HomeMy WebLinkAboutR96-016 cash in lieu of school land dedicationCoarmissioner moved adoption oar o ov~nng Resolution: BOARD OF COUNTY CO~Il~SSIO(NER.S COIiNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO RESOLUTION NO. 96-_,,~ IlJ THE MATTER OF CASH IN LIEU OF SC[i00L LAND DEDICAT PURS'iJANT TO X30-28-133 (4) (a) C.R.S. ATID X2.18.01 OF T!~ EAGLE COUNTY LAND USE REGULATIONS VAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Eagle, State of Colorado (hereinafter the "Board") , is authorized pursuant to State enabling legislation including, but not limited to, §30-28-101, et seq., to plan for and regulate the use and development of land in the unincorporated territory of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, convenience, order, prosperity and welfare of the present and future inhabitants of the County of Eagle; and WFniREAS, the Board is directed by Section 2.18.01 (p) of the Eagle County Land Use Regulations to determine and set annually the current market value of unimproved land on an acre basis; and AREAS, by Eagle County Resolution No. 93-139, the Board established values to be used for fees in lieu of land dedication, as follows: Precinct Full Market Value Per Acre Common Name of Area Precinct 1 $50,000 Red Cliff Precinct 2 $50,000 SW Vail Precinct 3 $50,000 Minturn Precinct 4 $50,000 Edwards Precinct 5 $10,000 Eagle Precinct 6 $10,000 Gypsum Precinct 7 $10,000 Basalt Precinct 8 $10,000 E1 Jebel Precinct 9 $ 7,500 Sweetwater Precinct 10 $ 7,500 Burns Precinct 11 $ 7,500 Bond/McCoy Precinct 12 $50,000 NW Vail Precinct 13 $50,000 Nail Precinct 14 $50,000 East Vail Precinct 15A $50,000 Avon Precinct 15B $50,000 Avon Precinct 16 $ 7,500 East Eagle Precinct 17 $50,000 Eagle-Vail Sn1F~REAS, the Board, not having revised the land values for two years, determines, with review from the School Districts, for the purposes of Section 2.18.01(p) of the Eagle County Land Use Regulations, to be as follows with the boundaries of the precincts whose boundaries have been previously set by the Board: Ftiill Market Value Per Acre Common Name of Area Precinct 1 $54,500 Red Cliff Precinct 2 $71,000 SW Vail Precinct 3 $54,500 Minturn Precinct 4 $52,500 Edwards Precinct 5 $13,900 Eagle Precinct 6 $13,900 Gypsum Precinct 7 $13,300 Basalt Precinct 8 $13,300 E1 Jebel Precinct 9 $11,100 Sweetwater Precinct 10 $11,100 Burns Precinct 11 $11,100 Bond/McCoy Precinct 12 $63,500 NW Vail Precinct 13 $65,500 Vail Precinct 14 $71,000 East Vail Precinct 15A $63,000 Avon Precinct 15B $63,000 Avon Precinct 16 $11,100 East Eagle Precinct 17 $63,000 Eagle-Vail NOW, T~EFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUN'T'Y CO~Il~aSSIOf~iERS OF THE C OUN'T'Y OF EAiGLE, STATE OF COLORADO: THAT, the following are established as value per acre to be used in various formulas to calculate the cash to be paid in lieu of land school dedication pursuant to Section 2.18.01 (p) of the Eagle County Land Use Regulations: Full Market Value Per Acre Common Name of Area Precinct 1 $54,500 Red Cliff Precinct 2 $71,000 SW Vail Precinct 3 $54,500 Minturn Precinct 4 $52,500 Edwards Precinct 5 $13,900 Eagle Precinct 6 $13,900 Gypsum Precinct 7 $13,300 Basalt Precinct 8 $13,300 E1 Jebel Precinct 9 $11,100 Sweetwater Precinct 10 $11,100 Burns Precinct 11 $11,100 Bond/McCoy Precinct 12 $63,500 NW Vail Precinct 13 $65,500 Vail Precinct 14 $71,000 East Vail Precinct 15A $63,000 Avon Precinct 15B $63,000 Avon Precinct 16 $11,100 East Eagle Precinct 17 $63,000 Eagle-Vail THAT, the Board determines these values should be used, subject to the provisions of Section 2.18.010) of the Eagle County Land Use Regulations, until a further determination is made by the Board. THAT, this Resolution is necessary for the public health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. MOVED, READ AND ADOPTID by the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, this s, ~,(_, day of 1996. COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO, By and Through Its BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS orge Gates, irman County Commissioners Commissioner ~~, laa~ seconded adoption of the foregoing resolution. ro ving been called, the vote was as follows: Commissioner Gates Commissioner Phillips Commissioner Johnson ~b _ This Resolution passed by c3 'r C7 vote of the Board of County Commissioners of the County o Eagle, State of Colorado. mta\r\school.fee