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R96-011 acceptance of roads for winter maintenance in Blue Lake Subdivision Filing V
y ~ ,- r. ~~ Ib ComcaLissioner moved adoption of the following Reso u i BOARD OF CO[JNTY CO~SSIONElZS COUNTY OF EAC~E, STATE OF COIARADO NO. 96 - f In Re BLUE LAKE SUBDIVISION FILING V Acceptance of Roads for Winter Maintenance Only -~ W!l~L2EAS , pursuant to C . R . S . 3 0 - 2 8 -13 7 , . the Board of Count ~-' Cotr4nissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado ( "Board"~ ~~" ~~ entered into a Subdivision Improvements Agreement dated March 14, ,~ °~~ 1994 ( "Agreement" ) with Vantex Enterprises Inc . , ("Subdivider") , as ;,A a condition of final plat approval for Blue Lake Subdivision, ~ Filing V; and WFIERF'~AS, in accordance with the Agreement the Subdivider completed all the public improvements as required by the Agreement; therefore, by Eagle County Consent No. 95-30 the two year warranty period for Blue Lake Subdivision, Filing V was commenced, said two year warranty period shall expire on October 12, 1997; and WF~RF.AS, pursuant to the Subdivision Improvements Agreement, the Subdivider will be responsible for the condition of the Subdivision Improvements, including the roads, for the duration~of the two year warranty period; and wr~RFn~, the Blue Lake Filing V Homeowners Association and the Subdivider have requested that the County accept the roads located within Blue Lake Subdivision, Filing V, for winter mainte- nance only; see Exhibit "A", attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference; and WF~RE',AS, based upon the oral and written recommendations of the Department of Engineering, see Exhibit "B" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, THE BOARD FINDS that in order to protect the residents, acceptance of the road for winter maintenance by the Board is warranted. 582380 B-686 P-377 01/23/96 11:35A PG 1 OF 4 REC DOC Sara J. Fisher Eagle County Clerk & Recorder 0.00 f NOW, TI~R.EFORE, BE IT RESOLVID BY THE BOARD OF COUN'T'Y CONll~lISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO: THAT, based upon the recommendation of the Department of Engineering, the Boards accepts the roads located within Blue Lake Subdivision, Filing V, for winter maintenance only. THAT, upon the termination of the warranty period, the Board will proceed to accept all of the public improvements associated with Blue Lake Subdivision, Filing V. THAT, the Board hereby finds, determines and declares that this Resolution is necessary for the public health, safety and welfare of the residents of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. MOVED, RF~AD AND ADOPTID by the Board of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, held the ~,~_ day of January, 1996. ~~ of County Commissioners at its regular meeting ATTEST: COUNTY OF COLORADO, BOARD OF t~ EAGLE, STATE OF ,~ By and Through Its ~ COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ;,~ OJ By: orge ates, irman r o ette P i ips, Commissioner Commission foregoing follows: Commissioner Gates Commissioner Phillips Commissioner Johnson This Resolution passed by ~ --~ vote of the Board of County Commissioners of the County o Eagle, State of Colorado. mta\r\bluev.wrd 84-33 -2- 5823$0 B-686 P-377 01/23/96 11:35A PG 2 OF 4 County Commissioners J~J ©3 ' 96 09: 39 BLUELf~KE---------- 081 'J ~ -~ P. 2 ~•' ~b flue ~..ek~ ._ _ ~ ,i ~~ Clwners' As~so~ia~ivn ~ ~; i fr January 3, 1996 RE : Plowing of Blue Lake Subdivision - Fi~.ing 'J Dear John. Althorf , This is a request fdr eagle Gcunty to plow the roads in the 31ue ~akQ Subdivision, Filing W, on a temporary basis until such timr~ that th6 warranty has been satisfied. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at 970--963-1300. TL-rarik You . ~ f~3erYy rnaman Blum lake Owners Association P~ra,3ect Manager cc = Brad vise=ns 582380 B-686 P-377 01/23/96 11:35A PG 3 OF 4 EXH BIT P.O. Box 2~'S _ Ef Jebel, Colorado 8'~ EBB [~~3] 383_1 COO ., t i ,c °f ~~ . ~ i MEMORANDUM EAGLE COUNTY ENGINEERING TO: Maureen Amundson, Attorney's Office FROM: John Althoff, Engineering DATE: January 8, 1996 RE: Blue Lake, Filing 5 The Blue Lake Filing 5 Homeowners Association has requested that the County plow snow from the roads within the subdivision. Blue Lake Filing 5 public improvements have been completed, the Subdivision Improvements Agreement has been reduced to 10% of the original amount and the warranty period was started in September, 1995. Would suggest that the County only plow snow on the roads during the two year warranty period to provide school buses and residents better access and movement within this filing of Blue Lake. All other road maintenance is still the responsibility of the developer during the two year warranty period. xc: George Roussos Chrono/File ~ 0 582380 B-6$6 P-377 01/23/96 11:35A PG 4 OF 4 EXHIBIT