HomeMy WebLinkAbout1207 Hook Spur - 246503200010 - 2075-01ISINDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION P.O. Box 179 - 500 Broadway - Eagle, CO 81631 Telephone: (970) 328-8755 COPY OF PERMIT MUST BE POSTED AT INSTALLATION SITE. PERMIT NO. 2075-01 BP NO. 13571 OWNER: DEAN CAIN PHONE: 310-244-6996 MAILING ADDRESS: 10202 WEST WASHINGTON BLVD,, LEAN BUILDING, SUITE 114. CULVER CITY, CA 90232 APPLICANT: JIM COLOMBO PHONE: 970-925-7806 SYSTEM LOCATION: 1087 HOOKS SPUR RD.. EMMA CO.. 81621 TAX PARCEL NO. 2465-032-00-010 LICENSED INSTALLER: DREAGER EXCAVATING LICENSE NO. 24-01 PHONE: 970-927-3431 DESIGN ENGINEER: HIGH COUNTRY ENGINEERING, ROGER NEAL PHONE NO. 970-945-8676 INSTALLATION HEREBY GRANTED FOR THE FOLLOWING: MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR A 4 BEDROOM RESIDENCE CARETAKER UNIT 2000 GALLON SEPTIC TANK, AND A 1000 GALLON DOSING TANK THAT DELIVERS 250 GALLONS PER DOSE, 5-6 TIMES PER DAY, 2195 SOUARE FEET OF ABSORPTION AREA CREDIT, VIA A RAISED MOUND SYSTEM, AS PER ENGINEER'S DESIGN REVISIONS DATED 7/10/01. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: INSTALL AS PER ENGINEER'S DESIGN. BE SURE TO MAINTAIN ALL APPLICABLE SET BACK REQUIREMENTS, AND DO NOT INSTALL IN WET WEATHER. USE PVC SCHEDULE 40 PIPE OR DOUBLE ENCASE THE EFFLUENT LINE THAT RUNS UNDER THE ROADWAY AND PLACE CLEANOUTS EVERY 100 FEET ALONG THE RUN TO THE LEACH FIELD. FENCE OFF THE LEACH FIELD AREA TO PREVENT LIVESTOCK AND WILD LIFE FROM GRAZING OVER IT. CALL EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AND THE DESIGN ENGINEER FOR FINAL INSPECTION PRIOR TO BACK FILLING ANY PART OF THE INSTALLATION, OR WITH ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING THE INSTALLATION. THE BUILDING CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY WILL NOT UrAXIED U E IC SYSTEM HAS BEEN INSPECTED AND APPROVED. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL: DATE: JULY 20, 2001 CONDITIONS: 1. ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS, ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN 25-10-104, 1973, AS AMENDED. 2. THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR CONNECTION TO STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS. CONNECTION TO, OR USE WITH ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT, AND WILL RESULT IN BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT. 3. CHAPTER IV, SECTION 4.03.29 REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED. FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM (TO BE COMPLETED BY INSPECTOR): NO SYSTEM SHALL BE DEEMED TO BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS UNTIL THE SYSTF,M IS APPROVED PRIOR TO COVERING ANY PORTION OF THE SYSTEM. INSTALLED ABSORPTION OR DISPERSAL AREA: 2195 SQUARE FEET (VIA SAND MOUND AS PER ENGINEER'S DESIGN i INSTALI-ED SEPTICTANK:2-1000 GALLONS IS LOCATED DEGREES AND FEET INCHES FROM SEE ENGINEER'S AS -BUILT DRAWING FOR SYSTEM COMPONENT C INSTALLED DOSINGTANK: 1250 GALLONS 1S LOCATED DEGREES AND FEET INCHES FROM SEE AS -BUILT DRAWING F-0-RGOMPONENT LOCATIONS COMMENTS: THE FINAL INSPECTION WAS DONE BY WILLIAM CARLSON OF EAGLE COUNTY ENV. HEALTH AND THE DESIGN ENGINEER ON 10-12-01. THE ENGINEER'S FINAL CERTTFTCATTON AND AS-RIJTL.T DRAWTNG WFRF. RECEIVED ON 10-30-01. THIS SYSTEM IS LARGE ENOUGH FOR A 4 BEDROOM RESIDENCE, ANY ITEM NOT MEETING REQUIREMENTS WILL CORREC BC R£ F PPROVAL OF SYSTEM IS MADE. ARRANGE A RE -INSPECTION WHEN WORK IS COMPLETED. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROV Sep-27-99 03:35pm From -Earle County Clerk E1 Jebel 9700632396 T-316 P.02/10 F-011 (.Site plan wn Do attacclea) • ISDS Pe=Lt 0 '20 75-v r Building Permit # APPLZC&TXM pa ' Ili MDUAL 98W1[teiB DIBPOBAL SYSTEK PXMT 'gNVIRONNENTAL HEALTH OFFICE. EAGLE COUNTY P. O. BOX 179 EAGLE, CO 81631 328-6765/927-3823 (Basalt) + PEMT APPLXCATION FEE $46aPERCOLATION TEST FEE $200.00 * MAKE ALL REMITTANCE PAYABLE'rO: "EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER" + • **f**#�**a*t**fef*e**�r�+eir#t�****��*�*rat*��,�r*t*�*e*:���*********�*,k*ft*:#t PROPERTY OWWZR: DEAN CA MIyRG ADDRESS: APPLICANT/CONTACT,PERSON: LICENSED SYST94S CONTRACT NOW. ��'Mmwlvpl i i4�2PRONE s3VQ ?44-69.96 XN pi:ioNE:g - 06 PHONE• CQXPANY/DBA: r` '-'r' S; c • PERMIT ApPLICATIQN IS FOR: (x) NEW INSTALLATION ( } ALTERATION ( } REPAIR ZACATION OF PROPOSED INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEK: Legal Description: SFF nTTAOFiF JT ._ SHF.F - Tax Parcel Number: `& 2---6 U Lot Size: 35.001 acres Physical Address: e - BQILDING TYPE:. (Check applicable category) , (x)'Residential/Single Family Number of Bedrooms (.) Res idential/Multi-Family* Number of Bedrooms ( ) Commercial/Industrial* 'type TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: (Check applicable category) (x) Well ( ) Spring ( ) Surface ( ) public Name of Supplier: *These systeN SIGNATURE. .Z AxoUNT PAID: I 1 des 2 4� by a Registered Professional, Engineer Date: RECEIPT 0: r DATE: f i CHECK: CASHIER: CVs Community Development Department (970)328-8730 FAX (970) 328-7185 TDD (970) 328-8797 Email: eccmdeva@vail.net http: I/www.eagle-county.com EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO Date: July 20, 2001 TO: Dreager Excavating FROM: Environmental Health Division Eagle County Building P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, Colorado 81631-0179 RE: Issuance of Individual Sewage Disposal System Permit No.2075-01. Tax Parcel # 2465-032-00-010. Property Location: 1087 Hooks Spur Rd., Emma, CO., Cain caretaker unit. Enclosed is your ISDS Permit No. 2075-01 and a field copy of the engineer design stipulated on the permit. It is valid for 120 days, or for the duration of your current building permit for this property. The enclosed copy of the permit must be posted at the installation site. Any changes in plans or specifications invalidates the permit unless otherwise approved. Please note any special requirements that may have been added to the design by this department. Systems designed by a Registered Professional Engineer must be certified by the Engineer indicating that the system was installed as specified. Eagle County Environmental Health must also view the installation prior to back filling. Please call well in advance for your final inspection. Your TCO will not be issued until our office receives this certification from the engineer, and views the installation. Permit specifications are minimum requirements only, and should be brought to the property owner's attention. This permit does not indicate conformance with other Eagle County requirements. Please notify this office if you have not been contracted to perform this installation. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Environmental Health Division at 328- 8755. cc: files High Country Engineering, Roger Neal DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH (970)328-8755 FAX (970) 328-8788 TDD: (970) 328-8797 TOLL FREE: 800-225-8136 www.eagle-county.com EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO August 14, 2002 Dean Cain 1020 West Washington Blvd., Suite 114 Culver City, CO 90232 Raymond P. Merry, REHS Director RE: Final of ISDS Permit #2075-01, Tax Parcel #2465-032-00-010. Property location: 1208 Hooks Spur Rd., caretaker unit, Emma, CO. Dear Mr. Cain: This letter is to inform you that the above referenced ISDS Permit has been inspected and finalized. Enclosed is a copy to retain for your records. This permit does not indicate compliance with any other Eagle County requirements. Also enclosed is a brochure regarding the care of your septic system. Be aware that later changes to your building may require appropriate alterations of your septic system. If you have any questions regarding this permit, please contact the Eagle County Environmental Health Division at (970) 328-8755. Sincerely, Janet Kohl Eagle County Environmental Health Department ENCL: Informational Brochure Final ISDS Permit cc: files OLD COURTHOUSE BUILDING, 551 Broadway, P.O. Box 179, Eagle, Colorado 81631-0179 HF P-12-2001 1.3: 56 H- H ULU I LCH F . UZIU6 Hepworth-Pawiak Geot"hnlcal. Inc. 5029 County Road 154 echPhorkepaSprings, Colorado 91601 Fhone; 9711945-7988 Fax. 970-945.9454 Octobel 12,1999 hpgeo@hpreotech.com Chris Cain c/o Colombo International, Inc. Attn: Jim Colombo 550 B Cooper Street, Suite 205 Aspen, Colorado 81611 Job No, 198 509-1 Subject: Percolation Test Results, Proposed Septic Disposal Systems, Rock Bottom Ranch, Hooks Spar Road, Near Basalt, Eagle County, Colorado. Gentlemen. - As requested by Deric Walter of High Country Engineering, we have conducted percolation testing to evaluate the feasibility of infiltration septic disposal systems at the subject site. The work was done in accordance with our agreement for professional services to you dated September 13,1999. Hepworth-Pawlak Geotechnical, Inc. previously conducted a preliminary geotechnical study and a subsoil study for the proposed residence and presented our findings in reports dated August 12, 1998 and September 30,1998, Job No's. 198 509 and 198 509-t, respec€ively_ A profile pit and three shallow backhoe pits were excavated in each of the two proposed leach field areas on September 29, 1999 at the locations shown on Fig. 1. Percolation test holes were hand dug (about l foot deep by 1 foot in diameter) at the bottom of the shallow backhoe pits and soaked one day prior to testing. The soils exposed in the percolation holes and profile pits consisted of about 1 foot of topsoil overlying slightly silty sandy gravel with cobbles to the profile pit depths of 8 feet_ About 3 feet of silty to clayey sand was encountered between the topsoil and gravel in Profile Pit 1_ Groundwater was encountered at depths of 3 and 31/2 feet in Profile Pit l and 2, respectively. Percolation tests were performed on September 30, 1999 by a representative of Hepworth-Pawlak Geotechnical, Inc. The percolation tests in the northern field could not be conducted due to the holes being submerged with water. The percolation test results for the southern field are summarized in Table I. The percolation test results indicate an One='C . 7 1-).Z>( M-r Ultultt-m r . k:j—v el..) Chris Cain. October 12., 1999 Page 2 infiltration rate of between 7 and 13 inches per inch with an average of 9 minutes per inch. Based on the subsurface conditions, primarily the shallow groundwater, a civil engincor should be engaged to design the infiltration septic disposal systems. if you have any questions or if we can be of further assistance, please call our office. Sincerely, HEPWORTH-PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL, INC. Jordy Z. Adamson, J P. Rev By: DEH r 2 � 7 OT JZA/sd attachments cc, High Country Engineering - Attn: Deric Walter ^rnn 4 -1 -rill I M-N.MAMM '- IrM ILI-M« r-kil I I -ni Tl I On.-E, - -7 T£G:303 480 1020 F 0(1? AUG -05 99 fTHU11 10:30 WRIGHT WATER 08/05/09 THU 00:41 F&X 303 7820390 CDPRE/WQCD �J 1 1A� E SP 0-Cn1, L�•rr-�RO1 Jane E. W6n0r+ EXCOAMC 04ecia; Dedle and id PMCKr,ng and rmpfvrng the hesirt end en Vironment o1 the peopte o(Cororado A300 Chevy Cteet: Dr. S. Laboratory Ind Radrador Setvices Oi%&ion i)NWcr, Coiora6o t0246-1330 L1 Lawry ptvs. Phont G031 692.2CM Ciemer Cd 8021"928 Located ie Ckadsie, Colagdo 003) 692-3090 ht o://www.CdDhestrte.w.v1 August 3. 1999 Mr dean Cain cJo John Goodman, EsQuirs Drag SA-60 Beevet Creek CO 81620 Re: Seraon 401 wMer Quaky Cero6carion Perrnk No. ".19875207 Colo. Cent No. 2790 Dear Mr. Cain: Tile Water Queft Corm L, Dhislon his re iewatt Me federal t?:ERse ar perms infarrnabon autunitted related to cer6fteeban for the wAvily described betew. F the subrnilted information are followed and the attached General Conditions (i Dtvmion is reasone* assured that Seddon 301. 302. 303, 308 and 307 of th of the CcAorada Mister Gus* Control FO4 Mini not be violated by this get ty. F6.:14; 2 �F -COLORADO C.el4-aJo Depaitmant of bblic Hdth anti Envimrimcat Mood the plane of operation included in late appllcaNe) are COM9090 with, the Clean Water Act and applicable sections An antidegradation ravtaw has she been cempieted as required by the Basit Standards and Methodologiesfar Suffsce Water a$el� only temporary 31, 1088. This review showed that otemporary Ghang�e LO water quality would [-coin as a result of this project Thus a* projtatt is certified as deatgned with the 81taetlad Genera[ and Saspttio al Condn6 (where SP910- e). ti Description: Discharge fill Material in wetlands to construct a driveway applicant plans to build a house, a caretaker residence ai L_=hzn: Senn 3, TP.S. P87W, Eagle County. Colotade. Weterpourse: Wettands adjacent to the Roaring Fork Rarer. This awtica6on Was not com%itute a refinqufshment or the Water Quality C 'I" "elan do Water Quetay Contral Act,' or any aubsequen, akarat+ons the local, atate orfaderot regulations. Sin sty, •� 0 n Farrow Frotsuizonal Engineer WATEER.QUAUTIY CONTROL DIVISION Attachment CV. Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District - Sacramento Corps of Enakeam. Saeraniento District- Grand Jvnction Northwest Cobrprla Counri of Covernmente - A'►'TN: Robeft Rear ubn7d, OF, - Stearnboat Sprinas %&to an upland area on which the horse barn. % OMwon's authonty an delineated In not dow, it futltS or waive any Mar MEMORANDUM EAGLE COUNTY ENGINEERING TO: Colleen Wirth Community Development Department FROM: Peter Sulmeisters DATE: July 2, 2001 RE: BP-13571 Cain Ranch Caretaker's Unit Building Permit I have reviewed the above referenced files and have made some comments for the applicant on the attached site plan. With the attached site plan the engineering Department has no further comments. Notes: 1. This review is only for the caretakers unit. 2. Per a telephone conversation with Jim Colombo of Colombo International Inc. on June 29, 2001, He will be submitting a revised site plan which reflects the red line comments on the attached site plan. Xc: File/CHRONO Helen Migchelbrink, County Engineer I11 I\ LL LkJ1:Jl -JV i i awL__iti- . FAX TRANSMITTAL FORM DATE: `" Q l TO: 13: ( ( C_��� FROM: Number of Pages: (including this page) MESSAGE: The original of this transmittal will be sent by: HEPWORTH - PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL, INC_ 5020 County Road 154 Glenwood Springs, Colorado 81601 Phone: 970-945.7988 Fax: 970-945-8464 e-mail: hpgeo@hpgeotech.com PR6JEOT NO.: e—S I FAX NO: Ordinary Mail `M Overnight Fax Only Other %a The information contained in this facsimile message is confidential and intended for the sole use of the individual named above. If you are not the intended recipient, received this communication in error, or if problems occur with transmission, please notify us at 970-945-7988. Sent By: APR-1P-PRR1 THII AP:04PM Tn:Fprl F fallINTY PNV HFAI TH PAGE:1 October 30, 2001 Bill Carlson Environmental Health Specialists P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, Colorado 81631 RE: Cain Residence Caretaker Unit ISDS, Eagle County HCE Project Number 99004.25 Dear Bill: The final site inspection and project review was completed at the Cain Residence October 12, 2001. Bill Carlson, R.E.H.S. for Eagle County and Matthew Taylor, Field Engineer for High Country Engineering Inc. (HCE) met on site the morning of the October 12. An agreement that the system is watertight and will function per the design concludes the design, inspection, and final acceptance for the Cain Residence Caretaker Unit ISDS. Please find for your review, the Record Drawing for this project. The Record Drawing will include any changes made in the installation process for the ISDS pertaining to the Cain Residence Caretaker Unit. Thank you for your time and review. High Country Engineering Inc. looks forward to working with Eagle County in the near future. Sincerely, HIGH COUNTRY ENGINEERING, INC. Roger Neal Principal cc: Jim Columbo 1517 BLAKE AVENUE, SUITE 101, GLENWOOD SPRINGS, COLORADO 91601 Telephone (970) 945-8676 X Fax (970) 945-2555 October 12, 2001 Bill Carlson Environmental Health Specialists P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, Colorado 81631 RE: Cain Residence Caretaker Unit ISDS HCE Project Number 99004.25 Dear Bill: The Installation of the Individual Sewage System was completed Tuesday August 14, 2001, High Country Engineering Inc. was on site monitoring project completion and site inspection.The design for this system includes a 1250 Gallon and (2) 1000 Gallon Septic and Dosing Tanks with infiltrators in a bed configuration. Eagle County Representative, Bill Carlson, Glen Draeger from Draeger Excavating and Matthew Taylor with High Country Engineering was present on Wednesday August 22, 2001 for discussion and acceptance of the Caretaker Unit ISDS. Concerns for the system include a high water table, submerged tanks, and tank flotation. All tanks are anchored properly. Anchors exceeded 1 c.y. concrete on both sides of the 1250 and 1000 Gal tanks. Bitchathane and roof tar is applied at all seams and connections. The tar application is heavy and the inside seams and walls are double grouted. After one week, a second inspection was performed. A small drip was noticed every three minutes. Eagle County Health was concerned about the submerged system and High Country Engineering Inc. met on site to discuss the situation shortly there after. High Country Engineering Inc. and Glen Draeger concluded that the tanks be sealed again and be cased in concrete. This solution will provide for more anchorage and also allow this system to be watertight. Per conversation with Bill Carlson, we have discussed that this solution must be adequate and not allow for any leakage. After close monitoring consisting of two additional site visits the week of August 27, High Country Engineering Inc. has concluded this is an efficient means for watertight tanks. No further drips in any tanks and all corners of the tanks were checked for level. Eagle County Representative, Bill Carlson and High Country Engineering Inc., Field Engineer will be on site Friday October 12, 2001 for a final walk thru and acceptance of the Cain Residence Caretaker Unit ISDS. Sincerely, HIGH COUNTRY ENGINEERING, INC. Matthew Taylor Field Engineer 1517 BLAKE AVE, SUITE 101, GLENWOOD SPRINGS, COLORADO 81601 Telephone (970) 945-8676 X Fax (970) 945-2555 .-0 CA Z00 rn -V �'� -i u� r+i r [*l••4`- 0z 0 -ADn x mZvo cDi�r'+v o= a cn �w N� DD rn n>-irn M xm v �OZ cr�iC f n o ^-nU) °° ° , ° oC Krnrn 0- -0 A z� n � Xg22� O0 (A vin oC > � /� VJ �{ A I-r n e O �� Gi D 0 OOD rnr+I��j *1� Cf) M � c mCx c r -� rn rn mCCZ rZ r :Or cn0� M0 CZY Oc O G)(4 m � Drr n �D r "zrnm�N�an r-x ZDm �7 G7 m nrn Q N OZ ^ rn Mov -+ .� ` ! Z mZ )�D(no �ZOM 9n 2' MIN. Z� ��o rn y 0 Q �0 coon= rm*�� �o �d a a Mn 3D�=C� �.. 8 G)� C _4 q rn rn for Sw -0 T �x O a cn a /� N rn _ ::;o mr-7, - O > C CX) rrI (A17Z Cv C?N � �� �nD o�rn �� rn Oa CD nq�mZm'"cnor°�i .p O cm'' Z � Vo -'' rnA rn -i M �. 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' - 1 .+ _... .. y O r 4 S ._ sa .. i M , • m - APPROXIMATE SCALE 1 " = 200' PROFILE I o PIT 1 z P 3 c> o f P i P ?_ 100 YEAR t � � FLOOD LINE 1 0000 �-- PROPOSED PROFILE LEACHFIELD PIT 2 P 6 P 4 P 5 '¢n (TYPICAL) \ RAILRO, Rom POND � PROPERTY. s �Q 'QO BOUNDARY 9$ 509-1 1 GEOTOECHNICAL, ZINC P RCO ATION pESTILHOLES AND I Fig. HEPWORTH-PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL, INC. TABLE PERCOLATION TEST RESULTS JOB N0.198 509-1 HOLE NO. HOLE DEPTH (INCHES) LENGTH OF INTERVAL (MIN) WATER DEPTH AT START OF INTERVAL (INCHES) WATER DEPTH AT END OF INTERVAL (INCHES) DROP IN WATER LEVEL (INCHES) AVERAGE PERCOLATION RATE (MINANCH) P-4 26 5 8 1/2 6 112 2 7 6 112 5 112 1 5 112 4 1/2 1 4 112 3 112 1 3 112 2 3/4 3/4 2 314 2 314 P-5 27 5 9 8114 314 13 8 114 7 314 112 7 314 7 314 7 6 112 1/2 6 1 /2 6 112 6 5 518 318 5 5/8 5 1/4 318 P-6 33 5 11 314 10 3/4 1 7 10 314 9 3/4 1 9 314 9 314 9 8 1 - 8 7 114 314 7 114 6 318 718 6 318 5 314 6/8 NOTE. Percolation test holes were hand dug in the bottom of backhoe pits and soaked on September 29, 1999. Percolation tests were conducted on September 30, 1999. The average percolation rate is based on the last two readings of each test. �-' Owner Name/Address Account LAIN, DEAN G. R047857 CIO PROVIDENT FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 10345 WEST OLYMPIC BLVD Year District LOS ANGELES CA 90064 2001 ISCO07 Apr Dist St O A aeu c...,.-,, r I2465-032-00-010 Street No Dir No# HOOK SPUR RD e Location City Location Zip Acet Type Lagt EL JEBEL BACode Owner Id Owner Location Map No ❑ Name El Tax Items: u Protest (T) ❑ Situs El Pre/suc Mobile Auth ❑ Mobile ❑ Remarks [ Tract JEJ Tax Sale Value [ Condo ❑ Spc Asmt LJ State Asd ❑ Block ❑ Mines ❑ Control ❑ Sales ❑ Sibling ❑ History ❑ Misc { ❑ Flags [ PPCertLtr CAMA (A) Personal ( Oil and G: Recording Imaging Mill Levy 59.107009 M Legal Description SECT,TWN,RNG:3-8-87 TRAC' Version 'V. Date Time FID Appl New Version 20010410002 ;10-APR-xa0.1 09:04 AM C LAMA 20.010413000 TYPE ACTUAL ASSD ACRES SQ FT AGRICULTURAL 2,51 _ 730i 35.002 AL 2,51 1 7301 35.0021 1 In Queries STRE>T Y 2075-01 Tax 42465-032-00-010 JOB NAME. 1087 Hooks Spur Rd CAIN Emma CARETAKER UNIT JOB NO. LL /3J-7 LOCATION BILL TO DATE TARTED DATE COMPLETED DATE BILLED `L E Cl.L W �f e so �o ads s', A pp, e,2, Ai� � ng JOB COST SUMMARY �' r 7 TOTAL SELLING PRICE Ccx p i�` �r� �► '� 1 �' J r i ' �� / 1 T T�L MATERIAL �O cti% �` d�Q �� �,� r' oCc TOTAL LABOR INSURANCE ZOd 1 ,3 -Or S r� 4 4 , �U /' SALES TAX MISC. 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