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Commissioner !~L~pi moved adoption
of the following Resolution:
FILE NO. PD-259-96-A
WHEREAS, on July 2, 1996, the Eagle County Board of County
Commissioners (hereinafter "Board"), adopted Eagle County Resolution No.
96-87, approving an amendment to the Eagle County Regional Airport Planned
Unit Development, recorded at Book 698 and Page 998 in the office of the
Eagle County Clerk and Recorder; and
WHEREAS, subsequent to the adoption of Resolution No. 96-87, it was
discovered that Exhibit "A"(Eagle County Airport Rules and Regulations) to
~~ the PUD Control Document attached to the Resolution was not the most
recently adopted version of the Eagle County Regional Airport Rules and
Regulations; and
WHEREAS, the Board here desires to repeal the provisions of Eagle
County Resolution No. 96-87, and to re-adopt the amendment to the Airport
PUD Guide with the correct set of Airport Rules and Regulations (Exhibit
"A") attached thereto, all to correct this clerical error; and
WHEREAS, on or about May 9, 1996, the County of Eagle, State of
Colorado, accepted for filing an application submitted by James P. Elwood.
Manager: Eagle County Regional Airport (hereinafter "Applicant") for
amendment of the Eagle Counter A~Bort Minor Planned Unit Development, near
Gypsum, Colorado (hereinafter the "PUD"), File No. PD-259-96-A; and 4
WHEREAS, the Applicant requested the amendment of the PUD for the
purposes of increasing the maximum building height from 45 feet to 65 feet
and other miscellaneous updates; and
599414 B-703 P-428 08/21/1996 U1:13P PG 1 OF 78 REC DOC
Sara J. Fisher Eagle County Clerk &. Recorder 0.00
Commissioner moved adoption
of the following Resolution:
RESOLUTION NO . 9 6 -_~~~
FILE NO. PD-259-96-A
WHEREAS, on July 2, 1996, the Eagle County Board of County
Commissioners (hereinafter "Board"), adopted Eagle County Resolution No.
96-87, approving an amendment to the Eagle County Regional Airport Planned
Unit Development, recorded at Book 698 and Page 998 in the office of the
Eagle County Clerk and Recorder; and
WHEREAS, subsequent to the adoption of Resolution No. 96-87, it was
discovered that Exhibit "A"(Eagle County Airport Rules and Regulations) to
the PUD Control Document attached to the Resolution was not the most
recently adopted version of the Eagle County Regional Airport Rules and
Regulations; and
WHEREAS, the Board here desires to repeal the provisions of Eagle
County Resolution No. 96-87, and to re-adopt the amendment to the Airport
PUD Guide with the correct set of Airport Rules and Regulations (Exhibit
"A") attached thereto, all to correct this clerical error; and
WHEREAS, on or about Mav 9, 1996, the County of Eagle, State of
Colorado, accepted for filing an application submitted by Uames P. Elwood,
Manager. Eagle County Regional Airport (hereinafter "Applicant") for
amendment of the Eagle County Airport Minor Planned Unit Developmen near
Gypsum, Colorado (hereinafter the "PUD"), File No. PD-259-96-A; and
WHEREAS, the Applicant requested the amendment of the PUD for the
purposes of increasing the maximum building height from 45 feet to 65 feet
and other miscellaneous updates; and
WHEREAS, notice of the proposed amendment was mailed to all owners of
property located within and adjacent to the PUD and was duly published in
a newspaper of general circulation throughout the County concerning the
subject matter of the application and setting forth the dates and times of
hearings for consideration of the application by the Planning Commission
and the Board of County Commissioners of County of Eagle, State of Colorado
(hereinafter the "Board"); and
WHEREAS, at its public meeting held June 5. 1996, the Planning
Commission, based upon its findings, recommended approval of the proposed
PUD Amendment; and
WHEREAS, at its public meeting hearing of June 18. 1996, the Board
considered the PUD Amendment application, associated plans and the
statements and concerns of the Applicant and the Eagle County staff.
Based on the evidence, testimony, exhibits, review of the Eagle County
Master Plan, the recommendation of the Planning Commission and staff, and
comments from all interested parties, the Board finds as follows:
1. The proposed amendment to the Eagle County Airport Minor Planned
Unit Development Control Document is consistent with the
efficient development and preservation of the entire PUD.
2. The proposed amendment does not affect in a substantially adverse
manner either the enjoyment of the land abutting upon or across
the street from the PUD or the public interest.
3. The proposed amendment shall not solely confer a special benefit
upon any person.
THAT, the provisions of Eagle County Resolution No. 96-87 are hereby
THAT, the application submitted by James P. Elwood, Manager, Eagle
County Regional Airport for amendment of the Eagle County Airport Minor
Planned Unit Development Control Document be and is hereby approved as
Eagle County Regional Airport, Planned Unit Development Control Document,
a true and complete copy of which, as thereby amended, is attached hereto
and marked as Exhibit "A".
THAT, the Board finds, determines, and declares that this Resolution
is necessary for the health, safety, and welfare of the inhabitants of the
County of Eagle, State of Colorado.
MOVED, READ AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of the
County of Eagle, State of Colorado, at its regular meeting held the
~(~~g.`_ day of Auqust, 1996, nunc pro tunc to the 18th day of June,
~ ~ and Through Its BOARD OF COUNTY
'~~..,,~..~' '~ COMMISSIONERS
ATTEST : ~~~'°~~~
Sara J. Fisher George Gates, Chairman
Clerk of the Board of ,
County Commissioners
BY : ,Y
;' John e Phillips, issioner
s E. Johnsop! Jr.r~tissioner
~ i ~
Commissioner seconded adoption of the
foregoing Resolution. The roll having been called, the vote was as
Commissioner George A. Gates ct.rnl~
Commissioner Johnnette Phillips
Commissioner James E. Johnson, Jr.
This Resolution passed by (~`~ vote of the Board of County
Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado.
Control Document
Amended 6/18/96
The Eagle County Regional Airport Planned Unit Development represents a unique use in Eagle
County, being the only public airport in the county. It is also unique in that it is operated by the
Board of County Commissioners. It is also subject to regulation by the Federal Aviation
As a public airport, there will be a mixture of uses which makes standard zoning for the airport
I. Contemplated Uses to be Allowed on the Airport.
A. Aircraft landing field (fixed wing and rotorcraft).
B. Airport related businesses (Fixed Base Operator and Airport Specialty Operator).
C. National Guard Facility.
D. Office Space (aviation related).
E. Airport related restaurant(s); snack bar; gift, newspaper and magazines sales.
F. Car rental.
G. Private hangars (T-hangars and executive-type hangars).
H. County road and bridge facility.
I. Airport maintenance facility.
J. Airport emergency vehicle facility.
K. Airport terminal facility.
L. Airport flight service station and/or control tower.
M. Airport parking facilities (lot or structure).
N. Rental car facilities.
O. Group Home for juveniles.
P. Open Space.
Q. Recreation.
R. Agriculture.
S. Limited gravel mining (for use within the P.U.D.)
T. Airport or other county offices.
U. Contractors yard for use during construction on the airport (only).
V. Underground fuel storage.
W. Fire station.
X. Utility facilities.
Y. Accessory buildings.
Z. Aviation-related industry.
Prior to use of any part of the development, the proposal is considered by the Board of County
Use and construction on the airport is regulated by the Eagle County Regional Airport Rules and
Regulations, which are adopted by the Board of County Commissioners. (A copy of the Eagle
County Airport Rules and Regulations in force at the time of this application are attached and
marked Exhibit A.) These Rules and Regulations are subject to change or amendment by the
Boazd of County Commissioners. All Fixed Base Operators and Airport Special Operators aze
further regulated by the Minimum Standazds for Fixed Base Operators. (A copy of said
Standards is attached and mazked Exhibit B.) Said Standazds aze subject to change as provided
therein. Further non-county use of any part of the P.U.D. is regulated by lease conditions
imposed by the Boazd of County Commissioners. All structures further require permitting
through the F.A.A. to ensure they do not conflict with safety requirements.
Architectural Review -All plan and building designs aze reviewed by the Airport Manager. Any
decision of the Airport Manager may be appealed to the Boazd of County Commissioners.
II. Building Controls
A. Setbacks
1. Minimum setbacks from Cooley Mesa Road or U.S. Highway 6 - 50 feet.
2. Minimum setback for new building from center-line of runway as
prescribed by F.A.A. regulations shall be observed.
B. Height
65 foot maximum height for all structures except control tower, beacons, or other
navigational aids or lights.
C. Building Envelopes
Building envelopes shall be designated by the Boazd of County Commissioners in
its role as airport owner prior to construction of any new structure.
D. Use Standards
All azeas shall be kept free of noxious weeks, junk, and general clutter or other
E. Road and Bride Facility
The Road and Bridge Yazd shall be screened from general view by adequate
fencing or landscaping.
F. Wildlife Control
As funds permit, fences shall be constructed to prevent or hinder the access of
deer to runway or taxiway azea.
G. Long Term Leases
Leases of a term of up to and including a period of sixty years may be entered
without further subdivision review for, but not limited to, Fixed Base Operators,
Aviation Specialty Operators, National Guard Facility ,Fire Stations, or Parking
Facilities on the Airport P.U.D.
H. Signs
Any sign must be approved by the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners
before attachment to any buildings or other erection at the airport.
I. Structure Exteriors
Exterior building and roof colors shall be approved by the Board of County
Commissioners prior to the erection of any structure, to ensure a compatible color
scheme with other nearby structures.
I. General ....................................................1
A. Rules and Regulations ............................1
B. Definitions ......................................1
C. Airport Management ...............................2
II. Aircraft Operations ........................................3
A. General Information ..............................3
B. General Rules ....................................3
C. Confinement of Aircraft Operations ...............4
D. Landings and Take-Offs.. .......................5
E. Ground Operations ............................. .5
III. Aircraft Accidents .........................................7
A. Accident Procedures ..............................7
B. Damage to Airport Property .......................7
C. Removal of Disabled Aircraft .....................8
IV. Fire Hazards, Dangerous Articles ...........................8
and Fueling Operation.
A. Cleaning of Aircraft .............................8
B. Cleaning Fluids ..................................8
C. Open Flame Operations ............................8
D. Storage of Hazardous Material ....................8
E. Lubricating Oils .................................9
G. Smoking ..........................................9
H. Spray Painting, Stripping, and Aircraft Doping...9
I. Explosives, Poisons, and Radiological Materia1s.10
J. Operating Aircraft Engines in Hangars...........10
K. Heating Systems in Hangars ......................10
L. Electrical Equipment and Lighting Systems.......10
M. Fire Apparatus ..................................10
N. Fueling and Defueling Operations ................10
V. Control of Airport Vehicular Traffic ......................ll
A. Vehicles ........................................11
B. General Rules ...................................11
C. Prohibited Vehicles .............................12
D. Unlicensed Vehicles .............................12
E. Taxicabs ........................................12
F. Rental Cars .....................................12
G. Parking .........................................12
H. Emergency Vehicles ..............................12
I. Motor Vehicle Accidents .........................13
VI. Commercial Activities .....................................13
A. Permit for Use of Facilities ....................13
B. Soliciting ......................................13
C. Advertising .....................................13
D. Food and Beverage Service .......................14
VII. Unauthorized Activities ...................................14
A. Disorderly Conduct ..............................14
B. Gambling ........................................14
C. Intoxication ....................................14
D. Preservation of Property ........................14
E. Sanitation ......................................14
F. Restricted Areas ................................15
VIII .Standards for Location and Construction of Hangars........15
IX. Appended Information ......................................15
r f
1. These Rules and Regulations supersede and cancel
all previous rules set forth by the Eagle County
Board of County Commissioners for the regulation
of Eagle County Airport.
2. All rules and regulations promulgated hereunder
`" shall apply to any use or operations of Airport
facilities that may have existed prior to the
establishment of these rules and regulations; and
any person who shall have used the facilities of
the Airport prior to this time shall be expected
to conform in the same manner and extent as any
subsequent users.
3. Amendments, additions, deletions or corrections
to these Rules and Regulations may be promulgated
by the Eagle County Board of County
4. All persons on any part of the property
comprising the Airport shall be governed by the
rules and regulations prescribed herein, herein-
after promulgated, and by such subsequent
additions, amendments and/or modifications hereto
as may be adopted by the Board relative to the
use or occupation of any part of the property or
facilities thereon comprising the Airport.
5. Special Regulations, Notices, Memorandums, or
Directions of an operations nature of interest to
persons engaged in business with Eagle County
Airport may be issued under the authority of
these Rules and Regulations.
1. "Air Operations Area", means any area of the
airport used or intended to be used for landing,
taking off, or surface maneuvering of aircraft.
2. "Airport", means the Eagle County Airport,
located approximately midway betcaeen Eagle and
Gypsum and lying parallel and to, the south of
U.S. Highway 6.
3. "Airport Manager", means the official appointed
by the Board and charged with the responsibility
for operations and maintenance of the Airport
under the instructions of the Board.
4. "Airport Management" means the Eagle County
Airport Commission, appointed by the Eagle County
Board of Commissioners to be responsible to
advise the Board regarding the operations and
maintenance of the Airport in accordance with
these Rules and Regulations.
5. "Authorized", means acting under or pursuant to a
written contract, permit or other evidence of
right issued by the Board.
6. "Board", used hereinafter shall be the Board of
County Commissioners of Eagle County, Colorado,
acting either at it's sole discretion or on the
recommendation of the Eagle County Airport
Commission or through the delegated authority of
the Airport Commission.
7. "Commercial Activity", means the trading, buying,
hiring, or selling of commodities, goods,
services or property of any kind, or any revenue
producing acitivity.
8. "Commission", means the Eagle County Airport
Commission, appointed by the Board of County
Commissioners, Eagle County to be responsible to
advise the Board for the operations and
maintenance of the airport in accordance with
these Rules and Regulations.
9. "Maintenance", means inspection, overhaul,
repair, preservation, and the replacement of
parts, but excludes preventive maintenance.
10. "Person", means any individual person, business
firm, or body politic, or any other group or
association of persons, possessing legal entity,
who shall or may have any contact with or bear
any relationship to the Airport or its operation.
11. "Preventive Maintenance", means simple or minor
preservation operations and replacement of small
standard parts not involving complex assembly
12. "Regulations", means these regulations as amended
and supplemented.
To the extent that it is or becomes economically
feasible, an Airport rlanager may be designated by the
Board, and shall act as it's representative and under
the instructions of the Board in supervising the use
of the Airport facilities by any and all users. In
ttie absence of any duly designated Airport hianager,
any member of the Airport Commission shall respond to
whatever need may arise for exercising supervisory
judgement or regulation of use in accordance with the
rules and regulations set forth herein.
Latitude: 39 38'37"N
Elevation: 6,539.0
Distance from City:
Landmarks: South of
Longitude: 106 54'36"6J
4 miles SW of Eagle, Colorado
Eagle River, 4 miles W of Eagle,
Surfaced Runway: 26/08 5,000 feet x 60 feet
Lighting: Medium intensity; roatating beacon;
clear-green, flood lights, ramps, lighted caind cone.
Pattern Altitude: 1,000' AGL for prop driven aircraft
1,500' AGL for purse jet driven
1. These rules and regulations shall supersede all
previously designated traffic patterns, operation
letters, and any rules heretofore applying to the
Eagle County Airport.
2. Aircraft landing, taking off, taxiing, or
maneuvering in the vicinity of the Eagle County
Airport shall conform to all Federal Aviation
Regulations as published by the Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA).
3. Any person not complying with Federal Aviation
Regulations and operational rules prescribed by
the Board will be removed or ejected from the
Airport upon order of the Airport Manager and may
be deprived of further use of the Airport and its
facilities for such length of time as may be
required to insure the safeguarding of County of
Eagle property and the public and its interests
4. All persons shall use the Eagle County Airport at
their own risk. The County of Eagle shall not be
/ liable for losses sustained from property damage,
i~ personal injury, or death resulting from any
accident involving aircraft or other private
property occuring within the limits of the
5. The Board reserves the right to modify, delete or
add to these rules and regulations, which may be
necessary for the safe operation of aircraft or
personnel using the airport.
6. The Airport Manager may prohibit aircraft
operations cahen in his judgement, conditions are
such that continued operations would be unsafe or
unwise. The Airport Manager has the authority to
issue a notice to airmen (NOTArI) to close or open
the airport, or any portion thereof. In the
absence of the Airport Manager, the Airport
Management will assume responsibilities for these
r 7. All 1 >ts utilizing the Airport e expected to
exhib__ common courtesies contri~~~ing to the
safe and efficient operation of all aircraft.
8. Negligent Operations Prohibited:
(a) Operating an aircraft in a careless or
negligent manner or in disregard of the rights
and safety of others is prohibited.
(b) Operation of an aircraft that is so
constructed, equipped or loaded as to endanger or
is likely to endanger persons or property is
9. Denial of Use of Airport.
The Airport Manager may deny the use of the
Airport to any pilot in violation of these
regulations and shall have the authority to close
the P_irport or any portion of it to air
operations or to any specific aircraft or class
of aircraft, if in his opinion the use of the
Airport by the aircraft might endanger persons or
property or jeopardize the operational efficiency
of the Airport.
10. Based Aircraft.
It is prohibited to base an aircraft at the
Airport unless a written agreement has been
obtained from the Authority or a Fixed Base
Operator and unless evidence of current, Colorado
registration is prominently displayed.
11. Aircraft tJeight Limitations.
No aircraft having a listed Manufacturer's
Maximum Gross Takeoff tiJeight in excess of 60,000
pounds shall be operated on the Airport without
the express authorization of the Airport rlanager.
f 12. Student Pilots.
Student pilots who operate aircraft on the
Airport shall be accompanied by a certificated
flight instructor unless they are certified as
competent to conduct solo operation by an
authorized instructor of any flight school based
at the Airport under a formal lease agreement
with or approved by the Board.
1. Take-offs, landing and taxiing of all aircraft
shall be limited and confined to designated
runcaays, taxiways and aprons.
2. Aircraft flying within the area occupied by the
Eagle County Airport and at an altitude of 3,000
r feet or less above the surface shall conform to
( the traffic patterns contained herein.
Exceptions must be approved by the Airport
Manager or FAA.
3. Wtien ceilings and/or visibility are less than
that authorized by Federal Aviation Regulations
for conduct of visual flight operations, no
take-offs or landings will be authorized at the
Airport, exceptions - when proper clearance has
been obtained from Air Traffic Control for I.F.R.
4. Warm-ups and final checks prior to take-offs must
be performed on the tax icaay or caarm-up area
remaining clear of the runway at all times.
1. A standard left-hand rectangular pattern will be
observed at the Eagle County Airport. Any
devia*_ion must be cleared with the Airport '
rlanager or FAA.
2. Landing aircraft shall clear the runcaay as soon
as practical, consistant with safe operating
3. Aircraft desiring to remain in the traffic
pattern after take-off shall climb to pattern
altitude after the first 90 degree turn and shall
thereafter follow the traffic pattern as set
forth in "Exhibit A", appended hereto.
4. Touch and go landings may be conducted at the
.pilot's discretion provided the pilot in command
assumes responsibility for maintaining a proper
interval with traffic utilizing the facility.
1. Aircraft Engines.
(a) Starting, running or operating an aircraft
engine by persons other than licensed pilots,
mechanics or student pilots, is prohibited.
(b) It is prohibited to start an aircraft engine
unless blocks or chocks are placed in front of
the caheels or unless parking brakes are in the
applied position, or licensed pilot is at
(c) Run-up of jet or turbo-prop engines (for
purposes other than take off preparation) is
prohibited except in areas and at times
designated by the Airport Manager.
(d) It is prohibited to leave an aircraft
unattended with engines running.
r 2. Moving of Aircraft.
(a) No person shall taxi an aircraft until he
has ascertained there will be no danger of
collision with any persons or objects in the
immediate area.
(b) All aircraft shall be taxied
reasonable speed with due regard
aircraft, persons and property.
at a safe and
for other
(c) Any person who positions, starts, or runs-up
_ engines or who taxis an aircraft is required to
exercise due care to assure that propeller
slipstream or jet blast will not cause injury to
persons, scatter debris, or damage property on
the Airport or in areas adjacent thereto.
3. Parking of aircraft.
(a) Aircraft may not be parked anywhere on the
Airport in a position blocking access to other
aircraft for taxiing to parking areas or hangars.
(b) Aircraft may be parked and stored at the
Airport only in designated areas. Aircraft found
to be in violation of this regulation will be
removed by the Airport Manager at the risk and
expense of the owner.
(c) Any person parking and leaving an aircraft
is required to assure that it is properly tied
down and that the landing gear is chocked with
wheel blocks.
(d) Except in a transient aircraft parking area
in compliance with the procedures established by
the Board, or in an assigned tie-docan area, an
aircraft may not be parked on any portion of the
Airport caithout the express permission of the
Airport Manager. Upon instruction from the
Airport Manager, the operator of any aircraft
~- ~ parked or stored on the Airport in violation of
~ this provision shall move the aircraft from the
Airport or to another designated place on the
Airport. If the operator refuses to comply with
the instruction, the Airport Manager may order
the aircraft tocaed to a designated place at the
operator's risk and expense, or removed from the
(e) No aircraft shall remain at the airport in
excess of twenty-four hours without paying the
required tie-down fees caithout the express
written permission of the Airport Manager.
4. Cleaning and Maintaining Aircraft.
Aircraft maintenance, painting and washing shall
be conducted only in legally designated areas and
under the conditions set forth in these Rules and
Regulations and in compliance with any applicable
FAA Regulations.
5. Derelict/Abandoned Aircraft
(a) Abandoning aircraft anywhere on the Airport
is prohibited. The Airport ilanal;er may remove
abandoned aircraft from any portion of the
Airport at the sole risk and expense of the
(b) Derelict, or damaged aircraft in obvious
need of major repairs shall not be permitted
caithin tie-docan areas.
1. Any person operating an aircraft who is involved
in an accident on the Airport resulting in injury
to any person or damage to any property, shall
stop the aircraft at the scene of the accident,
notify the Flight Service Office, the Airport
Manager or the Airport Management and comply with
the applicable provisions of the National
Transportation Safety Board Regulations.
2. Aircraft operators who are involved in accidents
on the Airport, and the owner of the aircraft, if
other than the operator, shall make a full
written report within 24 hours after the
accident, or as soon thereafter as possible,
including the names and addresses of the
individuals involved, the registration of the
aircraft(s) involved, the license number of the
pilot(s) involved and all other information
relevant to the accident.
3. An aircraft involved in an accident may not be
removed from the scene of the accident until
clearance to do so has been granted by the
Federal Aviation Administration, the National
Transportation Safety Board and the Commission.
4. Damage to any airfield lighting equipment or
fixtures by means of contact with an aircraft
shall be reported immediately to the Airport
Manager or his representative by the individual
involved. Such individual will be fully
responsible for damage as covered in the
paragraph below.
1. In the event of damage to airport property from
any type of accident, crash or fire; or resulting
from any malfunction or operation; the ocaner or
operator of the aircraft involved is responsible
to the Board for the damage, the amount of cahich
is to be ascertained by the Commission who shall
require payment by the owner or operator.
2. Shou: :he owner or operator fai r refuse to
pay t amount of the clai;n for age, a full
report of the circumstances on which the claim is
based and a copy of the claim shall be forwarded
to Counsel for the Board, who may institute all
necessary legal proceedings for collection of the
1. Aircraft owners, or operators, and airport
tenants shall promptly remove diabled aircraft
and parts of diabled aircra€t from the Airport
unless required or directed to delay removal by
the Commission or a Federal agency.
Z. Disabled aircraft may not block the Air
Operations Area unnecessarily. When a disabled
aircraft is blocking or delaying the opening or
use of any portion of the Air Operations Area,
the ocuner or operator of the aircraft shall make
immediate arrangements to have the aircraft
removed. If removal of the aircraft is not
initiated as soon as is reasonably practicable or
is not progressing at a reasonable rate, the
Commission may have the aircraft moved at the
expense and risk of the ocaner.
The use of flammable liquids in the cleaning of
aircraft, aircraft engines, or other equipment or
parts of aircraft is prohibited unless these cleaning
operations are conducted in open areas or in
facilities specifically approved for that purpose and
are performed in accordance caith State of Colorado
Revised Statute Sections 32-5-337 to 32-5-343 and the
Uniform Fire Code, as amended.
All cleaning fluids of a vaporizing nature shall be
stored or transported in containers with dispensing
devices which comply caith applicable sections of
State of Colorado, Revised Statutes, Section 32-5-337
to 32-5-343 and the Uniform Fire Code, as amended.
Open flame operations may be conducted on the Airport
only in designated areas and with the prior approval
of the Airport Manager.
Flammable liquids, gases, explosives, signal flares
or other hazardous materials shall be stored and kept
in contai s a d rece tac11es and in :uctures and
areas spe ica~ly app~oved by the Ai_~ort Manager
for such storage.
1. Lubricating oils shall be stored, kept or
transported in containers and receptacles, and in
structures and areas specifically approved by the
Airport rlanager .
2. The storage of empty lubricating oil drums or
cans on the airport is prohibited, except in
_ ,approved areas designated by the Airport Manager.
3. Petroleum products or objectionable industrial
tuaste matter shall not be discharged except into
. pans or containers provided for that purpose.
The storage of oily waste, rags, and similar
rubbish and trash at the airport is prohibited
unless in suitable metal receptacles with
operating self-closing covers. All waste within
this general classification shall be removed by
the Airport Manager or removed from the airport
1. Smoking or carrying lighted cigars, cigarettes,
pipes, matches or any open flame is prohibited on
any taxiway adjacent to or on any apron area or
within 50 feet of any aircraft or fuel farm,
except inside a building or other enclosed area
cahere smoking is specifically permitted.
2. Smoking or carying lighted cigars, ciagarettes,
pipes, matches or any open flame within 100 feet
of an aircraft being fueled or defueled, or
within 100 feet of the site of a flammable liquid
spill, is prohibited, except in a building or
other enclosed areas where smoking is
specifically permitted.
3. Smoking or carrying lighted cigars, cigarettes,
pipes, matches or any open flame is prohibited on
any taxiway adjacent to an aircraft ramp area.
1. Doping processes, spray painting, or paint
stripping operations are permitted only in open
areas or in properly venticated buildings as
approved by the Airport Manager.
2. Only persons who are properly clothed for safety
and self protection are permitted to enter or
work in a doping or spray painting room while
doping and spray painting operations are being
` The storing, retaining, handling, using, dispensing
or transporting of any hazardous material or
radioactive cargo shall require prior permission of
the Airport Manager who has the authority to arrange
for issuance of permits relative to such operations.
Except for the air rotation of jet aircraft without
ignition, starting or operating aircraft engines
inside any hangar is prohibited.
Only heating systems and devices approved by the
Airport rlanager may be installed in hangars.
Installation shall be in accordance with the Uniform
Fire Code and the Uniform Building Code, as amended.
1. All electrical equipment shall be in accordance
with the National Electrical Code, latest
2. The use of a portable lamp without a protective
guard or shield in any maintenance shelter or
hangar is prohibited.
3. Pocaer-operated equipment or electrical devices
shall be turned off while not in actual use.
All tenants or lessees of hangars or shop facilities
shall supply and maintain adequate and readily
accessible fire extinguishers for the protection of
property. All fire extinguishing equipment shall be
maintained in accordance with the State of Colorado,
Revised Statutes and the Uniform Fire Code as
amended, and the National Fire Protection Code.
1. No aircraft shall be fueled or drained while the
engine is running, or being warmed by the
application of external heat.
2. No person shall operate any radio transmitter or
receiver or switch any of the electrial
applicances on or off in an aircraft during
fueling or defueling.
3. During fueling and defueling the aircraft and the
fuel dispensing apparatus shall both be grounded
to a point or points of zero electrical
4. Persons engaged in fueling and defueling shall
exercise every precaution to prevent the
over-flow of fuel.
5. No sm n~ will be permitted caitl 100 feet of
an air,.~att being fueled or drainea.
6. No passenger shall be permitted to remain in an
aircraft during fueling and draining operations.
7. Adequate fire extinguishers shall be within easy
reach of all fueling and draining operations.
8. Fueling hoses and equipment shall be maintained
in a safe, non-leaking condition.
9. All hoses, funnels, and appurtenances used in
- fueling and defueling operations shall b.e
equipped with a grounding device to prevent
ignition of volatile liquids.
10. Jet fuel dispensing operations shall provide for
the recirculation of the fuel prior to and during ---
delivery of fuel to the aircraft.
For the purposes of these rules, vehicles shall be
considered as alI conveyances, except aircraft, used
on the ground to transport persons, cargo, or
1. No person shall operate any motor vehicle on the
Airport other than in accordance with the general
rules prescribed for the control of such
vehicles, except when given special instruction
by the Airport rlanager or in cases of emergency
involving danger to life or property.
2. No motor vehicles, other than support vehicles,
shall be permitted en ramp areas and tie down
areas except for the loading or unloading of
aircraft passengers or baggage. When on the
ramp, such vehicles must display proper
identification as required by the Airport
3. Any vehicle being used on the ramp as a service
vehicle must bear suitable identification which
designates the operator to whom the vehicle is
assigned, as directed by the Airport Manager.
4. No persons or vehicles, except as authorized by
Airport rianagement, shall be permitted on the Air
Operations areas.
5. All vehicles being operated on the Air Operations
areas of the Airport shall be painted, marked and
lighted in accordance with FAA Circular AC
150/5210-5, or as directed by the Airport
6. Vehicles on ramps shall be driven at a safe and
reasonable speed, but not to exceed 20 I.P.H.
Go-carts, motor bikes, bicycles or similar vehicles
or horses shall not be permitted on the Air
Operations areas, ramps, taxicaays or hangar areas
without permission of Airport yanagement.
Unlicensed vehicles of any kind shall not be operated
on the Airport without specific authorization of the
Airport rlanagement.
No person shall operate a taxicab or commercial
vehicle carrying passengers for hire from the Airport
unless such operation is with the approval of the
Eagle County Board of Commissioners and under such
terms and conditions as they prescribe.
1. Only companies or agencies which have a written
car rental contract with the Eagle County Board
of Commissioners are permitted to engage in car
rental business at the Airport.
2. Companies or agencies which do not have a written
contract with the Board may deliver customers to
the airport and may pick up customers at the
airport who have specifically reserved their
1. Automobiles, trucks, or other motor vehicles
shall not be parked in or in front of hangars,
except for service or delivery vehicles, then
only long enough to make said delivery.
2. No person shall park a motor vehicle on the
Airport other than in the manner and place
prescribed by the Airport Management.
3. No person shall abandon
airport, or park a motor
in a public parking area
consecutive hours unless
such parking is obtained
any motor vehicle on the
vehicle on the airport
in excess of seventy-two
express approval for
from the Airport
1. Emergency conditions existing on the Air
Operations Areas do not mitigate or cancel any
existing regulations.
2. Under emergency conditions such as an aircraft
accident or fire, access to the scene is denied
to all vehicles or persons except those whose
duties require their presence. The Airport
Manager shall determine when normal operations
may be resumed.
1. A person operating a motor vehicle on the Air
Operations Areas, who is involved in an accident
resulting in injury to any person or damages to
any property, shall stop the vehicle as close to
the scene as possible without obstructing
traffic, notify the Airport Manager and remain at
the scene of the accident until he has given full
report to the investigating officer. Upon
request, any relevant permit, license,
registration or other documents shall be shown to
the investigating official.
2. A person operating a motor vehicle on the Air
Operations Area who is involved in an accident
and the owner, if other than the operator shall
make a full taritten report of the accident to the
Airport rlanager within 24 hours after the
accident. The report shall include the names and
addresses of the individuals involved, a
description of the property or vehicles involved,
the registration and license numbers of the
vehicles involved, and any other relevant
No person shall use the Airport as a base or terminal
for commercial aviation activities, or shall conduct
any business or concession upon the Airport or upon
any land acquired by the County of Eagle for use in
connection with the Airport, or upon or in any of the
buildings, structures, parking places, walkways,
roadcvays, or other environs used or operated in
connection with the Airport, without first obtaining
the permission of the Board. Such permission shall
be evidenced by a written document, agreement or
contract duly executed by the Board. Any such
permission granted prior to the adoption of this
manual shall be deemed to be effective and continuous
in effect until revoked and/or terminated by the
Board and/or the person granted such permission
pursuant to the terms and conditions of the written
document evidencing such permission.
No person shall solicit funds for any purpose on the
Airport without written permission of the Airport
Commission or Airport Manager.
No person shall post, distribute, or display signs,
advertisement, circulars, printed or written matter,
at the Airport except with the approval of the
Airport rlanager and in such manner as prescribed.
a. Only fully licensed Eood and beverage services
may provide service on or for the airport or any
b. Any food or beverage which has been subject to
passible contamination shall be disposed of
immediately in an approved disposal system.
c. All food and beverage services and related
activities shall be carried out in full
compliance with Federal, State and County laws
- and regulations.
No person shall commit any disorderly, obscene, or
indecent act, or commit any nuisance on the Airport.
No person shall conduct gambling in any form or
operate gambling devices anywhere on the Airport.
No person under the influence of alcohol or narcotic
drugs shall operate a motor vehicle or aircraft, of
any description, on the Airport.
No person shall:
1. Destroy, injure, deface or disturb in any way,
buildings, signs, equipment, marker, or other
structures, flowers, lacans or other public
property on the Airport.
2. Trespass on lawns and seeded areas on the
~ Airport.
3. Abandon any personal property on the Airport.
4. Interfere with, tamper or injure any part of the
Airport or any of the equipment thereof.
5. No unauthorized person shall interfere, enter
into, or tamper with any aircraft or start the
engine of such aircraft.
No person shall dispose of garbage, papers, refuse,
or other material on the Airport except in the
receptacles provided for that purpose.
` No person shall enter any restricted area posted by
the Airport Manager as being closed to the public,
except by permission of the Airport Mana;er.
Upon application to the Airport Commission, persons
ocaning aircraft may be granted permission by the
Board to construct a hangar in such location as may
be designated by the Board, in accordance with the
Airport Master Plan. Such permission shall be
evidenced by a written document, agreement or
contract duly executed by the Board. Design and
construction of such aircraft hangars shall be in
accordance with standards to be determined and
promulgated by the Board with the advice of the
Airport Commission.
Any aircraft owner, aircraft operator, fixed-base
operator, or hangar owner or any other person
involved in such matters as affect these persons,
shall be subject to this specific set of regulations
and those documents appended hereto and entitled:
Requirements for Fixed Base Operators - Flight
Fee Schedule - Tie Down Spaces
Exhibit "A"
7 AM•-tl~
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7 • I
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Ee~:e Count, i,ir~o: t, Ezc1c, ~CiOri(i0
' 'r ~':.?ED ?:~:~;iAY E. 1•gqr•ri.?:.i`:v i#i;#DS "iSFI. ~ ~•`
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Ru;n,ay Slopes to 7icst b 1~ 43 Pcr Ccnt ~ '
' Elevation 6,39 Ft. •'•
' -- • -•• -•- •- •-•---SC~~?~1 _ _ --- -• -~ --- _ ~•
• 1000 ft.•AGL'for•Prop Driven A/C ••
• 1500 ft, AGL for Pure Jet Driven A/C ~ •' •
,,.. - •
~/ 1,.~
• ~A
:' .~.
~.l (-
I. Introduction .........................................1-2
II. Statement of Policy .................................. 2-3
III. Commercial General Aviation Operator (Definition).... 4
A. Aircraft Line Services .......................... 4-5
B. Aircraft Airframe and Engine Repair
and Maintenance .................................
IV. Prequalification Requirements ....................... 7
A. Intended Scope of Activities .................... ?
B. Financial and Managerial Responsibility
and Capability ..................................
C. Experience ...................................... 8
D. Bond ............................................ 8
V. Lease and Operations Agreement ....................... 9
A. Requirement of a Written Agreement .............. 9
B. Site Development Standards ...................... 9-11
C. Insurance ....................................... 11-12
_ _.. ~.. .
ti. ~:
D. Motor Vehicles at Airport .......................12-13
E. General Lease Clauses ...........................13-16
SS. Subleases .......................................16
TT. Flying Clubs ....................................17
W. Aircraft for Clubs ..............................17
W. Violations relating to Clubs ....................17
WW. Insurance for Clubs .............................17-18
VI. Combined Operation Between A.S.O. and A.S.O. or
A.S.O. and F.B.O .....................................18
I. Services or Activities F.B.O. required to provide.... 19
A. Aircraft Line Services .......................... 19-20
II. F.B.O. Standards ..................................... 20
A. Aircraft Line Service Activities ................ 20-21
B. Ramp Parking and Tie-Down ....................... 22
C. Crew and Passenger Lounge Facilities............ 22
D. Public Restrooms and Telephone Facilities....... 22-23
III. Aircraft Airframe, Engine Repair and Maintenance
Activities ........................................... 23
A. Required Work Space ............................. 23
B. Required Storage Space .......................... 23
C. Required Shop Space........~ ..................... 23
D. Required F.A.A. airframe and Power Plant........ 23
IV. Minimum Land and Improvements ........................23
A. Minimum Land Required ...........................23
B. Building Improvements ...........................23-24
C. Paving and Building Requirements ................24
V. Lea se Requirements ...................................24
A. Ground Lease Rates for Unimproved Land..........24-25
B. Ground Lease Rates for Improved Land............ 25
C. Flowage Fee ..................................... 25
D. Year Span of Lease .............................. 25
E. "Cost of Living" Increase ....................... 25
F. Rate for Aircraft Parking ....................... 25
G. Payment of Rental Fees .......................... 25
H. Payment of Taxes and Assessments ................ 25 -26
I. Payment of Utilities :........................... 26
J. Building Maintenance ............................ 26
K. Improvements to Leased Premises ................. 26
L. Maintenance of Improved Premises ................ 26
M. Sublease Agreements ............................. 26
N. FBO or ASO Required Liability Insurance......... 26
O. Environmental Conformities ...................... 26
P. Minimum Environmental Standards
as Integral to Lease ............................ 27
Q. Landscaping ..................................... 27
R. Non-discrimination Clause
regarding race, religion ........................ 27
S. Non-discrimination Clause
for Services allowing
Discounts for Volume Purchasers .................27
T. Non-discrimination Clause for Public............27
U. Non-compliance with Non-discrimination Clauses
as Cause for Breach of Contract .................27-28
V. Non-discrimination Clause
required for Sub-lessee ......................... 28
w. Right of County to Improve Landing Area......... 28
X. Right of County to Improve Facility ............. 28
& Not Be Obligated
to Lessee for Repairs
Y. Lease Requirements Shall be Subordinate
to above Provisions ............................. 28
AA. County does not grant exclusive rights.......... 28-29
BB. Right of Flight of Passage ...................... 29
CC. Agreement to not allow structure over 35 feet... 29
DD. Agreement to not interfere
with Airport Activities ......................... 29
EE. Rights of the United States Government.......... 29
FF. Affirmative Action Program to enforce
Non-discrimination .............................. 29-30
VI. Airf ield Access and Security ......................... 30
VII. Insu rance ............................................ 30-31
I. Statement of Concept ............................... .32
II Minimum Standards ....................................32-33
III. Repair Station Certificates ..........................33
IV. Insurance Requirements ...............................33
V. Hours Services must be Made Available ................33
VI. Requirements regarding Trained Personnel .............33
A. Statement of Concept ............................33-34
B. Minimum Standards ...............................34
C. Requirement of airworthy aircraft ...............34-35
D. Operator Required Insurance Coverage............3~
E. Contact point for Public ........................35-36
F. Required Work Hours of Trained Personnel........36
VII. Flight Training ......................................36
A. Statement of Concept ............................36
B. Minimum Standards .............................. 36-37
C. Requirement for Services to be Available........37
D. Requirement for full time flight instructor.....37
E. Requirement for part time flight instructor.....37
AIRCRAFT SALES ............................................38
IX. Minimum Standards ....................................38
(v) .
A. Required Storage Space ..........................38
B. Repair and Service ..............................38
C. Insurance .......................................38-39
X. Aircraft Airframe and Engine Maintenance
and Repair ........................................... 39
XI. Statement of Concept ................................. 39
XII. Minimum Standards .................................... 39
A. Required Space .................................. 39-40
B. Required Equipment, Supplies,
and Part Availability ........................... 40
C. Insurance ....................................... 40
D. Required Hours .................................. 40
E. Required Employees .............................. 40-41
XIII . Aircraft Rental ................................. 41
A. Statement of Concept ............................ 41
B. Minimum Standards ............................... 41
C. Required Number of Aircraft Rental .............. 41
D. Insurance ....................................... 41-42
E. Operating Hours .:............................... 42
F. Required Personnel .............................. 42
XIV. Aircraft Charter and Air Taxi Service ................ 42
A. Statement of Concept ............................ 42
B. Minimum Standards ............................... 42-43
C. Required Number of Aircraft ..................... 43
D. Insurance ....................................... 43
E. Operating Hours ................................. 43-44
F. Required Number of Trained Personnel............44
G. Air Taxi Companies not Based.......... ........44
on Eagle County Airport
Commissioner ~~US7-i~-~S ~~ move:i adoption
of the follocaing reso ution:
RESOLUTION No. 86- o~ 7
WHEREAS, pursuant to Sections 30-11-107(1)(j) and
41-4-106, respectively, C.R.S., the Board of County Commissi H-
ers, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, hereinafter referred to
as the "Board," has the power and jurisdiction to provide y~~
rules and regulations governing the use of the Eagle County~~ir-
port and facilities thereto and the use of other property any
means of transportation within or over said airport,•landing;;
field, and navigation facilities; to perform any duties neces-
sary or consistent for the regulation of air traffic; and to
exercise such powers as may be required or consistent in the
promotion of aeronautics and the furtherance of commerce and
navigation by air; and
t~HEREAS, :.he use of the Eagle County Airport has attained,
and will conti::~ce to attract, a volume of+traffic that requires
supervision, regulation, and-control to insure the best interest
of the County; and
t~fiEREAS, .he use of reasonable minimum standards while
safeguarding the public interest, has the additional effect of
preserving the suability of established business; and
WHEP.EAS, proper standards discourage the unqualified for
the protectionc,iboth the established operator and the public;
WHEREAS, the Federal Aviation Administration has encouraged
Eagle Count,,r to develop and publish minimum standards to be met
by commercial operators; and
j.'HT'DEAS, .he Eagle Co•~: =-~ ~~_-,;,~'*_ Co::~-nission ~:as :ao_-'::c=
for zurierous hours and held public hearings with regard to
minimum standards; and
WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners held a public
hearing on March 10, 1986, after publication of notice of said
hearing in the Eagle Valley Enterprise on the "Minimum Standards
And Requirements For Ti-Fe Conauct 0• Commercial Aeronautical Services
And Activities At The Eagle County Airport" as proposed by the Eagle
County Airport Commission; and
WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners has -duly
considered the comments received at said public hearing, as ::ell
as the written advisory comments received from the Federal Avia-
tion Administration.
NO[J, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the ":4nimum
Standards For Commercial Aeronautical Services And Activites At
The Eagle County Airport, Eagle, Colorado," a copy of which is
marked Exhibit A and attached hereto and incorporated herein by
reference, are enacted as the minimum standards and requirements
for the Eagle County Airport. All operations shall be governed
by said standards and requirements.
Moved, Read and Adopted at its regular meeting of the
Board of County Commissioners, County of Eagle, State of Colorado,
held this 11th day of *~iarch, 1986.
`r~,,~~ ~~ °~` . By and Through its Board of County
~ ~~~.,~,~..~~ Commissioners
~,ierK to the Board of Donald""H: [Jeich, Chair:.ian
County Commissioners %• ~ ,
~;~; •,
_ ff"ichard L./~Gustaison,
Commis loners •,
~- ~ ,• ;/r
~onn~:. Loughran,
Com'nissioner ~J~f !r r/~-~J seconded
adoption of the foregoing resolution. T e roll having been
called, the vote caas as follows:
Commissioner Donald H. [Jelch lam,
Cor-_s~ _,;..er Ric~:ard ~. ~usta= s.,=. i~=~'i
Com.'nissioner John F. Loughran - ~ ~,~
The resolution passed by L~3-/~~n~c~ote of the Board of
County Commissioners of the County or Eagle, State of Colorado.
The Eagle County Board of County Commissioners (hereinafter
referred to as the "County"), responsible for the admini-
stration of the Eagle County Airport (hereinafter referred
to as the "Airport"), and in order to foster, encourage,
and ensure the economic growth and orderly development of
General Aviation and related aeronautical activities at the
Airport by ensuring adequate aeronautical services and
facilities to the users of the Airport, has established
certain standards and requirements for Commercial General
Aviation Operators (hereinafter referred to as the "Opera-
tor") at the Airport; as-herein provided:
The following Sections set forth the Minimum Standards and
Requirements for a person or persons, partnership, company,
trust or corporation (hereinafter referred to as "Person"),
based upon and engaging in one or more commercial aeronau-
tical services and activities operation at the Airport.
These Minimum Standards and Requirements are not intended
to be all-inclusive as the Operator of a commercial venture
who is based on the Airport will be subject additionally to
applicable federal, state and local laws, codes, ordinances
and other similar regulatory measures including Airport
Rules and Regulations pertaining to all such activities.
A written agreement, properly executed by Eagle County and
the Operator, is a prerequisite to tenancy on the Airport
and both the written agreement and tenancy are prerequi-
sites to the commencement thereon of any of the Commercial
Aeronautical Services and Activities herein contained and
- olution No. 86-27
specified. The contract provisions, however, will be
compatible with the Minim the nstandards eandc regal ements
will not change or mod Y
themselves. Thesar MiosmallSleasesdbetweeneQherCounty and
be included as p
any Person desiral9 aeronautical oserviceslrandt act vitiese
in any commerce
fees and charges app ;.ca
Information relative to rentals,
ble to the aesonautica ros ective commerce ale operators by
made available to the p P
the official represe~ot~tofep~° lic Works") tat the etimetor
referred to as Direc
application or during the contract negotiations.
These Minimum Standard Requirements are not retroactroeerly
do not bear on or affect any written agreement, roval~of
executed a Minimum St ndards and Requirements. app
these sam
These Minimum Standards may be revised as conditions may
require. Verify with the Eagle County Director of Public
Works that you have a complete lemented eandd amended by hthe
Minimum Standards may be supp
County, from time to time Brand Pr ~ ded that rprior tto sany
extent as is deemed prop
amendment or supplementt t`o 11 be given writtend notice aof
Operators at the Airpor lements and a hearing
the proposed amendments and/or supp
will be had, not less than ten (10) nor more thaat twhich
(30 ) days after the date of said written note counsel, and
time any Operator may appear, in person or by
state his objection, if any, to such proposed amendments
and/or supplements. Pr 11 affectranyrcontractual relation-
ments or supplements sha and operators.
ship currently existing between the County
Provided finally that any lease, contract or agreement,
entered into with applicant after the amended or sushall
mented Minimum Standards are adopted by the County,
be terminated or cancelled in the event of failure to
comply with any modification or amendments to these Minimum
Standards, after notice thereof shall have been given.
A fair and reasonable opportunity, without discrimination,
shall be accorded to all applicants to qualify, and com-
pete, in a public bid process, for available airport
facilities and the furnishing of selected aeronautical
Exhibit A
.esolution No. 86-27
services subject, however to the Minimum Standards and
Requirements as established by the County as set forth
herein for Commercial Aer~~~::~~~__ c_=•''_^_°~ and Activities
at the Airport.
In all cases where the words "standards" or "requirements"
appear it shall be ur_ders =c_d t`:=_+- =!.°_ are *rcd~.fied b~-
the word "Minimum". All operators will .be encouraged to
exceed the "minimum". No operator will be allowed to
operate under conditions below the "minimums".
Contingent upon its qualifications, its meeting the estab-
lished Minimum Standards, the execution of a writt~r.
agreement with the County, and the payment of prescribed
rentals, fees and charges, the Operator shall have the
right and privilege of engaging in and conducting the
activity or activities selected by~it on the Airport as
specified by the written contract. The granting of such
right and privilege, however, shall not be construed in any
manner as affording the Operator any exclusive right of use
of the premises and facilities and the Airport, other than
those premises which may be leased exclusively to it, and
then only to the extent provided in a written agreement.
The County reserves and retains the right for the use of
the Airport by others who may desire to use the same,
pursuant to applicable federal, state and local laws,
ordinances, codes, minimum standards and other regulatory
measures pertaining to such use. The County further
reserves the right to designate the specific Airport areas
in which the individual,- or a combination of, aeronautical
services may be conducted. Such designation shall give
consideration to the nature and extent of the operation and
the lands and improvements available for such purpose,
consistent with the orderly and safe operation of the
Exhibit A
esolution No. 86-27
IIZ. A Commercial General Aviation Operator is defined as a
Person engaging in an activity which involves, makes
possible, or is required for the operation of aircraft, or
which contributes to, or is required for the safe conduct
and utility of such aircraft operations, the purpose o=
such activit1~ bei.^.g to secure earnings, izccme, compensa-
tion, or profit, whether or not such objective or objec-
tives are accomplished.
A Commercial General Aviation Operator may be classified as
either a Fixed Base Operator (FBO) or an Aviation Shop
Operator (ASO). A Fixed Base Operator is further defined
as a firm which maintains facilities at an airport for the
purpose of: (1) engaging in the retail sale of aviation
fuels primarily to purchasers other than (a) scheduled or
supplemental air carriers, or (b) the Department of De-
fense; and (2) performing one or more of the following
activities: (a) maintenance, servicing (b) parking,
tie-down, storage, and other aircraft services.
A Fixed Base Operator (FBO) shall provide the following
minimum activities or services:
A. Aircraft Line Services:
i. Fueling, lubricating and miscellaneous services.
ii. Ramp parking and tie-down.
iii. Crew and Passenger lounge facilities.
iv. Public restrooms and telephone.
v. Loading, unloading and towing.
vi. Hangar storage.
vii. De-icing service.
viii. Engine Preheating.
ix. Oxygen.
x. Aircraft starting.
xi. Sale of sectional or W.A.C. aviation maps cover-
ing the territory within three hundred miles of
the airport, flashlight and batteries, and rulers
Exhibit A
2esolution No. 86-c7
and computers generally used by pilots for flight
xii. Tire Inflation.
xiii. Attendants to direct aircraft to loading and
parking areas, to tie down the aircraft, to fuel
aircraft, to clean windshield, to remove snow
from parked aircraft, and generally to provide
friendly a::d courteous service.
:::.. Saie c. :.o.:.rages, ccc:;ias, :._:___ -: d :._g _~°ttes
xv. Transportation services from the airport to final
destination of those persons flying into the
xvi. A dry nitrogen bottle for landing gear inflation.
xvii. Food (vending machines and catering service).
B. Aircraft Airframe and Engine Repair and Maintenance
either by direct provision of the service or by
agreement with an Aircraft Airframe and Engine Mainte-
nance and Repair Aviation Shop Operator at the air-
port. It shall be the ultimate responsibility of the
FBO to ensure that Aircraft and Airframe and Engine
Maintenance and Repair services are available.
In addition to those required services, an FBO may
provide any of the services of an aviation Shop
An FBO may, or an Aviation Shop Operator (ASO) shall,
provide one or more of the following activities or
i. Specialized Aircraft Repair Services (radios,
painting, upholstery, propellers, instruments,
accessories, etc.)
ii. Specialized Commercial Flying Services.
iii. Flight Training.
iv. Aircraft Sales and Rental (new and/or used).
Exhibit A
._esolution No. 86-27
v. Aircraft Airframe and Engine Maintenance and
vi. Aircraft Rental.
vii. Aircraft Charter and Air Taxi Service.
The County recognizes the need for hangar, shop and offices
for Aviation Shop Operators. The County recognizes also
that some Operators may not want to offer a full line of
services that a Fixed Base Operator offers. Shop Operators
are encouraged to be tenants of Fixed Base Operators. If
suitable permanent facilities cannot be obtained in this
manner, the Aviation Shop Operator may construct his own
facility in the area designated on the Airport upon land
leased from the County. The terms of the lease will be
determined and bid plans and specifications shall be
approved by the Ccunty, and the County will beccme the
owner of the facility at the end of the lease term.
Exhibit A
tesolution No. 86-27
The prospective Operator shall submit, in written form, to
the Director of Public Works, at the time of his applic3-
-_o:., the fol=;,wing information and, thereafter, such
additional information as may be requested by the County.
A. Intended Scope of Activities.
s a prerequis i to to t:.e ,; _ _.. =ing cf an opens ~_-
privilege on the Airport, 'the prospective Operate=
must submit a detailed description of the scope of the
intended operation, and the means and methcds to be
employed to accomplish the contemplated operating
standards and requirements, in order to provide
high-quality service to the aviation and general
public in the Airport air service area, including, but
not limited to, the following:
i. The name, address and telephone number of the
applicant (and if a corporation, the name,
address, and telephone number of the owners of 5%
or more of any corporate stock).
ii. The requested or proposed date for commencement
of the activity and the term of conducting the
iii. The services to be offered.
iv. The amount, size and location of land to be
v. The size and position of the building space to be
constructed or leased.
vi. The number of aircraft to be provided (as appli-
vii. The number of persons to be employed (including
the names and qualifications of each person).
viii. The hours of proposed operation.
ix. The number of types of insurance coverage to be
Exhibit A
;solution No. 86-27
B. Financial and Managerial Responsibility and Capabili-
The prospective operator must provide a s~ate^~ert,
satisfactory to the County, in evidence of his finan-
cial responsibility, from an area bank or trust
company or from such other source tha*_ ma~~ be accept-
able to the County and readily veriried tnrougr. no~:..a=
banking channels. The prospective Operator must also
demonstrate financial capability to initiate opera-
tions and for the construction of improvements and
concept of the proposed operation, or operations, and
shall also indicate his ability to provide working
capital to carry on the contemplated operations, once
initiated. The demonstration of Financial and Mana-
gerial capability will include a cash flow and a
profit and loss projection for the first five years of
the proposed operation.
C. The prospective Operator shall furnish the County with
a statement of his past experience in the specified
aviation services selected by him and to be supplied
by him on the hirport, together with a statement that
he had the managerial ability to perform the selected
D. Bond.
The prospective Operator shall post a performance bond
in a form acceptable to the Eagle County Attorney in
the amount equal to 10% of the annual rental estab-
lished and agreed upon, for conducting the services to
be provided. Cash may be deposited in lieu of a
performance bond.
Exhibit A
solution No. 86-27
Requirement of a Written Agreement.
Prior to the commencement of operations, the prospec-
tive Operator will be required to enter into a written
agreement with the ''c!:^~" ~•~~'`.--~' ~creemA^* W? 11 recite
the terms and conditions under which he will operate
his business on the Airport, including but not limited
to, the term cf a;re~*^cr. • t^° rentals, fees, a::i
charges, the rights, privileges and obligations of the
respective parties; and other relevant covenants. It
should be understood, therefrom, that neither the
conditions therein contained or those set forth in
these Minimum Standards and Requirement represent a
complete recitation of the provisions to be included
in the written agreement. Such contract provisions,
however, will neither change or modify the Minimum
Standards and Requirements, nor be inconsistent
therewith. Such a contract shall contain all provi-
sions required by the Federal Aviation Administration
as a condition of any Federal Grant to the County for
the Airport.
Site Development Standards.
i. Physical Facilities.
a) The minimum space req::irements as herein-
after provided shall be satisfied with land
and building(s).
b) The operator shall provide a paved walkway
within the leased area to accommodate
pedestrian, access to the Operator's office;
a paved. aircraft apron with tie-down facili-
ties within the leased area sufficient to
accommodate those activities and operations,
and telephone facilities.
c) Minimum fees or charges fees or charges at
the present time shall be:
Land, Unimproved
Land, Improved
12.5 cents/sq.ft./yr.
12.5 cents/sq.~t./yr.
plus cost of
Exhibit ~.
..esolution No. 86-27
Aircraft Ramp
Parking Area
Fuel Sales
12.5 cents/sq.ft./yr.
8.0 cents/gaiicr.
L=~=~=sd Ai_ C?~rier - Flowage fee to be
All other sales,
except fuel Percentage to be
d) For construction of any new facilities
financed by the Operator not already at the
Airport. the Operator will be subject to the
same standards of development as are con-
tained in the Airport Development and
Construction Standards. The County will
approve the plans and specifications prior
to construction. Leased ground that has
access to the runways and taxiways will have
a maximum lease term of 25 years except the
Fixed Base Operator lease shall be a maximum
term of 30 years. At the end of the lease
term the ownership of all the improvements
constructed by the lessee reverts back to
the ownership of Eagle County.
e) Annual adjustments to the lease will be made
using the-Denver, All Ur~~n Consumer ?rice
The Operator shall have in his employ, and on
duty during operating hours, trained personnel in
such numbers, as are required to meet the Mini:~um
Standards and Requirements set forth, in an
efficient manner, for each aeronautical service
being performed. The Operator shall also provide
a responsible person in the office to supervise
the operations in the leased area on the Airport
and with authorization to represent and act for
and on behalf of , the Operator during all busi-
ness hours.
All personnel hereinafter required to hold
Federal Aviation tidmiristration certificates and
Exhibit A
rcesolution No. 86-~7
ratings shall maintain such certificates and
ratings as they are required.
The maintenance of the interior of the building,
utility costs, and trash removal shall be the
Operator's responsibility. Utility line mainte-
nance (if any) outside the Operator's delineated
property boundary shall be the County's responsi-
bility. Grass mowing and landscape maintenance
within the Operator's leased area shall be the
operator's responsibility.
iv. The Operator shall maintain all premises in
a clean, sanitary condition and at the
expiration of the lease timer, shall return
said premises to the County in this "condi-
tion, reasonable wear and tear excepted.
C . Ir_surance
The Operatcr shall procure, maintain, and pay premi-
ums, during the term of his agreement, for insurance
of the types and in the minimum limits set forth in
the schedule of Minimum Standards for the respective
categories of aeronautical services. The insurance
ccmpany, or companies, writing the required policy, or
policies, shall be- licensed to do business in the
State of Colorado.
Where more than one aeronautical service is proposed,
the minimum limits will vary (depending upon the
nature of individual services in such combination) but
will not necessarily be cumulative in all instances.
For example, if three (3) activities are chosen, it
would not be necessary for the operator to carry
insurance policies providing the aggregate or combined
total of the minimum limits for each type of opera-
tion; however, if one of the selected activities
required passenger liability coverage or hangar
keeper's liability not required in either of the other
two (2) categories, the Operator would be required to
prcvide insurance or. the applicable exposures. As a
further example, the minimum limit for property damage
on a ccmbination of activities would be the highest
minimu.-n limit stated in the grouping chosen. Because
of these variables, the applicable minimum insurance
E,~hibit A
Resolution No. 86-27
coverage on combinations of services will be discussed
with the prospective Operator at the time of his
application or otherwise during lease negotiations.
All insi:rance , which the Operator is required LY t:._
County to carry and keep in force, shall include the
Eagle County Airport Commission, the Eagle County
Board of County Commissioners, and ail County Person-
nel, and their officers and agents as additionally
named insured. The Operator shall furnish evidence of
his compliance with this requirement to the Director
of Public Works with proper certification that such
insurance is in force and will furnish additional
certification as evidence of changes in insurance not
less than ten (10) days prior to any such change, if
the change results in a reduction or increase. In the
event of cancellation of coverages, ten days (10)
prior notice of cancellation shall be conveyed to the
Board of County Commissioners by the undercariter.
The applicable insurance coverages shall be in force
during the period of any construction of the Opera-
tor's facilities andlor prior to his entry upon the
Airport for the conduct of his business.
The Oneratar shall also furnish evidence of his
compliance witz the Colorado Statutes with respect to
Workmen's Compensation and Unemplo~*ment Insurance
(where applicable).-
Any operator, who by nature of its size, desires to
become self-insured may do so subject to County
approval. Said operator shall furnish evidence of
such self-insurance and shall hold the County and
assig:.s harmless in the event of any claims or litiga-
tion arising out of its operation on the airport.
D. T4otor Vehicles on Airport
The Operator caill control the transportation of pilots
and passengers of transient general aviation aircraft
(using the Operator's facilities and services in the
conduct of the Operator's aircraft apron tie-down.
area(s). The Operator performi^.g this service with
motor vehicles driven on the Airport run:aay-ta:{i:oay
system proper shall do so only in strict accordance
with Airport Rules and Regulations, applicable feder-
al, state and municipal laws, ordinances, codes or
Exhibit ~.
resolution No. 86-27
other similar regulatory measures now in existence or
as may be hereafter modified or amended. The Operator
shall be required to equip each of these z^^ =cr ve`~? -
^_les with a functioning aeronautical utility mobile
_ __ _.:.n two-way radio 123.6 MHZ and with an operating
rotating beacon or F.A.A. approved flag.
The Operator shall procure and maintain for any motor
vehicles which are orerated on the AirpoY~ proper,
Motor Vehicle Liability Insurance in the minimum
limits specified by Colorado Law but in any case shall
include, at a minimum liability coverage in the amount
of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars (5150,000)
per person and four hundred thousand dollars
($400,000.00) per accident.
General Lease Clauses
These clauses shall be contained as a minimum in all
leases between the County and the Operator engaged in
any aeronautical service on the Airport.
i. Non/Discrimination / Premises to be operated for
use and benefit of the Public.
The Operator agrees to operate the premises leased for
the use and benefit of the Public:
a) To furnish good, prompt and efficient
service, adequate to meet all demands for
its service at the Airport.
b) To furnish said service on a fair, equal and
non-discriminatory basis to all users
thereof .
c) To charge fair, reasonable and non-discrimi-
natory prices for each unit of sale or
service, provided that the Operator may be
allowed to make reasonable and non-discrimi-
natory discounts, rebates or other similar
types of price reductions to volume purchas-
The Operator, his agents, and employees will
not discriminate against any person or class
of persons by reason of race, color, creed,
sex, age or national origin in providing any
Exhibit A
resolution No. 86-27
services or in the use of its facilities
provided for the ~ub?.c in any manner
prohibited by Part 1~ of the Federal Regula-
tions. The Operator further agrees to
Co^'^_ ~ -- •" L'.'. ~ s+.~^'" onforcP~^~nt procedures as
the United States might demand that the
County take in order to comply with the
Sponsor's Assurances.
ii. Aircraft Service by Owner or Operator of Aircraft
No right or privilege granted herein shall serve to
prevent persons operating aircraft on the Airport from
per~orming any services on their own air craft with
their own regular employees (including, but •not
li:~ited to, maintenance and repair); provided that
safety procedures and regulation in the Airport rules
and regulations and the Hangar lease agreements are
abiced by.
ii'_. Non/Exclusive Ric:~ts.
Nothi^g herein contained shat"_ be construed to grant
or otherwise authorize the granting of an exclusive
right, except as to the areas to be occupied by the
Operator, whic:7 areas shall be for the Operator's
exclusive use.
iv. Airtort Develoz:re.^.=.
The County reserves the right to further develop or
improve the landing area of the Airport as it sees
fit, and without unreasonably interference or hin-
drance. If the physical development of the Airport
rect:i.es the relocation of Operator-owned facilities
duri::g the lease term the County agrees to provide a
cc.;:par~'nle location without any unreasonable interrup-
tion to the Operator's activities, and agrees to•
relocate all Operator-owned buildings or provide
similar facilities for the Operator at no cost to the
Operator, except as amended by written lease with the
v. County's Rights.
The County reserves the
obligated to t:-~e Operator)
repair the landing area
right (but shall not be
to maintain and keep in
of the Airport and all
EXhlbit A
Resolution No. 86-27
publicly-owned facilities of the Airport together with
the right to direct and control all activities of the
Operator in this regard.
vi. Airport Obstructior^
The County reserves *_he right to take any action it
considers necessary to pro~ect the aerial approaches
of the airport against obstruction, together with the
right to prevent the Operator from erecti::y, or
permitting to be erected, any building or other
structure on the Airport which, ~: the opinion of the
County, would limit the usefulness or the Airport or
constitute a hazard to aircraft.
vii. Subordination.
This lease shall be subordinate to the provisions of
any existing or future agreement between the County
and the United States, relative to the operation or
maintenance of the Airport, the execution of which has
been or may be required as a condition precedent to
the expenditure of federal funds for the development
of the airport. This subordination, includes but is
not limited to the right of the County, during times
of war or national emergency, to lease the landing
area, or any part thereon", to the United States for
military or naval use, and if any such lease is made,
the provisions of-any contracts or leases coith such
operators shall be suspended.
viii. Compliance with Laws, etc.
The Operator shall at all times comply with the
Airport Rules and Regulations, federal, state and
municipal laws, ordinances, cedes and other regulatory
measures now in existence or, as may be hereafter
modified or amended, applicable to the specific type
of operation contemplated by him. The Operator shall
procure and maintain during the term of the agreement
all licenses, permits and other similar authorizations
required for the conduct of his business operations.
ix. Indemni t--
The Operator shall hold the Eagle County Board of
County Commissioners, the Eagle County Airport
Exhibit :~
Resolution No. 8v'-27
Corcmission, and all County personnel, and their
officers, and agents harmless from and against all
suits, claims, demands, actions, and/or causes of
action of any kind or nature in any way arising out
of . ~- ---••~ -_ng from his tenancy a-:- '_~`'_~~it_ cG . and
snail pay aii e:sp:.: sas _^ deFC_.__= ti a;:1 ~~__:~,~ . _ : ;
the County by reason of his tenancy and activities.
ix. Right of Entry.
Any Official representative of the County may enter
upon the premises leased to the Operator at any
reasonable time, and for any incidental to, or con-
nected with the performances of the Operator's obliga-
tions under the agreement or in the exercise of their
function as a representative the County.
x. Termination.
Upon the expiration or other termination of any
agreement, the Operator's rights to the premises,
facilities, other rights, licensed services and
privileges granted in the agreement shall cease, and
the Operator shall, upon such expiration or termina-
tion immediately and peacefully surrender such.
xi. Assicrnment.
All covenants, stibulations and provisions in the
agreement to be entered into shall extend to and bind
the legal representatives, successors and assi5n.
SS. Subleases
In the event a Commercial General Aviation Operator
desires to sublease space to another company to
provide one or more Commercial Aeronautical Services
and activities, the following conditions will apply:
i. Obtain written approval from the County to
sublease the space and function.
ii. Pay the County additional fees which will be
negotiated i~ the sublease is greater than the
Exhibit A
Resolution No. 86-27
W'~J .
Flying Clubs
The following requirements pertain to all flying clubs
desiring to base their aircraft on the airport and be
i. Flvina Club ReQUlations.
~_~:. .:~;.::; must be a non-profit corporation or partner-
ship. Each member must be a bona fide owner of the
aircraft or a stockholder in the corporation. The
club may not derive greater revenues from the use of
its aircraft than the amount necessary for the actual
use of operation, maintenance and replacement of its
aircraft. The club will file and keep current with
the County a complete list of the club's membership
and investment share held by each member. .
The club's aircraft will not be used by other than
bona fide members for rental and by no one for commer-
cial operations. Student instruction can be given in
club aircraft to club members provided such instruc-
tion is given by a lessee based on the airport who
provides flight training cr by an instructor who shall
rot receive renw-~eration in ary manr_er for suc:7
In the event that the club fails to comply with these
condit'_ons the County will notify the club in writing
of such violations. If the Club fails to correct the
violations in 1~ days, the County may take any action
deemed advisable.
Each aircraft owned by the flying club must have
aircraft liability insurance coverage for the follow-
ing amounts:
Aircraft Liability, minin~.w-n:
Exhibit A
Resolution h'o. 86-27
5150,000.00 each person
5400,00.00 each accident
5400,000.00 each accident
A. Aviation Shop Operators (ASO) and Fixed Base Operators
are encouraged to consolidate operations. And the Board
will consider reduction in minimum square footage for
combined operations (i.e., an ASO who wishes to operate an
aviation shop repair service and specialized commercial
flight service need have only one office, one set of rest-
rooms, one customer lounge, therefore the hangar need not be
5,000 square feet; or an ASO who is a tenant of the FBO need
not duo_iicate facilities such as restrooms, customer lounge,
etc., if its lease includes the right to use the FBO's
B. In anv of these standards where the words "lease from
the County" are used, it shall mean to lease directly from
the county or to lease from a party who is leasing from the
county. All such subleases must be approved by the Board of
County Commissioners. No party shall be allowed to sublease
airport prcperty without---the written approval of the Board
of County Commissioners.
I. A fixed Base Operator (FBO) shall provide the following
minimum activities or services:
A. Aircraft Line Services:
i. Fueling, lubricating and miscellaneous
ii. Ramp parking and tie-down.
iii. Crew and Passenger lounge facilities.
iv. Public Restrooms and telephone.
v. Loading, unloading and towing.
vi. Hangar storage.
vii. De-icing service.
viii. Engine preheating.
ix. Oxygen
x. Aircraft starting -
xi. Sale of sectional or W.A.C aviation maps
covering the territory within three hundred
miles of the airport, flashlight and batter-
ies, and rulers and computers generally used
by r_lots for flight planning.
xii. Tire inflation.
Exhibit A
Resolution No. 86-~7
xiii. Attendants to direct aircraft
parking areas , to tie down ai:
aircraft, to clean windshield,
from parked aircraft , and
to loading and
rcraft, to fue?
to remove snow
generally to
.~c~ . _.. r..
xiv. Sale of beverages, cookies, candy and ciga-
xv. Transportation services from the airport to
final destination of those persons flying
into the airport.
xvi. A dry nitrogen bottle for landing gear
xvii. Food.
B. Aircraft Airframe and Engine Repair and i•Iainte-
A Fixed Base Operator (FBO) shall meet the following
Minimum Standards and Requirements:
Aircraft Line Service Activities shall provide:
i. The Operator shall demonstrate, to the
satisfaction of the County, that satisfactory
arrangements or agreements have been made
with a reputable aviation gasoline and
lubricant distributor who will provide the
Operator with an enforceable agreement, to
purchase fuel and oil in such quantities as
are necessary to meet the requirements set
forth herein. Aviation fuels and oils
delivered to the Operator by a vendor will be
considered by the County to be fuels and oils
dispensed by the Operator under the purview
of the minimum rental rates established as a
part hereof. Fueling and lubricating sale,
and into-plane delivery of aviation fuels,
lubricants and other related petroleum
products (7:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. 7 days a
week). FBO shall maintain an adequate
inventory of at least one brand and two
generally accepted grades of aviation fuel,
engine oil and lubricants. FBO shall provide
Exhibit a
Resolution No. 86-27
mobile fuel dispensing equipment, with:
reliable marking devices approved by the
Federal Aviation Administration, capable of
servicing, in an efficient and --=~ T=.^_^~r
all tapes ^t _~nAr-' : •~i?t_~n =-=.:.----•
FBO shall have two metered filter equipped
dispensers, fixed or mobile; for dispensing
two _grades of aviation fuel (AV gas and jet
fuel) from storage tanks having a~minimum
capacity of 10,000 gallons each. Mobile
dispensing trucks shall have a total of 1200
gallon minimum capacity for each grade of
fuel. Separate dispensing pumps for each
grade of fuel is required.
In conducting fuel operations, FBO shall
install and use adequate electrical grounding
facilities at fueling locations to eliminate
the hazards of static electricity and shall
provide approved types of fire extinguishers
or other equipment commer_surate with the
hazard involved with fueling, defueling, and
servicing aircraft. All FBO fueling services
and systems shall be subject to inspection
for =ire and other hazards by the Director of
Public Works or other representative of Eagle
County and the appropriate State and local
fire agency. FBO shall meet all applicable
fire codes: Federal, State and Local, laws
statutes, ordinances, rules and regulations
pertaining to fire safety. All fuel storage
tanks will be installed underground.
The Operator shall take all precautions
necessary to insure that only non-contam-
inated fuel is delivered into the aircraft
serviced. Fuel delivered shall be clean,
bright, pure and free of microscopic organ-
isms, water or other contaminants. quality
cont~cl of the fuel is the responsibility of
the FBO. The Operator shall maintain current
fuel reports on file and available for
auditing at anytime by the Director of Public
Works, Airport Commission or the Federal
Aviation Admiristra~i.,.z. Fueling service by
the FBO shall be in full compliance with
F.C.C. regulaticns, including proper fire
Exhibit A
Resolution No. 86-27
protection and electrical grounding of
aircraft during fueling operations.
Servicing of aircraft shall include generally
expG~~ed ser~:-~es, such as cleani^_-- of the
intericr and exterior of aircraft and cater-
ing: FBO s:al_ prc._de proper °quipment for
repairing and inflating aircraft tires,
.~:_.__.~__.~ ..z -_ ~~-= _+-'-. nl~nnr~~...+ pnniT'.° 011.
servicing oxygen systems , ~. _::: i:.ti ~~rc~ __
(if suitable water is available to the
operator at the airport) and aircraft window,
and recharging or energizing discharged
aircraft batteries and starter.
FBO shall provide for the adequate and
sanitary handling and disposal, away from the
airport, of all trash, waste and other
materials, including but not limited to used
oil, solvents, and other waste. 'the piling
or storage of crates, boxes, barrels and
other containers will not be permitted within
the leased premises.
B. Ramp Parking and Tie-Down - FBO Ramp Assistance -
including the parking, tie-down and storage of
only functional aircraft within the FBO's leased
area. -
Land-based FBO shall provide aircraft-to-lounge
ground transportation for in-transit passengers
and pilots.
•Adequate tie-down facilities and equipment,
including ropes, chains and other types of re-
straining devices, and wheel chocks for a minimum
typical aircraft for FBO will be provided.
FBO shall provide properly trained line personnel
on duty from 7:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. of every
calendar day (seven days a week).
C. Crew and Passenger Lounge Facilities - Conven-
iently located, heated lounge, or caaiting rooms,
for passengers and crews will be provided.
D. Public Restrooms and a Telephone - Restrooms will
be conven_en*_ly located, heated and ventilated and
Exhibit A
Resolution No. 86-27
accessible to the passengers and crews and will be
maintained in a clean and sanitary manner. At
least one working telephone will be provided for
o~~b_'_c ~~ss .
E. Loading, Unloading and Towing - FBO shall provide
adequate loading, unloadi:.g and towing equipment
to safely and efficiently move aircraft and store
them in times of ail reasonaLl~ a:~Y.:ct~~. ~•: ~_: __.:_
F. Hangar Storage = FBO shall provide suitable hard
surf aced hangar storage facilities.
III. Aircraft Airframe, Engine Repair and Maintenance
activities shall provide:
A. Sufficient work space for any aircraft upon which
airframe or engine repairs are being performed.
B. Suitable storage space for aircraft before and
after repair and maintenance have been accom-
C. Adequate shop space to house the equipment and
adequate equipment and machine tools, jacks, lifts
and testing equipment as required for maintenance
be performea ~:: yener~~ airc~a=t.
D. At least one F.A.A. certified airframe and power
plant mec'ranic available during eight hours of the
day, five days per week. The FBO may provide such
service directly or by provision of letter of
agreement acceptable to the County with an ASO on
the airport to provide such service. It shall be
the ultimate responsibility of the FBO to insure
that said services are available.
IV. Minimum Land and Improvements Required shall be as
A. The Minimum land to be leased for a Fixed Base
Land Operation shall be 140,000 square feet.
B. Building impr;,-.-~ments shall be p~r::an~nt in nature
and will contain at least 17,500 square feet, in
the principal building, for FBO operations. Paved
aircraft areas and the principal building area
Exhibit A
Resolution No. 86-27
together shall occupy at least 100,000 square feet
for FBO operations. 5,000 sq. feet of floor area
of total building(s) area(s) will be allocated and
utilized for a a~*~eral av.--_... `erT~ ~ _' '_^.^' •• - " --
crew and passenger lounge facilities, public
restrooms, and general administration of the FBO
Paved -surfaced, -on-site
sufficient accommodations
auto parking space with
for automobiles shall be
Each FBO shall occupy, at least, one clear span
hangar containing 12,500 sq. feet. This hangar
shall be required to have a door opening of at
least 100 feet in width and 30 feet in height. If
an existing large hangar is not available, the FBO
shall finance and build its own facility.
C. All paving and building shall be of permanent con-
struction and shall be in compliance with the
design, materials and landscaping consistent with
specifications established by Director of Public
V. pease Terms and Conditions shall be as follows:
It is the intention of the County to write a lease
requiring the Fixed Base Operator to provide the preceding
services. It is also the intention of the County that all
leases be "net" leases. That is, that total costs for
amortizing the investment and maintenance costs be borne by
the FBO. Hangars may be constructed by FBO's provided they.
meet the minimum specifications and title is to rest in
Eagle County upon comp~etion of the lease.
For purposes of maintaining and operating the airport and
providing the public facilities thereon, certain charges are
made. The following lease terms and conditions outline this
policy for ground having access to the airport runways and
h. Ground lease rates for unimproved land shall be
12.5 cents per square foot per year.
Exhibit A
Resolution No. 86-27
B. Ground lease rates for improved land shall be i2.~
ce^.ts per square foot per year. Plus the net cost
c= ir;,prov=- =- =- - - -- - -
i. Improved ground shall be defined as any
ground on which County funds have been
ext~^.ded -~ a 'p: etsrati or_ of the s ite , i . e . ,
etc., or in making utilities available
C. The County shall also receive 8 cents per gallon
flc:aage fee on all aviation fuel sold or dispensed
or. the Eagle County Airport, except for fuel to
licensed commercial airlines providing service to
Eagle County. Tre flowage fees for said licensed
airlines s:~~ail be subject to negotiation.
D, ^he term of any lease having access to t?:e airport
r:::.,•;ays and taxiways shall be twenty-rive ( 25 )
years except for Fixed Base Operators whose ter.^•..
will be thirt•~ (30) years.
E. =11 ground rentals shall be subject to the cost of
living increase en an annual basis. The consumer
or_c° ir_de:: uszd will be the "Denver Consumer
Prig Index ~or_ All Urban Consu.-ners" .
F. The rates or charges for aircraft parking, tie-
dcwn and storage made by operators shall be
deter:^,ined by the FBO, subject to the prior
written approval of the County, first obtained and
subject, further, to the requir°ments that ail
such rates or charges shall be reasonable and
equally and fairly applied to all users of the
services. All rates and charges shall be filed
wit:. tre Director of Public Works .
G. All rentals for leased areas shall be paid in
advance, on or before the tenth of the month,
ce:n,-nencing with the first full month of operation
after the effective date of the agreement or the
date which the premises are available for
H. T::e Operator shall at its own expense, pay all
taxes and assessments against any building or any
Exhibit A
Resolution No. 86-27
other structure placed on the premises and owned
by them.
T . All _ ___
J. All building maintenance on County owned or
fi~.~:~ced fac_li+_io~ is borne by the Operate=
except structural and external repairs (excluding
hangar doors and windows which shall be the
Operator's responsibility). All building mainte-
nance on non-County owned facilities shall be
borne by the FBO.
K. Any improvement (with prior written approval from
the County first obtained) made to the leased
premises becomes the property of the County upon
expiration of the lease, but must be maintained by
the Operator during the term of the lease.
L. Maintenance of the improved leased area, including
pavement, shall be that of the Operator.
M. All sublease agreements must receive prior written
approval of the County.
N. FBO or ~~v ~_:ti= be re~-•__.e. _~ _..___ public
liability insurance for his sub-lessee or provide
a certificate of insurance which shows the lessee
and the County as named insured, in amounts
cc:nmensurate with the sub-lessee's individual
activities and services.
O. No oils, greases, detergents or other insoluble
substances shall be placed in the sewage or
drainage systems or in the ground; and all Minimum
Requests issued by the Environmental Protection
Agency or ccmpetent Governmental Authority shall
be complied with at all times including but not
limited to the installation of a grease and oil
trap designed to catch all oils, greases, deter-
gents, and other insoluble substances used in the
maintenance and washing of the Operator's or .the
Operator's customers' aircraft; ar_~ the installa-
tion of said trap shall conform to the recommended
specifications of the Environmental Protection
Agency and the County.
Exhibit A
Resolution No. 86-27
P. These Minimum Standards shall be an integral part
of the lease agreement.
Q. Landscaping of facilities is required. Eacz Fb0
or ASO will be required to provide a plan for
landscaping his area to be approved by the County
. and maintained by the FBO or ASO in a neat, clean
and aesthetically pleasing manner, all in accor-
dance with the Rules and Reguiatic:.s for the
In addition to the above described minimums, cer}ain
additional items will be included in the FBO lease to
comply with certain Federal aviation requirements which
are listed below.
R. Lessee (Licensee, contractor, etc.) in the opera-
tions to be conducted pursuant to the provisions
of this lease and otherwise in the use of the
airport will not discriminate or permit discrimi-
nation against any person or class of persons by
reason of race, color, religion, sex or national
origin in any manner prohibited by Part 23 of the
Regulations of the Office of the Secretary of
Trar_sportation, or any amendments thereto. The
lessor reserves the right to take such action as
the United States Government may direct to enforce
this covenant.
S. Lessee (Licensee, Contractor, etc.) shall furnish
its accommodations and/or services on a fair,
equal and not unjustly discriminatory basis to all
users thereof and it shall charge fair, reasonable
and' not unjustly discriminatory prices for each
unit or service; PROVIDED that the Lessee (Licen-
see, Contractor, etc) may be allowed to make
reasonable and non-discriminatory discounts,
rebates or other similar type of price reductions
to volume purchasers.
T. Lessee (Licensee, Contractor, etc) shall make
accommodations and/or services available to the
public on fair and reasonable terms without unjust
discrimination on the basis of race, color,
religion, sex or national origin.
U. Non-compliance with Provisions S, T, and U above
shall constitute a material breach thereof and in
Exhibit A
Resolution No. 86-27
the event of such non-compliance the County shall
h?ve the ri~j.:~ to ter~:.i.^._t~ th=s lease ( agreement
contract, etc) and the estate hereby created
without liability therefore or at•the election of
the County or the United States either or both
said Government shall have the right to judicially
enforce said Provisions S, T and U.
V. Lessee (Licensee, Contractor, etc.) agrees that it
shall insert the above four Provisions in any
lease (agreement, contract, etc) by which said
Lessee (Licensee, Contractor, etc) grants a right
or privilege to any person, firm or corporation to
render accommodations and/or services to the
public on the premises herein leased.
w. Eagle County reserves the right to further develop
or improve the landing area of the airport as it
sees fit, regardless of the desires or view of the
Lessee, and without interference or hindrance.
X. Eagle County reserves the
obligated to the Lessee,
repair the landing area
publicly-owned facilities
Ldith the right of direct
ties of the Lessee in thi:
right, but shall not be
to maintain and keep in
of the airport and all
of the airport, together
and control all activi-
a regard.
Y. This lease shall be subordinate to the provisions
and requirements of any existing or future agree-
ment between Eagle County, State of Colorado, and
the United States, relative to the development,
.operation or maintenance of the airport.
Z. Lessee agrees to comply with the notification and
review requirements covered in Part 77 of the
Federal Aviation Regulations in the event any
future structure of building is planned for
leased premises, or in the event of any
modification or alternation of any present or
fu_ure building or structure situated on the
leased premises.
AA. Zt is understood and agreed that nothing herein
ccntained shall be construed to grant or authorize
the granting of an exclusive right within the
Exhibit A
Resolution No. 86-27
meaning of Section 308 of the Federal Aviation
BB. Th .=~ i5 :...^`j res=_-. ~- __ -__ _ _.. _--- :ts
successors and assigns, for the use~and benefit of
the public , a right of f light for the passage of
aircraft in the airspace above the surface of the
premisa hereby leases, together :~~::t__ thV __:'.= }=
cause in said airspace such noise as may be
inherent in the operation of aircraft, using said
airspace for landing at, taking off, from or
operating on the Eagle County Airport.
CC. The Lessee by accepting this lease expressly
agrees for itself, its successors and assigns that
it will not erect nor permit the erection of any
structure of object nor permit the growth of any
tree on the land leased hereunder above a ground
level elevation of 3~ feet. In the event the
aforesaid covenant is breached, the Lesser re-
serves the right to enter upon the land leased
hereunder and to remove the offending structure or
object and cut the offending tree, all of which
shall be at the expense of the Lessee.
DD. The Lessee by accepting this lease expressly
=~--ees for itself, its successors and assigns that
- ~ - it will not make- use of the iease~: : remi::~s i:: =::y
manner which might interfere with the Eagle County
Airport or otherwise constitute a hazard. In the
event the aforesaid covenant is breached, the
Lessor reserves the right to enter upon the
premises hereby leased and cause the abate:^ent of
such interference at the expense of the Lessee.
EE. Any lease and all the provisions hereof shall be
subject to whatever right the United States
Government now has or in the future may have or
acquire, affecting the control, operation, regula-
tion and taking over of said airport or the
exclusive or nonexclusive use of the airport by
the United States during the time of war or
national emergency.
FF. The lessee assures that it will undertake an
affirmative action program as required by 14 CFR
Part 152, Subpart E., to ensure that no person
shall on the grounds of race, creed, Colorado,
Exhibit A
• Resolution No. 86-27
national origin, or sex be excluded fro
participating in any employment activities covered
in 14 CFR Part 152, Subpart E. The lessee assures
that no persor. s:.all ~e =.:c:::::ad ::r, tLess grounds
frc:~ participating in or receiving the services or
benefits of any program or activity covered by
this subpart. The lessee assures that it will
require that its covered suborganizations rr:.•:ice
assurances to the lessee that they similarly will
undertake affirmative action programs and that
they will require assurances from their
suborganizations, as required by 14 CFR Part 152,
Subpart E., to the same effect.
VI. Airfield Access and Security.
Airfie ld access and airport security shall be maintained at
all times in accordance with standards established and
required by the Director of Public Works. Participation in
the Airport Security Program is mandatory.
VII. Insurance.
Insurance coverage shall be provided and paid for by the FBO
in the`ollcwing amounts with Eagle County, the Director of
_ • ' __ : ~r'~•- `_'^° °^? rd of County Commissioners, the Airport
Commission and all otrer County perso.~r.__ :~ a.:c' t_c ==_
insured. A Certificate of Insurance or a copy of the
insurance policies involved will be furnished to the Airport
Manager and 10 days advance written notice of any change to
any policy or cancellation o~f any policy shall be given to
the Director of Public Works.
Aircraft Liability, Minimum:
Combined Single Limit
51,000,000.00 Bodily Injury, Passenger
Liability, and Property Damage
ii. Comtirehensive
Public Liability and
Combined Single Limit
$1,000,000.00 Bodily Injury, Passenger
Liability and Property Damage
.....~. .' ~ a._ L ..
F.xllli:..-. a`S
Resolution No. 86-27
iii. Hangar Keeaer's Liabilit~~, including taxiing:
51,000,000 each accident
iv. Products' Liabilit~~~
5500,000 each accident
v. Student and Renter's Liability:
e^^~ ^^^• o=_^h accident
vi. Motor Vehicle Lia:.i~ity:
$150,000 each person
$400,00 for more than one person
vii. Workmen's Compensation and Employers
Up to statutory limit
' Exhibit A
• Resolution No. 86-27
Aviation Shop Operators shall consist of one or more of the
following services and activities and comply with the Minimum
Standards described in this section.
AVIATICN S'riOP REPAIR SERVICES (Radios, Painting, Upholstery,
Propellers, Instruments, Accessories, etc.)
I. Statement of Concept
A specialized aircraft repair services operator is a person
or persons, firm or corporation engaged in a business
capable of providing a shop, or a combination of Federal
Aviation Administration certified shops for the repair of
aircraf~ radios, propellers, instruments, and accessories
for general aviation aircraft. This category shall include
the sale of new and/or used aircraft radios, propellers,
instruments and accessories, but such is not an exclusive
II. Minimum Standards
The Operator shall lease from the County an area adequate to
erect a building providing a minimum of 2,500 sq. feet of
floor space to hangar at least one (1) aircraft, to house
all equipment and c~¢1¢1~Ci~C~7i~iX floor space for an office,
shop, restrooms~, customer lounge and telephone facilities
for customer use. Hard surfaced, on-site auto parking space
with sufficient accommodations for automobiles, and a paved
aircraft apron, all within the leased area and sufficient to
accommodate the Operator's activities and operations shall
be provided. The avionics portion of the services offered
must maintain current the qualifications of Class I and
Class II FAA designated repair station.
Exhibit a
Resolution No. 86-27
III. The Operator shall maintain, as necessary, the repair
s*_a*_ior_ certificates as required by the Federal Avia-
rio ~r.:..__:__trati on, which are applicable to the
operation or operations contemplated. The Operator may
furnish one, or if desired, any combination of the
services mentioned above.
IV. The Operator performing the services under this cate-
gory will be required to carry the following types of
insurance in the minimum limits specified:
A. Comprehensive Public Liability and Comprehensive
Property Damage:
Bodily Injury (Each Accident)
5150,000 each person
5400,000 for more than one person
Property Damage
5500,000 each accident
B. Hangar Keeper's Liability, including taxiing, as
5500,000 each accident
V. The Oterator shall have his services available eight
(8 ) hours daily, five ; . ~ .~..a j J a week.
VI. The Operator shall have in his employ, and on duty
during the required operating hours, trained personnel
in such numbers as are required to meet the minimu.*n
standards set forth in this category in an °fficient
manner currently certified as Federal Aviation Adminis-
tration radio, instrument or propeller repairmen.
A. Statement of Concept
A specialized commercial flying services operator is a person or
persons, firm or corporation engaged in air transportation for
hire for the purpose of providing the use of aircraft for the
activities listed below:
i. Nonstop sightseeing flights that begin and
end at the same airport within a 50 mile
radius of airport.
Exhibit A
Resolution No. 86-27
ii. Crop-dusting, seeding spraying.
iii. Banner towing and aerial advertising.
iv. Aerial Photography or survey.
v. Power line or pipeline patrol.
vi'. ~ ~ Fire- fighting. - ~ - _ _: ~_ _ - - ~ ~~
vii. Any other operat_=_:s -ec=f__a_1" excluded
from Part 135 of. the Federal Aviation
viii. Flying Clubs
B. Minimum Standards
i. The Operator shall lease from the County an
area adequate to erect a buildi^g providing a
minim~.:.*n of 2500 sq. feet of floor space for
aircraft and other storage, and additional
floor space for office, restrooms, customer
lounge and telephone facilities for customer
use. Asphalt or cement-paved surfaced,
on-site auto parking space sufficient to
acce:r,^iodate Operator' s activities and opera-
tions shall-also be provided.
In case of crop-dusting, aerial application
or of er commercial use of c'remicals ,
_ Operator shall provide centrally drained,
paved area adequate for all aircraft loading,
unloading, washing and servicing. This area
must ~e built and operated in full compliance
with the Environ.*nental Protection Agency and
Colorado Department of Health regulation
governing such activities. Operator shall
also provide for the safe storage and
containment of all chemical material. Such
facilities will be in a location on the
Airport which will provide the greatest
safeguard to the public.
C. The Operator shall provide and have eased on his
leaserc.d . eit:~er c~wneci or under written lease to
Sze Gpera=cr, rot less t:.an ore (1) airworthy
Exhibit A
Resolution No. 86-27
aircraft, suitably equipped for, and meeting all
the requirements of the Federal Aviation Adminis-
tr?* ~.^^ 47ith res^^-` `- trA +-~-^e of operation to
rya r~r~c_ ~_.
In the case of crop-dusting or aerial application, the
Operator shall provide tank trucks for the handling of
_ _ a s^r=_~~ _.^^. ~^ _. _^^ ? ictiids . The Cperator shall
also prcv~;:a a~:~.~__:e group:. =sue -.__ -- ~~- - _---_ -~---=
for the safe containment, storage, handling and~safe
loading of all noxious chemicals and materials in
compliance with EPA and Colorado Department of Health.
D. The Operator performing the services under this
category will be required to card the following
types of insurance in the minimum limits
specified: '
i. Aircraft Liability:
Bodily Injury (Each Accident)
5150,000 each person
$40C,000 for more than one perscn
Passenger Liability, as applicable
5400,000 each accident
Property Damage
$400,000 each accident
ii. Comprehensive Public Liability and Ccmprehen-
sive Property Damage:
Bodily Injury (£ach Accident)
5150,000 each person
$400,000 for more than one person
iii. Hangar Keeper's Liability, including taxiing,
as applicable
$500,000 each accident
iv. Products Liability, as applicable
$500,000 each accident
E. The Operator must provide, by means of an office
or a telephone, a point of contact for the public
desiring to utilize Operator's services.
Exhibit A
Resolution No. 86-27
F. The Operator shall have in his employ, and on duty
during the required operating hours, trained
personnel in such numbers as may required to meet
um star.=-.s ~°~ein se~ - ~=
the minim ' " •• - -= t = ===
efficient manner, but never less than one (1)
person holding a csrrent Federal Aviaticn Aaminis-
tration commercial certificate, properly rated for
she aircraft to be used ~ _:: t. e type ^f c^°__t_c-:
to be performed.
A. Statement of Concept
A flight training operator is a person or persons, firm
or corporation engaged in instructing pilots in dual
and solo flight training, in fixed and/or rotary wing
aircraft, in land or sea aircraft, and provides such
related ground school instruction as is ,necessary
preparatory to taking a written examination and flight
check ride for the category or categories or pilots'
licenses and rating involved. No flight training
operations or operator may be allowed to operate off a
B. Minimum Standards
i. The Operator shall lease from the County an~
area adequate to erect a building or
buildings containing a minimum of 2,500 sq.
feet to provide for aircraft storage, and
space for office, classroom, briefing room;
pilot lounge, restrocros and telephone facili-
ties for customer use. Asphalt or
cement-paved surf aced, on-site auto parking
space with suitable accommodations for
automobiles, and a paved aircraft apron all
within the leased area and sufficient to
accommodate the Operator's activities and
operations shall also be provided.
ii. The Operator .shall have available for use in
flight training, either owned or under
written lease to the Operator, a sufficient
number of aircraft properly certificated to
handle the proposed scope of his student
Exhibit A
Resolution No. 86-27
operation, but not less than one (1) properly
certificated aircraft.
- - iii . .:e ^-__ - _.._ pert-_:^i: ; th= ser-:. _ ~ -..~__
this category willVbe required to carry the
following types of insurance in the minimum
limits specified:
a) i~ircraft Liability:
Bodily Injury (Each Accident)
$150,000 each person
Property Damage
$400,000 each accident
b) Comprehensive Public Liability and
Comprehensive Property Damage:
Bodily Injury (each accident) .
5150,000.00 each person
$400,000.00 for more than one person
Property Damage
$400,000.00 each accident
Student and Renter's Liability
5400,000.00 each accident
Hangar Keeper's Liability, including
taxiing, where applicable:
5500,000.00 each accident
C. The OA~rator shall have his services available
eight (8} hours daily, seven (7) days a week.
D. The Operator shall have available, on a full-time
basis, at.least one (1) flight instructor who has
been currently certificated by the Federal Avia-
tion Administration to provide the type of flight
training offered.
E. The Operator shall have for call on a part-time
basis, at least one (1) ground instructor who has
been currently certificated by the Federal Avia-
tion Administration to provide the type of ground
training offered. This person may be the same
person specified in (5) above.
Exhibit A
Resolution No. 86-27
4. AIRCRAFT SALES (New and/or Used)
An aircraft sales operator is a person engaged in the sales of
new anc/or used aircraft through franchises, or licensed dealer-
ship or distributorship teither on a retail or wholesale basis)
..~ a.: ~:_cra=. -anuiact::rer or otherwise; and provides such
repair, services and parts as necessary to meet any guarantee or
warranty on new and/or used aircraft sold by him.
IX. Minimum Standards
A. The Operator shall lease from the County an area
adequate to erect a building containing a minimum
of 2500 sq. feet of floor space, for aircraft
storage, and floor space for office, restrooms,
customer lounge and telephone facilities for
customer use. Hard surfaced, on-site auto parking
space with suitable accommodations for automo-
biles, and a paved aircraft apron, all within the
leased area and sufficient to accommodate the
Operator's activities and operations shall also be
There shall be no fee charged on gross sales of
new or used aircraft.
B. The Operator shall provide necessary and satisfac-
tory arrangements for the repair and servicing of
aircraft, but only for the duration of any sales
guarantee or warranty period. Servicing facili-
ties may be provided through written agreement
with a repair shop operation at the Airport. The
Operator shall provide an adequate inventory, or
availability within 24 hours or less, of spare
parts for the type of new aircraft for which sales
privileges are granted.
C. The Operator performing the services under this
category will be required to carry the following
types of insurance in the minimum limits
i. Aircraft Liability:
Bodily Injury (Each Accident)
" Exhibit A
• `• Resolution No. 86-27
$150,000 each person
$400,000 for more than one person
Passenger Liability
5150,000 each person, each accident
Property Damage
$500,000 each accident
ii. Comprehensive Public Liability and Comprehen-
sive Property Damage:
Bodily Injury (Each Accident)
$150,000 each person
$400,000 for more than one person
iii. Hangar Keeper's Liability, including taxiing:
Applicable and required in the event the
Operator shall elect to service, by himself,
the aircraft sold by him, during the guaran-
tee or warranty period.
$500,000 each accident
D. The Operator shall have his services available on
a basis consistent with his franchise agreement.
XI. Statement of Concept
An aircraft and airframe engine maintenance and repair operator
is a person or persons, firm or corporation providing one (or a
combination of) airframe and power plant repair services, with at
least one (1) person currently certified by the Federal Aviation
Administration with ratings appropriate to the work being per-
formed. This category of aeronautical services shall also
include the sale of aircraft parts and accessories, but such is
not an exclusive right.
XII. Minimum Standards
A. The Operator shall lease from the County an area
adequate tc erect a building providing a~_~_==
2,500 SQ. FEET OF floor space for airframe and
power plant repair services and adequa~e =1ocr
space for office, restrooms, customer lounge and
telephone facilities for customer use. Hard
Exhibit A
• Resolution No. 86-27
surfaced, on-site auto parking space with suitable
acccmmodations for automobiles, and a paved
aircraft apron, all within the leased area suffi-
cient to accommodate the Operator'•s activities and
operations shall be ^rovi~?sd.
3. The Operator shall pro•ride sufficient equipment,
supplies and avaii.abilirl of parts equiva_ert ~o
• that required for certification as a Federal
Avia~:on haministraticn apprc-:s' repair station.
C. The Operator performing. the services under this
category will be required to carry the following
types of insurance in the minimum limits
i. Aircraft Liability:
Bodily Injury (Each Accident)
5150,000 each person
5400,000 for more than one person
Property Damage
5400,000 each accident
ii. Comprehensive Public Liability and Comprehen-
sive Property Damage:
Bodily Injury (Each Accident)
5150,000 each person
5400,000 for more than one person
Property Damage
5400,000 each accident
iii. Hangar Keeper`s Liability, including taxiing,
as applicable
SS00,000 each accident
Products Liability:
5500,000 each accident
D. The Operator shall have his services available
elty:l~. ~ C3 ~ iluuiJ ~iai~l , ..~ : ~ (~. 1 •i _+ c ~ 'r;°O~C.
E. The Operator shall have in his employ (and on duty
during the required operating hours) trained
_.,.... ~
' Exhibit A
" ~ Resolution No. 86-27
personnel in such numbers as are required to meet
the mini::•_:~ standards and requirements ss~- for}~
in an efficient manner, but never less than one
(1) person currently certified by the Federal
Aviation Administration with rating appropriate to
the work being perfor::.ed and who holds an air-
frame, power plant, or an aircraft inspector
A. Statement of Concept
An aircraft rental operator is a person or persons, firm or
corporation engaged in the rental of aircraft to the public.
B. Minimum Standards
i. The Operator shall lease from the County an
area adequate to provide for aircraft stor-
age, including a building of at least 2,500
SQ. feet of floor space for aircraft storage,
office, restrooms, customer lounge and
telephone facilities for customer use. Paved
surfaced, on-site auto parking space with
suitable accommodations for automobiles, and
a paved aircraft apron, all within the leased
area and - sufficient to accommodate the
Operator's activities and operations shall
also be provided.
C. The Operator shall have available for rental,
either owned or under written lease to Operator, a
sufficient number of aircraft properly certifi-
cated to handle the proposed scope of his opera-
D. The Operator performing the services under this
category will be required to carry the following
types of insurance in the minimum limits
i. Aircraft Liability:
Bodily Injury (Each Accident)
$150,000 each person
$400,000 for more than one person
.~~ ,. . .
Exhibit A
Resolution No. 86-27
Passenger Liability
$400,000 eacz passenger, each accident
Property Damage
$500,000 each accident
ii. Comprehensive Public Liability and Ccmprehen-
Bodily Injury (Each Accident)
$150,000 each person
$400,000 for more than one person
Property Damage
$400,000 each accident
iii. Student and Renters' Liability
$400,000 each accident, where applicable
E. The Operator shall have his service available
eight (8) hours daily, seven (7) days a week.
F. The operator shall have available trained person-
nel in such numbers as are required to meet the
minimum standards set forth in an efficient
A. Statement of Concept
An aircraft charter (Commercial Operator) and an air taxi opera-
tor is a person or persons, firm or corporation engaged in the
business of providing air transportation (persons or property) to
the public for hire, either on a charter basis or as an air taxi
operator, as defined in the Federal Aviation Act of 1958, or as
said Act may be supplemented or amended from time to time.
B. Minimum Standards
i. The Operator shall lease from the County an
area adequate to provide for aircraft stor-
age, including an area to erect a hangar of
2,500 sq. feet of floor space for aircraft
storage, office, restrecros, customer lounge
and telephone facilities for customer use.
Asphalt or cement-paved surfaced, on-site
auto parking space with suitable
~ '•
- Exhibit A
~~~ ~~ ` Resolution No. 86-27
accommodations for automobiles, and a paved
aircraft apron all within the leased area and
sufficient to acccmmodate the Operator's
activities and operations shall also be
C. The Operator shall have available for hire, either
owned or under written lease to Operator, a
sufficient number of aircraft properly certifi-
cated to handle the proposed scope of his opera-
D. The Operator performing the services under this
category will be required to carry the following
types of insurance in the minimum limits
i. Aircraft Liability, minimum:
Bodily Injury (Each Accident)
5150,000 each person
$400,000 for more than one person
Passenger Liability
5150,000 each passenger, each accident
Property Damage
5400,000 each accident
ii. Comprehensive Public Liability and Comprehen-
sive Property Damage:
Bodily Injury (Each Accident)
5150,000 each person
$400,000 for more than one person
Property Damage
5400,000 each accident
iii. Hangar Keeper's Liability, including taxiing,
as applicable
5500,000 each accident
iv. Products Liability, as applicable
5500,000 each accident
E. The Operator shall have his premises open and
services available eight (8) hours daily, seven
..~. _._. ... ~.~•1 r
~. ... t
_ Exhibit A
`; 'r' t~ Resolution No. 86-27
(7) days per week; and shall provide on-call
service during hours other than the aforemen-
:~ ~;.2Q .
F. The Operator shall have in his employ and on duty
during the reL;._r='? cry..±_: ; hours, trained
personnel in such numbers as are required to meet
the minimum standards set forth in this catego~
in an effic=ent manner and otherwise appropriately
rated to permit the flight activities offered by
Operator. The Operator shall have available
sufficient qualified operating crews and satisfac-
tory number of personnel for checking in passen-
gers, handling of luggage, ticketing and for
furnishing or arranging for suitable ground
transportation. The prospective Operator shall
provide reasonable assurance of a continued
availability of qualified operating crews and
approved aircraft within a reasonable or specified
maximum notice period.
G. Air Taxi Companies Not Based on Eagle County
Non-scheduled air carrier companies, not based on Eagle County
Airport, but who are providing service to and from the Airport,
are exempted from these minimum standards and requirements.