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1043 Willits Ln - 246511200004 - 0537IS
0 W W N f ( o N CL W C Cc �--� F- ¢ N J �F- IYLLI F- ~ CL ¢ J W S � ct J Z (O W 301 M Z rO tD z S- �- { CO Z C O W LC) •0 LL S_ Z C 1 O CD 0 r F- WLO O 0 U Q� LLI F- X U CL tY O r- ¢ CD IT CL rO W •W 00 F- a Z o N U W 00 I- M W N 1 J >- I -I (D CD N N ¢ Z CT LLI - M W S_ W .J O ¢C ¢ 1- LO N N LL W Z Lo of ► i I C:: C m C)U--:I- LL- W O CY) m J Z S• J Z o O r-i r- F- W U C M N W Cl. 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N F- Z W O U n � M L a •k � V) 4- k K K C� I- W U ry U O CL Ui Ln N Ln w 76 1 O k C W aLn r S � r 'F( a 3 •r � ¢ CD0 z o •r \ C_ 4- 4- +-3 S- 4- i C O O +-) a U U C •r •r O U (n o 4- � v F- Z Z ¢E = C-) U •F) K CL - U F--r r K W O w E _o U U C-) S U V) W W r S- N N k ? O Y Z Z II U S_ W cn 3 ¢ C a) F- I O W S- W r� r CO } Z C k U C-- i✓ 3 U F- U o S- C V) W U OLij k C Cr r ¢ 0 4-3 K J z a W CDC W W � C Q O c+ .Y •r r •K Lo C U 1 Ea4 V) L W S.- O II _0 U F( :3 Z O cc F- +) r- O F- E U K N U i-) C7) CL * W F- •r CL' J •r C N CD C M C LLJ ~ S O S F- �( U �hG ¢ ¢ ¢ <r LLJ U W C� -K L LJ r 4-3 S W K O • r U CM U E ¢ U U J K CL CL ¢ g&aLM C(DUHUWM(�7 r��a��a� To: Subject: Mr. and Mrs. Sprague 1043 Willits Lane Sewage Disps:oal System From: File No.: Date: Erik Edeen, Environmental Health ISDS Sept. 3, 1981 As per my visit with you, enclosed please find an application for sewage disposal system for your property located at 1043 Willits Lane. I left with you a drawing that will suffice for the site plan (also we have a copy of the same). Please return the completed application with the fees and we can issue a permit soon. If you have any questions, please call me at 927-3823 or 328-7311. )n #911 and information sheets BUILDING DIVISION INSPECTION REQUEST P.O. Box 149 ` S-6 PHONE:328-7311 f`r�''�e.- EAGLE COUNTY DATE JOB NAME Sprague - i t i 1043 Willits Lane - regarding septic TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER system update - see Request for Service note. 927-3286 BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL VENTILATION TEMPORARY OOTING INSULATION ROUGH FOUNDATION SHEETROCK STANDPIPE HEATING ROUGH FRAMING VENEER FINAL W D C S HOODS FINAL FINAL ROOF SMOKE DETECTOR PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION: LOCATION: LOCATION: LOCATION: LOCATION: ❑ OTHER ❑ PARTIAL. LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION MON TUE WED THUR / FRI AM PM COMMENTS: 10 1 j/L. F C-t- tr,/s Lf.-0— ❑ APPROVED ❑ DISAPPROVED ❑ REINSPECT ❑ UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS heft DATE-- m!< �g 3m f/ A, oImH yy. ,m -7jydssra q 'gl R4Io ow SZ8E-LZ6 zo TTEZ-SZS T£9T8 opezoToS 'aTbes OS8 Xog 'O'd •4dOG r[;TeOI4 Te4u0uuu0.zrnu9 t re�a�oaS 'ue5zoy S FoueN j; •opezoToS Jo 04e4S ari4 -rod spzepue4S 104PAI ljur-�UTJG ii-ZPUIT.id DU4 04 5uzpz000e �Yurzp 04 ages sr .z04eZ, ari-3 TPL[q sueaur g3Trir. 4,arz0JTT03 0„ 04e0rpur sgTnsa.z 4sas za;eAJ Te3r50T0Tz040e9 psepue4S pasoToua aus T861 '8Z ;dos I za4e1sj ( quaurq.zedoc EPTeatt Te;uatuuozrnu,y :ale :.ON alit :woi_ s;Tnsad 4sas 104eAl I anSeadS oouaieTo • sjN pue - ip,, :}:)a(gnS :01 a n 'SOBVONVIS 831VM 9NIAN180 m m WnWINIW HIIM 30NVI10YOD-NON S31V0IONI lW OOt 83d V480JI109 3NO NVHI 831V389 S11nS38 lW OOt / V4803I100 NdW `) 99e z a av y ea m m iii H1088 31VdinS uunVi lW OOt / N780dI100 iNnoo 031snrov b rn 0313I83A m m 103810 m G 0 831118 3NV88W3P4 CV) b J PooWOOt (6L-E 'Aa8) 90t 080IW-SVi SNOIlINId3O ONV SNOIIon81SNI 9NIldWVS 'SNOI1V11WIl 3W11 80d 3S83A98 33S C", t 1 Ol s� -y 31V1S Al10 < SS3800V 3 _ zn ��� �� �,3 of Nani3a '0308VOSIO 38 111M 3ldWVS 3HI '031lddns AN SI NOIIVVY803NI 11V 31 310N.. 31dWVS 3SOd8nd 1V103dS ( ) 31VAI8d ( ) 30Vd8nS ( ) ONn089 ('-) MV8 ( } onend 83H10 ( ) 831VM SS3008d ( ) 31dWVS NO3H0 ( ) AIINnWWOO NON ( 1 AlddnS W31SAS Noun8181SIO 3NIin08 ( ) A1ddnS AIINniNmo ( ) i / 9W IVnOIS38 83ldWVS 7 fib%-, ' '+,noo 3NI801HO c�/ 3WI1 ��p_ f L 31VO :N3NV1 31dVYVS 30 3WVN c�c� OZZOS opeao103 `Jesuep - enuoaV 44�G 3s@3 UU, 431B0H jo;uawliedea opeao)oo 9_5 MID VALLEY METROPOLITAN DISTRICT P.O. Box 1040 Basalt, Colorado 81621-1040 (303) 927-4077 Novenber 12, 1987 0/1 po Mr. Sid Fox Enviornmental Health Officer Eagle County 551 Broadway Eagle, Colorado 81631 Dear Sir: RE: Hook-up of Frank and Rebecca Miller The building permit for the Miller's was issued with the understanding that they hook-up as soon as weather permitted. It will soon again be time for bad weather and we would like you to encourage the Miller's hook-up prior to that. Sincerely, Dotti Harrison, Secly. COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH COUNTY Eagle REQUEST FOR SERVICE PROGRAM I S D S RECEIVED BY phone - Nancy Morgan DATE 8/28/81 LOCATION 1043 Willits Lane NAME Mr. and Mrs. Sprague REPORTED BY their son, Mr. Sprague ADDRESS TELEPHONE 927-3286 SERVICE REQUESTED Please come out and do a site inspection for the property. About 15-18 yrs. ago, an ISDS was installed. e leach fielda was installed dt that thile WdS dddvd onto d rat already converted gas tank. Over the location of the present septic tank is a large mobile home. The property seems to be too small o hold another tank an d leach field; diso there are d the property backs up on the River (I don't remember if he said the Fryingpan or the Roaring Fork). Would like a site inspection, then call them or the son with a recommendation as to what W Ad of system to InStAll ACTION REPORT Request given_ to Edeen; Fox; file. ACTION BY DISPOSITION DATE SH-M-7i (4-71-50) 551 Broadway Eagle, Colorado 81631 (303) 328-7311 July 14, 1987 Frank and Rebecca Miller P.O. Box 587 Basalt, CO 81621 RE: 1043 Willits Lane Dear Mr. and Mrs. Miller, The purpose of this letter is to request an update on the status of the wastewater disposal at the above referenced address. The building permit to hook-up your home was issued with the understanding that you would connect to the Mid Valley Metropolitan District sewer line when weather permitted. I have enclosed a letter from the Mid Valley Metropolitan District which addresses this issue. It is Eagle County's Policy to encourage use of central sewage collection whenever possible. You are encourage to utilize the Mid Valley sewer service as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please call or write. Sincerely, �—C Sid Fox Assistant Environmental Health Officer SF/jb xc: Erik Edeen Paul Adams Louis Myer Enclosure Board of County Commissioners Assessor Clerk and Recorder Sheriff Treasurer P.O. Box 850 P.O. Box 449 P.O. Box 537 P.O. Box 359 P.O. Box 479 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 8163' Eagle County P.O. Box 537 Eagle, Co. Dear Sirs: MID VALLEY METROPOLITAN DISTRICT P.O. Box 1040 Basalt, Colorado 81621-1040 (303) 927-4077 August 14, 1986 Building Commission 81631 RE: Frank & Rebecca Miller The Board of Directors of the Mid Valley Metrcpolitian District have requested me to inform you that we have sewer available to Frank and Rebecca Miller and will soon have water available to them. We are now serving the State Highway 11aintenence Barn which is just downstream. Should you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 927-4077 or 963 2189. Very truly yours, MID VALLEY 1,ETR)POLITIATT DISTRICT BY Mr. Sid Fox: Per your letter of July 14, 1987, we do not feel that it is advantageous to us at this time to join the Mid Valley Metropolitan District. Enclosed please find a copy of the septic system permit which was rebuilt/installed in September, 1981. Also enclosed are copies of water samples from September, 1981 and November, 1086. With the increase in the real estate tax this year we cannot realistically afford to replace a system which is functioning perfectly well and not costing an extra monthly payment. Thank you for your time in this matter. ank H. Miller I i - L-� E C E I - ` October 22, 1987 Frank and Rebecca 11iller P.O. Box 587 Basalt, Coloraid'o 81621 M". =iSION Dear mb:. and VIrs. qj-11er - c -je-TVc you a Petition for Inclusion form on T-�ucgrust 27, 1987 and to date, we have had no reply. Or, November 1%. 1986, you were given a letl,'.ex for-e-stallinq the connection of -vour nsr hme to our sewer facilities. It gave YOU until �.y 1, 1987 to connect. As you Imaw, your building poxmit Twas issued on the contingency that you cor-ne-c-IC to the systma as soorn as in-ather pennitted'. Would you please drL-?, us a note or all 927-4077 an(3 let us kmow =7 you are cmd-na along on this. �M=CL DIa Dotti 'Harrison- Secly. m Cr-: Eagle Countnr Plamizng Office Mr. Sid rox 0 'pet The Kissell Company Attention: Pam 1542 Railroad Avenue Suite 5 Rifle, Colorado 81650 AGLE COUNTY 551 Broadway Eagle, Colorado 81631 (303) 328 7311 November 20, 1986 RE: Loan Inspection for property located at 1043 ?Millets Lane Dear Pam, All loan inspections are completed under the authority of the Eagle County Building Resolution, Section 3.09.03, A(7), adopted by the Eagle County Commissioners on October 8, 1985. An on -site inspection of the sewage disposal system on November 19, 1986 revealed that the septic system appears to be functioning properly. This individual sewage disposal system was permitted and installed in accordance with State and County Regula- tions. Final approval for individual sewage disposal permit #537 was granted on September 29, 1981. Water is supplied by an on -site well. A water sample bottle was left for the owner to be delivered to the Snowmass Lab. for state certified bacteriological analysis. It is my understanding that this property is to be connected to the Mid -Valley Metro District water supply and central sewer in the near future. Should you have any cruestions concerning this inspection, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely, Sid Fox, A sistant Environmental Health Officer SF/cb cc: Frank and Rebecca Mieley Files Board of County Commissioners Assessor Clerk and Recorder Sheriff Treasurer P.O. Box 850 P.O. Box 449 P.O. Box 537 P.O. Box 359 P.O. Box 479 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 LOAN INSPECTION FORM LOCATION: REQUESTOR: �Cyy,.� o o p n r COPIES T0:/��- 6"Cs"�ec,66 BILL TO: ISDS PERMIT �� � � % ��2y��� •c.c_e_. INSPECTION INFORMATION: m INSPECTION DONE BY: fL , �- ram• f DATE: // / S -SSG