HomeMy WebLinkAboutR96-070 approval preliminary plan and PUD amendment for Cordillera~~~~ Commission ~ _ moved adoption of the" fol owing Resol_..~on: RESOLUTION OF T8E COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO ~~ - - RESOLUTION NO. 96-~ APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY PLAN AND PUD AMENDMENT OF THE CORDILLERA PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT C~2 FILE NO. PD-293-96-A1 E,ILE NO. PD-293-96-A2 FILE NO. PD-293-95-P ~ ' NSEREAS, on or about February 1. 1996, the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, accepted for filing the applications submitted by Sr~{uaw Creek Realty Corn. (hereinafter "Applicant") for amendment of the Cordillera Planned Unit Development, near Edwards Colorado, (hereinafter the "PUD"), File No. PD-293-96-A1, FILE No. PD-293-96-A2 and File No. PD- 293-96-P; and, WSEREAS, the Applicant requested the amendment of the PUD for the purposes of incorfloratina an additional 320 acres, the Bear~3er Uar~P1_ into_the Cordillera SLbdivision and to reallocate 65 dwell;nq units to the Beard n Parcel from the existing approved zoninQ_and to amenr3 Parcels C&D t0 aC~'nmmnt~ate a SDer C1f1~ d V oDM -n DZaZl; and, TaBEREAS, notice of the proposed amendment was mailed to all owners of property located within and adjacent to the PUD and was duly published in a newspaper of general circulation throughout the County concerning the subject matter of the application(s) and setting forth the dates and times of hearings for consideration of the application by the Planning Commission and. the Board of County Commissioners of County of Eagle, State of Colorado (hereinafter the "Board"); and by~y'/b t3-EiyEi 1'-yti:i U6/1'L%yb UG:1'/!' ~'G 1 Ub' 6b r~C llUC Sara J. Fisher eagle County Clerk ~ recorder U.UU ~ ~ WHEREAS, at its _ lic meeting held April 1 1996, the Planning Commission, based upon its findings, recommended conditional approval of the proposed PUD Amendments and Preliminary Plan; and WHEREAS, at its public hearing of April 30. 1996, the Board considered the above listed applications, associated preliminary plans and the statements and concerns of the Applicant and the Eagle County staff . Based on the evidence, testimony, exhibits, review of the Eagle County Master Plan and Open Space Plan, the recommendation of the Planning Commission and staff, and comments from all interested parties, the Board finds as follows In accordance with The Cordillera Subdivision Amended and Restated Planned Unit Control Document, Section 1.05.1, Major Modifications: The PUD Amendment is found to be consistent with the purpose and intent of the Guide and the modification does not adversely affect substantial rights of owners within Cordillera, and, In accordance with Section 2.06.13, Planned Unit Development District: 2) Standards and Requirements; a) The PUD is consistent with the intent of the Master Plan and the policies therein. b) The design and construction of the PUD includes adequate, safe, and convenient arrangements for pedestrian and vehicular circulation, off-street parking and loading space. c) While there may be no fixed setbacks and lot widths, the County Commissioners may require such setbacks, lot widths, and space between buildings as necessary to provide adequate access and fire protection, to insure proper ventilation, light, air, and snowmelt between buildings, and to insure that the PUD is compatible with other development in the area. d) Open space for the PUD has been be planned to produce maximum usefulness to the residents of the development for purposes of recreation, scenery, and to produce a feeling of openness. All areas designated as common or public open space pursuant to the requirements of this section shall be accessible by proper physical and legal access ways. e) The developer shall provide within the PUD central water and sewer facilities, or as otherwise specifically approved, as may be required by the County Commissioners, the Colorado Department of Health, and the local health authorities. 2 x f) The develop, t has been designed to p ide for necessary commercial, recreational and educational facilities conveniently located to residential housing. g) Clustered housing and other buildings shall be encouraged to promote maximum open space and economy of development and variety in type, design and layout of buildings. h) Maximum height of structures has been established by the approved PUD plan. 3) Criteria for Evaluation of the PUD: a) Open Space It is recommended that a minimum of 25 percent of the total PUD area shall be devoted to open air recreation or other usable open space, public or quasi-public. Unusable open space shall not be included in the 25 percent. b) Residential Density Density shall be limited as required by the County Commissioners upon consideration of the Master Plan and individual characteristics of the subject land. c) Density of Other Uses The density of uses other than residential shall be limited as required by the County Commissioners upon consideration of the Master Plan and individual characteristics of the subject land. d) Architecture Each structure in the Planned Unit Development shall be designed in such a manner as to be compatible with other units in the area, yet to avoid uniformity and lack of variety in structural designs among the PUD. e) Mixed Uses The PUD shall be designed, insofar as practicable when considering the overall size of the PUD, to provide commercial, recreational and educational amenities to its residents to alleviate the necessity of increased traffic and traffic congestion. f) Minimum Area requirements have been met. g) Maintenance of Open Space The landowner(s) have provided for or established an 3 adequa organization for the own hip and maintenance of common open space and private roads, drives and parking which, in the opinion of the County Commissioners, is best calculated to insure maintenance of such area. h) Employee Housing Previous employee housing commitments have been incorporated into the PUD Plan. 7) Preliminary Plan Review a) In addition to the standard items considered in subdivision review, the Planning Commission and County Commissioners shall consider the following in their review of the Preliminary Plan: (1) Adequacy of Final Environmental Impact Statement (if required); The environmental assessment within the application is adequate. (2) Any information requested or required by the County Commissioners upon approving the Sketch Plan; The Sketch Plan condition has been meet. (3) Application for appropriate zone change; An application for a zone change has been submitted and the appropriate criteria considered. (4) The PUD control document. This document formally establishes the permitted land uses and must be filed with the Clerk and Recorder. 11) Amendments to PUD b) 1) That proposed amendment is consistent with the efficient development and preservation of the entire PUD; and (2) That the proposed amendment does not affect in a substantially adverse manner either the enjoyment of the land abutting upon or across the street from the PUD or the public interest; and 3) That the proposed amendment is not granted solely to confer a special benefit on any person. 4 ~ R in accordance with Se~ on 2.14.04 Review of Zo )istrict Amendments: 1) a) That the rezoning is consistent with the Master Plan and that the area in question possesses the geological, physical and other environmental conditions compatible with the characteristics of the use requested and that the advantages of the use requested outweigh the disadvantages; and b) Conceptual evidence that the land has access and can be serviced with water and sewage disposal systems appropriate with the zone district being sought; and c) That the area for which rezoning is requested has changed or is changing to such a degree that it is in the public interest to encourage a new use or density in the area; In accordance with Section 2.18.02, Preliminary Plan Review; 3) a) The Preliminary Plan is in conformance to the Sketch Plan and the information requested or required by the County Commissioners upon approving the Sketch Plan has been provided. b) The Preliminary Plan conforms to these and other applicable regulations, policies and guidelines. c) The staff has reviewed reports on FILE and others as available pertaining to geologic, soils, wildfire, flood and airport hazards, mineral resource areas and significant wildlife areas and has considered the guidelines and recommendations as prepared by the appropriate agency, to mitigate hazards and to protect resources. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY CONIl~IISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO: THAT, the application submitted by Squaw Creek Realty Corp. for amendment of the Cordillera Planned Unit Development be and is hereby granted subject to the following conditions: 1. The extension of lot lines beyond that proposed in the Preliminary Plan application is subject to further staff review at final plat to determine conformance with the Preliminary Plan and Wildlife Agreement. 2. All individual sewage disposal systems (I.S.D.S.) must be designed by a registered professional engineer. 5 f t The Board finds, deter.. ies, and declares that th Resolution is necessary for the health, safety, and welfare of the inhabitants of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. MOVED, READ AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, Sta e of Colorado, at its regular meeting held the f/~ day of 1996, nunc pro tunc to the _ 30th day of ~oril, 1996. ~ -.. ATTEST : ~ '~l` :°°~~},%i~ ~~~ ~ COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO, By and Through Its BOARD OF COUNTY CONIl~IISSIONERS ~. ,x.-,.- .$ ~a ~` BY : ~ ~3Y Sara J. Fi er George Gates, Chairman Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners _ BY: Johnnette Phillips, Commissioner James E. Johnson, Jr., Commissioner Commissioner ~2~~, seconded adoption of the foregoing Resolution. The roll having been called, the vote was as follows: Commissioner George A. Gates Commissioner Johnnette Phillips Commissioner James E. Johnson, Jr. This Resolution passed by ~~ vote of the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. f:\docs\resolut.96\pd29395p 6 CORDILLERA SUBDIVISION SECOND AMENDED AND RESTATED PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT CONTROL DOCUMENT April 30. 1996 Cordillera P. U.D. Guide April 30, 1996 t e Table of Contents Section 1.01: Introduction Section 1.02: Purpose. Section 1.03: Intent. Section I.04: Enforcement. Section 1.05: Modifications to the this Guide. Section I.OS.l: Major Modifications. Section 1.05.2: Minor Modifications. Section 1.05.3: Building_Envelo~e Adjustments. Section 1.05.4: Density Variations. Section 1.06: Densitv Transfer Areas. Section I.07: Densitv Standards. Section 1.08: Conflict. Section I.09: Incorporation of Preliminary Plan. Section I.IO: Buildin Eg nvelo~e. Section 1.10.1: Building Envelope Adjustments. Section 1.II: Setbacks. Section 1.12: Parkin. Section 1.13: Impact Control. Section 1.14: ~ Cordillera Design Review Board. Section I.15: Si ns. Section I.16: Utilities. Section 2. D: Planning Parcel A - Phase I . Section 2.01: Filing No. 1, Cordillera Subdivision, Clubhouse/Lodge. Section 2.01.1: Allowed Uses. Section 2.01.2: Development Standards. Section 2.01.3: Density and Land Use Classification. Section 2.02: Planning Parcel A - Filing No. 2 and 3, Cordillera Subdivision. Section 2.02.1: Allowed Uses. Cordillera P U.D. Guide Apnl 30, 1996 Table of Contents Section 2.02.2: Development Standards. Section 2.02.3: Densitv and Land Use Classification. Section 2.03: Planning Parcel A -Filing No. 4, Cordillera Subdivision. Section 2.03.1: Allowed Uses. Section 2.03.2: Development Standards. Section 2.03.3: Densitv and Land Use Classification. Section 3.0: Planning Parcel A -Phase II. Section 3.01: Village Center, Planning Parcel A, Cordillera Subdivision. Section 3.Ol.l: Intent. Section 3.01.2: Permitted Uses. Section 3.01.3: Development Standards. Section 3.01.4: Densitv and Land Use Classification. Section 3.02: Northern Parcel, Planning Parcels B, C & D, Cordillera Subdivision. Section 3.02.1: Intent. Section 3.03: Planning Parcel B, Open Space, Cordillera Subdivision. Section 3.03.1: Intent. Section 3.03.2: Permitted Uses. Section 3.03.3: Development Standards. Sectian 3.04: Planning Parcel C and Planning Parcel D, Single Familv, Community Park, Cordillera Subdivision. Section 3.04.1: Intent. Section 3.04.2: Permitted Uses: Section 3.04.3: Development Standards. Section 3.04.4: Density and Land Use Classification. Section 3.05: (This Section Has Been Deleted). Section 3.06: Planning, Parcel E, Chaveno. Cordillera Subdivision. Section 3.06.1: Intent. Section 3.06.2: Permitted Uses. Section 3.06.3: Development Standards. Section 3.06.4: Density and Land Use Classification. Section 3.07: Planning_Parcel F, Beatty Parcel, Cordillera Subdivision. Section 3.07.1: Intent. Section 3.07.2: Permitted Uses. Section 3.07.3: Development Standards. Section 3.07.4: Densitv and Land Use Classification. Section 3.08: Western Parcel, Planning Parcels G, H. I, J. K. L, M. & N, Cordillera Subdivision. Cardrllera P U D. Guide April 30, 1996 Table of Contents Section 3.08.1: Intent. Section 3.09: Planning Parcel G, Cordillera Subdivision. Section 3.09.1: Intent. Section 3.09.2: Permitted Uses. Section 3.09.3: Development Standards. Section 3.09.4: Density and Land Use Classification. Section 3.10: Western Parcel Planning Parcel H Cordillera Subdivision. Section 3.10.1: Intent. Section 3.10.2: Permitted Uses. Section 3.10.3: Development Standards. Section 3.10.4: Density and Land Use Classification. Section 3.11: Western Parcel Planning Parcel I Cordillera Subdivision. Section 3.11.1: Intent. Section 3.11.2: Permitted Uses. Section 3.11.3: Development Standards. Section 3.11.4: Densityand Land Use Classification. Section 3.12: Western Parcel Planning Parcels J Cordillera Subdivision. Section 3.12.1: Intent. Section 3.12.2: Permitted Uses. Section 3.12.3: Development Standards. Section 3.12.4: Density and Land Use Classification. Section 3.13: Western Parcel Planning Parcels K, Cordillera Subdivision. Section 3.13.1: Intent. Section 3.13.2: Permitted Uses. Section 3.13.3: DeveloQment Standards. Section 3.13.4: Density and Land Use Classification. Section 3.14: Western Parcel Planning Parcel L, Cordillera Subdivision. Section 3.14.1: Intent. Section 3.14.2: Permitted Uses. Section 3.14.3: Development Standards. Section 3.14.4: Density and Land Use Classification. Section 3.15: Western Parcel, Planning Parcels M, Cordillera Subdivision. Section 3.15.1: Intent. Section 3.15.2: Permitted Uses. Section 3.15.3: Development Standards. Section 3.15.4: Density and Land Use Classification. Section 3.16: Western Parcel, Plannin~~ Parcels N, Cordillera Subdivision. Section 3.16.1: Intent. Section 3.16.2: Permitted Uses. Cordillera P. U.D. Guide Aprit 30, 1996 . r Table of Contents Sectian 3.16.3: Development Standards. Section 3.16.4: Density and Land Use Classification. Section 3.17: Southern Parcel. Plannine Parcels O. Cordillera Subdivision. Section 3.17.1: Intent. Section 3.17.2: Permitted Uses. Section 3.17.3: Development Standards. Section 3.17.4: Density and Land Use Classification. Section 3.18: Bearden Parcel. Planning Parcel P. Cordillera Subdivision. Section 3.18.1: Intent. Section 3.18.2: Permitted Uses. Section 3.18.3: Development Standards. Section 3.18.4: Densitv and Land Use Classification. Section 4.0: Supplementarv Re lgu ations. Section 4.OI: Purpose. Section 4.02: Equestrian Facilities. Section 4.03: Caretaker Unit Restrictions. Section 4.04: Proiect Densitv. Section 4.05: Visual Mitigation. Section 4.06: Home Occupations. Section 4.07: Interim Uses - Phasing. Section 4.08: Final Plat. Section 4. D9: Maximum Irrigated Area. Cordillera P.U.D. Guide April 30, 1946 CORDILLERA SUBDIVISION SECOND AMENDED AND RESTATED PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT CONTROL DOCUMENT Apri130. 1996 Cordillera P. U.D. Gwde Page - 1 April 30, 1996 Section 1.OI: Introduction. This Development Guide sets forth the land uses and development standards for all properties of Cordillera, as described in Exhibits A, B & C. The Development Guide defines the permitted use of land, regulates the bulk, height, minimum lot area, minimum lot width, minimum and maximum yard spaces for structures, provides for Wildlife Conservation Areas and Open Space and provides additional supplementary regulations. This Development Guide is authorized under Section 2.06.13 of the Eagle County Land Use Regulations. This Guide is intended to replace the standard zoning provisions contained. in Chapter II of the Eagle County Land Use Regulations. The specific provisions of this Guide shall supersede those of the Eagle County Land Use Regulations. Where the Guide is silent the provisions of the Land Use Regulations shall govern. Section I.02: Purpose. The "Cordillera Subdivision, Second Amended and Restated Planned Unit Development Guide, Apri130, 1996" amends and restates, in its entirety, and supersedes the previously approved "Cordillera Subdivision, Amended and Restated Planned Unit Development Guide, June 14, 1994." The primary purpose of this Guide is (i) to reiterate and clarify the standards, restrictions and regulations which govern. development and land use within the and lands made part of the Cordillera Subdivision, and to incorporate into this Guide any amendments to the Cordillera Subdivision P.U.D. approved by the Eagle County Commissioners. Additionally, the purpose of this Development Guide (Guide) is to insure that Cordillera is developed as a comprehensively planned resort residential community. The Guide will insure the orderly and compatible development of the property. The Guide replaces the standard zoning provisions of Eagle County with site specific restrictions that are more appropriate to the specific conditions of lands contained within this development. Section 1.03: Intent. The Cordillera Community is intended to be a nearly self-contained, resort residential community. Cordillera will provide for a balanced mixture of recreational, commercial, office, and undisturbed natural lands to support the focus of resort residential uses. This Guide remains somewhat flexible to allow for changes and innovations in community design as the project progresses through its multi-year development schedule. ~ These changes will be permitted only as they remain consistent with the overall character as defined throughout this Guide. Section 1.04: Enforcement. The provisions of this Guide are enforceable by the authority and powers of Eagle County as granted by law. Enforcement action shall be consistent with the authority and actions defined in the Eagle County Land Use Regulations. All provisions of this Guide shall run in favor of the residents, occupants and owners of land within Cordillera to the extent expressly provided in~this Guide and in accordance with its terms and conditions. Section I.OS: Modifications to the this Guide. It is anticipated that modifications to this Guide and Preliminary Plan will be necessary from time to time as the project progresses through it's development life. This Guide provides for four types of modifications; Major, Minor, Building Envelope Adjustments and Density Variations. These four are defined as follows: CordrUera P. U D Cuide page - 2 Apnl 30, 1996 Section 1.05.1: Major Modifications. Major modifications shall require amendments to the P.U.D. Guide. Major modifications are those changes which could alter the character or land use of a portion of the project. Once a final plat is approved any change from one category of land use to another such as residential to commercial, any change in designation of open space or wildlife areas to a non- recreational or non-conservation related use shall be considered a major modification. In addition, any addition of land to be governed by the Guide other than for recreational, open space or access shall be considered a major modification. Major Modifications shall be under the authority of the Eagle County Board of Commissioners. After first receiving the approval of the Cordillera Homeowners Association any owner of lands within Cordillera may make application to the Board of Commissioners for major modification. Applications for major modifications shall be heard in public hearing before the Board of Commissioners after hearing recommendation from the Planning Commissioners. The Board of Commissioners may approve a major modification if it is found to be consistent with the purpose and intent of this Guide or if the character of the surrounding area has changed such that this purpose and intent are no longer appropriate and that the modification does not adversely affect substantial rights of owners within Cordillera. Section 1.05.2: Minor Modifications. Minor Modifications are those changes which will not alter the original concept of the project but which may result in a change in design of the development. Minor modifications include, but are not limited to internal road alignment alterations, additions of land uses not previously itemized in this Guide, provided that the changes are similar in nature to the listed permitted uses and are consistent with the intent, adjustments to Planning Parcel boundaries, golf course and recreational amenity design modifications. Minor Modifications shall be under the authority of the Eagle County Community Development Director and may or may not require an Amended Final Plat. The Director may approve such a minor request if it is found: i. to be consistent with the established goals of Cordillera and supports the stated intent of the Planning Parcel; ii. to not negatively impact adjacent land uses or the ability to implement the provisions of this Guide; and iii. ~ to accommodate anticipated changes in the resort industry. Appeals must be filed with the Director within 5 days of action by the Director. Section 1.45.3: Buildin Eg nvelope Adjustments. Amendments to the Building Envelopes may occur upon approval of one of two of the following processes: Administrative Process Building Envelope Ar building envelope may be made if approved Development. The applicant must submit the building envelope amendment: iendment -adjustments in the location of the by the Eagle County Director of Community following information with their request for a 1. a properly executed application clearly stating the reason for the requested change; 2. a list of all property owners within 75 feet of the outer boundaries of the lot in which the Cordillera P.U.D. Guide Page - 3 Apri[ 30, ,~ building envelope adjustment is being proposed (along with letters of approval from all of those described property owners); 3. Cordillera Design Review Board approval, and approved building site plans; and ~. five copies of an Amended Final Plat which defines the current building envelope, the proposed change and the percentage change of the envelope. ii. The Plat will be referred to appropriate agencies for review and comment. iii. The Director of Community Development will review the plat and submittal information to determine the following criteria: 1. the proposed amendment will not substantially impact in an adversely manner the view corridor of any property owner to whom notice of the proposed building envelope amendment has been sent, or is required by geologic or other hazard considerations; 2. the envelope change does not adversely effect wildlife corridors; 3. the envelope change does not adversely impact ridgelines nor create any increase in impacts to ridgelines; 4 the envelope amendment is not inconsistent with the intent of the Final Plat; and 5. the envelope amendment is not an alteration of a restrictive plat note. iv. Upon determination that the above criteria has been met, the Director will request that the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners sign the plat. v. Appeals to the Director's decision may be made to the Board of County Commissioners through the Public Building Envelope Amendment process. vi. Public Process: Building Envelope Amendment- This process would apply to any requested building envelope amendment that cannot meet the submittal requirements for the above Administrative Amendment. The applicant must submit the following information with their request for a building envelope amendment: 1. a properly executed application clearly stating the purpose for the requested change; 2. a list of all property owners within 75 feet of the outer boundaries of the lot in which the building envelope adjustment is being proposed (along with letters of approval from all available described property owners); 3. five copies of an Amended Final Plat which defines the current building envelope, the proposed change and the percentage change of the envelope; and 4. building site plan. vii. The Plat will be referred to appropriate agencies for review and comment. Upon completion of the referral period, a public hearing will'be scheduled and notice shall be sent to the adjacent property owners at least 30 days prior to the public hearing. The Board of County Commissioners shall consider the following in their review of the proposal: the proposed amendment will not substantially impact in an adversely manner the view corridor of any property owner to whom notice of the proposed building envelope Cordillera P.U.D. Guide Page - 4 Apri[ 30, 1996 amendment has been sent, or is required by geologic or other hazard considerations; 2. the envelope change does not adversely effect wildlife corridors; 3. the envelope change does not adversely impact ridgelines nor create any increase in impacts to ridgelines; 4 the envelope amendment is not inconsistent with the intent of the Final Plat; and 5. the envelope amendment is not an alteration of a restrictive plat note. Section 1.05.4: Density Variations. In order to remain flexible and responsive to the changing market demands over the multi-year development schedule and provide for innovations in design, variations in defined densities are permitted without modification to this Guide or the approved Preliminary Plan, and are not subject to review or approval by Eagle County, provided that the following restrictions are meet: In no case shall the total number of dwelling units set forth in the approved Phase II Cordillera Preliminary Plan be exceeded; Cordillera Phase I density limitation: 99 Single Family lots. 84 Dwelling units ranging from multiple family buildings, townhouses, duplexes and single family units. 20 Lodge units. 2 Employee dwelling units. Cordillera Phase II density limitation: 662 Free market dwelling units ranging from multiple family buildings, townhouses, duplexes and single family units. 46 Caretaker dwelling units. 30 Lodge units. 27 Employee dwelling units, apartments or dorm rooms. Bearden Parcel Inclusion 65 Single family units/lots. Caretaker units are permitted, however, the number of caretaker units allocated to the Bearden Parcel shall be subtracted from the total allowed on the Western Parcel and shall not exceed 32 caretaker units within the Western Parcel and the Bearden Parcel combined ii. Increases to densities within individual Planning Parcels shall be limited to 1.5 times the total number of dwelling units defined for that Planning Parcel. Dwelling unit transfers shall not be restricted by unit type; iii. Increases in densities in any area shall be considered a transfer of dwelling units; iv. Increases in densities must be accommodated within the defined boundaries of the Planning Cordillera P.U.D. Guide Page - 5 Apnl30, 1996 Parcel, or the identified density transfer areas. Encroachments into established wildlife conservation areas, corridors, or required open space must be considered a Density Transfer Area; v. The resulting infrastructure requirements (roads, water and sewer lines, utilities, etc.} of the transfer must be proven to be adequate at the time of Final Plat application; and vi. Each Final Plat submitted for County approval shall include a Land Use Summary describing the total number of dwelling units platted and dwelling units remaining to be platted for the Planning Parcel being platted and for the project as a whole. :;e~rdc-n L06: Density Transfer Areas. This Guide establishes Density Transfer Areas in response to the Board of County Commissioner's direction to permit flexibility yet preserve certain sensitive areas as open space and to transfer the proposed dwelling units from those sensitive areas into other areas within the Preliminary Plan boundaries. These Density Transfer Areas aze outside of areas which aze essential to the long term viability of wildlife. They are also outside of areas which are visible from the I-70 corridor and established points within the Lake Creek Valley and are consistent with the January 28, 1992 Preliminary Plan Resolution. Density Transfers will be made into these areas after further analysis has been demonstrated to the Director of Community Development and to Cordillera's satisfaction that no other areas are suitable for such transfer. These Density Transfer Areas are intended to be in addition to the Densitv Variation rights defined above for established planning pazcels. Density Transfers into these Density Transfer Areas will be implemented at the Final Plat stage and shall not require further modifications to this Guide or Preliminary Plan. Section 1.07: Densitv Standards. Calculations of density within any Planning Parcel shall be computed by dividing the total number of dwelling units in a Planning Parcel by the gross acres in that Planning Parcel. Section I.OB: Conflict. The specific provisions of this Guide shall supersede those of the Eagle County Land Use Regulations. However, where the Guide does not address an issue, the specific provisions of the Eagle County Land Use Regulations shall prevail. In cases of dispute or ambiguity, the Board of Commissioners shall act to interpret. Section I.09: Incorporation of Preliminar~Plan. The illustrative development plan for Cordillera referred to as the Phase II Preliminary Plan and the Bearden Parcel Preliminary Plan, as contained within the Preliminary Plan applications defining the Planning Parcels, land uses, and densities shall be used collectively as a general guide. Section I.I D: Building Envelope. Each single family lot shall have a building envelope described by the P.U.D. Control Document or as indicated on the Final Plat. CordtUera P.U.D c~aae Page - 6 Apri! 30, ~~ ii. All building construction including but not limited to dwellings, attached patios and decks, garages, swimming pools and storage buildings shall be located entirely within the described envelope. iii. Upon the Cordillera Design Review Board approval, roof overhangs or any other appurtenance or protuberance may extend no more than 18 inches beyond the vertical plane of the building envelope provided such extension is above grade and does not negatively impact adjacent neighbors, or unless it is specifically prohibited elsewhere in this Guide. iv. Within Filings No. 1 through No. 23 and upon the Cordillera Design Review Board approval, attached patios and decks may be located outside the building envelope provided they are constructed at grade, have no railing and are less than 5% of the building envelope area, or unless it is specifically prohibited elsewhere in this guide. All Filings approved subsequently to Filing No. 23 and all Amended Final Plats approved after 6118!96 indicating a Building Envelope Adjustments shall be prohibited from having attached patios and decks located outside the building envelopes. v. Fencing of building envelopes is permitted provided that it is no higher than 42" and has a minimum of 12" between the top two wires or boards. The fence design and location must be approved by the Cordillera Design Review Board. vi. Within Filings No. 1 through No. 23 and upon the Cordillera Design Review Board approval, lawns, gardens, entertainment and recreational facilities, including but not limited to playing areas, picnic shelters, hot tubs, and play grounds may be located outside a building envelope, or unless it is specifically prohibited elsewhere in this guide. All Filings approved subsequently to Filing No. 23 and all Amended Final Plats approved after 6/18/96 indicating a Building Envelope Adjustments shall be prohibited from locating lawns, gardens, entertainment and recreational facilities, including but not limited to playing areas, picnic shelters, hot tubs, and play grounds outside a building envelope. Section I.I0.1: Buildin Eg nvelope Adjustments. Amendments to the Building Envelopes may occur upon approval of one of the processes described in Section 1.05.3. Section 1.11: Setbacks. No setbacks from the boundary lines of a building envelope are required. Section 1.I2: Parkin The following parking restrictions shall apply: Residential. a. Single-family, 3 spaces/d.u. b. Single-family Cluster, 2 spaces/d.u. c. Town House, 2 spaces/d.u. d. Multi-family, 2 spacesld.u. Cordillera P.U.D. Guide page _ ~ Anri130, 1996 ii. Non-residential. a. Commercial 1 space/500 sq.ft. b. Restaurant 1 space/4 seats. c. Office 1 space/1000 sq.ft. d. Lodging 1 space/room. iii. Size. a. Full size 10 x 20 feet. b. Compact size up to 30% of total - 8 x 16 feet. c. Covered parking - 9 x 18 feet. iv. Location. a. All residential parking must be provided within the lot boundaries or on road right-of--ways, if permission is granted by the Design Review Board. Non-residential uses may provide a common, centrally located parking facility. v. Landscaping. a. 10 % of all non-residential parking areas accommodating over 10 spaces shall be reserved for landscaping. vi. All parking should be located within the building envelope. Additional parking may be located outside of the building envelope if approved by the Design Review Board. vii. For each dwelling unit there shall be provided a minimum of one parking space within a fully enclosed garage. viii. The back-up space in front of one garage parking stall may count as one parking space. Only one such space per dwelling may be counted. ix. The minimum size of an outside parking space shall be 9' x 17'. x. A space equal in area to 25 % of the parking and driveway areas shall be available for snow storage. xi. Parking is permitted on Tracts O, P, Q, R, S if approved by the Design Review Board. Section 1.13: Imgact Control. The following impact restrictions apply: i. Dog Control. All dogs within the development property shall be subject to the following rules: a. Dogs may not at any time be permitted to roam unattended or uncontrolled beyond its owner's property line; b. All lots on which dogs reside must be provided with a fenced or enclosed area which will limit dogs movement from the site. Fence or enclosure to be subject to Design Review Board approval; CordtUera P U.D. Guide page _ g April 30, 1996 c. When not on owner's property, dogs must be secured on a leash of no more than 12 feet in length and under the direct control of it's owner or authorized representative; and d. No more than two dogs are permitted on any lot in Cordillera. Off-spring less than six months in age shall be the only exception to this rule. ii. Maintenance. a. All lots must be maintained in a clean and litter free condition. b. No unlicensed motor vehicles may be stored on a lot unless stored in a visually unobtrusive manner. c. Noxious weeds must be controlled and eliminated by the lot owner. d. All land surface disturbed by construction or erosion must be satisfactorily revegetated. The Design Review Board may require additional revegetation work if it deems it necessary. e. Dead or down vegetation which may contribute to wildfire hazard must be eliminated by the lot owner or by the Homeowner's Association if it is located on land owned by the Homeowner's Association. iii. Landscape Plans. a. Landscape plans must be reviewed and approved by the Design Review Board prior to construction. b. Landscape plans may be submitted to Eagle County along with building permit applications but are not required. iv. Building height. Building height is determined as follows unless otherwise noted herein: a. A vertical distance will be taken at a series of points at equal intervals around the perimeter of the building. The intervals may be of any equal distance less than 30 feet each. Within each interval, the height of any roof with a horizontal projection of 10 feet or greater will be measured from finished grade to the respective midpoint between eave and ridge. These heights are then averaged to determine the height for that specific interval of the building. Finally, the height of the building is determined by averaging the heights of all intervals around the building. Finished grade for purposes of these height calculations is the final elevation of the surface material (soil, paving, decking, or plaza) adjacent to the building at the specific interval point as shown on the architect's site plan. The maximum building height will be 35 feet for residential structures. Section 1.14: Cordillera Design Review Board. Purpose. Cordillera P.U.D. Gwde Page - 9 Aprrl30, w~ a. Aboard shall be established to ensure harmonious design of new and remodeled structures, and to promote visually pleasing and environmentally sensitive landscaping and grading for the benefit of the present and future property owners. ii. Membership. a. The board shall be appointed by the Board of Directors of the Cordillera Property Owners . Associate and shall consist of such odd numbers of regular members and alternate members as designated by the Directors. The regular term of office for each member shall be one year. iii. Powers. a. All plans for site preparation, landscaping, building construction, sign erection, exterior changes, modification, alteration or enlargement of any existing structure, paving, fencing, major landscaping or other improvements must receive written approval from the Design Review Board prior to commencement of construction. Alterations or remodeling which are completely within a building or structure and which do not change the exterior appearance and are not visible from the outside of the structure may be undertaken without Design Review Board approval. Section 1.15: Signs. The following sign code shall apply: Permitted Signs. East side of Squaw Creek Project Entrance Sign. 1. Location: In the area of the intersection of Squaw Creek Road and Cordillera Way. 2. Maximum Size: 64 square feet. 3. Features: To be placed on a stone and/or stucco wall. 4. Lighting: Spotlights directed on sign face or tube light placed in wall. b. West side of Squaw Creek Project Entrance Sign. 1. Location: On Fenno Drive R.O.W. 2. Maximum Size: 64 square feet. 3. Features: To be placed on a stone and/or stucco wall 4. Lighting: Spotlights directed on sign face or backlighting. c. Business/Project Identification sign. 1. Location: Along Squaw Creek Road on the Beatty Parcel. 2. Maximum Size: 12 square feet. 3. Features: To be placed on a stone. ' d. Clubhouse/Lodge Sign. 1. Location: In the area of the intersection of Cordillera Way and the Clubhouse/Lodge driveway. 2. Maximum Size: Height 8', Length 11' Cordillera P. U.D Guule Page - 10 Apnl 30. 1996 3. Features: To be placed on a stone and/or stucco wall. 4. Lighting: Spotlights directed on sign face or tube light placed in wall. e. Sub-project and Neighborhood Signs. 1. Project groups and neighborhoods within the Cordillera P.U.D. such as Les Pyrenees Townhome project are permitted one sign at each entrance. In locations where roadways serve more than one project or neighborhood an additional sign may be located identifying the same. 2. Location: at the entrance roads or driveways at each sub-project or neighborhood. 3 . Maximum size: height 7' -length 14' . 4. Features: to be placed on a stone andJor stucco wall. 5. Lighting: spotlights directed on sign face or tube light placed in wall. f. Specific Use Signs. 1. Signs which identify specific areas or service facilities such as Construction Office or Maintenance Building are permitted provided that each does not exceed 18" x 36" . ii. General Regulations. a. Only one real estate sign is permitted per lot or parcel. The size of the sign shall be limited to 2' x 3' . b. Traffic control devices within the Cordillera P.U.D. are controlled by the "Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways" and the Colorado Supplement thereto. c. All signs within the Cordillera P.U.D. must comply with the provisions of Section 2.11 of the Eagle County Land Use Regulations unless specifically superseded by this Cordillera P.U.D. Sign Code. d. Maximum height of all free standing signs is 10 feet unless specifically approved as a P.U.D. amendment by Eagle County. e. Signs may be lighted by directed spot or flood lights or may be lit by back or surrounding lights. Transparent or translucent plastic signs may not be back lit. f. No setbacks for signs are required. g. A sign permit shall be obtained from the Eagle County Planning Department for all signs exceeding six (6) square feet in sign area, unless otherwise exempted by Section 2.11.05 of the Eagle County Land Use Regulations. Cordillera P.U.D Guide Page - 11 Apri[ 30, 1996 Section 1.16: Utilities. i. Central water and sewer facilities are provided for herein with the exception of Individual Sewage Disposal Systems (ISDS), in Phase I, the Chaveno Parcel (Planning Parcel E), the Western Parcel entry gatehouse, Golf Course Maintenance Facility, Golf Course restroom facilities, specified lots within the Bearden Parcel and the Bearden Homestead. Wells and ISDS are permitted on the far western portion of the Western Parcel. A comprehensive water supply and sewage disposal plan shall be prepared by a professional engineer showing the location of the wells and the on-site sewage disposal systems for Planning Parcel N and the Chaveno Parcel, in conjunction with final plat applications for Planning Parcel N and the Chaveno Parcel phases. Cordillera P. U.D. Guide Page - 12 April 30. 1996 Section 2.0: Cordillera - Phase I . Section 2.01: Plannin¢ Parcel A Filing No. 1, Cordillera Subdivision, Clubhouse/Lode. Section 2.Ol.l: Allowed Uses. i. Clubhouse and Lodge building or buildings with related facilities including but not limited to the following: a. Both indoor and outdoor athletic and recreation facilities such as racquet ball courts, tennis courts, swimming pools, exercise rooms, weight lifting rooms, game rooms or other similar uses and facilities. . b. Restaurant and bar. c. Meeting rooms. d. Lounge or sitting rooms. e. Offices for administration of the subdivision, lodge and club facility. f. Lodge and conference facility including 201odge suites, food service facilities, laundry and cleaning facilities, reception desk and lobby along with related facilities. g. Two nonsalable employee dwellings. h. Parking areas. i. Storage and maintenance structures for equipment and vehicles used for roads, lawns, gardens, buildings, and utilities. u. Utility structures. a. Real estate sales office for the Cordillera Subdivision. b. Ski Shop. Section 2.01.2: Development Standards. Setbacks are as shown on development plans except that no building may be closer than 20 feet from any lot line. Decks, patios, uncovered swimming pools and other outdoor features may be located up to property lines. ii. Total floor area of buildings may not exceed 60,000 square feet. Additional Lodge rooms, as permitted within Planning Parcel A -Village Center shall not be counted against this total floor area. iii. Building Height: Building height is determined as follows: A vertical distance will be taken at a series of points at equal intervals around the perimeter of the building. The intervals may be of any equal distances less than 30 feet each. Within each interval, the height of any roof with a horizontal projection of 10 feet or greater will be measured from finished grade to the respective midpoint between eave and ridge. These heights are then averaged to determine the height for that specific interval of the building. Finally, the height of the building is determined Cordillera P.U.D. Guide Page - 13 nPril so, 1~ by averaging the heights of all intervals around the building. Finished grade for purposes of these height calculations is the final elevation of the surface material (soil, paving, decking, or plaza) adjacent to the building at the specific interval point as shown on the architect's site plan. The maximum height shall be 45 feet. iv. Parking may be constructed on Tracts H, I, and J. v. A minimum of 50 parking spaces are required. Section 2.01.3: Density and Land Use Classification. Land use and dwelling unit density are based on the following chart: Lot 1 Lodge Units 20 Employee Units 2 Cordillera P. U.D. Guide Page - 14 April 30, 1996 Section 2.02: Planning Parcel A - Filing No. 2 and 3, Cordillera Subdivision. Section 2.02.1: Allowed Uses. i. Single family dwellings. ii. ~ Multiple family dwellings. iii. Employee housing iv. Recreation facilities a. Trails and tracks for hiking, running, skiing, bicycles and equestrian use. b. Ski runs. c. Athletic fields for active games and sport use. d. Tennis courts. e. General purpose recreational facilities, including, but not limited to ice skating ponds, swimming pools, hot tubs, saunas, etc. v. Utilities a. Water storage and transmission facilities. b. Cable television lines. c. Telephone lines. d. Electricity transmission lines. e. Natural gas lines. _ f. Sewage collection and transmission. Section 2.02.2: Development Standards. Refer to Sections 1.0 and 4.0 for development standards. Additionally, a minimum setback requirement of five feet from the side and back lot lines shall apply to the following lots within Alcazar Phases I, II and III: Lot 2, Lot 4, Lot 6, Lot 7, Lot 8, Lot 9, Lot 10, Lot 11, Lot 12, Lot 13, Lot 15, Lot 18, Lot 20, Lot 22, Lot 23 (NOTE: Lots within Alcazar Phases I, II and III not herein listed were sold prior to the adoption of this P.U.D. Guide and, therefore, are not subject to the setback requirements listed above.). Section 2.02.3: Density and Land Use Classification. i. Land use and dwelling unit density are based on the following chart: Dwelling Units Single/Multi Family Cluster Residential 84 Dwelling Units Single Family Residential 88 Cordillera P. U.D. Guide Page - 15 April 30, 1996 Section 2.03: Planning Parcel A - Filing_No. 4, Cordillera Subdivision. Section 2.03.1: Allowed Uses. i. Single family dwellings ii. Recreation facilities a. Trails and tracks for hiking, running, skiing, bicycles, and equestrian use. b. Ski runs. c. General purpose recreational facilities, including, but not limited to ice skating ponds, swimming pools, hot tubs, saunas, etc. iii. Utilities a. Water storage and transmission facilities. b. Cable television lines. c. Telephone lines. d. Electricity transmission lines. e. Natural gas lines. f. Sewage collection and transmission. Section 2.03.2: Development Standards. Purpose _ a. The restrictions are intended to minimize potential visual impacts of structures constructed within Filing 4 through the regulations of visually significant elements. ii. Design Intent a. The design intent calls for buildings to blend with their sites, as seen from a distance, so that the overall building forms and massing respond to natural land forms and topography. Contrasts are to be avoided. Building forms and roof lines should relate to surrounding land forms, avoiding exposed profiles and harsh angular forms. Sympathetic form, natural materials and color will create visual continuity. iii. Color a. Exterior color should take into account the natural colors of the site found in the soil, exposed rock and vegetation. Colors of white; light gray and light buff are most acceptable. Wood timbers, logs and wood siding should convey the natural amber, ocher and sienna colors of the natural wood itself. Roof colors should be subdued on nonreflective material to blend with the natural landscape, again utilizing the natural colors found on the site. b. The following restrictions on the use of materials shall apply: Cordillera P.U.D. Guide Page - 16 April 30, 1996 1. Exterior building materials are to be nonreflective and primarily of natural materials. 2. Walls -simple forms which are visually emerging from the ground and are constructed predominately of stone, stucco and timbers are encouraged. Prohibited materials include: Plastic Metal siding Composition siding Imitation stone, wood or brick 3. Roofs -concrete tile, clay the or cedar shakes are encouraged. Natural slate is permitted but must be carefully screened for non-reflective character. Prohibited materials include: Glazed tiles Ceramic tiles Metal roofing Asphalt shingles Fiberglass shingles Any type of reflective materials 4. Windows -mirrored glass is prohibited 5. Trim -cut stone, stucco, and wood should be utilized as trim material. Copper is permitted trim material as long as it has been pretreated and oxidized prior to installation. iv. Windows/Openings. a. Consideration should be given to reducing window openings on exposed, visually sensitive views (i.e., east and north facing walls). Large window openings on stories above first floor should avoid expanses of glass in excess of 30 square feet. Windows above the first floor should avoid repetitive, linear rows of continuous windows or curtain walls. Penetrations of roofs for window openings (i.e. skylights) shall be prohibited on north and east exposure. b. Exterior Lighting. 1. Outdoor lighting shall be minimized. No outdoor landscape lighting shall be permitted on the east and north exposures. No high intensity lighting shall be permitted. 2. All outdoor lighting shall be directional to the ground or shielded to contain sources within lot boundaries. v. Landscaping. a. Landscape plans must be submitted to Eagle County along with building permit applications and include existing and proposed contours. vi. Building Height. Building height is determined as follows: Cordillera P. U.D. Guide Page - 17 Aprif 30, 1996 a. Building heights on lots within Filing No. 4 will be limited as indicated on the final approved plat. No structure, roof ridge, or any other improvement to the homesites will be allowed to pierce the planes defining the height restrictions of the approved building envelope other than vent stacks and chimneys. Each building permit application shall include cross sectional elevations sufficient to determine conformance with the height limitations approved on the final plat. Section 2.03.3: Density and Land Use Classification. Land use and dwelling unit density are based on the following chart: Dwelling Units Single Family Residential 9 Cordillera P.U.D, Guide Page - 18 Apri130, 1996 Section 3.0: Cordillera -Phase II. Section 3.01: Planning Parcel A Village Center. Cordillera Subdivision. Section 3.01.1: Intent. The intent of the Village Center is to provide a focal point to the community both within a physical design context and as a social gathering place. The proximity of the Lodge at Cordillera to the Village Center will enhance this intent. The Village Center is designed to contain the highest residential densities within Cordillera and to accommodate the widest mixture of uses. The scale of the structures are designed to create pedestrian intimacy. The scope of the uses is intended to serve the needs of the residents and resort guests of Cordillera. Except for Lodge guests, the Village Center is not intended to service residents outside of Cordillera. Section 3.01.2: Permitted Uses. The following uses are permitted within the Village Center of Planning Parcel A: 1. Retail Commercial. 2. Service Commercial, including eating establishments. 3. Recreational Commercial. 4. Professional Offices. 5. Temporary Offices 6. Lodging and Accommodations. 7. Community Recreational Facilities. 8. Amphitheater/Concerts/Performances. 9. Special Community Events. _ 10. Residential -Single-family. 11. Residential - Townhome. 12. Residential -Multi-family. 13. Employee Housing. 14. Educational Facilities. 15. Community Information Center. . 16. Parking Structures. 17. Day Care Facility. 18. Utility Facilities. 19. Community Safety, Service, Maintenance and Administrative Facilities. 20. Spa Facilities. 21. Accessory Buildings and Uses. Section 3.01.3: Development Standards. Development within the Village Center shall be constructed in accordance with the following standards: Non-residential a. Minimum lot area: none. b. Minimum lot width: none. Cordillera P.U.D. Guide Page - 19 Apnl30, 7996 c. Minimum setback: all sides, none. d. Maximum building height: 40 feet. e. Maximum lot coverage: 100%. ii. Residential a. Minimum lot area: 2,000 square feet. b. Minimum lot width: 20 feet. c. Minimum setback: front 15 feet, side and rear none. d. Maximum building height: 35 feet. e. Maximum irrigated lawn area: 5,000 sq.ft. per unit. f. Maximum lot coverage: 100%. Section 3.OI.4: Density and Land Use Classification. Land use and dwelling unit density are based on the following chart: Dwelling Units Single/Multi Family Cluster Residential 142 Lodge Units (New) 30* Commercial 21,350 square feet Office 1,085 square feet Community Recreation 15,344 square feet. * Additional Lodge rooms, as permitted within Planning Parcel A -Village Center shall not be counted against the 60,000 square foot total, as described in Section 2.01.2: Development Standards for the Lodge. Cordillera P.U,D. Guide Page - 20 April 30, 1996 Section 3.02: Northern Parcel Planning Parcels B, C & D, Cordillera Subdivision. Section 3.02.1: Intent. The intent of the Northern Parcel development is to create a residential neighborhood of moderate density residential uses surrounded by community park land and open space for recreational use. The residential development shall be designed to mitigate potential visual impact from Lake Creek and the I-70 corridor. Section 3.03: Planning Parcel B Open Space Cordillera Subdivision. Section 3.03.1: Intent. The open space of Planning Parcel B is intended to serve as a wildlife conservation area, as a visual buffer between the I-70 Corridor and development within Cordillera, and as passive and active recreational land for hiking, skiing, nature study, and other recreational uses. Section 3.03.2: Permitted Uses. The following uses are permitted within the designated open space of Planning Parcel B: 1. Facilities and activities conducted in support of wildlife management and habitat enhancement. 2. Trails for hiking, skiing, biking, nature study and equestrian use. 3. Community recreation including a par three golf course for recreational use (in conjunction with Planning Parcels C & D). 4. Utility distribution lines and facilities. Section 3.03.3: Development Standards. In order to remain flexible to future design opportunities and to accommodate final park design, no specific limitations shall be set with the exception of site selection and height for recreation structures as they specifically relate to visibility. These specific limitations will be defined on the Final Plat for Planning Parcel B when more detailed design analyses are available. Such improvement may include ski shelters, interpretive center, observational stands or gazebos. Lighting. The following restrictions on lighting shall apply to recreational uses including landscaping: No lighting is permitted in the open space or on the par three golf course. ii. The recreational development in which the par three golf course is to be located shall be platted. Section 3.03.4: Densityand Land Use Classification. There are no dwelling units allocated to this site. Cordillera P. U D. Guide Page - 21 April 30. 1~ Section 3.04: Planning Parcel C and Planning Parcel D. Single Familv. Community Park Cordillera Subdivision. Section 3.04.1: Intent. Planning Parcels C and D have been carefully planned with individual residential building sites selected to mitigate visual impacts from the upper Eagle River Valley/I- 70/Edwards area. The community open space is intended to serve both the active and passive outdoor recreational needs of the entire Cordillera Community. Section 3.04.2: Permitted Uses. The following uses are permitted within Planning Parcel C: 1. Single-family residential. 2. Community Recreation -Indoor and Outdoor. 3. Employee housing. 4. Child day-care facilities. 5. Sporting and Special Events. 6. Helipad, limited to 1 on the Northern Parcel. 7. Trails. 8. Open Space. 9. Utility lines and facilities. 10. Accessory Buildings and Uses. 11. Community Safety, Service, Maintenance (Golf) and Administrative Facilities. 12. A par three golf course for recreational use (in conjunction with Planning Parcels B & D). Section 3.04.3: Development Standards. Development within Planning Parcels C and D shall be constructed in accordance with the following standards: i. Residential. a. Minimum lot area: 5,000 sq.ft. per unit. b. Maximum building height: the maximum height is 25 feet, as defined herein. c. Maximum irrigated lawn area: 5,000 sq.ft. per unit. d. Minimum Setbacks: Structural placement shall be restricted by building envelopes specifically identified for each lot to minimize impacts. e. All lots within Planning Parcels C and D shall be prohibited from having roof overhangs or any other appurtenance or protuberance extending beyond the vertical plane of the building envelopes. f. No residence shall exceed 4,500 square feet of habitable floor area. Enclosed parking areas shall not be counted against the maximum square footage. ii. Community Center a. Minimum lot area: two acres b. Minimum lot width: none. c. Minimum setback: front - 25 feet, rear - 25 feet, side - 20 feet. d. Maximum building height: the maximum height shall be 25' as defined herein. Cordillera P.U.D. Guide page - 22 April 30, ,~ e. Maximum lot coverage: none. f. Maximum irrigated landscaping: 1.45 acres. iii. Non-residential/recreational. a. In order to remain flexible to future design opportunities and to accommodate final park design, no specific limitations shall be set with the exception of site selection and height for recreation structures as they specifically relate to visibility. These specific limitations will be defined on the Final Plat for Planning Parcels C and D when more detailed design analyses are available. iii. Lighting. The following restrictions on lighting shall apply to both residential and non-residential (recreational) uses including landscaping: a. All lighting must be directed downward and focused either from overhead or ground fixtures. b. No high intensity vapor lighting shall be permitted. c. No lighting is permitted in the open space or on the par three golf course. iv. The recreational development in which the par three golf course is to be located shall be platted. Section 3.04.4: Density and Land Use Classification. Land use and dwelling unit density are based on the following chart: Dwelling Units Single Family Residential 55 Cordillera P.U.D Guide Page - 23 April 30, 1996 Section 3.05: This Section Has Been Deleted. Cordillera P.ILD. Guide Page - 24 Apnl 30, 1996 Section 3.06: Planning Parcel E. Chaveno, Cordillera Subdivision. Section 3.06.1: Intent. Planning Parcel E has been planned to create a low density residential neighborhood centered around an Equestrian Center and open space. Residential lots have been clustered on the southern half of the property to preserve the northern half as wildlife corridor/open space. Section 3.06.2: Permitted Uses. The following uses are permitted within Planning Parcel E. 1. Single-family residential. 2. Equestrian facilities (see supplemental regulations for specific restrictions). 3. Open Space. 4. Employee/caretakers' units. 5. Trails. 6. Wildlife management and habitat enhancement. 7. Utility lines and facilities. 8. Accessory Building and Uses. 9. Community Safety, Service, Maintenance and Administrative Facilities. 10. Employee housing. Section 3.06.3: Development Standards. Development within Planning Parcel E shall be constructed in accordance with the following standards: Residential/Caretaker a. Minimum lot area: 1 acre. b. Minimum lot width: 100 feet. c. Minimum setbacks: structural placement within lot lines shall be regulated by building envelopes as defined on final plats. d. Maximum building height: 35 feet. e. Maximum irrigated lawn area: 5,000 sq.ft. per unit. ii. Equestrian Facilities a. Minimum lot area: 5 acres. b. Minimum lot width: none. c. Minimum building setback: 25 feet all sides. d. Maximum building height: 40 feet. e. Maximum lot coverage: 25%. iii. Fencing a. All fencing within Planning Parcel E shall conform to the following specifications: 1. Top strand, not to exceed 42 inches above the ground. 2. Middle strand, at least 12 inches below top strand. 3. Bottom strand, at least 16 inches above the ground. b. Privacy fencing up to 8 feet high is permitted if: 1. The total enclosed area does not exceed 10,000 square feet. CordrUera P.U.D. Guide Page - 25 Apri[ 30, 1996 2. It is completely contained within the defined building envelop, or it is outside of a designated wildlife movement corridor or winter range enhancement area. c. Fenced dog runs up to 6 feet high are permitted if: 1. The total area does not exceed 1000 square feet. 2. The run is located immediately adjacent to the residence and contained within the defined building envelope. 3. Fenced dog runs are required on all lots on which dogs reside. d. Perimeter fencing of individual residential lots is prohibited. e. Fencing for the common equestrian area and individual "saddle-up" areas on lots are exempt from these specifications. For limitations related to equestrian uses please see "Supplementary Regulations -Equestrian" . f. Not more than one caretaker unit per lot is allowed. Section 3.06.4: Density and Land Use Classification. i. Land use and dwelling unit density are based on the following chart: Dwelling Units Residential 14 Caretaker Units Residential 14 Cordillera P.U.D. Guide Page - 26 April 30, 1~ Section 3.07: Planning`Parcel F, Beatty Parcel, Cordillera Subdivision. Section 3.07.1: Intent. Planning Parcel F has been planned to help preserve the existing character of lands adjacent to Squaw Creek Road and protect natural open space areas. Development of this Parcel has been designed to reflect the past rural character of the property through architectural controls and open space. Section 3.07.2: Permitted Uses. The following uses are permitted within Planning Parcel F: 1. Fishing club (instructional, equipment rental, restaurant/bar). This is for Private use by Cordillera Club Members or lodge guests. 2. 2 employee housing units limited to 1,200 square feet total for both units. In the case that each employee unit is a separate structure, each cannot exceed 600 square feet. In the case that the employee units are included with the Fishing Club structure, the total area may not exceed 3,200 square feet. 3. Fishing Pond (up to 10 acre feet capacity). 4. Open Space. 5. Trails. 6. ~ Utility lines and facilities. 7. Wildlife management and habitat enhancement. 8. Accessory Building and Uses. 9. Equestrian Facility (see Supplementary Regulations). 10. Community Safety, Service, Maintenance and Administrative Facilities. Section 3.07.3: Development Standards. Development within Planning Parcel F shall be constructed in accordance with the following standards: It is anticipated that each of the primary land uses will be focused around a single dominate structure with, associated outbuildings characterized by a ranch with the barn and outbuildings ' clustered around the ranch house. a. Minimum lot area: none. b. Minimum lot width: none. c. Minimum setback: placement of primary structures are limited to defined building envelopes. d. Maximum building height: 35 feet. e. Maximum lot coverage: none. ii. Special Fishing Club Regulations a. The Fishing Club is restricted to private use. b. The restaurant and bar associated with the Fishing Club is limited to 2000 square feet and a total of 20 seats. It is intended to serve the needs of the Club members. Cordillera P. U.D. Guide page _ 27 April 30, ]996 Section 3.07.4: Density and Land Use Classification. There are no dwelling units allocated to this site. Cordillera P.U.D. Guide page _ 28 April 30, ~~ Section 3.08: Western Parcel Planning Parcels G H I J K L M. & N. Cordillera Subdivision. Section 3.08.1: Intent. The intent of the Western Parcel is to create a balanced mixture of single- family, multiple family and attached residential units designed around an 18 hole championship golf course. Large areas of open space have been strategically designed to preserve unique land features and important natural habitat. Section 3.09: Planning_Parcel G Cordillera Subdivision. Section 3.09.1: Intent. The intent of Parcel G is to create a neighborhood of clustered single-family or townhome residential units surrounded by open space and golf course. Section 3.09.2: Permitted Uses. The following uses are permitted within Parcel G: 1. Single-family residential. 2. Duplex residential. 3. Townhouses. 4. Open space (including wildlife management and habitat enhancement). 5. Utility distribution lines and facilities. 6. Accessory Buildings and Uses. 7. Community safety, service and maintenance facilities. Section 3.09.3: Development Standards. Development within Planning Parcel G shall be constructed in accordance with the following standards: i. Residential a. Minimum lot area: 10,000 sq.ft. b. Minimum lot width: 50 feet. c. Minimum setback: Front 25 feet, Rear 15 feet, side 15 feet or as specifically identified on Final Plat. d. Maximum average building height: 35 feet. e. Maximum lot coverage: 50%. f. Maximum irrigated lawn surface: 5,000 sq.ft. per unit. g. No setbacks from building envelope lines are required. ii. Common Area a. The identified common area is intended to serve as a neighborhood amenity site with a combination of natural features and developed features. Uses may include trails, landscaping, play areas, swimming pools, tennis courts and similar neighborhood amenities. In order to remain flexible to future design opportunities no specific development limitations shall be defined within the Guide. Specific designs and development limitations will be defined on the final plat for Planning Parcel G. Cordillera P.U.D. Guide Page - 29 Apnl30, 1996 Section 3.09.4: Density and Land Use Classification. i. Land use and dwelling unit density are based on the following chart: Dwelling Units Single Family Residential 11 Cordillera P. U.D Guide Page - 30 Apri[ 30, 1996 Section 3.10: Western Parcel, Planning Parcel H, Cordillera Subdivision. Section 3.10.1: Intent. The intent of Planning Parcel H is to create a core of moderate density, smaller single-family lots adjacent to the Golf Clubhouse and Townhomes. Section 3.10.2: Permitted Uses. The following uses are permitted within Planning Parcel H: 1. Single-family residential. 2. Open space (including parks, walkways, trails, wildlife management and habitat enhancement activities). 3. Streets and Roads. 4. Utility distribution lines and facilities. 5. Accessory Buildings and Uses. 6. Caretaker units on lots over 1/2 acre. Section 3.10.3: Development Standards. Development within Planning Parcel H shall be constructed in accordance with the following standards: i. Residential a. Minimum lot area: 10,000 sq.ft. b. Minimum lot width: 40 feet. c. Minimum setback: front 25 feet, rear 15 feet, side 15 feet (or as specifically identified on the Final Plat). d. Special setback for Fenno Road - no residential dwelling shall be placed closer than 25 feet from the main internal access road right-of--way. e. Maximum average building height: 35 feet. f. Maximum lot coverage: 50%. g. Maximum irrigated lawn surface: 5000 sq.ft. per unit. Section 3.10.4: Density and Land Use Classification. i. Land use and dwelling unit density are based on the following chart: Dwelling Units Single Family Residential 70 Cordillera P. U.D. Guide Page - 31 Apnl 30, 1996 Section 3.11: Western Parcel. Planning Parcel I, Cordillera Subdivision. Section 3.II.l: Intent. The intent of Planning Parcel I is to create an open space for recreational use. Section 3.11.2: Permitted Uses. The following uses are permitted within Planning Parcel I: 1. Open space (including both improved landscaped and natural). 2. Trails 3. Roads and Streets. 4. Utility distribution lines and facilities. 5. Accessory Buildings and Uses. 6. Parks and Recreational use. Section 3.11.3: Development Standards. Development within Planning Parcel I shall be constructed in accordance with the following standards: i. No specific standards are required. Section 3.11.4: Density and Land Use Classification. i. There are no dwelling units allocated to this site. Cordillera P.U.D Guide Page - 32 April 30, 1996 Section 3.12: Western Parcel Planning Parcels J, Cordillera Subdivision. Section 3.12.1: Intent. The intent of Planning Parcel J is to create neighborhoods of single-family residences that draw upon the diverse natural character of the environment, for identity. Individual development sites have been chosen for their suitability to accommodate development, and ability to minimize impacts. Development sites have avoided sensitive natural habitats. Large areas of open space preserve the existing natural character of the environment, as well as, provide protection for critical environmental components such as wildlife habitat and springs. The golf course serves as a major amenity focus for a portion of the Parcel, while the Equestrian Center provides a focus for those lots removed from the golf course. Section 3.12.2: Permitted Uses. The following uses are permitted within Planning Parcel J: 1. Single-family residential. 2. Caretaker units 3. Open space (including wildlife management and habitat enhancement activities). 4. Trails. 5. Equestrian Center and equestrian events. (See Supplemental Regulations for specific restrictions.) 6. Utility Distribution lines and Facilities. 7. Accessory Buildings and Uses. 8. Saddle up areas. (See Supplemental Regulations for Specific restrictions.) 9. Parks and Recreational uses. Section 3.12.3: Development Standards. Development within Planning Parcel J shall be constructed in accordance with the following standards: Residential a. Minimum lot area: 0.5 acre. b. Minimum lot width: 75 feet. c. Minimum setbacks: Structural placement within lot lines shall envelopes specifically identified for each lot to minimize impacts. d. Maximum building height: 35 feet. e. Maximum lot coverage: regulated by building envelope. f. Maximum irrigated lawn area: 5,000 sq.ft. per unit. ii. Equestrian Center a. Minimum lot size: 5 acres. b. Minimum lot width: none. c. Minimum setback: none. d. Maximum building height: 40 feet. e. Maximum lot coverage: 30%. f. Maximum number of horses: 40. be defined by building Cordillera P U.D. Guide Page - 33 Apri! 30, 1996 iii. Open Space a. Some forms of improvements may be consistent with the function of open space as they relate to recreation and wildlife management. No specific standards can be defined at this time. iv. Trails -Use Restrictions a. Access to and the use of certain segments of hiking and skiing trails may be restricted during specific seasons for wildlife management purposes. These seasonal use restrictions are to be defined by the Cordillera Habitat Enhancement for Wildlife Committee and enforced by the Home Owners Association. Section 3.12.4: Density and Land Use Classification. i. Land use and dwelling unit density are based on the following chart: Dwelling Units Single Family Residential 80 Cordillera P.U.D. Guide Page - 34 Apn[ 30, 1996 Section 3.13: Western Parcel Planning Parcels K, Cordillera Subdivision. Section 3.13.1: Intent. The intent of Planning Parcel K is to provide single family clustered homes and/or townhomes in the golf course area. This residential cluster will contribute to the creation of a core residential neighborhood adjacent to the golf course and Club house. The cluster homes will combine with the Club House and Planning Parcel H to create a focal point and physical activity center for the Western Parcel. Section 3.13.2: Permitted Uses. The following uses are permitted within Planning Parcel K: 1. Single-family residential. 2. Multi-family residential. 3. Employee housing apartments. 4. Open space (both improved landscaping and natural). 5. Trails. 6. Accessory Buildings and Uses. 7. Utility distribution lines and facilities. 8. Parks and Recreational uses. Section 3.13.3: Development Standards. Development within Planning Parcel K shall be constructed in accordance with the following standards: Residential a. Minimum lot area: 2000 sq.ft. b. Minimum lot width: 20 feet. c. Minimum setbacks: Front -none except where a garage fronts upon a street, then 20 feet for such garage, Side none, Rear -none, or as specifically platted. d. Maximum building height: 35 feet. e. Maximum irrigated lawn surface: 5,000 sq.ft. per unit. f. Minimum open space: at least one-third of each subparcel shall be devoted to open space including individual lawn area; common landscaped areas -natural open space or undisturbed land. Section 3.13.4: Density and Land Use Classification. Land use and dwelling unit density are based on the following chart: Dwelling Units Single Family/Townhome Residential 86 Cordillera P U D. Guide Page - 35 Apnl 30, 1996 Section 3.14: Western Parcel, Planning Parcel L, Cordillera Subdivision. Section 3.14.1: Intent. Planning Parcel L is the 18 hole golf course. This golf course will establish the character of the man built improvements on the Western Parcel. The golf course will create the central amenity focus of the Western Parcel. The majority of the 18 hole course will be contained within the existing irrigated pasture lands of the Fenno Ranch. Section 3.14.2: Permitted Uses. The following uses shall be permitted on Planning Parcel L: 1. Golf course construction and operation. 2. Club house (including pro shop, restaurant, bar, members club, etc). 3. Golf training facilities. 4. Temporary club house. 5. Temporary sales office. 6. Maintenance facilities. 7. Water storage ponds. 8. Nordic center. 9. Trails. 10. Open space. 11. Accessory Buildings and Uses. 12. Utility distribution lines and facilities. 13. Special events. 14. Employee housing. 15. Tennis courts and swimming pool. 16. Parks and recreational uses. 17. Helipad, limited to one on the Western Parcel. Section 3.14.3: Development Standards. The following development standards apply. Golf Course and facilities. a. Minimum lot area: none. b. Minimum lot width: none. c. Minimum setbacks: none. d. Maximum building height: 50 feet. e. Maximum irrigated landscape area: 2 acres exclusive of golf course. f. Trail use restrictions; access to and use of trails may be restricted on a seasonal basis for wildlife management purposes. Such restrictions shall be established by the Cordillera Habitat Enhancement for Wildlife Committee and enforced by the Homeowners Association. Section 3.14.4: Density and Land Use Classification. There are no dwelling units allocated to this site. Cordillera P. U.D. Crude Page - 36 April 30, l~ Section 3.15: Western Parcel Planning Parcels M. Cordillera Subdivision. Section 3.15.1: Intent. The intent of Planning Parcel M is to place clusters of large lot development pods within the environments which are most suited for development thereby preserving large areas of sensitive habitats and minimizing impacts. Building envelopes have been individually chosen to minimize disturbance of the existing natural character of the land. The large areas of open space have been designed to preserve sensitive wildlife habitats, protect the character of the natural environment and help shape the character of the development pods. Central to this parcel is a proposed community center.. Section 3.15.2: Permitted Uses. The following uses shall be permitted on Planning Parcel M: 1. Single-family residential. 2. Open space (including wildlife management and habitat enhancement activities). 3. Trails. 4. Accessory Buildings and Uses. 5. Utility distribution lines and facilities. 6. Parks and recreational uses. 7. Caretaker units on lots over 1 /2 acre 8. Community Center. 9. Interfaith Chapel. Section 3.15.3: Development Standards. Development within Planning Parcel M shall be constructed in accordance with the following standards: i. Residential a. Minimum lot area: 0.33 acre. b. Minimum lot width: 75 feet. c. Minimum setbacks: Structural placement shall be restricted by building envelopes specifically identified for each lot to minimize impacts. d. Special setback for the main internal access loop; No residential dwelling shall be placed closer than 25 feet from Fenno Road R.O.W. e. Maximum building height: 35 feet. f. Maximum lot coverage: regulated by building envelope. g. Maximum irrigated lawn area: 5,000 sq.ft. per unit. ii. Community Center. a. Minimum lot area: two acres b. Minimum setback: front - 25 feet, rear - 25 feet, side - 20 feet. Or as specifically identified on the final plat. c. Maximum building height: 35 feet. d. Maximum irrigated landscaping: 5 acres. iii. Open Space. a. Some forms of improvements may, be consistent with the function of open space as they Cordillera P.U.D Cuide Page - 37 Apn130, 1996 relate to recreation and wildlife management. No specific standards can be defined at this time. iv. Trails -Use Restrictions. a. Access to and use of certain segments of hiking and skiing trails may be restricted during specific seasons for wildlife management purposes. These seasonal use restriction are to be defined by the Cordillera Habitat Enhancement for Wildlife Committee and enforced by the Homeowners Association. Section 3.15.4: Density and Land Use Classification. Land use and dwelling unit density are based on the following chart: Dwelling Units Single Family Residential 130 Cordillera P.U.D. Guide Page - 38 April 30, 1996 Section 3.16: Western Parcel Planning Parcels N. Cordillera Subdivision. Section 3.16.1: Intent. The intent of Planning Parcel N is to provide a large lot residential cluster surrounded by open space. This Parcel will create a secluded neighborhood focused around a large common open space. Large areas of open space surround this residential neighborhood and will provide protection for wildlife habitats and retain the character of the natural environment. The common open space within the center of the development cluster will remain predominately natural in character but will also accommodate neighborhood amenities. Section 3.16.2: Permitted Uses. The following uses are permitted within Planning Parcel N: 1. Single-family residential. 2. Open space (including wildlife management and habitat enhancement). 3. Common area amenities. 4. Utility distribution lines and facilities. 5. Parks and recreational uses. 6. Caretaker units on lots over 1/2 acre. 7. Accessory Buildings and Uses. Section 3.16.3: Development Standards. Development within Planning Parcel N shall be constructed in accordance with the following standards: Residential a. Minimum lot area: 0.5 acre. b. Minimum lot width: 100 feet. c. Minimum setback: Structural placement shall be restricted by building envelopes specifically identified for each lot to minimize impacts. d. Maximum building height: 35 feet. e. Maximum lot coverage: regulated by building envelop. f. Maximum irrigated lawn area: 5,000 sq.ft. per unit. ii. Common area a. The amenity uses of the common area will be a combination of natural features and developed features. In order to remain flexible to future design opportunities no specific development limitations shall be defined. Specific designs and development limitations will be defined as part of the final plat for Planning Parcel N. iii. Open Space a. Some forms of improvements may be consistent with the function of open space as they relate to recreation and wildlife management. No specific standards can be defined at this time. Cordillera P.U.D. Cuide Page - 39 Apri130, 1996 Section 3.16.4: Densitv and Land Use Classification. i. Land use and dwelling unit density are based on the following chart: Dwelling Units Single Family Residential 51 Cordillera P.U.D, Guide Page - 40 April 30, 1996 Section 3.17: Southern Parcel Planning Parcels O. Cordillera Subdivision. Section 3.17.1: Intent. Planning Parcel O has been carefully planned with individual building sites selected to help mitigate visual impacts as viewed from the Lake Creek Valley development area. A Preliminary Subdivision Plan must be approved by the Board of County Commissioners prior to approval of a Final Plat. Planning Parcel O shall be planned with individual building sites selected to help mitigate visual impacts as viewed from the Lake Creek Valley development area. Section 3.17.2: Permitted Uses. The following uses are permitted in Planning Parcel O, subject to the restrictions in Section 3.17.3, Development Standards below: 1. Single family residential. 2. Community parks, recreation both indoor and outdoor. 3. Special events. 4. Trails. 5. Open space and wildlife habitat. 5. Utility lines and facilities. 7. Community safety, service and maintenance facilities. 8. Accessory Buildings and Uses. Section 3.17.3: Development Standards. Development within Planning Parcel O shall be constructed in accordance with the following standards: Residential a. Minimum lot area: 0.5 acre. b. Minimum lot width: 50 feet. c. Minimum setback: no setback in building envelope. d. Maximum lot coverage: 50%. e. Maximum irrigated lawn area: 5,000 sq.ft. per unit. f. Maximum building height: 35 feet. Building height may be further restricted based on potential visibility from the Lake Creek Valley. All structures are limited in height by a plane defined by the view angle from identified points in the Lake Creek area. No portion of a structure including roof, chimney, or vent stacks, etc., may extend above the identified limit. Each building site is subject to review by Eagle County and the Cordillera Design Review Board for conformance. ii. Open Space a. Some forms of improvements may be consistent with the function of open space as they relate to recreation and wildlife management. No specific standards can be defined at this time. iii. Lake Creek portion restrictions a. All portions of Planning Parcel O lying within the physiographic or geographic area of the Valley of Lake Creek, as defined by the top of the ridge, are restricted in use as follows: Cordillera P.U.D caide Page - 41 Apnl30, 1996 1. Low impact recreation limited to recreational trails of an acceptable design for cross country skiing, equestrian, hiking and mountain biking; but no motorized vehicles shall be permitted except for original construction or maintenance purposes. 2. Vegetation enhancement. 3. Weed control. 4. Wildlife habitat enhancement. 5. Shelter and limited toilet facilities related to recreational trail use. 6. Parks, including recreation fields, playgrounds, picnic areas and other similar uses. 7. Buried utility lines and attendant service roads. 8. The existing ranch roads may be retained generally in their present state, and used only for maintenance, but not for general access purposes. No other roads, except for utility service roads, may be built. b. No ridgeline development, nor residential dwelling units may be constructed in the Lake Creek Valley. c. No structures in the Lake Creek Valley may be visible from the Lake Creek development corridor, as defined by the specific viewing points described in the Cordillera Phase II Preliminary Plan. d. Prior to construction of any structures or trails in the Lake Creek Valley, a Special Review Use must be approved by the Director of the Community Development Department of Eagle County who shall ensure compliance with visual impact guidelines. iv. Mitigation Guidelines. Any development activities or disturbances of existing environment must occur under the following guidelines: a. Final Plats for lands within the Southern Parcel shall include the designation of building height limitations in response to visibility analysis. b. Site development and construction shall minimize impact upon the existing natural landforms and drainage patterns. c. Vegetation at the edge of the development shelf will not be permanently disturbed except where necessary to mitigate visual impact. d. The overall building forms and massing should respond to natural landforms and massing of the site. e. Walls, fences and other screening elements shall be allowed. f. The exterior colors of buildings, walls and horizontal pavement surfaces should take into account the natural colors found on the site in the soils, rocks and vegetation. v. Wildlife a. Wildlife corridors will be established in certain critical areas based on the locations generally described on the map presented to the Board at its February 11, 1992 public hearing on the Zone District Amendment for the Southern Parcel. Section 3.17.4: Density and Land Use Classification. i. Land use and dwelling unit density are based on the following chart: Dwelling Units Single Family Residential 36 Cordillera P.U.D Guide Page - 42 April 30, 1996 Section 3.I8: Bearden Parcel. Planning Parcel P, Cordillera Subdivision. Section 3.18.1: Intent. The intent of Planning Parcel P is to provide large lot residential homesites surrounding open space. This Parcel will create a secluded neighborhood focused around a large common open and recreational space. This residential neighborhood will surround large areas of open space and will provide protection for wildlife habitats and retain the character of the natural environment. The common open space within the center of the development will remain. Additionally, the old homestead along Squaw Creek is intended to be used for recreation activities utilizing the historical setting. Section 3.18.2: Permitted Uses. The following uses are permitted in Planning Parcel P: 1. Single family residential. 2. Single Family Cluster. 3. Caretaker units on lots over 1/2 acre. 4. Community parks, recreation both indoor and outdoor including daily equestrian use and fishing. 5. Trails. 6. Open space and wildlife habitat. 7. Utility lines and facilities. 8. Community safety, service and maintenance facilities. 9. Accessory Buildings and Uses. 10. MuseumlHistorical Restorations of existing structures. 11. Special events. Section 3.18.3: Development Standards. Development within Planning Parcel Q shall be constructed in accordance with the following standards: i. Residential -Single Family. a. Minimum lot area; 0.5 acre. b. Minimum lot width: 50 feet. c. Minimum setback: no setback in building envelope. d. Maximum lot coverage: 50%. e. Maximum irrigated lawn area: 5,000 sq.ft. per unit. f. Maximum building height: 35 feet. g. Maximum building envelope area shall not exceed 20,000 square feet for each envelope. ii. Residential -Single Family Cluster. a. Minimum lot area: 10,000 sq.ft. b. Minimum lot width: 40 feet. c. Minimum setbacks: Front 25 feet, Rear 15 feet, Side 15 feet (or as specifically identified by the boundaries of the building envelope on the Final Plat). d. Maximum building height: 35 feet. e. Maximum lot coverage: 50%. Cordillera P. U D Guide Page - 43 Apnl 30. 1996 Maximum irrigated lawn surface: 5,000 sq.ft. per unit. iii. Open Space a. Some forms of improvements may be consistent with the function of open space as they relate to recreation and wildlife management. Section 3.18.4: Density and Land Use Classification. Land use and dwelling unit density are based on the following chart: Dwelling Units Single Family Residential 65 Cordillera P. U.D. Guide page _ 44 Apri[ so, ~~ Section 4.0: Supplementary Regulations. The Supplementary Regulations contained herein are applicable to all Filings and Planning Parcels within the Cordillera Subdivision unless otherwise specified. Section 4.01: Purpose. The purpose of this section "Supplementary Regulations," is to present special provisions which apply to specific uses which will govern their operation and management in so far as they affect land use. Section 4.02: Equestrian Facilities. There are three areas approved for equestrian facilities. One within Planning Parcel E (Chaveno), one within Planning Parcel J of the Western Parcel and one on the Beatty Parcel. These three equestrian facilities are designed to serve slightly different functions. i. The Chaveno equestrian facility is the primary focus of this residential neighborhood. This equestrian facility is planned to be a professionally managed and operated facility. a. This facility has been designed to accommodate a maximum of 28 horses. Within the large common pasture area will be a stable with individual paddocks. Horses will be boarded within the stables and turned out into the pasture area for exercise. The common pasture is not intended to provide grazing. Horses will not be boarded on individual lots. However, lot owners will be permitted to provide facilities for the temporary containment and care of horses. These temporary care facilities are called "saddle-up" areas and are limited to 1,000 sq.ft. of corral space. They may contain additional accessory buildings for the care and protection of the horse. These saddle-up areas may not be located within any designated wildlife movement corridors. The intent of the saddle-up area is to allow the owner easy and convenient access to the horse for a day's ride. The horse will be brought up from the stables by the equestrian staff to the individual's saddle-up area upon request. Once the owners' ride is over, the horse will be returned to the common stables for care. Horses will be prohibited from spending more than 3 consecutive days within an individuals saddle-up area. ii. These operational restrictions are intended to minimize environmental damage to individual lots typically caused by horses and to ensure compatibility of equestrian and residential uses. iii. Parcel J Equestrian Facility, as with the Chaveno equestrian facility, will be professionally managed and operated. Any property owner within Cordillera may board their horse at this facility. It has been designed to accommodate a maximum of 40 horses. The stables and individual paddocks will be contained within the common pasture area. The pasture area is designed for exercise, training, and events. Saddle up areas consistent with the above Chaveno restrictions shall be permitted in Planning Parcel J. iii. Beatty Parcel Equestrian Facility, as with the Chaveno equestrian facility, this facility will be professionally managed and operated. a. The use of the Equestrian Facility is limited to the private use of the lodge, property owners, their guests and Club members. Cordillera P.U.D. Guide Page - 45 Apri130, 1996 b. A maximum of 8 horses are permitted to be accommodated within the Equestrian Facility. Horses boarded at the Equestrian Facility must be owned by the Club or by property owners within Cordillera. d. Equestrian special events shall be limited to those sponsored by the Club. Structures associated with the Equestrian Facility shall be contained within the defined building envelope for the Club. f. No other Planning Parcels will permit such individual equestrian facility temporary or otherwise. iv. Equestrian Trails. Separate equestrian trails are not currently planned. Trails around both equestrian facilities have been designed to primarily accommodate horse use. Varying length loops, originating and returning to the equestrian facility will be provided. Certain areas adjacent to the equestrian facilities have been identified as seasonally sensitive wildlife habitat. As a result they will be closed to equestrian use during certain periods. These periods are typically in the winter and early spring months when demand for equestrian use is expected to be minimal. Section 4.03: Caretaker Unit Restrictions. The total number of caretaker units on the Western Parcel and the Bearden Parcel shall not exceed 32. The total number of caretaker units on the Chaveno Parcel shall not exceed 14 units. Proof of a deeded right to construct a caretaker unit must be submitted to Eagle County along with a building permit application. i. Permitted only on lots greater than one half acre in size. ii. Maximum floor area cannot exceed 25% of the total building floor area. iii. Caretaker unit must be an integral part of the primary dwelling. iv. Caretaker units are only permitted on lots approved in writing by the Cordillera Design Review Board. Section 4.04: Project Density. Refer to Exhibit D for Density Summary. Density shifts within the various Planning Parcels is permitted provided that the maximum number is not exceeded and provided that above required conditions are met. Section 4.05: Visual Mitigation. i. Northern Parcel. Careful consideration has been given to the location and design of proposed development on Cordillera P.U.D. Guide Page - 46 April 30, ,~ the Northern Parcel due to the visual criteria imposed by the Board of County Commissioners. The intent has been to restrict development to the unseen portions of the Northern Parcel from I-70 ,and to minimize development activities which will be visible. b. Any development activities or disturbances of existing environment must occur under the following guidelines: 1. Site development and construction shall minimize impact upon the existing natural landforms and drainage patterns. . 2. Vegetation at the edge of the development shelf will not be permanently disturbed except where necessary to mitigate visual impact. 3. The overall building forms and massing should respond to natural landforms and massing of the site. 4. Walls, fences and other screening elements shall be allowed. 5. The exterior colors of buildings should take into account the natural colors found on the site in the soils, rocks and vegetation. 6. The plant material adjacent to the shelf lip should utilize vegetation indigenous to the Rocky Mountain alpine and subalpine zones such as Aspen, Douglas Fir, Spruce., Scrub Oak, Serviceberry, Chokecherry, Sage, etc. ii. Village Center a. The Village Center has been designed with a goal to minimize Visual Impact for the I-70 corridor. The proposed Village Center development occurs below the existing Lodge. However, unlike the Northern Parcel, it is anticipated that some structures may be visible from I-70. The following guidelines will help to ensure that Visual Impacts are minimized. 1. Site development and construction shall minimize impact upon the existing natural landforms and drainage patterns. 2. The overall building forms and massing should respond to natural landforms and massing of the site. 3. Walls, fences, and other screening elements shall be located within the building envelope. 4. The exterior colors of buildings, walls, and horizontal pavement surfaces should take into account the natural colors found on the site in the soils, rocks, and vegetation. 5. The plant materials outside of the building envelopes should utilize vegetation indigenous to the Rocky Mountain alpine and subalpine zones such as Aspen, Douglas Fir, Spruce, Scrub Oak, Serviceberry, Chokecherry, Sage, etc. co~druea P.U.D c~,de Page - 47 April 30, ~~ 6. Exterior lighting shall be used for purposes of identification and illumination in areas of pedestrian circulation and vehicular traffic. Light sources shall be concealed and unobtrusive. iii. Western Parcel a. The Western Parcel is not visible outside of the Squaw Creek Basin and development activities on this parcel will not impact outside viewers. Development will be visible from the interior of the project and will be a concern for the internal integrity and appeal of the project. Development activities in these areas will be made compatible with the surrounding environments with the implementation of the following guidelines: 1. Site development and construction shall minimize impact upon the existing natural landforms and drainage patterns. 2. The overall building forms and massing should respond to natural landforms and massing of the site. 3. Walls, fences, and other screening elements shall be located within the building envelope. 4. The exterior colors of buildings, walls, and horizontal pavement surfaces should take into account the natural colors found on the site in the soils, rocks, and vegetation. 5. The plant materials outside of the building envelopes should utilize vegetation indigenous to the Rocky Mountain alpine and subalpine zones such as Aspen, Douglas Fir, Spruce, Scrub Oak, Serviceberry, Chokecherry, Sage, etc. 6. Exterior lighting shall be used for purposes of identification and illumination in areas of pedestrian circulation and vehicular traffic. Light sources shall be concealed and unobtrusive. Section 4.06: Home Occupations. i. Permitted home occupations: a. Offices, provided that they are an integral part of the residential structure and that adequate parking spaces are placed on the lot. b. Retail sales of "one of a kind" products, such as artwork, quilts or furniture which are produced on the property. c. No more than one employee, excluding resident owners is permitted. d. All accessory buildings and accessory uses must be approved by the Cordillera Design Review Board. Accessory buildings and uses shall meet the definition as defined by the Eagle County Land Use Regulations. Cordillera P. U.D. Guide Page - 48 April 30. 1996 Bed and Breakfast Home Occupation is specifically prohibited. Section 4.07: Interim Uses -Phasing. i. Intent. Upon approval of the Preliminary Plan the existing R zoning will be replaced with the uses specifically defined in the P.U.D. guide. The P.U.D. guide will authorize a variety of uses for future development phases. However, these ultimate uses may not occur for several years. During the initial course of development and throughout the phasing of the development, large areas of the project will remain undeveloped. As an interim use for these areas, which have not been developed into their ultimate developed use, activities and uses which are consistent with past agricultural activities, future wildlife management activities, recreation, and preparation for approved development will be permitted. These uses are specifically defined below: a. Agricultural including ranch, garden, greenhouse, nursery, orchard, wood lot, fishery, and customary accessory uses including buildings for shelter or enclosure of animals or property primarily employed in any of the above uses. b. Forestry limited to extraction, felling and trimming trees, and removal of wood materials including primary wood processing. Sales of raw agricultural products. d. Reservoirs and dams engineered to contain 10 acre feet of water or less. Water diversion structures, ditches, and line structures engineered to convey 15 cubic feet or less of water per second. Green belt. g. Park. h. Wildlife management and habitat enhancement. Recreation. Utility facilities and lines. k. Roads. ii. Termination of Interim Uses. The defined Interim Uses shall be terminated within 60 days of the date a final plat is recorded with the Eagle County Recorder for the platted parcel. The uses shall then be limited to those ultimate uses defined in the P.U.D. guide for that parcel. Section 4.08: Final Plat. Final plats of homesites within the Cordillera Phase I approval shall include either a separate map of building envelopes, or the envelopes may be platted with the final plat. Cordillera P.U.D Guide Page - 49 Apnl30, 1996 0 All final plats of homesites in other parts of Cordillera shall include the platting of building envelopes. Section 4.09: Maximum Irrigated Area. Where there is a conflict between this Guide and the Cordillera Decreed Augmentation Plan regarding water usage for irrigation, the Cordillera Decreed Augmentation Plan shall prevail. Cordillera P. U.D. Guide Page - 50 Apri[ 30, 1996 EXHIBIT A PLANNING PA.F~CEL MAP EASTERN PORTION DIVIDE Fenao s~eis r ~ zooo~ 0 do~n~soN. c AND A390CUT63, n+c. DATE: 1tAY 8, 19Ad DRAwlf Blf: CA k 3. 5("0'1'l' dOB B 08E98 d08 NAItB: DIVPAR PLANNING PARCEL A PLANNING PARCEL H PLANNING PARCEL C PLANNING PARCEL D PLANNING PARCEL E PLANNING PARCEL F PLANNII~iG PARCEL O PRIVATE OIPNER3HIP PLANKIIiG PARt~EL G PIANNII~TG PARCSI. H PLSNIiII~1G PARCEL. I PLANNII~TG PARCEL. J PLANNIIQG PARCE[, S PLANNIIdG PARCEL L PLANNII~iG PARCEL. 1[ PLANNII~TG PARCEL N scAtE i - ixoo~ O 0 0 r EXHIBIT B PLANNING PARCEL MAP WESTERN PORTION RANCH PARCEL H PARCEL H arr~ rur a iwe ~ts~ sr cr « ~ soarr ~ x~°B~Oi~rs EXHIBIT C PLANNING PARCEL MAP BEARDEN ~, OPEN SPACE AND HOMES7 PLANNING PARCEL P 9CAi,E 1' m 800° a•r, ~. arc assoaa~s. ~ opus rar a iaoe nen~r sr: cv « s. soon aye oeseo ,ar ruo~ ss~ot+aR ~ , Parcel CORDII,IBRA PHASE ONE Lodge Units 20 Employee Units 2 Dwelling Unit Subtotal VH.LAGE CENTER Parcel A Cluster SingJe/Multi Family New Ladge Units 30 Commeraal 21,3$0 sq. ft. Office 1,08$ sq. ft. CommunityRe¢eation 1$,344 sq. ft. Employee Units 2 Dwelling Unit SubtoRil NORTI9ERN PARCEL Parcel B Open Space For Re¢eational Use Parcel C Single Family/Duplex Community Re¢eation Open Space For Re¢eational Use Farce] D Single Family/I'ownhomes Communi ty Center Open Space For Re¢eafional Use Employee Housing Dwening Unit Subtotal CHAVENO PARCEL Parcel E Single Family Cuetaker Unite 14 Common Area Dwelling Unit Subtotal SEATTY PARCEL Parcel F Fire Station Fishing Club Open Space Employee Units 2 EXHIBIT D PLANNING PARCEL SUMMARY welling Units Parcel WESTERN PARCEL 99 Parcel G 84 Pazcel H 183 Parcel I Parcel J 129 129 33 22 $$ 14 14 Dwelling Uait Subtoal 0 Townhomes/Cluster Sin Open Space Single Family Cuetaker Units Open Space Re¢eation Units 11 ~~ Common Area Open Space Caretaker Units Parcel K Towahomes/Cluster Single Family 86 Employee Housing Parcel L Golf Course Open Space Employee Housing Parcel M Single Family 130 Open Space Caretaker Units Parcel N Single Family $1 Common Area Open Space Caretaker Units Dwelling Unit Subtotal SOUTHERN PARCEL 428 Parcel O Single Family 36 Open Space Dwelling Unit Subtotal BEARDEN PARCEL 36 Parcel P Single Family 6$ Common Area Open Space Caretaker Units Dwelling Unii Subtotal TOTALS 6$ Employee Unit Total 29 Caretaker Unit Total ~ Dwelling Unit Total (Saleable Units) 910