HomeMy WebLinkAbout815 Ute Creek Rd - 194110400002Work Classification:New PO BOX 850 EAGLE CO 81631 AddressOwner Information Permit Status:Active Project Address 194110400002 Permit Type:OWTS Permit Permit NO.OWTS-5-14-10769 Expires:7/14/2015Issue Date:3/16/2015 Parcel No. 815 UTE CREEK RD Private Wastewater System Environmental Health Department P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631-0179 Phone: (970)328-8755 Fax: (970)328-8788 Phone:(970)328-8780 Cell: Inspection For Inspections call:(970) 328-8755 Inspections: IVR PhoneEngineer(s) (720)898-3434Church OWC, LLC Contractor(s)Phone Primary ContractorLicense Number SCHOFIELD EXCAVATING (970)524-3478 Yes13-15 EAGLE COUNTY EAGLE COUNTY Permitted Construction / Details: Install the wastewater vault exactly as designed by Church Onsite Wastewater, LLC in their report stamped, signed and dated April 8, 2014 and according to the design details stamped by the engineer on May 21, 2014. System consists of a 2,500 gallon vault with alarm system. Contact the design engineer immediately if it is necessary to install an ejector system should elevations dictate to avoid deep burial of the vault. Coordinate vault installation timing with the design engineer so proper inspections can be performed to certify the installation and to prepare as-built drawings. Final certification letter and as-built drawings are required to be submitted to Eagle County Environmental Health prior to the use of the system and occupancy of the scale house/office building. Issued by: Environmental Health Department, Eagle County, CO March 16, 2015 Date Customer Copy Ray Merry CONDITIONS: 1. THIS PERMIT EXPIRES BY TIME LIMITATION AND BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF THE WORK AUTHORIZED BY THE PERMIT IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS OF ISSUANCE, OR BEFORE THE EXPIRATION OF AN ASSOCIATED BUILDING PERMIT 2. ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN C.R.S. 25-10-101,et seq., AS AMENDED 3. THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR CONNECTION TO STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS. CONNECTION TO, OR USE WITH ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT, AND WILL RESULT IN BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT 4. CHAPTER IV, SECTION 4.03.29 REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED Work Classification:New PO BOX 850 EAGLE CO 81631 AddressOwner Information Permit Status:Active Project Address 194110400002 Permit Type:OWTS Permit Permit NO.OWTS-5-14-10769 Expires:7/14/2015Issue Date:3/16/2015 Parcel No. 815 UTE CREEK RD Private Wastewater System Environmental Health Department P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631-0179 Phone: (970)328-8755 Fax: (970)328-8788 Phone:(970)328-8780 Cell: Inspection For Inspections call:(970) 328-8755 Inspections: IVR PhoneEngineer(s) (720)898-3434Church OWC, LLC Contractor(s)Phone Primary ContractorLicense Number SCHOFIELD EXCAVATING (970)524-3478 Yes13-15 EAGLE COUNTY EAGLE COUNTY Permitted Construction / Details: Install the wastewater vault exactly as designed by Church Onsite Wastewater, LLC in their report stamped, signed and dated April 8, 2014 and according to the design details stamped by the engineer on May 21, 2014. System consists of a 2,500 gallon vault with alarm system. Contact the design engineer immediately if it is necessary to install an ejector system should elevations dictate to avoid deep burial of the vault. Coordinate vault installation timing with the design engineer so proper inspections can be performed to certify the installation and to prepare as-built drawings. Final certification letter and as-built drawings are required to be submitted to Eagle County Environmental Health prior to the use of the system and occupancy of the scale house/office building. Office Copy March 16, 2015 Issued by: Environmental Health Department, Eagle County, CO Date Ray Merry CONDITIONS: 1. THIS PERMIT EXPIRES BY TIME LIMITATION AND BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF THE WORK AUTHORIZED BY THE PERMIT IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS OF ISSUANCE, OR BEFORE THE EXPIRATION OF AN ASSOCIATED BUILDING PERMIT 2. ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN C.R.S. 25-10-101,et seq., AS AMENDED 3. THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR CONNECTION TO STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS. CONNECTION TO, OR USE WITH ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT, AND WILL RESULT IN BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT 4. CHAPTER IV, SECTION 4.03.29 REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH (970) 328-8755 FAX: (970) 328.8788 TOLL FREE: 800.225.6136 www.eanlecounlv.us EAGLE COUNTY P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631 www.esglecounly.us PERMIT APPLICATION FOR ONSITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM OWTS PERMIT # BUILDING PERMIT' # INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED (SITE PLAN MUST BE INCLUDED) FEE SCHEDULE APPLICATION FEE $800.00 MAJOR REPAIR FEE $800.00 MINOR REPAIR FEE 400.00 This fee includes the OWTS Permit, Site Evaluation (Percolation Test, or Soil Profile Observation) and Final Inspection. Additional fees may be charged if a re -inspection is necessary, or a pre -construction site visit or consultation is needed. The re -inspection fee is $135.00 Mace all remittancepayableto: Ea a County Treasurer. �40Q,,hk Property Owner:� Ce tk `T `Phone: _�?B Mailing Address: ,f�� Q _ , 1 � email >r % 1 fl CB wn Registered Professional Engineer: r hone: A D - `- ¢ I Applicant or Contact Person-, Phone: 3Z8- 67 S� Licensed Systems Contractor: ( �' Vt' /`� WLicense # � !� Company / DBA: �C 11yTl e Cl L X [. a 01 ok\ Phone: (47 Di Zl 71 " a ?+ ® 7 Mailing Address: D&Y email j s@ SG h o T +� e COO -- Permit Application is for: Location of Proposed Legal Description: _„ New Installation Wastewater Treatment Alteration Repair Tax Parcel Number:. I k'�_ 10 T — Q ( QQZ Lot Size: - e 0 v - Assessor's Link: www.eaalecounty.usloatie/ Physical Address: D 1 J I AT-- I V Aj 16 Building Type: Residential / Single Family Residential / Multi Family *Ti�Commercial / Industrial* ese systems require design my a Type of Water Supply: If Public Name of Applicant Signatu Number of Bedrooms: Number of Bedrooms: iofi Type of Use: L n ►1a T+ J CJT'>��C Registered Professional Engineer Private Well Spring Surface Public Office Use Only Amount Paid: Receipt #: z ti { Check #-. Date: CHURCH O C, LLC Onsite Wastewater Consultants April 8, 2014 KRW Consulting, Inc. ATTN: Mr. Ron Rasnic 8000 W. 14t' Ave. #200 Lakewood, CO 80214 Subject: Holding Tank System Design Non -Potable Water & Wastewater Eagle County Landfill Eagle County, Colorado Job No. B1017 Mr. Rasnic, As requested, CHURCH Onsite Wastewater Consultants (COWC) has prepared an onsite water and wastewater system (OWS) design for the subject site. The design was prepared for permit submittal to Eagle County Department of Health and Environment (ECDHE). SITE CONDITIONS The site is indicated on Figure 1. The subject site is located in an area where OWS are required. The area of the proposed wastewater holding tank will be between the two scales and the area of the non -potable water holding tank will be in the handicap parking space. The site will be served water by the non -potable water holding tank system. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION A 7-person scale house office building is proposed on the property as indicated on Figure 1. The average estimated wastewater flow for a 7-person office is 15- gallons per day (GPD) [per State guidelines] X 7= 105 GPD. It is anticipated that the actual daily use volume will be closer to 10 GPD/P. Each tank shall be equipped with alarm floats wired to individual alarm panels for each tank. The non -potable water tank shall have two floats and alarm, 1) a low water alarm float set to activate when the water level in the tank reaches 10% of the depth of the tank, measured from the bottom of the tank, and 2) a high water alarm float, wired to activate when the water level in the tank reaches the 2,500-gallon level (approximately 61-inches off the bottom of the tank). The high water alarm float shall not have an audible alarm horn. The float shall activate a timer, set at 5- minutes, wired to an external warning light, visible from the tank fill pipe. The wastewater tank shall be fitted with a high water alarm float that shall activate when sewage reaches 75% of the depth of the tank, measured from the bottom of the tank. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS Subsurface conditions were investigated by Huddleston-Berry Engineering & Testing, LLC and documented in their report titled Geotechnical Investigation, Eagle County Landfill, Wolcott, Colorado dated March 10, 2014. The Huddleston-Berry report is attached for review in Appendix A. Conditions at the soil borings indicate the area of the tanks consist of 5-7.5 feet of clayey sand fill P.O. Box 5146, Golden, CO 80401 Voice 720-898-3434 FAX: 720-898-3455 Holding Tank Design, Job No. B1017 April 8, 2014, Page 2 material, overlying gray, very soft, highly weathered shale bedrock to the depths explored (between 11-13-feet). Free water was not encountered in the borings at the time of the investigation. RECOMMENDATIONS The results of the investigation indicate an OWS with non -potable water tank and wastewater holding tank can be constructed at the site. No drainfield is associated with this wastewater system. The proposed location of the OWS is presented on Figure 1. Substitutions of components or materials will not be allowed without the written approval of the design engineer. Building Sewer: Sewer pipes shall be 4-inch Schedule 40 PVC pipe installed with a minimum slope of 20% to the wastewater holding tank. Joints shall be solvent welded. Cleanouts are required 1) at the stubout from the building, within 3-feet of the face of the structure, 2) at spacing not to exceeding 100 feet, and 3) upslope of two or more bends closer than ten feet in the sewer pipe, within 2-feet above the upslope bend. Bends in the sewer pipe are not to exceed 45 degrees. The pipe should be properly bedded per the typical trench detail presented on the design drawings. The location of the sewer stub -out from the structure shall be coordinated with the information provided by the architect, mechanical engineer and civil engineer. The wastewater holding tank should; 1) be located down gradient from the building sewer invert at the building, 2) be buried with no more than three feet of soil cover over the tank lid, and 3) at a location accessible for pumping and maintenance of the tank. Horizontal distance from the pumper truck point of access to the tank shall not exceed 100-feet; vertical distance from the tank to the truck shall not exceed 10-feet. The installer must coordinate with the general contractor regarding elevation of the stubout. A holding tank bury deeper than 3 feet will not be allowed. In lieu of a deep holding tank, an ejector pump shall be installed in the lower level to discharge wastewater to a higher sewer pipe level. Design of the ejector pump system is not included as part of the scope of work for this project; the installer shall notify the design engineer immediately if an ejector pump is required. If COWC can assist with locating the holding tank after the stub -out location is identified, please call. Water Suction Pine: Water suction pipe shall be 1.25-inch Schedule 40 PVC pipe installed with a minimum slope of 1%from the building to the non -potable water tank. All pipes shall be installed in a pre -bedded trench. Reference the typical trench section detail presented on Figure 5. Wastewater Holding Tank: The wastewater holding tank shall be a 2,500-gallon (minimum capacity), one -compartment, top seam tank from Front Range Precast. The tank, risers and lids shall conform to current County ISDS regulations. The tank shall be installed with watertight access risers with lids that can be secured with screws. The alarm float handle shall extend to between six and twelve inches of the bottom of the lid. A diagram of the proposed septic tank configuration is presented on Figure 3. Schedule 40 PVC pipe connections shall be used. A high water alarm shall be installed to activate at 75% of the depth of the tank, as measured from the inside bottom of the tank. Non -Potable Water Tank: The water tank shall be a 2,500-gallon (minimum capacity), one - compartment, top seam tank from Front Range Precast. The tank, risers and lids shall conform to current County ISDS regulations. The tank shall be installed with watertight access risers with lids that can be secured with screws. The alarm float handle shall extend to between six and twelve inches of the bottom of the lid. A diagram of the proposed septic tank configuration is presented on Figure 2. Schedule 40 PVC pipe connections shall be used. A low water alarm shall be installed to activate at 10% of the depth of the tank, as measured from the inside bottom of the tank. A high water alarm shall activate when the tank is at 88% of the fill capacity. The tank will be fitted with a Holding Tank Design, Job No. B1017 April 8, 2014, Page 3 3-inch, galvanized fill pipe in the area to the east of the entry stairs on the west side of the building. The fill pipe shall conform to the details provided in the design drawing. Alarm System: The alarm control panel for each tank shall be installed on the east interior wall of the office. Controls and alarms shall be listed per UL 508. The alarm panel for each tank shall be an OSI AMAHW unit. Panel shall be weatherproof. The non -potable water holding tank panel shall be a custom panel capable of supporting two floats 1) low water alarm float and 2) high water alarm float activated by a timer. The non -potable water tank panel shall conform to Orenco Quote No. 051809JW1.1, dated April 7, 2014. The surface of all areas disturbed during installation of the water and wastewater holding tanks shall be treated in accordance with the finished grade specifications of the architect or civil engineer. At a minimum, the slope away from the lid shall be 5-feet at 5% and then 2% thereafter on unimproved surfaces, and 2% min on improved surfaces. If no finished grade treatment is called out, all disturbed areas shall be seeded after installation of the system. A seed mix such as "Foothills, Pasture, or Prairie" mixes should be used. These mixes do not require irrigation and develop a growth 10 to 15 inches high. BLASTING CONSIDERATIONS Blasting should not be needed. If it is found that the site at the system excavation is underlain by well consolidated material, blasting may be required. Coordinate any blasting with the architect. Notify both the architect and the holding tank engineer before any blasting is performed. Provide both architect and holding tank engineer with a written plan of action for the blasting process, to include drilling, charge size. Safety considerations and site clean-up. A maximum of 16 pounds per delay with a minimum of 2 detonation delays is recommended. A licensed blasting contractor shall perform the blasting. INSTALLATION The installation of the OWS shall be observed by the design engineer. A minimum of one observation is required: 1) after the wastewater holding tank and water tank are installed with risers on the tanks, and inlet/outlet connections properly connected to the tank with a watertight connection and bedded, prior to backfill. The electrical/alarm wiring, in conduit, shall be installed and the panels shall have building power connected to allow activation of the alarm floats to verify function. If power is not available to the alarm panels before the tanks and piping are backfilled, a second observation site visit will be required. Our office should be called at 720-898-3434 to observe the installation of the OWS at least 48 hours in advance. These observations, any repeat observations, OWS design revisions or additional site visit requirements are not included in the scope of work of this design and will be invoiced at an additional unit rate fee. OPERATION AND PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE The goal of an operation and maintenance schedule is to observe the operation, and perform minor maintenance to the system to allow for proper, long term functioning of the system. Wastewater Ho/ding tank.•The wastewater holding tank should be pumped within 3-5 days of the high water alarm sounding. A longer period between alarm activation and pumping may be allowable, depending on the actual fill rate of the tank by the building fixture use. Holding Tank Design, Job No. B1017 April 8, 2014, Page 4 The location of the tank may require the pumper truck to park where it blocks access to the scales on the north and south sides of the building. For this reason, an agreement should be reached with the pumper truck service to pump the holding tank before or after business hours, if possible. Watertank: The water tank should be refilled within 1-day of the low water alarm sounding. A longer period between alarm activation and filling may be allowable, depending on the actual drain rate of the tank by the building fixture use. The low water alarm is set at 10% of the inside height of the tank, and should allow for 150-gallons of storage below the alarm activation level. The high water alarm float is set to provide 2,500-gallons of storage. The water truck operator should be informed of the design for the system, and trained to turn off the fill pump when the high water warning light is illuminated. The water holding tank is fitted with an Orenco Biotube pump vault that has a filter inside it. The purpose of the filter is to screen any debris that may be discharged to the tank when it is filled. Screening debris can prevent damage to fixtures and the building pressure pump. The filter at the water tank discharge should be cleaned (hosed off) as needed. The filter should be pulled and observed every six -months for at least the first 18-months to establish a cleaning frequency. If the filter is observed to be relatively clean after a six-month interval, then the interval can be extended to 9-12 months between cleanings. If the filter is observed to be relatively dirty after a six-month interval, then the observation and cleaning frequency should be shortened to 3-4 months. The filter can be cleaned by spraying debris off onto the ground with a garden hose and nozzle. General., System users must realize a holding tank system is different from public water and sewer service. There are daily considerations such as not putting plastic or other nonbiode- gradable material into the system. Water use should be monitored so toilets are not allowed to leak when seals malfunction. Allowing fixtures to flow continuously to prevent water lines from freezing is not acceptable. Although the proposed system can accommodate variable flows, spreading water use over several hours and eliminating peak flows is recommended. To illustrate the point, a malfunctioning toilet can discharge in excess of 1,000 GPD. Excessive daily loading could flood and irreparably harm the OWS. The design of the OWS is based on the storage of domestic sewage only. The proposed OWS design is based on the flows noted in the report. Increased flows may require more frequent pumping of the tank and increase the annual cost of operation of the system. Leaking fixtures will also affect the water holding tank, requiring that the tank be filled more often, and increasing the annual costs of obtaining non -potable water. LIMITATIONS Our investigation, layout, design, and recommendations are based on data submitted. If conditions considerably different from those described in this report are encountered, COWC should be called to observe the conditions and make design changes if necessary. If proposed construction is changed, COWC should be notified to evaluate the effect of the changes on the system. All construction is to be in accordance with the current ISDS regulations. Pipe type and size, burial requirements, septic tank construction, and other specifications, which are not depicted in our report, are to conform to the requirements of the ISDS regulations. The installer of the system is to Holding Tank Design, Job No. B1017 April 8, 2014, Page 5 be licensed by the county health department and have demonstrated knowledge of the ISDS regulations and requirements. This wastewater system design is intended to be used only for the wastewater load specified in the calculations and for the site indicated on the subject line. Any other application of this design is not authorized by CHURCH Onsite Wastewater Consultants, LLC. Use of this design for any other area on the subject lot than designated, on any other lot or for wastewater volumes or strengths not indicated constitutes a misapplication of the design and voids all liabilities on the part of COWC. COWC encourages owners of OWS to visit htto://www.eaglecounty.us/envHealth/sel)tics.cfm, www.nsfc.edu or www.cpow.info to learn how they should operate and maintain their OWS. If there are questions or if we may be of further service, please call. Sincerely, CHURCH Onsite Wastewater Consultants, LLC Kathryn E. Carney, P.E. Project Manager 3 copies sent APPENDIX A Huddleston-Berry Engineering &Testing LLC. Geotech n ical Investigation JOB NO. B1017 �p�NEEq�N Huddleston-Berry "�� �Jti Luginccring � "I'csling. LLC C _ aNh KRW Consulting, Inc. 8000 W. 14a' Avenue, Suite 200 Lakewood, Colorado 80214 Attention: Mr, Ron Rasnic Subject: Geotechnical Investigation Eagle County Landfill Wolcott, Colorado Dear Mr. Rasnic, 640 White Avenue Grand Junction, CO 81501 Phone:970-255-8005 Fax:970-255-6818 }Luddleslonl3erry « hresnan.net %vwxv.HBET-GJ.com March 10, 2014 Project#01324-0001 This letter presents the results of a geotechnical investigation conducted by Huddleston-Berry Engineering & Testing, LLC (ABET) at the Eagle County Landfill near Wolcott, Colorado. The site location is shown on Figure I — Site Location Map. HBET understands that a new single - story building and new truck scales are ,proposed at the site. The scope of our investigation included evaluating the subsurface conditions at the site to aid in "developing recommendations for foundations,pavenients, and earthwork for the construction. Site Conditions At the time of the investigation, the site was an active landfill. The area of proposed construction was located north of the existing scale house and scales. Subsurface Investigation The subsurface investigation included three borings as shown on Figure 2 — Site Plan. The borings were drilled to depths of between 11.0 and 13.0 feet below the existing ground surface. Typed boring logs are included in Appendix A. As indicated on the logs, the subsurface conditions at the site were slightly variable. However, the borings generally encountered 5.0 to 7.5 feet of clayey sand fill materials above gray, very soft, highly weathered shale bedrock to the bottoms of the borings. Groundwater was not encountered in the borings at the time of the investigation. Laboratotti, Testing Laboratory testing was conducted on samples of the soils and shale bedrock encountered in the borings. The testing included grain size analysis, Atterberg limits determination, natural moisture content and density determination, swell/consolidation testing, water soluble sulfates content determination, and optimum moisture/density (Proctor) determination. The laboratory testing results are included in Appendix B. Eagle County Landfill 801324-0001@'�l Muddleston-Hurry 03/10/14 The laboratory testing results indicate that the existing fill materials are moderately plastic. The shale bedrock is also anticipated to be moderately plastic. In addition, the native soils and bedrock were shown to be slightly expansive with up to approximately 0.8% expansion at 1,600 psf measured in the laboratory. Water soluble sulfates were detected in the site soils in a concentration of 1.0%. Foundation Recommendations Based upon the results of the subsurface investigation, both shallow and deep foundations are appropriate. Deep foundations such as drilled piers and/or micro piles will provide the most protection against heave related movements; however, for this type of construction deep foundations are usually cost prohibitive. In general, properly constructed shallow foundations will reduce the risk of excessive differential movements associated with expansion of the subsurface materials. Given the nature of the proposed construction, the recommended shallow foundation alternatives include spread footings, voided spread footings, and isolated pads and grade beams. This includes the `piers' anticipated to support the scales. However, as discussed previously, the subsurface materials are expansive. Therefore, to help limit the potential for excessive differential movements, it is recommended that the foundations be constructed above a minimum of 36-inches of structural fill. Where the tolerance for differential movements is very low, HBET should be contacted to provide deep foundation alternatives. Due to the potential for expansion of the native materials, the existing fill materials and shale bedrock materials are not suitable for reuse as structural fill. Imported structural fill should consist of a granular, non -expansive, non -free drainine material such as crusher fines, pit -run with high fines content, or CDOT Class 6 base course. However, if pit -run is used for structural fill, a minimum of six inches of crusher fines or Class 6 base course should be placed on top of the pit run to prevent large point stresses on the bottoms of the footings due to large particles in the pit -run. Prior to placement of structural fill, it is recommended that the bottom of the foundation excavation be proofrolled to the Engineer's satisfaction. Structural fill should extend laterally beyond the edges of the foundation a distance equal to '/ the thickness of the structural fill. Structural fill should be moisture conditioned, placed in maximum 8-inch loose lifts, and compacted to a minimum of 95% of the standard Proctor maximum dry density for fine grained soils and modified Proctor maximum dry density for coarse grained soils, within 0 to -2% of the optimum moisture content as determined in accordance with ASTM D698 and D1557C, respectively. Pit -rum materials should be proofrolled to the Engineer's satisfaction. For structural fill consisting of imported granular materials, and foundation building pad preparation as recommended, a maximum allowable bearing capacity of 3,000 psf may be used. However, a minimum dead load pressure of 750 psf is recommended. Where the minimum dead load is not achievable, the dead load should be maximized to the extent practical. Footings subject to frost should be at least 48-inches below the finished grade. WA203 ALL PROIECTS'0324 - KRN' Consu10ng W0l324.0001 Eagle Coonty LaMal1UM. Ged0U24-MI LR031014.doc 2 Eagle County Landfill #01324.0001 Huddleston-13crry- 4� 03/10/14 .�11�.�� r««ca+*•++tee. Lac Lateral Earth Pressure Any stemwalls or retaining walls should be designed to resist lateral earth pressures. For backfill consisting of the existing fill materials or imported granular, non -free draining, non -expansive material, we recommend that the walls be designed for an equivalent fluid unit weight of 65 pcf in areas where no surcharge loads are present. Lateral earth pressures should be increased as necessary to reflect any surcharge loading behind the walls. Shale bedrock should not be used as backfill. Non -Structural Floor Slab and Exterior Fiahvork Recommendations As mentioned above, expansive subgrade materials are present at the site. It is important to note that due to the fact that slabs -on -grade do not generate sufficient loads to resist heave, differential movement of slabs -on -grade should be anticipated. However, to help limit the magnitude of movement, it is recommended that non-structural floor slabs be constructed above a minimum of 36-inches of structural fill with subgrade preparation and fill placement in accordance with the Foundation Recommendations section of this report. It is recommended that exterior slabs -on -grade be constructed above a minimum of 24-inches of structural fill. Slabs -on -grade should not be tied into or otherwise connected to the foundations in any manner, In addition, where a floor slab is used, interior, non -bearing partitions should include a framing void or slip joint which permits a minimum of 2-inches of vertical movement. Drainage Recommendations Proper site grading is critical to the performance of foundations and slabs -on -grade and grading around the structures should be designed to carry precipitation and runoff away from the structures. It is recommended that the finished ground surface drop at least 2% away from structures for the first ten feet where impermeable surfaces (i.e. flatwork, pavements, etc.) are present adjacent to the structures. Where permeable surfaces are present adjacent to the structures, a minimum drop of 10% within the first ten feet away from the structures is recommended. Downspouts should empty beyond the backfill zone. It is also recommended that landscaping within five feet of the structures include primarily desert plants with low water requirements. In addition, it is recommended that automatic irrigation within ten feet of foundations be minimized. In general, care should be taken during construction to ensure excess moisture is not permitted to infiltrate into the subsurface. Where proper grading and drainage cannot be provided during construction, a perimeter foundation drain with an impermeable membrane at the base is recommended. Pavements The proposed construction is anticipated to include concrete paved approaches to the scales and may include paved parking at the building. As discussed previously, the pavement subgrade materials consist primarily of clayey sand soils. Due to the expansion potential of the existing soils and bedrock, the generally accepted minimum Resilient Modulus of 3,000 psi was used for the pavement design. Based upon the subgrade conditions and anticipated traffic loading, pavement section alternatives were developed in accordance with AASHTO design methodologies. The following minimum pavement section alternatives are recommended: W;X2008 ALL PRO3ECTS01324 -RM Conwlting lrsW 1324.0001 Eagle County Land 200- CW0l324-0001 LR031014.doc 3 Eagle County Landfill tl01324-0001 03/10/14 Automobile Parking Areas EDLA = 5. Structural Number = 2.75 Huddleston•Berry ratcnN,s l..x,. uc ALTERNATIVE PAVEMENT SECTION Inches Hot -MIX Asphalt Pavement Aggregate Base Course Aggregate subbase Course Concrete TOTAL Full Depth HMA 6.0 6.0 A 3.0 11.0 14.0 B 4.0 8.0 12.0 C 3.0 6.0 6.0 15.0 With regard to the scale approaches, HBET recommends that pavements consist of 8-inches of concrete above 6-inches of aggregate base course. Prior to pavement placement, areas to be paved should be stripped of all topsoil, debris, or other unsuitable materials, It is recommended that the subgrade soils be scarified to a depth of 12- inches; moisture conditioned, and recompacted to a minimum of 95% of the standard Proctor maximum dry density, within 0 to -2% of optimum moisture content as determined by AASHTO T-99. However, as discussed previously, expansive subgrade materials are present at the site. As a result, movement of pavements should be anticipated over time. However, the risk of excessive differential movements can be reduced by removing 18-inches of the subgrade soils below the pavement section and replacing with structural fill. Aggregate base course and subbase course should be placed in maximum 9-inch loose lifts, moisture conditioned, and compacted to a minimum of 95% and 93% of the maximum dry density, respectively, at -2% to +3% of optimum moisture content as determined by AASHTO T- 180. In addition to density testing, base course should be proofrolled to verify subgrade stability. It is recommended that Hot -Mix Asphaltic (HMA) pavement consist of a Superpave mix design in accordance with CDOT and/or local specifications. The long-term performance of the pavements is dependent on positive drainage away from the pavements. Ditches, culverts, and inlet structures in the vicinity of paved areas must be maintained to prevent ponding of water on the pavement. General Notes The recommendations included above are based upon the results of the subsurface investigation, laboratory testing, and on our experience. These conclusions and recommendations are valid only for the proposed construction. As discussed previously, the subsurface conditions at the site were slightly variable. However, the precise nature and extent of any subsurface variability may not become evident until construction. As a result, it is recommended that a representative of HBET observe the foundation excavation prior to structural fill placement to verify that the subsurface conditions are consistent with those described herein. In addition, it is recommended that a representative of HBET test compaction of structural fill materials. W.N2003e LPAn1ECTY01324-KRR•Consuiing Inet01324-000I Eagle CountyUMMM00. Ged01324-0001 LK031014.daa 4 Eagle County Landfill 901324-0001 xuddlcsmn-ncrq• 03/10/14 u.Y r..ta Ye.R:L III ._ - It is important to note that the use of structural fill below slabs, foundations, and/or pavements will reduce, but not eliminate, the potential for differential movement as a result of expansion of the subgrade materials. While the recommendations above are consistent with generally accepted engineering practices in areas of expansive soils or bedrock, HBET cannot predict long-term changes in subsurface moisture conditions and/or the precise magnitude or extent of volume change. Where significant increases in subsurface moisture occur due to poor grading, improper stormwater management, utility line failure, excess irrigation, or other cause, significant movements are possible. We are pleased to be of service to your project. Please contact us if you have any questions or comments regarding the contents of this report. Respectfully Submitted: 1g and Testing, LLC Michael A. Berry, P.E. Vice President of Engineering N•:V008 ALL PROJECTS'91324 - ]UtW Consuidny Iuf.Ol32i-0001 Eagle County Land a11000 - Gco40l324-M1 LR031014.doc 5 'FIGURES 0 3 ) J_ \Q2 ,.> Site Location w_ n . v � I -n FIC USIGS Wolcott, COMM Quadrangle, 70 Minute Series, 19G2; Qhato\revisjedj1987. 9 Site Locotti n Map APPENDIX A Typed Borifig Logs 0a�,„_y„�Q Fluddlesion-Berry Engineering&Testing, LLC BORING NUMBER B-1 ,, 640 White Avenue, Unit B.'+ i� OmndJunction, CO 8150I PAGE 1 OF 1 - 970-255-8005 �••=a's 970-255-6818 CLIENT KRW Consulting, Inc. PROJECT NAME _Eagle County Landfill PROJECT NUMBER 01324.0001 PROJECT LOCATION Eagle, CO DATE STARTED 1/7/14 COMPLETED 177114 GROUND ELEVATION HOLE SIZE 4 inch DRILLING CONTRACTOR S. McKracken GROUNDWATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD Simco 2000 Truck Riq AT TIME OF DRILLING dry LOGGED BY NWB CHECKED BY MAB AT END OF DRILLING dry NOTES 39.723.-106.663 AFTER DRILLING -- ov 0.0 �o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION a a� z-z v �Lu � W of m0> C)z z W Y� o a t 5 it o W o Wes- �, �o u ATTERBERG LIMITS N W wv z rL Ei �� 3 0- �}- U Nz g— a- 2.5 Clayey SAND with Pieces of Rubber (FILL), brown, moist, dense ---------------------------- SHALE, gray, very soft to medium hard, highly weathered Auger Refusal at 11 ft Bottom of hole at 11.0 feet. (Mic 8940-18-7 (26) 5.0 T5 SS 1 56 8-20-24 (44) 10.0 SS 2 50/0" Huddleston-Berry Engineering RTesling,LLC BORING NUMBER B-2 640 White Avenue, Unit B PAGE 1 OF 1 Grand Junction, CO 81501 oy 970-255-8005 970-255-6818 CLIENT KRW Consulting Inc PROJECT NAME Eagle County Landfill PROJECT NUMBER 01324-0001 PROJECT LOCATION Eagle. CO DATE STARTED 1M14 COMPLETED 1!7/14 GROUND ELEVATION HOLE SIZE 4 inch DRILLING CONTRACTOR S. McKracken GROUND WATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD Sfmco 2000 Truck Rig AT TIME OF DRILLING dry LOGGED BY NWB CHECKED BY MAB AT END OF DRILLING dry NOTES 39.723 -106 662 AFTER DRILLING ATTERBERG t- q = z w tt W LIMITS o a 00 �w Q 0 j 3H� j Q o. ru N 5 t_ z� �P w OO o W�L E ,� MATERIAL DESCRIPTION �� q-� d OK O m0> Y— 7... y —F f �� r� (n2 O� 1-0 O O �z W Uz 00 of Oz 20 O— :5 r N (A N M7 gz Z 0.0 Clayey SAND with Pieces of Rubber (FILL), brown, moist, dense 2.6 SS i 67 36-35 5.0 ••• Lab Classified GBI ••• GB 15 33 20 13 48 1 7.5 _ SHALE, to hard, highly weathered _ MC 1 133 27-27 111 14 gray, very soft medium 10.0 Auger Refusal at 11 it •"' Bottom of hole at 11.0 feet. , i i i t 0�,p�igNo Huddleston-Ben), Engineering & Testing, LLC BORING NUMBER B-3 r �, 640 While Avenue, Unit B •' t' Grand Junction, CO 81501 PAGE 1 OF 4 ,;�` 970-255.8005 - 970.255-6818 CLIENT KRW Consulting Inc. PROJECT NAME Eagle County Landfill PROJECT NUMBER 01324-0001 PROJECT LOCATION Eagle, CO DATE STARTED 117114 COMPLETED 1/7/14 GROUNDELEVATION HOLE SIZE 4inch DRILLING CONTRACTOR S. McKracken GROUND WATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD Simco 2000 Truck Rig AT TIME OF DRILLING dry LOGGED BY NWB CHECKED BY MAS AT END OF DRILLING dry NOTES 39.723.-106.662 AFTER DRILLING -- w� 0.0 (J g_ J MATERIAL DESCRIPTION to �W � Co �z N > j� °� � NW ova mOz �- z Wcc � y vv 0- z a� >- 0 ut o W oz �() ATTERBERG LIMITS t- w o 0 w z o� a J r0-- t— 3 a v~z a— 2.5 Clayey SAND with Pieces of Rubber (FILL), brown, moist, dense SHALE, gray, very soft to medium hard, highly weathered Auger Refusal at 13 ft "' SS 1 0 10-11-16 (27) 5.0 7.5 rS2S 78 10-27-17 (44) 10.0 12.5 3S 100 36-25/2" Bottom of hole at 13.0 feel. APPENDIX B Laboratory Testing"Resnits . 1 7 ii 1 'il 1 1 . 1 •.• ..1 .1 .1 .1 11■ I111111Y I iiI11Y■1111111111YI■IIIIIII■■1111111■■ 11ME1111111�®III1111E1111111�=1111111■■■11111111M :,11■■IIIIIII■■11111711111111■■IIIIIII■■IIIIIII■■ 11■■IIIIIII■■IIIIII►■■�1111111■■IIIIni■■IIIIIII■■ �III��11■■IIIIIII■■IIIIIII■■ ,11■■IIIIIII■■111111n 11■■IIIIIII■■IIIIIIIi�11111�1■■IIIIIII■■IIIIIII■■ 11■■IIIIIII■■IIIIIII■�il1i��1i7■IIIIIII■■IIIIIII■■ .' 11■■IIIIIII■■IIIIIII■■III��II■■IIIIIII■■IIIIIII■■ .. 11■■IIIIIII■®IIIIIII■■IIIIIII■11111111■■IIIIIII■■ 11■■IIIIIII■■IIIIIII■■IIIIIII■���IIII■■IIIIIII■■ ,' 11■■IIIIIII■®IIIIIII■■IIIIIII■■IIIIIII■■IIIIIII■■ •' 11■■IIIIIII■■IIIIIII■■IIIIIII■■IIIIIII■■IIIIIII■■ IIIIII■■ ,11■■IIIIIII■■IIIIIII■■IIIIIII■■IIIIIII■■ 11■■IIIIIII■■IIIIIII■■IIIIIII■■IIIIIII■■IIIIIII■■ ,11■■IIIIIII■■IIIIIII■■IIIIIII■■IIIIIII■■IIIIIII■■ 11■■IIIIIII■■IIIIIII■■IIIIIII■■IIIIIII■■IIIIIII■■ ,11■■IIIIIII■■IIIIIII■■IIIIIII■■IIIIIII■■IIIIIII■■ 111■IIIIIII■®IIIIIII■1111111�■IIIIIII■�IIIIIII�� ,. 1 1 11 111 RAVEfine COBBLES coarse medium fine • Composite ifi� ' • mmm_— • 1 . .. - 1 SILT ORCIAY coarse fine Huddleston-Bem• Engineering & Testing, LLC ATTERBERG LIr 640NhiteAvenue,UnitB LIMITS'RESULTS Grand )unction, CO 81501 o� 970-255-8005 970-255-6818 CLIENT KRW Consulting. Inc. PROJECT NAME Eagle County Landfill PROJECT NUMBER 01324-0001 PROJECT LOCATION Eagle, CO 60 50 CL CH P L 40 S T I C 1 T 30 Y I N 20 D E X 10 M CL-ML ML MH 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 LIQUID LIMIT Specimen Identification Ll, PL PI 4200 Classification o B-2, GB1 1/2014 33 20 13 48 CLAYEY SAND(SC) M Composite 112014 36 20 16 46 CLAYEY SAND with GRAVEL(SC) Iiuddlcston-Ben EnginecringATesting'LLC CONSOLIDATION TcST ° 610 White Avcrnic, Unit B Grtuid Junction, CO 81501 970-255-8005 <•_.,m 970-255-6813 CLIENT KRW Consulting, Inc. PROJECT NAME Eagle County Landfill PROJECT NUMBER W324-0001 PROJECT LOCATION Eagle. CO -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 e z_ F- 0.2 0.4 . 0.6 0.8 1.0 100 1,000 10,000 STRESS, psf Specimen Identification Classification Yd MC% 0 B•2, MCI 7.0 111 14 Huddleston-Bern Eneineerine&Testine, LLC 640 A9ihe Avenue, Unit B MOISTURE -DENSITY RELATIONSHIP ' Grutd Junction, CO 81501 .....s 970-255-8005 •- „'' 970-255-6818 CLIENT KRW Consulting, Inc. PROJECT NAME Eagle County Landfill PROJECT NUMBER 01324-0001 PROJECT LOCATION Eagle. CO 145 140 135 130 125 U a w 120 0 115 110 105 Sample Date: 1f7f2014 Sample No.: Source of Material: Composite Description of Material: CLAYEY SAND with GRAVEL(SC) Test Method: ASTM D698A TEST RESULTS Maximum Dry Density 116.0 PCF Optimum Water Content 15.0 % GRADATION RESULTS (% PASSING) 4200 #4 3/4" 46 83 100 ATTERBERG LIMITS LL PL PI 36 20 16 Curves of 100% Saturation for Specific Gravity Equal to: 2.80 2.70 2.60 100 95 i 90 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 WATER CONTENT,% CHURCH OWC, LLC Onsite Wastewater Consultants August 5, 2015 KRW Consulting, Inc. ATIN: Mr. Doug Eagleton 8000 W. 14th Ave. #200 Lakewood, CO 80214 Subject: Holding Tank and Non-Potable Water & Wastewater Installation Observation Eagle County Landfill Eagle County, Colorado Job No. 81017 Mr. Eagleton, As requested, CHURCH Onsite Wastewater Consultants, LLC (COWC) performed a site visit to observe the installation of the onsite wastewater treatment system (OWTS) at the subject site. COWC prepared OWTS design documents under Job No. 81017 dated April 8, 2014. A site visit was performed on July 28, 2015 at the request of Doug Eagleton of KRW Consulting, Inc. the project engineer of record. At the time of the site visit the 2,500-gallon single compartment non-potable water tank and 2,500-gallon single compartment wastewater holding tank were installed and backfilled. The 1.5" Schedule 40 PVC non-potable water piping was plumbed into the mechanical room of the building where a Grundfos JP15S -CI 1.5 horsepower pump draws water out of the tank for use inside the building. The 4" Schedule 40 PVC building sewer pipe was plumbed into the wastewater holding tank with an inlet tee inside of the manhole opening. COWC was not able to verify that the tanks were set level, the tank and pipe bedding, pipe slope, or installation procedures as this work was completed and backfilled prior to our notification. However, the tanks appeared level after observing the inside of the tanks thru the manhole risers and the contractor asserted that they were properly bedded and backfilled. Alarm panels for both the non-potable water tank and the wastewater holding tank were installed inside the building near the door to the main scale room of the building. Both alarm panels were operable with audible and visual alarms and with temporary labels. Permanent labels have been ordered and once installed the contractor will forward a picture of the final installation to COWC for verification. A low water alarm float and high water alarm float were mounted to a float tree inside of the non-potable water tank. The high water alarm float in the non-potable water tank signals a visual alarm (light) mounted on the exterior of the building to alert the tank filler when the tank is full. This light was not installed at the time of the site visit as the final exterior stucco wall finish was being applied that day; the contractor will forward a picture of this alarm light installed and operating to COWC for verification. A high water alarm float was mounted to a float tree inside of the wastewater holding tank and secured to the inside of the riser opening with the alarm float set at 15" below the tank lid. The 3" steel fill pipe for the non-potable water tank was moved from the design location so as not to interfere with landfill truck traffic. The altered location is acceptable. The locking lid for the fill pipe was secured with a galvanized chain, per the design. P.O. Box 18796, Golden, CO 80401 Voice 720-898-3434 FAX: 720 -898-3455 Installation Observation, Job No . 81017 August 5, 2015, Page 2 The observed components of the owrs appear to be installed in general conformance with the CHURCH OWfS design, plans and specifications. This letter provides information from observations made during one visit to the subject site by cowc. cowc observed installed components of the owrs. cowc did not observe the installer's methods or the equipment selected by the installer and/or client. Neither the observations nor the contents of this letter imply a warrantee or guarantee of materials or workmanship. Without continuous observation of the installation process, COWC is not able to assure that elements of the system comply with the intended functionality of the design documents. If there are questions, please call. Sincerely, CHURCH Onsite Wastewater Consultants, LLC Martin Quinn, P.E. Project Engineer m x 0 U) rn z 0HU or+u � �I O 0ONv _ otiv OHO OHU u O -0 1 �v n m X r orru a+v pyu oHv m 0 z Z OFfU ~ ONU nowOHU OHU OHU a m Z i7 ' lJ O - f z ;o r� z m � n c r ` � ' Y11► �lIIY ulY b ~ � � Ilf U1V YiY �'1r1Y YIY � u1Y NO p IO pl fp W IIIV — UIy �y ~ F _ — — Uly O ~ FO - FO ` FO FO f0 ` UE lGF ` ` Ury UE UE �_ UE vE ' �^ IrRI IrRI ~ ~ 0A/ FO O ~ FO - FO 1 f0 UIy !`�-�UE UE1 UE fo Fo FO �u� ��� ' - --_ --_-_ -- _ ^_ uE z W uE — uE Vi --- O IO =1 f1 j Ln Z n----------- m ® nm " e I �O �mmv m O oC-r� �r�r cn �" m L 4 . . �' = f� �. 31VOS IIX3 . v -v "4 w m ;' . • ~ m c' n n i 'JF-i x OE-- m m Imo# c� o cQ • a � \r m C m0 e 3 - Z to 1Tfl • m 0 c-� -: p 11 X74 I • .. • . �o4M.. I m ENTRANCE m /N SCALE Ain Aln - Lin 'un _ �41. � Aln 41x — O ::. — — (7 ry 'tin' mp f0 0 O Ain _ O r _ m Alf) Aln _ O O Ain — V) C7 C7 D �1 m �2 _ p Unman >__ rri Z m z '- N O O n �o oz o rnm �O z �m n� O > j� a c co n z "o z x � 00 0 w - \ N p Dw z>-� w _ C,4 v� w x \ W e- W zxw w W \ \ i_ . \\ `\� J U U z _ J Pl V j aqa ¢mow°. z Z N c� aw¢ a ,ri w CD x�a S ` \ J J ,O Ncpi3� I z raj zyCN3a �� t \\ z — - `—\_ \\ ` \\ CDt:iZY 1 ( \ — \ \ o w OMNI; ""' xa+t`'xn*s';g d0'HIM O Y '_„-'�" "'� �'" �''`" . F \ `\ W \ V='��$,.'� r Z Z LO Mw _ � OOM Q J x r O Z z 1 W ----• , rza O z < — w O w on- c LO Fnn—< It \ c ch rn oo I aowx �W � O U CD C X z w C d ' U N'c N c6 patio > +� 0)'0 tL Q c) o m o w / U m � L W xof O _.I J — — _ _. _Z _ __ —Q_ — -- -- — -_. a O K m m H Q (A fD o t o Imo¢ _ '- o _ -¢i'z%' -_.__ _._ �_ ` O w z c,Oj U V Q > N 1�'_\> d Q Z y� TYP EXTERNAL PVC SPLICE BOX SEE NO-TE 7 W/CORD GRIPS- t TYP CONDUIT TO CONTROL PANEL- 30" PVC RISER W/GROMMETS; BOND TO TANK W/RECOMMENDED- ADHESIVE LEVEL LOW WATER ALARM FLOAT TREE, SEE - NOTE 3 LOW WATER ALARM FIBERGLASS GASKETED LID W/2" FOAM INSULATION; LABEL EACH LID, TYP —FLEXIBLE PVC L�.�. —3-PARI PVC • TO WATER PUMP �1.25" DISCHARGE PIPE.F/ —TANK ADAPTOR (CAST— OR -TER HANDLE l " —VAULT INLET —FLOW INDUCER/ BACKFILL SOIL IN -SITU MATERIAL FILTER CARTRIDGE, SEE NOTES 1 & 8 REQUIRED 3" SAND SEE • --�. 7 `'- �. _ BEDDING 'a"III 1 I%s:��:�:�:5 • . • . BIOTUBE PUMP VAULT WATER TANK NOTES: 1. FILTER CARTRIDGE SHALL HAVE 1/16" OPENINGS. 2. LOW WATER ALARM FLOAT SHALL BE SET TO ACTIVATE AT 10% OF TANK INSIDE DEPTH. 3. SECURE FLOAT TREE BRACKET TO INSIDE OF FLOW INDUCER PORTION OF BIOTUBE PUMP VAULT WITH MIN 2 1/4" STAINLESS STEEL CAP SCREWS WITH STAINLESS STEEL WASHERS AND NUTS. 4. FOOT VALVE SHALL BE UNITED STATES PLASTIC CORP 1.25" MODEL 19424 OR DESIGN ENGINEER APPROVED EQUAL. 5. SET BOTTOM OF FOOT VALVE 3" ABOVE BOTTOM OF VAULT. 6. BOTTOM OF BIOTUBE PUMP VAULT SHALL SIT ON BOTTOM OF TANK. 7. CUT NEW HOLES IN BOTTOM OF BIOTUBE PUMP VAULT AT LEVEL OF LOW WATER ALARM FLOAT. NEW HOLES SHALL MATCH EXISTING HOLES, BE CUT TO PROVIDE A SMOOTH ENTRY SURFACE AND HAVE THE BOTTOM OF THE HOLE 1" BELOW THE FLOAT ACTIVATION ELEVATION. B. MIN FILTER CARTRIDGE HEIGHT SHALL BE 24". 2,500-GAL NON -POTABLE WATER TANK BEDDING MATERIAL GRADATION (CDOT #7) :2 TRAFFIC FRAME, LID & SUPPORT RINGS FIN GRADE TRAFFIC RATED H2O FRAME AND LID. HEIGHT ABOVE FIN GRADE VARIES DEPENDING ON LOCATION. SEE NOTE A. DIA DEPENDS ON RISER SIZE & EQUIPMENT CONCRETE SUPPORT RING FOR MH FRAME. SEE NOTE B PVC RISER, SEE NOTE C RISER & LID NOTES: A. FOR IMPROVED AREAS, SET TOP OF FRAME 1/2" BELOW FIN GRADE OF ASPHALT OR CONCRETE FOR PLOWING. FOR UNIMPROVED AREAS, SET TOP OF FRAME 1" ABOVE SURROUNDING FIN GRADE. B. CONCRETE SUPPORT RING IS TO SUPPORT TRAFFIC RATED FRAME/LID WITHOUT IMPACTING PVC RISER. ENSURE THAT RING HAS MIN 1.5" CLEARANCE BETWEEN MAX OUTSIDE DIM OF PVC RISER AND INSIDE OF CONC RING. ENSURE THAT RING IS SET SUCH THAT SOIL BETWEEN RING AND RISER IS KEPT MIN 2" BELOW TOP OF RISER. C. PVC RISER SHOWN TO PROVIDE ONE—PIECE RISER FROM TOP OF COMPONENT TO FRAME AND LID FOR WATER TIGHTNESS. IF CONCRETE RINGS ARE USED , ALL JOINTS FROM COMPONENT THROUGH FRAME SHALL BE MADE WATERTIGHT WITH RAM—NEK CONCRETE JOINT SEAL OR DESIGN ENGINEER APPROVED EQUAL. NEENAH FOUNDRY R-1977, 10" ID TRAFFIC RATED DUCTILE IRON FRAME AND LID, TYP PVC CLEANOUT CAP WITH SAW —CUTS ON QUADRANTS, TYP AC PAVEMENT 4" SCHED 40 PVC CLEANOUT RISER PAVEMENT LEVELING COURSE COMPACTED BACKFILL SOIL, TYP SIEVE SIZE (IN) % PASSING 3/4 100 1/8 90-100 CLEANOUT NOTES: 3/8 40-70 1. FURNISH & INSTALL DUCTILE IRON FRAME & LID FOR CLEANOUTS IN ALL TRAFFIC AREAS. #4 0-15 #8 0-5 TRAFFIC RATED CLEANOUT FRAME AND LID EAGLE COUNTY LANDFILL No. Revision Date DESIGNED BY: KEC CHURCH OWC, LLC DRAWN BY: KEC Cirsite Wastewater Consultants CHECKED BY: MEQ Onsite Wastewater Engineering -Civil Engineering NON -POTABLE WATER TANK DATE: 04/05/2014 P.O. Box 5146, Golden, CO 80401 JOB NO. B1017 Voice: (720) 898-3434 Fax: (720) 898-3455 Figure 2 of 7 24 INCH FIBERGLASS GASKETED LID W/2' FOAM INSULATION; LABEL EA LID, TYP CONDUIT SEAL, TANK ADAPTOR TYP POSITIVE SLOPE PVC CONDUIT TO CONTROL PANEL, TYP LIQUID LEVEL INLET TEE 30" PVC RISER W/GROMMETS; BOND TO TANK W/RECOMMENDED ADHESIVE FINISHED GRADE ALARM FLOAT HANDLE MAX 12" BELOW INSIDE OF LID -id ILI I FLOAT TREE BRACKET TANK ADAPTOR (TYP) \� CAST OR BOLTED COMPACTED BACKFILL SOIL —IN—SITU MATERIAL HIGHALARMLFLEL OATJ I \R/-3RECOMMENDED0BEDDNGSAND HOLDING TANK NOTES: 1. ALTERNATE TANK CONFIGURATIONS ARE POSSIBLE WITH PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL OF DESIGN ENGINEER. 2. HIGH FLUID LEVEL FLOAT SHALL BE SET TO ACTIVATE AT 75% OF INSIDE HEIGHT OF TANK. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY INSIDE TANK HEIGHT AND SEND DESIGN ENGINEER A FAX INDICATING HEIGHT BEFORE SETTING HIGH WATER ALARM FLOAT. PLAN VIEW RISER INSULATION NITS 2,500-GAL WASTEWATER HOLDING TANK 2" MIN INSULBOARD INSIDE RISER INSULATION AT TOP, TYP TANK RISER 2" MIN INSULBOARD ALL SIDES OF RISER FILL SOIL BETWEEN INSULBOARD AND RISER ORENCO FLOAT TREE BRACKET, TYP 1" SCHED 40 PVC PIPE SPOOL, CLAMP TO END OF 2 X 4 -STAINLESS STEEL PIPE CLAMP W/STAINLESS HARDWARE 1.5 X 2.5 HDPE STOCK, — RECTANGULAR; SEE NOTE 4. 3/8" STAINLESS STEEL BOLT AND FENDER WASHER IN REDHEAD SNH 1230 SLEEVE ANCHOR, TYP OF 2 10 X 1" ROUND HEAD STAINLESS (10-8) WOOD SCREW. TYP FLOAT TREE BRACKET MOUNTING NOTES: 1. SECURE PT 2 X 4 TO TOP OF TANK ® LID OPENING ON SAME SIDE AS EXTERIOR SPLICE BOX. 2. MOUNT FLOAT TREE BRACKET TO PT 2 X 4. 3. INSTALL FLOAT TREE AND FLOAT. 4. ATTENTION; HOPE STOCK MAY BE A LONG LEAD ITEM. CONTRACTOR TO LOCATE STOCK AND ORDER AT BEGINNING OF PROJECT. FLOAT TREE BRACKET SECURING DETAIL EAGLE COUNTY LANDFILL No. Revision Date DESIGNED BY: KEC CHURCH OWC, LLC DRAWN BY: KEC Oil Wastewater Consultants CHECKED BY: MEQ Onsite Wastewater Engineering -Civil Engineering WASTEWATER HOLDING TANK DATE: D4/08/2014 P.O. Box 5146, Golden, CO 80401 Voice: (720) 898-3434 Fax: (720) 898-3455 JO NO. B1017 -__ Ficlure 3 of 7 ASPHALT 3" STAINLESS STEEL TANK RISER & LID FEMALE CAMLOCK LEVELING CSE FITTING WITH DUST PLUG SUB -BASE ORENCO AMAHW ALARM PANEL, TYP OF ONE EA FOR EA TANK IN -SITU SOIL ' 0 Alarm Panel 0 PHENOLIC ALARM PANEL LABEL GLUED TO FACE TANK OF ALARM PANEL. CENTER IN WIDTH OF PANEL. orsncosystsms,nc. MIN LABEL HEIGHT= 1", MIN TEXT HEIGHT= 5/8". TEXT STYLE= ARIAL CE BOLD. GLUE ALARM LABEL SHALL BE TWO-PART EPDXY RATED FOR OUTDOOR ION LABEL \�/\� . /\�• BEYOND T EXTPSHALL BEM1/4" EA SIDE,IN SSE NOTE 2. 3" GALVANIZED STEEL PIPE WITH THREADED FITTINGS AND ENDS 3" GALVANIZED - STEEL 90- BEND, TYP OF 3 NON -POTABLE WATER TANK FILL PIPE STEEL DUST PLUG 3" STAINLESS STEEL , THREADED FEMALE CAMLOCK FITTING. FIT TO GALV STEEL PIPE W/PTFE TAPE 3" GALVANIZED STEEL FILL PIPE 2/0 STAINLESS STEEL SAFETY CHAIN TO RETAIN PLUG AT FILL PIPE. FASTEN AROUND FILL PIPE AND PEEN END OF BOLT it 0 0 RED LIGHT VISUAL ALARM AUDIBLE ALARM ENUNCIATOR PANEL CONDUIT ACCESS ALARM PANEL NOTES: 1. FURNISH AND INSTALL ONE ALARM PANEL FOR EACH TANK. 2. LABEL FOR HOLDING TANK SHALL READ 'WASTEWATER'. LABEL FOR NON -POTABLE WATER TANK SHALL READ 'WATER'. 3. MOUNT PANEL SO MID -HEIGHT OF PANEL IS AT 5'-6" OFF THE FINISHED GRADE IN FRONT OF THE PANEL. 4. MOUNT PANELS ADJACENT TO EACH OTHER WITH MIN 6", MAX 12" SPACE BETWEEN PANELS. ALARM PANEL DETAIL OL E 1"EWATER IQ �=: 9.6" WHITE LETTERS, TYP 9.0" RED BACKGROUND, TYP LABEL NOTES: 1. LABELS SHALL BE BONDED TO THE LID WITH AN EXTERIOR RATED TWO-PART EPDXY. BOND LABELS TO LID IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS & GUIDELINES. 2. MIN TEXT HEIGHT SHALL BE 7/8"; CENTER ALL TEXT IN LENGTH & WIDTH OF LABEL. 3. TEXT STYLE SHALL BE ARIAL CE BOLD. TANK LID LABELS CHURCH OWC, LLC EAGLE COUNTY LANDFILL No. Revision Date DESIGNED BY: KEC DRAWN BY: KEC Onsite Wastewater Consultants CHECKED BY: MEQ Onsite Wastewater Engineering -Civil Engineering DATE: 6410E/2014 P.O. Box 5146, Golden, CO 80401 DETAILS Voice: (720) 898-3434 Fax: (720) 898-3455 JOB NO. B1017 Figure 4 of 7 FACE OF BUILDING TRENCH BACKFILL j ?X////\\/\\/\\ / \ / 4" PVC RISER W/CAP 2" X 24" HIGH DENSITY FOAM INSULATION �.,..>.,•'.: .:;;, ,.. :. 2.0t' PVC PIPE c^."=..'.`.. .+•:;=0"'"aU,:,: .aR:;i,ti?�:. . �: r: �� : � FINISHED GRADE 1/2" MINUS o=r:x,.•.;:''; :,o°.::c?: GRANULAR BACKFILL • FOUNDATION STRUCTURE \/`C/ \/\/\/\ SHOWN INSULATION ZONE OF IS ASSUMED. \. 0 �\\ \ \ PROTECTION INSTALLER SHALL FIELD VERIFY � z 4" PVC PIPE 5 � \ DURING CONSTRUCTION PIPE TRENCH BOTTOM a;': w —4" PVC 45' BEND NOTES: N 1. CENTER WIDTH OF INSULBOARD OVER CROWN OF PIPE 2. COMPACT BEDDING TO BOTTOM OF PIPE ELEVATION BEFORE PLACING PIPE. FLOW 3. FURNISH AND INSTALL MIN 3" OF BEDDING BELOW ALT FOUNDATION STRUCTURE 4" PVC WYE BOTTOM OF PIPE. SHOWN IS ASSUMED. IT 4. ZONE OF PROTECTION IS APPROXIMATE FOR AVERAGE ASSUMES FDN WALL a''• 4" SCHED 40 PVC WINTER FROST PENETRATION. PENETRATION W/PIPE SERVICE PIPE COUPLING, SEE NOTE 5 UNPAVED AREAS PAVED AREAS NOTES: MATCH EXIST AC PVMT 1. MIN DEPTH OF BURY SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH COUNTY BUILDING DEPARTMENT REGULATIONS TO PREVENT FREEZING OF PIPE. MATCH EXIST SAW CUT ASPHALT ONLY. 2. FOR ALL SITUATIONS WHERE THE MIN PIPE BURY DEPTH PER COUNTY REQUIREMENTS CANNOT BE MET, A MIN OF 1" OF HIGH DENSITY GRADE NO OTHER TYPE CUT CLOSED CELL FOAM INSULATION CAN BE SUBSTITUTED FOR EA 12" OF SOIL COVER THAT IS LACKING. A MIN OF 2" OF FOAM INSULBOARD 0 0 ° ° O SHALL BE REQUIRED. STYROFOAM BEAD BOARD IS NOT ACCEPTABLE. o° ,o MATCH EXIST LEVELING 3. CLEANOUT RISER IN HOPE VAULT SHOWN IS OPTIONAL. ALTERNATE IS TO EXTEND CLEANOUT MIN 18" ABOVE FINISHED GRADE AND CAP. SE UNCLASS. FILL/ °p 0 ° ° p COURSE. ALTERNATE RISER & CAP DETAIL ABOVE. ° BACKFILL 0 p° 4. CLEANOUT RISER SHALL BE HIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENE. 0 0 00 MATCH EXIST SUB —BASE 5. FURNISH & INSTALL (F&I) AN APPROVED TRANSITION COUPLING BETWEEN BUILDING WASTEWATER PIPING AND BUILDING SEWER TO TANK. O 0 0 o 6. FOR AREAS SUBJECT TO TRAFFIC OVER CLEANOUT, F&I A CAST OR DUCTILE IRON, TRAFFIC RATED FRAME & LID. 0 ° ° O °O ° .0'P° p SLOPE PER OSHA 0 REQUIREMENTS SEE NOTES 4 & 5 BUILDING SEWER CLEANOUT 00 °0 NON —FROST SUSCEPTIBLE ._ FILL/BACKFILL NTS BEDDING MAT'L; TYP 6" ALL SIDES PIPE BUILDING SEWER/DISCHARGE PIPE SECTION NTS TRENCH NOTES: 1. PLACE & COMPACT BEDDING MATERIAL TO BOTTOM OF PIPE ELEVATION BEFORE INSTALLING PIPE. 2. BEDDING SHALL BE IN PLACE, COMPACTED & PIPE INSTALLED AT TIME OF COWC INSTALLATION OBSERVATION. 3. BURY DEPTH MEANS DISTANCE FROM FINISHED GRADE TO THE PIPE CROWN. 4. FOR ALL SITUATIONS WHERE THE MIN PIPE BURY DEPTH PER COUNTY REQUIREMENTS CANNOT BE MET, A MIN OF 1" OF HIGH DENSITY CLOSED CELL FOAM INSULATION CAN BE SUBSTITUTED FOR EA 12" OF SOIL COVER THAT IS LACKING. A MIN OF 2" OF FOAM INSULBOARD SHALL BE REQUIRED. STYROFOAM BEAD BOARD IS NOT ACCEPTABLE. 5. MINIMUM INSULATION WIDTH IS 24", CENTERED OVER CROWN OF PIPE. 6. ALL COMPACTION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-698. COMPACT FILL & BACKFILL OUTSIDE RIGHT OF WAY TO MIN 90% MAX DRY DENSITY. COMPACT FILL & BACKFILL INSIDE RIGHT OF WAY TO MIN 95% MAX DRY DENSITY. CHURCH OWC, LLC Onsite Wastewater Consultants Onsite Wastewater Engineering -Civil Engineering P.O. Box 5146, Golden, CO 80401 Voice: (720) 898-3434 Fax: (720) 898-3455 EAGLE COUNTY LANDFILL CAP DEPTH, TYP PVC CAP \ SAW CUT, TYP PVC CLEANOUT, VENT, OR OBSERVATION PORTS RISER PIPE CAP NOTES: 1. SAW CUT THE TOP OF THE PIPE THE DEPTH OF THE CAP, ON THE QUADRANTS OF THE PIPE TO ALLOW EASE OF CAP REMOVAL IN THE FUTURE. 2. DETAIL APPLIES TO ALL OBSERVATION PORTS AND RISER PIPES VENT AND CLEANOUT CAP NTS TRENCH, PIPE CAP AND CLEANOUT DETAILS No. Revision Date DESIGNED BY: KEC DRAWN BY: KEC CHECKED BY: MEQ DATE: 04/05/2014 JOB NO. B1017 Fiaure 5 of 7 SYSTEM 140TES: 1. INSTALLATIONS OF ALL MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT FOR THE WATER TANK AND THE WASTEWATER HOLDING TANK SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF EAGLE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, THE EAGLE COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT AND THE STATE OF COLORADO STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROAD AND BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION. WHERE CONFLICTS ARISE, THE MORE STRINGENT CODE SHALL APPLY. 2. INSTALLATION CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVE A COPY OF THE PLANS AND REPORT AVAILABLE FOR REVIEW AT THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES. 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING THE LOCATION AND DEPTH OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES, INCLUDING ANY UTILITIES NOT SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS PRIOR TO EXCAVATION. WHEN WORKING NEAR EXISTING UTILTTIES, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL EXERCISE SUFFICIENT CARE TO PREVENT DAMAGE TO THE UTILITY IN THE EVENT THAT THE INFORMATION SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS DOES NOT REFLECT ACTUAL FIELD CONDITIONS. ALL COSTS TO BE INCLUDED IN THE WORK AND BID. 4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS, LINES, LEVELS, SETBACKS, MATERIALS, ETC. PRIOR TO START OF CONSTRUCTION AND SHALL NOTIFY THE ENGINEER IN WRITING OF ANY DISCREPANCIES FOUND. ALL COSTS TO BE INCLUDED IN THE WORK AND BID. 5. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVE PRIOR EXPERIENCE IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF WATER AND WASTEWATER FACILITIES OF THE NATURE SHOWN IN THE PLAN SET. 6. CONTRACTOR(S) SHALL EMPLOY SKILLED LABOR AND BEST CONSTRUCTION PRACTICES INVOLVED IN CONSTRUCTING THIS FACILITY. 7. LOCAL PLUMBING AND ELECTRICAL CODES AND THE COUNTY GUIDELINES FOR ISDS (LATEST REVISION) SHALL BE MET BY THE CONTRACTOR AS APPLICABLE FOR THIS PROJECT. 8. ALL DETAILS DESIGNATED AS "TYPICAL DETAILS" APPLY GENERALLY TO THE DRAWINGS IN ALL AREAS WHERE CONDITIONS ARE SIMILAR TO THOSE SHOWN IN THESE DRAWINGS, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 9. DESIGN ENGINEER'S APPROVAL SHALL BE SECURED FOR ALL CHANGES TO THESE PLANS. ANY MODIFICATIONS MADE WITHOUT THE WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE DESIGN ENGINEER SHALL BE SOLELY THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PERSON(S) MAKING THE CHANGE. 10. IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE ENGINEER IF, DURING CONSTRUCTION, A CONDITION WHICH IS NOT COVERED BY THESE DRAWINGS IS DISCOVERED. 11. FINISH CONTOURS OR SPOT ELEVATIONS ARE SHOWN. LOCATION ADJUSTMENTS MAY BE NECESSARY TO ACHIEVE THE DESIGN INTENT WITH THE WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE DESIGN ENGINEER. 12. ALL MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP SHALL CONFORM TO COUNTY AND STATE OF COLORADO REGULATIONS. 13. UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR REMOVING AND REINSTALLING ANY EXISTING SIGNS, STRUCTURES, FENCES, ETC., ENCOUNTERED ON THE JOB AND RESTORING THEM TO ORIGINAL CONDITION. ALL COSTS TO BE INCLUDED IN THE WORK AND BID. 14. IT IS THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO UNDERTAKE A THOROUGH SITE INSPECTION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION, INCLUDING EXCAVATIONS TO ACCESS THE DEPTH TO GROUND WATER AND DEPTH OF EXISTING UTILITIES, AND ANY LABORATORY SOIL TESTS FOR IMPORT MATERIALS. ALL COSTS TO BE INCLUDED IN THE WORK AND BID. APPLICABLE CODES & STANDARDS AMERICAN SOCIETY OF TESTING AND MATERIALS (ASTM) UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE - CURRENT EDITION (UPC) UNIFORM BUILDING CODE - CURRENT EDITION (UBC) NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE - CURRENT EDITION (NEC) AMERICAN CONCRETE INSTITUTE - CURRENT EDITION (ACI) CONCRETE STEEL REINFORCING INSTITUTE - CURRENT EDITION (CRSI) APPLICABLE CODES & STANDARDS, CONT STATE OF COLORADO WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY DESIGN GUIDELINES - CURRENT REGULATIONS (CDPHE) STATE OF COLORADO INDUSTRIAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM GUIDELINES -CURRENT REGULATIONS (CDPHE) SITE PREPARATION 15. STRIP ALL TOPSOIL AS REQUIRED IN AREAS OF CONSTRUCTION AND STOCKPILE. 16. ADEQUATE SURVEYING METHODS SHALL BE USED TO LAYOUT THE ENTIRE TANKS SYSTEM, CHECKING FOR SETBACK COMPLIANCE, ELEVATION AND HORIZONTAL CONFLICTS, AS WELL AS UTILITIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 17. PROTECT SURROUNDING STRUCTURES, VEGETATION, AND UTILITIES AS NECESSARY TO ELIMINATE DAMAGE FROM CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES. CHURCH OWC, LLC Onsite Wastewater Consultants Onsite Wastewater Engineering -Civil Engineering P.O. Box 5146, Golden, CO 80401 Voice: (720) 898-3434 Fax: (720) 898-3455 EAGLE COUNTY LANDFILL NOTES SITE EXCAVATION 18. THE SIDES OF ALL SOIL EXCAVATIONS DEEPER THAN FOUR FEET SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE OSHA GUIDELINES. THE ENGINEER MAY PROVIDE SLOPE RECOMMENDATIONS IF REQUESTED. 19. CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION (OSHA) STANDARDS FOR TRENCH EXCAVATION SAFETY. 20. IF GROUNDWATER IS ENCOUNTERED NOTIFY THE ENGINEER IMMEDIATELY. 21. THE BOTTOM OF ALL EXCAVATIONS (FOR TANKS) SHALL BE LEVEL WITH NO DEPRESSIONS GREATER THAN 1/2 INCHES IN DEPTH. 22. PLACE CLEAN 3/4-INCH GRAVEL AS NECESSARY TO OBTAIN A STABLE AND LEVEL EXCAVATION BOTTOM, PRIOR TO PLACING BEDDING MATERIAL. IT IS THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO MAINTAIN A DRY EXCAVATION. DEWATERING AND DRYING TIME SHALL BE INCLUDED IN THE COST OF WORK AND IN THE BID. FILL PLACEMENT 23. FILL SHALL BE PLACED AS NOTED ON PLAN SET: A. GRAVEL LEVELING AND BEDDING FILL- PLACE FILL TO DEPTH SHOWN ON PLANS IN MAXIMUM 12-INCH THICK LIFTS. GRAVEL FILL IS TO BE COMPACTED WITH A VIBRATORY PLATE COMPACTOR WITH SEVERAL PASSES OF THE COMPACTOR PER LIFT BEING PERFORMED. GRAVEL AND BEDDING FILLS SHALL BE COMPACTED TO 90% OF THE RELATIVE DENSITY (ASTM D 4253 and D 4254). B. TRENCH BACKFILL SHALL BE COMPACTED TO AT LEAST 95% OF THE STANDARD PROCTOR MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY (ASTM D 698). FILL PACED BENEATH STRUCTURES TO BE COMPACTED AS SPECIFIED. 24. ALL IMPORTED FILL, AS NECESSARY, SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE DESIGN ENGINEER. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT TO THE ENGINEER CURRENT GRADATIONS FOR IMPORTED MATERIALS PRIOR TO DELIVERY OF MATERIAL TO THE JOB SITE. FILLS WITH SPECIFIED COMPACTION SHALL BE TESTED FOR IN -PLACE DENSITY AND MOISTURE CONTENT. TESTING RESULTS TO BE PROVIDED TO THE OWNER AND ENGINEER. COST OF TESTING TO BE INCLUDED WITH THE WORK AND THE BID. COMPACTION TESTS SHALL BE TAKEN IN EACH LIFT OF BACKFILL FOR EACH 50-FEET OF TRENCH AND ON OPPOSITE SIDES OF THE TANK, ALTERNATING EACH LIFT. COMPACTION TESTING SHALL BE CONDUCTED BY AN INDEPENDENT SOILS TESTING LABORATORY. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE DESIGN ENGINEER, BEFORE COMMENCING WORK ON THE WATER AND WASTEWATER TANK SYSTEMS, OF THE NAME AND CONTACT INFORMATION FOR THE SOILS TESTING LAB. THE LABORATORY SHALL COPY THE DESIGN ENGINEER ON ALL SOILS TESTING RESULTS, INCLUDING GRADATIONS, PROCTORS AND SOIL DENSITY TESTS DIRECTLY. FINISH GRADING 25. FINISH GRADING SHALL BE UNDERTAKEN ON ALL AREAS DISTURBED BY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES, AND AS NOTED ON THE PLANS. 26. PROTECTION: TANKS AND TRENCH AREA SHALL BE PROTECTED TO PREVENT DAMAGE FROM CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC. PIPING 27. ALL PIPE SHALL BE SCH 40 PVC TYPE 1, SOLVENT CEMENT JOINT. THREADED JOINTS ARE REQUIRED AS NOTED ON PLANS. THREADED APPURTENANCES SHALL BE MADE WITH SCH 40 FITTINGS. 28. ALL PIPE AND FITTINGS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE UPC AND LOCAL CODES. ALL JOINTS AND CONNECTIONS SHALL BE CUT PERPENDICULAR TO FLOW LINE, TRIMMED, PRIMED, AND SOLVENT WELDED. 29. PIPE GRADE SHALL BE AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS, BUT IN NO CASE LESS THAN 1.0 PERCENT (MINIMUM) FOR PUMPED WATER PIPES AND 2% (MINIMUM) FOR GRAVITY FLOW PIPES. 30. PIPING IN NON -TRAFFIC AREAS CAN BE BEDDED IN NATIVE MATERIAL PENDING APPROVAL BY THE DESIGN ENGINEER. BEDDING SHALL BE OF MATERIAL APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. PIPE BEDDING IN TRAFFIC AREAS SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM C-33 SIZE 67. 31. ALL PIPE TRENCHES IN NON -TRAFFIC AREAS SHALL BE COMPACTED TO A MINIMUM OF 85% OF THE STANDARD PROCTOR MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY (ASTM D 698). TRENCH AREAS SUBJECT TO VEHICLE TRAFFIC SHALL BE COMPACTED TO 95% STANDARD PROCTOR MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY. Revision BY: KEC ID BY: MEQ 04/05/2014 JOB NO. B1017 Figure 6 of 7 TANKS 32. BELOW GROUND CONCRETE TANKS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF REINFORCED CONCRETE AND BE RATED TO SUPPORT 400 PSF FOR NON —TRAFFIC AREAS OR BE RATED FOR AASHTO HS-20 TRAFFIC LOADING IN AREAS TO RECEIVE VEHICLE TRAFFIC. 33. ALL NEW CONCRETE TANKS AND BASINS SHALL BE WATERTIGHT AND HAVE 24 TO 30—INCH DIAMETER ACCESS PORTS (MIN) OR AS NOTED ON THE PLANS. 34. CONCRETE ACCESS RISERS AND CAST IRON LIDS SHALL BE PROVIDED FOR PUMPING BASIN AND TANKS INSTALLED IN TRAFFIC AREAS. RISERS AND LIDS MUST BE RATED FOR AASHTO HS-20 TRAFFIC LOADS AND BE WATERTIGHT. PVC RISERS AND FIBERGLASS LIDS ARE SUITABLE FOR NON —TRAFFIC AREAS. 35. ALL NEW CONCRETE TANKS SHALL UNDERGO FIELD TESTING FOR WATER TIGHTNESS AFTER INLET/OUTLET PIPES AND RISERS HAVE BEEN INSTALLED, CONSISTING OF: FILLING EACH TANK TO 1" ABOVE TOP OF TANK LID WITH WATER OR BY VACUUM TESTING. THE WATER SHALL STAND A MINIMUM OF 4—HOURS, AND THEN THE TANK SHALL BE REFILLED TO THE INITIAL LEVEL. THE WATER LEVEL WILL BE CHECKED TO DETERMINE WATER TIGHTNESS ONE —HOUR AFTER THE SECOND FILLING. THIS TEST SHALL BE PERFORMED PRIOR TO PLACING BACKFILL AROUND EACH NEW TANK. NEW TANK(S) FAILING THIS TEST WILL BE REJECTED BY THE DESIGN ENGINEER, AND SHALL BE REPLACED AT NO ADDITIONAL EXPENSE TO THE OWNER OR ENGINEER. THE REJECTED TANK(S) SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE OWNERS PROPERTY. ALTERNATIVE MEANS OF WATERTIGHTNESS TESTING ARE ACCEPTABLE IF APPROVED, IN WRITING, BY THE DESIGN ENGINEER, PRIOR TO BEGINNING ANY TESTING. 36. ALL RISERS SHALL EXTEND TO MIN 1" ABOVE THE FINISHED GRADE SURFACE. 37. ALL RISERS & LIDS INSTALLED IN NON —TRAFFIC AREAS SHALL BE ONE—PIECE, RIBBED PVC RISERS W/SCREW FASTENED FIBERGLASS LIDS. 38. FURNISH AND INSTALL A PHENOLIC LABEL ON EACH LID AS INDICATED. INSTALL LABELS TO THE APPROPRIATE TANK LIDS. ALARM SYSTEMS 39. THE CONTROL SYSTEM SHOWN ON THE PLANS SHALL INCLUDE ALL CONTROL PANELS, FLOAT CONTROLS, ALARMS, VENTS, CONTROL WIRING, PULL CABLE, PIPING, AND APPURTENANCES. OTHER ELEMENTS INCLUDE CONDUIT POWER SUPPLY, AND CONNECTION TO CONTROL PANEL. ALL ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS SHALL BE PERFORMED BY A LICENSED ELECTRICIAN. 40. PRIOR TO ACCEPTANCE THE ALARM SYSTEMS MUST BE TESTED AND SHOWN TO BE FULLY OPERATIONAL AND APPROVED BY A REPRESENTATIVE OF THE DESIGN ENGINEER. CHURCH OWC, LLC Onsite Wastewater Consultants Onsite Wastewater Engineering -Civil Engineering P.O. Box 5146, Golden, CO 80401 Voice: (720) 898-3434 Fax: (720) 898-3455 EAGLE COUNTY LANDFILL NOTES, CONTINUED Revision BY: KEC D BY: MEQ 04/05/2014 JOB NO. B1017 7 of 7 RrBBn1 RW .PIEbWL Pit -1-PIIR RC 1111mN r m wrm�ewa )w mwE -12E• BCO Wlfd MPE W-sN wRRB1 B• rwTc Mro xm FRPYM xNB -1WIK r14PiCR (GSr im) IW9lE A'r . . 1®. xnbR ABfA4 R4 PLUE vAmm BmtNvxc N mGmv • $fEBBERA 04R,P W PSPISDI k mLOPM PIMR. /3- -{ BSI -V/!RT Mli] ie ER I PEW. sm xmEC .ntv � FMIAF Eo+0E5RrEE mMm x £II.�PJSMB06'fQA9' f. FlLIER GRIRh'E 4W1, wIE i OF aErro M z Im arm nuav nBt 4uLL a N.ThNR IN. 1ox RI. RBRE p4•m 1 r�enE TLN Ilox ePMIRr m RaIBc m TLW MTuem wrznBx R aKnvx wuF vARnr wnx Iw z 1//• sMUREa R]Em AM EONWs x+M sTure� MOB4 O P PI Ears. /. w VNA£ EF F BE IRNm SIAl6 PUSIM CD' I iu• uW6 1. M D®wl Ext01M HTRCIm EOtVL I. SET BONS] ar mm VN.K ]• /80.'E BCR IS VNILr. B. BC1mY OF BpIWE Pw&V.of OxWi Rrt p! B IA gTNM. ]. M XEN NOt6 W WAOY OE OIONBE RIW WELT R I£RL CF IbM WARR N.Vd rIML ISN IAI. 5%W. WRN1C ICIID. BE M m PRO.mE A Su0t111 0.'IR( Nf IN2 1• ]111P/fL /Np MK hE WROY CF BBIIN .E NE flMT ryrfR MMmFURR e]avnncx. B. 10N CWMOCE xpClR 9VLL BE aa'. 2m0d0. B]ONPoTAOLE WATER TANK vmm k W xmm: A rWi WPR Mot /IIrPS. SCi nN b' rxNlC ARu 06CW F . M Cr I- CR C0xG9flE NA TLMJG iRi U101%tOhD AVCK, 4i 10P Cr AWK r ABVh SJMWNDAR. rw T. C, m RBER 51R ME RWS R m . le R.CI,D MBOE rRW WC Nn ORr OM SRYNN P.t RSE. , . ER I.1 IiV^ 101 ,s fAWWME BEMFIIi IT E O. D GX1 Or RL WtR, N0 B. IS E, I. BCtICi R E a1C Is sR.41Cx D. mt 9E1NSN RllIG P!A B. 6 ER -1 I. e66.Y MO or , F E. P.t R6m RXRAI ro ROMO OHE-PR£ W8m ripY Iffi Cr saurWlfM ro fNYL M9 In FOR 1WEI1 nbIl11CS R BE RARE nM0119i AV1C AMCS IAE uHP ..W. IRCLL CCUPoNINI 4WL K RARE wIERIRRR MIN FNI-NERIX mW.TEIE ]pwr ErN. an BEww BA4Mim rvmmm mart wr � 10 ,0 . BROWSE MNWp RrAL nP PKKnDIA'b FiR12Im 110 Wn• IBm wRVIAIwN: vart Ben uB. rm runt Avolme m E S AXmxa PVDE \ P.0 COIAIIR m m W , W/ \/ WMRK PINEt O'mOtN /REEBAREMBED T I➢NfY.£ 'w... D 0 E 1• RJIX101(10- WF. BI NIRGT fIo-OJ xnoB , x FRO wz u• eBAw WSBE G W RmIIFiO 9ml ,ZIO uex UM EM uxWOA RIP m a /\ /' RMi ixm BMIfEf Mi,xfE BRIpa IsKK \/ IA11ID IML .Nml➢RORfM) 1..0 MR WITµo m CMNWO OR SAME ID0E E. ExRImA >axCE MEi m: `/` \ ` CKi S. 1 ARTIER IER. Pia.k UM S.ILYPMI®NIG]mWw 6 4NC 6 AnFHM1aII: x0R sIOIX wr A mxt 1}'M nF11. eoxM+GIOR m ICCOC s1IXM /NO OMFI! R 6ftlIXNC p PPOImi. ``�\/ Y/ .0 I�W-sml w,mw. ]iWT1F�9ULBYTEETIl XOIMNB WIX Ig16 I. ILIWNIE iM9( [CINNMTONS KE P06IDIE MM HWP Mfinm IPMIB41 CF R9W mp1LlA. z Amx ninB LL\EL nwr .slwl eE sEr ro A^.INNE R ]4e aF II6RE xo4R BE TPMc eornmmpn 4uu weft e�E TMM INmR Nm SEUO 0®.N' BlaJ1m1 A FR xgIG1BR IEWtR BBCA[ $Ei1WWf. iWN WAIFA /!NM ABV. iaauMlw E'NA] FgLmgTMK uRO cwpDRlm v Irm rPRXf wNlaMunEA W n¢ mGrRN m PENBRVE MOO 4qY I. IYRi AT IYx 1[ Mt S-FTEL Yw 4LPE NFRFMm IS 1S AWAY iRW VMI. 511COMK PNWI m flIGW @fDAXR. WIB'ILf BmBxC m bN BSx 1V% 0.Pf C[NSAY. AWIRW ARMAD M W KCOPWICF W/ ARC ISOMMI(S m FnRA W A 5'iC NWORS BMORS, IBP YNWlp6 RA91E ONNV➢C /Ot TAVX. 0.9IX4VAR NL ERR t nND1fB AWL BYXBLWn/V• iBIA SW0. SVO 9W1 fVA£ INN SE. IIIICIC+ FAffi®IB nS N] 4fl£ m MICIR. COYP/Cr m wN a5x wX prr OmCRY CBORE Fv/811e 6➢Wp w1tAVL B6irLL A SPMAm NMu 4WCIAT W TS 8WF GtNIM. PAVE AFOR RR EIOI KUSI fIMT. BRin1. 10N I-ORROSSIRE Or NRH WNii(. O04D C61 FYSII YIOIA/.nOX V Wm R'SW IRA . B rRE . RE ALL IASM OF ROVER. W Rmlclm,Mv MIC Bamlenon/nArswamN rRPum m AL. PBR1R Mime iFt BEAR. ro ARIE B Ww'Aim. PM OF &IM FlB NE iA1B6 4W1 BE ]A• iR04 FlXONm GUOE m T£ 1T CF TK TNM W. Ndffi. OAk2ASE r3Rl WI® DY BIdNEFR 0 WY'POEAtiE WAIBM TAN<FRJ.PI'E vTAW1AS Slm. p6! PWC ]• srrRD]ss s'IEa . nRPram cxw BCn.mrmW6Im T m wB a- mu o WIPm MR i ]• EAWN16B9 RCFL AL PIPE '-a/. SrMRL^ sim svnr I'f, ji W m REL1N PWC R FILL \D MEDI E O OF IMOT nPi � NB rEm Mn or Bxi WASTE TER WATER Or wretE LLiRT4 Tv 0.0- Rm WCNMOtNO. M vRa xmm I. VBB.i shWL BC BOIflIN m NE u0 Mml /N G1WS1 I4.lm TAn-PMi EPSr CpNO. VBfm ro W W AapRw«E wnx ru uawPMNm'E B¢iMmnmlE RmObImMMtB ! CNCBAI6. 1 uw FOR IA%M aval BE r/e�: cmlm NL IEn w Imcm k wmx EY I/HB. ]. Tar sriN ARSE eE ]Avz ¢ mm. TNKLDIAffiS Pµq TN CP 01£ G NMu PAMS. NOIES: 1. MNLLSx!NO ORTDLL pK.. WR PMI TNBC Y VHR.ERR INIBwO . $ MAB VAFM ARN.. iM .-PmP➢IE ..... ILVm'. 1 MR. PAZ SO M-RROMR W PNIR IS AT T-C CrT 0... ROME W F%IM M ]I¢ PN a. ... FM,MIAGpIr m S. GORIER . 1@I B•. PAC Ia• SMIES BE1fiM1iEN ... HM Mb NC WASTfARA IYAMNC ➢JB( 441E µO11W1 SCOIN 0] im,Hic NN wiFAWS (A.TI) NABORS FOR FEAR TS IM IM LWMf PIIBYC NM10R4 PWYGIC W0E-CIBWBR mRiCN (uR) !iW1016 AN1 R'YA /t10 WCCE mN41PolCMN. WRWW CNRCiWi CWF-NMRPi mOBN ) wroME EfmTRE mx - NRRBFr mRBIR xEc) ..LE MR REVIW AT 1NE.b8 91C KRNVRR IyWFFIE N61M2 - CNIDOIIr mRpN NKIEiE 51®. AIFL'IFORCPIS 9611MF - NRMIIr mRpN (4CRf" AINR.l PA1B.OE]AL ALL AKdFIrt ro MAR A6pt M,E GP REM L YSM M nR 1tM CF NE ISE IK CQTI K NE W. bl TE BEMBL $ CF NE P&E m NllM ERSRBE tw R ER W NE AnME z OEmE APPN6 ro NL BBBAMnvM wRm uM w;Ex mm VE}!T AND CR FANCtR CAP MR \ w1a REST K viR wMx BmT pRmE aw' M Kvxur aar. MOm ITEM wmR msr IIBNNM Yo' . o mvleF. ., A wrLx E04r aR-wiE 4I N6RS a& �--BFDWK WYY nP B' ALL 9DES PAC OYWm FPE BULDWG MNEFII BOW40E PPE BEC" NIS 1. PL 0RS PV[B. N BE " w1FRV% BB BOnO C OF RPC DIVRIORDRE BOBRC MIW1110 PPE 2 BmYO AWL ®E W PUCE .. A PPE ME ..R ERE Or COAC MRWM1MN OBSf1NAMNt wMY W1D11@]l6 BEW "REBE' S M FFE Q EC m TIE OR Y BF ' v RON Remur RIC 0 PIPE MH MPIII Pm . ME PIDImLOTv .. , Y ,Cr. A ILN W 1• q ItAB BS.A R OF COLL @W WONDERED GM R F RSR M Sm mfl G la' OEM tlhW nW P VLRIq. A Yw OF r 0r ImL B6LmX'B sIW10C RCOInm. 4YIWC.41 BU➢ BbJ1D BE ARIE SO SII B. SIMILAR OR OC. B BM OmXfl OF MC B. "=MnoNmw RIBM MOM W WR m IN L6G06G 4VXO11' BFN91Y. CWPKT fLL t BB.GWIIL 11C®C RWir W�WR m W195x WS -F. CF tl9OM0 P.0 164.v v/GP Z we PPE ' PC MS BBY PF BAE IMMO M0 M EMAVOR 5M xME S 1. wn OBAN aF R1tY 9Wl OF w AGONMM MEN FOR OR`F` KPMNFNi`AMMF BE T. APMRABRI..iI- ES, CF PPE 1 ERR BIBBED 311 FOR MIEPEON IW PPCOMM RIE,F PEA BNNIEf Rm119NN1115 . k CC W. A 4N G' 1' (Y IBOI OBLTIY CIL9m CCL AYN wSNAgN CAN Bf 91CSI1Mm Itl! FA lY M 50L Em9t TNi 6 BE MET. A WN IX 2' CT @W C4NO6'AC SINLL BE FOODS W HERB V"T NM W VAD w RAL KCfPNBIE S. BIWM Rim W AF VN$T 41c'M1 Is ATM+., µIfONAh 15 m ERMINE CIEINBJi bN 1C .VCK A191m OV➢E BM W. SE ALmOUIE x®1 k OV O MER, M. ME O,I] W S1V11 BE MBI OMC VMF]MR NE O. flIPNTI k W0rN1 (rtl) µ MPR0V01R/J1911p1 NJPJNG BROM OSIER. W.V^IflMTA P@NC.. BIADBIG SEtlm m Tltb. 0. FOR rAW EERROB m 111I]AC P4ft 6WI41L rN A CAS} m dImOE WOL iR/lAC MIFB AVLE k IR BL%-D ]� CLEANCW Nx6 IRS, . OBDY RMM B CCVL9EIE . H NE Cb6m. CF . WRBZIE AVC CE . m R Rr NC BMMRICS Wp IRE NnLCf K FlCIBmWNWmM. rj1 �15 m BC O]AIE BF WE014DO WJRWATA 1RWMBn E. BCX. QlNc,,m - CVNBEM NmIMNN6 ( Ef oEN4](f 41Y 0 aW). ru P/® eBRRN BRWLIVIRS m BE COYWGim As SPUEIfF➢. ____ _... S OE Br W ,xv,, S MSSIM, SMKE BOMRV. EMm BABi]w Rrmr mRMxmEN5 C® ]0. NL p@OBEm m1. At XE494M. SM1L BE AFpgBVF➢ B! Ti$ 0®C!1 mCWOE TE COIAPIiMR SIVL pim®DIW. IINR NwS. SEmmF$ w.RAY15. EIC PBM m 5]N(r IX BRE PR,,W4RM 4NYR m TIC m4Nm1 CMRGT cNMn01A ERN ONdRm wTJflU3 %COP m OCNmY M wMAt •YESIm nff: ENCWF}A W ROWING OF AYr MxREPNKl6 mIW0. AN M015 M ax m NE m SIZE FRIO X]M SVPAONN 5141E BE . FOR W-PGSE BBm1Y IJW Y06Mi' OENTEM. FEEENN RE9An M BE PRIMMER ro IRE Amur AMC mONDc CO.i ar RmI¢ m eE B mPEEBKE BI TIE CO MIBIE00.V M WARR µ0 BARORMBR W. 0r 15. SFIM FLL mPRI AS PFONBm w A9G3 OP BOMMO OOR NR SIWPCE WBIIXm MIM IRE MNW YM ERE BB, COWAORION MIMS SIWI BE ]Ry1 W EMIR ,YT m' MISTLL FOR ECE 1B. DDfOWIE SVM4TNC YEDW6b 9WL BE IYTD m UWBE Tff BRR[ SWMM Sf"Im. ORMNC Fq1 HIRKK FMII EO-FmT OF 1PmCN Nip oN pPFpBIE Spur CI NC LHIX. /UmINN1G BII BFE mIRKMfI 11ID VDM NIB BmT GrMa WUmWN PNCME KAtYID W CINIEIMICiwB TITS CBYPWNLf^ REYAnON NA NBAOpM.LL Cd01Kt5. K R91 K VMm6 PROR m rhlSlWlTp11. n. PRnmf A1101WiIWlc smIM:IBx6. MtBNbII. NIp YIRABS K xOZF M ro 61YBIAIE nYID£ ME. THE R E 9WL RM ER. BY µ CYpplOgt Sm31. INpMIMT. C®NNGIpR 51N. . NE CmSX EI1Wh➢i. BnORE fAYYWRIc MgIX IXl RE WARD N0 WST1gTn ]NK sKRYi or nE NO NE CObRIY gmOwFS i0R ®5 iIA1C+F PSV.SIBN) sWLL W IEi WXST0.xlTON KTh1RC. NWE INO eOxBCE wfPwTON ERR Tff SOiS imTxp IAB. T4 RµOMmM RWt COPr TZ CmIM CN N]=B]=RSIWB WAA15. IfRWOBIB NUG1MNf. PflCGfg6 NIB 506 CRRSIIY 161R E. FBR TS FlwRLL LL OBKS• MRY pm RS TM .BALL MBS mB2 COxpRW3 4R IXGYYRN RY�ILY. MB RRS dUWJiC3. NRffi Mplm gH[M.EE RRISE, IP. TR 9p6 M NI SOL QLW TNP MIDEA TWI EWR FEET SML. OE w IA'MpW3[ YDM .YRIFIMRE Bsw 1 RE WR Ni ro OLl flN6. PM' WME NmBll&S, Tg EVCIMm wr PRC.IOE fl➢PE DECWumN.AXG r REW6Im. nnN. RESER BEOFP 11K 0@BED md1ffiA 9WL BC $IXO.T lHF P®BI®OMY OE ENE PB60I1(S) IB. CO. BWt WYPT Mml /L. pbEIPNgWt SVEIY Np NV1N ABIBMORNMVN (05NN SFAVWROS F00. a]ALL PIP M WRID K P(WE JBCEMO/mp $PW(MLYB. E RFFOELw F. BJRN6 COM1)NCIIWI. A LONpRBX MmN m NOE WMm BY 11psE WINFIRRSAFER.E ERAAM "BRONIpWAfR6UMMUMDimIWMYENEWmbNFW.RL4. ffi Y MC W1FRPmE LIW. ml ISICBII£I I1D0m ENRVLCBBiEB YB. MTSILEED FIRINWCS ]B. NL PiPC N0 f01tlR5 9WL 8E W ALCCRWIR Yflll TS NPC NL mCIL 1986 NL JOBIm N10 WV ARE . ... wY W NffFEIM m NIBEVE T¢ al. ]xE RBIIBY CF NL IXUVAIW6 (ERR TµXSf 9WL pE IEt9. X1M NB OFp11f61M1$ ERFRm 1WN I/a BKI83 W BFPIII. COBILNIpS PYRE BE CN KPPCWMVI m RIX IMP YPRNK4IXi10E BFS'N m�M SIYL. CW#OIIY ro CgCIIV µO Cr P)NMMIM. u PIALE LILVI S/a-B4x BRAYR. K RUSM.' m MNN A svMli NN REYEL Qt m mTOµ PIWR ]O ]B. PrpE Qy0[ yWy B[ K PWbI Ox INC PWm BBI N Np Gffi IFS nVN ].p POKQR (bMYW) FOB IM1Pm WAIFA M6 N9 ]x MBYYUI ERR LMRrc FILM PP6 FIFO, LONIMCIIR 9Wt eE #IDOImBRC FOR RRWNIC N10 ROn]EfABA Ntt WE F BARD pl/Si0 mBpIIB wRAN. R 5 TI[ m111M1YMIm fl�ONBm1A' m LLVNWN A WY! ECEWAMNL IkYI.tIW VG R. PWm W 191:-F /KAi K W xaM1E w1BN1 PB&WB MPRMK m TIE 06xW L m. mrmnnn®N nRE ,ROB Am ReEiO1LNt TERM m aScwN. A'R M. OE plWt BE WILIER W TIC ROSE OR WONt NW W IKE B0. ORMICIl BmOSR 01 WL BE Or 1WTlWL A,MORED BY ERE CARRIER. FIRE Em Ix RN]C MEA.' BxPW nm wrx NRO ®. -.- ma cMnw _ ..... .... - PALL cmapnu m ARM c-u ERE m. knr ro uucomvx A ummuca anE usv¢npN PMarz Tv caMnwrnoN. IME OPAI ro LMANO WRR NR B@III 4 BOSSISM IAWIT M AW ]]. nx91 WM4N 0W10E u19mRNyY M !LL MGC p6N1Cm m NIOIIRA^113Y /GIbRP. Ax0 K FVIm aN 5,. NL vRE nnnons W xwl-ERNAC NIGB 4BML vE mARRARo m A uxmW pE vsx of MIa srumum m0."IN MOBS. pM OFNEM (MEN B Bw). 1PW W MES NMELF m wlKi£ TGfFY 9 WL K rt w1EPWS rLL C5R ro G INCypm RE TEE 'qq( AVB Brt nt PG.m, COLL.W1m M PA SEMBOR. PBOOWR umWw Oft pPirylry. ]t nI01FLTMx: 1..WO TRNN NYA OWL BE PRORLIm M . B.... MOO Gp14NIKIRN TWTC ss NL Arcx covLREIE runs AW B+4N: PINE ce wAEmIbM Nm wx u ro x-IxN pBUEM AN05 Pours K 1101m MTff IWA JM. bANMBE I6r9 g5B6 MM G4( &Ox AKI E FOR AM mONm S B NYPMC N AXB rNIE4 wS F W nwrc NNV. IOEGS um ups lerr BE MTm FM AMno Is-zB mime mws uRO of RACTFM. P.e WSB6 Mq PBmMSY WE ME 4RBAE fp11ERFTWAC INAS 3E. NL Nm LWKR2'IE iH03 SIWL LP9B60 ]ClD ImNK. ERR KVEII IR111NfE Mm INR/MIEi PP6 Yb W, J 0 J Q IL fje O 0 Z J U ~ > H j Z J 0 7 F U 0 7 J J < 0 W aW M1R]OUEr2 iav6 0: BummcAlip.Y TSM1W. ME 2mPYiBIE s MPRaSD. W xmrK. Cr ENE OFSpA XB: B1017 ENOIES. POOR. REMORSE /NY ROIWC ]a NL R606 sl Wt IXILIU m uw ,• AptE Ne rWYJYD DUCE AMFML DAME 04/1 T. ALL bD6 k fM11' MOTAUD W ISR-1RNiIE PREY SRWL RE WC-NCC ROM➢ RS fffiR6 W/Sp1[W GRIENm IIDGCVA IMS. x MOFO 1. BOB" A FROBBOW MD. MR EMI W AS WgEVm. R6]Nt MEIZ m RR MPMPRUIE IN& E M SHEET w. T,s LBvnna arsln sxaMl N NE PINS ME vaRDOE Au mx1mE PN9.n AG.r m:nM]m. P]Nwc wm. CARS CB xeoN. w. BROMINE. E FwwD, Nm RCOUSIXNLm. B1xce R1WCO5 RmApE mxourt vaxm X aRxr. nB mwIfCMN ro cB1ImoE PNiB. NL ¢Icmmu NlWmwla 4NRL RE PBCOM1m m A ICMMm 61CINLWI. W PMIU ANF�nBBEPfi£EOf TIRE BEEM, Olx� 1mTm N0 EIICRA m of M1&Lr G BIAIRVW, uN MIfl0.ID