HomeMy WebLinkAboutR96-062 special use permit El Jebel Mobile Home ParkCommissioner - moved adoption of the following Resolution: BOARD OF COUNTY CO1~Il~IISSIONERS COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO J a 0 J x RESOLUTION NO. 9~ - ~,~ APPROVAL OF SPECIAL USE PERMIT "El Jebel Mobile Home Park FILE NO. ZS- 382-96 ti ~ v ~b 0 U ~ a~ x ~~ z, x ~ ~ ~ a~ ~ J ~~ T ~ ~~ s o J n a~ ~ -~ on :~ :o i n ~ ~ a~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ •~ ~~ :~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ .n :n WHEREAS, The Crawford Family ("Applicant") did•file an application with the Eagle County Department of Community Development on or about March 15. 1996 for a Special Use Permit for Expansion of the El Jebel Mobile Home Park within an RSM Zone District, in the unincorporated area of Eagle County described as follows: ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A" and WHEREAS, based on the evidence, testimony, exhibits, study of the Master Plan for the unincorporated areas of Eagle County, comments of the Eagle County Department of Community Development, comments of public officials and agencies, the recommendation of the Planning Commission, and comments from all interested parties, the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of. Colorado ("the Board"), finds as follows: 1. That proper publication and public notice was provided as required by law for the hearings before the Planning Commission and the Board. 2. That the proposed special use conforms to the require- ments of Section 2.09 of the Eagle County Land Use Regulations, which are incorporated herein as if set forth with particularity. ~~ 3. That the proposed special use will be compatible with existing uses in the area. C W '~ Page 1 of 3 4. That th_ _~ollowing have been consi ~ed: The potential ' effect of the use on the character of the neighborhood, adequacy of access to and from the area, adequacy of water and sewer, appropriateness of the physical arrangement of the use on the proposed site, and consistency with the Master Plan. 5. That for the above-stated and other reasons, the proposed special use is in the best interest of the health, safety, morals, convenience, order, prosperity and welfare of the citizens of Eagle County. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO: That the application of The Crawford Family File No. _ ZS-382-96 for a Special Use Permit for Expansion of the E1 Jebel Mobile Home Park within the RSM Zone District de- scribed herein, be approved, subject to the conditions as set forth herein. THAT, the following conditions shall be placed upon this approval and that violation of any condition shall be the basis for revocation of the Special Use Permit: 1. The County Engineer's concerns as outlined in the April 15, 1996 memorandum shall be addressed; 2. The applicant shall obtain written statements from the water and sewer provider and the Basalt and Rural Fire Protection District; 3. An adequate grading and drainage plan prepared by a professional engineer shall be submitted for review. 4. All material representations made by the Applicant in the application and public meeting shall be adhered to and considered conditions of approval, unless otherwise amended by other conditions. THAT, this permit shall be subject to periodic review by the Planning Department, and shall be heard by the Board of County Commissioners only if complaints are received and not satisfactorily resolved by the staff. Page 2 of 3 THAT, the B d of County Commissioners _irects the Department of Community Development to provide a copy of this Resolution to the Applicant. THAT, the Board hereby finds, determines and declares that this Resolution is necessary for the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Eagle County. MOVED, READ AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, at its regular meeting held the ~~. day of 1996, nunc pro tunc to the 14th day of 1996. / n j t~~~ ATTEST. ~"'' .,~._~'"`~ ~ ~~ '~. ~ By: Sara J. Fisher Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO, By and Through Its BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS r Commissioner ]"~~ Q.~~ seconded adoption of the foregoing Resolution. The roll having been called, the vote was as follows: Commissioner Johnnette Phillips Commissioner George A. Gates ~.~, Commissioner James E. Johnson, Jr. ~~~ This Resolution passed by C3`"~ vote of the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. Page 3 of 3 By: George Gates, Chairman Exhibit A EL JEBEi. MOBIIrE ~i014iE PARK SPECIAL USE PIItMIT PARCII. NO. 1 DFSCRIPT'IO1~I A PARCEL OF LAND STTUATID IN LOTS 8, 9,15 AND 16 OF SECTION 34, TOWNSHIP 7 SOUTH, RANGT ~ 87 WF.S'r AND TRACTS 39, 43, AMID 46 OF SEC13t3N 3, TOWNSHIP 8 SOUTH, RANGE 87 WEST OF THB SDiTH PRINC~AL MERIDIAN, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO; SAID PARCII. B~1G MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLIAWS: CONzMII~ACII~TG AT TIC SOi]THWF.ST CORNER OF SEC!'iON 34, A GLO BRASS CAP FOUND IN PLACE, ~E TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING: TI~iNCE N 8$°50'34" W ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID SEGTlON 34 62.53 FEET TO THE NORTSFAST CORNER QF SECTION 3. A GLO BRASS CAP FOUND IN PLACE; Z~~2TCE CONPIZNUII~G ALONG SAID SOURLY LINE N 88°22'00" W 242.55 FEET; Tl~NCE LBAVlNG SAID SOUTl`iERI.Y LING N 11°32'48• W 16.40 FEtiT; 'T~IENCE N 37°38'45" W 109.78 FEET; THENCE N 45°50'45' W 148.55 FEET; TI~TCE N 60°39'4S" W 29.39 FEET; T.l3F.NCB Iii 00°30'23' W S.IO FEET; 'I'I~2TCE N 60°39'15' w 108.58 FFEI; T>3F1VCE N 89°39'42° w i1a.42 FFLT; THENCE s 00° 11'45" 8 220.74 FEET; T~NCB S $$°27'45' B 207.78 FEET; T.1~CE S 00°11'1I' ~V ?x44.54 FEET; TI~IENCE N 88°02'05' E 274.99 I!FEi; THENCE S 06°28' 14" E 151.24 FEET TO A FODVT IIY AN fiXISTING FENCE LINE; 'I'LIDNCE N 88°59'2r W ALONG SAID ffiGSTiNG FENCE LiNB 322.66 FEET; THENCE COrfIIlVUING ALONG SAID fiXIS'TII~i+G FENCB LIMB S 88°35'I2" E 293.95 FEET; TAT~NCB CONITNIJIl~IG ALONG SAID BXISTII~IG FENCB LINE AND FENCE LINE EXTI~NDF~ N $d°29'29" W 200.09 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EDGE OF A 50.00' WIDE RIGHT-OP-WAY AS DFSCR~ED IN RECEP'1'!ON NO.531532 OP TF1E EAGLE COUKI'Y CLERK AND RECORDER'S OFFICE; 'TI~NCB LEAVIItitG SAID FENCE LINE THE FOLLOWII~TG THREE (3) CQURSFS ALONY,3 SAlp RIGHT-~'-WAY: I. N 22°34' 12' W 187.46 FEtiT Z. ALONG TI4ts ARC OF A CURVE TO TBE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 475.00 FEET AND A CFSNTRAL ANGLE OF 09°16'25', A DISTANCE QF 76.88 Fier (CYiORD BEARS N 17°56'00' w 76.80 FEED 3. N 13 ° 17'49" W 356.78 FEET; T'HF.NCE LEAVING SAID RIGHT-0F-WAY N 34° 10'38" w 314.29 FRET; '~3F1VCE s 86°22'15" w 43.31 FEFsI' TO A POINT ON THE EASTFBLY. RIGHT=OF WAY LINFs OF COUNTY ROAD 5-13; TDE11TQs N 00°28' 14' W ALONG SAID EASTERLY RIGHT-0F-WAY 81?.I1 FEL'T; 7~TENCE COI1rTIlVU,tNG N 00°59'48' E 9$1.34 FEET; 'I2;ErICE LFAYII~TG SAID EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-V1rAY LINE ALONG THB ARC OF A CURVE TO THE RIGIiT HAVII~IG A RADIU'S OP 15774.$6 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 02°22' 19" A DISTANCE OF 653.02 FEET (CHARD BEARS N 8b°44'33" E bSZ.97 FEET); 7'HF3~TCE ALONG T1Us ARC OF A CCTRVE T~0 THE RIGHT IiAVII~TG A RADIUS OF 255.90 FEET AND A CENl'RAL ANGLE OF 43°45'17" A DLSTANCB OF 195.42 FEET (CHORD BEAB.S N OS°25'48" 8190.71 P'EE'1~; T~NCE S 83°48'59" E 384.05 FEET; T'F~TCE N 38°22'26° E 186.21 F~sT TO A POINT ON THE EASTERLY LII~ OF SAID SF.L.'I'CON 34; Ti~ENCE S 01 °x5'20' w ALONG SAID EASTERLY I~iE 2388.58 FEET TO TEIB POINT OF BEC`INNIN~, SAID PARCII. CONTAINYNG 60.55 ACRPS MORE OR LESS.