HomeMy WebLinkAboutR96-022 creating transportation authority. , Commissioner moved adoption of the following esolution: BOARD OF COUNTY CO1~II~IISSIONERS COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO RESOLUTION NO. 96- G~~ A RESOLUTION CREATING THE EAGLE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY PROVIDING FOR ITS DUTIES AND POWERS WHEREAS, Resolution No. 95-79 created an advisory group under the name of the "Regional Transportation System Authority", that Resolution further called for a successor group to be formed after the approval of the County-wide transportation sales tax; and WHEREAS, no part of Eagle County is encompassed by the Regional Transportation District formed pursuant to the provisions of Article 9 of Title 32, C.R.S.; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners has the authority to develop, maintain and operate mass transportation systems pursuant to §29-2-103.5 and §30-11-101(F), C.R.S.; and WHEREAS, it is the Board's judgment that it is appropriate for the efficient management of the business and concerns of the County and beneficial to the health and safety of the people of Eagle County to form a transportation council to develop policy and direction on all aspects of mass transportation in Eagle County contemplated by Resolution 95-95, and to the ballot question approved by the voters. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO: THAT, the Regional Transportation System Authority formed pursuant to Eagle County Resolution 95-79 is hereby dissolved. THAT, the Board would like to thank the members of the Regional Transportation System Authority formed by Resolution 95-79 for their time and effort in service, and appreciates their dedication, suggestions and contributions. THAT, the Board hereby establishes the "Regional Transportation Authority" to consist of nine (9) members to serve at the pleasure of the Board. Appointments to membership shall be for three~(3) year terms commencing on March 1 in the year of appointment and ending on the last day in February, except that the initial terms shall be for lesser periods in order to provide for alternating term expirations and shall commence this date, and except that vacancies shall be filled by appointment for the balance of the unexpired term. Alternate members may be appointed, but shall only vote in the absence of the voting member. THAT, one member each shall be selected upon the nomination of the following: Town of Avon Town of Basalt Town of Eagle Town of Gypsum Town of Minturn Town of Red Cliff Town of Vail Eagle County Beaver Creek Resort Company. The Board of County Commissioners shall notify the nominating entity when a vacancy for its nomination occurs, requesting it to nominate the person(s) to fill such vacancy. The nominating entity shall nominate one or more individuals to fill the vacancy by notifying the Board of its nomination(s) . If, after six weeks from the date the nominating entity is notified of the vacancy, no nominations have been received, the Board of County Commissioners shall fill the vacancy. If a nominating entity presents multiple nominations, the Board of County Commissioners may, at its discretion, conduct interviews of the nominees prior to making any appointment. THAT, the initial members and alternate members are as follows: Town of Avon: Member: Alternate: Town of Basalt: Member: Alternate: Town of Eagle: Member: Alternate: Tom Hines Richard Carnes Linda Johnson Kent Mueller Duane Ziegler Willie Powell 2 Town of Gypsum: Member: Chris Estes Alternate: Jeff Shroll Town of Minturn: Member: Mike Gallaher Alternate: Larry Stone Town of Red Cliff: Member: Victor Cisneros Alternate: Cal Thomas Town of Vail: Member: Kevin Foley Alternate: Rob Ford Eagle County: Member: James Johnson Alternate: George Roussos Beaver Creek Resort Company: Member: Peter Cummins Alternate: Kent Myers. THAT, the initial terms of the members and their corresponding alternates shall be: three members shall have an initial term expiring February 28, 1997, three members shall have an initial term expiring February 28, 1998, and three members shall have an initial term expiring February 28, 1999. The initial terms of the respective members, and their corresponding alternates, shall determined by drawing lots at the next regular meeting of the Authority. THAT, the Regional Transportation Authority shall have the following powers and duties: 1. To adopt such bylaws as it deems appropriate, which are consistent with this Resolution and subject to approval by the Board; 2. To develop long and short-term plans for the provision of mass transportation in Eagle County using the revenues of mass transportation systems and the mass transportation sales tax and such other revenue sources as may become available. In developing such plans, the Regional Transportation Authority shall include, but not be limited to, consideration of bus, bike paths, bikeways, rail, fixed guideway rapid transit, and other means of conveyance, excluding air; shall take into account the ten percent of the sales tax revenues which are dedicated to bikepath or bikeway purposes; and shall take into account the dedication of the sales tax revenues from Eagle 3 County Precincts 7 and 8 to mass transportation within those precincts, ten percent of which is dedicated to bikepath or bikeway purposes; 3. To develop policies regarding the modes of mass transportation, services to be provided, methods of providing such services, and the appropriate procedure for implementing the mass transportation plan(s) adopted by the Board; 4. To develop annually a mass transportation budget for the succeeding calendar year in accordance with the County's annual budget process and in accordance with the provisions of §29-2-103.5, C.R.S. and the ballot question approved by the voters; 5. As a part of the foregoing budget, to develop seasonal operating plans for the mass transportation system, for winter (November through April) and summer (May through October) seasons, providing such information as, but not limited to, estimated ridership, routes, fares, estimated revenues, schedules, and personnel needs; 6. To present plans, policies, budgets and mass transportation system operating plans, and changes thereto, together with a report of the Regional Transportation Authority's efforts to develop and/or meet such plans, to the Board for its approval upon their adoption but not less frequently than semi-annually; 7. To engage consultants, professionals and contractors, and to enter into contracts for goods, services, capital equipment, facilities, and real property, consistent with the operating plan(s) and the approved budget, and provided that such engagements and contracts shall be made in accordance with the financial and personnel policies of the County; 8. To oversee the operation of the mass transportation system, and any contractors engaged to provide any elements of the system; 9. To determine the grants and bikeway projects to be funded from the funds budgeted and appropriated therefor; 10. To provide for such subcommittees as in its judgment it deems appropriate, provided that County shall not consider a recommendation of a subcommittee which has not first received the approval of the full Regional Transportation Authority; 11. To hire and supervise personnel in accordance with the approved budget and the County financial and personnel policies; 4 12. To do any and all things necessary to accomplish its duties as described herein. THAT, all meetings of the Regional Transportation Authority shall be deemed public meetings subject to compliance with all open meeting laws and with Eagle County Resolution 96-05 (or its successor) with respect to notice of public meetings. THAT, the County will consider the implementation of all reasonable recommendations. that it receives from the Regional Transportation Authority. THAT, all recommendations of the Regional Transportation Authority will be placed on the agenda of a regular or special meeting of the Board for approval, disapproval, or approval with conditions, provided that such meeting will not occur less than seven ( 7 ) days nor more than fifteen (15 ) days after written notice of such meeting is sent to the members of the Regional Transportation Authority; provided that any such item is subject to rescheduling, cancellation and tabling in like manner as other items placed on the Board's agenda without further written notice to the members of the Regional Transportation Authority. THAT, the Board shall send the members of the Authority written notice of its intent to not adopt the Authority's budget recommendation before rejecting it. If the Board rejects the budget recommendation, it shall do so no sooner than seven (7) and no more than fifteen (15) days after notice of its intent is sent unless a shorter time is required to meet the requirements of applicable laws, in which case as much notice as possible shall be given. THAT, the Board shall send the members of the Regional Transportation Authority written notice of any meeting at which the Board will consider a modification of this Resolution at least fifteen (15) days before the meeting. /////// /////// 5 MOVED, READ AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, at its regular meeting held the 11th day of March, 1996. ATTEST: By: EAGLE, STATE OF By and Through Its COUNTY COMMISSIONERS George A. Gates Chairman ohnnette Phillips Commissioner Commissioner seconded adoption of the foregoing resolution. T e roll having been called, the vote was as follows: Commissioner George A. Gates Commissioner Johnnette Phillips Commissioner James E. Johnson, Jr. ~r~AA /~ This Resolution passed by ~ '-d vote of the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. r\transit.brd COUNTY OF COLORADO, BOARD OF 6 County Commissioners