HomeMy WebLinkAbout485 Green Mountain Dr - 239122304005 - 0740it 551 Broadway Eagle, Colorado 81631 (303) 328 7311 May 22, 1986 Dick Jennings P.O. Box 5508 Snowmass Village, CO 81615 RE: ISDS Permit #740 Dear Mr. Jennings: This is to inform you that your ISDS Permit #740 for property located at Aspen Mountain View, Mountain View Road, Rural Route, Carbondale, Colorado, has been inspected and finalized by Sid Fox on May 21, 1986. However, there is one requirement that has not been fulfilled. Our office needs an "AS BUILT" site plan of the installation of this system and/or pictures of the system prior to covering. At your earliest convenience, please send our office this information. I am enclosing a copy of this permit for your recrods. Respectfully, Gail Parker, Secretary Environmental Health Office EAGLE COUNTY /gP Enc. 1 Board of County Commissioners Assessor Clerk and Recorder Sheriff Treasurer P.O. Box 850 P.O. Box 449 P.O. Box 537 P.O. Box 359 P.O. Box 479 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 ti . 4 mountain engineering & land iurveying co. 406 s. hyland square, suite a-1 glenwood springs, colorado 81601 945-2045 p.o. box 14 gypsum, colorado 81637 524-9414 # € yu4 Fi"11 May 7, 1986 PLa 4.{ ( 9 Mr. Eric Edeen a Eagle County Dept. �� of Health Eagle, CO 81631 Dear Eric: Mr. Dick Jennings asked that I design a leach field and septic system to serve Lot 10 and the swimming pool club house for the Aspen Mountain View Subdivision. After reviewing the percolation rates, I informed him that I would size the system but engineered drawings would not be required. A conventional leach field is adequate (See enclosed report from Lincoln DeVore). The following criteria was used to size the system: - A percolation rate of 12 minutes/inch - A four bedroom house - Ten people per day using the bath house According to Eagle County Regulations, swimming pools and bathhouses should use a rate of 10 gallons per person per day. This results in a total daily use of 100 gallons per day. This would be equivalent to 2/3 of the usage for one bedroom if converted to a ratio. Using Table IV with a percolation rate of 12 minutes/inch and a usage of 4 2/3 bedrooms, the required minimum absorption area is 1088 square feet. A septic tank or tanks with a capacity of 1500 gallons is re- quired. A septic system with the capacity discussed previously will be adequate to serve both uses. The system must be constructed to Eagle County's regulations and specifications. If you have any questions, please call. Sincerely, "4n_44d, 640Z� David W. Grounds, P.E. Enclosure cc: Dick Jennings 1441 Motor Grand Junction, Colo 81501 (303) 242-8968 Aspen Mountain View Ltd. P.O. Box 508 Snowmass, CO 81615 Attn: Dick Jennings April 24, 1986 Re: File No. 59807GS Lot 10 Aspen Mountain View Subdivision El Jebel, Colorado Gentlemen: As requested, personnel of this office have completed a Perco- lation Test at the above referenced site. The test was performed in accordance with Colorado State Health Department procedures. The approximate percolation test location is shown on the attached sketch. Results of the soil profile test boring are shown on the Test Boring Log. The stabilized percolation rate after 24 hours wetting were as follows: Percolation Test Hole -Ir'l 3/4 inch/15 min. Percolation Test Hole #2 3/4 inch/15 min. Percolation Test Hole -#3 2 1/4 inches/15 min. The average stabilized percolation test rate was 12 min./inch. A conventional leach field would be appropriate at this site. The average stabilized percolation rate of 12 min./inch may be used to design the leach field. If questions should arise, or if we can be of further service, please do not hesitate to contact our office at any time. Respectfully submitted, LINCOLN-DeVORE, INC. Walter E. VanderpV011 Professional Engineer WEV/jb Colorado Springs, Colorado Pueblo, Colorado Croncl Junction, Colorudo Glenwood Springs, Colorado Evanston, Yvyofllincj a� d S I ts' .0 8� PF�of/tr /�o�c r a A/ %`iY, i�i ��✓ fi'D, PE�c®LAraAl 7--OS7LI N Ca L N COLORADO: COLORADO SPRINGS DeVC R E GRAND JUNCTION , PUEBLO , ENGINEERS GLENWOOD SPRINGS -- GEOLOGISTS WYOMING: EVANSTON [Job NQ. LDEZ60 7--1 -(EST HOLE NO- 17'04-- ELEVATION 0 7- -5 5— C17CIQ 10 10— Alo f 5,e7 k/,q 7�ER 15 15 —20 20- -25 25- -30 30- -35 35- -40 40— a. LINCOLN COLORADO: COLORADO SPRINGS DRILLING LOGS DeVORE D GRAND JUNCTION , PUEBLO, ENGINEERS - GLENWOOD SPRINGS GEOLOGISTS �; 1 ,,�. • j i •;� .�� - �.' --�r yI .. � 1 � i .,,•.. �. \� a. .a '' / ii}TR pS/" / 4'^94 a a t® �e _ ,Memorandum__---- P ST, ev VI r. 26 1986 ENVIROMMIENNITAL hEALTH you —tt 0 ��i 551 Broadway Eagle, Colorado 81631 (303) 328 7311 May 20, 1986 Joseph Zamorra 510 Redstone Ave. Carbondale, CO 81623 RE: Eagle County Installer/Cleaner License for Individual Sewage Disposal Systems Dear Mr. Zamorra: We recently received an application for the individual sewage disposal system for Aspen Mountain View swimming pool change house. On the application it indicates that you will be the installer of the system. It.is required by Eagle County that all installers and cleaners doing business within the county be licensed. Enclosed you will find an application for this license. Please complete application and remit to our office with the required fees of $25.00. The cost of renewing this license in 1987 will only be $10.00. Your immediate attention to this matter will be greatly appreciated. If you have any questions, please contact our office. Respectfully, Gail Parker, Secretary Environmental Health Office EAGLE COUNTY /gP Enc. 1 Board of County Commissioners Assessor Clerk and Recorder Sheriff Treasurer P.O. Box 850 P.O. Box 449 P.O. Box 537 P.O. Box 359 P.O. Box 479 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONP1ENTAL HEALTH OFFICE (NamP� Da e Ro ted .3CzD— App i i cati on f Location) Please review the attached Individual Seiage Disposal System Permit Application and return it with this completed form to the Environmental Health Office. PLANNING: Complies with - Subdivision Regulations: Zoning Regulations: Recommend Approval: COINMENTS : ' BUI� L—DI N G: Complies with - Building Permit Applied For: Building Permit Issued: Recommend Approval: w COMMENTS: VF'C . .Mr) nrIrT r�rrn nv UH I t YES NO REVIE!,1ED BY DATE ENGINEER: Complies with - YES ( NO ( REVIEI"IED BY DATE Roads: Grading: Drainage: Recommend Approval: COMMENTS: ENVIROIMNIENTAL HEALTH Complies with - Floodplain Permit Necessary: I.S.D.S. Regs. Compliance: Recom.,mend Approval: CO-',MENTS: YES ,-NO ------------------------ REVIEWED BY QDAT ' v20 Ur I L 0 cl� 0 C/ r W (J w G H E` H N w w O O x x a w 0 O W u �i P4 U N u N ,--1 V) •ri r-i � •rui I O 7. O U ,C U LL ` a ro \ H ro U-W •ri r-j 1 '�, ro N W V) H U) U) �a N 1-4 w O a a u in w W � 'Lf H C7 a •�� U) G w •• V) cn -� v •r-I a V] w Q � A a Vm 0l r1 z .a d LqA V) d OV) ro �; 'A V) r-4 c ro , R+ u v) (f) F-+ r Ca • H W 3 U N � r v A H tx Fes-+ H U) N O H A � cu w •v a (� 0 0 <4 o p H W r4 U ty ro N u R A u F-4 Pa-,C) cca c O N a u F V) F a U w a a N U) b0 G -C G N cn .o •ri •rl N � N ro ro ro N Q Uri I S v a a •ri E•- V N O U r-i ro •r♦ � N ~[ E u O •rF V rl4 ` U 41 Y. G N X N N u v r-i N rl �. -4 •ri to F- b0.-i n. ,0 u N c; n, 1 ro w u r♦ Sa U G U) r I �4 ! ) cnA H HH� ro N U I i i n tia o to .-4 .rq .H s ro U) Q u F-� u u 1.1 cn u •rt N ri G G G 7 N U N 1] N N N O C la O b0 ro q vvv V) u NA rJ F= w H U) U) U) 1j .0 H P4 444wP AUZUo 60PP 0 ..,,,.,... �..,. o W W m E✓ � aroi ...-. `- N CJ N a zzz u N N 1D r-i -A o •r-I ,.O fa •� n g H N U : C rA O 11 �� v G •ri Pa O � v � •rOi H 1] u DO bD v v v �j cd -4 G G F4 W •rt •rl Li (lJ U -4 -4 U) V) V) N G •ri v U W W W 1, 00 H U k�) S:I- 11' CG H Z' o V) 1 N c) 2J J U)i U) h to r-1 O N N C •J N G O? `cam+J r� v = O b0 7 •� cJ �1 u Ra •rl ro w P� +�� ,� V) U) �,- !J J Ci r-i •rl .zl+ F-- E� . H N r-i G O C.) E ° P� QJ Ui o O I�J n S W O a wCm t- f2+ 1-1 •r{ Ca CL N r-i a 04 �O N u > Czl U •r-1 44 y O ul AAIV PIAIV RECRP''' -7-/O/V Ak:'E-A 1441 Motor Grand Junction, Colo 81501 (303) 242-8968 Aspen Mountain View Ltd. P.O. Box 508 Snowmass, CO 81615 Attn: Dick Jennings April 24, 1986 Re: File No. 59807GS Lot 10 Aspen Mountain View Subdivision El Jebel, Colorado Gentlemen: As requested, personnel of this office have completed a Perco- lation Test at the above referenced site. The test was performed in accordance with Colorado State Health Department procedures. The approximate percolation test location is shown on the attached sketch. Results of the soil profile test boring are shown on the Test Boring Log. The stabilized percolation rate after 24 hours wetting were as follows: Percolation Test Hole #1 3/4 inch/15 min. Percolation Test Hole #2 3/4 inch/15 min. Percolation Test Hole #3 2 1/4 inches/15 min. The average stabilized percolation test rate was 12 min./inch. A conventional leach field would be appropriate at this site. The average stabilized percolation rate of 12 min./inch may be used to design the leach field. If questions should arise, or if we can be of further service, please do not hesitate to contact our office at any time. Respectfully submitted, LINCOLN-DeVORE, INC. &t�er.Vander of Professional Engineer WEV/ j b Colorado Springs, Colorado Noblo, Colorado Gland .1011('11oll, Colorado Glenwood "pflnus, Colorado Eycwltun' WY011111)o 0 0 � Af 7`1y RD, �RC��Aro v 72-'S7- LI N CO L N COLORADO : COLORADO SPRINGS J De V O R E GRAND JUNCTION , PUEBLO , ENGINEERS GLENWOOD SPRINGS GEOLOGISTS WYOMING: EVANSTON TEST HOLE No. ELEVATION k, m Imm ¢— 20 !-- 25 30 35 z 40 Q w 0 FRol-/'/-E #11zE A C ' v/ T Cr /� liEL v Job No. LD =5:Y607 6S rem m we 25 m 35 40 LINCOLN COLORADO: COLORADO SPRINGS, DRILLING DBVORE GRAND JUNCTION , PUEBLO, ENGINEERS • GLENWIOOD SPRINGS GEOLOGISTS J013 LOCATION BILL TO DATE STARTED DATE COMPLETED 7--ff MR JOB P40r A o' JOB COST SUMMARY PERMIT # 740 OWNER: Aspen Mountain View(Dick Jennings) LOCATION: Mountain View Rd., Rural Route, Carbondale, CO INSTALLER: Joseph Zamorra Lo� I () " fi,47� SIZE OF TANK: (2) 1000 gallon tanks DWELLING: Bath House and Single Residence PERC RATE: I inch in 20 minutes ABSORPTION AREA INSTALLED: 1200 s.f. TOTAL SELLING PRICE TOTAL MATERIAL TOTAL LABOR INSURANCE SALES TAX MISC. COSTS FINALIZED: 05/21/86 BY: Sid Fox TOTAL JOB COST GROSS PROFIT LESS OVERHEAD COSTS % OF SELLING PRICE NET PROFIT JOB FOLDER Product 278 /_ o NEW ENGLAND BUSINESS SERVICE, INC- GROTON, MA 01471 JOB FOLDER Printed in U.S.A,