HomeMy WebLinkAboutR96-012 amendment to personnel policyCommissioner moved adoption of the ollowing Resolution: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO RESOLUTION NO. 96-~_ AUTHORIZING AN AMENDMENT TO THE EAGLE COUNTY PERSONNEL POLICY WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 30-11-107, C.R.S., the Board is empowered to manage the business and concerns of the County in all cases where no other provisions are made by law; and WHEREAS, the Board adopted the Eagle County Personnel Policy ("Personnel Policy") by Resolution No. 93-113 on October 4, 1993, and as amended by Eagle County Resolution No. 94-177 and 95-54; and WHEREAS, the Personnel Policy has been endorsed by the Eagle County Assessor, Eagle County Clerk & Recorder and Eagle County Treasurer in Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, the Board desires to amend the Personnel Policy and to make the provisions and benefits contained in that amendment available to any elected official and his/her employees upon the acceptance thereof by said elected official. WHEREAS, the amendments to the Eagle County Personnel Policy are set forth in Exhibit "B", attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, and will replace Page 34 and Page 86 of the existing Eagle County Personnel Policy; and ,WHEREAS, all other policies and procedures set forth in the Eagle County Personnel Policy, as adopted, shall remain unchanged. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO: THAT the Board hereby adopts the amendments to the Eagle County Personnel Policy as set forth in Exhibit B attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. That, the amendments to the Eagle County Personnel Policy is set forth in Exhibit "B" and will replace Page 34 and Page 86 of the existing Eagle County Personnel Policy. THAT, as of this date the Personnel Policy, as hereby amended, shall apply and shall be binding upon all County employees paid in whole or in part by the County except as otherwise provided for in .~30-2-104, C.R.S., and/or by the Personnel Policy, as amended. THAT, upon the acceptance of this amendment to the Personnel Policy by any elected official of the County of Eagle, the amendment shall apply and shall ~be binding upon the employees of that Elected Official's office. Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated by this reference indicates the Elected Officials of Eagle County who have endorsed these amendments to the Personnel Policy. THAT, all other provisions of the Eagle County Personnel Policy shall remain unchanged. MOVED, READ AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, at its regular meeting held the ,~_ day of 1996. ~~yE;gQ COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF ~~- COLORADO, By and Through Its ATTEST:- ~ ~~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ~~ ~~~ `'~.w.~.~,. By: Cler to th Board of George Gates County Commissioners Chairman ohnnette Phillips, Commissi er Commissioner 1~ seconded ~ adoption of the foregoing resolution. Th roll having been called, the vote was as follows :~ Commissioner George A. Gates _ Commissioner Johnnette Phillips Commissioner James E. Johnson, Jr. This Resolution passed by ~3 -(~ vote of the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. r\perplcy.amd 82-158 Attachment B EXHIBIT A The undersigned respectfully endorse the newly revised Eagle County Personnel Policy (documented and known as the Eagle County Employee Handbook) and its amendments, revisions, or deletions, and support its applicability to all Eagle County employees. This revision includes the following pages/items: PA E ITEM EFFECTIVE DATE 34 Emergency Response Time Bonus 01/22/96 Commissioner, George Gates Commissioner, James E. Johnson, Jr. Commissioner, Johnnette Phillips i sess r, Allen 1 k Clerk & Recorder, ara J. Fisher Sheriff, A.J. Johnson r i ~ Treasurer- Sherry Brandon h:\home\common\docs\exhba 01/09/96 Compensatory ~ Time Non-exempt employees who work more. than forty hours in a work week (see Overtime Policy) may designate their overtime as compensatory time instead of receiving payment at 1 + 1/2 times their regular rate of pay. An employee should indicate his/her desire to do this on his/her time sheet. Employees will be credited compensatory time for 1 + 1/2 times the overtime hours they worked. No compensatory leave shall be granted to employees for overtime when such employees are paid for the actual time worked over regular hours. Compensatory leave may be taken by an employee who has compensatory leave credit in his/her account record, but only up to the amount earned. Compensatory leave must be earned and taken only with the prior approval of the Department Director or Elected Official. Compensatory leave may be earned up to a maximum of forty-five hours. For example, if an employee works ten hours overtime, they earn fifteen hours of compensatory time. If an employee works thirty hours overtime they earn forty-five hours of compensation time. If an employee reaches a compensatory time balance of forty-five hours, they must be paid at 1 + 1/2 times their regular rate for additional overtime until they use compensation time which lowers their balance. The County reserves the right to pay an employee who has earned compensatory leave at anytime. Upon termination, employees will be paid for their compensatory time balance. Far~ergency Response Tine Bonus Exempt, non-mangement employees designated, in addition to their regularly scheduled hours, to respond to situations outside usual working hours, may be eligible for emergency response time pay. The bonus must be approved on an individual basis by the Department Head and be submitted with the current payroll. 34 Attachment B EXHIBIT A The undersigned respectfully endorse the newly revised Eagle County Personnel Policy (documented and known as the Eagle County Employee Handbook) and its amendments, revisions, or deletions, and support its applicability to all Eagle County employees. This revision includes the following pages/items: p 7 _ ITEM FFFF.('TIVE D.~ 86 Acting Appointment Bonus Pay 01/22/96 Commissioner, George Gates Commissioner, James E. Johnson, Jr. Commissioner, Johnnette Phillips sensor, Alleri 1 Clerk & Record ,Sara. J. Fisher Sheriff, A.J. Johnson r~ Treasurer Sherry Brandon h:\home\common\docs\exhba 01/09/96 Acting Ap~ointrnent When the County has vacancies caused by turnover, medical leave, leave of absence, or the creation of a new job, Elected Officials, or Department Heads with the approval ~of the Board of County Commissioners or designee, may choose to assign the duties temporarily to another employee. Elected Officials or Department Heads need the Board's approval, if the budget may be adversely impacted. If you are assigned to work in a job classified higher than your own, and outside the scope of your regularly assigned duties, for an extended period of time, you may be temporarily paid at a higher pay level. An extended period is one month or longer. When cm official 'artirtg" assignment is and submitted to Huai Resoun^es in writing, a~ditiorial pay will be provided in the form of 'bonus pay "for each payroll doming the 'aiding" assignmer~ 'Bonus Pay"will be cc~lcula~ed as a peroentage of the higher of either the individual S current annual salary or the entry level salary of the position of the 'a~ctirg" assignrner~t; Bonus pay will be calcrda±ed by nudtiplying the higher auvu~ salary by .46% for the biweekly pay cycle and 1 % for the monthly pay cycles Rev 01/96 86