, and comments from all
interested parties, the Board finds as follows:
I. Proper publication and public notice was provided as required
by law for the hearing before the Planning Commission and the
Board of County Commissioners.
II. Pursuant to Section 2.18.02(3) of the Regulations, the Board
makes the following findings in its review of the St. Clare
of Assisi PUD Preliminary Plan:
(a) The Preliminary Plan is in general conformance with the
St. Clare of Assisi Sketch Plan and conditions of ap-
(b) The proposed subdivision conforms to all applicable
regulations policies and guidelines.
(c) The reports on file pertaining to geology, soils, wild-
fire, flood and airport hazards, mineral resource areas
and significant wildlife areas, the recommendations as
prepared by the referral agencies, have been considered.
III. Pursuant to Section 2.06.13(2) Standards and Requirements,
Planned Unit Development, the Board finds as follows:
(a) The PUD is consistent with the intent and objectives of ~,~
the Master Plan, The Edwards Sub Area Community Plan and ~~
the policies therein. Specifically with regard to the Ct
Master Plan the Board finds the development of this
project as proposed:
1. To have a full range of public services available appro-
priate to the use proposed.
2. To have a significant economic determinant to the area
and to the County generally.
3. To have minimized any negative effects on the social and
natural environment.
4. To be capable of being phased in order to address cur-
rent and anticipated market conditions.
(b) The design and construction of the PUD includes ade-
quate, safe, and convenient arrangements for pedestrian
and vehicular circulation, off-street parking and load-
ing space.
602473 B-?06 P-490 09/26/1996 03:12P PG 2 Off' I9
' (c) The desig__ of the PUD provides adequ____ access and fire
protection, adequate setbacks to insure proper ventila-
tion, light, air, and snowmelt between buildings, and
insures that the PUD is compatible with other develop-
ment in the area.
(d) Open space for the PUD has been planned to produce maxi-
mum usefulness to the residents of the development for
purposes of recreation and scenery, and to produce a
feeling of openness.
(e) The developer will provide central water and sewer fa-
cilities as has been determined necessary by the County
Commissioners, the Colorado Department of Health, and
the local health authorities.
(f) The development has been designed to provide for neces-
sary commercial, recreational and educational facilities
as determined to be necessary for the proposed use.
(g) Clustered housing and other buildings promote maximum
open space and economy of development and variety in
type, design and layout of buildings.
(h) Maximum height of structures have been be established by
the approved PUD plan.
IV. Pursuant to Section 2.06.13(3) criteria for evaluation of
the PUD, the Board finds as follows: ~'
(a) The recommended provision of 25% open space has been
(b) The density of residential use has been considered in
the review of this application.
(c) Density of Other Uses is appropriate after consideration
of the Master Plan and individual characteristics of the
subject land.
(d) Architectural standards have been formulated for the
Planned Unit Development so as to be compatible with
other units in the area and to avoid uniformity and lack
of variety in structural designs.
602473 B-706 P-490 09/26/1996 03:12P PG 3 OF 19
(e) The PUD has been designed to provide the necessary mixed
uses for this type of educational and religious develop-
(f) The PUD meets the minimum area requirement for a PUD.
(g) The owners/applicants have provided for the maintenance
of common areas within the PUD.
(h) Employee housing needs are being met within this devel-
Pursuant to Section 2.06.13(7)(a) Preliminary Plan Review,
the Board finds as follows:
1. An Environmental Impact Report was determined to not be
necessary for this development.
2. The information and conditions of Sketch Plan have been
adequately addressed.
3. An application for a zone change has been properly sub-
mitted and reviewed.
4. The PUD control document has been submitted, reviewed
and will be recorded with the Clerk and Recorder as an
attachment to this Resolution.
Pursuant to Section 2.14.04, Review of Zone District Amend-
ments, the Board finds as follows:
(a) The rezoning is consistent with the Master Plan and the
Edwards Sub Area Community Plan; the area possesses the
geologic, physical and other environmental conditions
compatible with characteristics of the use requested;
and the advantages of the use requested outweigh the
(b) Conceptual evidence has been provided that the land has
access and can be serviced with water and sewage dis-
posal systems appropriate with the zone district being
602473 B-746 P-490 09/26/1996 03:I2U PG 4 ~~F 19
' (c) The area ~~r which rezoning is reque~_ed has changed or
is changing to such a degree that it is in the public
interest to encourage a new use or density in the area,
and the proposed rezoning is necessary in order to pro-
vide land for a demonstrated community need.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commis-
sioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado:
THAT, the application for approval of the St. Clare of Assisi
Zone District Amendment and the Planned Unit Development Prelimi-
nary Plan be and is hereby conditionally granted for a religious
and educational facility. Such facilities shall be generally
located in the areas depicted in the Preliminary Plan and as
further restricted in the approved St. Clare of Assisi PUD
Control Guide. The conditions of approval are as follows:
1. Site Plan Review will be presented to the Planning Com-
mission and will include analysis of the items as de-
scribed in the PUD Guide. Approvals of Site Plans will
be based upon the criteria as listed in the PUD Guide.
2. Fencing restrictions will be further reviewed through
the Site Plan Review.
3. Issuance of a building permit for the maintenance facil-
ity be reviewed through the Site Plan Review procedure
to ensure that the location of such facility is incorpo-
rated into a landscape berm or one of the development
THAT, the St. Clare of Assisi Preliminary Plan submitted
under this application and hereby approved, does not constitute a
"Site Specific Development Plan" as that phrase is defined and
used in C.R.S.24-68-101, et seq.
THAT the Board hereby directs the Department of Community
Development to enter this amendment on the appropriate page(s) of
the Official District Map and record the change in the Office of
the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder.
602473 B-?06 P-490 09/26/1996 03:1`LP PG 5 OF 19
The Board fur r finds, determines and _lares that this
Resolution is necessary for the health, safety and welfare of the
inhabitants of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado.
MOVED, READ, AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners
of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, at its meeting held
the ~) day of ~~titi~, 1996, nunc pro tunc
the 17th day of September, 1996.
COLORADO and Through Its
,~ ,~~~ w
~'~~ ~
BY : J' r ~~ ~ o ~
Sara J. F Sher `k.~A ° G rge A. Gates, Chairman
Clerk of the Board of _
County Commissioners
Joh hilli~s, Commissioner
~® ~--~
. John~n, Jissioner
Commissioner seconded adoption of the
foregoing resolu ion. The roll having been called, the vote was
as follows:
Commissioner James E. Johnson, Jr. L~I,C,
Commissioner Johnnette Phillips
Commissioner George A. Gates ~r.e.
This Resolution passed by ~ ~ vote of the Board of
County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado.
602473 B-705 P-490 09/26/1995 03:12P PG 6 UH' 19
A parcel of land located in Tract 64 of Section 36, Township 4 South, Range 83 West of the 6th
Principal Meridian, lying south of the southerly right-of way line of U.S. Highway 6, described as
Beginning at a point on the southerly right-of--way line of U.S. Highway 6, from which the southeast
corner of Section 36 bears S58° 52' 45"E, 1286.03 feet; thence along the northerly line of a sanitary
sewer easement described in Book 591, Page 109, Eagle County Records the following seven (7)
courses: (1) S31° 24' 2T'W, 56.96 feet, (2) S87' 35' 44"W, 388.64 feet; (3) N60° 26' 20"W, 347.30
feet; (4) S85° 27' 45"W, 200.84 feet; (~ N58° 38' 48"W, 395.83 feet; (6) N63°52'54"W, 399.44 feet;
(7) S81°39'55"W, 196.33 feet; thence departing the northerly easement line, N37°05'03"W, 284.02
feet to a point on the easterly right-of-way line of Squaw Creek Road, thence along the easterly right-
of-way line of Squaw Creek Road the following seven (7) courses: (1) N13°06'04"E, 112.26 feet; (2)
NO1°45'21"E, 114.32 feet; (3) N07°41'02"W, 99.58 feet; (4) N14°13'53"E, 48.73 feet; (5)
NOS°03'42"W, 149.78 feet; (6) N07°15'48"W, 33.07 feet; (7) 38.17 feet along the arc of a curve to
the right having a radius of 63.50 feet, a central angle of 34'26' 1T', and a long chord which bears
N11°02'25"E, 37.60 feet; to a point on the southerly right-of--way line of U.S. Highway 6, thence
along the southerly right-of-way line of U.S. Highway 6 the following five (5) courses: (1) 124.46 feet -
along the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 5795.00 feet, a central angle of O 1 ° 13' S0", and a
long chord which bears S56°08'S3"E, 124.46 feet; (2) S64°21'41"E, 116.20 feet; (3) S57°55' 11"E,
1900.00 fees; (4) S52'22'O1"E, 200.79; (5) S57°49' 1T'E, 14.20 feet to the Point of Beginning.
The described parcel contains 20.12 acres, more or less.
602473 P-706 P-490 09/26/1995 03:12P PG 7 OF 19
The purpose of this PUD Guide is to ensure orderly development of the property in
accordance with the standards, restrictions and regulations which govern the development
of land within the St. Clare of Assisi Planned Unit Development.
The St. Clare PUD is intended to provide for a comprehensively planned, architecturally
integrated church and educational facility to serve the Eagle Valley community. The parish
will extend from Avon to Glenwood Canyon and will encompass and provide support to all
residential neighborhoods within the parish area.
The Preliminary Plan for the St. Clare of Assisi Parish defines three separate Tracts.
Permitted uses and other development standards specific to each Tract shall be as follows:
The primary purpose of the permitted uses within Tract A is to provide housing
opportunities for full time employees of the permitted uses on the other tracts within the St.
Clare of Assisi Planned Unit Development. Tract A may be subdivided from Tracts B and
C in order to allow for an appropriate form of ownership of the tract, however, any
dwelling units constructed on Tract A shall not be further subdivided in order to create fee
simple ownership of individual dwelling units.
Permitted uses
a. 30 Multiple family dwelling units
b. Accessory and support uses appropriate to the primary uses
Priori use sXstem
The residential dwelling units shall be rented in accordance with the following priority
1. Units will fast be made available to those persons and their immediate family
whose primary location of employment is within the site of the St. Clare of Assisi
2. If there are available units after the first priority then they will be made available to
full time employees working within Eagle County. Full time employees shall be
defined as someone who works more than 30 hours a week at one or more jobs.
3 . If there are available units after the fast and second priorities, then units will be
made available to the general public, but not for periods of occupancy of less than
30 days.
642473 B-706 P-490 09/26/1996 U3:12P Pr 12 OF 19
4. The St. Clare of Assisi Parish, or its designated management agent, shall submit an
annual report to the Eagle County Housing Division Manager, no later than October
31 of each calendaz yeaz, that summarizes the occupancy status of each dwelling
unit with regazd to the Priority Use System hereby established.
Maximum building height
Thirty-five feet with the exception of stacks, vents, elevator structures, spires, domes,
cupolas, towers and similar non-habitable building appurtenances. Building Height shall
be measured vertically, from the finished grade at any given point to the top of a flat roof,
or mansard roof or to the midpoint between the eave line and peak of a gable, gambrel, hip,
shed or similaz pitched roof, and measured to the peak of roofs which exceed a slope of
Si s
Aground mounted monument sign of a maximum size of 16 square feet and a maximum
height of 6 feet shall be allowed for project identification. This sign should be located in
the general vicinity of the entrance to the Tract and directed towards the internal access
drive. The sign shall be located outside of any intersection cleaz zone azea as defined in
Section 2.23 of the Eagle County Land Use Regulations.
Each individual building will be allowed a one square foot sign that contains building
identification information.
Pazking within Tract A shall be in conformance with Eagle County Standazds at the time of
issuance of a building permit.
Permitted uses
a. Early learning center to include pre-school, day care and after school
b. Elementary school including K - 8th grade
c . Recreational fields and playgrounds
d. Pazking
e . Accessory and support uses appropriate to the primary uses
Maximum building height
Thirty five feet with the exception of stacks, vents, elevator structures, spires, domes,
cupolas, towers and similar non-habitable building appurtenances. Building Height shall
602473 E-706 P-490 09/26/1996 03:12P PG 13 OF 19
be measured vertically, from the finished grade at any given point to the top of a flat roof,
or mansazd roof or to the midpoint between the eave line and peak of a gable, gambrel, hip,
shed or similar pitched roof, and measured to the peak of roofs which exceed a slope of
A ground mounted monument sign of a maximum size of 32 square feet and a maximum
height of 8 feet shall be allowed for project identification. This sign should be located in
the general vicinity of the entrance to the property. The sign shall be located outside of the
intersection cleaz zone area as defined in Section 2.23 of the Eagle County Land Use
Each individual building will be allowed a 16 squaze foot wall sign that contains building
identification information.
Directional and traffic signs shall be allowed as necessary, not to exceed 3 squaze feet in
size and 5 feet in height.
P king
Parking within Tract B shall be as follows:
Learnin Cg enter - 1 pazking space per employee plus one additional space for
each 1000 square feet of building azea.
Elementary School - 1 pazking space per employee plus 1 parking space for each
_ 2 classrooms.
Permitted uses
a. Church
b . Fellowship Hall
c. Parking
d . Memorial Gazden/Columbarium
e. Rectory (single family dwelling unit)
Accessory and support uses appropriate to the primary uses
Maximum building height
Thirty five feet with the exception of stacks, vents, elevator structures, spires, domes,
cupolas, towers and similar non-habitable building appurtenances for the Rectory and
Fellowship Hail.
Forty five feet with the exception of stacks, vents, elevator structures, spires, domes,
cupolas, towers and similar non-habitable building appurtenances for the Church.
602473 L-706 P-490 09/26/1996 U3:12P Pr 14 OF 19
Building Height shall be measured vertically, from the finished grade at any given point to
the top of a flat roof, or mansazd roof or to the midpoint between the eave line and peak of
a gable, gambrel, hip, shed or similar pitched roof, and measured to the peak of roofs
which exceed a slope of 12:12.
i ns
The church shall be allowed a ground mounted monument sign of a maximum size of 28
square feet and a maximum height of 8 feet or a wall mounted sign of a maximum of 16
squaze feet for building identification. This sign, if ground mounted, should be located in
the general vicinity of the entrance to the church. The sign shall be located outside of any
intersection clear zone area as defined in Section 2.23 of the Eagle County Land Use
The Fellowship Hall shall be allowed a 12 squaze foot wall sign that contains building
identification information.
Directional and traffic signs shall be allowed as necessary, not to exceed 3 square feet in
size and 5 feet in height.
Parking within Tract C shall be as follows:
Church - 1 pazking space for each 6 seats
Fellowship HaII - No additional pazking requirement, however, use of this
facility will be restricted to times that will not overlap with
church services.
Rectorv- 3 pazking spaces
The following development standazds shall be applicable to the entire PUD:
In order to provide for adequate pazking during occasional or seasonal activities that may
generate a high parking demand all pazking spaces allocated to any of the uses on Tracts B
and C may be utilized as overflow pazking.
Building setbacks shall be as follows:
• Front: 50 Feet
• Side: 15 Feet
• Rear: 15 Feet
• Squaw Creek: 50 Feet from the annual mean high water mazk
Building setbacks shall be from the exterior property lines of the overall parcel. Individual
Tract lines shall not require building setbacks.
6024?3 B-706 P-490 09/26/1996 03:1Zt' PG 1~ CAP' 19
Maximum building floor area
The maximum building floor areas will be as indicated on the following table:
Church, Fellowship, & Administration 17,900
Eazly Learning Center 24,300
Elementary School 146,000
Rectory 3,830
Campus Maintenance 1,400
Housing 30,000
TOTAL 123,430
Percent lot coverage
The maximum Iot coverage by impervious materials shall not exceed 35% of the total site
Fencing no higher than 6' shall be allowed along the south and north property lines and to
delineate and protect playground and playfield areas. Fence material may be post and rail,
solid wood or chain link.
Li tin
All site lighting shall utilize hidden source light fixtures. Parking lot and play area light
poles shall not exceed 14' in height. The wattage, light type and physical spacing shall be
designed in such a manner that the average lumen rating at ground level shall not exceed 1/2
foot candles.
The overall concept for the St. Claze of Assisi PUD is to create a cohesive campus setting
that is appropriate to the pastoral setting and the architectural heritage of Western Colorado.
The individual buildings that form the St. Claze of Assisi campus should be designed in
an architectural style and scale that allow the architecture to complement the site rather than
overpower it. The landscape planting should serve as a unifying fabric through the use of
common landscape plantings and materials. The use of similar building forms, materials
and colors should create a common design theme while allowing each of the three specific
uses, the church, the schools and the residences, to be designed within the architectural
602473 ~-70E~ P-494 49!26/1996 r~3; ~.2P pr_ r 6 ~~~~ lg
vernacular appropriate to their use.
Particular attention must be paid to the scale and mass of each of the lazge individual
buildings in order to promote a sense of place appropriate to the character of the intimate
pastoral setting. Lazge unbroken wall planes must be avoided. This can be accomplished
most effectively by utilizing a composition of smaller forms to create lazger interior spaces.
The use of a variety of roof forms and stepped building heights will be particularly
important in creating appropriate mass and scale for the school buildings.
The heritage of western Colorado should be reflected by selecting building materials that
are historically appropriate to the use or indigenous to the area. Recommended materials
are stone, brick masonry, stucco and wood. Concrete block, if utilized, should be split
face or of other architectural quality.
Color is an important and appropriate way to strengthen common design elements and as
such, should be muted and earth tone in nature.
All rooftop mechanical equipment shall be painted to match the roof material or otherwise
appropriately screened.
The Preliminary Plan for the St. Claze of Assisi Planned Unit Development details specific
site and public improvements, such as the Highway 6 access point and improvements,
utility extensions and sizing, road and driveway lay out and grading, and the overall site
grading required to allow for improved building pads. The plans indicate, to a lesser degree
of design accuracy, the general location, layout and availability of parking for each use.
The individual buildings have not yet been designed and given the phasing plan and
potential build out time frame of this project, it may not be appropriate to complete final
designs for each building for quite some time.
Prior to approval of any site disturbance or issuance of a building permit within any of the
tracts of the St. Claze of Assisi PUD the Eagle County Planning Commission must review
and approve a Development Area Plan. The Development Area Plans shall typically
identify the layout of buildings, landscaping, parking and other uses and shall also include
architectural design information sufficient to understand building form, materials and
colors. This development plan information must be drawn at a scale and preliminary level
of design suitable for public review but not at the level of detail typically associated with
building permit or construction documentation.
The purpose of this review will be to ensure that all construction of buildings, phases or
portions of phases are in conformance with the Preliminary Plans as approved, including
the conceptual landscape plan indicated on the Conceptual Site Plan, and with the general
azchitectural guidelines as expressed above.
A Development Area Plan may be approved after a public hearing of the Planning
Commission, written notice of which has been placed in a newspaper of general circulation
in Eagle County at least 10 days prior to the hearing. Said notice shall state the general
nature of the development request and the date of the hearing.
Conformance with the specific development standards included in the PUD Guide such as,
parking, setbacks, building height, building floor area, lot coverage, signs, lighting and
allowable uses shall be documented at the building permit review.
602473 B-706 P-490 09/26!1996 03:12P PG 1? OF' ?9
In order to minimi~.e the impact of the St. Clare of Assisi development program to wildlife
the following measures shall be required:
1. There will be no resident dogs harbored on site. Any dog brought onto the
site must be controlled by a leash of not more than 12' in length.
Contractors shall be prohibited from bringing dogs onto the construction
2. There shall be no outside storage of trash or garbage. Trash or garbage
shall be stored within a garage or storage/maintenance building or azea in a
suitable receptacle with a tight fitting lid.
3 . School management will receive a copy of the CDOW's brochure entitled
"Living with wildlife in mountain lion country".
4. With the exception of bird feeders, the feeding, baiting, salting, or other
means of attracting wildlife to the school site will be prohibited.
5. Pets shall not be fed outside. Bowls of pet food left outside may attract
lions, beazs, other predators (e.g., coyotes), and nuisance wildlife (e.g.
raccoons and skunks).
6. Children should be closely supervised whenever they aze outside playing. It
is only precautionary, but would be best if children were inside before dusk
and not outside before dawn, when any local lions may be more active.
7. Outside lighting should adequately illuminate areas where children might
venture during any crepuscular or nocturnal activities. This would enable
supervisory personnel and children to detect a lion if one were present.
8 . A buffer zone surrounding the children's play area should be devoid of all
shrubs and trees. This would eliminate hiding places for lions and make it
more difficult for them to approach unseen. Landscaping that attracts deer
and elk to property might, in turn, attract lions.
9. Children should be educated about lions and what to do if they encounter C1^,
one. ~'"
All terms shall be as defined in the Eagle County Land Use Regulations unless specifically
defined below: -
A memorial garden is a formal garden area that may include landscape plantings, retaining
walls, fountains, sculptures, water features and open air structures such as gazebos, for the
purpose of reflection and memorial. Specific features may be dedicated by small plaques or
other signage.
6!?47~ B-?Q~ P-49~:} 091'LE~/1996 03:12Y PG 1~3 ~JF 19
A Columbarium is a wall within or adjacent to a Memorial Garden within which cremains
may be placed.
602473 P,-706 P-490 09!26/1996 03:12P PG 19 4F 19