HomeMy WebLinkAboutR96-015 release of collateral for Harmony ViewC~i.ssioner ~ ~p~Qlu~ waved adoption of the follaw'i.ng so u ion: BOARD OF CO[A~Y CONIl~IISSIDZJER.S COZJN'TY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO RESOLUTION NO. 96- ~ A RESOLUTIOi~T AUTHORIZZrirG REGE.ASE OF COT~,TER_n~ AMID ~TION OF T!~ ~TAI2RANTY PERIOD FOR HARMiONY VIEW SUBDIVISION, FILIl~AG 2 WHEREAS , on or about November 10 , 19 92 , pursuant to C . R . S . 3 0 - 28-137, the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado ("Board"), entered into a Subdivision Improve- ments Agreement ("Agreement") with Kip Koski and Wendy Koski (hereinafter "Subdivider") as a condition of final plat approval of Harmony View Subdivision, Filing No. 2; and ~ ;2 WHEREAS, in order to guarantee the faithful completion of certain public improvements required under the Agreement, the Board ,,; accepted as collateral Irrevocable Letter of Credit No. 10082 issued by Bank of Aspen, Aspen, Colorado, in the amount of $37,700.00; and WHEREAS, by Eagle County Resolution No. 93-135 the Board found that the Subdivider had completed all the improvements required under the Agreement, and commenced the warranty period which was set to expire November 15, 1995; and WFI~RE'AS, both the Subdivider and the Engineering Department state that the work is complete and acceptable and the Engineering Department recommends full release of the collateral and the termination of the warranty period, see Exhibit "A", attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. WF-AREAS, the Board is not accepting maintenance for Harmony Lane as that is a private road, nor is the Board accepting any maintenance responsibility for any other improvements required under the Agreement and installed by the Subdivider, see Exhibit "A". and 583471 B-687 P-469 02/06/96 11:43A PG 1 OF 4 Sara J. Fisher REG DOG Eagle County Clerk & Recorder 0.00 BASID UPON the oral and written recommendations of the Eagle County Department of Engineering, the Board finds that the warranty period has been successfully completed and the full release of the collateral is appropriate, as is the termination of the warranty period. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO: THAT, the Board hereb~r authorizes the full and final release of collateral and the termination of the warranty period. THAT, the~Board will not be accepting any of the improvements installed pursuant to .the Agreement. THAT, this document shall be recorded in the Records of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, which shall be evidence that the Agreement has been terminated. THAT, this resolution is necessary for the public health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Eagle County, Colorado. MOVED, READ AND ADOPTID by the Board. of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, at its regular meeting held the ~~',~ day of ~d 1996. COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF 4~t ~°t+ COLORADO, By and Through Its ATTEST: ~' ~~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS # ~~ .~,~® ~ er to t e ar o County Commissioners By: e tes, irman Jo ette P ips, stoner Commissioner ~~_ seconded adoption of the foregoing resolutio e roll aF~ ving been called, the vote was as follows: Commissioner Gates _ Commissioner Phillips Commissioner Johnson This Resolution passed by (~j -(~ vote of the Board of County Commissioners of the County o Eagle, State of Colorado. 91-165 mta/r/harmony.ter -3- :7 MEMORANDUM EAGLE COUNTY ENGINEERING TO: Maureen Amundson / Attorney's Office FROM: Mike Gruber / Engineering 'I ~~~~~ DATE: January 23, 1996 RE: Completion of Subdivision Improvements Agreement Harmony View Subdivision, Filing No. 2 Our office finds that the work required has been completed in a satisfactory manner under the terms and conditions of the Subdivision Improvements Agreement. This project has successfully completed the required two year warranty period. The roads are private and therefore no County maintenance will be provided or required. Utility easements are dedicated to the responsible entity for providing installation and maintenance of the services for which the easements are established. It is recommended that the developer be released from the Subdivision Improvements Agreement by resolution from the Board of County Commissioners. cc: George Roussos, County Engineer Chrono/File I~