HomeMy WebLinkAbout379 Wolcott Springs Rd - 194127202001Work Classification:New 12 BLACKMER RD ENGLEWOOD CO 80113- Address Owner Information Permit Status:Active Project Address 194127202001 Permit Type:OWTS Permit Permit NO.OWTS-7-14-11016 Expires: 11/21/2014Issue Date:7/24/2014 Parcel No. 379 WOLCOTT SPRINGS RD Private Wastewater System Environmental Health Department P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631-0179 Phone: (970)328-8755 Fax: (970)328-8788 Phone: 303 962 2200 Cell: Inspection For Inspections call:(970) 328-8755 Inspections: IVR OWTS Final Inspection 095 PhoneEngineer(s) (970) 945-8676HIGH COUNTRY ENGINEERING Contractor(s)Phone Primary ContractorLicense Number DIAMOND A EXCAVATING (970)926-2596 Yes35-14 DIAMOND A EXCAVATING (970)926-2596 Yes35-14 RICHARD BENES Permitted Construction / Details: Install the sand mound system exactly as designed by High Country Engineering stamped, signed and dated July 24, 2014. System consists of a 1,500 gallon Valley Precast three compartment tank with low head pump (1500T-3CP-LH) and 4,000 square feet of soil treatment area via two alternatively dosed sand mound filters that are 20' X 100' constructed as shown on the design drawings. Contact the design engineer to evaluate the underlying soils during site preparation and to conduct inspections during construction in order to certify proper installation. Engineer certification and as-built drawings are required to be submitted and approved by Eagle County Environmental Health prior to using the system and occupancy of the dwelling. Issued by: Environmental Health Department, Eagle County, CO August 01, 2014 Date Customer Copy Ray Merry CONDITIONS: 1. THIS PERMIT EXPIRES BY TIME LIMITATION AND BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF THE WORK AUTHORIZED BY THE PERMIT IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS OF ISSUANCE, OR BEFORE THE EXPIRATION OF AN ASSOCIATED BUILDING PERMIT 2. ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN C.R.S. 25-10-101, et seq., AS AMENDED 3. THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR CONNECTION TO STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS. CONNECTION TO, OR USE WITH ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT, AND WILL RESULT IN BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT 4. CHAPTER IV, SECTION 4.03.29 REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED Work Classification:New 12 BLACKMER RD ENGLEWOOD CO 80113- Address Owner Information Permit Status:Active Project Address 194127202001 Permit Type:OWTS Permit Permit NO.OWTS-7-14-11016 Expires: 11/21/2014Issue Date:7/24/2014 Parcel No. 379 WOLCOTT SPRINGS RD Private Wastewater System Environmental Health Department P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631-0179 Phone: (970)328-8755 Fax: (970)328-8788 Phone: 303 962 2200 Cell: Inspection For Inspections call:(970) 328-8755 Inspections: IVR OWTS Final Inspection 095 PhoneEngineer(s) (970) 945-8676HIGH COUNTRY ENGINEERING Contractor(s)Phone Primary ContractorLicense Number DIAMOND A EXCAVATING (970)926-2596 Yes35-14 DIAMOND A EXCAVATING (970)926-2596 Yes35-14 RICHARD BENES Permitted Construction / Details: Install the sand mound system exactly as designed by High Country Engineering stamped, signed and dated July 24, 2014. System consists of a 1,500 gallon Valley Precast three compartment tank with low head pump (1500T-3CP-LH) and 4,000 square feet of soil treatment area via two alternatively dosed sand mound filters that are 20' X 100' constructed as shown on the design drawings. Contact the design engineer to evaluate the underlying soils during site preparation and to conduct inspections during construction in order to certify proper installation. Engineer certification and as-built drawings are required to be submitted and approved by Eagle County Environmental Health prior to using the system and occupancy of the dwelling. Office Copy August 01, 2014 Issued by: Environmental Health Department, Eagle County, CO Date Ray Merry CONDITIONS: 1. THIS PERMIT EXPIRES BY TIME LIMITATION AND BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF THE WORK AUTHORIZED BY THE PERMIT IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS OF ISSUANCE, OR BEFORE THE EXPIRATION OF AN ASSOCIATED BUILDING PERMIT 2. ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN C.R.S. 25-10-101, et seq., AS AMENDED 3. THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR CONNECTION TO STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS. CONNECTION TO, OR USE WITH ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT, AND WILL RESULT IN BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT 4. CHAPTER IV, SECTION 4.03.29 REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED Work Classification: NewPermit 12 BLACKMER RD ENGLEWOOD CO 80113- Address Owner Information Permit Status: Active Project Address 194127202001 Permit Type: OWTS Permit Permit NO. OWTS-7-14-11016 Expires: 2/11/2015 Issue Date: 10/14/2014 Parcel No. 379 WOLCOTT SPRINGS RD Private Wastewater System Environmental Health Department P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631-0179 Phone: (970)328-8755 Fax: (970)328-8788 Phone: 303 962 2200 Cell: Inspection For Inspections call: (970) 328-8755 Inspections: IVR OWTS Final Inspection 095 PhoneEngineer(s) (970) 945-8676HIGH COUNTRY ENGINEERING Contractor(s)Phone Primary ContractorLicense Number DIAMOND A EXCAVATING (970)926-2596 Yes35-14 DIAMOND A EXCAVATING (970)926-2596 Yes35-14 RICHARD BENES Permitted Construction / Details: Installation of the OWTS as designed by High Country Engineering stamped, signed and dated October 13, 2014. System consists of a 1,250 Valley Precast two compartment septic tank and 1,714 square feet of soil treatment area via the placement of a distribution box delivering effluent to 100 Infiltrator Quick 4 chambers in four shallow 100' trenches not to exceed 2.5 feet in depth. It must be field verified that 4 feet of vertical separation remains between the bottom of the trenches and bedrock. An effluent screen may be placed in the outlet tee of the second compartment of the tank and risers must be placed on the tank and distribution box to bring access to or above grade. Please note that the method of distribution may be changed without revision to the OWTS permit to allow serial step trenches due to the site topography and requirement to maintain four feet of vertical separation between the bottom of trenches and underlying bedrock. The design engineer must be contacted at least 48 hours prior to the installation to evaluate the underlying soils during site preparation and to discuss the installation detail with the licensed contractor. The design engineer must conduct all inspections necessary during construction in order to certify proper installation. Engineer certification with photos and as-built drawings are required to be submitted and approved by Eagle County Environmental Health prior to using the system and occupancy of the dwelling. Issued by: Environmental Health Department, Eagle County, CO October 14, 2014 Date Customer Copy Ray Merry CONDITIONS: 1. THIS PERMIT EXPIRES BY TIME LIMITATION AND BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF THE WORK AUTHORIZED BY THE PERMIT IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS OF ISSUANCE, OR BEFORE THE EXPIRATION OF AN ASSOCIATED BUILDING PERMIT 2. ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN C.R.S. 25-10-101, et seq., AS AMENDED 3. THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR CONNECTION TO STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS. CONNECTION TO, OR USE WITH ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT, AND WILL RESULT IN BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT 4. CHAPTER IV, SECTION 4.03.29 REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED Work Classification: NewPermit 12 BLACKMER RD ENGLEWOOD CO 80113- Address Owner Information Permit Status: Active Project Address 194127202001 Permit Type: OWTS Permit Permit NO. OWTS-7-14-11016 Expires: 2/11/2015 Issue Date: 10/14/2014 Parcel No. 379 WOLCOTT SPRINGS RD Private Wastewater System Environmental Health Department P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631-0179 Phone: (970)328-8755 Fax: (970)328-8788 Phone: 303 962 2200 Cell: Inspection For Inspections call: (970) 328-8755 Inspections: IVR OWTS Final Inspection 095 PhoneEngineer(s) (970) 945-8676HIGH COUNTRY ENGINEERING Contractor(s)Phone Primary ContractorLicense Number DIAMOND A EXCAVATING (970)926-2596 Yes35-14 DIAMOND A EXCAVATING (970)926-2596 Yes35-14 RICHARD BENES Permitted Construction / Details: Installation of the OWTS as designed by High Country Engineering stamped, signed and dated October 13, 2014. System consists of a 1,250 Valley Precast two compartment septic tank and 1,714 square feet of soil treatment area via the placement of a distribution box delivering effluent to 100 Infiltrator Quick 4 chambers in four shallow 100' trenches not to exceed 2.5 feet in depth. It must be field verified that 4 feet of vertical separation remains between the bottom of the trenches and bedrock. An effluent screen may be placed in the outlet tee of the second compartment of the tank and risers must be placed on the tank and distribution box to bring access to or above grade. Please note that the method of distribution may be changed without revision to the OWTS permit to allow serial step trenches due to the site topography and requirement to maintain four feet of vertical separation between the bottom of trenches and underlying bedrock. The design engineer must be contacted at least 48 hours prior to the installation to evaluate the underlying soils during site preparation and to discuss the installation detail with the licensed contractor. The design engineer must conduct all inspections necessary during construction in order to certify proper installation. Engineer certification with photos and as-built drawings are required to be submitted and approved by Eagle County Environmental Health prior to using the system and occupancy of the dwelling. Office Copy October 14, 2014 Issued by: Environmental Health Department, Eagle County, CO Date Ray Merry CONDITIONS: 1. THIS PERMIT EXPIRES BY TIME LIMITATION AND BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF THE WORK AUTHORIZED BY THE PERMIT IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS OF ISSUANCE, OR BEFORE THE EXPIRATION OF AN ASSOCIATED BUILDING PERMIT 2. ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN C.R.S. 25-10-101, et seq., AS AMENDED 3. THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR CONNECTION TO STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS. CONNECTION TO, OR USE WITH ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT, AND WILL RESULT IN BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT 4. CHAPTER IV, SECTION 4.03.29 REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED Work Classification: NewPermit 12 BLACKMER RD ENGLEWOOD CO 80113- Address Owner Information Permit Status: Active Project Address 194127202001 Permit Type: OWTS Permit Permit NO. OWTS-7-14-11016 Expires: 2/11/2015 Issue Date: 10/14/2014 Parcel No. 379 WOLCOTT SPRINGS RD Private Wastewater System Environmental Health Department P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631-0179 Phone: (970)328-8755 Fax: (970)328-8788 Phone: 303 962 2200 Cell: Inspection For Inspections call: (970) 328-8755 Inspections: IVR OWTS Final Inspection 095 PhoneEngineer(s) (970) 945-8676HIGH COUNTRY ENGINEERING Contractor(s)Phone Primary ContractorLicense Number DIAMOND A EXCAVATING (970)926-2596 Yes35-14 DIAMOND A EXCAVATING (970)926-2596 Yes35-14 RICHARD BENES Permitted Construction / Details: Installation of the OWTS exactly as revised by HP Geotech in the report dated November 6, 2014, stamped, signed and dated November 7, 2014. The revision consists of removing the Infiltrator Quick 4 chambers that were not installed in accordance with the original permit (they were installed too deeply thus not meeting the vertical separation to bedrock requirement) and placing the chambers atop a minimum of three feet of specified sand filter media. The 1,250 gallon tank installed is to remain in place and an additional Valley Precast IM 40-HH poly dose tank with an Orenco PF 1005 pump is an effluent biofilter as well as an Orenco V6404 automatic distribution valve will be added to allow pressure distribution to the shallow Infiltrator chambers. Contact the design engineer well in advance of the of the installation to conduct all inspections necessary during construction in order to certify proper installation. Engineer certification with photos and as-built drawings are required to be submitted and approved by Eagle County Environmental Health prior to using the system and occupancy of the dwelling. Issued by: Environmental Health Department, Eagle County, CO November 13, 2014 Date Customer Copy Ray Merry CONDITIONS: 1. THIS PERMIT EXPIRES BY TIME LIMITATION AND BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF THE WORK AUTHORIZED BY THE PERMIT IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS OF ISSUANCE, OR BEFORE THE EXPIRATION OF AN ASSOCIATED BUILDING PERMIT 2. ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN C.R.S. 25-10-101, et seq., AS AMENDED 3. THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR CONNECTION TO STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS. CONNECTION TO, OR USE WITH ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT, AND WILL RESULT IN BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT 4. CHAPTER IV, SECTION 4.03.29 REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED Work Classification: NewPermit 12 BLACKMER RD ENGLEWOOD CO 80113- Address Owner Information Permit Status: Active Project Address 194127202001 Permit Type: OWTS Permit Permit NO. OWTS-7-14-11016 Expires: 2/11/2015 Issue Date: 10/14/2014 Parcel No. 379 WOLCOTT SPRINGS RD Private Wastewater System Environmental Health Department P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631-0179 Phone: (970)328-8755 Fax: (970)328-8788 Phone: 303 962 2200 Cell: Inspection For Inspections call: (970) 328-8755 Inspections: IVR OWTS Final Inspection 095 PhoneEngineer(s) (970) 945-8676HIGH COUNTRY ENGINEERING Contractor(s)Phone Primary ContractorLicense Number DIAMOND A EXCAVATING (970)926-2596 Yes35-14 DIAMOND A EXCAVATING (970)926-2596 Yes35-14 RICHARD BENES Permitted Construction / Details: Installation of the OWTS exactly as revised by HP Geotech in the report dated November 6, 2014, stamped, signed and dated November 7, 2014. The revision consists of removing the Infiltrator Quick 4 chambers that were not installed in accordance with the original permit (they were installed too deeply thus not meeting the vertical separation to bedrock requirement) and placing the chambers atop a minimum of three feet of specified sand filter media. The 1,250 gallon tank installed is to remain in place and an additional Valley Precast IM 40-HH poly dose tank with an Orenco PF 1005 pump is an effluent biofilter as well as an Orenco V6404 automatic distribution valve will be added to allow pressure distribution to the shallow Infiltrator chambers. Contact the design engineer well in advance of the of the installation to conduct all inspections necessary during construction in order to certify proper installation. Engineer certification with photos and as-built drawings are required to be submitted and approved by Eagle County Environmental Health prior to using the system and occupancy of the dwelling. Office Copy November 13, 2014 Issued by: Environmental Health Department, Eagle County, CO Date Ray Merry CONDITIONS: 1. THIS PERMIT EXPIRES BY TIME LIMITATION AND BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF THE WORK AUTHORIZED BY THE PERMIT IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS OF ISSUANCE, OR BEFORE THE EXPIRATION OF AN ASSOCIATED BUILDING PERMIT 2. ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN C.R.S. 25-10-101, et seq., AS AMENDED 3. THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR CONNECTION TO STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS. CONNECTION TO, OR USE WITH ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT, AND WILL RESULT IN BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT 4. CHAPTER IV, SECTION 4.03.29 REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH (970) 328-8755 FAX: (970) 328-8788 TOLL FREE: 800-225-6136 www.eaglecountv.us EAGLE COUNTY P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631 www.eaglecounty.us 10RAN 031Wok OWTS PERMIT # C 7M:�rt_ /1RZ BUILDING PERMIT # K a —1 U — / O X INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED (SITE PLAN MUST BE INCLUDED) FEE SCHEDULE APPLICATION FEE $800.00 MAJOR REPAIR FEE $800.00 MINOR REPAIR FEE 400.00 This fee includes the OWTS Permit, Site Evaluation (Percolation Test, or Soil Profile Observation) and Final Inspection. Additional fees may be charged if a re -inspection is necessary, or a pre -construction site visit or consultation is needed. The re -inspection fee is $135.00 Make all remittance payable to: Eagle County Treasurer. Property Owner: 1 ap j RaSec<A gFmriS Phone: 30-6 04f —13) 3 Mailing Address: 12- MLI'i4CrVffl4L R0 email ZLB Q. GrnG CT-eaU4?- 90M r'— NCrL*WoajDi Goo 16jo 1 /— Registered Professional Engineer:l}I CClYK7W�f =0144. Phone: R74M • 9 - 67b Applicant or Contact Person: AcJI-ft, A LAN E 3 Phone: 303 9 62-- 2 Z O O Licensed Systems Contractor: L-Z5 ARI�C %I- License # 3� 1 Company / DBA- D11F3rYV* V40 A EXCO MM Nam' Phone: 53 9 fl — � ?.3 Mailing Address - Po ac;N 19 EZ:�W al&1>15 emailLA-Zs 90 'DtRr+ncn 4Ae--xCaNAn ^1<!r, coo �1�3Z Permit Application is for New Installation Alteration Repair Location of Proposed Onsite Wastewater Treatment System: Legal Description: l.G'J A 9444"Y 13 DIy 151CW4 t W�1Gc�7j `5f�.�11AQ4� Tax Parcel Number: 19 4 12-7 zflZ. 124F1 Lot Size: ) a Assessor's Link: www.easlecountv.us/3patie/ Physical Address: T Building Type: 1!5i r WOLC 07 Residential / Single Family Residential / Multi Family pe, ICT-6 2-019-7 "IN 04 Number of Bedrooms: Number of Bedrooms: Commercial / Industrial* Type of Use: *These systems require design my a Registered Professional Engineer Type of Water $upply: `' Private Well Spring Surface Public If Public Name of Supplier: Applicant Signature: Office Use Only Amount Paid: OM Receipt #: Check #: %{ a Date: � 511� DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH (970) 328-8755 FAX: (970) 328-8788 TOLL FREE: 800-225-6136 www.eaglecounty.us RAYMOND P. MERRY, REH Director February 23, 2015 Richard Benes 12 Blackmer Rd Englewood, CO 80113 RE:Final approval of septic permit OWTS-7-14-11016;Tax parcel #194127202001; Property location: 379 Wolcott Springs Rd, Wolcott Area Richard: This letter is to inform you that the above-referenced septic permit has been inspected and finalized.This permit was approved and sized for a 3 bedroom dwelling.Additional information about the maintenance your septic system needs as well as information about private wells can be accessed through web site links provided on the Environmental Health Department’s home page at http://www.eaglecounty.us/envHealth/ Be aware that changes in the use of your property or alterations of your building may require commensurate changes to,or relocation of,your septic system.Landscape features, trees with tap roots,irrigation systems and parking areas above the drain field can cause premature system failure.It is equally important that you notice and immediately repair dripping faucets and hissing toilets as this will certainly cause the system to fail.By following a few simple guidelines,like avoiding grease or other additives down the drain and making sure your septic tank is on a pumping schedule,your system has been designed to last for many years. If you have any questions regarding this information,please contact us at (970)328-8755 and reference the OWTS septic permit number. Sincerely, Terri Vroman Administrative Technician IV cc:OWTS permit folder H1 tech HEPWORTH-PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL ON -SITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM DESIGN PROPOSED RESIDENCE LOT 1, PARCEL B, WOLCOTT SPRINGS WOLCOTT SPRINGS ROAD EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO JOB NO. 114 124A NOVEMBER 6, 2014 PREPARED FOR: DICK BENES C/O CMC GROUP 2000 S. COLORADO BOULEVARD SUITE 10500 DENVER, COLORADO 80222 (rlb(i cmc-Qroup.com) Parker 303-841-7119 0 Colorado Springs 719-633-5562 • Silverthorne 970-468-1989 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................- 1 - BACKGROUND INFORMATION.............................................................................: 1 - PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION.................................................................................... 2- SITECONDITIONS..................................................................................................... 2- SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS....................................................................................- 2 - OWTSANALYSIS......................................................................................................- 3- DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS...............................................................................- 4- SOILTREATMENT AREA....................................................................................- 4 - OWTSCOMPONETS............................................................................................... 5- TRENCH INTERCEPT DRAIN.................................................................................... 9 - OWTS OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE.............................................................. 9 - OWTS HOUSEHOLD OPERATION.......................................................................- 9 - OWTS MAINTENANCE....................................................................................... 10 - OWTS CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION.............................................................. 11 - LIMITATIONS........................................................................................................... 11 - FIGURE 1- OWTS SITE PLAN FIGURE 2 - SOIL TREATMENT AREA CALCULATIONS FIGURE 3 - SOIL TREATMENT AREA PLAN VIEW FIGURE 4 - SOIL TREATMENT AREA CROSS SECTION FIGURE 5 - TYPICAL INTERCEPTOR DRAIN DETAIL ATTACHMENTS LOGS OF SEPTIC DESIGN PROFILE PITS USDA GRADATION TEST RESULTS VALLEY PRECAST SEPTIC AND DOSE TANK DETAILS ORENCO PF1005 PUMP PERFORMANCE CURVE Job No. 114 124A e t@Ch This report provides our design of an onsite wastewater treatment system (OWTS) for the proposed residence currently under construction on Lot 1, Parcel B, Wolcott Springs, Wolcott Springs Road, Eagle County, Colorado. The purpose of this report was to provide design details for an OWTS in accordance with the 2014 Eagle County Onsite Wastewater Treatment System Regulations and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environrnent's Regulation #43. The services are supplemental to our agreement for professional services to Dick Benes dated April 18, 2014. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Hepworth-Pawlak Geotechnical, Inc. (HP Geotech) previously performed a subsoil study for foundation design for the site, and submitted our findings in a report dated May 16, 2014, Job No. 114 124A. We also prepared percolation testing for the project in reports dated July 22 and September 22, 2014, Job No. 114 124A. The field and laboratory information obtained from those reports were utilized to design an OWTS for the property by High Country Engineering in their October 2014 OWTS Design, Project No. 2141021.00. The High Country Engineering design was permitted by Eagle County and partially installed by the owner. Based on the sewer outlet elevation from the residence and required minimum slope of sewer and effluent piping, the soil treatment area was installed at a depth that did not allow for the required minimum separation from the system disposal infiltrative surface to bedrock. HP Geotech was requested to evaluate the High Country design and potential solutions for the OWTS on the property. Our findings and recommendations which consists of a new design are provided below. Job No. 114 124A ~Pt@ch -2- PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION The residence is currently under construction on the property and will be a two story structure over a walkout basement. The approximate location of the residence is shown on Figure 1. The OWTS soil treatment area will be located to the north-northwest of the residence. The residence will have a maximum of four bedrooms. If proposed construction is different than that described, we should be contacted to re-evaluate our design recommendations. SITE CONDITIONS The property consists of an approximately 10 acre lot. The residence is currently under construction in the southwest portion of the building envelope. The ground surface across the building area and in the area of the proposed OWTS slopes moderately down to the northeast. Vegetation consists primarily of grasses, weeds and brush. No surface water features or possible wetlands were observed in the near vicinity of the proposed residence and OWTS. Water is supplied to the residence by a well located about 1,200 feet north of the residence. No other wells were observed in the near vicinity. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS The field exploration for the additional percolation testing for the project was conducted on July 3 and September 16, 2014. Two profile pits and three percolation test holes were excavated at the approximate locations shown on Figure 1 to evaluate the subsurface conditions. Logs of the profile pits from our September 22 report are provided as an attachment to this report. The soils encountered consisted of about 1'/z feet of sandy clay topsoil overlying sandy clay with sandstone fragments to a depth of about 6'/2 feet where hard shale bedrock was encountered. Free water was encountered in several of the borings and pits for our initial study at the site when the borings were drilled and the pits excavated in May 2014, likely associated with heavy snowpack run-off. A hydrometer and gradation analysis was performed on a sample of the clay soil encountered near the infiltrative surface and was included in our September 22 report. The soils from the Job No. 114 124A G;?oRech -3- gradation/hydrometer analysis from Profile Pit 1 at 5 to 6 feet classify as Clay per USDA classification. A copy of these test results are also provided as an attachment. We performed a recent site visit on October 29, 2014. We observed the subgrade at the base of the trenches that had been excavated based on the High Country Engineering Design. The soils exposed were varied and consisted primarily of clay, sandy clay with cobbles and boulders and sandy clay loam with cobbles and boulders. No free water was observed in the trenches during our visit. Percolation tests were previously performed in the three test holes (P-1, P-2 and P-3) on July 3 and September 22, 2014. Percolation test rates ranged from about 12 to 40 minutes per inch. Percolation test procedures outlined in Regulation #43 were not utilized and the results were only used for comparison of the soil profile pit evaluations. OWTS ANALYSIS Based on the profile pit evaluations and soil treatment area trench observations, the base of the soil treatment trenches will be located in clay, sandy clay or sandy clay loam. To maintain the required separation from bedrock, we recommend a minimum 3 feet of sand be placed in the soil treatment trenches below the infiltrators. The base of the sand filter will be sized for a Long -Term Acceptance Rate (LTAR) of 0.35 gallons per square foot per day based on the variable soil types and discussions with Ray Merry of Eagle County. Treatment level 3 will be achieved by use of the 3 feet thick sand filter. The sand filter media should meet the requirements of State Regulation #43. For the treatment system, the sewage will gravity flow to the septic tank for primary treatment then gravity flow to a dosing tank where it will be pumped to the infiltrators and subsurface sand filter treatment area (STA) at regular intervals for treatment and disposal. An automatic distribution valve will be used to alternate dosing to each of the four trenches in the treatment area. Job No. 114 124A Gec&ec_h Due to the shallow groundwater encountered at the site, a trench intercept drain placed above the soil treatment area is recommended. Based on our observations and experience, the groundwater is a perched condition near the ground surface, and a relatively shallow intercept drain should be adequate. DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS The system has been designed to consist of infiltrators and a subsurface sand filter soil treatment area (STA). The design recommendations presented below are based on the proposed construction, the site and subsurface conditions encountered and our experience in the area. If conditions encountered during construction are different than those that are described in this report please contact us and we will re-evaluate our design recommendations. SOIL TREATMENT AREA • The treatment system will consist of four trenches with 25 Infiltrator Quick 4 Plus Standard chambers in each trench (100 chambers total). The chambers will be installed over a 3 feet thick sand filter in the bottom of the trenches. The STA was sized based on an LTAR of 0.35 gallons per square feet per day. • Each chamber was allowed 12 square feet of area and a 30% reduction in the STA was allowed per Eagle County regulations. The total STA is 1,200 square feet. Soil treatment area calculations are shown on Figure 2. • The base and sidewalls of the trench excavations should be scarified prior to sand filter placement. • The sand filter media should meet the requirements of Regulation #43. • A minimum of 12 inches and a maximum of 24 inches of cover soil should be placed over the chambers. • Backfill should be graded to deflect surface water away from the absorption area and should be sloped at 3 horizontal (H) to 1 vertical (V) maximum. Job No. 114 124A GeTrteCh -5- • Disturbed soil should be re -vegetated as soon as possible with a native grass mix. No trees, shrubs or other plants with deep roots should be planted on or near the absorption area as this may damage the system piping. • Four inch diameter inspection ports should be installed vertically into the knockouts provided in the Infiltrator end caps. The inspection port piping should be screwed into the top to the chambers and should not extend down to the ground surface inside the chambers. The inspection ports should extend at least 8 inches above the finished ground surface or be protected in a valve box at finished grade. • A plan view of the absorption area is presented as Figure 3 and a cross section of the absorption area is presented as Figure 4 OWTS COMPONETS Recommended OWTS components provided below are based on our design details and our experience with the specific component manufacturers. Equivalent components may be feasible but would need to be approved by us prior to construction. Septic and Dose Tank • A 1,250 gallon, two chamber Valley Precast septic tank was already installed at the site during our October 29 site visit for primary treatment of the effluent and is acceptable for the current design. The septic tank will be followed in the system by an Infiltrator Systems IM540 dose tank equipped with a submersible effluent pump. Pump specifications are provided in the Effluent Pumping System section of this report. A copy of the tank details are provided as attachments to this report. • The tanks must be set level. The excavation bottom must be free of large rocks or other objects that could damage the tank during placement. A gravel road base bedding material may be necessary to prevent tank damage during placement of the tank and to act as a leveling course. • Install tanks with 2 feet minimum cover soil for frost protection. Maximum tank soil cover depth is 4 feet. • The septic and dose tank lids must extend to finished grade ground surface. Job No. 114 124A Gec&eCh Broil Sewer Pipe • The sewer line from the residence to the septic tank was already installed and backfilled prior to our October 29 site visit. We understand 4 inch diameter SDR35 piping was utilized instead of the 6 inch piping specified on the High Country Engineering plans. This is acceptable. • The sewer pipe should be sloped at 2% minimum from the residence to the septic tank except for the last 10 feet, which should be sloped at 4% maximum (and 2% minimum) to help limit disturbance of solids in the tank. • A minimum 36 inches of cover soil should be provided over the sewer pipe. Paved areas, patios or other areas without vegetative cover may be more susceptible to frost and recommend 48 inches of soil cover over the sewer pipe in these areas and the pipe be insulated on top and sides with 2 inch thick blue foam insulation board. If adequate soil cover is not possible, we should be contacted for re-evaluation prior to installation. • The sewer pipe should be bedded in compacted '/o inch road base or native soils provided that the native soils contain no angular rocks or rocks larger than 2'/2 inches in diameter to help prevent settlement of the pipe. Sags in the pipe could cause standing effluent to freeze and damage piping. • Install cleanout pipes within 5 feet of the building foundation, and where the sewer pipe bends 90 degrees and at least at 100 feet intervals. • All 90 degree bends should be installed using a 90 degree long -sweep or by using two 45 degree elbows. • The sewer line location shown on Figure 1 is considered conceptual. We assume that there will be only one sewer line exiting the yurt. It is the responsibility of the owner to locate all sewer line exit locations and connections to the septic tank and provide this information to us. Effluent Transport Piping • The effluent transport pipe should be 1.5 inch diameter Schedule 40 PVC piping sloped at a 2% minimum to drain back from the automatic distribution valve (ADV) to the dose tank and from the ADV to each trench. The ADV must be the high point of the system. Job No. 114 124A Cg Rech -7- • The effluent transport pipe should be bedded in compacted % inch road base or native soils provided that the native soils contain no angular rocks or rocks larger than 2'/z inches in diameter to help prevent settlement of the pipe. Sags in the piping could cause standing effluent to freeze and damage. • A minimum 18 inches of cover soil should be provided over the effluent transport pipe. Paved areas, patios or other paved area or areas without vegetative cover may be more susceptible to freezing. We recommend 48 inches of soil cover over the pipe in these areas. If adequate cover soil is not possible the effluent pipe should be insulated on top and sides with 2 inch thick foam insulation board, and we should re-evaluate the proposed soil cover prior to installation. • The effluent pipe should be double encased with larger diameter Schedule 40 PVC pipe underneath driveway surfaces and be provided with at least 48 inches of soil cover and be insulated on top and sides with 2 inch thick foam insulation board. • All 90 degree bends should be installed using a 90 degree long -sweep or by using two 45 degree elbows. Soil Treatment Area Distribution Piping • 1.5 inch diameter Schedule 40 distribution piping will be hung level inside of the chambers. • The piping should be secured with 120 pound minimum tensile strength plastic zip ties. Use at least one zip tie per chamber. • 1/8 inch diameter perforations should be drilled on top of the distribution piping. One perforation should be placed near the center of each of the 25 chambers. • Drill one additional '/8 inch hole at each end of each lateral on the bottom of the pipes to allow for drainage. Place a splash block beneath the downward facing holes to protect from scouring Effluent Pumping System • An Orenco PF 1005, 115 volt, submersible effluent pump with a 1.25 inch diameter discharge assembly, or equivalent, will be required for the effluent pumping from the dosing tank. Job No. 114 124A ~Ptech • The maximum effluent transport distance from the pump discharge to the ADV is estimated to be 25 feet and from the ADV to the furthest trench is estimated to be 50 feet. All distances should be confirmed. • The elevation difference from pump discharge to the dose tank is estimated to be 10 feet and should also be confirmed. • The pump should be enclosed in an Orenco Biotube Pump Vault for effluent filtering and protection of the pump from vibration. • An equivalent pump must be capable of operating at 10.9 gallons per minute at 17.9 feet of total dynamic head. A pump performance curve is provided as an attachment to this report. • The pump floats should beset to provide a dose volume of approximately 64 gallons. To achieve the desired dose volume, the upper ("ON") and lower ("OFF") floats should be set approximately 6'/o inches apart. • The high water alarm float should be placed approximately 3 inches above the "ON" float in the dose tank. • The flow differential between the first and last orifices in each trench has been calculated to be approximately 3.1% • A '% inch diameter weep hole should be drilled in the effluent transport line prior to exiting the dose chamber so the transport line can drain after each pumping cycle. Automatic Distributing Valve • An Orenco V6404 Automatic Distributing Valve (ADV) will be used to alternate doses to each of the trenches. • Alternating doses to each trench will allow resting time of the soils and will also decrease the linear loading on the sloping site. • The ADV must be installed level and must be the high point in the system. • The ADV should be installed in a sprinkler box, or equivalent, such that it is serviceable and protected from freezing. We recommend the ADV be equipped with heat tape for additional frost protection during winter months. Job No. 114 124A C�eOfttech • We recommend the ground surface be graded away from the ADV in all directions. Improper surface drainage could cause standing water to freeze and damage the valve and/or piping. • The valve has clear sections of pipe that should be inspected at least annually to ensure that it is alternating doses to each trench. TRENCH INTERCEPT DRAIN The trench intercept drain should be located along the uphill side and 25 feet from the soil treatment area as shown on Figure 1. A typical detail of the drain is provided on Figure 5. To the west of the soil treatment area, the outlet piping should be non -perforated PVC and can be backfrlled with the on -site soil. We should observe the trench drain construction to evaluate compliance with our recommendations. OWTS OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE The OWTS will require periodic inspection and maintenance to function properly. A properly designed, installed and maintained system can greatly increase its lifespan. The level of maintenance will vary depending on the complexity of the system and water use habits of the residents. We recommend that an OWTS Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Manual be developed. Depending on the complexity of the system a contract with an OWTS maintenance provider may be prudent. Below are some basic recommendations for the OWTS O&M. OWTS HOUSEHOLD OPERATION • Use of high efficiency water fixtures is recommended to decrease the hydraulic load on the OWTS system. • Fix plumbing leaks immediately as this may cause a hydraulic overload of the soil absorption system. • Do not irrigate the area on top of or directly upgradient of the soil absorption field as this may cause a hydraulic overload. Job No. 114 124A G St2ch -10- • Do not dispose of household waste down household drains as this may clog or damage OWTS components. Examples of household waste includes: dental floss, cotton swabs, coffee grounds, paper towels, feminine products and many other kitchen and bath items. • Use of kitchen garbage disposals is not recommended. If a garbage disposal is utilized, kitchen wastewater should be screened thoroughly. Many kitchen solids are not decomposed in the septic tank and may cause increased tank pumping frequency. • Do not dispose of household chemicals, greases, oils, paints, hot tub water or water softener backwash in household drains. A separate drywell, if feasible, may be necessary for hot tub water or water softener backwash disposal. • Limit the use of bleach as this may harm useful bacteria in the septic tank and soil absorption system. • Liquid dishwasher and clothes washer detergent is recommended for households served by an OWTS. Clay substances used as fillers in powder detergents may result in clogging of the soils absorption system. • The effluent in septic tanks can freeze during extended periods of non-use. We recommend that a tank heater be installed in this system to help prevent freezing. OWTS MAINTENANCE • Inspect the septic tank, dose tank, pump vault and soil treatment area at least annually for problems or signs of failure. • The pump vault filter should be cleaned annually by spray washing solids into the first chainber of the septic tank. • Septic tank should be pumped and cleaned every 3 to 5 years depending on use. Longer pumping intervals may increase the amount of solids that reach the soil absorption area, which may shorten its life span. • Pumping of the septic tank should take place when the level of the sludge and scum layers combined take up 25 to 33% of the capacity of the first chamber of the tank. Job No. 114 124A C�CPtech -II- OWTS CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION The Eagle County Environmental Health Department requires that the designer provide an As -Built certification of the OWTS construction. We should be provided with at least 48 hour notice prior to the installer needing the As -Built inspections. Prior to issuance of our certification letter, we require observation of all system components prior to backfill. The number of site visits required for the inspection will depend on the installer's construction schedule. LIMITATIONS We have conducted this design in accordance with generally accepted engineering principles and practices in this area at this time. We make no warranty either expressed or implied. The recommendations provided in this report are based on the site conditions, profile pits, percolation test holes, soil texture analysis, the proposed construction, information provided to us and our experience in the area. Variations in the subsurface conditions may not become evident until excavation is performed. If conditions encountered during construction appear different from those described in this report, we should be notified so that re-evaluation of the recommendations may be made. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use by our client for design purposes. We are not responsible for technical interpretations by others of our information. As the project evolves, we should provide continued consultation and field services during construction to review and monitor the implementation of our recommendations, and to verify that the recommendations have been appropriately interpreted. Significant design changes may require additional analysis or modifications to our design. It is our opinion that the designed location of the OWTS components does not violate any setback requirements of the current Eagle County Regulations. Below is a table of common minimum horizontal setbacks to OWTS components. Refer to the Eagle County Regulations for a complete list of required setbacks. We recommend the OWTS Job No. 114 124A G<�'Ptech -12- components be surveyed by a Professional Colorado Land Surveyor and verified by H-P Geotech prior to the system permitting. Table 1 - Common Minimum Horizontal Setbacks from OWTS Components Water Lined Lake, Dry Wells Supply Occupied Ditch Irrigation Ditch Septic Line Dwelling or Ditch, or Tank Lake Stream Gulch Absorption 100, 25' 20' 20' 50' 25' 5' Area Septic 50' 10, 5 10, 50' 10, - Tank Building Sewer 50' 10, 0' 10, 50' 10, Please contact us for any necessary revisions or discussion after review of this report by Eagle County. If you have any questions, or if we may be of further assistance, please let us know Respectfully Submitted, HEPWORTH - PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL, INC. ,'' �F Jason A. Deem Project Geologist Reviewed by: David A. Your JAD/ksw Job No. 114 124A HPteCh Drain to Daylight 25' min. from Soil Treatment Area PROPOSED SOIL TREATMENT AREA nar CONSISTING OF FOUR ROWS OF 25 Neoroo'oo"E a.00' INFILTRATOR QUICK 4 PLUS STANDARD BUILDING ENVELOPE LIMI75 CHAMBERS INSTALLED OVER A 3 FEET \ MIN. THICK SAND FILTER PROFILE PIT 1�� ° \ 3P ORENCO V6404 AUTOMATIC \ \ DISTRIBUTION VALVE P-5 PROFILE PIT 3 - \ VALLEY PRECAST 1,250 GALLON TWO Proposed Interceptor Drain. \ i CHAMBER CONCRETE SEPTIC TANK See Figure 5 for Details. 62\ FOLLOWED BY AN INFILTRATOR IM540 \'>eA ° \ DOSE TANK EQUIPPED WITH AN o w \ BF \ ° \ 1 ORENCO PF1005 EFFLUENT PUMP \ ` \ INSTALLED IN A BIOTUBE PUMP VAULT CLEANOUTS Cc \ \ CA\ \ BUILDING ENVELOPE M \ �RO'00 00 W\ 300.0 \ \> Legend ■ Profile Pit APPROXIMATE SCALE: \ ` \ \ P 1 \ Percolation Test Hole 1 INCH = 40 FEET v 114 124A PteCh LOT 1, PARCELS, WOLCOTT SPRINGS FIGURE 1 HEPW DRTH-PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL OWTS SITE PLAN OWTS ABSORPTION AREA CALCULATIONS In accordance with the current Eagle County Onsite Wastewater Treatment System Regulations, the soil treatment area was calculated as follows: CALCULATION OF OWTS DESIGN FLOW: Q = (F)(B)(N) WHERE: Q = DESIGN FLOW F = AVERAGE FLOW PER PERSON PER DAY B = NUMBER OF BEDROOMS N = NUMBER OF PERSONS PER BEDROOM F= B= N= Q= CALCULATION OF OWTS SOIL TREATMENT AREA: MINIUMUM ABSORPTION AREA = Q _ LTAR WHERE: Q= t = PERCOLATION RATE _ LTAR = MINIMUM ABSORPTION AREA = REDUCTION FACTOR FOR CHAMBERS = MINIMUM ABSORPTION AREA WITH REDUCTION = AREA PER INFILTRATOR QUICK 4 STANDARD CHAMBER = TOTAL CHAMBERS NEEDED = NUMBER OF TRENCHES = LENGTH (NUMBER OF CHAMBERS PER TRENCH) _ TOTAL NUMBER OF CHAMBERS = TOTAL ABSORPTION AREA = 75 GALLONS PER DAY 2BEDROOMS 4'PERSONS PER BEDROOM 600 GALLONS PER DAY 600, GALLONS PER DAY 401MINUTES PER INCH 0.35I GALLONS/FTz/DAY 1714.3'SQUARE FEET 0.70 1200 SQUARE FEET 12'SQUARE FEET 100 CHAMBERS 4 TRENCHES 25 CHAMBERS 100;CHAMBERS 1200 SQUARE FEET ^ LOT 1, PARCEL B, WOLCOTT SPRINGS 114 124A GeUtech FIGURE 2 HEPwoRTH-PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL _ SOIL TREATMENT AREA CALCULATIONS I I 1 I 4 inch diameter PVC air vent installed vertically into knockouts provided in end caps. Install vents at each end of each Glue solid end caps at I I I I trench. Removable lid to be placed on top each end of each of pipe. Pipe must stick up at least 6 distribution lateral. I I I I inches above finished grade or be installed in a valve box at grade. I I I I I 1.5" Sch. 40 PVC distribution pipe with gv' holes drilled at 4 foot centers on top of pipe (one hole per chamber). Pipe to be installed level and secured with 1201b. min. I tensile strength cable ties at each end of each chamber. I I I I I I I I Infiltrator Quick 4 Plus Standard Chambers. Twenty-five chambers per trench. APPROXIMATE SCALE: 1 INCH = 15 FEET I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -I- I nfiltrator Quick 4 Plus I I Standard End Caps, I I Drill one %" hole on bottom of each end of each distribution pipe to allow for complete drainage. Install splash blocks beneath downward I Ifacling holes to prevent scouring. Owner) Automatic �� Distributing Valve (High Point) 1.5" Sch. 40 solid PVC pipe sloped at 2°h min. down to each trench 1.5" Sch. 40 solid PVC pipe sloped at 2%min. to drain ��K back to dose tank ovc Notes: Pe" 1. Chambers should be installed level on a scarified sand surface. J°e 2. All piping should have a rating of Schedule 40. 3. Changes to this design should not be made without consultation and approval by HP Geotech. 114 124A Ge Ptech LOT 1, PARCEL B, WOLCOTT SPRINGS FIGURE 3 HEPWORTH-PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL ABSORPTION AREA PLAN VIEW 12" min. 24" max. Cover Soil Graded to Deflect Surface Water Infiltrator Quick 4 Plus Standard End Cap Infiltrator Quick 4 Standard Chamber _I Installe Level Pressure pipe drill ' cutout location M�hkt' �.�PWox. Evain9 Crou,ro'S irmin ?.^'i'+'•=5 i t Untlisturbed Sa�� Zia,Between Trenches _'j '^--- _ lnra..iM Native Shc :h. ✓' s Native Shc � Native Soil K. 4 �n%w+'^ . yiv2Ki Native Sal Install 3 feet min. sand beneath chambers APPROXIMATE SCALE: 1 INCH = 5 FEET Notes: 1. Chambers should be installed level on a scarified ground surface. The base and side of the trenches should also be scarified prior to sand placement. 2. Care should be taken by the contractor to avoid compaction of the native soils in the trench areas. 3. Changes to this design should not be made without consultation and approval by HP Geotech. 114 124A I r-,�PteC�l I LOT 1, PARCEL B, WOLCOTT SPRINGS I FIGURE 4 HEPWORTH-PAWLAK G EOTEC HI ICAL SOIL TREATMENT AREA CROSS SECTION 6" min. topsoil 3' min total depth I 1' gravel pipe bedding Mirafi 140N or 160N filter fabric Depth to base of drain to be 3 feet min. Free draining material (Pit Run) 4" Sch. 40 perforated drain pipe sloped at 1% min. to daylight NOT TO SCALE Notes: 1. Gravel pipe bedding should be well graded rock between i and 22 inches in diameter. 2. Free draining pit run material should have no more than 5 % passing the no. 200 sieve and no material greater than 8 inches in diameter. 3. Drain should be constructed a minimum of 25 feet uphill of the absorption area. 4. Depth to base of drain to be a minimum of 3 feet below existing grade. 5. Perforated Sch. 40 PVC drain pipe to be at least 4 inches in diameter and only be installed upgradient of absorption area. 6. Solid Sch. 40 PVC pipe to be installed sidegradient and downgradient of absorption area and bedded in compacted aggregate or sand or native soils that contain no rocks larger than 3 inches in diameter. 7. Drain pipe should have a minimum slope of 1 % to a suitable gravity outlet. 8. The drain outlet must be at least 25 feet downgradient of the absorption area. A rodent proof screen is required at the outlet. 9. The sails below the drain outlet should be protected against erosion. 10. See Figure 1 for drain layout. L I Ge Ptech I LOT 1, PARCEL B, WOLCOTT SPRINGS FIGURE 5 114 124A HEPWORTH-PAWLAKGEOTECHNICAL TYPICAL INTERCEPTOR DRAIN DETAIL ATTACHMENTS Job No. 114 124A PROFILE PIT 1 PROFILE PIT 3 (06-27-14) (09-16-14) 0 0 F w - - w LL WC=29.8 = 5 - -325=65 - 5 EL Y-'S=33 p M=21 C=46 L10 10 LEGEND: NTOPSOIL; organic sandy silty clay, with sandstone cobbles and boulders, moist, brown to dark brown. F1CLAY (CL); sandy, silty, with sandstone cobbles and boulders, very gravelly in areas, stiff, moist, brown. Disturbed bulk sample. Refusal to practical excavation with mini hoe and excavator on shale bedrock. NOTES: 1. Exploratory profile pits were excavated on June 27 and September 16, 2014 with a mini -hoe and excavator. 2. Locations of exploratory pits were measured approximately by pacing from features shown on the site plan provided. 3. Elevations of exploratory pits were not measured and the logs of exploratory pits are drawn to depth. 4. The exploratory pit locations and elevations should be considered accurate only to the degree implied by the method used. 5. The lines between materials shown on the exploratory pit logs represent the approximate boundaries between material types and transitions may be gradual. 6. No free water was encountered in the pits at the time of excavating. Fluctuation in water level may occur with time. 7. Laboratory Testing Results: WC = Water Content (%) -325 = Percent passing No. 325 sieve S = Sand and Gravel Content (%) (USDA) M = Silt Content (%) (USDA) C = Clay Content (%) (USDA) 114 124A uj w w w H a w 0 LOGS OF SEPTIC DESIGN PROFILE PITS I FIGURE 2 Item # IM-540-HH End View SEAM CLIP (TYPICAL) LIFTING STR/ fIYPICA—. Wire A Secti( View IM-540 Infiltrator® Poly Tank with High Head Pump wme, 81.r Length NOTE TANKEXTERMWTDTNIS SIX TANKTOP ---� I 7 CONTINUMS HALFGASKET TANK INTERMIR SEAMCLIP ALIGNMENT DOWEL TANKBOTIOM HALF Mid -Height Seam Section • Compliant with CSA and IAPMO Standards • Secondary safety screen available with PVC Riser • Delivered complete with internal piping • Maximum burial depth Is 48" • Tank is not rated for vehicular traffic loading • Exterior of manhole cover includes the following warning: "DANGER DO NOT ENTER: POISON GASES" Digging Specs Invert DfrnenaM Net Capacity 1 j V Lore x 5` Wlde 44" below Inlet (avert Inlet 44" Outlet 61" Lerplh 84.9" WkIth 81.r Height 78A r 552 gallons r�FILTRATOR' 5aptic tanks M.TRATOR SYST" NC. Water & (719) 3954764 28DD5 Co. Rd. 317 Wastewater P.O. BoK925 ® VALLEY • Paucts Fax: (719) 395-3727 Bt'��'' Co 81211 •r PRECAZST, Inc. • Service Emil:Webee: td w.vane Ieypr stoom Email: frontdesk(walleyprecast.com Item # 1250T-2CP ALLOWABLE BURY (Based on Water Table) WATERTABLE ALLOWABLE EARTH FILL a -o• X-C" 1'-0. V-0" T-o" DRY Top View Sectioi DESIGN NOTES View • Design per performance test per ASTM C1227 • Top surface area 56.25 W • Po @ 28 days; concrete = 6,000 PSI Min. Installation: • Tank to be set on 5" min. sand bed or pea gravel • Tank to be backfilled uniformly on all sides in lifta less than 24" and mechanically compacted • Excavated material may be used for backfill, provided large stones are removed • Excavation should be dewatered and tank filled with water prior to being put in service for installation with water table less than 2' below grade • Meets C1644-06 for resilient connectors • Inlet and Outlet identified above pipe • Delivered complete with internal piping • PVC or concrete risers available • Secondary safety screen available with PVC riser • Option of pump or siphon installed "See installation guide on our website 1250 Gallon Top Seam Two Compartment 20" ClearAccess -hcd, I r T. iID_- Digging Specs I Invert j Dimensions 13' Long x 7' Wide Inlet Outlet Length Width Height 56" below inlet invert 56" 53" 135" 60" 68" 843 gallons 1 416 gallons i 1,259 gallons Net Weight Lid Tank Total 3,120Ibs I10,880Ibe 14,000Ibe Water & (719) 3954764 28005 CO• Rd• 317 Wastewater P.O. Bmc925 VALLEY Products (719) 395-3727 Buer>a� C081211 we, 1 PRECAST, Iac. • service Webift fi *leskwwwvall9y rscasLfn Email: fitxtfideskQvalleyprec;astcom Pump Selection for a Pressurized System - Single Family Residence Project Wolcot Springs / Eagle County, Colorado Parameters Discharge Assembly Size 1.25 inches Transport Length Before Valve 25 feet Transport Pipe Class 40 Transport Line Size 1.50 inches Distributing Valve Model 6404 Transport Length AfterVaive 50 feet Transport Pipe Class 40 Transport Pipe Size 1.50 inches Max Elevation Lift 10 feet Manifold Length 0 feet Manifold Pipe Class 40 Manifold Pipe Size 1.50 inches Numberof Laterals per -Cell 4 Lateral Length 100 feet Lateral Pipe Class 40 Lateral Pipe Size 1.50 inches Orifice Size 1/8 inches Orifice Spacing 3.6 feet Residual Head 4 feet Flow Meter None inches 'Add -on' Friction Losses 0 feet Calculations Minimum Flow Rate per Orifice 0.39 gpm Numberof Orifices per Zone 28 Total Flow Rate per Zone 10.9 gpm Numberof Laterals per Zone 1 % Flow Differential ist/Last Orifice 3.3 % Transport Velocity Before Valve 1.7 fps Transport Velocity After Val ve 1.7 fps Frictional Head Losses Loss through Discharge 0.8 feet Loss in Transport Before Valve 0.2 feet Loss through Valve 2.2 feet Loss in Transport after Valve 0.4 feet Loss in Manifold 0.0 feet Loss in Laterals 0.3 feet Lass through Flowmeter 0.0 feet 'Add -on' Friction Losses 0.0 feet Pipe Volumes Vol of Transport Line Before Valve 2.6 gals Vol of Transport Line After Valve 5.3 gals Vol of Manifold 0.0 gals Vol of Laterals per Zone 10.6 gals Total Vol Before Valve 2.6 gals Total Vol Ate' Vales 15.9 gals Minimum Pump Requirements Design Flow Rate 10.9 gpm Total Dynamic Head 17.9 feet Oce 4 nY I x.lJIMY+v:.n' 400 350 300 - 150 I 100 50 00 PumDData PF1005 High Head Effluent Pump 10 GPM, 1/2HP 115/230V 1060Hz, 200V 3060Hz PF1007 High Head Effluent Pump 10 GPM, 3/4HP 230V 1060Hz, 200V 3060Hz PF1010 High Head Effluent Pump 10 GPM, IHP 230V 1060Hz, 200V 3060Hz 5 10 Net Discharge (gpm) System Curare:.-.. Pump Cum: Pump Optimal Range Operating Point:Q Design Point Hr ech HEPWORTH-PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL Hcpworrh-Pawlak Geotechnical, Inc. 5020 County Road 154 l ilenwood Springs, Colorado 81601 Phont:970-945-79SS Rix: 9i 945-8454 email: hpgen%4lhpgeutech.com SUBSOIL STUDY FOR FOUNDATION DESIGN PROPOSED RESIDENCE LOT 1, PARCEL B WOLCOTT SPRINGS WOLCOTT SPRINGS ROAD EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO JOB NO. 114 124A MAY 16, 2014 PREPARED FOR: DICK BENES C/O CMC GROUP 200 SOUTH COLORADO BOULEVARD DENVER, COLORADO 80222 r1bAemc-eroua.com Parker 303-841-7119 0 Colorado Springs 719-633-5562 0 Silverthome 970-468-1989 TABLE OF CONTENTS PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF STUDY..........................................................................- 1 - PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION..................................................................................: 1 - SITECONDITIONS...................................................................................................: 2- GEOLOGY ..................................................................................................................: 2 - FIELDEXPLORATION.............................................................................................: 2- SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS....................................................................................- 3- FOUNDATION BEARING CONDITIONS ................................. DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS...............................................................................- 5- FOUNDATIONS......................................................................................................- 5- FOUNDATION AND RETAINING WALLS..........................................................: 6- FLOORSLABS......................................................................................................: 8 - UNDERDRAINSYSTEM.......................................................................................- 9- SITEGRADING..................................................................................................... 10 - SURFACEDRAINAGE........................................................................................- 11 - PERCOLATIONTESTING...................................................................................: 11 - LIMITATIONS........................................................................................................... 12 - FIGURE 1 - LOCATIONS OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS AND PITS FIGURE 2 - LOGS OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS AND PROFILE PIT FIGURE 3 - LEGEND AND NOTES FIGURE 4 - SWELL -CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTS FIGURE 5 - USDA GRADATIONIHYDROMETER TEST RESULTS TABLE 1- SUMMARY OF LABORATORY TEST RESULTS Jon 1Vo. 114 124A 114 124A _ GkEltech PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF STUDY This report presents the results of a subsoil study for a proposed residence to be located on Lot 1, Parcel B of the Wolcott Springs Subdivision, Eagle County, Colorado. The project site is shown on Figure 1. The purpose of the study was to develop recommendations for foundation design and to perform percolation testing for an onsite waste treatment system. The study was conducted in general accordance with our agreement for geotechnical engineering services to Dick Benes, dated April 18, 2014. A field exploration program consisting of exploratory borings, septic design profile pit and percolation test holes was conducted to obtain information on the subsurface conditions. Boring locations, building area and septic treatment system location were designated in the field at the time of drilling by the Client. Samples of the subsoils and bedrock obtained during the field exploration were tested in the laboratory to determine their classification, compressibility or swell and other engineering characteristics. The results of the field exploration and laboratory testing were analyzed to develop recommendations for foundation types, depths and allowable pressures for the proposed building foundation. This report summarizes the data obtained during this study and presents our conclusions, recommendations and other geotechnical engineering considerations based on the proposed construction and the subsurface conditions encountered. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION The proposed residence will be a two level structure with a footprint of approximately 1,200 square feet and a walkout partial basement level located approximately as shown on Figure 1. Floors will be partially structural over crawlspace and slab -on -grade. We assume excavation for the building will have a maximum cut depth of one level, about 10 feet below the existing ground surface in a portion of the building footprint. For the Job No. 114 124A spa purpose of our analysis, foundation loadings for the structure were assumed to be relatively light and typical of the proposed type of construction. If building loadings, location or grading plans are significantly different from those described above, we should be notified to re-evaluate the recommendations contained in this report. SITE CONDITIONS The site is currently an undeveloped parcel located approximately 1/3 mile east of Bellyache Ridge Road and north of Wolcott Springs Road. The building area was designated to us in the field by the Client and is located approximately 180 feet north of Wolcott Springs Road. A proposed driveway had been roughly located by survey ribbon extending north from Wolcott Springs Road slightly east of the proposed building area. The proposed septic treatment system area was located below and slightly northeast of the proposed building area. The site slopes moderately down to the north with an elevation difference of approximately 8 to 10 feet across the building area. The parcel has a moderate cover of grasses, sage brush, aspen and conifer trees. GEOLOGY The site is located in a mapped Quaternary age dormant landslide zone. The landslide zone is characterized by surficial clay soils and large blocks and boulders of shale or sandstone. Sandstone boulders were noted on the site surface. Indications of recent earth movement were not noted during our site visit. Shale bedrock or a large shale slide block was encountered in all of our exploratory borings and septic design profile pit and is designated as shale bedrock in this report. A geological hazards analysis is beyond the scope of our study. FIELD EXPLORATION The field exploration for the project was conducted on May 1, 2014 and May 12 and 13, 2014. Two exploratory borings and one septic design profile boring were drilled on May JUU LV U. 114 1L4H ^ HPtech -3- 1, 2014 at the locations shown on Figure 1 to evaluate the subsurface conditions. The borings were advanced with 4 inch diameter continuous flight auger powered by a track - mounted CME-45 drill rig. The borings were logged by a representative of Hepworth- Pawlak Geotechnical, Inc. A septic design profile pit and three percolation test holes were excavated on May 12, 2014. Percolation testing scheduled for May 13, 2014 was not performed due to standing water in the percolation test holes. Samples of the subsoils were taken with 1% inch and 2 inch I.D. spoon samplers. The samplers were driven into the subsoils at various depths with blows from a 140 pound hammer falling 30 inches. This test is similar to the standard penetration test described by ASTM Method D-1586. The penetration resistance values are an indication of the relative density or consistency of the subsoils and hardness of the bedrock. Depths at which the samples were taken and the penetration resistance values are shown on the Logs of Exploratory Borings and Profile Pit, Figure 2. The samples were returned to our laboratory for review by the project engineer and testing. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS Graphic logs of the subsurface profiles encountered at the site are shown on Figure 2. Below about 1'/2 feet of organic topsoil, the subsoils generally consist of a stiff clay matrix with shale and sandstone gravel, cobbles and boulders. At depths of about 4 to 11 feet, dark gray shale bedrock was encountered. The upper clay matrix can possess an expansion potential when wetted. Drilling in the shale was difficult due to its hardness and practical auger refusal was encountered in Borings 1 and 2 at depths of 16%2 and 16 feet, respectively. Shale bedrock was encountered in the septic design profile pit at a depth of approximately 4 feet below the site grade. One of the percolation test holes encountered shale at a depth of approximately 3 feet below the site grade and was relocated. Laboratory testing performed on samples obtained during the field exploration included natural moisture content and density and gradation analyses. Swell -consolidation testing Job No. 114 124A was performed on a relatively undisturbed drive sample of the clay matrix subsoils. The swell -consolidation test results, presented on Figure 4, indicate low compressibility under relatively light surcharge loading and a moderate expansion potential when wetted under a constant light surcharge. Undisturbed sampling of the clayey matrix, gravel and cobble soils was difficult due to the rock content. The underlying shale bedrock does not appear potentially expansive. The laboratory testing is summarized in Table 1. Perched free water was encountered at a shallow depth in Boring 1 at time of drilling. The perched water was sealed off during our drilling and the boring was free of water when completed. Boring 2, the Profile Boring and percolation test pits excavated on May 12, 2014 had standing water to within approximately 1 foot of the surface on May 13, 2014. The standing water may be perched water moving through the shallow subsurface and related to seasonal runoff and snowmelt from a recent storm event. The water levels were checked on May 16 following snow melt from the storm and found at essentially the same depths in the borings and pits. FOUNDATION BEARING CONDITIONS The upper clay soils with gravel, cobbles and boulders are variable, potentially expansive and should be evaluated for suitability as a bearing material at the time of construction. Areas of expansive clay soils encountered may require over -excavation and replacement with properly compacted granular structural fill. Typically 2 to 3 feet of over -excavation is required to mitigate but not eliminate the swell potential from these soils. Based on the conditions note above, placement of footings on the undisturbed native clay matrix with gravel, cobble and boulder soils or properly compacted structural fill appear feasible with some risk of movement. The shale bedrock is considered to have low expansion potential and the depth to bedrock will likely be variable across the building area. Excavation into the shale will be difficult but may be digable with heavy duty equipment to shallow depth then may require specialized equipment or blasting. Perched groundwater was encountered in our investigation at shallow depths and dewatering of the foundation excavations may be required. Juu 1VO. 114 IL4H G(� Pteah -5- DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS FOUNDATIONS Considering the subsurface conditions encountered in the exploratory borings and the nature of the proposed construction, we recommend the residence be founded with spread footings placed on undisturbed natural clay matrix with gravel, cobble and boulder soils or properly compacted structural backfill as noted below. The design and construction criteria presented below should be observed for a spread footing foundation system. 1) Footings placed on the undisturbed natural clay matrix with gravel, cobble and boulder soils or properly compacted structural backfill can be designed for an allowable bearing pressure of 2,500 psf with some risk of movement. 2) Based on experience, we expect settlement of footings designed and constructed as discussed in this section will be up to about 1 inch. There could be some additional movement on the order of'h to 1 inch if the bearing soils experience substantial changes in moisture content. 3) The footings should have a minimum width of 16 inches for continuous footings and 24 inches for isolated pads. 4) Continuous foundation walls should be reinforced top and bottom to span local anomalies and limit the risk of differential movement. One method of analysis is to design the foundation wall to span an unsupported length of at least 12 feet. Foundation walls acting as retaining structures should also be designed to resist a lateral earth pressure as discussed in the "Foundation and Retaining Walls" section of this report. 5) Structural backfill utilized in foundation areas should be a granular material approved by the geotechnical engineer such as CDOT Class 6 aggregate base course, placed in maximum 8 inch thick loose lifts and compacted to a minimum of 100 percent of a standard Proctor value for JOO 1V0. 114 I2.4H GecPtech M the material at a moisture content near optimum. Structural backfill should extend a minimum of % foot beyond the perimeter of the footings for every foot of depth and a minimum of 3 feet beyond the footing perimeter. 6) Exterior footings and footings beneath unheated areas should be provided with adequate soil cover above their bearing elevation for frost protection. Placement of foundations at least 42 inches below the exterior grade is typically used in this area. 7) Prior to the footing construction, any topsoil and loose or disturbed soils should be removed and the footing bearing level extended down to competent bearing soils. If water seepage is encountered in the excavation, the footing areas should be dewatered before concrete placement. 8) A representative of the geotechnical engineer should perform compaction testing during the fill placement and observe all footing excavations prior to concrete placement to evaluate bearing conditions. FOUNDATION AND RETAINING WALLS Foundation walls and retaining structures which are laterally supported and can be expected to undergo only a slight amount of deflection should be designed for a lateral earth pressure computed on the basis of an equivalent fluid unit weight of at least 55 pcf for backfill consisting of the on -site predominately granular soils exclusive of topsoil and rock larger than 6 inches in diameter, and at least 45 pcf for backfill consisting of imported granular materials. Cantilevered retaining structures which are separate from the building and can be expected to deflect sufficiently to mobilize the full active earth pressure condition should be designed for a lateral earth pressure computed on the basis of an equivalent fluid unit weight of at least 45 pcf for backfill consisting of the on -site predominately granular soils and at least 40 pcf for backfill consisting of imported granular materials such as CDOT Class 6 aggregate base course. Job No. 114 124A GecPtech -7- All foundation and retaining structures should be designed for appropriate hydrostatic and surcharge pressures such as adjacent footings, traffic, construction materials and equipment. The pressures recommended above assume drained conditions behind the walls and a horizontal backfill surface. The buildup of water behind a wall or an upward sloping backfill surface will increase the lateral pressure imposed on a foundation wall or retaining structure. An underdrain system should be provided to prevent hydrostatic pressure buildup behind walls. Backfill consisting of the on -site fine grained soils should be placed in uniform lifts and compacted to at least 95% of the maximum standard Proctor density at a moisture content slightly above optimum. Backfill in pavement areas should consist of imported granular soils and be compacted to at least 95% of the maximum standard Proctor density. Due to their expansion potential, the on -site fine grained soils are not suitable for backfill in pavement areas. Care should be taken not to overcompact the backfill or use large equipment near the wall since this could cause excessive lateral pressure on the wall. Some settlement of deep foundation wall backfill should be expected even if the material is placed correctly and could result in distress to facilities constructed on the backfill. We recommend granular soils for backfilling foundation walls and retaining structures because their use results in lower lateral earth pressures. Subsurface drainage recommendations are discussed in more detail in the "Underdrain System" section of this report. Imported granular wall backfill should contain less than 15% passing the No. 200 sieve and have a maximum size of 6 inches. Granular materials should be placed within 2 feet of the ground surface and to a minimum of 5 feet beyond the walls. The upper 2 feet of the wall backfill should be a relatively impervious on -site soil or a pavement structure should be provided to prevent surface water infiltration into the backfill. The lateral resistance of foundation or retaining wall footings will be a combination of the sliding resistance of the footing on the foundation materials and passive earth pressure against the side of the footing. Resistance to sliding at the bottoms of the footings can be calculated based on a coefficient of friction of 0.35 on the clay site soils and 0.45 on Job No. 114 124A properly compacted granular structural fill. Passive pressure of compacted backfill against the sides of the footings can be calculated using an equivalent fluid unit weight of 280 pcf for the on -site fine grained soils and 480 pcf for properly compacted granular fill. The coefficient of friction and passive pressure values recommended above assume ultimate soil strength. Suitable factors of safety should be included in the design to limit the strain which will occur at the ultimate strength, particularly in the case of passive resistance. Fill placed against the sides of the footings to resist lateral loads should be compacted to at least 95% of the maximum standard Proctor density at a moisture content near or slightly above optimum. FLOOR SLABS The on -site clay matrix soils may possess an expansion potential and slab heave could occur if the subgrade soils were to become wet. Slab -on -grade construction will have a risk of distress but may be used provided precautions are taken to limit potential movement and the risk of distress to the building is accepted by the owner. A positive way to reduce the risk of slab movement, which is commonly used in the area, is to construct structurally supported floors over crawlspace. If slab -on -grade construction is desired such as at basement levels and in the garage, a minimum of three feet of granular structural backfill is recommended below floor slabs where clay soils are present to reduce but not eliminate the potential for slab movement. Structural backfill below floor slabs should consist of non -expansive granular material approved by the geotechnical engineer and compacted to a minimum of 95% of a standard Proctor value for the material at a moisture content near optimum. The depth of recommended structural backfill may be reduced where bearing on predominately granular soils and shale bedrock. To reduce the effects of some differential movement, floor slabs constructed on grade should be separated from all bearing walls and columns with expansion joints which allow unrestrained vertical movement. Interior non -bearing partitions resting on floor JVV LV V. Ily ILfft{ cztH&ech map slabs should be provided with a slip joint at the bottom of the wall so that, if the slab moves, the movement cannot be transmitted to the upper structure. This detail is also important for wallboards, stairways and door frames. Slip joints which will allow at least 1 % inches of vertical movement are recommended. Floor slab control joints should be used to reduce damage due to shrinkage cracking. Slab reinforcement and control joints should be established by the designer based on experience and the intended slab use. A minimum 4 inch layer of free -draining gravel should be placed immediately beneath basement level slabs -on -grade. This material should consist of minus 2 inch aggregate with less than 50% passing the No. 4 sieve and less than 2% passing the No. 200 sieve. The free -draining gravel will aid in drainage below the slabs and should be connected to the perimeter underdrain system. Perched water was observed during our field exploration and can be expected during the life of the structure. Appropriate waterproofing and disposal methods such as foundation drains and sumps with adequate pumps should be anticipated. Required fill beneath floor slabs should consist of imported granular soils, excluding topsoil and oversized rocks. The fill should be spread in thin horizontal lifts, adjusted to at or above optimum moisture content, and compacted to at least 95% of the maximum standard Proctor density. All vegetation, topsoil and loose or disturbed soil should be removed prior to fill placement. The above recommendations will not prevent slab movement if the expansive soils underlying slabs -on -grade experience changes in moisture content. However, the recommendations will reduce the effects if slab movement occurs. All plumbing lines should be pressure tested before backfilling to help reduce the potential for wetting. UNDERDRAIN SYSTEM Perched groundwater was encountered in our exploration and noted in our percolation test holes. The perched groundwater may be related to storm events and be a seasonal occurrence in this area. Frozen ground during spring runoff can also create a perched Job No. 114 124A -10- condition. Therefore, we recommend below -grade construction, such as crawlspace and basement areas, be protected from wetting by an underdrain system. The drain should also act to prevent buildup of hydrostatic pressures behind foundation walls. The underdrain system should consist of a drainpipe surrounded by free -draining granular material placed at the bottom of the wall backfill. The drain lines should be placed at each level of excavation and at least 1 foot below lowest adjacent finish grade, and sloped at a minimum 1 % grade to a suitable gravity outlet. Free -draining granular material used in the drain system should consist of minus 2 inch aggregate with less than 50% passing the No. 4 sieve and less than 2% passing the No. 200 sieve. The drain gravel should be at least 1% feet deep. SITE GRADING The risk of construction -induced slope instability at the site appears low provided cut and fill depths are limited. We assume the cut depth for the basement level will not exceed one level, about 10 to 12 feet. Cuts on the uphill side of the residence may require stabilization such as soil nailing. Fills should be limited to about 8 to 10 feet deep. Embankment fills should be compacted to at least 95% of the maximum standard Proctor density near optimum moisture content. Prior to fill placement, the subgrade should be carefully prepared by removing all vegetation and topsoil and compacting to at least 95% of the maximum standard Proctor density. The fill should be benched into the portions of the hillside exceeding 20% grade. Permanent unretained cut and fill slopes should be graded at 2 horizontal to 1 vertical or flatter and protected against erosion by revegetation or other means. The risk of slope instability will be increased if seepage is encountered in cuts and flatter slopes may be necessary. If seepage is encountered in permanent cuts, an investigation should be conducted to determine if the seepage will adversely affect the cut stability. This office should review site grading plans for the project prior to construction. Job No. 114 124A -11- SURFACE DRAINAGE The following drainage precautions should be observed during construction and maintained at all times after the residence has been completed: 1) Excessive wetting or.drying of the foundation excavations and underslab areas should be avoided during construction. Drying could increase the expansion potential of the clay soils. 2) Exterior backfill should be adjusted to near optinr un moisture and compacted to at least 95% of the maximum standard Proctor density in pavement areas and to at least 90% of the maximum standard Proctor density in landscape areas. Free -draining wall backfill should be capped with about 2 feet of the on -site finer graded soils to reduce surface water infiltration. 3) The ground surface surrounding the exterior of the building should be sloped to drain away from the foundation in all directions. We recommend a minimum slope of 12 inches in the first 10 feet in unpaved areas and a minimum slope of 3 inches in the first 10 feet in paved areas. 4) Roof downspouts and drains should discharge well beyond the limits of all backfill and foundation areas. PERCOLATION TESTING One percolation profile boring was drilled on May 1, 2014 and three percolation test holes, designated P-1, P-2 & P-3 and a Profile Pit as shown on Figure 1 were excavated on May 12, 2014 in the proposed septic treatment system area. The soils in the Profile Boring and Profile Pit, as shown on Figure 2, consist of approximately 4 feet of clay soils with gravel, cobbles and boulders over hard shale. The percolation Profile Pit encountered practical refusal to excavation on the shale bedrock at a depth of approximately 4 feet below the site grade and was relocated once in an effort to excavate to the proposed depth of 8 feet but again encountered refusal to excavation of hard shale. A 12 inch by 12 inch percolation test hole was excavated in the bottom of each JUO IVO, l l4 1L4Htech -12- percolation test pit and soaked at the time of excavation. One of the percolation test pits encountered shale at a depth of approximately 3 feet below the site grade and was relocated. Percolation testing scheduled for May 13, 2014 was not performed due to standing water encountered in the percolation test holes upon our arrival to the site. The standing water was encountered to within 1 foot of site grade. Results of a gradation/hydrometer analyses performed on a sample of the soils obtained from the Profile Pit at a depth of 2 feet are shown on Figure 5 and has a USDA soil classification of silty clay loam. Based on the subsurface conditions encountered, including relatively shallow shale bedrock and shallow perched water, we believe the proposed area is not suitable for a conventional infiltration septic disposal system at its current location. The combination of a water cutoff trench on the uphill and lateral sides of the proposed area and a mounded disposal system or relocating the disposal area may be needed. The onsite waste treatment system should be designed by a civil engineer. LIMITATIONS This study has been conducted in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering principles and practices in this area at this time. We make no warranty either express or implied. The conclusions and recommendations submitted in this report are based upon the data obtained from the exploratory borings drilled and exploratory pits excavated at the locations indicated on Figure 1, the proposed type of construction and our experience in the area. Our services do not include determining the presence, prevention or possibility of mold or other biological contaminants (MOBC) developing in the future. If the client is concerned about MOBC, then a professional in this special field of practice should be consulted. Our findings include interpolation and extrapolation of the subsurface conditions identified at the exploratory borings and pits and variations in the subsurface conditions may not become evident until excavation is performed. If conditions encountered during construction appear to be different from those described in Job No. 114 124A -13- this report, we should be notified at once so re-evaluation of the recommendations may be made. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use by our client for design purposes. We are not responsible for technical interpretations by others of our information. As the project evolves, we should provide continued consultation and field services during construction to review and monitor the implementation of our recommendations, and to verify that the recommendations have been appropriately interpreted. Significant design changes may require additional analysis or modifications of the recommendations presented herein. We recommend on -site observation of excavations and foundation bearing strata and testing of structural fill by a representative of the geotechnical engineer. Respectfully Submitted, HEPWORTH - PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL, INC. James A. Parker, P.E., P.G. 0 3 4728a STI// Reviewed by: QYiid AL IF Steven L. Pawlak, P.E. FZ.i7' M I Jotl 1V0. 114 124A G2UF't@ch APPROXIMATE SCALE: V=30' PPROFILE P-3 .g Q PROFILE p BORING P-1 0 LOT +/ ^ LOCATIONS OF EXPLORATORY 114124A G�C�tecii FIGURE 1 HEPWORTH-PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL BORINGS AND PITS 7770 7765 7760 a� LL C 0 w 7755 7750 7745 BORING 1 BORING 2 PROFILE BORING PROFILE PIT ELEV.= 7767' ELEV.= 7766' ELEV.= 7755' ELEV.=7754' 5/12 22/12 WC=10.4 -200=20 50/1 50/2 26/12 24/12 WC=22.3 DD=97 -200=75 50/3 50/6 50/5 Note: Explanation of symbols is shown on Figure 3. 7770 7765 7760 N LL C 0 co 7755 w 7750 7745 ^ LOGS OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS CAL 114 124A Gec�techech AND PIT PROFILE FIGURE 2 HEPWORTH$AWLAK GEOTECHNI LEGEND: ® TOPSOIL; sandy organic clay, wet, dark brown. CLAY (CL); sandy, silty, with scattered gravel, cobbles and probable boulders, soft to stiff, moist to wet, dark brown, medium plasticity. GRAVEL (GC); sandy clay matrix, with cobbles and boulders, dense, moist, brown, shale and ° sandstone fragments. SHALE BEDROCK; very hard, slightly moist, gray to black, Benton Shale. Relatively undisturbed drive sample; 2-inch I.D. California liner sample. ■ Drive sample; standard penetration test (SPT), 1 3/8 inch I.D. split spoon sample, ASTM D-1586. 5/12 Drive sample blow count; indicates that 5 blows of a 140 pound hammer falling 30 inches were required to drive the California or SPT sampler 12 inches. TPractical drilling refusal. t �12 Depth at which free water was measured in boring or pit and number of days after drilling measurement was taken. 3 Depth at which boring had caved when measured on May 13, 2014. NOTES: 1. Exploratory borings were drilled on May 1, 2014 with 4-inch diameter continuous flight power auger. Profile Pit and percolation test holes were excavated on May 12, 2014 with a rubber tracked mini -hoe. 2. Locations of exploratory borings were designated by the Client in the field and correlated to the site plan provided after drilling. 3. Elevations of exploratory borings were obtained by interpolation between contours shown on the site plan provided and checked by hand level. 4. The exploratory boring locations and elevations should be considered accurate only to the degree implied by the method used. 5. The lines between materials shown on the exploratory boring logs represent the approximate boundaries between material types and transitions may be gradual. 6. Water level readings shown on the logs were made at the time and under the conditions indicated. Fluctuations in water level may occur with time. 7. Laboratory Testing Results: WC = Water Content (%) DID = Dry Density (pcf) -200 = Percent passing No. 200 sieve 114 124A LEGEND AND NOTES FIGURE 3 Moisture Content = 22.3 percent Dry Density = 97 pcf Sample of: Silty Sandy Clay with Gravel From: Boring 2 at 10 Feet 3 2 1 0 Z 0 O U) Z IL 1 x w z 2 0 Expansion CO w upon o: 3 a wetting O U 4 5 0.1 1.0 10 100 APPLIED PRESSURE (ksf ) 114 124A H Ge5oRech SWELL -CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTS FIGURE 4 HEPWORTH-PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL § ] \ \ � ± % ] g \ LU � E ( d § k 1 e co 0 \ b 3 b O 7 O » & & y ) 7 OW IL /�� \ )k ` ( )k ® ) (j§ 3 a. §§E % k/- ° §\® ƒ�§ a §E§ /§§ ® - r = § §§ 6 C a ( / 2 a .k ~ 2 § \ IH tech HEPWORTH-PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL September 22, 2014 Dick Benes c/o CMC Group 2000 S. Colorado Boulevard Suite 10500 Denver, Colorado 80222 rlbacma-g oup.com Hepworth-Rmdak Geotechnical, Inc. 5020 C,mnty Fo.i,l 154 GlcmvnnJ Sprins, C l,cido S1601 Phi ,ne: 970-945-7953 F.ix. 970-945-8454 rni.iil: hpge�xc?hpeurrch.nmi Job No. 114 124A Subject: Additional Percolation Testing, Proposed.Residence, Lot 1, Parcel B, Wolcott Springs, Wolcott Springs Road, Eagle County, Colorado Dear Mr. Benes: As requested, a representative of Hepworth-Pawlak Geotechnical, Inc. performed additional percolation testing at the subject site for septic disposal design. The findings of our additional exploration and percolation testing are presented in this report. We previously conducted a subsoil study for design of foundations at the site and presented our findings in a report dated May 16, 2014, Job No. 114 124A. A percolation testing report was prepared and presented on July 22, 2014, Job No. 114 124A for percolation testing performed on July 3, 2014. The current testing was performed as additional services to our agreement for professional services with you dated April 18, 2014. As requested we met with you and a representative of the contractor at the site on September 16, 2014 to explore areas for the proposed septic disposal field. After excavation of several pits in different locations by the contractor, a favorable location was identified adjacent to and south (uphill) of the area designated in our July 22, 2014 percolation testing report. One profile pit and two percolation test holes were subsequently excavated in this area during our site visit. The septic disposal area is located about 120 feet to 150 downhill to the northwest of the proposed residence site as shown on Figure 1 (Proposed Percolation Test Area (09-22-14)). The vegetation in the proposed percolation area is similar to the residence site and consists of grasses, weeds, scattered brush and trees. The ground surface is irregular and gently to moderately sloping down to the north-northeast. The profile pit, designated PP-3 on Figure 1, was excavated approximately 50 to 60 feet south of the profile pit excavated for our July 22, 2014 report, designated PP-1. The soils in the profile pit were relatively consistent with those encountered in PP-1, and consisted of about I1/z feet of sandy clay topsoil overlying sandy clay with sandstone fragments to a depth of about 6%2 feet before encountering shale bedrock. The shale bedrock was hard and prevented further digging with the excavation equipment. Soils in the percolation test Parker 303-841-7119 0 Colorado Springs 719-633-5562 • Silverthorne 970-468-1989 Dick Benes September 22, 2014 Page 2 holes were generally similar to those encountered in the profile pits with more gravelly soil encountered in percolation test hole P-3. The soils in all locations were slightly moist to moist and no free water was encountered. Percolation testing was conducted on September 19, 2014 in two test holes located in the pits excavated on September 16, 2014. The test holes (nominal 12 inch diameter by 12 inch deep) were hand dug at the bottom of the shallow test pits and soaked with water one day prior to testing. As the tested areas are close to each other, the percolation test results are combined with those presented in our July 22, 2014 report for percolation test hole P-1. Percolation test rates ranged from 12 to 40 minutes per inch. The percolation test results are presented in Table 1. The location of the percolation testing and profile pits is shown in Figure 1. Logs of the Septic Design Profile Pits are presented in Figure 2. The results of a gradation analysis performed on a sample of clay (USDA classification) taken from Profile Pit 1 on June 27, 2014 are presented on Figure 3. Based on the shallow bedrock condition encountered and the percolation test results, a septic disposal system placed in the test area should be designed by a civil engineer. Although groundwater was not encountered in our profile pits or percolation test holes, groundwater levels may develop during spring runoff and construction of an intercept or cutoff trench should be considered uphill from the proposed septic disposal field. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please call our office. Sincerely, HEPWORTH — PAWLAK James A. Parker, P.E., P.G. Rev. by: SLP JAP/ksw INC. A j i 281 ; �• glz.3JrY �� Attachments: Figure 1 - Locations of Exploratory Borings and Pits Figure 2 - Logs of Septic Design Profile Pits Figure 3 - USDA Gradation Test Results (07-22-14 Report) Table 1 - Percolation Test Results cc: High County Engineering —Tom Scott (tjsCn,,hceng com) Job No. 114 124A GgRbech APPROXIMATE SCALE: 1" = 50' PP-2 P-3 7-03-14 Percolation Q Test Area P-2 (Percolation Test Q // Performed on July 3. 2014) 1 PA PP-1 Percolation Tests Performed on September 16, 201, 150 Feet Appr from Borina 2 P-5 PP-3Q Proposed Pcrcolalion Test Area f0-22-14) Legend Q Percolation Test Hole Percolation Profile Pit Percolation Profile/Exploratory Boring v Initial Proposed Percolation Test Area PROFILE IT PROFILE P-2 BORING Q wrr 7 I GecStech I LOCATIONS OF EXPLORATORY FIGURE 1 114 124A I HEPWORTH-PAWLAK GEOTECI HNICAL BORINGS AND PITS II PROFILE PIT 1 PROFILE PIT 3 (06-27-14) (09-16-14) 0 0 Lu w w 5 WC=29.8 Lu _ - -325=65 - 5 LLu - S=33 - -' a- o M=0 C=46 10 10 LEGEND: ® TOPSOIL; organic sandy silty clay, with sandstone cobbles and boulders, moist, brown to dark brown. CLAY (CL); sandy, silty, with sandstone cobbles and boulders, very gravelly in areas, stiff, moist, brown. Disturbed bulk sample. TRefusal to practical excavation with mini hoe and excavator on shale bedrock. NOTES: 1. Exploratory profile pits were excavated on June 27 and September 16, 2014 with a mini -hoe and excavator. 2. Locations of exploratory pits were measured approximately by pacing from features shown on the site plan provided. 3. Elevations of exploratory pits were not measured and the logs of exploratory pits are drawn to depth. 4. The exploratory pit locations and elevations should be considered accurate only to the degree implied by the method used. 5. The lines between materials shown on the exploratory pit logs represent the approximate boundaries between material types and transitions may be gradual. 6. No free water was encountered in the pits at the time of excavating. Fluctuation in water level may occur with time. 7. Laboratory Testing Results: WC = Water Content ( % ) -325 = Percent passing No. 325 sieve S = Sand and Gravel Content (%) (USDA) M = Silt Content (%) (USDA) C = Clay Content (%) (USDA) 114 124A � Ptech LOGS OF SEPTIC DESIGN PROFILE PITS FIGURE 2 H EPWORTH-PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL HEPWORTH-PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL, INC. TABLE 1 PERCOLATION TEST RESULTS JOB NO. 114 124A HOLE NO. HOLE DEPTH (INCHES) LENGTH OF INTERVAL (MIN) WATER DEPTH AT START OF INTERVAL INCHES WATER DEPTH AT END OF INTERVAL INCHES DROP IN WATER LEVEL (INCHES) AVERAGE PERCOLATION RATE (MIN./INCH) P-1 (7-03-14) 42 10 33/4 31/2 1/4 40 3Yz 31/4 1/4 3 Y4 3 Y4 3 23/4 Y4 23/4 21/2 1/4 P 4 (9-16 14) 36 10 8 73/4 1/4 40 73/4 71/4 1/2 7 Y4 7 Y4 7 63/4 Y4 63/4 61/z 1/4 61/2 61/4 Y4 P-5 (9-16-14) 32 10 refill 61/2 51/2 1 12 51/2 4 11/2 4 3 1 3 2Y4 3/4 7 6Y4 3/4 6Y4 5Y4 1 51/4 41/2 1 3/4 Note: Percolation test hole P-1 was hand dug in the bottom of a backhoe pit and soaked on July 2, 2014 and the percolation test was run on July 3, 2014. Percolation test holes P-4 and P-5 were hand dug in the bottom of backhoe pits and soaked on September 15, 2014 and the percolation tests were conducted on September 16, 2014. The average percolation rates were based on the last three readings of each test. m-0- mm COZJcoLID BOO= L,I, (DcnXO „III I op O D m I �• 00 CD ,,,tll I* „1iii w N IIIII m pi D fml Dloin Ilim r O > n m r D w C / N00'00'00"E 740.98' 75.00' 270.00' 0) D O q / &0 r C Z I• o�y CTI cn J' 0 o / o / / oS117 / N00°00'00"E 270.00' I 0 m f I m I z /mr I f O m — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ,00'OLZ M„00,00.00S v cn O C o c QM (DocnQ< + :3 +gym=0 O O �N On (/) CD o D 0 h Q �Co°� O_QO �D �oQmm 3 O cO � � O O O C Q Q<0 7 rn cn: M Z5 � C f Q � � rt � � rt O N En S O 'D co � m Om C�Q 0 -0 cn 0� 0 �o p CO O :� Q O < 0 m 5555 Npm Zl � mz d°y m�C Z m ImTI z M M" N O (fin �o m � O m c� 659.28'--------------------- 7-----------------------------------N00°00'00"E - ,96'0-VL M„00,00.00S CA N Z cD 00 J CY) Ol v 0 `. `. (A D 0 co z cnc`? C: ID Om� cno7D= m= n D np Dm�� 0 D � -0 z O z D zD XD— mmcnm XD � �_ 0 m � D0cnx C = O 00 (n mN G-)Cn � z mZ x0n V �V m m D 02 ��cm v m=� �� oN zmcn Dm=z Z�Z zm �- 00 17� 0x .x �O K> z fm z m0 F --A O mO D<C �C7OG� Z CJ0 WD = --AMX D -Ti m Z m OO m �a0 Cn 0 =z TI rm rD< 0U) DCDn >I<TI� r C X X D n mD�Z D cmnm m Z ml Om C)�m NZD mmmmn mD �x n U) D --i X mood D �0 < �� ZED =�ZC x0c(./)0C� ZOz� O< 0 0 m cn 1=<Oz 00 m 0 p O mz m �cnz c_7 �O -0 --A Dm�� n z z 0 D m rmDO G cn z zo z �� 0�� Om --- I XZ-OG� nD�lp 41 D O O D 0 M o �C7 D< m p U) r0 �� _� 7m= yC7Nz � D n DO x---I � J cn cn G)r- ODp�x00 =� 0 *m DG-)Z <;U (A ��m�n m- m0 D\ n0 C7 (Zmm Zz�D m Oct z Z' m D�0 mpX0r- OnZ O� Z m cn D Om2 z -0 `LC cn Dr0 —0 M—<D m m0 zZ0< O _ r (n O Z (� Z ;7 T� Z �l Z cn r 0 TI U) TI x M TI 0 m m �0 0 0m OD cnD mm00Z �nnn00 C7mC7(n O Oc cmn z z DMO2 Z Tl m Z� D 00 mD0 00=ZG� m�=�0 Z=0D \ c C cnm-70 0 - �D Z mz Ooz �m�-u 0ZOZ ��_� N p c mcc=o cnm = Z� O-0 =_�� =m=� z�zOZ \ = I�TI O Om1D r- c' 00 m WZ Z WO mmzX mcn--A m=0 m m z Z ZODr r n D\ 0C ��D �C7r n(n—cnC �mD� \ �D z�cnmOmOr ��I D =m DZm ��� z�Z�� m�zz v D > � 0 0 � �> 0 U) 0 G7� 0 �� Ct) OZDZ � � 0 �� m0�0 00 = O 0 m 0 N m z�� mDWm m _ z Om �mm 000DU) Dim C� >m�z \ O z" �mrr,..10 z cn O �0m ���CA mm0 00 O x O r00�c 0 z _m Z O700 m Z=0 znz=K =O`- m Z �—K � m �O -C r 0 Z m O O�z cn0y� 0- Zm I,,� = C DAD 0 � -Ti mm�n z=�= DAD=n �znm z z Or L = - z x�_ �mcnm * z mm o�Kz r�u Lf) m Z0 c U)0 rcx z(-)DmD cnO C) o D m o Oz� Z� m m 0 mm 0mz 00�-<-< r-mD= Z O cn p c m m O Z -Ti K e =Z� Cn D z mm0 z�D O �m !�I�0ZJ m m Z m 0 cn D CD m D = 0 m 0 0 �7 Cn C-) (n x D x (A 0 C 1- Z 0 m O 0 p m m r z X_ 0DZZ O m cDn cn Z m=0 0 r Z� (n 0 m Tl m z m A cn m W D C7 0 ( z > m D K:0 m m m Z c� A _ Z G� w N v J GJ � O cn N _� ciao-1rxD r � v II II II Z II NANO � 0) (0 4h, N O vCII N "O O 0 O y Z77 Z m O r O Z K O O Zkz;u OCm Z 00 K CO 00 rnn� OD �\ y O cil O co C14 z 0 � N C c0 01 •n10 vz �� -m DO rcC z U) z;u �Cm �K:CD EOM D 0 ►*i u D I 0 R 75.00' 270.00' On cn m D O oO O rc z N00'00'00"E 270.00' Z N C m o K: co CA 0D� \ D z O m D z O O O OO N O CT m 00 co0D `H 00 % l0 m w0 00 Oz C)O D O to of O �z m o mr ,00'OLZ M„OO,OO.00S 740.98' w O _ o O w o rO O r D n7 O n CA cmn 0O CEO N co _ O rn �m z D ;7 � co o m M cn ;u KNr z z fzTl M N no n O N O N00_00'00"E 659.28' ,86'0-VL M.00,00.00S D C7 m r WE Date Issued: Project: Raul Gawrys Architecture / Planning River View Plaza 100 Elk Run Drive, Suite 222 Basalt, Colorado 81621 Phone: 970.927.4411 rgawrys@sopris.net Date Issued: Project: Raul Gawrys Architecture / Planning Benes Residence Wolcott Springs Eagle County Colorado June 2, 2014 Review Set June 9, 2014 Permit Set Lot 1 Resubdivision of Parcel B1 Site 2 75.00' 75'-0"66'­0"28'­0" 7780 7770 7772 7774 7776 7778 7782N00°00'00"E 740.98'N80°28'20 " W 381.63' =07°24'00" R=1120.92' L=144.77' T=72.49' BRG=N76°46'20"W C LEN=144.67'75.00'270.00'S00°00'00"W 270.00'N00°00'00"E 270.00'N90°00'00"W 300.00' EDGE OF GRAVEL ROAD FOUND REBAR W/ ALUMINUM CAP LS# 29030 FOUND REBAR W/ ALUMINUM CAP LS# 6826 BUILDING ENVELOPE PARCEL A‐1 WOLCOT T SPRINGS ROAD (PRIVAT E 50 ' R.O.W.) S73°0 4 ' 2 0 " E 74.15 ' V I E W ‐ C A S T L E P E A K VIEW‐DISTANT RIDGELINEVIEW‐COTTONWOOD PEAKVIEW‐ R E D & W HI T E RIDGE LI N E VIEW ‐ G A M E CRE E K BOW L / V A I L MOU N T A I N 7789.2 7802.9 7805.7 0.5' 0.5' 0.5' 0.5' 0.7' 0.7' 1.0' 1.0' 0.7' 0.5' 0.7' 1.0' 1.0' 0.5' 1.0' 0.7' 1.0' 0.7 0.7' 0.6' 1.0' 1.0' 1.0' 0.7'1.0' 0.4' 0.5' 1.0' 0.8' TREE IDENTIFIED AS MAIN VIEW POINT TEST PIT 77 5 0 776 0 77 7 0 7 7 6 0 77 5 0 7 7 8 0 7775.7 7777.5 7779.1 7780.4 7782.0 EDGE OF GRAVEL ROAD 77 5 0 7 7 6 0 77 7 0 77 8 0 0.5' Maximum Slope 2:1 Maximum Slope 2:1 8% 8% 7.5% 7.0% 3.0% 3.0% Revised July 15, 2014 I �REMOVABLE CAP j- 4 - 1/2"0 HOLES SOLID PIPE tt- COUPLING SOLID CAP FOR SUPPORT ® BOTTOM O PERFORATED PIPE OF TRENCH OR BED (BOTTOM OF SAND) 0 WRAPPED WITH FILTER FABRIC COMBINATION AIR VENT & INSPECTION WELL DETAIL N.T.S. PVC CAP FINISH GRADE 4" COI. :EP BEND 4" SEWER 4"x4"x4"-� PVC WYE CLEAN OUT ASSEMBLY SEWER CLEAN OUT DETAIL. N. T. S. ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 20 ft. 75.00' \ N90'00'00"E 300,00' BUILDING ENVELOPE LIMITS 110 >>s i �W \ dW \ o w �� 1 1 O 6G8ORING 2 �\ PROP / `- - - - o -41 i �ESIp Rb0 a ENEE\ %ORIN 1 - 1l� 01 \ W \ BUILDING ENVELOPE 75.00' �. LATERAL PIPE LAYOUT N0TE' ALL PIPING MUST DRAIN (FOR PRESSURE DOSING OF FIELD BACK TO DOSING TANK N.T.S. GRAPHIC SCALE D 30RIN G 2 LOT 1 10.100 ACRES PARCEL NUMBER: 1941-272-02-001 �-AUDIBLE/VISIBLE SEPTIC PUMP ALARM PANEL / 010 LF OF 4" 0 SCHD. 40 PVC 0 2.0% 4" 0 PVC CLEAN OUT 1,000 GALLON VALLEY PRE -CAST SEPTIC TANK AND- ^� `%PUMP, WITH 3 COMPARTMENTS AND -.EFFLUENT FILTER 1,35 PLACE BLU LAVC FORCE O P o SCHD. 4 _ 2 O ?3 7t�SUL ESF E MAIN ® ( �N ABOVE PIPES T0%, �, \ O PRE2VENT'FREEZING 60 \ 2"0x2o \\ �_3,000 S.F. MOUND ABSORPTION IELD BUILDING ENVELOPE LIMITS PIPES BASE OF SAND B AREA: 3,0( S BUILDING ENVELOPE I co C Q r= p a Z O 0 o 0 m C CZ. rl N 0 �l o m NI \1 i 8. 22' 22' 22' oil22' 6.0' INSPECTION WELL (TYP. \ 0 NO ON ENDFO PIPES NO PERFORATION ON END PIPES 4.5' 2"0 PERFORATED \ 30' 20' SCHEDULE 40 PVC DISTRIBUTION LATERAL 4.5' 4.5' NO PERFORATION li-7 ON END PIPES NO PERFORATION AT10N ON END PIPES 4•5' I 90, 6. 0' -p I F. 2"0 SCHEDULE 40 PVC FROM DOSING TANK I 100, , _ I h -- PLAN VIEW OF MOUND N.T.S. 1000 Gallon Top Seam Throe Compartment Item # With Low Head Pump 1000T-3CP-LH (1500 Gallon Total Volume) ALLOWABLE BURY .(Bawd on WaterTable) WATER TAME ALLOWAM EAKM ML a _(r w-tr V.0• W-0' z_1r '4'-0' w-0' w-0' nRY k-0' DMON MOTES ' WOW i •� TAriC -. ; ICI I_�1 I. \a) l 11 Top View • Deeignper petkrmw=too e17M per ASTM C1227 . • Top artaoe ales 62.3 ft' Boot Wkee how 3 "., Halve fo ® 26 days; aorrxete -_ e,00o PSI MillRubber fstNallaticrr: • Tank to be set an w nitl. send Seelern bed or pas gravel • Tank to be baddSed urNbmYy on 11 a0 ekbe In Itlte lees then 24' and meehanIc* d • Exc wdW metwW may be used for 63. I .17 backM pmldw kMe etnnes are ..: 4)" 4 , removed • Ewwwathn ahould be drimbred end tonktiled vvtlh w W prior to being pld in aerviwfor h1wA&M w1h Section waW tabla Ieaa Um 2' below Grade • Meow Cie"481oriedla,tmnnedors 129^ View . Mist and Outlet idenged above pie • Delow d pr ilpf iwithhlm, plift • Seoondwy w ter eases wadable Wth Pump: PVC riser a Complete h t btlon (wiring, per, mounting and start-up pmceduree) •bee inetatfatlan guide on ourwebelbe • complete wenartty Se►plce.contracts available for maintenance --- -- -- - _ _.. - - - -T L _ � �w -- _ � __ � l- Drap►na Speoe � rmrart Dle,.rnlm. InlatSIde MWdla Outlet TOW t.ld Tank ToW _ -- _ ITLONx6'W40 Iniet (Outlet tergfh Wfdlh IFtet�rt 882 gal = gv 507. ad 1601 gal 3,000Ihe 11,756 f 16 35816a bebw Inlet 6r 1 77 13r er (w v ftw a 2MCn.lid317 WltsbawaRer (719) 89"M P^O. BMW5 a System ets" lfsr�,C081211 ®v L is Products F fte. 3etvlce a Fir M: *iFINA C 7-9-14 PROPOSED FINISH GRADE BED OF 1 1 /2" SCREENED ROCK, 12" THICK - FILTER FABRIC PROVIDE SWALE FOR rDRAINAGE AROUND BED 12" MIN. II SLOPE TO TOPSOIL DRAIN COVER a - ,�+�,.. N a, r31 F^ . N..� - T ` ' It a r+'r• is '''�,�+F'�la i _j Lys t. i y-F 1 eti -J '. `� dT 1 Flh t j 4 14t t.l 4 y � t �F �. �F$ aP�� •y� � .may m�.s � `y�r 1 t '- 6� y } � �`cl '� .+3'E �,r'1LFY �}1�s/'t4�t'�.i, N. w i r.�,: r 2� t"'l� e 'I + �h �i ���9 �L ��� '� h °'g� a -v� ��r 1. �r.7ri't� � L +''�- •=-[t�z I y T- x 7� atn q [y 9pr' r� 63 Sri(' CFt i' �f�Y, sc� e�tLa� µ,'��e rta•�'�5 � �,><, �,r{&` wi'1'�'Sr�1r 7 'S7'� � i-'.F t�r'�;ia , r �,-t= :r- �` f �+ � 4T'� �' ` ' �• rk+ �'� �zt�.4 ,i b�;r ,( fr 1 `.•' : k ➢ q�'L�•i*s+ n� S ,S `' in z7 1 � -J i '{F ,Y (- � 2 i��'LCIFa't�' F � � }-i'�'�r'1'.!�'���'•'I._ �: w� s r }7f � � �• Li¢�;< Ltie �,� � l ��`JI •i+': - "r' � OirrS:�l +.- t� 1 � .�K l.ti h ZOO z OD >Oz�__I U� O r Z5�tY �LLO 9 tarn m OU N 2 oOy� N z or-2 _jN O o W O m WOOZ Z>-L-a 'iw w r pgOaC9 Er QU U CULL z QpgXp Z U D VICINITY MAP SCALE: 1" = 1000' GENERAL NOTES 1. ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE EAGLE COUNTY REGULATIONS OF INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS, EVEN THOUGH ALL SUCH REQUIREMENTS ARE NOT SPECIFICALLY NOTED ON THE DRAWINGS. W THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR SUCH SPECIFIC DETAILS F- AS ARE REFERRED TO IN THE ABOVE MENTIONED REGULATIONS, d 12 2• SYSTEM DESIGN FLOW: 3 BEDROOMS *2 PERSONS/BEDROOM *75 GALLONS/PERSON/DAY IS 450 GPD = AVERAGE DAILY FLOW b SEPTIC TANK: MINIMUM PRE -CAST CONCRETE TANK SIZE ACCORDING TO EAGLE COUNTY REGULATIONS IS 1,000 GALLONS. PROPOSED TREATMENT SYSTEM: MOUNDED SAND FILTER PROPOSED THICKNESS OF SAND BED: 2 FEET, MINIMUM U? Z O N O PERCOLATION RATE: +121 MIN / INCH .. > W z TREATMENT LEVEL: TL2 ? LONG TERM ACCEPTANCE RATE: 0.15 GAL/DAY/SQ. FT. w 0 REQUIRED SOIL TREATMENT AREA: A= 450 GPD = 3,000 SQ. FT. O U A >L 0.15 GPD/S.F. 3. TOPSOIL: SOIL EXCAVATED FROM SITE ACCEPTABLE IF NO CLAY IS PRESENT. a U m 4, VEHICULAR TRAFFIC IS PROHIBITED ON THE FIELD. `r CD 5. CLEANOUTS ARE REQUIRED AT ALL BENDS AND AT LEAST EVERY 150 t••l V FEET ALONG THE EFFLUENT LINE. .� U 6. INSTALL RISERS AS NECESSARY TO BRING ALL ACCESS POINTS TO 03 0a WITHIN 1/2-FOOT OF FINAL GRADE. � o 7• LOCATIONS OF ALL COMPONENTS MAY BE VARIED AS NECESSARY AS LONG AS ALL MINIMUM wo � i a 0. DISTANCES AND SLOPES MEET THOSE REQUIRED. Z 4? O 8. PROVIDE POSITIVE DRAINAGE OF SURFACE WATER AWAY FROM ABSORPTION i� w w o Qc v h AREA USING DRAINAGE SWALES AS NECESSARY. as 9. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL DEPTHS, SLOPES AND CLEARANCES FROM N U THE PROPOSED HOME, WELLS AND STRUCTURES, PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. a� IL TL 10. THIS DRAWING DOES NOT CONSTITUTE AN OWTS PERMIT. PERMIT MUST _ LL W 3 h BE OBTAINED FROM APPROPRIATE COUNTY OFFICIALS./ U -:0 0 _ 11, THIS SYSTEM IS SIZED FOR TYPICAL DOMESTIC WASTES ONLY, BACKWASH OR 0 00 FLUSHING FLOWS FOR REVERSE OSMOSIS UNITS OR WATER SOFTENERS OR i ILo A 12. FILTERS SHOULD NOT BE INTRODUCED INTO THIS SYSTEM. THE SAND MUST BE THOROUGHLY �IL1 d o jt� Q1 SETTLED BY FLOODING OR OTHER MEANS O h BEFORE THE DISTRIBUTION IS PLACED AT THE FINAL GRADE. tij '� 13. SAND USED SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS: SIEVE SIZE %PASSING zux 4 100 Ia"� G Z Z 40 50-55% z UNIFORMITY COEFFICIENT=D80/ D1,ms4 200 <15 TYPICALLY CONCRETE OR MASONRY SAND IS ACCEPTABLE. W ILd In. 14, SITE PLAN PROVIDED BY RICHARD L. BENES, IN MAY 2014. 15. DESIGN OF MOUND SYSTEM BASED ON THE "DRAFT SUBSOIL STUDY FOR FOUNDATION 0 M rN PROPOSED RESIDENCE LOT 1, PARCEL B, WOLLCOTT SPRINGS" JOB NO. 114 124A BY U BY HP GEOTECH, DATED MAY 16, 2014.. �,� IA MOUND SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS x 1. GRASS, SHRUBS AND TREES SHALL BE CUT CLOSE TO THE GROUND SURFACE Ono AND REMOVED FROM THE SITE. �•1•� 3: 2• THE MOUND SITE SHALL BE TILLED TO A DEPTH OF 8 INCHES TO ROUGHEN THE SURFACE AND INCORPORATE THE VEGETATION. THIS CAN BE DONE WITH A PLOW OR CHISEL TEETH MOUNTED ON A TOOL BAR ATTACHED TO THE BUCKET OF A BACKHOE. • 3. A LAYER OF SAND SHOULD BE PLACED ON THE TILLED AREA. PLACEMENT OF THE SAND SHOULD BE SUCH AS NOT TO RUT OR COMPACT THE TILLED AREA. ALL WORK SHOULD BE PERFORMED FROM THE SIDE SO AS NOT TO COMPACT THE TILLED AREA. 4, PLACE THE PROPER DEPTH OF SAND, THEN FORM THE SAND/GRAVEL INTERFACE cc O G AREA WITH THE AREA BOTTOM BEING LEVEL. LL.I 5. PLACE THE SCREENED ROCK (AGGREGATE) TO THE SPECIFIED DEPTH AND AREA,to I= 6. PLACE THE PRESSURE DISTRIBUTION PIPE, CONNECT IT TO THE SEWER AND COVER WITH AGGREGATE, " Q z 7• COVER THE AGGREGATE WITH A GEOTEXTILE FILTER FABRIC, Q O m L 8. PLACE A MINIMUM OF 12 INCHES OF SUITABLE SOIL COVER ON THE SIDES OF THE W MOUND AND TO THE NECESSARY DEPTH ON THE TOP OF THE MOUND, w 9. FINAL GRADE THE MOUND AND SURROUNDING co AREA WITH LIGHT WEIGHT EQUIPMENT Z LU r�rMM I- SO SURFACE WATER MOVES AWAY FROM THE MOUND AND DOES NOT ACCUMULATEI NEAR THE MOUND. 5 Z V Z w Ld 0 U IL F- 10. SEED AND MULCH THE ENTIRE EXPOSED AREA TO AVOID EROSION. LANDSCAPE 02 Q WITH SHRUBS AND PLANTS AS DESIRED. Ld IL DOSING NOTES d Ld O L Q 1, MINIMUM DOSING SHALL BE 100 GALLONS. 20 GPM PUMP AT 25' TOTAL J DYNAMIC HEAD. 0 vi y A. N, t U LLJ 2. EFFLU NT F v E ILTER NEED .......� � �'� � �� � ���� ..` �����=` NEEDED BETWEEN COMPARTMENTS 2 AND 3 OF SEPTIC TANK. 24" MIN :? 3 O z \ 1 \ O t � ..................................... 12" MIN. 2 DISTRIBUTION LATERALS COVER ....." : 1 FOR Ai7d' MGRPA' LF OF HIGH COUNTRY ENGINEERING, INC. PROJECT NO. 21141021.00 OW'TS-01 2"x 2"x2 PVC CROSS AT LOW POINT DRILL 1/4"0 HOLES 48" ON CENTER AT ¢¢OTTOM$$ OF ALL PIPES FOR ENTIRE LENGTH (TYPICALM 0 SCHEDULE 40 PVC FROM DOSING TANK 0 PVC 90* ELBOW \-2"Ox TEE (TYP.) 2 sax 90' ELBOW (TYP.) NOTE: LATERAL PIPE LAYOUT SLOPE ALL PIPES 1% MINIMUM FOR PRESSURE DOSING OF FIELD) SUCH THAT ALL EFFLUENT DRAINS BACK TO THE DOSING TANK N.T.S. A-*I VATION WELL (TYP, r'-- t yv 2"0 PER ORATED RIGID SCHEDULE 40 PVC DISTRIBUTION LATERALS • • 10' L _j LL• BASE OF SAND BED' AREA: 4,000 S.F. 2"0 SCHEDULE 40 FROM DOSING • 200' A-4-J PLAN VIEW OF MOUND N.T.S. REMOVABLE SCREW OR SLIP CAP FINISH GRADE AT TOP OF M 4 PVC SOLID PIPE (LENGTH VARIES) TOP SOIL 4" MIN. O O O Ooa 00 (4) 1/4" X 4" LONG SLOTS ® 90' APART ROCK 4" PVC FLANGED SUPPORT FITTIN AGGREGATE AGGREGATE/SAND INTERFACE o ° o 0 1/4" WIDE SLOT (TYPICAL SAND BED` 4" MIN. OBSERVATION WELL DETAIL N.T.S. FINISH 4" COL " 45' SWEEP BEND 4" SEWER 4"x4"x4"� PVC WYE CLEAN OUT ASSEMBLY SEWER CLEAN OUT DETAIL. N.T.S. Item # 1250M-2GP-LH DESIGN NOTED • Dealpn per parMmiancs teat per ASTM C1227 • Tap awface ante 90 IF to @ 28 day% concrem = S,BQO PSI Min. Installation a Tank to be eat on 5' ndm sand had or pealmol • Tank to be baddlled urrik" on all aides. to Ma law than 2T end mechaNcaly cornpacwd • Exmmted mafarlal my be umd far bacldill, provided latpe atones are - removed • E7 mygUon ahoM be uewemrod end tank WW.WM Waller prior. tobMV W In earvtee forha6aliatlon wILh water -tab% feea than 2' below grade .. Meefac1844-Mfor retaent Two Compartment with Low Head Pump yf8ti1/ Wires to panai� ' • Inlet and OUM Idenffed above papa • Delfwmad complds v th IrdamdIflo - latdh Boot • PPvcdaersavwlsble • 5amndnryaafaq�eaeanevatehie With PVC riser *See bntauftbmpukleoncur webake 5 '' ,: R 36a1a� ALLOWABLE BURY (Based on Water Table) waTERTABLE - ALLOWABLE EARTH FILL 1'-0• 4'-0' -7-cr _9'-0* DRY Service contracts avagabte formalrftwu fine 24' Mlnlmum HetM Pump: • Complfe Instsl[Won (vAdng, panel, mounting and start-up procedums) • Compleba XY 0Ippiv spa- Invon 0iltmis1" IM cap.dly Towwelam 12'LongxTvdlde a r kelow Wall kraut Inlet outlet tie' 7S' Lefgtll Wkbh kllmslm oualetside'. --Tow 12V aG' ' BY al gall" M �e i 1 ue 9elbne 12,700 the (719) 3954M 2MOMM317 Ra B=MS WO@ Fm (719)3963721 BuertsVfairarQpf31211 fte. 0 sw Aw {Ill haft wwwxalleypla=toom EwW: i 5' 4- *(FINA C 7-20-14 PROPOSED FINISH AGGREGATE BED OF 1 1 2", SCREENED ROCK, 12" THICK 2" RIGID PVC DISTRIBUTION LATERALS- )t �MALAROUND 1 oR / l \\ COVER 1 4GE AROUND BED / TOPSOIL sI FILTER FABRIC-n r)Pr_ Rk SCALE: 1" = 1000' GENERAL NOTES 1. ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE EAGLE COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH AGENCY ON -SITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM REGULATIONS, EVEN THOUGH ALL SUCH REQUIREMENTS ARE NOT SPECIFICALLY NOTED ON THIS DRAWING. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR SUCH SPECIFIC DETAILS AS ARE REFERRED TO IN THE ABOVE MENTIONED REGULATIONS. 2. SYSTEM DESIGN FLOW: 4 BEDROOMS *2 PERSONS/BEDROOM *75 GALLONS/PERSON/DAY IS 600 GPD = AVERAGE DAILY FLOW SEPTIC TANK: MINIMUM PRE -CAST CONCRETE TANK SIZE IS 1,250 GALLONS. PROPOSED TREATMENT SYSTEM: MOUNDED SAND FILTER PROPOSED THICKNESS OF SAND BED: 2 FEET, MINIMUM PERCOLATION RATE: +121 MIN / INCH TREATMENT LEVEL: TL2 LONG TERM ACCEPTANCE RATE: 0.15 GAL/DAY/SQ. FT. REQUIRED SOIL TREATMENT AREA: A= 600 GPD = 41000 SQ. FT, 0.15 GPD/S.F. 3. TOPSOIL: SOIL EXCAVATED FROM SITE ACCEPTABLE IF NO CLAY IS PRESENT, 4. VEHICULAR TRAFFIC IS PROHIBITED ON THE FIELD. 5. CLEANOUTS ARE REQUIRED AT ALL BENDS AND AT LEAST EVERY 150 FEET ALONG THE EFFLUENT LINE, 6. INSTALL RISERS AS NECESSARY TO BRING ALL ACCESS POINTS AT OR ABOVE THE FINAL GRADE. 7. LOCATIONS OF ALL COMPONENTS MAY BE VARIED AS NECESSARY AS LONG AS ALL MINIMUM DISTANCES AND SLOPES MEET THOSE REQUIRED. 8. PROVIDE POSITIVE DRAINAGE OF SURFACE WATER AWAY FROM ABSORPTION AREA USING DRAINAGE SWALES AS NECESSARY. 9. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL DEPTHS, SLOPES AND CLEARANCES FROM THE PROPOSED HOME, WELLS AND STRUCTURES, PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION, 10. THIS DRAWING DOES NOT CONSTITUTE AN OWTS PERMIT. PERMIT MUST BE OBTAINED FROM APPROPRIATE COUNTY OFFICIALS. 11. THIS SYSTEM IS SIZED FOR TYPICAL DOMESTIC WASTES ONLY. BACKWASH OR FLUSHING FLOWS FOR REVERSE OSMOSIS UNITS OR WATER SOFTENERS OR FILTERS SHOULD NOT BE INTRODUCED INTO THIS SYSTEM. 12. THE SAND MUST BE THOROUGHLY SETTLED BY FLOODING OR OTHER MEANS BEFORE THE DISTRIBUTION IS PLACED AT THE FINAL GRADE. 13. SAND USED SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS: SIEVE SIZE % PASSING 4 100 40 50-55% UNIFORMITY COEFFICIENT=Dao/ Q0 4 200 <1 TYPICALLY CONCRETE OR MASONRY SAND IS ACCEPTABLE. 14. SITE PLAN OBTAINED FROM RAUL GAWRYS PLANNING / ARCHITECTURE, DATED JULY 15, 2014. 15. DESIGN OF MOUND SYSTEM BASED ON THE "SUBSOIL STUDY FOR FOUNDATION PROPOSED RESIDENCE LOT 1, PARCEL B, WOLLCOTT SPRINGS" JOB NO. 114 124A BY HP GEOTECH, DATED MAY 16, 2014. 16. THE MOUND ABSORPTION FIELD SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM GROUND WATER BY AN UNDER DRAIN SYSTEM, AT LEAST 1-FOOT BELOW THE SAND BED, CONSISTING OF 6-INCH DIAMETER RIGID SCHEDULE 40 PVC DRAIN PIPES SLOPED A MINIMUM 1-PERCENT GRADE TO A SUITABLE GRAVITY OUTLET. THE DRAIN PIPES SHALL BE SURROUNDED BY 14-FEET DEEP, FREE -DRAINING GRAVEL CONSISTING OF MINUS 2-INCH AGGREGATE WITH LESS THAN 50-PERCET PASSING THE NO. 4 SIEVE AND LESS THAT 2-PERCET PASSING THE NO. 200 SIEVE. 17. SEPTIC TANK SHALL HAVE RISES OVER EACH ACCESS MANHOLE AND ALL RISERS SHALL EXTEND TO OR ABOVE FINAL GRADE, 18. THE OWNER SHALL VERIFY ADEQUATE SEPARATION DISTANCES FROM THE SYSTEM, PRIOR TO DRILLING ANY WELLS ON THE SITE. 19. THE APPLICANT OR LICENSED INSTALLER SHALL NOTIFY THE COUNTY AND THE ENGINEER NO LESS THAN TWO BUSINESS DAYS IN ADVANCE TO SCHEDULE A FINAL FIELD INSPECTION OF THE SYSTEM, PRIOR TO BACKFILLING THE SYSTEM. 20, THE APPLICANT OR LICENSED INSTALLER SHALL PROVIDE A SURVEYED AS -BUILT DRAWING OF THE SYSTEM TO THE COUNTY AND ENGINEER, UPON COMPLETION. 21. THE LICENSED INSTALLER OF THE SYSTEM IS TO BE: DIAMOND A EXCAVATING, LLC. MOUND SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS 1. GRASS, SHRUBS AND TREES SHALL BE CUT CLOSE TO THE GROUND SURFACE AND REMOVED FROM THE SITE. 2. THE MOUND SITE SHALL BE TILLED TO A DEPTH OF 8 INCHES TO ROUGHEN THE SURFACE AND INCORPORATE THE VEGETATION. THIS CAN BE DONE WITH A PLOW OR CHISEL TEETH MOUNTED ON A TOOL BAR ATTACHED TO THE BUCKET OF A BACKHOE. 3. A LAYER OF SAND SHOULD BE PLACED ON THE TILLED AREA. PLACEMENT OF THE SAND SHOULD BE SUCH AS NOT TO RUT OR COMPACT THE TILLED AREA. ALL WORK SHOULD BE PERFORMED FROM THE SIDE SO AS NOT TO COMPACT THE TILLED AREA. 4. PLACE THE PROPER DEPTH OF SAND, THEN FORM THE SAND/GRAVEL INTERFACE AREA WITH THE AREA BOTTOM BEING LEVEL. 5. PLACE THE SCREENED ROCK (AGGREGATE) TO THE SPECIFIED DEPTH AND AREA. 6. PLACE THE PRESSURE DISTRIBUTION PIPE, CONNECT IT TO THE SEWER AND COVER WITH AGGREGATE. 7. COVER THE AGGREGATE WITH A GEOTEXTILE FILTER FABRIC. 8. PLACE A MINIMUM OF 12 INCHES OF SUITABLE SOIL COVER ON THE SIDES OF THE MOUND AND TO THE NECESSARY DEPTH ON THE TOP OF THE MOUND. 9. FINAL GRADE THE MOUND AND SURROUNDING AREA WITH LIGHT WEIGHT EQUIPMENT SO SURFACE WATER MOVES AWAY FROM THE MOUND AND DOES NOT ACCUMULATE NEAR THE MOUND. 10. SEED AND MULCH THE ENTIRE EXPOSED AREA TO AVOID EROSION, LANDSCAPE WITH SHRUBS AND PLANTS AS DESIRED. DOSING NOTES 1. MINIMUM DOSING SHALL BE 100 GALLONS. 20 GPM PUMP AT 25' TOTAL DYNAMIC.� HEAD. ........�.:.............a........� 2. EFFLUENT FILTER NEEDED BETWEEN COMPARTMENTS 1 AND 2 OF SEP11C TANK. 24 MIN ::: ":;:: VC:,RLSER.....::; :: `:::::::::::::.:.::.. '\ . ............................. ........ 11 UND rrltll���� EXISTING GROUND LINE BENEATH SAND BE eRORAIIy\�� MIN � FOR AND ON BEHALF OF MOUND CROSS SECTION HIGH COUNTRY ENGINEERING, INC. N.T.S. Q U W QW-OP Z 00 w � >OZ.-t q Ld QQ 39 (M 0 Zgxx 00 N 2 Zu N Z <(=w 116-2 rO 0 u�i5�=0 1 � . 0 wOOZ Jw 4 MO>U QU U NmQQ 00 ¢ wZ U M UO N O i0 Z W ~ U U U O �10A zM-W °� a a �O NO ° w w45 as � �U � �t0 W � m U g O 0 0 W' � 5 v W �z W 7 z 0 d0 �wa a 0 m Un x r a r'- a U Hit x z2 OW N 0 �A z 2 w W U u� Ld mU z as W a W � IL J w W Q J0 U l.al W n 0 c z O PROJECT NO. 2141021.00 OWTS-01 O 0 tri N CENTERLINE 20' HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC EASEMENT I I N90'00'00"E 300.00' . ` BUILDING ENVELOPE LIMITS • \ BUILDING ENVELOPE. NI �\ to m oI O �Qp o C3 - OcoOPROFLE PIT GRAPHIC oI Z \ P-130 0 15 30 60 120 00 r1l g _ z zo O R BORING _. - .... •,., . to o• N IN FEET ) 00 - ,>)\ _�_ •.. •.. /Z -2 m o 1 inch - 30 it. >>ssGYP .. 1 �_>58 DAYLIGHT 6" UNDER ` I DRAIN AT SURFACE 1;k CN 0.LOT 1 II �6' 62 PARCEL NUMB R0 194 R 272-02-001 o�wj)., �.. 2,000 S.F. ABSORPTION FIELD >6, >> S. BORING..,2 _ R > AUDIBLE/VISIBLE SEPTIC 4°PUMP ALARM PANEL >,)�SO`.� 2" PVC 90' ELBOW INV. ELEV; 7755,00 B.Q R1 ING ... �'' '�E N VO SCHD. 40 PVC... , S? �.� �> r _ �1NV. 756.00 LF OF 6"�%, SCHD. .. 6,31F 2" 0 SCHD. 40 PVC FORCE MAIN @ 1.07o PYC 1.0% _ 7756 >>'S 6" 0 RVC •CL AN OUT �j P 7758- 6 , �. • .. sI 4 �fORLr �PO$E RIM: i'76.0± o>y .R�$/DEN o-:a PLacts'° PVC 6 10 6� 4 ,� CE 1 2 BLUE BOARp ss .4 IN L IPE )9 , ;� , - ••., ��_• � - •, 63 LF 2"0 SCHD. 40 PVC FORCE MAIN ®1.0% I INFLUENT CONNECTION �A 2�? 0 pVC `INV IN: 7758.00 9� z/F . Rc S IM: 7760.00-`,' 1 90 FM �s ~ ` Sp O 0 (14 qe - �js 2" PVC 90 ELBOW INV. ELEV.7755.00 250 GAL VALLEY PRE- CA�`.SEPTIC�NK AND �� a A PUMP, WITH 2 �O2,000 S.F, MOUND ABSORPTION, FIELD _ ` MPARTM NTS ` ' AND EFFCUZNT FIUTER EFFLUENT CON CTION`,•. BUILDING ENVELOPE `�� RIM: 7G0.775 5.4��`�, S �j \ w\ „ • - - - �AR \\\� �,. DAYLIGHT 6 UNDER \ I ` DRAIN AT`SURFACE '-� � . �¢U1 ING. �OP�...LIMITS �'00�. .� �•. '� J^\ `. \ � `,I 00 00 W\ 300 ORENCO 2-ZONE ``,�44 •, UTOMATIC''DISTRIBUTIO` �- 123 O V W / A=07'24'00' R=1120.92 L=144.77 T= 72.49 BRG=N 76'46'20"IA C LEN=144.67 DRILL 1/40 HOLES 48" ON CENTER AT OF ALL PIPES FOR ENTIRE LENGTH 2" 0 PVC 90' ELBOW-\ 2"0 SCHEDULE 40 PVC FROM DOSING TANIh VALVE ASSEMBLY AND \ INSDISTRIBUTIO1 BOX `� _\ �6• I IN 55.63 2� I' LID: 775_00 \ •� `` �� �> s2 •, � S C� FOUND REBAR W/ ALUMINUM CA - ��• _. EDGE OF _ GRAVEL ROAD $' L2"O PVC TEE 2"fix TEE (TYP.) 2"Ox 90' ELBOW (TYP.) NOTE: TYPICAL LATERAL PIPE LAYOUT SLOPE ALL PIPES AT 1% MINIMUM (FOR PRESSURE DOSING OF FIELD) SUCH THAT NO EFFLUENT DRAINS BACK TOWARDS THE DOSING TANK N.T.S. 1-5' • 20' BASE OF SAND BED I AREA: 2,000 S.F. I-- W4LCOTT (PRIVA1-E .50SPRINGS ROAD SO R.O• W.) SB... _ 0 0119' 54 56�YV� 29.57 \ .2 .-. o� 8' 1 10' PERFORATED RIGID SCHEL DISTRIBUTION LATERALS • L • 2'�0FROME DOSING 100' A� TYPICAL PLAN VIEW OF MOUND N.T.S. REMOVABLE SCREW OR SLIP CAP FINISH GRADE AT TOP OF MOUN 4" PVC SOLID PIPE (LENGTH VARIES) TOP SOIL 4" MIN. O pO �`°o° (4) 1/4" X 4" LONG SLOTS 0 90' APART ROCK 4" PVC FLANGED SUPPORT FITTIN tLREGATE AGGREGATE/SAND INTERFACE o . AND: BED: .. :;::4" MIN. ............................... . 1/4" WIDE SLOT (TYPICAL OBSERVATION WELL DETAIL N.T.S. nvn nwn 4" COU 4" SEWER BEND 4" x 4" x 4" E PVC WYE CLEAN OUT ASSEMBLY SEWER CLEAN OUT DETAIL, N.T.S. 1500 Gallon Top .Seam Item # Three Compartment 150OT-3CP-LH with Low Head) Pump 1e2- Top /20• ra..rn� View �wHmuda tt �;. Mirimm ,1I.HW& Helgid �J boat Sealed Sectlon View 7 ' sr Tank: 157• -- - •Meets ASTM C-1227 spec Pump: Including C-1644-06 for resilient • Lavers TSS and irnproves effluent connectors 4udlfY to fldd • 6000 psi concrete • CamP Indallatim (wif0, panel, • Delivered complete with internal piping mauWft and stsR-up pmce ras) • ca roei Vffim b► sarvir.e contacts avagable formakdaraenoe owns 81- I.. brAut i Dtrm no 1T Long x 8' Wide INet ODUe1 Length i Wldtlt I Height '• 56- below inlet Invert 56- 1 7T 162- i 7EP ! 92- i I tIM Cape* Nit Wdglt - .................... ...... I------------ ..;........... - InbtSkb ' Middle Outlet9ldsl Told Lid Tank Told 1,016 gdonel 505 pellona 5Q590arn 2,M p bm ! 6,420Ibe le"Me 21,M Ix - -�-- ---•-•�---aeoosca watolr a (T19) �5.8761L ft317 wig lN4stvrallor P.O BMW •gyatens FM (719)395.372T Bt�nsiVlt�e,CIOB12i9 �%� iY ;• • � sovioaProduc YYea ft www'VEd Facest aofn Q ftQ. Sbrvl � E�ftd1:'�ron�k�ralie'YPrtoom *(FINA L�! 7-24-14 PROPOSED FINISH GRADE AGGREGATE BED OF 1 1/2" BED SCREENED ROCK, 12" THICK 2 PERFORATED RIGID PVC DISTRIBUTION LATERALS 12" MIN. SLOPE TOPSOIL: COVER FILTER FABRIC-\ - SCALE; 1" = 1000' GENERAL NOTES 1. ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE EAGLE COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH AGENCY ON -SITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM REGULATIONS, EVEN THOUGH ALL SUCH REQUIREMENTS ARE NOT SPECIFICALLY NOTED ON THIS DRAWING. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR SUCH SPECIFIC DETAILS AS ARE REFERRED TO IN THE ABOVE MENTIONED REGULATIONS. 2. SYSTEM DESIGN FLOW: 4 BEDROOMS *2 PERSONS/BEDROOM *75 GALLONS/PERSON/DAY IS 600 GPD = AVERAGE DAILY FLOW SEPTIC TANK: MINIMUM PRE -CAST CONCRETE TANK SIZE IS 1,250 GALLONS. PROPOSED TREATMENT SYSTEM: MOUNDED SAND FILTER PROPOSED THICKNESS OF SAND BED: 2 FEET, MINIMUM PERCOLATION RATE: +121 MIN / INCH TREATMENT LEVEL: TL2 LONG TERM ACCEPTANCE RATE: 0.15 GAL/DAY/SQ. FT. REQUIRED SOIL TREATMENT AREA: A= 600 GPD = 4,000 SQ. FT. 0,15 GPD/S.F. 3, TOPSOIL: SOIL EXCAVATED FROM SITE ACCEPTABLE IF NO CLAY IS PRESENT, 4. VEHICULAR TRAFFIC IS PROHIBITED ON THE FIELD. 5. CLEANOUTS ARE REQUIRED AT ALL BENDS AND AT LEAST EVERY 150 FEET ALONG THE EFFLUENT LINE. 6. INSTALL RISERS AS NECESSARY TO BRING ALL ACCESS POINTS AT OR ABOVE THE FINAL GRADE. 7. LOCATIONS OF ALL COMPONENTS MAY BE VARIED AS NECESSARY AS LONG AS ALL MINIMUM DISTANCES AND SLOPES MEET THOSE REQUIRED. 8. PROVIDE POSITIVE DRAINAGE OF SURFACE WATER AWAY FROM ABSORPTION AREA USING DRAINAGE SWALES AS NECESSARY. 9. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL DEPTHS, SLOPES AND CLEARANCES FROM THE PROPOSED HOME, WELLS AND STRUCTURES, PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION, 10, THIS DRAWING DOES NOT CONSTITUTE AN OWTS PERMIT. PERMIT MUST BE OBTAINED FROM APPROPRIATE COUNTY OFFICIALS, 11. THIS SYSTEM IS SIZED FOR TYPICAL DOMESTIC WASTES ONLY, BACKWASH OR FLUSHING FLOWS FOR REVERSE OSMOSIS UNITS OR WATER SOFTENERS OR FILTERS SHOULD NOT BE INTRODUCED INTO THIS SYSTEM, 12. THE SAND MUST BE THOROUGHLY SETTLED BY FLOODING OR OTHER MEANS BEFORE THE DISTRIBUTION IS PLACED AT THE FINAL GRADE. 13, SAND USED SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS; SIEVE SIZE % PASSING 4 100 40 50-55% UNIFORMITY COEFFICIENT=D„/ Diot4 200 <1 TYPICALLY CONCRETE OR MASONRY SAND IS ACCEPTABLE. 14. SITE PLAN OBTAINED FROM RAUL GAWRYS PLANNING / ARCHITECTURE, DATED JULY 15, 2014. 15. DESIGN OF MOUND SYSTEM BASED ON THE "SUBSOIL STUDY FOR FOUNDATION PROPOSED RESIDENCE LOT 1, PARCEL B, WOLLCOTT SPRINGS" JOB NO. 114 124A BY HP GEOTECH DATED MAY 16 2014. 16. THE MOUND ABSORPTION FIELD SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM GROUND WATER BY AN UNDER DRAIN SYSTEM, AT LEAST 1-FOOT BELOW THE SAND BED, CONSISTING OF 6-INCH DIAMETER RIGID SCHEDULE 40 PVC DRAIN PIPES SLOPED A MINIMUM 1-PERCENT GRADE TO A SUITABLE GRAVITY OUTLET. THE DRAIN PIPES SHALL BE SURROUNDED BY 1i-FEET DEEP, FREE -DRAINING GRAVEL CONSISTING OF MINUS 2-INCH AGGREGATE WITH LESS THAN 50-PERCET PASSING THE NO. 4 SIEVE AND LESS THAT 2-PERCET PASSING THE NO, 200 SIEVE, 17, SEPTIC TANK SHALL HAVE RISES OVER EACH ACCESS MANHOLE AND ALL RISERS SHALL EXTEND TO OR ABOVE FINAL GRADE, 18. THE OWNER SHALL VERIFY ADEQUATE SEPARATION DISTANCES FROM THE SYSTEM, PRIOR TO DRILLING ANY WELLS ON THE SITE. 19. THE APPLICANT OR LICENSED INSTALLER SHALL NOTIFY THE COUNTY AND THE ENGINEER NO LESS THAN TWO BUSINESS DAYS IN ADVANCE TO SCHEDULE A FINAL FIELD INSPECTION OF THE SYSTEM, PRIOR TO BACKFILLING THE SYSTEM. 20. THE APPLICANT OR LICENSED INSTALLER SHALL PROVIDE A SURVEYED AS -BUILT DRAWING OF THE SYSTEM TO THE COUNTY AND ENGINEER, UPON COMPLETION. 21, THE LICENSED INSTALLER OF THE SYSTEM IS TO BE: DIAMOND A EXCAVATING, LLC, MOUND SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS 1. GRASS, SHRUBS AND TREES SHALL BE CUT CLOSE TO THE GROUND SURFACE AND REMOVED FROM THE SITE, 2. THE MOUND SITE SHALL BE TILLED TO A DEPTH OF 8 INCHES TO ROUGHEN THE SURFACE AND INCORPORATE THE VEGETATION. THIS CAN BE DONE WITH A PLOW OR CHISEL TEETH MOUNTED ON A TOOL BAR ATTACHED TO THE BUCKET OF A BACKHOE. 3. A LAYER OF SAND SHOULD BE PLACED ON THE TILLED AREA, PLACEMENT OF THE SAND SHOULD BE SUCH AS NOT TO RUT OR COMPACT THE TILLED AREA. ALL WORK SHOULD BE PERFORMED FROM THE SIDE SO AS NOT TO COMPACT THE TILLED AREA. 4. PLACE THE PROPER DEPTH OF SAND, THEN FORM THE SAND/GRAVEL INTERFACE AREA WITH THE AREA BOTTOM BEING LEVEL. 5. PLACE THE SCREENED ROCK (AGGREGATE) TO THE SPECIFIED DEPTH AND AREA. 6. PLACE THE PRESSURE DISTRIBUTION PIPE, CONNECT IT TO THE SEWER AND COVER WITH AGGREGATE. 7. COVER THE AGGREGATE WITH A GEOTEXTILE FILTER FABRIC. 8. PLACE A MINIMUM OF 12 INCHES OF SUITABLE SOIL COVER ON THE SIDES OF THE MOUND AND TO THE NECESSARY DEPTH ON THE TOP OF THE MOUND. 9. FINAL GRADE THE MOUND AND SURROUNDING AREA WITH LIGHT WEIGHT EQUIPMENT SO SURFACE WATER MOVES AWAY FROM THE MOUND AND DOES NOT ACCUMULATE NEAR THE MOUND. 10. SEED AND MULCH THE ENTIRE EXPOSED AREA TO AVOID EROSION, LANDSCAPE WITH SHRUBS AND PLANTS AS DESIRED. DOSING NOTES 1. MINIMUM DOSING SHALL BE 100 GALLONS, 20 GPM PUMP AT 25' TOTAL r)ym,& ullr WPM) EXISTING GROUND LINE BENEATH SAND BED' FOR AND ON BEHALF OF MOUND CROSS SECTION HIGH COUNTRY ENGINEERING, INC N.T.S. a U I,- W ¢(X0r- Z QQ Z (O OU.j U� x ZO�4 m H0 00 }U =w LL 0 rn �a 6 O N=lr° INO�Z a� O o --1-yww0 mOjO �wOD QU M cv�Qw U .1p1UQ O a �Z U a d' `r O N I) In Q > ...1 U0 IN w" tD O W DO ~ 0 U w O w'w �tQ Z a OEM a w WS ex Z_R T2 N6 >L z W m tar O •• w� M 0M ': O Wr% v �v W W �Z t�0 O a 0 nz. o z m �j � n V xa� MCI x� Z ow 2 I� Ln V) d �•• Q Cb F_ Z - W W U z zo u � �z F- W oWo 0 W IL � a J w0 � o� LU Q Jo � U J Oz LU N O PROJECT NO. 2141021.00 OWTS-01 PROPOSED pp_2 PERCOLATION }. -j TEST AREA 4 Of - 7-03-14 !1 o a oZir 00 ISM of ~-1NAY�TRIBUT[ IT BOX - N90'00'00=rE 300.00' P-3 Oa- V: 7-754.00 BUILDING ENVELOPE LIMITS-HdITIAL - �; PROPOSED � � o \ 7755t00 PERCOLATION �. TEST AREA P-2 0 88 "INFILTRATOR -QUCIK 4\ z CHAM ERS INSTALLEQ PER MANUFA TURER'S GUIDELI ES P-1 �00, rO \ • �� \` ` �.-_- -.PROFILE PIT pp_,_p 33.83� - - `P- 3 00 O PP-3 Ld O 0 O 0 O Z 0-4 PROFILEf BORING GROUND WATER TRENCH DRAIN-, V) EFFLUENT CONNECTION -OUT: 7755. LID: 7760.005 -j62 �7� � a ``' ° PROPOSED o PERCOLATION'- . sue' BORING, 2 TEST AREA 9-22-14 >o I BORING 1 X � _ 1 250 GALLON VALLEY,>6.l` lee _ PflOip PRE CAST SEPTIC TANK BRQD SSE WITH 2 COMPARTMENTS._RE BUILDING ENVELOPE, I GPAPHIC SCALE / INFLUENT CONNECTION IN: 7755.60 LID: 7760.00 18 LF OF 6"0 SCHD. ( IN FEET ) 40 PVC ® 1.0% LOT 1 1 inch = 30 ft, 6" 0 PVC CLEAN OUT PARCEL NUMBER 1941R 272-02-001 N V: 7755.78 I RIM: 7763.50f \ 40 PV 0®6"0S CHD. jtk BEGIN "0 j CHD. 40 PVC INV� 7 56. 0 _ 7756- 0 �Ip c AND EFFLUENT FILTER�dlf � ` \ , , N ` 6" 0 P ' C. CLEAN OUT Vr 7755.95' 7765, 50t r 01 \ `\ . BUILDING ENVELOPE �¢UILDING VE�QPE.,,LIMITS \: \ - \00 00 W'. LS# 29030 / �=07.24'00 R=1120.92 L=144.7 i T= 72.1� BRG=N76.46'20'V C LEN=144.67 TABLE 6.28-1 - Minimum Horizontal Distances (in Feet) Between OWTS Components and Pertinent Physical Features CO U Nat N L- L pi C C)N 01D 0 L , ` O N� 0 V) o C v °% �.9 Om +' N O� -CC +' rn °� YO 7 0 J 2 -0 0 a) Q 'U N .'= J Qi 1. U O'D _J N CO L-o O u 0 0 C a C 3: -1 C Q c° C � ca �N � o 0 3 0 a v+ c �V) �= m a�a ;Tarn 0 oo+%o W �00 o n g^ 0 o Vi QO .'L a L o y 4, 3 rn ruin D: _o- 0_ Absorption Trench, Absorption Bed, Sand Filter (see exceptions below), 100** 25 25 20 10 50** 25** 50** 15** Subsurface Dispersal System, or Dry Well a. Lined Sand Filter 60 10 25 15 10 25 10 25 15 b. Unlined Sand filter in Soil with a Percolation rate 100** 25 25 15 10 25 15 25 15 < 60 MPI Lined Wastewater Pond 60 10 25 15 10 25 10 25 15 Unlined or Partially Lined Wastewater Pond 100** 25 25 15 10 25 15 25 15 Dispersal System Using Aerosol Methods 100** 10 50 125 10 25** 10** 25 15 Vault Privy 50 10 25 15 10 25 10 25 15 Septic Tanks, Package Plants, Dosing or Pumping 50* 10 25 5 10 50 10 50 15 Chamber, Vaults Building Sewer or Effluent Pipes 50* 10 25* 0 10* 50* 10* 50* 15* * Crossings or encroachments may be permitted at the points identified by this footnote, provided that drinking water or wastewater pipe is encased for at least 10 feet on each side of the crossing. Pipe of Schedule 40 rating or better must be used that has a sufficient diameter to easily slide over and completely encase the pipeline. Ridged end caps of at least Schedule 40 rating must be glued or secured in a watertight fashion to the ends of the encasement pipe. There must be a hole of sufficient size to accommodate the pipe in the lowermost section of the ridged cap so that the conveyance pipe rests on the bottom of the encasement pipe. The area in which the pipe passes through the end caps must be sealed with on approved underground sealant compatible with the pipe used. �* Add 8 feet additional distance for each 100 QPD of design flow over 1,000 GPD, unless it can be demonstrated by a PE or qualified geologist that a mechanical or natural barrier will prevent contamination. If a PE or qualified geologist chooses to exercise this option, he/she shall submit to the Department a detailed written explanation (including all supporting calculations) that clearly and convincingly demonstrates why the additional 8-foot setback distance for each 100 GPD of wastewater is not necessary, :0 o (510 \ \ \ ol FOUND REBAR W/ ALUMINUM CAP LS# 6826 GRAVELFROAD ` NATURAL GROUND TRENCH TOP SOILS AND NATURAL BACKFILL OVER TRENCHES _12" MIN, COVER 48" MAX. COVER / >>� 2 _ IN .3 %RIVq r SPRINGS ROAD E 50 AD R, p• W 12" QUICK 4 INFILTRATOR UNIT AND END CAP, 36" TRENCH TRENCH BOTTOM LEVEL AND ROUGHENED CROSS SECTION N.T.S. Fit 4" COL 4" SEWER BEND 4" x 4" x 4" -� PVC WYE CLEAN OUT ASSEMBLY SEWER CLEAN OUT DETAIL, N.T.S. Item # 1250 Gallon Top Seam 9 5®T-2CP Two Compartment ALLOWABLE BURY (Based an Water Table) wmm TABLE ALIAwA1 M bmim FILL 1r -o' r-o' 1-0 3'- 0' 2'-IY 8'-(' DRY 41- Cr Top View ate... ate_• .�.� ... TF Or Clear Access :l- -TANK __ � I' • I �•'. Section Boot sWaiift View DESIGN NOTES • Design per performance test per ASTMI C1227 " r • Top surface area 56.25IF 1 • fc Q 28 days; concrete = 6,000 PSI Min. , installation: 5 ° ~ 4 11 : 6 3N • Tank to be set on 5' min. sand o bed or pea gravel • Tank to be backfilled uniformly on „ all sides in lifts lose than 24' and `. mechanicallycomPadled ... •. _. ,,- . -. o Excavated material may be used for , 130" backfill, provided large stones are removed -- - ---- --- j Olong Spew - _.-- Invert ---�.._______--'__-•- Dlmsrglons • Excavation should be dewatered and tank filled with water prior to being 113' Long x 7' Wide Inlet Outlet Length Width Height put in service for installation with i WN below inlet Invert 56, 53" 135' 60" 68, water table less than Z below grade --- ------ -_----- ----1_----._-------- I • Meets C1BW6 for resilient connecmrs ; • Inlet and Outlet identified above pipe • Delivered complete with totems! plying Not Inlet Side Otlltlet Side Total i • PVC or concrete risers avallable 843 gallons I 416 galons 1,258 galbrts I- Secondary safety screen available with ___-- ------ _-____-- - Pvcdmw Het yew • Option of pump or siphon installed Lid Tardy Told 'Sae installation - 3,120 Iba - 10,880 bs 14,000 lbs guide on ourwsbsite --------_i ------ wdellta 0M FU317 �) PA. BMW r t ' VA iL ►M (7'19) 3 M Buer`te AdN 0061211 • PMdutWebaft WWW.vvJ FRECAW, Inc. P Service i€uu: Quick,4- Plug Standard Chamber Side and End Views rX �48' IFFFFM%!F I FNmI l) iaa Fg�Z � �P 2 9L'-f� 34" Quick4 Plus Doll -in -One 12 Encap Front, Side and' End Views- �11 Y t� ti i 8' INVERT ' 13 • 8 INVERT �i / 1 �I f t 5.3" INVERT --18.2- r �- 33" QUick4 Plus All -in -tine Periscope an:1u rtus �- ALL-IN-ONC r•Cri 6',Or'�� nm•zrrrvrr 1 12.T INVERT WICYA -w_ / \ 1- NF 1: E\O AP IN qLTRATO? M'TEMC. INC. STANDARD LIMITED :7ARRANTY . .,. I cI>o _ ..rr; clot_, !md ol,5r ar:;=stir- •nrnu�eclul:J ;y Inilt:;L^.; r 'i yvs;. ;,tlsn n:>bJled :mi �•,S,arxi I, a I '� h I 1 , „r, � n ; Ir -rr ,'Irh I I Ih r n d' I I r ' -r V ha , r31 F cP r I I dNy1 err•i. W� ,v 'cl-r' 'r :!�r is 3 rr r I d'dr .I tv FI F: I � ,.i,t rr Jt, rn'7i'Un'.:. IgrlrJ I r, I I- I lull I I'. I Jlq (_{,IL..I, 6, '� qp�l' L I.•J "II L.'II Lin III LI Ifll Id •i,.n Illy - - WI-b: . ',1 it II III I' _ y I ,dI:J ! } I•„ 1-wl+l.0 l .:I ❑ kl, ❑III old ., nix, -d '_ Ul'• .�I. It�.l. lobo ra :: r iJ- ;;,,',, ill'Tln It rl 1 )i CJ,' JqJ 1 ;t frihlrr.r4 III-._,,l•i;'li .C,Xrh ,. I.;11 <, f„! UNMZt 1..r111.,�,, i'; t1iII:IS«1 r!+_•r x'h'•,J 'h .J L: :, ..rrn:ti,cr ,. ,n'^r a 1dlrr q', an•:,dl. ,.el n oo, r nt ,ln r+_nrernlnne,. Jr Uniit - rv,�• ,-j II 1Rill I.,7=1-. .I, ,;•I, P.I N1 Ill ':;•:;I`-:F.;I I^Vl,l.;;r'd'-:'.N II':;wllll 7`'.r•I ....111rl l .I_li -rh:[ Tr'-1-IE_ .p nPF'•�E I GA FI LTRATO W 'ln.,; n r Iry vl IJ ' L,I . ;•:p;h,,nU91, � I,I r in n . � ff1 -s' h, IT I + lsll n , h • r U v\ F , :' n. - r I p!1 «_y�•z Irxaur5 Dl�...vlr1!JL,., uaW;r fit I l rcn_rronu!.,.n rf d,._,n.o �rrtill'-..,...u.,.,,rla .In �r p ', il. I •r�,•t 1 rnF;ir,. S}'StCR1S inc. a d•]I,pf: Y: S.Shlj2: i"M --r1 ,`^:ejojS LI5 ^*r I t k' LIr'It e CJ'..6 tL LILI P?r: Cy?r Grin.3..vl trr'_u :L O_aln'nr, rrn ud. Chrrlt ^r PS�E' r rt II It n I 1 r 1 hl t`1r 4 ! L Ir I'r Yl, , } f n nth III •;;d it „-IOrtU' f Y Il, it n co:,,.:] , .r: .IirJ r Ile lr.':cll r l r It_ G rtCY I. l i:t!6,l •Ira s. ':nowt«7 II I4 LII IJ1.v 11. l51, 1 I J.I I 1_ dn�• III. ::.ems r.8rll1l-.. of.A 1. Il,•ri4 _I M.::-1. LL C'L II �'�'�/+J•I'i,,, �,.. <_'r=r, JI 1 -r ai I /7. n 1 J _•rl:,l rtr rr ' 1,,,u,.,h ' 41 nf- 1 11 W L rflr I 73rD:J r eY I J I [,-to H-i .PI I,+:. r. ,:(rir, S,rfl J I :f lJ5 T r1 Lf D ,. ': I r14 Pit ...,r l t:;r In r'i- -im A 9 r_r.:,'r: Frvrt,a 1, in rlo--.-on .;n e 1017rr pv ..:wrraL4 4, ,I . c. n ...•n<q. to dr. KActr, Jr. !,, r., ,a ; -,, •,1•," ..,. ports, ,tllf: po••I,"L•rltrl.7 r rl bi,l+ll _I '>rtil"'ent- ,A 11,All oil' M AJLCli`v it 17 ranlrr3 n Hj r :t f find I':. 1 tl Iri:r� � �v -C113r1" , ,,, ,,�� �. . ;^i I', ,r;o� C �' " f "��• f -1N. "' •' r .; ;'�I er•td; r"sl,n..n,i:.L In:>:Jlr_mc'c-IJ,n+cEalhc,:ahc�cu�1_r:.;,�.Irn,lt�:,u= rrJl...l_.:r.-I ;n7,f-r;l�'s «e,,ada:; n r :rn l•s •,',. 8 0 0.221, 443 6 l:_il•v ryL'I,"9ilt_d�'a !'r Alin, al•1 ;,,,{I_Jul v'ltr -;.tr'.!r it:': U l ililli:�,b"li ,.},•,;,r;<I{BL'_Ihiti F!Y'S'L`1-:1"r`JrJl lly - www.infiltratorsystems.com iht. Cc r-.t+. tin, I- -cncrr Luna i:v. root fr, rn I nor I� II I. J nrrl -L-l�3 rrl.l r'r..rluy- h_:5 rt is+. I v.arnar; req,,r�n n , -r ur I - cd Lhl., h uIJ -� rll' r nhlo nl, , s�ru-: 1 a ur r• I I 4J-'rlvia ..o••nxh!a,t. r. ncr k, :J,C:I ruua%: 5 I: - :5 pl: -:1' ' - `�(:: •1r>:. 5.6< 71F C!noJit"]POLn,n'7"✓9, .i•' F.. n , rrJu, G r � . r �I'Tatcr El 'il _-r a'J s1.4 Ft r•t•'e .tr.:i 1n:1 : tlrlivrc'v; c.t In lrll't, I. r'C-L,ir': Jl.i-r rr.LbU' ;len-n.:. is..0 hgl;,yrsi u.; n«-�I Iti Jvx1� � I_-rl.n.l 4::r. al n•7rn..uoy r.._ V Jtul�•f n`Inu :ra-.^: -.3 ,.11_ •� _._, hUUf::r1 .rsm^. la pII:,J tll l.... L^-. r _ I _• 1 REMOVABLE SCREW OR SLIP CAP 4" MIN, FINISH 4" PVC SOLID PIPE I TOP SOIL (LENGTH VARIES) (4) 1 /4" X 4" LONG SLOTS 0 90* APART ROCK 4" PVC FLANGED SUPPORT FITTiN AGGREGATE AGGREGATE/SAND INTERFACE a° o -00 1/4" WIDE SLOT (TYPICAL-- FL 4 MIN. OBSERVATION WELL DETAIL. N.T.S. l k1'r i 4 :' % "`,•r ,y ej''s is a 1 k t N r T �f 1 r F, � ,y� ;• `7. F fir. �!`4, 1 �, +, 1 i; F - " .ca, A�I� 4' k�-v ='n'I .. }}mil T d. h}iS :1 f`rc-•A' §� C r'•�' nr. � 11r+ 3 i +� t 'I �, ry .y; J.. ?I �A; Lt ar�+ja^sr�3�gk r a� r p }.• 17rr fig, Fr c Sk;,- -,° ka ••-i E�ytriy t'A 1 :s'n 5L ( 1 - L t r, t 1' `L� }4Yr�• '�'IJ''y4i>✓'1 �y�i°an �,r �, a� a r}7i!r< r V'�i r �; �- h .� - •`r`c-�-•�5. F. `'�f:�'C NL x11•�'.r`. ,r1 r v r.. �sw'171a` - ',;, r�- t,.;,a- vt l,•`,• W.11 '`7r I� fit�.�- _ �t,ync �"ktyr \ -.4 t+ IS. `r, •.. �tir5;,t~l . F'i }�dri¢'K�t {r 1n. "rrY." 't3br t1-r fi55 S�.Fl�•�.i-.. �'a•p�thi i l �.j_� '➢' - k: •Ih •h yt� - - RJ'+nlZr'�•..arL•'},i,'. �r2. 1 '1.5ti^ �',..5 . t .�� - . `F�iF:�' k•. 1 ����yC� Sf`�"�T �r'`-•S rl�. / / "1 �: 1�l iF � 4 T 1. F- 1 I'r 1 _ 1 1/,• r -;' S A�' '{" t has }y_ ;�."z s• rc 4p'F's rr as ":'>t ';�• ,��,- � Ir��ai s� F.�',, �''. r '�>,_�•7 ,�� r4T�. 6, ftilrxyt� .�\''�`�' t1r ti;r A. l' �. r�S�y,, i �i��� �l �r,_g'1 ,-t r•r.M- 1��^r�S,Z�`� art{_..� ��- i, 9'+�'�` y�.-„r"�'-wx � t�;•. !'s'F.'�i'`-j ��1$�z �� � . s E'�«c�-�-v � r.;`�-�'#�✓„Zi.Il '"'t!.{''.5.. _'+�!ig� Cr�'i' �j"y A _ � -.' & fix � c,.,ylo-vr '�.,. k' `i r'M �rID „�r' _r.�'3� .,. ry, ;J• ���� � 1 a � ic'Sk .� y t� n�' a� @ .4 1 � L4f�' �;�'�I•'�'"'r.?i �a'Nz ,- , y � t Bd, r:'.?,- eg:,'�S. �r z f ' •i..7� _;-7' �+ i'i�+•'U a. j �' �� '. i �..' Ltd = l'��„�*�:.�r� a F`y§fA r 11 'w tiF.': . '-,1 - 'L')2;�5 ��.� c� F �yS >. R :c .✓ [�,45.�r,liri1 -. g' "� �r� lti',n�,n y • '1 P,.. A � a 7 _ / � i. 'CS. 'ly i 5 yam; �. -'.',� ",.�l��yt �� �5T' �S tP yy,, i. - h YP:of -15:t. sa. ,i;;•. ; �'i'c'hl - - rli . ,-.4.�wy�.1,. _ w w rA ULLw ZXOE Z Z 00 led < DMZ-' U� rnrn� 0 PO r Z<raLr r� m 00 N ¢t�ww ZU N Z apt=-Z F-0 0 o t,)SX0 Jw s--• d' m0�0 aU In U W. Nmao < �Z SCALE: 1 " = 1000' GENERAL NOTES 1. ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE EAGLE COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH AGENCY ON -SITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM REGULATIONS, EVEN THOUGH ALL SUCH REQUIREMENTS ARE NOT SPECIFICALLY NOTED ON THIS DRAWING, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR SUCH SPECIFIC DETAILS AS ARE REFERRED TO IN THE ABOVE MENTIONED REGULATIONS. 2. SYSTEM DESIGN FLOW: 4 BEDROOMS *2 PERSONS/BEDROOM *75 GALLONS/PERSON/DAY IS Q 600 GPD = AVERAGE DAILY FLOW SEPTIC TANK: MINIMUM PRE -CAST CONCRETE TANK SIZE IS 1,250 GALLONS. 12 PERCOLATION RATE: 40 MIN / INCH O TREATMENT LEVEL: TL1 LONG TERM ACCEPTANCE RATE: 0,5 GAL/DAY/SQ, FT, Z REQUIRED SOIL TREATMENT AREA: A= 600 GPD = 1,200 SQ. FT, 0.50 GPD S.F. SIZE ADJUSTMENT FACTOR FOR DISTRIBUTION MEDIA: �- CHAMBERS: 0.7 � Z 0 O ADJUSTED SOIL TREATMENT AREA: A= 1200 S.F. * 0.7 = 840 SQ. FT. ai MIN. NUMBER OF CHAMBERS: 840 S.F. U - 85 CHAMBERS 9,87 S.F. CHAMBER w 0 Q.. INSTALL 88 INFILTRATOR QUICK 4 CHAMBERS, IN TRENCH CONFIGURATION, o U o AS SHOWN. 3. TOPSOIL: SOIL EXCAVATED FROM SITE ACCEPTABLE IF NO CLAY IS PRESENT. 4. VEHICULAR TRAFFIC IS PROHIBITED ON THE FIELD. 0 J p w- 5. CLEANOUTS ARE REQUIRED AT ALL BENDS AND AT LEAST EVERY 150 Z Do FEET ALONG THE EFFLUENT LINE. M� 0 0 6, INSTALL RISERS AS NECESSARY TO BRING ALL ACCESS POINTS AT OR ABOVE U 7, THE FINAL GRADE, LOCATIONS OF .. � O � � � ALL COMPONENTS MAY BE VARIED AS NECESSARY AS LONG AS ALL MINIMUM DISTANCES AND SLOPES MEET THOSE REQUIRED. C Q 8. PROVIDE POSITIVE DRAINAGE OF SURFACE WATER AWAY FROM a s..r itAV ABSORPTION AREA USING DRAINAGE SWALES AS NECESSARY. O � 9. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL DEPTHS, SLOPES AND CLEARANCES FROM THE PROPOSED HOME, WELLS AND STRUCTURES, Z M 0 0 w PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. W 0 $ N 10. THIS DRAWING DOES NOT CONSTITUTE AN OWTS PERMIT. PERMIT MUST BE OBTAINED FROM APPROPRIATE COUNTY OFFICIALS, N U 11, THIS SYSTEM IS SIZED FOR TYPICAL DOMESTIC WASTES ONLY, BACKWASH OR T W 14 iL Z FLUSHING FLOWS FOR REVERSE OSMOSIS UNITS OR WATER SOFTENERS OR J FILTERS SHOULD NOT BE INTRODUCED INTO THIS SYSTEM. t} WU W I t! 12, SITE PLAN OBTAINED FROM RAUL GAWRYS PLANNING / ARCHITECTURE, DATED JULY 15, 2014. 110 V- to 9 O •„ 13, DESIGN OF THE SYSTEM BASED ON THE "SUBSOIL STUDY FOR FOUNDATION PROPOSED RESIDENCE LOT 1, PARCEL B, WOLLCOTT SPRINGS" JOB NO, 114 124A N w O 0) BY HP GEOTECH, DATED SEPTEMBER 22, 2014. 14. SEPTIC TANK SHALL HAVE RISES OVER EACH ACCESS MANHOLE AND ALL RISERS M0 Wn I SHALL EXTEND TO OR ABOVE FINAL GRADE. Z 12 W Z 15. THE OWNER SHALL VERIFY ADEQUATE SEPARATION DISTANCES FROM THE SYSTEM W W in TO THE EXISTING WELL, PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 'Q 16. THE APPLICANT OR LICENSED INSTALLER SHALL NOTIFY THE COUNTY AND THE ENGINEER NO LESS THAN TWO BUSINESS DAYS IN ADVANCE TO SCHEDULE A FINAL W a. 0. FIELD INSPECTION OF THE SYSTEM, PRIOR TO BACKFILLING THE SYSTEM. 17. THE APPLICANT OR LICENSED INSTALLER SHALL PROVIDE A SURVEYED AS -BUILT O DRAWING OF THE SYSTEM TO THE COUNTY AND ENGINEER, UPON COMPLETION. m 18. THE LICENSED INSTALLER. OF THE SYSTEM IS TO BE: DIAMOND A EXCAVATING, LLC, )\ r p" ABSORPTION TRENCH NOTES 1. ABSORPTION TRENCH LATERALS SHALL NOT EXCEED 100 FEET IN LENGTH. III 2. THE BOTTOM OF THE ABSORPTION TRENCH SHALL BE LEVEL. 3. DRAINAGE DITCHES ARE TO BE PROVIDED ABOVE AND AROUND TRENCHAS , NECESSARY, TO PREVENT SURFACE RUNOFF FROM ENTERING ABSORPTION AREA. 4. ABSORPTION TRENCH BOTTOM AND SIDEWALLS MUST BE RAKED TO REMOVE SOIL SMEARS INCURRED DURING EXCAVATION, 5. NO EXCAVATION OF ABSORPTION FIELD IS TO BE DONE DURING WET WEATHER • AND USE OF RUBBER TIRE VEHICLES OVER BED AREA IS PROHIBITED TO MAINTAIN GOOD SOIL STRUCTURE, 6, UNSUITABLE MATERIAL EXISTING WITHIN THE TRENCH SHALL BE EXCAVATED AND BACKFILL SHALL CONSIST OF ONSITE SELECT OR PIT -RUN MATERIAL. 7. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL A GROUND WATER TRENCH DRAIN, ON THE Z 2 UPHILL SIDE OF THE OWTS FIELD, IN ACCORDANCE WITH HP GEOTECH'S RECOMMENDATIONS. O W H *iFINA L* 10-6-14 FOR AND ON BEHALF OF HIGH COUNTRY ENGINEERING, INC. M.�.I Ln N 0 A Ii"'I f 1 � Z I••1 W F- W w= z U� ~ LU 0 mU 2 as W a L -1 Lu L 0�V) a J0 3: U J W Oz 0 PROJECT NO, 2141021.00 OWTS►0 t rrcvrvOr U PP-2 PERCOLATION \TEST AREA' 7-03-14 P-2 Z 00 0 1.4t PP-3 Pi\ LIJ a O O O 0 LOI= CE F- w 100 INFILTRATOR QUICK 4 STANDARD CHAMBERS �' Z cr INSTALLED PER MANUFACTURER'S GUIDELINES 0 of Q p 4"0 PVC INSPECTION PORTS AND CAPS AT BOTH ENDS OF o Qb EACH CHAMBER ROW, FLUSH OR ABOVE GRADE (TYP.) ~ a _ - • - . . - , . _ . . N90'00'00"E 300.00' _ ry< V) ^ BUILDING ENVELOPE LIMITS r" __ Z Zo M J \ 6"O PVC DISTRIBUTION LATERALS ®2% MIN, (TYP,) A `..\ /-PLACE 2" BLUE BOARD INSULATION ABOVE ALL PIPES _., .. . .. I .. . ,- - � . ___ - - - , . __ - _____,I -4 t III I, PROPOS D GROUND WATER TRENCH DRAINY ____ INTERCEPTOR. _ INITIAL WITH A LOW EQUALIZER AND PROPOSED >, LID FLUSH WITH FINISH GRADE PERCOLATION -INV: 7754.00 TEST AREA LiD: 7755.00 �,_ -- _PROFILE PIT,\\h _ 'R-3 \ --- 1,,\ .y ` \� >S �_ P-2 �? _,_� > y �5,1... PROFILE BORING 5e%I \ I BUILDING ENVELOPE. \1 WIc (n 0 0 Z O m o Z C 0,K) 1-4 I O �. ,- 0 \ ///rn-1 I p � l / `( 2 E DETAILS G APHIC SCALE BY HP GEOTE (n �- l :0 5 ��� Z` EFFLUENT CONNECTION 1- , �``,, � G OUT: 7755.35 -yY LID: 7760.00 30 0 15 �30 60 - n6 _ 120 r- 'a >> -, _ off. " �O � \ O I Z * i o v y�O _ �d . ss PROPOSED o c{' 6. PERCOLATION' \� d' BORING, 2 TEST AREA 4/1, 9-22-14 . qn �,, `, ,BORING 1 �A I : /// t * Is I �. B PR, e 1 250 GALLON VALLEY',6] E�ROO/14 OSE� PRt-CAST SEPTIC TANK F �� RES1 �AN02EF�LUENTTFILTER'•, \ ,0.O . C9 i i< ^N GgRq GE Y 6" 0 P' C CLEAN OU.T :. 7755.95' `\\ V 7765.50f 4 _ -- \ * `* .BUILDING ENVELOPE ' \*W I . -._ _ . - INFLUENT CONNECTION IN- 7755.60 LID: 7760.00 ( IN FEET ) 18 LF OF 6"a1 scHD. LOT 1 . I inch = 30 ft. 40 PVC ®1.0% 10.100 ACRES ' 6" 0 PVC CLEAN OUT PARCEL NUMBER: 1941-272-02-001 NV: 7755.78 \ RIM: 7763.50t 2i F OF 6'0i SCHD. 40 V ® 1.0� �. ��5� `BEGIN "0 'SCHD, 40 PVC, - _ INV: 7 56.00 _ 7756 ` - -�_ - ,6 \ _- : , \\I , 4g . - - '-_ ` , l `` \.. V a ' o, -- 0 \ i \. \\ 1 - I ), -_ .. \ , A \ ,11. . :.r�Ul� G VE�QPF...LIMITS %10 .-7 00 00 W,,. 30 - `� � ,O \ . \ O�%'_ \ \ \ t t A=07'24'00" �9 �� .,-IN 1,'. I." \ . R=1120.92 -,-\ T=72.49 BRG=N76"46'20" `\� C LEN=144.67 FOUND `� \ TABLE 6,28-1 - Minimum Horizontal Distances (in Feet) Between OWTS Components and Pertinent Physical Features C O .N L. L C L of N C C -0 00 L. C L Q` O O Z/ U Nib N L_ s 0_1 U �L 6--0 0 � J � (n n U NL. Y O 0 J U _0 <� N N.� rn>, rn0 in O C-0 C 03 0 000 L O C J C -av C'a v o o `' C - _a ,L _y Q C 0 ,c Q C Q - 0 >,'T 0 L a_ U -0 �O 0 +J -- 0 I- 0 0 C •&_ 'L Q 'L ] (!l - O U 3 („) N L_ o 0 L > N 0 +' L. L 0 n- y.J of aaf Q Q 00 L- NV) .- Absorption Trench, Absorption Bed, Sand Filter (see exceptions below), 100** 25 25 20 10 50** 25** 50** 15** Subsurface Disp ersal System, p ys m, or Dry Well a. Lined Sand Filter 60 10 25 15 10 25 10 25 15 b. Unlined Sand filter in Soil with a Percolation rate 100** 25 25 15 10 25 15 25 15 < 60 MPI Lined Wastewater Pond 60 10 25 15 10 25 10 25 15 Unlined or Partially Lined Wastewater Pond 100** 25 25 15 10 25 15 25 15 Dispersal System Using Aerosol Methods 100** 10 50 125 10 25** 10** 25 15 Vault Privy 50 10 25 15 10 25 10 25 15 Septic Tanks, Package Plants, Dosing or Pumping 50* 10 25 5 10 50 10 50 15 Chamber, Vaults Building Sewer or Effluent Pipes 50* 10 25* 0 10* 50* 10* 50* 15* * Crossings or encroachments may be permitted at the points identified by this footnote, provided that drinking water or wastewater pipe is encased for at least 10 feet on each side of the crossing. Pipe of Schedule 40 rating or better must be used that has a sufficient diameter to easily slide over and completely encase the pipeline. Ridged end caps of at least Schedule 40 rating must be glued or secured in a watertight fashion to the ends of the encasement pipe. There must be a hole of sufficient size to accommodate the pipe in the lowermost section of the ridged cap so that the conveyance pipe rests on the bottom of the encasement pipe, The area in which the pipe passes through the end caps must be sealed with an approved underground sealant compatible with the pipe used. ** Add 8 feet additional distance for each 100 GPD of design flow over 1,000 GPD, unless it can be demonstrated by a PE or qualified geologist that a mechanical or natural barrier will prevent contamination. If a PE or qualified geologist chooses to exercise this option, he/she shall submit to the Department a detailed written explanation (including all supporting calculations) that clearly and convincingly demonstrates why the additional 8-foot setback distance for each 100 GPD of wastewater is not necessary. REBAR W/ - ~_ ALUMINUM CAP - .. LS# 6826 EDGE OF __ _ _,•� . GRAVEL ROAD 0 D __ �'. WOLCOTT SPR CPRI 1NGS vA r 'I Ro EAO 5 ^/ IJ R. p . IN. TOP SOILS AND NATURAL BACKFILL OVER TRENCHES 12" MIN. COVER _ _ _ 48" MAX, COVER -I I I-� ITi=I I I=1 - -I I I / / I I I -I I - II / / 1=III= III- _111-11 _ -I I I / I I I-1 1 1= I:IIII IIII11111, 72., 1111 I I _-_- I 1=1 11= -I I -I 1=1 1=1 I-1 11-I 1-I I- 1-1 1 -I 11-I 11=1 11=1 I I -I 11-1 I I -I 11-1 1I- II I1=1I1=1I1=1I1=1I1=1I1=1I1=1I I- STANDARD QUICK 4 NATURAL i 11=1 I I -I I I -I I I -I I I -I I I-1 11=1 11= INFILTRATOR UNIT _ - _ AND EN P GROUND I I I_I I I -III -III -III -I I I_I I I -I II D CAP, I I=1 11=1 I Md I I=1 11=1 11=1 I I I I- -1 , I -III- 36" TRENCH I -III -I I 1-� TRE NCH BOTTOM LEVEL AND ROUGHENED TRENCH CROSS SECTION- N. T. S. n%1n ! A n FINISH GRADE 4" COI. 4" SEWER t" RISER 45' SWEEP BEND �`��ff� 1250, Gera Top nu ALLOWABLE BURY (Based on Water Table) WATER TABLE ALLOWABLE EARTH FILL 0 ^ 0' 2'- O' 1'-0' 3'-0' 2'-0' 3'-0" T-0' 4'-0' DRY 4'- 0' Tod? View � �, I .� :�' �; I I 20' Clear Access I. 11 (:r I 1.1, 6 R II TANK I' . I I �. 1 leAble Butyl Rubber Section �80011' Sealant View ti D. 11K6a;3 s Design per perkrm&ice tit i , i pet•AST�!i Of227 I '' 19„ . I, i 1 a Top surface Brea 66.25 rt' , 191, 19" ' In f'c @ 28 days; c on=te = 6,M 1 i I PSI Min. I ' + trseixilla�tliarr: 5S„ : 4 . I6f ® Tank to be €•et un 5' min. sand311 bad or poa caravel I 0 Tank to W- backfilled ur owily till I e all Gidea in hits less Mali 24' and 111att1arilcaliycoonpl3ct�d i .- . m Excavated mateftl rney tie used far ------------130" I -- I backfill, glrot!'szlsd i�a stcnas are removed Digging Specs Invert Dimensions ,a Excavadan should be del a-tara l �,1 tank Wad wO wafer' prior to using IT Lang x T Wide Inlet Outlet Length Width Height 9 put In 6er,Aca for Installation vAlh 56" below Inlet invert 56" 53" 135" 60" 68" watar table less than Z balrav �a . a Masts C1644-08 for resilient wane tom = inlet and (Outlet idsntified abimle pIgA Net Ca Pec� . . 0 Delivemd complete wrilil internal pipir� Inlet Side Outlet Side : Total V PVC or mn=te,hers aval�e 843 gallons ' 416 gallons 1,259 gallons :6 Se,aondary safely scrEljn available widr ..._ - PVC rieec' Not Weight • Option of purm or aiphon insls'iJedl Ud Tank Total 3,120 lbs 10,880lbs 14,000 The ' "5rao insL�ltatiun guidra cin Ouru�.siIJ3 W a (71-9} ., � Ra317 ,I •i. P.O. BOX` O VALLEY P�� Fk 5�,i% Cleo M 1 �p�5/p III(. �11.° ri le msi 4 'ml;,',�'� WAWA X n a +..�r•'.J K:P4 Plus :�✓;andard Chaarnbiav Side anj. Eric `vkI yvs as" (EFFECTIVE LENGTH) JrN i - .. r2N I�-ig,NA rIu \ rI6�G6 OG 06OO SO ,OCi�`a', �y a��cma nu �a"n', I-34' . ( u,ick4 P!US :III-In-01-10 12 i_ri ap Front, .Side an(:i End �,'i�:VJS -F- - I 13" 7_­ -.----I 8" INVERT 8" INVERT 5 3' INVERT Quick-1 F' a Ali -in. -One: P ris:.ope: G2l 1"' - ALL�1".u,c nERISCO_ r� I:w -'. )- I 1_ 12.7"INVERT I-rWCR,nlvS - ALL.IN•ORE 11 � 5" I 5 - E,r"GIP III �.- !Ih. Quick4. Plus Standard> Chamber Specifications :� --~� - '- --_.__ __.__ _.__.__.__.. Sipe - x L x M 34" r G3" 12" {8G rIr x I �1. 5 um x 31 crn) I invert Height O.b", 5.3 8,0"; 1'?,7". ..:. I Effective Length1. ^8" (122 ciTi1 {1 5 cm, 8,4 cm 18.5 cm, 22,6 cm) I.{: - . INFILTRATOR SYSTEI:IS. INC. STANDARD LIMITED WARRANTY 1.•, l- 1I ,I n r :Ih. rI .i, nr t r'1U' n 11r. I tl P..J ,7 ?I -+,. r r ,1 1 r -: r1 II I u I I i I "1 1, r' I I l J,nf I I.l 1 r11 1 J J1 I U' I Id - I ,: 1 1 !,QC, rl _ J I r, !;wl: J •rl. r : 1,: ,y I,.y, II ,. 1 , :U u r I„•1 11 L u t II t ,7 I ' _ I f Inn•/5 If,i:, +It:,Ta; , J ,,n i,.l!1171`• 5,,.I ,"I:;" (r I. I '.( .. r1, J�, •::f ..J:uII JI'�,rl l:�r :l'T'1 ,ta.x „Ills alfh,i '• . 1 1•II1 ...I,.-_In•.21i',1I,. , 1'. , ter, ., , t•tf:_r,,I.�...,.- I r: , ;, I r , I. U I, _I_ ' JI BUJ II J I I i 1 , fl:..,. t rt'.(I .R j '71L N!'; 11 I I ;-t lI Im I.I' !-j r F a. 1:-F. .,..r.rA'., I!�:-,. 'I I. I. PlI.. ...i - if liT-i 1 I I` L f. _'If /:' r rl'E C. F 02,_ n•,rlTr'�c II , :�­ F, tt.EoSrD., , �I..1 UF!P. ,'z.-, htl -1:•, I.I � it „-Rife •t, >.::,.I .,e -.• .. (nG'. r r:t vl tr1•: ,.., '.-I.: s. - It n:,lr.,.!,::..rrJ rr R,'.r."1 0Ta' 1,:r. N hl,a':if h- I ,•❑ t-J A1A,:,_'.', INFILTRATOR' t.tsllh :1:, ll. ;J. ,b,! .r.,t n1' f�IJI: '.ca n6lv_lu �I _ IaL J',r: P rri,^ „ulC .. dJ •' ''V,�•r . Ihtt I^. ....,..: ar: .. 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'i' Ili : L;:!^r. ! , I'ul; In- rwi-!:.',.lu,'�'J rI C,,,' n11•a L'o I"4'Iulb:n. 1,xIu.l.,-::ilJr:1:1b@'It'. �Wll, I%•i-.,:I - .i^.l!..7 :), .f,-.._ .. .,.I u any e:e:., •,v� t1 :�.r r; n2 Liras-It+uu•a n� rt -:%I, Ira, tl:•II: ,uarur.,ner„lao I:: N:endWlce ',.:51 ,,I z.i cc,;:].;<v,¢, roau.ren h; ch:h1 ^ny let :. e.:JVL. a l.ahor: pr .il..oL,to ^. , „,.,i ;I('llm:n a nr..cll 1: 'I) `1 *UV fr:nr: 800.221 .4436 I.,._.cr,u6..rvl!.lila9lti!luIllu ol.Ll+�lil:I„'.i:,a:l;ra::..., J!Il:.Lim:Ic77/y'L.,r:: ...n::v.,I,x,,,.c: �:,:,n':!:::'1,::.:.'J,:;,1 ,': www.infiltratorsysterns.com .. - ,,11 Ir6:141 .,..... I'l. ..l p' :r t sr1L•:u L: no-.,4, I u II i. 'I ( ,I .rJ � I` ;,I;,,.•u,I, r;:%- (,.q.r0n1 f l,'I'IJ rl .••1•r - ^,iNo 1.,1 , I'1 n {n 1r I 1 f i' I r r, 'r. i.!1'11;:�,',.'.',-'-. •L rl'In ,y,_ , :,,[•..I''!. t, lrnr ,rr bl',,, ..IJ_s ,11 ', I .., 1. ql- f.. A,. + I,., ""'. ,.1.. ,'. P:: :,eBI '.I =Ec,•I tu!.tic,..'::.:D..f/11.: ,,'16..,,.._,..;2.:..,.,:,1 - _,_..,___,.�_.,,_,•.__ .:rnir.rnr:; :,.1lgnE. ;A,lF, 1. /'_... �4 71!;r pq,,'S°, p,wlrlq k:l:d,mar. Eq, ty :t,,,.!w6;9 tlnti G,.r?:': F•.::: ti% ej.: V:rva Utew,l,ri , of niJ"• IIr ;; a 1.11! lfa%- c I,,,,:aa,,:J'L:danlwl. n Fru.^,ru 1':firo:Cc ", . , .'r_ e Efa� n•.n: CR,1Nilall: I" "147C ,XI:III:'.11V­ 1:11'np1:r"n I$h!'.I,rn1111A-11nhil;v"Io ";&t-7 in! 1. n'Itril Inlllnl:::, 5n11 I,.,. lilrtlall In l l f:. y I,.S I,p;(',, •,,;,;1•;I.,` 4" x 4" x 4" -/ PVC WYE N.T.S. CLEAN OUT ASSEMBLY SEWER CLEAN OUT DETAIL N.T,S. Installing Optional Inspection Ports 1. With a hole saw drill the pre -marked area in the top of the chamber to create a 4-inch opening. 2. Set a cut piece of pipe of the appropriate length into the corresponding chamber's inspection port sleeve. Note: The sleeve will accommodate a 4-inch SCH40 pipe. 3. Use two screws to fasten '- ! .Al the pipe to the sleeve around the Inspection port. '1 4. Attach a threaded cap or cleanout assembly onto the - 4 ; -. protruding pipe at the appro- '►.; priate height. ! ;,;t,. L4 5. A small valve cotter box { may be used if inspection port is below the desired 13 grade. Fasten the pipe. INSPECTION PORT DETAIL N.T.S. ' I!: r ".`I a f y 5,•� � N } I Tt ' ry` jii , r.,,. } ti: , �` i '% M tJ Y +71�,{1 i f y �� : £-j A 1 , , a f r ,; I t 1:s : s y. *ft v 1.1 Y t f tiS.gp? 'i jlI 7 4 r t i atJ I',I 1,� l . xn 1 j '! �tllli 1 r : t a; �sr.+ .t ''. t'. 1 �, n i�^'r i 1 r:: , `.. L �5 t k , l i" ! I C } i tit 2.,t�•d' In. ,+ r , , •` , r _' +' 'I >' �, SY r ( , .' . 1-. "Mi I .N'i[i - I'r`�'s5 �• 1. �yi s t .Ii 1,� . A�,a„�� t I , �.. 1:.'„'„Yr r10� s i l l>,J ^1,� ...�!•�, t ...:.,,,,,'�' g„,a ' 1 mod ttr+' ,r , > i+:. T s t,� - Y .. r4 tFti.. ,11'11-1111, r ,l+l V1.: �'J:N 1 C f t ,k -� "' t'Fc "w, i5°"7`y I t 'u d L f:t' c -F" iII! t t > .A r yy IP - 4 I t` IFA < �. I ,i tic # '�;< 4, - X � w U U_w < Z O0 w 000 - >0z-1 0� 7 �0-• z°�a` m 1-O W 00 N 2 r0 <0=w ZU CV Z °rat-2 Aa U)��0 O O MZ ZOOZ OD o ?[rF-X a <U _jw<w U O .j X SCALE: 1 " = 1000' GENERAL NOTES 1. ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE EAGLE COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH AGENCY ON -SITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM REGULATIONS, EVEN THOUGH ALL SUCH REQUIREMENTS ARE NOT SPECIFICALLY NOTED ON THIS DRAWING. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR SUCH SPECIFIC DETAILS AS ARE REFERRED TO IN THE ABOVE MENTIONED REGULATIONS. 2. SYSTEM DESIGN FLOW: 4 BEDROOMS *2 PERSONS/BEDROOM *75 GALLONS/PERSON/DAY IS Ld H 600 GPD = AVERAGE DAILY FLOW Q SEPTIC TANK: MINIMUM PRE -CAST CONCRETE TANK SIZE IS 1,250 GALLONS. PERCOLATION RATE: 40 MIN / INCH TREATMENT LEVEL: TL1 Z 1 F LONG TERM ACCEPTANCE RATE: 0,35 GAL/DAY/SQ, FT. 1 REQUIRED SOIL TREATMENT AREA: A= 600 GPD = 11714.28 SQ. FT. - 0.35 GPD/S.F. SIZE ADJUSTMENT FACTOR FOR DISTRIBUTION MEDIA: I CHAMBERS: 0.7 O O ADJUSTED SOIL TREATMENT AREA: A= 1714.28 S.F. * 0.7 = 1200 SQ. FT, LO }- >- p o X N cn MIN- NUMBER OF CHAMBERS: 1200 S.F. __ 100 CHAMBERS m 0 1- U Q 12 S.F. CHAMBER U 0 INSTALL 100 STANDARD INFILTRATOR QUICK 4 CHAMBERS, IN TRENCH U Q CONFIGURATION, AS SHOWN_ 3. TOPSOIL: SOIL EXCAVATED FROM SITE ACCEPTABLE IF NO CLAY IS PRESENT. N4. VEHICULAR TRAFFIC IS PROHIBITED ON THE FIELD. J W. m 5. CLEANOUTS ARE REQUIRED AT ALL BENDS AND AT LEAST EVERY 150 ao N0 FEET ALONG THE EFFLUENT LINE. IZ �I,t 6. INSTALL RISERS AS NECESSARY TO BRING ALL ACCESS POINTS AT OR ABOVE .. U U THE FINAL GRADE. QQ is 7. LOCATIONS OF ALL COMPONENTS MAY BE VARIED AS NECESSARY AS LONG ( iLQ 3 AS ALL MINIMUM DISTANCES AND SLOPES MEET THOSE REQUIRED. U O Z 8. PROVIDE POSITIVE DRAINAGE OF SURFACE WATER AWAY FROM 3 a ABSORPTION AREA USING DRAINAGE SWALES AS NECESSARY, 1Z O N O 9. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL DEPTHS, SLOPES AND CLEARANCES FROM THE PROPOSED HOME, WELLS AND STRUCTURES, w Z I Q a PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION, O S N T v O Wfi 10. THIS DRAWING DOES NOT CONSTITUTE AN OWTS PERMIT. PERMIT MUST z BE OBTAINED FROM APPROPRIATE COUNTY OFFICIALS, 11. THIS SYSTEM IS SIZED FOR TYPICAL DOMESTIC WASTES ONLY. BACKWASH OR Z t9 FLUSHING FLOWS FOR REVERSE OSMOSIS UNITS OR WATER SOFTENERS OR ~ W I to w W 4 FILTERS SHOULD NOT BE INTRODUCED INTO THIS SYSTEM. 12. SITE PLAN OBTAINED FROM RAUL GAWRYS PLANNING ARCHITECTURE, DATED JULY 15, 2014. / III^ IN _ Q O IZ iA 13. DESIGN OF THE SYSTEM BASED ON THE "SUBSOIL STUDY FOR FOUNDATION w R PROPOSED RESIDENCE LOT 1, PARCEL B, WOLCOTT SPRINGS" JOB NO, 114 124A BY HP GEOTECH, DATED SEPTEMBER 22, � O 14. 2014. SEPTIC TANK SHALL HAVE RISES OVER EACH ACCESS MANHOLE AND ALL RISERS p m n 0) aj � SHALL EXTEND TO OR ABOVE FINAL GRADE, Z 15. THE OWNER SHALL VERIFY ADEQUATE SEPARATION DISTANCES FROM THE SYSTEM � W W Q Z � Z TO THE EXISTING WELL, PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. Z 16. THE APPLICANT OR LICENSED INSTALLER SHALL NOTIFY THE COUNTY AND THE ENGINEER NO LESS THAN TWO BUSINESS DAYS IN ADVANCE TO SCHEDULE A W a 0. FINAL FIELD INSPECTION OF THE SYSTEM, PRIOR TO BACKFILLING THE SYSTEM. 17. THE APPLICANT OR LICENSED INSTALLER SHALL PROVIDE A SURVEYED AS -BUILT iO DRAWING OF THE SYSTEM TO THE COUNTY AND ENGINEER, UPON COMPLETION, m 18. THE LICENSED INSTALLER OF THE SYSTEM IS TO BE: DIAMOND A EXCAVATING, LLC. r j U '` ABSORPTION TRENCH NOTES x tt [A 1. ABSORPTION TRENCH LATERALS SHALL NOT EXCEED 100 FEET IN LENGTH. ICI 2. THE BOTTOM OF THE ABSORPTION TRENCH SHALL BE LEVEL. 3. DRAINAGE DITCHES ARE TO BE PROVIDED ABOVE AND AROUND TRENCH, AS NECESSARY, TO PREVENT SURFACE RUNOFF FROM ENTERING ABSORPTION AREA. 4. ABSORPTION TRENCH BOTTOM AND SIDEWALLS MUST BE RAKED TO REMOVE SOIL SMEARS INCURRED DURING EXCAVATION. 5. NO EXCAVATION OF ABSORPTION FIELD IS TO BE DONE DURING WET WEATHER 0 AND USE OF RUBBER TIRE VEHICLES OVER BED AREA IS PROHIBITED TO MAINTAIN GOOD SOIL STRUCTURE. 6. UNSUITABLE MATERIAL EXISTING WITHIN THE TRENCH SHALL BE EXCAVATED AND BACKFILL SHALL CONSIST OF ONSITE SELECT OR PIT -RUN MATERIAL. 7. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL A GROUND WATER TRENCH DRAIN, ON THE IZ C UPHILL SIDE OF THE OWTS FIELD, IN ACCORDANCE WITH HP GEOTECH'S O LU RECOMMENDATIONS. 0 8. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL 4 INCH DIAMETER SCHEDULE 40 PVC INSPECTION UI >_ P ORTS AND CAP S AT BOTH ENDS OF EACH ROW OF CHAMBERS, IN ACCORDANCE l/') WITH THE MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION GUIDELINES. 9. CONTRACTOR SHALL SNAP OFF THE MOLDED SPLASH PLATES LOCATED AT 'i-' o z THE BOTTOM OF THE END CAPS, AND INSTALL THE SPLASH PLATES AT THE APPROPRIATE SLOTS BELOW THE INLETS LLi 0 = W CC m M IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION U U C GUIDELINES. I� l- 10. CONTRACTOR SHALL ALIGN THE CHAMBER ROWS PARALLEL WITH THE THE CONTOURS OF THE EXISTING Z � 1" � U) Q w LU TERRAIN. THE CONTRACTOR MAY CURVE 0 W THE ALIGNMENT OF THE CHAMBER ROW, AS NECESSARY. IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION GUIDELINES. Z rI � W V V 11. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE AND VERIFY A MINIMUM 4 FEET OF DEPTH, OR X 0 Z LU GREATER FROM THE BOTTOMS OF INSTALLED CHAMBERS TO CONFINING BEDROCK_ U ^ N 12. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE AND VERIFY A MINIMUM 2.5 FEET OF COVER, OR GREATER FROM W W Y, Fi.f a aAI THE BOTTOMS OF INSTALLED CHAMBERS TO FINISH GRADE. �, 13. CONTRACTOR SHALL CONNECT THE 6 INCH DIAMETER PVC THE DISTRIBUTION ....1 W U !l..I Vf LU � LATERAL PIPES AT THE MOLDED CIRCULAR BLOCK OUTS. WHICH ARE SITUATED In 8 INCHES ABOVE THE BOTTOMS OF THE STANDARD QUICK 4 CHAMBER END W 0 Q CAPS, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION GUIDELINES. O U LU -i F- 0 �����\\�\t1111111111111N/y��//�// (,P Q z �\UO�ORADO , $ • 'Afi,Z's�l FINAL 1�-13-14 PROJECT NO. 2141021.00 FOR AND ON BEHALF OF HIGH COUNTRY ENGINEERING, INC, 11 OWTS-0 t Hepworth-Pawlak Geotechnical, Inc. 5020 County Road 154 Glenwood Springs, Colorado 81601 Phone: 970-945-7988 Fax: 970-945-8454 Email: hpgeo@hpgeotech.com HEPWORTH -PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL February 19, 2015 Dick Benes c/o CMC Group 2000 S. Colorado Boulevard Suite 10500 Denver, Colorado 80222 (rlb@cmc-group.com) Job No. 114 124A Subject: As-Built Evaluation of Onsite Wastewater Treatment System, Proposed Residence, Lot 1, Parcel B-1, Wolcott Springs, 379 Wolcott Springs Road, Eagle County, Colorado. Dear Mr. Benes: As requested, Hepworth-Pawlak Geotechnical, Inc. (HP Geotech) observed the installation of the Onsite Wastewater Treatment System (OWTS) for the proposed residence at the subject property. This report summarizes our observations and recommendations. We previously designed the OWTS for the residence and presented our recommendations in a report dated November 6, 2014, Job No. 114 124A. The OWTS components observed included: septic and dose tanks, pump and pump operation, effluent transport pipe, automatic distribution valve, sand filter, chambers, inspection ports, drain and the locations of components. We also observed the intercept trench drain construction above the effluent disposal field. We performed our As-Built site evaluations on November 11 and December 18, 2014 and January 21, 2015. The installation and locations of system components were verified as shown on Figure 1. The sewer line, cleanouts and septic tank were installed prior to our involvement in the project and were based on a previous OWTS design for the residence prepared by High Country Engineering. These design components were incorporated into our design. We were able to verify that the correct tank was installed and the tank location; however, the sewer line and tank bedding and backfill could not be verified. The intercept trench drain was located approximately as recommended and constructed as designed. Photographs of the OWTS installation and trench intercept drain are provided in the attached Photograph Log. It is our opinion that the OWTS was installed in general conformance with our November 6, 2014 design. The observations and recommendations presented above are based on our site observations and our experience in the area. We make no warranty either express or Dick Benes February 19, 2015 Page 2 Job No. 114 124A implied. Alterations to the system or improper backfill and site grading of the system could affect the operation and effectiveness of the OWTS. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions regarding this letter. Sincerely, HEPWORTH - PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL, INC. Jason A. Deem Project Geologist Reviewed by: David A. Young, P.E. Senior Project Engineer JAD/ksw attachments Figure 1 – OWTS As-Built Site Plan OWTS As-Built Photograph Log cc: Eagle County Environmental Health (environment@eaglecounty.us) OWTS As-Built Photograph Log Lot 1, Parcel B-1, Wolcott Springs Job No. 114 124A View of 500 gallon Infiltrator Systems dose tank prior to backfill. View looking west at soil treatment area trenches. Trenches were covered with plastic sheeting to help prevent snow getting into the trenches prior to backfill. OWTS As-Built Photograph Log Lot 1, Parcel B-1, Wolcott Springs Job No. 114 124A View of Orenco pump control panel. OWTS As-Built Photograph Log Lot 1, Parcel B-1, Wolcott Springs Job No. 114 124A Photograph showing trench drain during construction. OWTS As-Built Photograph Log Lot 1, Parcel B-1, Wolcott Springs Job No. 114 124A Photograph showing trench drain filter fabric prior to final backfill.