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R96-008 approval of Cordillera PUD
Commissioner moved adoption of t e following Resolution: RESOLUTION OF THE COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO RESOLUTION NO. 96- ©~ APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT OF THE CORDILLERA PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FILE NO. PD-293-95-A FILE NO. PS-293-95-5 WHEREAS, on or about September 20, 1995, the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, accepted for filing the applications submitted by Sc~zaw Creek Realty Corp. (hereinafter "Applicant") for amendment of the Cordillera Planned Unit Development, near Edwards Colorado, (hereinafter the "PUD"), File No. PD-293-95-S and File No. PD-293-95-A; and, WHEREAS, the Applicant requested the amendment of the PUD for the purposes of incorporating an additional 320 acres, the Bearden Parcel. into the Cordillera Development and to reallocate 65 dwelling units to the Bearden Parcel from the existing approved zoning; and, WHEREAS, notice of the proposed amendment was mailed to all owners of property located within and adjacent to the PUD and was duly published in a newspaper of general circulation throughout the County concerning the subject matter of the application and setting forth the dates and times of hearings for consideration of the application by the Planning Commission and the Board of County Commissioners of County of Eagle, State of Colorado (hereinafter the "Board"); and WHEREAS, at its public meeting held December 6. 1995, the Planning Commission, based upon its findings, recommended approval of the proposed PUD Amendment; and _ ~~ ' Commissione_ moved adop.tioa of the following Resolution: RESOLUTION OF THE COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO RESOLUTION NO. 96-Q~ APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT OF THE CORDILLERA PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT \ FILE NO. PD-293-95-A BILE NO. PS-293-95-5 7~I ~r WHEREAS, on or about September 20, 1995, the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, accepted for filing the applications submitted by Squaw Creek Realty Cora. (hereinafter "Applicant") for amendment of the Cordillera Planned Unit Development, near Edwards Colorado, (hereinafter the "PUD"), File No. PD-293-95-S and File No. PD-293-95-A; and, WHEREAS, the Applicant requested the amendment of the PUD for the purposes of incorAOrating an additional 320 acres, the Bearden Parcel. into the Cordillera Development and to reallocate 65 dwelling units to the Bearden Parcel from the existing ~pnroved zoning; and, WHEREAS, notice of the proposed amendment was mailed to all owners of property located within and adjacent to the PUD and was duly published in a newspaper of general circulation throughout the County concerning the subject matter of the application and setting forth the dates and ~~' times of hearings for consideration of theā¢application by the Planning ,~~ Commission and the Board of County Commissioners of County of Eagle, ~ State of Colorado (hereinafter the "Board"); and WHEREAS, at its public meeting held pecember 6. 1995, the Planning Commission, based upon its findings, recommended approval of the proposed PUD Amendment; and 581981 B-685 P-977 01/17/96 12:25P PG 1 OF 4 REC DOC Sara J. Fisher Eagle County Clerk & Recorder 0.00 ' WHEREAS, at its pu,.,lic hearing of December ly. 1995, the Board considered the PUD Amendment application, associated sketch plans and the statements and concerns of the Applicant and the Eagle County staff. Based on the evidence, testimony, exhibits, review of the Eagle County Master Plan and Open Space Plan, the recommendation of the Planning Commission and staff, and comments from all interested parties, the Board finds as follows: 1. The proposed amendment to the Cordillera Planned Unit Development is consistent with the efficient development and preservation of the entire PUD. 2. The proposed amendment does not affect in a substantially adverse manner either the enjoyment of the land abutting upon or across the street from the PUD or the public interest. 3. The proposed amendment shall not solely confer a special benefit upon any person. In accordance with Section 2.06.13, PUD District and 2.17.02(3) Sketch Plan Review, a) The Cordillera PUD Amendment is in general conformance with the Master Plan, Open Space Plan, policies, guidelines, zoning and other applicable regulations as identified above; In addition, a 1041 permit for extension of water and sewer service is required and will be considered in conjunction with the Preliminary Plan application. b) The land appears to be suitable for subdivision, however, additional technical analysis to further define specific location of development will occur at Preliminary Plan. c) Comments and recommendations from the agencies listed in Section 2.17.02(1) have been considered; d} The parcel of land proposed for subdivision has access to the state and county highway system. In accordance with Section 2.06.13(5) PUD Sketch Plan Review, 1. The resulting development will be consistent with the Master Plan objectives; 2. The area around the development can be planned to be in substantial harmony with the proposed PUD; 2 3. 4. 5. The adjacent and .~~arby communities will not be detrimentally affected by the proposed PUD; The PUD can be completed within a reasonable period of time, which shall be determined prior to final approval of the PUD; The proposed industrial development has been justified; not applicable 6. The streets can be improved to be adequate to support the anticipated traffic and the development will not overload the streets outside the planned area; 7. Proposed utility and drainage facilities can be improved to be adequate for the population densities and type of development proposed; 8. An employee housing plan has been previously considered. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO: THAT, the application submitted by Squaw Creek Realty Corgi for amendment of the Cordillera Planned Unit Development be and is hereby granted subject to the following conditions: 1. A detailed wildlife mitigation plan and Wildlife Mitigation Agreement with the Colorado Division of Wildlife shall be submitted with the Preliminary Plan. The Board finds, determines, and declares that this Resolution is necessary for the health, safety, and welfare of the inhabitants of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. MOVED, READ AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of the County~f Eagle, State of Colorado, at its regular meeting held the /l day of ,_.~ -®~.: --- ~ 1996, nunc pro tunc to the _ 2~ day of January, 1996. 3 i ` ~ Y ATTEST: :`'~S~ ~'` "-`b~;~ Y~ Sara J. Fisher Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO, By and Through Its BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BY: George A. Gates,Chairman BY: ohnnette Phillips, Commissioner l~ ~---._ _._., ssioner Commissioner ~~i.C..Q,~li3.~ seconded adoption of the foregoing Resolution. The roll having been called, the vote was as follows: Commissioner George A. Gates Commissioner Johnnette Phillips Commissioner James E. Johnson, Jr. ,.~ This Resolution passed by o~ '~ vote of the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. f:\docs\resolut.96\pd29395s 4