HomeMy WebLinkAbout5337 Bellyache Ridge Rd - 194134101018(303) 328-7311 PERMIT MUST BE POSTED EAGLE C 4TY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONME' AL HEALTH ON LOCATION Box 811 6th & Broadway CALL FOR FINAL INSPECTION BEFORE Eagle, Colorado 81631 COVERING ANY PORTION OF INSTAL LED SYSTEM PERMIT N9 44% (this does not constitute • a building or use permit) Owner GEORGE BURENS/GEORGE ROBERTS System Location LOT 55 : BELLYACHE RIDGE SUBDIVISION Licensed ?,NKRM= TNSTAT.L-pg * Conditional Construction approval is hereby granted for a 750 gallon minimum requirements: 750 gallon $e tic xx Septic Tank or Aerated treatment unit, a � $� tank with a 600 sq. ft. leach field OR one 1Ox10x10 Absorption area (or dispersal area) computed as follows: dry well Perc rate 1 inches in 20 minutes 600 sq. ft. absorption area per bedroom 300 sq. ft. # of bedrooms 2 x 300 sq. ft. minimum requirement May we suggest Date July 24, 1980 Inspector Erik W. Edeen FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM: No system shall be deemed to be in compliance with the Sewage Disposal Laws until the assembled system is approved prior to covering any part. L Septic Tank cleanott to within 12OLof final grade or aerated access ports above grade. / Proper materials and assembly. Adequate absorption (or dispersal) area. !2 4�J_ 0 L� If 9' -0 Adequate compliance with permit requirements. Adequate compliance with County and State regulations/requirements. Date l �� Inspector RETAIN WITH RECEIPT RECORDS AT CONSTRUCTION SITE *CONDITIONS: 1. All installation must comply with all requirements of the County Individual Sewage Disposal Regulations, adopted pursuant to authority granted in 25-10-104, CRS 1973 amended 25-1-614, CRS 1973 2. This permit is valid only for connection to structures which have fully complied with County Zoning and building requirements. Connection to or use with any dwelling or structures not approved by the building and Zoning office shall automatically be a violation of a requirement of the permit and cause for both legal action and revocation of the permit. 3. Section III, 3.28requires any person who constructs, alters, or installs an individual sewage disposal system in a manner which involves a knowing and material variation from the terms or specifications con- tained in the application of permit commits a Class I, Petty Offense ($500.00 fine - 6 months in jail or both. (n W W L.L p z d Q J 0_ W V) ry p O S 3 Z O_ F- tY O D. (/J H S F- 71 - W W (n Q W J 1 M N co M I t\ N m I\ Ln N Lf) I (S) (T M S � J co Q W J CD OLO pt < Co d F- C Z X _J W O O m U z O ^ Q W H J CO W W 0 LC) (f} I I W W lL W F- Z c � H O W U 0_ LY W L 0- W f"• V) J Q 1n C) p W (D Q W LL- Q O_ _T 0 Z O Z O Q L) H J CL Q LO 1\ I I W W II F- W 0- �� LL._ V) O (/) W W a! Q p Z Q \� 1 0- 0- O J IN � F- Z W CC LU LL- L.L o iJ LL H �1 U CL ("k CL Q LL N O V) W W = 4 CD p Q W J CO U J 0- a_ Q L.L W I- V) V) LL. O tz W W Z H (O Z W•• V) r V) U W H (n C> W M O a •4-) CU �V W N (n LL O Z O H J J F- V) z H O LL. W J co H O 0- () W V) O LLJ V) = p W p 0- Q 3 a--) ` J C i- O O ` U >) 4--) • U F- C H •r J � 3 LL 4- p r LLJ O C Z 0_ 3 O Cl O H 0 CL S- H LL. O O W LOi U p F- J Q C W J J cn V) W p M Q J rK S W W F- N O z Cam• Q p W 0_ V) Z O J J Q CD O O O N Z Q S F- V) V) W .__I O LL LLI Z (J N W W F- N (n (/) H X X QJ � r r C1 C17:7 F- Cr I 1 r r- (0 rr5 C C O Q) N N (U N IY a. � U N C TJ N U (U U .jz: •r QJ N •4•J A -r- O S vt -P ro •r =5 C.r. CS ¢ rrs Q) O r •r U -I-) •r •r N r •4-) C) 0- N i-) 0- C v) rC) H rO 3 r S- r O U (C5 r r •4--) Y ro v) U •r QJ (L) U U C) _0 L `. E 1 Cll � C L O O +) U Z O V) W } W F- V) 3 QJ V) =D QJ N (U =D l� o �v 4-)rOv� � QJ 4 r O •1-j 0 S- •rO_O U V O (CS •r •r U r r U U >), ,1 (1)U � CU CU�'y U � i QJ N C1. -1-) •r (/) N >, C2 N C1 N (N .L-- CD (U �l 4-) 4- W 4-) r O (n CU •r 4- C r O O QJ 0_ 4-) •r F- r QJ C 0_ r O Cll C'J 0_ iT •r > W C •r (Z5 C •r F- O 4-) Ci M V) r (N (U N >- 4--3 O C S- (l) its C)-,- N v C 4-) Q QUHO -N rO V) >' •r 3 0 0 > V'0_ V) •4 ) H LO r C 3 w F - r O >) < r U W C > ~ LL 4- 0 J 0 .r •N O O < U ro -0 C •r 4-) CL LLJ t (U M 4-) r >> >- C1 r � (U r6 •r � V) 0_ C^ •D C1 p (J N Q > 4- <L W CD l--1 O ---- U co� W S 0_ O N O K O Z r L) C \•J� •ic � RS O • r- � rt5 C O CU O 4-) r CJ (M •r 0_ i( CS a (3 O o o +-) � N -P > • -)-) o Cl) N 0) -P LL 3 (Z k 5.-- r r r O C1J 1� C-1 O O O C- -0 4-) ru C N K O > ro r(S 4-) O C C W V) 3 LLJ •r •r •r •K U � ` H 4--) Cl• LL C1 U U U W •}( LL (ll C C f C C] •r •r `i�� `i F- -K S S- •S- S.-. V) - v Q) w J L1 � C1 W S W N N N F- _ Q) N K T QJ •N -P 4-) Li J M = O < ,+`J C C C O V) Z ) 2 -17 r W (1) rl� r- W K /O co N ro H (1J U N C1 C � • • r C •r N O O QJ M• r Z LLJ 0- S p H O F- •Jc > CO V) r C C J r O O -0 4- r O U S C O 4-) U LLJ S- tY is O O 0- 0-CD-)� i- H p S- • • . o > (U Q) C] J 4-) .J -::C Q = O W H C S-- p C 5 •3( LL (3) C) N U CL W I- — — < W S.- 0_ S •}( m N O W to -C7 >-• W it C Z () ? CYl m J O M O W H J zm r~-L 4-) Q V) W ` Z O J O S -k _O Z .0 C) Q_ LJL.. S- F U 01 0' H LL C -c Q QJ W C] W 4--) !E: CD p 0_ ro cl� Z J J C k O O J cz J m LL O H Z H •r ` = CD f..� 3 V) yc r-L C-D V) LL PERCOLATION TEST FEE: $50 ze� APPLICATION NO. [ONRI A LEGAL E RURAL A TYPE OF DWELLING: / # OF BEDROOMS: r i♦ n n n n n n nJi n n ♦� i�i if in i DATE OF TEST: �— 9 �D TYPE OF SOIL: TEST HOLES PRESOAKED: YES Yr NO .-Z— TIME WATER DEPTH I INCHES OF FALL RATE 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 I 3 lz"3���� l� PERCOLATION RATE: TANK SIZE: SQUARE FOOTAGE PER BEDROOM: � LEACH FIELD SIZE: Site has been reviewed and tested fo ercolation rate. We recommend: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL DATE: Z— st-0 5:!� I-,, EAGLE MOUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER E.kGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH ROUTE FORM George Burens/George Roberts 7-14-80 NAME 809 DATE REFERRED APPLICATION NO. Lot 55 - Bellyache Ridge LOCATION Please review the attached application and return it and this completed form to the Environmental Health Office. ��I NINC� Comments: BUILDING: L/ Other Comments: L".T0TTAT7WU . Comments: Complies with: l Yes N I_ Revi ewed Bv____ _ Subdivision Regulations) Zoi,ing Regulations Recommend Approval ' L&I- _ < / S A I &I- —^_---Set Backs-�._----- Site Recommend Approval (=xxZ=Ryy; �si ,._� Roads Grading Drainage Recommend Al I % 23 -A I TUE READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR i ISDS Permit BUILDING DIVISION \ INSPECTION REQUEST P.O. BOX 609 PHONE: 328-7311 TOWN OF EAGLE O 10-23-80 DATE JOBNAME TIME RECEIVED 2:4061 PM CALLER Scott Davis, Licensed installer OTHER Septic Final ❑ PARTIAL. I►viL�P� COMMENTS: LOCATION Lot 55, Bellyache Ridge Subdivsi&on FRI " / AM(S) -, APPROVED ❑ DISAPPROVED ❑ REINSPECT ❑ UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS EAGLE COUNTY 551 Broadway Eagle, Colorado 81631 (303) 328 7311 April 9, 1987 Mortgage Plus, Inc. Attention: Diane Kloppenstein 4704 Harlan Street Suite 600 Denver, Colorado 80212 RE: Loan Inspection for property located at 5337 Bellyache Ridge Road, Lot 55, Bellyache Subdivision Dear Diane, All loan inspections are completed under the authority of the Eagle County Building Resolution, Section 3.09.03, A(7), adopted by the Eagle County Commissioners on October 8, 1985. An on -site inspection of the sewage disposal system on April 6, 1987 revealed that the septic system appears to be functioning properly. This individual sewage disposal system was permitted and installed in accordance with State and County Regulations. Final approval for Individual Sewage Disposal Permit Number 447 was granted on October 24, 1980. If you should have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely, ?� � Erik Edeen Environmental Health Officer EE/cb xc : Mr. Bob Mcidi l lan , Owner Files Board of County Commissioners Assessor Clerk and Recorder Sheriff Treasurer P.O. Box 850 P.O. Box 449 P.O. Box 537 P.O. Box 359 P.O. Box 479 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 1989 WORLD ALPINE SKI CHAMPIONSHIPS VAIL/'BEAVER CREEK EAGLE COUNTY 551 Broadway Eagle, Colorado 81631 (303) 328 7311 November 21, 1988 Dorian Duncan Colorado Bankers Mortgage Co. P. 0. Box 9367 South Denver Station Denver, CO 80209-0367 RE: Water supply and sewage disposal inspection for property located at: 5337 Bellyache Ridge (Lot 55, Bellyache Ridge Filing #2). Dear Dorian, All loan inspections are completed under the authority of the Eagle County Building Resoluiton, Section 3.09.03, A (7), adopted by the Eagle County Commissioners on October 8, 1985. On November 17, 1988, this department conducted a site inspection of the above referenced property. The inspection was requested by you for the purpose of evaluating the existing condition of the on -site wastewater disposal and water supply systems. A review of the County records indicates that the sewage disposal system was permitted under Permit Number 447, inspected and approved in accordance with County Individual Sewage Disposal Regulations. A visual inspection of the ground surface indicated that the sewage disposal system was apparently functioning satisfactorily at the time of inspection. The water supply to this residence is from a community water system. The community water system is inspected on a regular basis by the Colorado Department of Health and complies with current drinking water standards. If you have any questions concerning this inspection, please call or write. Sincerley, Erik Edeen Environmental Health Officer xc: Robert McMillan Board of County Comr�ils�'grgers Assessor Clerk and Recorder Sheriff Treasurer P.O. Box 850 P.O. Box 449 P.O. Box 537 P.O. Box 359 P.O. Box 479 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMEV (3303) S 2 S - S 7 3 0 EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO December 13, 3991 Ms. Carol Lacroix [,(- First Western Mortgage ' Cd-rf Box 1237 Vail, CO 81658 500 BROADWAY P.O. BOX I 1 9 EAGLE. COLORADO S 163 I FAX (1303) 28-7')07 cAej RE: Water supply and sewage disposal inspection for property located at 5337 Bellyache Ridge Road, Lot 55, Bellyache Ridge, Filing 2 Dear Ms. Lacroix: All loan inspections are completed under the authority of the Eagle County Building Resolution, Section 3.09.03, A(7), adopted by the Eagle County Commissioners on October 8, 1985. On December 13, 1991, this department conducted a site inspection of the above referenced property. The inspection was requested by you for the purpose of evaluating the existing condition of the on -site wastewater disposal and water supply systems. A review of the County records indicates that on July 24, 1980, the sewage disposal system was permitted under Permit Number 447, inspected and approved in accordance with County Individual Sewage Disposal Regulations. The system consists of a 750 gallon septic tank and one 2,000 gallon dry well. A visual inspection of the ground surface indicated that the system is apparently functioning satisfactorily at this time. obviously, this does not guarantee the continued satisfactory performance of the system. The water supply to this residence is from Bellyache, a community water system. The community water system is inspected on a regular basis by the Colorado Department of Health and to the best of our knowledge complies with current drinking water standards. If you have any further questions concerning this inspection, please feel free to call me at 328-8755. Respectfully Submitted, Roger Boy Environmental Health Assistant FIRST WESTERN MORTGAGE SERVICES, INC. February 17, 1993 Eagle County V� I Community Development Box 179 Eagle, CO 81631 Attn: Tania Re: 5337 Bellyache Ridge Road, Bellyache Ridge Dear Tania: Please provide a lender's septic inspection for _Joyce M. Brenner, property located as above. Enclosed please find our check in the amount of $200. Please fax to: 949-1001 and mail the original to: First Western Mortgage Services P.O. Box 1237 Vail, CO 81658 Thank you for your help. Please call if you have any questions or require additional information. FIRST WESTERN MORTGAGE SERVICES, INC. CL_4_� Carol B. LaCroix :cbl } r Encl. �e� �J L_D FEB ? 2 93 EAGLE COUNTY �n1kflkA E%,iirY f?r,lENT 40801 Highway 6 & 24 / Suite 3 / Eagle -Vail, CO 81620 P.O. Box 1237 / Vail, Colorado 81658 / 303/949-6060 / Fax 303/949-1001 COMMUNITY DEVELOP,MENi DEPARTN1ENT (303) 323-5%30 COUNTY,EAGLE ' ' r , ,'. February 23, 1993 First Western Mortgage Services Attn: Carol B. Lacroix P.O. Box 1237 Vail, CO 81658 500 BROAE)v - AY P.O. BOX I _a EAGLE. COLORADO : 163 1 FAX (303) RE: Individual Sewage Disposal System (ISDS), and water well inspection for property located at: 5337 Bellyache Ridge Road, Lot 55, Bellyache Ridge, Tax Parcel # 1941-341-01-018 Dear Sirs: All loan inspections are completed under the authority of the Eagle County Building Resolution, Section 3.09.03, B(6), adopted by the Eagle County Commissioners on October 8, 1985, amended June 23, 1992. On February 21, 1993, this department conducted a site inspection of the above referenced property. The inspection was requested by you for the purpose of evaluating the existing condition of the on -site ISDS and water well. A review of Eagle County records indicates that: On July 24, 1980, the ISDS was permitted under Permit Number 447, inspected and approved in accordance with Eagle County ISDS Regulations. The system consists of a 750 gallon septic tank and one 2,000 dry well. A site visit was done but due to the snow accumulation it is impossible to determine the status of this system. Obviously, this does not guarantee the continued satisfactory performance of the system. The water supply to this residence is from Bellyache, a community water system. The community water system is inspected on a regular basis by the Colorado Department of Health and to the best of our knowledge complies with current drinking water standards. If you have any further questions concerning this inspection, please feel free to call me at 328-8755 or write. Respectfully Submitted, Tania Busch -Weak Environmental Health Specialist Eagle County cc: Files/ISDS 447 LOCATION: PARCEL NO: PROPERTY OWNER: Dpt REQUESTOR: DATE RECEIVED: COPIES TO: ISDS PERMIT NO: LOAN INSPECTION REQUEST FORM 5 33? G � /� of i ir, �5 _ y lqgl - 3q1 -01- 61? a V�55 vaut� 5g dr2f'A0 t UNCAN INSPECTION INFORMATION: D , �'-�qiy lt�i14ortTG ft �-2 r"3 o, 9-tco -7 U f N Oee ST;i7f d A.) �- 733-2400 20 - D3�pi *********************** VISUAL INSPECTION OF PREMISES: DATE: NOT FEASIBLE DUE TO WEATHER CONDITIONS: APPARENTLY FUNCTIONING SATISFACTORILY: NO ISDS RECORD FOUND: NOT FUNCTIONING OR NOT EXPECTED TO FUNCTION SATISFACTORILY AS EVIDENCED BY: , f � LOAN INSPECTION REQUEST FORM LOCATION: 5337 Bellyache Ridge (Lot 55, Bellyache Ridge Filing #2) PARCEL NO: 1941-341-01-018 Schedule # 0015967 PROPERTY OWNER: Robert Woody McMillan REQUESTOR: Dorian Duncan (303) 733-2600 Colorado Bankers Mortgage Co P. 0. Box 9367 South Denver Station Denver, CO 80209-0 67 DATE RECEIVED: November 16, 1988 COPIES TO: Colorado Bankers Mortgage Co. Robert W. McMillan Attention: Dorian Duncan P. 0 Box 1035 P.O.Box 9367 Vail, Colorado Denver, CO 80209-0367 81658 ISDS PERMIT NO: 447 NO ISDS RECORD FOUND: INSPECTION INFORMATION: VISUAL INSPECTION OF PREMISES:����F DATE: 61IL G 's 6 " Q 7- Z-, 22NOT FEASIBLE DUE TO WEATHER CONDITIONS: APPARENTLY FUNCTIONING SATISFACTORILY: NOT FUNCTIONING OR NOT EXPECTED TO FUNCTION SATISFACTORILY AS EVIDENCED BY: LOAN INSPECTION FORM LOCATION:-") REQL'ESTOR:� 55 Ci COPIES TO: ISDS PERMIT INSPECTION INFORMATION: Q I �-) t() INSPECTION DONE BY:�/'_DATE:`« 1989 WORLD ALPINE SKI CHAMPIONSHIPS VAIL, BEAVER CREEK EAGLE COUNTY 551 Broadway Eagle, Colorado 81631 (303) 328 7311 FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL BULLETIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DATE: //— 2-/— 6&' TIME: 1 O TO: 000ZV,+fw 0 0yC4 q,-" FAX 4 3O�j — 7 — ColoraCc 0 fan flC�S �0✓�S �p> P0, 80x 93G 7 FROM: /f7 16"0,-,E-4,1 FAX # (3 03) 3 2 8 -7207 DEPT. # TEL # (3 4 3) -5,3C) pages to be transmitted, including this cover page. TYPE OF DOCUMENT : PRIORITY: X Deliver Immediately Deliver within 4 hours Addressee will pick up X Notify addressee Additional instructions or comments: Sending operator 1 Board of County Commissioners Assessor Clerk and Recorder Sheriff Treasurer P.O. Box 850 P.O. Box 449 P.O. Box 537 P.O. Box 359 P.O. Box 479 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 JOB NAME 0447 Lt 5b, tiellyacne xlage Sub,5337 Bellyache__ Ridge-MeM-1'lrFTA-N- i Parcel # 1941-341-01-018, JOB NO. JOB LOCATION BILL TO DATE STARTED DATE COMPLETED DATE BILLED ---,,X-" y rle—I hc]),,�Aed I JOB COST SUMMARY TOTAL SELLING PRICE TOTAL MATERIAL TOTAL LABOR INSURANCE SALES TAX MISC. COSTS TOTAL JOB COST GROSS PROFIT LESS OVERHEAD COSTS % OF SELLING PRICE NET PROFIT JOB FOLDER Product 278 �, NEW ENGL/,NL1 BUSINESS SERVICE. INC., GROTON, MA 01471 JOB FOLDER Printed in U.S.A.