HomeMy WebLinkAboutR96-024 amendment to El Jebel Texaco PUD~~/ ~ - 585801 Sara J. ~~q~ B-689 P-_~_ 03/12/96 05:11P PG 1 __ 6 Fisher Eagle County Clerk & Recorder Commissioner moved adoption of the following Resolution: REC DOC 0.00 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNTY OF EAGLL, STATE OF COLORADO RESOLUTION NO. 9~-~ APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT OF THE EL JEBEL TEXACO PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FILE NO. PD-313-95-A1 WHEREAS, on or about September 1, 1995, the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, accepted for filing an application submitted by Kevin and Tammy Tucker, hereinafter "Applicant") for amendment of the E1 Jebel Texaco Planned_Unit Development, located at Highway 82 and E1 Jebel Road in E1 Jebel, Colorado (hereinafter the "PUD"), File No. PD 313-95-A1; and WHEREAS, the Applicant requested the amendment of the PUD for the.purpose~of resolving a conflict regarding allowed sign sizes and; WHLRBAS; notice of the proposed amendment was mailed to all owners of property located within and adjacent to the PUD and was ~ duly published in a newspaper of general circulation throughout the County concerning the subject matter of the application and~~ T„ setting forth the dates and times of hearings for consideration of the application by the Planning Commission and the Board of County Commissioners of County of Eagle, State of Colorado (hereinafter the "Board"); and WHEREAS, at its public meeting held October 5, 1996, the Roaring Fork Valley Planning Commission, based upon its findings, recommended denial of the proposed.PUD Amendment; and WHEREAS, at its public meeting hearing of October 31, 1995, the Board considered the PUD Amendment application, associated plans and the statements and concerns of the Applicant and the Eagle County staff. Based on the evidence, testimony, exhibits, review of the Eagle County Master Plan, the recommendation of the Planning Commission and staff, and comments from all interested parties, the Board finds as follows: 1. The proposed amendment to the El Jebel Texaco Planned Unit Development is consistent with the efficient development and preservation of the entire PUD. 2. The proposed amendment does not affect in a substantially adverse manner either the enjoyment of the land abutting upon or across the street from the PUD or the public interest. 3. The proposed amendment shall not solely confer a special benefit upon any person. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO: THAT, the application submitted by Kevin and Tammy Tucker for amendment of the El Jebel Texaco Planned Unit Development be and is hereby granted subject to the following conditions: 1. The Planned Unit Development Control Guide attached to this resolution shall apply to development of the site. 2. Any outstanding and still applicable conditions of approval in Resolution 94-20 and 95-22 shall apply to the site development. The Board finds, determines, and declares that this Resolution is necessary for the health, safety, and welfare of the inhabitants of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. 2 MOVED, READ AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, at its regular meeting held the l~ ~, day of ,~'~~ ,1996, nunc pro font to the 31st day of October, 1995. . ~=-~,;;; `~ "'~, COUNTY OF EAGLE , STATE OF .. ~~: ~, ~~~,, ~~~,".; COLORADO , By and Through I t s ~t~ „, `~ ~ ~~ BOARD OF COUNTY CONIMI SS I ONERS ATTEST : r ~,~~ Sara J. Fishe George A. ates, Chairman Clerk of the Board of ` County Commissioners - BY: Jo ette Phillips, Commissioner B . J s Johnson, ., Com ssioner Commissioner ~~2eQ:~(/~ seconded adoption of the foregoing Resolution. The roll having been called, the vote was as follows: Commissioner George A. Gates (11f~ Commissioner Johnnette Phillips Commissioner James E. Johnson, Jr. This Resolution passed by ~~_ vote of the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. 3 S EL JEBEL TEXACO SERVICE STATION PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT CONTROL GUIDE 1. PURPOSE: To allow for the operation of a gasoline station, cashier with basic necessities, restaurant and tire store/oil change & lubrication facility. 2. USES BY RIGHT: A. Commercial space for retail sales including: 1. Sale of gas, oil, and other petroleum products 2. Cashier with food, beverages, cards, gifts and souvenirs 3. Restaurant 4. Drive-up window food service 5. Automotive and vehicular parts B. Commercial space for servicing of automobiles and other vehicles, including: 1. Lubrication 2. Oil change 3. Tire sales, mounting, and balancing 4. Wheel alignment 3. M[NIMUM SETBACKS FOR STRUCTURES FROM PARCEL A PROPERTY LINES: A, Front (Hwy 82) 12.0 feet on lube & tire, 50.0 feet on restaurant, 47.0 feet on the canopy B. Front (EI Jebel Rd) 40.0 feet on the restaurant C. Rear (North) 10.0 feet on Tube & tire, 8.0 feet on trash enclosure, 50.0 feet on restaurant, 10.0 feet on canopy 4. MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT: A. Lube & Tire 25.0 feet B. Clearance for Canopy Minimum of 13'-6", maximum height 17'-6" C. Restaurant 16.0 feet 5. MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE: A. Buildings: ~ 50% B. All impervious materials: 80% 6. LIGHTING: Down lighting shall be used on all parking areas and on the building. All illuminated signage on the site shall be turned off at close of business. Security lighting which illuminates the wall areas on all sides of the building shall be allowed on all structures and may remain on from dusk until dawn. Maximum height offree-standing pole lights shall be 16 feet. Lights under canopy will be shielded to shine down and not to the side. EL JEBEL TEXACO SERVICE STATION/PUD CONTROL GUIDE/page 2 7. SIGNAGE: All signs shall conform to the following sizes and located per the approved Preliminary Plan: Sign 1: Entrance sign, 80 square feet per side, two sided, 8 feet high with 2-foot base for total of 10 feet at south side of sign. See attached drawings of signs. Sign 2: "Wendy's" sign with 24.3 square feet to be located on south side of Wendy's building. Sign 3: "Texaco" and "Star T" signs with 45.0 square feet to be located on south side of canopy. Sign 4: "Xpress Lube" sign of 7.0 square feet on east side of Xpress Lube building. Sign 5: "Havoline" sign of 5.32 square feet to be located on side of building. Sign 6: "Xpress Lube" sign of 22.04 square feet to be located on south side of building. Total area of above listed signage shall not exceed 184 square feet. Directional signs shall not be included in the total sign area allowed provided each individual directional sign is less than six square feet and eight feet in height and placement does not impair visibility for tratFic movement. 8. TRASH: All trash receptacles must be enclosed and screened from view. 9. LANDSCAPING Landscaping will be installed in the quantities and locations specified on the 11/21/94 Landscape Plan with amendments as stated in the project approval resolution. The landscaping shall be maintained and plants that do not survive shall be replaced. 10. PARKING A minimum of 31 paved and striped, 9' x 19' parking spaces shall be provided on-site. Additionally, stacking spaces shall be provided for the gasoline pumps and tube shop, as detailed on the 11/21/94 Site Plan. Up to two of the 31 paved and striped parking spaces maybe sized to accommodate compact car parking only and shall be signed as such. 11. ARCHITECTURAL Exterior building materials and elevations shall correspond to the elevations submitted for the Amended Planned Unit Development Approval of 11/21/94. EL JEBEL TEXACO SERVICE STATION/PUD CONTROL GUIDE/page 3 Kevin Tucker-Owner Tammy Tucke~!JOwne'r .d,d ;~ ~'" •S,, ,,%f _r Vr ~~ Eagle Coun Board of County Commission~l'~ ,~ Chairperson Date Date 3 ~~ -9.~ Date _r 941Gpud1 U1/23/9G