HomeMy WebLinkAboutR96-088 special use permit berry creek equestrian center~~ /~ . ~ /- ~- Commissioner _ _ 1?,~r`11ZJ moved adoption I the following Resolution. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO RESOLUTION NO. 96 - J a ,~ J ~~ it xo ,~ ~ a~ ~~ s~ 0 U ~ N x ~~ ~x ,~ ~ ~ a~ ~ J 0 ~: ~~ T ~i ~~ ~ J ~ a~ o ~-+ ~~ i ~ ~ ~ a~ r.0 ~"„ ~ ~ ~a -~ ~~ ao ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c~ ~n :n APPROVAL OF SPECIAL USE PERMIT EAGLE COUNTY RECREATION AUTHORITY THE BERRY CREEK EQUESTRIAN CENTER FILE NO. ZS-387-96 WHEREAS, THE EAGLE COUNTY RECREATION AUTHORITY, ("Applicant") did file an application with the Eagle County Department of Community Development on or about April 15th, for a Special Use Permit for a recreation facility, riding stable and as further described in the Special Use Review Application for the Berry Creek Equestrian Center, in the unincorporated area of Eagle County described in Exhibit A, attached, and; WHEREAS, based on the evidence, testimony, exhibits, study of the Master Plans for the unincorporated areas of Eagle County, comments of the Eagle County Department of Community Development, comments of public officials and agencies, the recommendation of the Planning Commission, and comments from all interested parties, the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado ("the Board"), finds as follows: 1. That proper publication and public notice was provided as required by law for the hearings before the Planning Commission and the Board. 2. The proposed use is compatible with the existing uses in the area. 3. The proposed use will not have a significant effect on the character of the neighborhood. 4. Access to the site is via an existing access drive and activities are scheduled to avoid peak traffic times, however, manned traffic control may be necessary if traffic safety becomes an issue. 5. The proposed water and sanitation service is appropriate for the use proposed. 6. The physical arrangement of the proposed site is appropriate. 7. The proposal is consistent with the Eagle County Master Plan and the Edwards Sub-Area Plan. C'~ CD 1 8. The Environ tal Impact Report is not ~licable. 1 Pursuant to Section 2.07.07, Industrial and Commercial Performance Standards, Eagle County Land Use Regulations: 1. To the extent applicable, the proposed use is in general conformance with these performance standards. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO: That the application of The Eagle County Recreation Authority, File No. Zs-387-96, for a Special Use Permit for a recreation facility, riding stable and as further described in the Special Use Review Application for the Berry Creek Equestrian Center, be approved, subject to the conditions as set forth herein. THAT, the following conditions shall be placed upon this approval and that violation of any condition shall be the basis for revocation of the Special Use Permit: 1. Special events, including rodeo's, shall be scheduled to minimize traffic generation during the peak evening traffic periods between 4 PM and 5:30 PM. 2. This Special Use Permit is valid for 3 years. THAT, all material representations made by the Applicant in the application and public meeting shall be adhered to and considered conditions of approval, unless otherwise amended by conditions herein. That, this Special Uses Permit shall be subject to a periodic review of the permit to determine compliance with all applicable criteria and conditions. This review shall be conducted by the Planning Department and shall be heard by the County Commissioners only if complaints have been received or the Planning Department determines that the project is not in compliance. This Special Use Permit shall be subject to revocation if conformance with the permit as issued is not met. Any substantive change from the original approval requires review and approval by the Board of County Commissioners at a public hearing. 2 THAT, the B~ i of County Commissioners rects the '~ Department of Comt...xnity Development to provi~., a copy of this Resolution to the Applicant. THAT, the Board hereby finds, determines and declares that this Resolution is necessary for the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Eagle County. MOVED, READ AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colora o, at its regular meeting held the ~n~~ day of , 199, nunc pro tunc to the 18th day of July, 1996. ~. ;• . F~. ~}((((JJJ+jjj~:''~ ~-~, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO, .~ -~ ~ t _ By and Through I t s BOARD OF COUNTY Z Pn 4 ~~~ ,• e'B eta ~ `~°~" ~'~ ~ ~ COMMISSIONERS ATTEST: ~ s By : Ol By Sara J. Fisher Georg A. Gates, Chairman Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners John~Phillips Commissioner s E. Johns~oy~, Tr. ,sinner ~v ) c Commissioner l~'%L~.l',~-~,~J seconded adoption of the foregoing Resolution. The roll having been called, the vote was as follows: Commissioner Johnnette Phillips Commissioner George A. Gates Commissioner James E. Johnson, Jr. ~~~ This Resolution passed by ~~`Zoyy~ll"7~~/ vote of the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. 3