HomeMy WebLinkAbout264 Sunrise Ln - 239128403001 - 1179-92ISINDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT EAGLE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH P.O. Box 179 - 550 Broadway • Eagle, Colorado 81631 Telephone: 328-7311 or 949-5257 or 927-3823 YELLOW COPY OF PERMIT MUST BE POSTED AT INSTALLATION SITE. PERMIT NO. 1 1 79-92 Please call for final inspection before covering any portion of installed system. OWNER: Cbalmers Morse PHONE: 963-1958 MAILINGADDRESS: 19218 Hwy 82 gate 2011, barb9'1= dal-P AGENT: Laur-a, gat Cha-}}erg PHONE: 963-1958 SYSTEMLOCATION: 0264 Sunrise Lane, El Jebel LICENSED INSTALLER: Gurule Excavation LICENSE NO. 2-92 DESIGN ENGINEEROFSYSTEM: INSTALLATION IS HEREBY GRANTED FOR THE FOLLOWING: 1250 GALLON SEPTIC TANK OR GALLON AERATED TREATMENT UNIT. DISP�ERRSAL AREA REQUIREMENTS: 9 73 SQUARE FEET OF SEEPAGE BED - SQUARE FEET OF TRENCH BOTTOM. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: 31 infliltiators in trenches or 380 ft SB2 in trenches Install inspection portals at end of each trench ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER: DATE: -7�/- CONDITIONS: 1. ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS, ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN 25-10-104, C.R.S. 1973, AS AMENDED. 2. THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR CONNECTION TO STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS. CONNECTION TO OR USE WITH ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT AND CAUSE FOR BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT. 3. SECTION Ill, 3.21 REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED ACCORDING TO THE REGULATIONS. FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM: (TO BE COMPLETED BY INSPECTOR): NO SYSTEM SHALL BE DEEMED TO BE IN COMLIANCE WITH THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS UNTIL THE SYSTEM IS APPROVED PRIOR TO COVERING ANY PORTION OF THE SYSTEM. 7 INSTALLED ABSORPTION OR DISPERSAL AREA: SQ��RE FEET. (a - /o©o'go gee s-61:+, INSTALLED SEPTIC TANK:-2000 GALLONS DEGREES FEET SEPTIC TANK CLEANOUT TO WITHIN 8" OF FINAL GRADE, OR: PROPER MATERIALS AND ASSEMBLY YES NO COMPLIANCE WITH COUNTY/STATE REGULATION REQUIREMENTS: YES NO ANY ITEM CHECKED NO REQUIRES CORRECTION BEFORE FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM IS MADE. ARRANGE A RE -INSPECTION WHEN WORK IS COMPLETED. COMMENTS: ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER: , / DATE: ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER: DATE: (RE -INSPECTION IF NECESSARY) RETAIN WITH RECEIPT RECORDS PERMIT APPLICANT/AGENT: OWNER: AMOUNT PAID: RECEIPT M: CHECK k: CASHIER: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SENT BY:EAGLE COUNTY ; 7- 7-92 ; 12:03 ; 3033287207i 3039632552;# 5/ 5 ISDS Permit _Z1 Building Permit . , . r APPLICATION FOB'TNDIVIDUAL SEWMB DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT Jo����c ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICE- EAGLE COUNTY uvf ti-,� P.O. BOX 179 EAGLE, CO 81631 328-8755/927-3823(Basalt) PERMIT APPLICATION FEE $150.00 PERRPmL TION TEST FEE $200.00 PROPERTY OWNER: Chalmers Morse MAILING ADDRESS: 19218 Hwy 82 Suite 201 PHONE: 963-1958 APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON: Laura, Pat, Chalmers PHONE. same Gu e-�xcava n LICENSED SYSTEMS CONTRACTOR;ADDRESS: P.O. P.O. Box 1383, Carbondale, CO PHONE: 876-5466 PERMIT APPLICATION IS FOR: fX) NEW INSTALLATION ( ) ALTERATION ( ) REPAIR LOCATION OF PROPOSED INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM: Legal De,scription:0264 Sunrise Lane, El Jebel, Lot 1, Soderberg 1 Parcel Number: Soderberg filing 1 Lot sizes Physical Address: 0264 Sunrise Lane, El Jebel BUILDING TYPE: (check applicable category) (X} Residential / Single Family Number ( ) Residential / Multi -Family* dumber ( ) Commercial / Industrial* Type_ TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: of Bedrooms of Bedrooms Well(X) Spring ( ) surface ( ) Public ( ) Name of Supplier:___ *These systems require design by a Registered Professional Engineer NOTE: SITE PLAN MUST BE ATTACHED TO APPLICATION MAKE ALL tEMITTA}) C# P'AY� TO: is COUNTY TREASURER" SIGNATURE' / Pat Costello DATE: July 20, 1992 AMOUNT PAID; RECEYpT# DATE:_ CHECK # _. _13 CASHIER: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT (303) 328-8730 EAGLE ' ' r i July 29, 1992 Art Gurule Excavating P.O. Box 13823 Carbondale, CO 81623 RE: Issuance of Individual Sewage Disposal System Permit No.: 1179-92 Dear Applicant: 500 BROADWAY P.O. BOX 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 FAX (303) 328-7207 Enclosed is your ISDS Permit No. 1179-92 valid for 120 days. The enclosed copy of the permit must be posted at the installation site. Any changes in plans or specifications invalidates the permit unless otherwise approved. Please call our office well in advance for the final inspection. The final inspection is to be done before any portion of the installed system is covered. The deadline for the final inspections done by Eagle County Environmental Health is December 1. Systems designed by a Registered Professional Engineer must be certified by the Engineer indicating that the system was installed as specified. Eagle County does not perform final inspections on engineer designed systems. Be aware that the specifications on the permit are minimum requirements only. Installers should bring this to the attention of the property owner. This permit does not indicate conformance with other Eagle County requirements. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at 328-8755. Sincerely, Brenda Henderson Environmental Health, Administrative Assistant cc: file Building Department, File #3381 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT (303) 328-8730 November 10, 1992 Chalmers Morse 19218 Hwy 82 Suite 201 Carbondale, CO 81623 RE: Final of ISDS Permit No. 1179-92 500 BROADWAY P.O. BOX 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 FAX (303) 328-7207 This letter is to inform you that the above referenced ISDS Permit has been inspected and finalized. Enclosed is a copy to retain for your records. This permit does not indicate compliance with any other Eagle County requirements. Also enclosed is a brochure regarding the care of your septic system. Be aware that later changes to your dwelling may require appropriate alterations of your septic system. If you have any questions regarding this permit, please contact the Eagle County Environmental Health Division at 328-8755. Sincerely, Brenda Henderson Office Assistant Environmental Health /bh ENCL: Information Brochure Final ISDS Permit Job Title J'—) PIS MCaE 104ALM�3Job No. 00 21 by � / date l� 6 � Zck'd by date % d ; Subject —( 5 page of / 923 Cooper Avenue Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 Telephone: 303-945-8676 303-920-3669 • FAX: 303-945-2555 rLKWLA11UN lEbi ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT Eagle County FEE: $125.00 OWNER: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ISDS APPLICATION NO. RURAL ADDRESS: TYPE OF DWELLING: Pzf NUMBER OF BEDROOMS: DATE OF PERCOLATION TEST: -TYPE OF SOIL: TEST HOLES PRE-SOAKED: YES NO TIME WATER DEPTH INCHES OF FALL RATE 2 1 3 k 1—f 2 3 II 1 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 - 27 30 t,;2 2 '_z2lk� z, q q711 :3 ;i 3 9e) 111 0 -1-1 A 13 to fj; 4; to 3 /:0-7 T777- fig-r -- r,r , -1 ) — .5 U r, — f q a -C�` f--,Vf PERCOLATION RATE: RECOMMENDED MINIMUM SEPTIC TANK SIZE: RECOMMENDED MINIMUM Hk6H�FIELD �_ -i�� FO �2 RECOMMENDED MINIMUM SQUARE FOOTAGE PER BEDROOM. SITE HAS BEEN REVIE1,-1ED AND TESTED FOR PERCOLATION RATE. EnvironmentayWealth Officer Date COMMFNTS-- October 14, 1992 Stasmore, Inc. P.O. Box 28369 El Jebel, CO 81628 Attn: Mike Plant Re: Chalmers ISDS, 0264 Sunrise Ln., El Jebel, CO HCE File Number 92004.21 Dear Mr. Plant: Per your request we have reviewed the previous ISDS permit for this lot and revised the size to show the increase from a three bedroom house to a five bedroom house. All data is based upon information from the previous permit (Eagle County Permit No. 985). The percolation rate used was calculated from the area required on that previous permit. The pertinent data is as follows: 5 Bedrooms Design Flow 1125 gal/day Perc Rate 41 min/inch Area Required for Std. Trench System 1440 sq. ft. Area Required for Std. Bed System 1873 sq. ft. Less 40% for using "Contactor" system 1124 sq. ft. @ 16.7 sq. ft./unit, Units Required 67 Septic Tank 1500 gal. (minimum) 923 Cooper Avenuea Gkonwood Springs, CO 81601 Telephorie: 303-945-8676 303-920-3669 - FAX: 303-945-2555 Stasmore, Inc. October 14, 1992 Page 2 If you have any questions, or need additional information, please call. Sincerely, HIGH COUNTRY ENGINEERING, INC. Ti othy P. Beck, P.E. Pri cipal Engineer TPB/soe encl. October 22, 1992 Mr. Ray Merry Eagle County Environmental Health P.O. Box 179 Eagle, CO 81631 Re: ISDS at 0264 Sunrise Lane, El Jebel HCE File No. 92004.21 Dear Ray: f17R RECEIVED OCT 2 3 1992 EAGLE COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT On October 20, 1992, High Country Engineering, Inc. personnel observed the visible construction of the individual sewage disposal system at 0264 Sunrise Lane above El Jebel. We had previously prepared a letter with recommended flows and sizing. The construction appeared to conform to the recommended sizes, based on Eagle County Regulations. Copies of an "as -built" drawing prepared by the contractor, as well as our original letter are enclosed. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to call. Sincerely, HIGH COUNTRY ENGINEERING, INC. by P. Beck, P.E. pal Engineer cso cc: Stasmore 923 Cooper Avenue • Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 Telephone:303-945-8676 • FAX:303-945-2555 r -r� U �r