HomeMy WebLinkAbout178 Knight Rd - 246701301009 - 0902IS240 ` INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT EAGLE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH P.O. Box 179 - 550 Broadway • Eagle, Colorado 81631 Telephone: 328-7311 or 949-5257 or 927-3823 YELLOW COPY OF PERMIT MUST BE POSTED AT INSTALLATION SITE. Please call for final inspection before covering any portion of installed system. PERMIT NO. 902 OWNER: Steven M. Berkowitz PHONE: 215-884-5320 MAILING ADDRESS: 310 Runnymede Avenue, Jenkintown, PA 19046 AGENT: Shawn @ Earthworks Construction PHONE: 963-2296 SYSTEM LOCATION: 0178 Knight Road - Seven Castles, CO 81621 W_XEJ�kER INSTALLER: Earthworks Construction P. 0. Box 1149 Carbondale LICENSE No. N/A DESIGN ENGINEER OF SYSTEM: //�� n INSTALLATION IS HEREBY GRANTED FOR THE FOLLOWING: B o 0 SOL ��� n p 2 � foQ-l` �S//���0 0 GALLON SEPTIC TANK OR GALLON AERATED TREATMENT UNIT. � 1 j) DISPERSAL AREA REQUIREMENTS: a 7� ��%ti1�SQUARE FEET OF SEEPAGE BED SQUARE FEET OF TRENCH BOTTOM. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: The septic tank must be located at least 50 feet from the well and the each field/trench must be at least 100 feet recommended 200 feet from the well. An s built ,itpplan must hp submitted prior to final inspection approval 4W lineal feet of 2� wi de trench with 18 inches of gravel, OR 10 inch SB 2 gravel 1 ess leach pipe 200 feet ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER: f Sid Fox DATE: 4- 17-89 CONDITIONS: 1. ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS, ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN 25-10-104, C.R.S. 1973, AS AMENDED. 2, THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR CONNECTION TO STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS. CONNECTION TO OR USE WITH ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY SEA VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT AND CAUSE FOR BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT. 3. SECTION Ill, 3.21 REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED ACCORDING TO THE REGULATIONS. FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM: (TO BE COMPLETED BY INSPECTOR): NO SYSTEM SHALL BE DEEMED TO BE IN COMLIANCE WITH THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS UNTIL THE SYSTEM IS APPROVED PRIOR TO COVERING ANY PORTION OF THE SYSTEM. INSTALLED ABSORPTION OR DISPERSAL AREA: SQUARE FEET. INSTALLED SEPTIC TANK: GALLONS DEGREES FEET SEPTIC TANK CLEANOUT TO WITHIN 8" OF FINAL GRADE, OR: PROPER MATERIALS AND ASSEMBLY YES NO COMPLIANCE WITH COUNTY/STATE REGULATION REQUIREMENTS: YES NO ANY ITEM CHECKED NO REQUIRES CORRECTION BEFORE FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM IS MADE. ARRANGE A RE -INSPECTION WHEN WORK IS COMPLETED. COMMENTS: ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER: DATE: ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER: DATE: (RE -INSPECTION IF NECESSARY) RETAIN WITH RECEIPT RECORDS APPLICANT/AGENT: Steven M. Berkowitz OWNER: PERMIT Same AMOUNT PAID: $150.00 RECEIPT #: 1321 CHECK#: 3790 CASHIER: Rusch 0 N N-) (n (n J ¢ (n C) 0_ V) 0 W 3 W (n J O L E O z c c CV '--r +-) (a W rn W ro L•L m N F- co M I C I\ H J J W O 0_ U w J C LLJ H I M H o U CY) 00 r H ^ CY) w C) w O O p ¢ S m cy, —I CD ra J J CY) ¢ O O r- Li U CY I S Cl. ^ N J W M � J CC F- CC L LL) W O W C) CID O LO H 4-1)- LLJ W LLB. Z: O ¢ U J 0_ 0_ ¢ C W 0_ f W W W Z O LL- C) W ¢ Lo q W W W O O O a a a I f J N ILIJ N W C'3 W cnl� H p (n p ¢ in ¢ O U Z 2:: ^ LLJ V) v NV) W ,, O Z W C:) cz J vC.J ¢ V) .. Z � H W Q- � J � C) ¢ ✓ cn k W Z J H m p Z N O Z( I 0_ W N U W H IY J • N Z (n C) LLJ cx� p d Q (1) OOO rn ZZZ C p 0 0. •r (o S- Q) S- 0 O i 4-3 (3) S_ 4- C•r0_ O C Y ^ X cc O U) Q1 r •r F- ^ ^ •r Q) r- •N Cn C, +•� S- >2 rCS r- O C Cn N L i 0-U �, S_ S_ [� •r •r W W W S- ^ O) U r r >- > > O (T C) O C) . LL C •r U U N ^ _ _ U > U (1)U rCf v v) H U IY Of ----a J r O O Q1rO W r- O S_ • • S- F- F- 4-3 • r p !T F- J C U W C Q) rn _0 ¢ cr r O) ¢ (D O S- m •r •r m :3 — F- O S. r C7 (1) r- N 3 F- N S- CL �- i� E LL r C= C Ln Q cn 9 cn E CD a) ro cn M LLJ• • a) ro U) 0- � S- •r 0_ 4-)S C r- 4-)O • • W + � ^ cl� U p F- CM o N F- ¢ I?^ (o to F- 0 1 LLJr M >) N J 5����� m \^ r 4-J LL Q) C rn 4- >- o ��� J= CC) O JY U 0 O Z V) tT S LLJ F- ro W O •r 4- -O O a) CDa) ` — Z ��.i� V) r (n 0_ -P > F- ¢ (0 d = S- W V) S.- N ¢ (n U O •r a) C F- Z S_ r a) C 4J 4-) O ¢ CD>> a) r- a) —1 0_ a) 0_ N rt3 •r 3 J ns to Q) 4- (D QV) E C3 > F-H p M- >) rp O¢ O O•r (n p 7 its >> U to Q) r W F- E a) S- O S- a) F- VJ Q) U O 0) Z U CV Z H W A r r• r r C Ln U CD < H O • r L ^ CD r E S_ 0 >- O 4- a) C S- 3 ¢ CE p ro 0 •r (n >- O 4- d--) •r Q) LLJ 0- LL- CT 4-> ^• • J O (o 4-) z w ro X U) O J F- N 3 +' CO V) vQ1 X () +.) -P •r ¢ (n ` — U C r 3 W Z d-) Q) • • 3 J Y r (U r U 0) r Q ro O to F a) O ¢ r- 4--> >- ¢ ✓J a) C C1•r In +3 0-. = ro ro J rn •N p d •r O S Q) C N r- S- • • (n p F- a) =3 0- r •r p :`J U (n p F- r H rrJ (0 (1) H S Cl- r C H p 3 rn = >> p p (n a) O Q) O • 4 I I I r0 5- o cn 4- w (n r- C/7 3 E H '•• U o U a rtS •r W CD W co (o E O m �i C LLJr r r r r N 3 U C3 -Z >> 0' _J •• 4-3 r O `r k LL- Z N V) O a- r6 CO (0 r- r 4•-) •r (3) ¢ C> ¢ Z C C W r U e H V) •r >- •r •r •r In p U 0-3 n� •r >> S = ¢ Q) it F- rZ Cn Q) • • d--) F- 4-> 4-) 4-) •r CU •r (n W F- S. > U O .J E ¢ >) [,(` H C) S.. S- Q C C C rC) U E U) 4-) — rn 0- •r N LL- 0_ C 4- 3 4- p W -0 Q) •r W (2) (1) UJ S- O IT fu U S.-H O O 0 Z (n -a S- U -0 -0 -0 • • Y 0 CDco E S_ J •r •I••, 0_ S_ p M Z S_ LL- •O 00¢ -0 E U H•r•r•r(n U E I p 0 (3)¢ i-)r a) W O•rr-O� Q3 . H CL fn (n rn 0 Z O) E C S- 4--) ..0 = CL O +-> = W Z H > (0 •1--J •r F- C) r Z Q) 0" Q) a) (D O-C O O rC5 O a-) M O (0 •r 4--) m CD F- C> W Q r ¢= ro p w (nUUZC -::CC) n:::-O_C H¢ W 00- U) p � U 0_ U r V) 0' F- N S- >- -0 0 H •r N r W Z W C) 0-F- J LL- fn U ro ^^ n. N ^ ^ 1 ^•-•ram = p N 0 >>S_ O W Ln F- 'o p > C t1. rtS N 0) H J�Z Z•r4- W ¢ Z .0 p 0_ _J C'3 -- O >Q- � ..�. �� � . ��.. Lj- W O ¢ U3 H lY O Z F- L L U- F- U•• O W � F- (M LLJ LLJC) >- = F- I U Q ¢ J m F- W J (n W O 0' Z U H to 0 _J F- W CDC O¢ H(n¢ 1 CD�+ 0_ J m Z 3 F- 3 t-r 3 N N I =_== U U U C C C •r •r •r W S- S- S- U (D w. N a) (D H r 0- Q Q � o LL- -0 V) rn to C) ¢ •Z� I� fo H w a) ate) S_ 4 z o- 4-) C) n� 3 o c -a N Z C S- =3 W = _0 O >- IC3 O O F-', F- i•) 4-) +) J O C C O (1) CSN U4-) LLJ p S >Z CL W Q) Q) (3) J a�pF- J (n LL.• • FW- tn W Z Z m O O H H CD 0 4 CD J O �U W W Z = CD 4 CD N JY CD Q I C O 4-) -a ro C S- O r Cl. (A S. C N Q) S- •r CO +-3 u- 3 CL "0 4-) its C (n w can 3 +3 ; 0_ Z S_ F- J 'C3 r r W m tA L LLJ S- ^ Q) QJ C C1 IZ U (n 0 C •r •r s_ m C = 00 0 J • r S- S- ¢ -I--) CO C: C i Q) s- S- O_ O > a) a) (n to O 'O H p .0 C -I•-% m < ¢ p O •J tZi X U- Z O Q Z O U J 0_ 0_ Q O F- p W S U F- ¢ W m (n O Z J 0_ W N W F- O Z w p w Z O O U W J LD Q w 00 00 O) I 4-) 0. Q) p L 4-•i fd (3) S rt5 a--> C OJ C L .j C W EAGLE COUNTY BUILDING DIVISION P. O. Box 179 Phone: 328-7311 INSPECTION REQUEST T• 962, «r_ . _ . B LDING PERMIT NO. DATE: JOB NAME:5 eV J i TIME ❑ AM, CALLER: RECEIVED: ❑ PM BUILDING ❑ FOOTING ❑ FOUNDATION ❑ FRAMING ❑ FINAL ❑ PARTIAL COVER ❑ INSULATION ❑ DRYWALL ❑ VENEER ❑ ROOF ❑ PARTIAL PLUMBING ❑ GROUND IRON ❑ ROUGH ❑ FINAL ❑ PARTIAL MECHANICAL ❑ VENTILATION HEATING ❑ HOODS ❑ PARTIAL ELECTRICAL ❑ TEMPORARY El ROUGH ❑ FINAL PARTIAL ❑ OTHER: LOCATION:O'r7 rmj"�i'Lt [I PARTIAL CJ [Ready for Inspection: ❑ MONDAY ❑ TUESDAY ❑ WEDNESDAY ❑ THURSDAY ❑ FRIDAY ❑ AM ❑ PM COMMENTS: APPROVED ❑ DISAPPROVED REINSPECT ❑ Upon the Following Corrections: DATE: TIME: INSPECTOR ROUTE FORA EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICE Sfi _vrn M. ecrt5 Name 3/3 f / 8q 3 z7a Date Routed pr7cq 6ah j-Je's Application No. Location Please review the attached Individual Sewage Disposal System Permit Application and return it with this completed form the the Environmental Health Office. PLANNING: Complies with - YES NO REVIEWED BY DATE Subdivision Regulations: Zoning Regulations: Recommend Approval: COMMENTS: BUILDING: Complies with - Building Permit Applied For: Buildina Permit Issued: Recommend Approval: COMMENTS: ENGINEER: Complies with - Roads: Grading: Drainaae: Recommend Approval: COMMENTS: YES NO REVIEWED BY DATE YES NO REVIEWED BY DATE ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH: Complies with -, YES NO REVIEWED BY DATE Floodplain Permit Necessary: I.S.D.S. Regs. Compliance: Recommend Approval: COMMENTS: 1512 Grand Avenue, Suite 212 Glenwood Springs, Colorado 81601 (303) 945-1004 October 11, 1988 Ms. Cindy Perry Basalt Realty P.O. Box 737 Basalt, CO 81621 RE: Percolation Test, Lot 6 Seven Castles Estate Subdivison, County of Eagle Dear Cindy: Per your request on October 6, 1988, Schmueser Cordon Meyer (SGM) has performed the percolation test on the above -mentioned property. As you have already received a copy of the results, please let this letter serve as a formal transmittal of the results. I would like to discuss with you some of the parameters which SCSI typically follows when per- forming percolation tests. One, we try to locate the percolation holes which we feel will be the most suitable location for the proposed disposal field. Second, when locating the disposal field or the percolation holes, we excavate a hole that is going to represent the depth at which the bottom of the gravel for the disposal field will occur (in essence, if the bottom of the field will be four feet down, we will excavate to a depth of fou,- feet; then we would dig our percolation holes). Thirdly, with every percolation test we perform, we excavate a profile hole which will yield certain information about the subsoils on the proposed disposal field site. Namely, the information we try to acquire from the profile hole is the depth to bedrock (if under eight feet), and depth to groundwater ( if found) . The depth to bedrock and depth to groundwater are two major parameters to be known, for they, along with percolation rates, will determine the type of disposal field required for the specific site. I have listed the three above because this being more of an exploratory type percolation test, we have found those three items to be out of the norm when we usually perform a percolation test for the design of a disposal field. On site observations yielded that the percolation holes for this particular percolation test were approximately 20 feet apart. The site under consideration is lying at approximately a 10 percent grade, and does not appear to be overlain with any topsoil. The percolation holes were approximately 12 inches in diameter and 18 inches deep. As the results indicate, the percolation rates were quite rapid. I would suggest that, upon final purchase of the property, the intented buyer perform another percolation test (as will be required by Eagle County) for the site where he proposes to place the disposal field. All in all, the site looked relatively consistent with the same mater- ial throughout the site as where the percolation holes were located. October 11, 1988 Ms. Cindy Perry Basalt Realty Page two The fact that all three percolation holes reacted relatively the same (i.e., percolation rate) , indicates that the soils on site are fairly uniform throughout the property. Our final conclusion is that it appears, with the information gathered to this point, an absoprtion field can be placed on site. In fact, judging from the consistency of the material found on site, it is highly likely that the location of the disposal field may be adjusted from what was shown in the field at the present time. I would like to point out, however, that it has been our experience some sites can vary greatly in soil type throughout the property. Also, I would like to point out that conditions under the surface (at a level 4 feet below the current ground surface) may indicate a completely different perco- lation rate than indicated in the field at this time. In fact, I would expect, again based upon our experience, that the percolation rates will be somewhat slower than found on the surface of the ground. I hope this letter serves its intended purpose. If you have any ques- tions, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, SCHMUESER GORDON MEYER, INC. son is: lc/8190 +++++-f-+++++++++++++-1-+++-6-++-1-++-!-++++-I-+++++-t-++++++-1-++++++++++++-!- + PERCOLATION TEST - DATA SHEET + SCHMUESER GORDON MEYER ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-}-+++++++++++-}-+++++++++-r ++++++ -f---_-..---..-_--_--------------._.... --- _ ICLIENT: BASALT REALITY (LOCATION: SEVEN CASTLES ESTATES, LOT 6, EAGLE COUNTY IJOS NUMBER: B8190A [DATE PERFORMED: 10-07-88 +---_--+--------.-_-_---_--+-----------------+--------- I i HOLE 41 HOLE 42 1 HOLE 43 1 [+------_-+_--------+--------+--------+--------+-------+ TIME IREADING I DROP (READING I DROP IREADING I DROP I +-------!---------+------_--_--__----_ 0 1 2-3/8 j - j 2-0/0 - 1 1-3/4 [ -- I I 5 3-1/2 I 1-1/8 13-0/0 [ 1-0/0 2-3/4- 1 1--0/0 1 10 14_1/4 10-3/4 3-1/2 [ 0-1/2 13-3/8 1 0-5/8 f 15 1 5-0/0 1 0-3/4 1 4-1/8 1 0-5/8 14-0/0 10-5/8 20 j 5-3/4 0-3/4 14-1/2 1 0-3/8 15-0/0 11-0/0 1 25 16-1/4 1 0-1/2 1 5-1/8 10-5/8 15-1/4 1 0-1/4 1 30 16-5/8 1 0-3/8 5-1/4 1 0-1/8 15-3/4 10-1/2 35 7-1/4 1 0-5/8 1 5--7/8 I 0-5/8 1 6-1/8 1 CI-3/8 I i 40 17-5/8 1 0-3/8 1 6-1/8 I 0--1/4 1 6-1/2 2-3/8 i 45 1 8-1/8 1 0-3/4 16-1/2 10-3/8 17-0/0 j 0-1/2 1 TEST ENDED 1 LEVEL DROP. I I I BECAUSE OF CONSISTENCY (RELATIVE) IN WATER I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I _-----+------_-+-------_-+----_----+--------+--------+-------+ +---------------------------------- 1PERCOLATION RATES: (TOTAL DROP) IHOLE #1: 7.83 MPI HOLE 92: 10.00 MPI HOLE #3: 8.57 MPII +----------------------------- 1PERCOLATION RATES: (5 MINUTE DROP AVERAGES -USE. FOR DESIGNal IHOLE #1: 8.90 MPI HOLE 42: 15.70 MPI HOLE 43: 10.95 MPII +---------------------------------------------.-------------__ _t +._----------------------------------------------------------- v5C tZrnAT 1512 Urand Avenue, Suite 212 Glenwood Springs, Colorado 81601 (303) 945-1004 October 12, 1988 �� CONSULTING ENGINEERS & SUR Cindy Perry Basalt Realty 6945 Hwy. 82 Basalt, CO 81621 I N V 0 1 C E Invoice #8190A-1 Project #8190A: Percolation Billing Period: September 24, 1988 through October 11, 1988 Percolation Test $ 120.00 Total Amount Due - October $ 120.00 If you have any questions regarding this billing, please call. Sig y f Simonson oject Manager All accounts due 30 days net. Overdue accounts will be charged 2.5 interest per month (24"0 annual rate). Upon default, clien't- agrees to pay all costs and reasonable attorneys fees for collection of same. fj ZI:rZK b !N 1 r-- �IIlel ?erz c 2�-4 (Z. ►M Fz- �SE �^2F/VG�►£S — SI/�,c�r�ft2i� �i �� �,G2"+���� � a---- / -� C/(�?o0 C�y v o2 U0 (o "k"C . S ' 3 fr � 6 0 f jr 4jr - � < = � - \ � . > � � � . • � -u � � t �� �+■ _ _ � - ■ � � . � ����/�� z _ - Ld��. ~ . __. $%e r /v. 41163 NJ5-w Alb- 4f: 2-0 BA SALT \ t X. SOB. 63 .so cC 4 c'�'000 1 yb r o� r. g oc F 9 3.op A �O • �� r ., ' 35� h js 3e as•) 7. 493 jS� 39 R a u �l O 475'� ,a•oolt 499 7e r . 00 0 o .i94 56' 'EA 1 � , o / UNSURiVEYEI r