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INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION P.O. Box 179 - 500 Broadway • Eagle, CO 81631 Telephone: (970) 328-8755 COPY OF PERMIT MUST BE POSTED AT INSTALLATION SITE. PERMIT NO. 1741-97 BP NO. 11567 OWNER: JEFFREY SEIDELPHONE: 212-436-4231 MAILING ADDRESS: 28 E. I OTH STREET EW YO K NY 10003 APPLICANT: SAME PHONE: SYSTEM LOCATION: 0046 BIG DIPPER M- BELLYACHE RIDGE, WOLCOTT, CO TAX PARCEL NO. 1941-352-02-001 LICENSED INSTALLER: DIG IT EXCAVATING RQBERT STEPHEN5ON __.._ .. LICENSE NO. 6-98 PHONE: 970-328-5434 DESIGN ENGINEER: BLUEFIN U.S., INC., ROBERT NAUMANN PHONE NO. INSTALLATION HEREBY GRANTED FOR THE FOLLOWING: 1250 GALLON SINGLE_ AUTO_ SIPHON TANK WITH 3 COMPARTMENTS, SIPHON DOSE I35 GALLONS.900 SQUARE FEET OF MOUND DESIGN. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: INSTALL AS PER FN INEER' DESIGN REVISIONS DATED 1-28- 9. INCLUDE A CLEANOUT BETWEEN THE TANK AND THE HOUSE AND INSPECTION PORTS WITHIN THE MOUND.. ENGIN EER 10 CONFIRM AC EPT CE RATEIPERCOLATION RATE OF SANDFILL AT 10 MPJ. ENQINEER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR FINAL INSPECTION BUILDJNQ CERTIFICATE OF QCCUPANCY WILL NOT BE ISSUED UNTIL SEPTIC SYSTEM IS APPROVED. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL:@ DATE: MAY 11. 1998 CONDITIONS: I. ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS, ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN 25-10-104, 1973, AS AMENDED. 2. THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR CONNECTION TO STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS, CONNECTION TO OR USE WITH ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT. 3, CHAPTER IV, SECTION 4.03.29 REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED. FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM (TO BE COMPLETED BY INSPECTOR): NO SYSTEM SHALL BE DEEMED TO BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS UNTIL THE SYSTEM IS APPROVED PRIOR TO COVERING ANY PORTION OF THE SYSTEM. INSTALLED ABSORPTION OR DISPERSAL AREA: A OO 1, a G a 1 area SQUARE FEET (VIA 570 mound area ) INSTALLED 3—compartment TANK: 1250 GALLONS IS LOCATED DEGREES AND FEET FROM see site plan for system component locations. COMMENTS: En ineer final certification received 5-9-99. ANY ITEM NOT MEETING REQUIREMENTS WILL BE CORRECTED BEFORE FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM IS MADE. ARRANGE A RE -INSPECTION WHEN WORK IS COMPLETED. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL DATE: Maur 14 - 1 999 (Site Plan MUST be attached) ISDS Permit # C APPLICATION FOR INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICE - EAGLE COUNTY P. d. BOX 179 EAGLE, CO 81631 328-8755/927-3823 (El 3ebel) * PERMIT APPLICATION FEE $150.00 PERCOLATION TEST FEE $200.00 * * .-MAKE'ALL REMITTANCE PAYABLE TO:' "EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER" PROPERTY OWNER: �e-��� • C� . e , c' e 1 PHONE: (31, MAILING ADDRESS: APPLICANT/CONTACT MAILING ADDRESS: A- E . 10 N�..0 -jof f N 10c0 j PERSON: PHONE: LICENSED ISDS C NTRACTOR : C PHONE. '0 �i J� COMPANY/ DBAa-AAy,,,S C nJS OC O ADDRESS: � lWi _ FG, " e,i,a a,5t f it PERMIT APPLICATION IS FOR: New Installation ( ) Alteration ( ) Repair LOCATION OF PROPOSED INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM: Building Permit `re� �r (if known) f �{{ „QQ'1A9e Filing: l_ Legal Description: Subdivisir�n:�l ��h� I�� I Black:_ � Lot No. Tax Parcel Number: � � � � � - � � a .. (ja, - 00 Lot Size: a Rct-eS Street Address: oo61- U, c� BUILDiNC/TYPE: (Check applicable category) ( ) Residential/Single Family ( ) Residential/Multi-Family* ( ) Commercial/Industrial* TYPE OF WATER S PPLY: (Check applicable category) ( Well ( ) Spring ( ) Surface ( Publi i Name of Supplier: Number Number Type _ of Bedrooms of Bedrooms *These systems r quire design by a Registered Professional Engineer SIGNATURE: Date: 10)1� of TO BE COMPLETED THE COUNTY AMOUNT PAID: 0In RECEIPT #: iol it DATE: (D Iq CHECFC # . 1 �( 3 CASHIER: Community Development Department (970) 328-8730 FAX (970) 328-7185 TDD (970) 328-8797 Email: eccmdeva@vail.net http: //www.eagle-county.com EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO May 14, 1999 Jeffrey Seidel 28 E. 10th Street New York, NY 10003 Eagle County Building P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, Colorado 81631-0179 RE: Final of ISDS Permit #1741-97, Tax Parcel #1941-352-02-001. Property location: 0046 Big Dipper Rd., Wolcott, CO. Dear Mr. Seidel:' This letter is to inform you that the above referenced ISDS Permit has been inspected and finalized. Enclosed is a copy to retain for your records. This permit does not indicate compliance with any other Eagle County requirements. Also enclosed is a brochure regarding the care of your septic system. -;r Be aware that later changes to your buildi:,4 may require appropriate alterations of your septic system. If you have any questions regarding this permit, please contact the Eagle County Environmental Health Division at (970) 328-8755. Sincerely, Janet Kohl Environmental Health Department Eagle County Community Development ENCL:Informational Brochure 1� Final ISDS Permit cc: files Received May-06-99 12:49pm from 3039381703 a ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH page 2 1+AY-06-99 12:54 PM Par- avon 71039981703 �f Slueffin U.S. Inca 3018 Cloverleaf Wive > ouldn' C0101440 80304 t (303) 440-9300 5a-e-S2 Eagle County Health Department Avert caidradc Re: !Fw+lo system inspection - iot 16, Bellyache Ridge W, Eagle rvum y In rel:erence to the Individual sewage disposal system Installed at the Seidel residence, thle letter is to clarify that o ewer Tine cleonout woq lri& fled between the zeptio tank and the home being served, and that the septlo ¢feld Inspection portals were Iristoiled per the approved plans with one portci for each dis,:harge fine, Also, ottached in the cer-tification of sieve test regultz vnd the u.S, 5dis Conservotior .aervfae Boll Type designotlon for the fli moteriol from the rmoterlol suppiier, Frorr this anaiy fS Ord the Ottoahed voluez of the I-ong Term Azeptance i-otee, the fill rmoterloi Is acceptable per the approved plons and SpeclIcations, for the eys�-em as deelgmed, sincerely, Robert C, Naumann, P4. Received May-06-99 12:49pm from 3039381703 4 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH page 3 MA`,'—r5�}' I"�:u� ECM F'P.YE �JYF £tsc33l;i7GJ3 i . ✓.��/1:7'.7Cd �d�fi� �6i��,d'`.: ri��'.i1$11,?'��i�!• .,. .iciwwv4ls ��}YQ�TM!•I�Ath'1,',�, (lttItiC1!'+flGAt, INC, Gt,aw�t 6 (,1)011,411 i I a '01� 94w11% rn4tle q1n tit -MR [ktobel 10. 1998 Dig It >~xcavatin fir 14 �J % Ann-, R�b#rt Stepbon,�fiti a te, Colorado M 6.11 Subject; Ks"llwtvQv� Li bot aic+ y Tv5fl ng, 144� Dear Mr, Stapht on. PteLtented will) this letter are the rrhu#sti of laboratory t0tttg pe furrrtrll 11:1 ► %ptliple i+l' pond swtd submitted ter our labor, ur) ,ln A grodailon amaiyMi was Intformed in accordance tyith ASTM procedkirtN Wo are avaJlable fnr %toting ofaddidorwaI saitlP'•ciao regalred, In tk►e ruiullinw it}fm have on), questions, please cols our otl%e Siccerely. HEPWORTHrPAWLAK f:EOTE HNtC.4l„ INC, NlioWO lmvans, s, . Mli"ki: Received May-w06-99 12:49pm from 3039381703 -1 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH r+3s= Y-06-99 1 2 : 56 PM Par a.g on 3039381703 page 4 P . 04 �✓�+r� 4a d W r'1.' w`, �. y. ... .14 ,, i ,f .1 . .., ,. , r.J.�I.I � 1 1, li � pq, d�WeYK .(,.,.• `{ � .r r. 1 i y s� �••, f /' 1 I B" rl •q yWA•o..• N 4 f � 4 I i r I I ! } f •.. —1♦ I 1 w I .;.• .,y,,, . ..r.1.«. ,«..s•. I •n rr,! f s �.. � i •1 i«.---•.•I I i 1 � E II � 1 "1 •� � .* •r!1 � 1 ►..f:F.'�. r, .r�c+ww if • 1 f... w..�. .A s i e... ..r 1 •r }• I I ++rr� .f....}+rr r 1• .r i � I•I � I I I I Sf � 11 ! r r 111 � rt t I• F t 1� ( i t 1 }} ! l I jjjjjj I it t 4 y'r 1 4 Al I 107 1 ! "*`•"T.a-. ,w .. •1f1 !• "W„ r is ( ' 1 fir) i r I;I� � i � i � •I' � � ; .I•,.....ti/�I Lr r r .. rl � 1 iS 1 If I I I I 1I ,I II� II mtdT &P90, PAf dize . PINTA PtRCINT X-NO V20 14 silty arras Received May-05-99 09:07am from 3039381703 4 ENviRONMENTAL HEALTH page 2 MAY--05-99 09 ! 13 AM Paragon 80393S i F az R. 02 M Sluefin U.S. Inc. f0 Cloverleaf Drive Boulder, Colorado ROM Pk, A fax (303) 440®0300 0-23-96 5ogle County Heolrh Deportment Vail, Calorodo Re; i�ot 13, Bellyache Ridge. Septic system Inspectlon Inspectlon ref sewage disposal ;Oystem was Completed 6" 12'96 for campllance w1th the approved plans as deslgr�ed, The following Items were reviewed and the system approved as cor istructed. L/A 1250 gallon septic tank insrolfed and bedded adequotely and level with motive t�p soils. No bedrock was &Wountered and ony iarge boulders or rocks were removed, ✓Ar7 In-l€ne 500 gdllom ;surge tank with a 135 gailon/cycle outomotic slphon was iristolled In series with the septic toznk and similarly bedded. Four Inch diameter PVC schedule 40 sewer pipe of slope greater than OM&elghth Inch per font to four hole distribut€on box told on undlsturbed mo lve soil at 12 Inches below ground surfoce. 570 square foot level obsdrptlon field with 2A. Inches of clean, washed gravel ( one half inch to two and one half Inch dlometer os speclfled. Imparted absorption field percoiotior, mo'teriol woo provided lay the eaptic controatars vendor, Contractor Is responsible for sleve tests as necessory, 5lncerely, ,114,f�f�f;r��t� ♦t'__��,,11 tf,jriffl rlt/lltrf �,+ bigou P.M AL `f � i j excavate field area to 4 foot delth maximum, or to bedrock '.if closer than 4 foot to existing grade. ,onstruct 3 foot wide earthen berm around field rerimeter. �onsruct berms in 12 inch lifts and comi;act to 95 8 co"-fl :action -onstruct absor;�tion bed with ,7 ediun gain sand fill (perc- olation rate = 10 ninutes/inch-nini:--Qum), and coma -)act to 0,0;6 coMi-faction maxi,?iuTn in 6 i_ch lifts. Sewer -- 4 inch dia.,,7eter, schedule 40 i:i ,;e (1 V1sl'toe minif]7tim), 12 inches mini.num. Eed ,.irAn_3� and diUt- ribution box as necessary for field --onditions Distribution ir _ 4 inch Clldip€ ter O?c;��d 1 '', dace d i stribti en i. ire in 4 inch gravel bed us n� g 1 /2:� _ 2y 1 /2 r{ --ravel with 2 1 /2 11 ;f ravei cover ar over absorption bed with 12 ? aches of for soil, i ni nucn, and grade bed and vic- inity to sued surface Grater run-off. ill excavations, fill duality and placemeni,, bedding, and fill conjaction must be inspected by the Soils =:gin; ineer. 121:1 IiJJb IU:e� 'JPJ b-cIJJU BONNIE R JERRY PAVE 09 July 17. 1996 RM Pereclation Test Lot IS, Bellyache Ridge Filing No. ] r<.wy,1w f':,-.rM►y. r',efnrrrin Ow.�jw�+ ��� C1tiRA At your request on July 12 and 13, 1996, we visited Lot 18, Bellyache Ridge 51 Filing Nn. 1, near Weilcntt. Ragin C niint.y, Cnlnrarlo Thw r,ftrrNMA Of ^ur th* visits tuwQ- As shown on the Location Sketch, Drawing No. 1, the lielected area is near the: comer of the lot. The; soil exposed in the Profile Hole consisted of: from 0 to 4 feet of Topsoil, Wulm'l A ♦V a OW06 o r1lWJal1uh brs .r n, aw;sdr �31w's from 5 to 8.5 feet of Grayish -brown, weathered Bedrock (Soft, and breakable b Groundwater was not encountered iii ilia prdlo hole. Throe lserenlwtiOn h*14W ware ,9X*J.Vit4R{, Prvroeked overnight, &nd tented the fe tiny. Tho percolation rate wris as follows: Ferc TZat No- l Perc.1'C No.-2 Rera.1OU No-,- 9 4.3 minutes per inch 5.7 minutesaer. ttcii _-_-.. 5,4 ininutam•per•inc An average percolation rate recommended fbr design is 10 minutes per inch. Th percolation rate is within the recommended design criteria of the Eagle County Regulat Individual Subsurface Sewage Disposal System; however, due to the closeness of the b layer (required four feet separation between the top of the bedrock and the bottom of t leachfield), the septic system should be engitsetred. Either a discharging sold filter, or al system can be designed for this site. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, LKP Eno r Luiza Petrovska, P fiS' ••• ••,�• President M1N A n � Enclosure cMerr�cnwrw�rnwrooes+srzrrnn.wra F.O. Box 1452, Avon, Cof orado 81620 • (970) 827.9088 Tel • (970) 827.9089 Fax vision select a 12/28/19�6 10:07 970-926-5030 BONNIE & JERRY PAGE 10 .L- - «--'_ -1J. J- 1 f W _LLi----JWJW LVI YI '11'_ L. •J w..: ..- i . -'-ice --0 � t LIB "'Engineering, Inc. SOIL AND FOUNDATION INVESTIGATION FOR PROPOSED RESIDENCE LOT 18, BELLYACHE RIDGE SUBDIVISION FILING NO. I EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO PROJECT NO. 9666 SEPTEMBER 9, 1996 qao-Q6 295215 PREPARED FOR: T.A.P. LAND & CATTLE COMPANY WYKSTRA 811 CASEY KEY NOKOMIS, FL 34275 P.0,13ox 1452, Avon, Colorado 81620 0 (970) 827.9088 Tel * (970) 827.9089 Fax TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVESUMMARY ... .................. ................... ........................... 2 SCOPEOF STUDY ............................................. , .............. I .......... 2 SITEDESCRIPTION ................................................ ........... 2 PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ................... . ................. 1 3 FIELDINVESTIGATION .......... ......................................................... 3 SUBSURFACE SOIL AND GROUNDWATER CONDITION ...................................... 3 FOUNDATION RECOMMENDATIONS ....................... . ................1 .......... ... 4 EXCAVATION DIFFICULTIES ....... ..................................................... 4 SLABCONSTRUCTION ...................................................................4 RETAININGWALLS ........... ............................. ..... I - ... I .... ........,.....5 UNDERDRAINSYSTEM............................................................. . . . . .. 5 SITE GRADING AND DRAINAGE ................... ........................... ........... 6 LAWN IRRIGATION ...............................................1. .............. ...,..6 LIMITATION.................... ................. ....... .... .....I ........ .....,......... 7 FIGURES LOCATION SKETCH—. . .................... • • . • ...... , . , .. ,DRAWING NO. I SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOGS .............. . ........... FIGURE NO. I PERIMETER DRAIN ................ .............. . ..........FIGURE NO.2 LKP Engineering, Inc, EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The proposed residence should be supported on the undisturbed bedrock, with conventional type spread footings, designed for a maximum allowable soil bearing pressure of 3000 ps£ See Foundation Recommendation. SCOPE OF STUDY This report presents the results of a subsurface Soil and Foundation Investigation for the proposed residence to be constructed on Lot 18, Bellyache Ridge Subdivision Filing No, determine le County, Colorado. The purpose of the subsurface soil and foundation investigation was the engineering characteristics of the foundation soil and to provide recommendations from a Geotechnical point of view for the foundation design, grading, and drainage. SITE pESCRIPTION The proposed building site is on a 2.019 acre lot, at the southwest corner of the intersection of BigDipper Road with Bellyache Ridge Road, in the Bellyache Ridge Subdivision, south from runs Wolcott, Eagle County, Colorado. The topography of the site is moderate to steep. A ridge through the middle of the lot. To the west of the ridge the vegetation consisted of pine forest, while p to the east there were aspen trees. Also, an the to of the ridge and on its west and north sides, there there is an area with was bedrock outcropping. Between the evergreens and the aspens tothe �� Lot 4G, to the west, has grass and shrubs. Drainage is to the west, east and north, toward the a residence on it, while Lot 17 to the south is vacant. The lot is also vacant. 3 PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION It is understood that the proposed residence will consist of a two-story wood frame construction, concrete foundation and a partial, walkout basement. Loads are anticipated to be light, typical of residential construction. If the finalized plans differ significantly from the above understanding, we should be notified to reevaluate the recommendations of this report. FIELD INVESTIGATION The field investigation conducted on September 5, 1996, consisted of excavating and logging one test pit. The test pits' location is shown on Drawing No. 1. The excavation of the test pit was done with a conventional rubber tired backhoe, We show the soil profile of the test pit on the Subsurface Exploration Logs, Figure No. 1, SUBSURFACE SOIL AND GROUNDWATER CONDITION The soil profile encountered in Test Pit No. 1 consisted of 1.5 feet of topsoil over 2.5 feet of weathered bedrock. Refusal on hard bedrock was encountered at 4 feet. Review of the Indexes to Geological Mapping, Eagle County, Colorado, prepared by Charles S. Robinson and Associates, Inc., in 1973, shows that the underlying bedrock is Dakota Sandstone. The Dakota Sandstone consists of fine to very coarse sandstones with thin interbedded shale and coal. These maps also state that part of the lot is within a geologic hazard of debris slides, landslides and within areas susceptible to snow sliding or a snow avalanche under extreme weather conditions. The geologic hazards are outside of our scope of services. They were investigated by E.Q. Church, Inc., Engineers and Geologists. Their report is appended. L KP Engineering, Inc. 19/27/1996 2e:58 970-926-5030 BONNIE u JERRY RAGE 06/16 4 FOUNDATION RECOMMENDATIONS We understand that the proposed residence will be close to the top of the ridge and to the west of it. Based on the soil profile exposed in Test Pit No. 1, and the bedrock outcropping; observed on the lot, the entire foundation should be supported on bedrock. The proposed residence should be supported with conventional type spread footings, designed for a maximum allowable soil bearing pressure of 3000 psf. The footings should be placed on the undisturbed bedrock. Minimum width of 16 inches is recommended for the continuous footings and 2 feet for the isolated footing pads. A minimum of 48 inches ofbackfill cover is recommended for frost protection of the footing subsoils. Imported fill material, approved by the undersigned engineer, might be necessary for the foundation backfill. The foundation excavation should be free from excavation spoils, frost, organics and standing water. Voids left in the foundation excavation by the removal of rocks, should be Flied with lean concrete. EXCAVATION DIFFICULTIES From the condition of the bedrock outcroppings observed on the lot, we assume that the excavation can be done with large excavation machinery. Hydraulic hammers and blasting to loosen the rocks, might also be needed. Excavation of narrow utility trenches might be more difficult, SLAB CONsTRl1CTION The natural on -site sails, exclusive of topsoil, organics, are suitable to support lightly loaded slag -on -grade construction. Due to the closeness of the bedrock, (and the absence o e n suitable far the under most of the topsoil) within the proposed building site, an imported fill might b construction of a slab on grade. Underslab fill should be constructed with a suitable material,- ) compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the maximum standard Proctor density than D698. suitable material should be free from topsoil, organics and rock fragments greaterhan ;inches. 5 The concrete slab should be constructed over a 4-inch layer of clean gravel consisting of -3/4 inch gravel with at least 50% retained on the No, 4 sieve and less than 3 percent passing the No. 200 sieve. The concrete slab -on -grade should be reinforced and control joints scored according to the American Concrete Institute requirements and per the recommendations of the designer to reduce damage due to shrinkage. The concrete slab should be separated from the foundation walls and columns with expansion joints to allow for independent movement without causing damage. RETAINING WALLS Foundation walls retaining earth and retaining structures that are lateraliv supported should be designed to resist an equivalent fluid density of 60 pcf for an "at -rest" condition. Laterally unrestrained structures retaining the on -site earth should be designed to resist an equivalent fluid density of 40 pcf for the "active" case. The above design recommendations assume drained backfill conditions and a horizontal backfill surface. Surcharge loading due to adjacent structures, weight of temporary stored construction materials and equipment, inclined backfill and hydrostatic pressure due to undrained backfill should be incorporated in the design. Every attempt should be made to prevent the buildup of hydrostatic pressure behind the retaining wall. UNIDERi}Il`AIN SYSTEM Perched water condition is very common in foundations constructed on bedrock. To reduce the risk of surface water infiltrating the foundation subsoil (and the development of a perched water condition) installation of a foundation perimeter drain is recommended. The foundation perimeter drain should consist of a 4-inch diameter perforated pipe sloped to a suitable gravity outlet, or to a sump pump location. The drain should slope at 1/4 inch per foot if flexible or at 1/9 of an inch if rigid pipe is used. The bottom of the trench adjacent to the footing should be lined with a polyethylene moisture barrier glued to the foundation wall. The drain pipe should be placed over the moisture barrier and covered with a minimum of 6 inches of -3/4 inch free -draining granular material. LKP Engineering, Inc. 12/28/199G 10:07 97e-926-5030 TE & JERRY TEST PIT NO. 1 PAGE 04 DAT_Z EXCAVATED: September 5, 1996 ELEVA7i0N: S DEPTH tM D2SCRIPTION OF MATERIAL - LABORATORY REMARKS MET a A1,M SAMPLE LOCA'nON TEST RESULTS 0 L Topsoil Weathered bedrock ..._s Resfusal at 4 feet on No Ground Water Sandstone Bedrock Encountered ® = Relatively undisturbed hand drive Bulk sample DD a Natural Dry Density MC = Naturai Moisture Content -200 = Percent passing No. 200 sieve LL = Liquid Limit PI = Plasticity Index L P ENGINEERING, INC. I SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG MOJECT NA. 9666 FIGL?X N`0- 5LORE A �yA }' FR✓&I BUILDING --- COVCR SACKFILL WI rH ONE FOOT OF RELA RVEL Y IMPERVIOUS 5a1L GRANULAR FILL 1 ti Ci) CaQ O� �� o �\ IMPER 000S MCIS TUP, E" , ARR1E-R GLUE1a "'O THE FOUNDA T'ON VmL ORA l•EL TNlCK>v'ESS Sr%OULD Se A r L FAS r 8 INCHES AND SHOULD 1NCh'EASE IF N-AVIEE' SECPAGc IS AN77CIPA rEL7 CSYIl./C £OT£CH`ICJ1L LKP ' Engi'neering, .Inc. P O. Sox 1452 ,:von, CO 81620 ._._.a — tef (?701 927-9C58 faz (?7C) 827-4p99 11 FIL Te R FA8PIC (MIRAFI 14ON OR EQUIVALENT) �- COAR,5 GRA VEL, 314 INCH DIAM W rM L E ss THAN 57 FINES 4-INCH CIA ,VET 17 PERFQ.?ATED PIPE SL OPEO 7-0 A $U17-ABLE GU TL E T A T 1/4 " PER FOOT c-OR PLE.k734F 'AND A T 1/8" PcR FOOT FOR R'G10 R!PE pERI3fk TER DRAIN 'CALE: F tR, 3EIL YAC✓�E RJOCE SJBO�v5t�11 N flG1N0 N4. ' EAG:E cor,rvrr, rrtCFADo racuRC ti'J' 2 ROAD k3 y LOT 18 L(-)T 4 k tJ Pit #1 LOT 17 Profile Note ti NOTE; Test Pit locatr'ars cry appraxirr.ote '4 LC7CATFON .SKETCH C.]VIL/G80'TECH1r1CAL ,00T 73, 2 UyACNE RIOG£ .UlxD�b;�:DN FlC1NG No � + EAGLECOuNm C[,,-C)R aOOCLKP)' � R O. Sox 1452 AvOn. CO V-520 — ei (970) 827-908B (pi (470) 527-9068 12/22/1996 10: U7 970-`32b--bU3U YUNNlt u .JLKKY rwuc. v ( E.Q. Cl-]URC Ml, INC. ENGINEERS & GEOLOGISTS s eptembez 9, 1996 r „gyp Engineering. 1.ac. Lui.za pe.trovska p.o. Box 1452 ,..Von. CO 81620 _subject: Geological Engineering Hazards Investigation Lot 18, Bellyache Ridge Subdivision, 83W Fi�.ina Na.l ,TW 1/4, Section Eagle County, Colorado Job No. 7827 'eax Lui.za ,•s requested, we visited the subject site on th�.s date; We under- ,,ao? ogical hazards relative the sited geote Yin C 1 e gires'•ring and _,tared you have investigated ,ns�.te wastewatet' disposal purPoses- the crest vt the ridge at the ►he site is a 2-acre lot near the northeast end Q£ Bel.lYache Ridge in Eagle county, colorado. It sits Dipper load. It is Southwest Corner of Bellyache Ridge Road and Big pp 5cem. ��roposed to develop the site with a residenceandseptic sy water supply'',ji-11 be tram the subdivision's sY roxiMately 8550 feet. eased The site is -located at an elevation ©f aPP out SO feet of Vertical on the site topographic map, there is ab west. The u along the ridge crest Exam e$st to ;:eliet, sloping p er (western} part residence will be located on the orest near there n t 0 percent to the of the site. Slopesin the d wnslope- Slopes from the ridge crest east and flatten gradually ercent. There is a marked chaxs',ge in down to the north are about 25 punderbrush on the sower, eastern and vegetat:.on from aspen and heavy and scattered evergreens an ,7egetatn parts of the lot, to Opera scrub en indicate southerthe lot. 41,.e higher, western and no t e subartsace conditions. sr asp -etter, and possibly clays � , e©lpgsc re09 ference the And for the areaRobi.n> on, 1975. 'The m F 'The pri,mar3' S Dakota site is underlain by Colluvium derived horn Dakota indicate the and a debris slide sandstone in the onor he halt. is the Dakota 5 The debris sandstone i:1 whe s the southern margli bedrock probably the Morris©n Formation along of debris slides • The as a s eCi.1ized investigation. slide is claasie1efailur'es�reviring meat l,anchQ area Wed on the slides and slop a of an ava site is also n the ofQBelXyeohegRidge- southeaster P ifY any geologlc hazard The results which, would outcrops on of Our site vi.si.t did not !(;JeZ4%_ Hard-andstane t,edrac prevent the propogad de of ith a dip co the northwest, the nortn side of the c o.„,�en.Cotcxn�o st t 7'th Avrnua • Denver, Catvrapo as9� FAX poi) "2.3517 r�.Q. liGx Feo� - �� {303) 87�•881� i�p3} s��.OsSeo 2 parallel to the ground suttees, of about 14 degrees. We understand a i-e3t pit excavated near the eastern edge of trie proposed house sanstone. The +a=ncountered .bout 4 feeC of overso Iaa r nderlain by very q:ntire house area is in an area which appears to rocky col�.uviust'm underlain by Dakota sandstone. We suspect the Vegetation cha�7r©ximate boundary sbetweenWest zlethe 1 Dakota mentioned and Morrrison 3arks the apP Tormations. •rhe debris slide is mapped On the southeastern side of trig ridge, just below its crest, We think this. represents an old slope failure in rlaystones at the Morrison FOrmation which unde-r-nined bakota sandstr. one along the ridge crest. There is no expressionof the toe of�aheoslide, ot, but an old landslide scarp, mrepresenting p may exist on steeper' slopes ad acerit to the to 0 Eeet high, aspen are the site and tc the southwest are mature, ns of active slope growing vertical. Therefore. there are no sig tirel :movements. Consrructin of the houslide, should set nactuallyn exists one he lsitet affect the debris Constructwon on the area of aspen trees should be svoided. Given the site location on the ridge crest and no sign of avalanche activity nearby, we believe there is no avalanche hazard for this let. and construction problems of a Seological nature Possible design include difficult excavation in the sandstone, requiring blasczng, for trenches. perched water could occur at the foundations and utilityorp c e overburden soil. -bedrock iface due secr.iansctcthe house whcz are recor end a foundation drain perched water below grade tO help carry away such p be located northeast f we understand the septic effluenttnan elhgel we recommend the septic the house near the line of vegetatio reachO system be designed with a do xng mech� st� �' :a ati sure effluentOur corcer:z the entire _tield and is no rt� a -- is ccaceritra �d water in the theSub oldudabris slide tailuregsurtac*. element if it were to reach � wil?. •� we believe there are no geologic conditions wha.c.• We in corc�.�-sia., res�.dence as proposed. prevent development for a single proposed ear h ark abelyreviewed by a geotechnzcal recommend all o cF We would be engineer prior to CaYl5trilCiloilr 3nthe VCQndi� ns-ld be absa ed. gunanticipated_ by the engineer to check far leased to provide additional ccnsul.tatian in this regard z� nee p .ease x£ there are any questions, or it we Can be of further service, P call.. �00 AEG/%T very truly yours, Q�©,. ' �1 �• �i�,��,.pQ CZ�tTR NC .'9974 Damon R . Runyan, Geological sngineer TOTAL P, ?;oi, 18, -el yache Rid e '-'1 e .ouniy 'r' I.1 _-PM, U.S. , T i` . moulder, ;zolorado Se7--,tic system deli, n for four --bedroom hone located at lot 18, E ellyache Ridge ,Dubdivi.si on 1 , agile 7ou- olorado, Systern will consis"u of a double comiartnent se, tic "sank and absorption bed -vi ith related ,I i j ink and a ,i-ort6i'?az7ues. ?< i?! )Jt: tlo�lc' rC?C�Ulres a 1250 3allotl Se ti. tams caj3cLci y cicnstruFc � ed to speci.L? ccit ons as ,Set, forth in the Cagle �_Irlunty Health regulations. �`OIL z3S--Z 11. L! I` S-i � T ; ; , bsrrEtinn bed a4vrea. i ll be calculated using recommended floe rates and i,on,� Ter(,,q -�ocej tance gates according, to t'�S/ the formula A= �?'A , Average Daily Floes = (75 f, al./j,,erson) (2 persons/bedroom) (4 bedrooms) 600 gallons Eaxirnum _Vail;T FloWs = 1.60(600 gal.) = 960 allons r'` Assurne 20 0 decrease for `rater conservation devices. 7 960 -- (.20)(960) = 768 gallons From enclosed soils report, it has been determined that the bedrock substrata lies roughly four feet to the rlro- -used absorption field bottom elevation. Therefore, a mounded system cons i stingy of imported medium ;rained sand with a L1I�71, = 1.2 Pal./-Lt�/day will be proposed. (t=10 thin./in. ,nini,num) Ybsorption bed length reduction = L(W+2 /('.,i+1+2 ) = 38 ft. frssuEned field dimensions = 15'x301 = 570 ft. 2. ��f ��ESOPT T'1C31,, 77! D IC; `iTTCI and ,Sty _,IT IiI I TTC%I S zbsoriAion field shall be located as Ishown on the site plan and must be no closer than 25 feet to water supI li es or pij-,ins . .Ilso shown are reauired seIC pipin , sloees, and specifications; and an absor�_tion field cross section indicating; materials and construction requirements. l :. SUS '3 AJ Y Individual sewage disposal system will consist of a 1250 jai Ion, two compartment septic tank disch irin to a 570 ft."mounded a.bson tion bed constructed as specified on the plans. Topsoil will be Qxca,rat,ed__t,o_.bQdreck and a raine�san.cl �iJ11 medium �;• ��il]_ be used to construct a mound- ed absorption field system with compacted earth berms, where necessary, to prevent lateral movement of effluent beyond the field perimeter. Dedrock lies ai.proximately 4 feet below existing Erade and rouZhly parallels the existing grade slope, as per the enclosed soils report. Absorption field excavation, fill materials and fill material compactions must be inspected and approved by tine Soils ngineer. Eedding for the sei,tic tank, i;ip ink, and distribution box will be constucted as set forth in the Health Dei,artment re ulaticns and as dictated by the field conditions as necessary, / p„ f.f"r,�y7w Claire Lewandowski <claire.lewandowski@eaglecounty.us> 4121 Bellyache Ridge- Addition 3 messages Claire Lewandowski <claire.lewandowski@eaglecounty.us>Mon, Feb 25, 2019 at 3:25 PM To: jeff.seidel@yahoo.com Cc: environment@eaglecounty.us, Colleen Wirth <colleen.wirth@eaglecounty.us> Hi Mr. Seidel, I am reviewing your submittal for an addition over the garage and room expansion, located at 4121 Bellyache Ridge, on behalf of Eagle County Environmental Health. It appears that the plans include the addition of a bedroom. The assessors website shows the house currently has 4 bedrooms. The Onsite Wastewater treatment system(OWTS), permit 1741-97IS, installed in 1998 was designed to serve a 4 bedroom residence. An additional bedroom will necessitate an alteration of the existing system to accommodate the potential for an increase in the rate of daily wastewater flow. Prior to signing off on the building plans, a review of the existing OWTS must be conducted by a Professional Engineer and a permit for alteration of the OWTS must be obtained; or, confirmation that the addition will not increase the number of bedrooms may be submitted for review. Please contact myself or my department at 970-328-8755 or environment@eaglecounty.us with any questions or concerns. Thank you, Claire -- Claire Lewandowski, REHS Environmental Health Specialist III 970-328-8747 www.eaglecounty.us Jeff Seidel <jeff.seidel@yahoo.com>Mon, Feb 25, 2019 at 3:34 PM To: Claire Lewandowski <claire.lewandowski@eaglecounty.us> Cc: environment@eaglecounty.us, Colleen Wirth <colleen.wirth@eaglecounty.us> Claire, We are not adding a bedroom “net.” We are changing two of the bedrooms on the lower floor, as you should see in the plans into one bedroom. A second idea not reflected in the plans is to convert one bedroom into a gym. Net we will remain at 4 bedrooms. I have already been in to the building department to confirm this and to no fy the environmental group of this. They signed off on this change a er reviewing the plans when I submi ed them as part of the overall permit request. You may have missed this as the changes I’m referring to are on a different page of the plans. I’m surprised that notes were not made in the file as I already discussed this with the environmental people who sit just to the le when facing away from the door to the building permit request office. Jeff Seidel 917-331-2341 [Quoted text hidden] Claire Lewandowski <claire.lewandowski@eaglecounty.us>Mon, Feb 25, 2019 at 3:53 PM To: Jeff Seidel <jeff.seidel@yahoo.com> Cc: environment@eaglecounty.us, Colleen Wirth <colleen.wirth@eaglecounty.us>, Eric Lovgren <Eric.Lovgren@eaglecounty.us> Hi Jeff, Thank you for the quick email and phone call. I looked at the plans again and was able to see what you described. I signed off on the review on behalf environmental health. I copied Eric Lovgren as well, so he is aware and can bring the site copy at the same time as his inspection, after building releases the plans. Have a great week! [Quoted text hidden] 28 East loth Street New York, NY. 10003 February 3, 1998 Janet Kohl Community Development Department Eagle County Building P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, Colorado 81631-0179 Dear Janet: Enclosed are the revised septic system plans as your department requested from Ray Rizzo the septic engineer. Hopefully, this is what is needed to issue the ISDS permit. After that is issued please let the building permit people know so they can proceed with the issuance of the building permit. _ Thank �otl\for your assistance. If you need to speak to me, I can be reached at 212-436-4231. Jeffry B. Enclosures cc: Tim Coonce Paragon Builders — with enclosures JBS/js 1250 Gal. Single Auto Siphon PW Septic Tank Note: N. T.5 PLAN MONOLITHIC TANK meets ASTM-C-913 Spec. for water and waste water structures. ■ Butyl rubber sealant meets Fed. Spec. SS-S-210A. (Provided with tank.) ■ Plumbing shown in diagram provided with tank. ■ It is the system engineer's requirement to determine VOLUME, LOADING and RETURN TIME. 4 f 2411 Dimensions Capacities cQ&Hans, A B Siphon Chamber Discharge Per Cycle Approximate Weights W L H Tank Lid Baffle Walls Total 6-8" 10'-2" 5'-10" 842 414 433 100/135/185 9650 ibs 4400 lbs 2880 lbs 16,930 lbs Gal. Front Range Precast Concrete 5439 N. Foothills Highway Boulder, Colorado 80302 (303) 442-3207, (800) 783-3207, FAX (303) 442-3209 1000Auto--,oSiphon .4 N.T.S PLAN ■ MONOLITI \TANK meets ASTM=C913 Spec. for water A d waste water struct es. ■ Butyl rubber sealant meets Fed. Spec. SS-S- 210A.(Provided with tank.) ■ Plumbing shown in diagram provided with tank. It is the system engineer's requirement to determine VOLUME, LOADING and RETURN TIME. i 5" e Man% Z0 <pL� L it lil 4" A 6' 5 1_g1' ;��t 24" Dimensions Capacities {4auonel A B Siphon Chamber Discharge Per Cycle Approximate Weights W L H Tank Lid Baffle Wails Total" T-10" 12'-0" 5'-9" 625 380 330 85/110/150 9200 lbs 35701bs 2040lbs 14,810lbs Gal. Front Range Precast Concrete 5439 N. Foothills Highway Boulder, Colorado 80302 (303) 442-3207, (800) 783-3207, FAX (303) 442-3209 -17- 1005 1015 _ � 7000 1 60 1035 1040 415 eox I _ 7050 1' I ; I i — i 1250 GAL. TU1d.51 PH OH, SE TAN •,� iemPv� I 1135 GPI/rcHK' 1055 1060 1065. 1000 1070 4'4 PVC (Pcci,) TOPSOILIF lo ? 9I Id f11 / aIY ••10 �c1AMin\Y ORG. GRADE -------------- �+'•` ( / / / it ,/ / a1Q�p� - /p z --- ----- ( '/ / / / / ( I , ( zIaI 1$1 /s b 0a o.T GRAVEL 1005 ' N �� RAVEL BED V= BOo f -AVERAGE DAILY FLOW =(759aVo."°)(2P`�/bac)(4nec.)=G00 q°i. / Oho// r / ir�•� / / // � / MAXIMUM DAILY FLOW= 6001-' `5=900°°i. a----- 15'— I ASSUKIED 5 BEDROCK SECTION 4 MOUNDED ABSORPTION FIELD WITH DOSING TANK 1010 !! i %r 1 / o of I ,OMI p (1 \ -� p -AREA = O _ 9009°I. = 1,000,.I. ASSUME —15' /TAR - �o - LENGTH REDUCTION = L(W a2�/�W.112D%`pt OEMENSIONS = 1$.60' = 9001 o 'T•,E, 3 s I"M1s = Lmn.m SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYS7 R` 1 `20rj inmYO^' 6 e SLOT 18, BELLYACHE RIDGE # 4, BLUEFIN U.S. INC.