HomeMy WebLinkAboutR96-123 authorizing B&G manager to dispose of personal propertyCommissioner moved adoption of the following Re lution: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO RESOLUTION NO. 96 - ~p~~~ A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS MANGER TO DISPOSE OF CERTAIN PERSONAL PROPERTY OF THE COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO WHEREAS, C.R.S. 30-11-101(1)(c) and (e), and C.R.S. 30-11- 107(1)(a) and (e), empower the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado (hereinafter referred to as the "Board") to make such orders concerning the personal property of Eagle County, as may be deemed conducive to the interests of the inhabitants; and WHEREAS, the County Building and Grounds Department, desires to dispose or demolish two buildings located and owned by Eagle County, for the reason that the intended purpose and use of the buildings by the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, no longer exists; and WHEREAS, the buildings to be demolished or disposed of are as follows Gypsum R&B Shop Grain Storage Shed 651 Highway 6 Eagle County Fairgrounds Gypsum, Colorado Eagle, Colorado, (see Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference); and WHEREAS, the Manager of the Building and Grounds Department seeks authority from the Board of County Commissioners to take the necessary steps to dispose of or demolish these buildings; and WHEREAS, the Board is desirous to designate the Manager of the Building and Grounds Department as its authorized representative in this matter and authorizes the Manager of the Building and Grounds Department to take whatever steps are reasonable and in the best interest of Eagle County to dispose of these buildings. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO: THAT, the Board hereby authorizes the Manager of the Building and Grounds Department to take whatever steps are reasonable and in the best interest of Eagle County to dispose of these buildings. THAT, this Resolution is necessary for the public health, safety and welfare of the citizenry of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. MOVED, READ AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, Sta of Colorado, at its regular meeting held the day of 1996. ,~,~ ~a~~ ~ ~ COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF ~~~ ~" ~ ~~ COLORADO , By and Through I t s rR'~y ATTEST: ~r~ ~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ~' ~- r'~~ ~'ia..a».y ~/ By: Clerk to the oard of George Gates, Chairman County Commissioners r ohnnette Phillips, Commis Toner Commissioner seconded adoption of the foregoing resolution. he roll having been called, the vote was as follows: Commissioner Gates L~,c~_ Commissioner Phillips _~ Commissioner Johnson ~~.~! , This Resolution passed by ~ -~ vote of the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. No file Colora.,o Counties Casua PROPERTY EVAL- 2833 coUNTY ~~~~ BUII.DING ~~ rza : ,.` ~o ~ - STREET ADDRESS CITY ZIP 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION (Circle One) -Refer to bac~E of form for descriptions of types. * Complete Separate Form far ADDITIONS TO STRU A. Fireproof Structural Steel Frame ~ Wood or Steet Frame Exterior Walls B. Reinforced Concrete Frame S. Metal Frame Walls - C. Masonry Bearing Walls 2. DATE OF CONSTRUCTION ./~ 3 . # Or' S i~'iRIES / AVG. S'i ORY hr IGHT 4. SPECIAL ENHANCEMENTS (Circle All That Apply) A. Sprinklered All Partial % E. Burglar Alarm -Central Hook-up B. Wind Resistance / F. Elevators No C. Fue Detee woke Alarms All Partial 96 G. Basem Pardal 96 D. B H. er 5. OCCUPANCY Original Use G~/+~~ S~_~ •C Cuuent Use ~ o~'~-•i 6 • SPECIAL CONTENTS (Circle All That Apply) Attach extra sheets ij necessary. A. Computers • No. - D. Mobile Equipment B. Cameras Bc AV Equipme No. E. O ep a Items C. Valuable Paper-P List (e.g. Artifacts, Actwa~lc, Pumps, Translators) -Please List ~ 7. SHAPE: ~1.~Square $. CONDITION: 1. Warn Out 2 Slightly Irregular ~ 3. Irregular ~ 4. Very Irregular 2. Badly Wom Average 4. Good 5. Very Good 6. Excellent 9. COST RANK (General Quality & Design): I. Low ~ Average 3. Above Average 4. High ~c 10 . TOTAL FLOOR ARE • List Sq. Ft. ~ '~ ~ OR Diagnun an Back w/Measurements ~ I1. HEATIIvG & C30LII~G (Circle) 1. Electric 6. Space Heater 11. Package Unit Z. Electric Wall 7. steam, w/Boiler ed & Co 3. Fonxd Air Unit Gas)- 8. Steam, w/ ' er 13. • Hot Water 4. Hot Wat 9. Ven ' on 14. Heat Pump S. Hot ater Radiant 10. Wall Furnace 15. Floor Furnace 16. Central Air Conditioning 17. Rooftop Air Conditioning 18. Other v~, o ~...~ 12. Is Building Registered as a Historical Structure? YES NO I3. 14. 15. 16. IS Building Leased? _1L 1f Yes, FROM Or TO What sources of income may be lost in the event of a large loss to the premises (eg. rents. paid admissions,etc.)7 Estimated Amount $ -C3 What sources of extra expense may be incurred due to loss of use of propeny? (e.g. transportation and housing of prisoners, rental for temporary operation. etc.)? Estimated Amount $ - ~ -' QUESTIONS? Contact LOIJELLA CASIAS at Colorado'Coundes 303861076 Buildings Under Construction at this Location ~?'/~ Perso<t Filling Out Form i l.f ~e -~--,~ Telephone # EXHIBIT ~~ Colorado Counties Casualt; zs2~ PROPERTY EVALU. couNTY BU]LDING r STREET ADDRESS . CITY ~ l (~ ~ 1 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION (Circle One) - Rejer to bac~E of form for descriptions of tYP~- • Complete Separate Form for ADDITIONS TO STRUCT[JRE A. Fireproof structural steel Frame ~ wood or steel Frame Exterior walls B, Reinforced Concrete Frame S. Metal Frame Walls C. Masonry Beating walls 2. DATE OF CONSTRUCTION , ~ 3` . 3. # OF SiriRIES ~ AVG. STORY I~cIGiIT- /~ 4. SPECIAL ENHANCEMENTS (Circle All That APP1Y) A. Sprinklered Partial 96 E. Burglar Alaran - C tral Hook-up B. wind Resin C. Fue De tors/Smoke Alarms All Partial F. Elena 'Xo G. nt All Partial 95 D. Burglar Alarm H. Other 5. OCCUPANCY r Original Use ~ v ~c ~~~ s~1o ,~ Cuaent Use 6. SPECIAL CONTENTS (Circle All Thai Apply) Attach extra sheets if necessory. A. Computers - No. ~ Cameras & AV Egiy'prnert~No. B D. Mobile Equipment - E. Other -ts-~~lace Items . C. Valuable Papers=Please List (e.g. Artifacts, Artwork, Pumps. Translators) -Please List ~ 7. SHAPE: ~ Square $. CONDITION: 1. worn out 2 Slighfly Irregular 3. Irregular ~ 4. Very Irregular Badly worn 3. Average 4. Good 5. Very Good 6. Excellent 9. COST RANK (General Quality & Design): ~.ow 2 Average 3. Above Average 4. High 10 . TOTAL FLOOR AREA -List Sq. Ft. Jl~ o OR Diagram on Back w/Measurements ~c I1. HEAT1IvG & COOLE4G (Circle) 1. Electric 6. Space Heater 1l. Package Unit 16. Central Air Condidoning 2. Electric Wall 7. Steam. wBoiler 12. warmed & Cooled Air 17. Rooftop Air Conditioning 3. Forced Air as) 8. Steam, w/o B ' 3. • Hot ~ ater 18. Other ~^- o ~ ~ 4. Hot 9. V 14. Heat p 5. Hot ater Radiant 10. wall Furnace 15. Floor Furnace 12. Is Building Registered as a Historical Structure? YES NO „~ . 13. Is Budding Leased? ~ Tf Yes, FROM or TO 14. what sources of income may be lost in the event of a large loss to the premises (e.g. rents, paid adrnissions,etc.)? Estimated Amount $ -G- 15. what sources of extra expense may be incurred due to lobs of use of property? (e.g. transportation and housing of prisoners, rental for temporary operation. etc.)? ` / Estimated Amount $ 16. Buildings Under Conswction at this Location ®1' - EXH BIT Person FIIling Out Form ~~"'f~ /'~ ~'A~ ~•r Telephone # , 3Z ~ " ~ 3 // D QUESTIONS? Contact LOUELLA CASIAS at Colorado 'Counties 303861-4076