HomeMy WebLinkAbout2900 Taylor Creek Rd - 238730400001 - IS-2543-06INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION Telephone: (970) 328-8755 P.O. Box 179 - 500 Broadway, Eagle, CO 81631 COPY OF PERMIT MUST BE POSTED AT INSTALLATION SITE. PERMIT#2543-06 BUILDING PERMIT#17711 OWNER:PURE HORSEPLAY LLC C/O MILLARD ZIMET PHONE:970-925-9009 MAILING ADDRESS:604 W. MAIN ST., ASPEN, CO 81611 APPLICANT:TIM MYERS PHONE:970-927-1161 SYSTEM LOCATION:2900 TAYLOR CREEK RD.TAX PARCEL NO.2387-304-00-001 LICENSED INSTALLER:ASPEN EARTHMOVING LICENSE NO. 10-06 PHONE:970-963-0377 DESIGN ENGINEER:SOPRIS ENGINEERING PHONE: 970-704-0311 SYSTEM SIZED TO ACCOMODATE A 4 BEDROOM RESIDENCE: INSTALLATION GRANTED FOR THE FOLLOWING:1500 GALLON 2 COMPARTMENT PRE CAST CONCRETE TANK,1500 SQUARE FEET OF ABSORPTION AREA CREDIT VIA 75 Q-4 INFILTRATORS      SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: DO NOT INSTALL IN WET WEATHER. INSTALL EXACTLY AS PER ENGINEER DESIGN SIGNED STAMPED & DATED 07/12/06. RAKE BOTTOM OF THE TRENCHES BEFORE INSTALLATION OF INFILTRATORS AND SIDEWALLS OF TRENCHES BEFORE COVERING THE SYSTEM. CALL EAGLE COUNTY AND SOPRIS ENGINEERING FOR FINAL INSPECTION PRIOR TO BACK FILLING ANY PORTION OF THE INSTALLATION OR WITH ANY QUESTIONS. THE CO AND TCO WILL NOT BE ISSUED UNTIL THE SEPTIC SYSTEM HAS BEEN INSPECTED AND APPROVED. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL:     Victor Crocco DATE:07/25/2006 CONDITIONS: 1. ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN 25-10-104, 1973, AS AMENDED. 2. THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR CONNECTION TO STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS. CONNECTION TO, OR USE WITH ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT, AND WILL RESULT IN BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT. 3. CHAPTER IV, SECTION 4.03.29 REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED. FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM (TO BE COMPLETED BY INSPECTOR): NO SYSTEM SHALL BE DEEMED TO BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS UNTIL THE SYSTEM IS APPROVED PRIOR TO COVERING ANY PORTION OF THE SYSTEM. INSTALLED ABSORPTION OR DISPERSAL AREA:1500 SQUARE FEET ( VIA 75 Q-4 INFILTRATORS ) INSTALLED 1500 GALLON SEPTIC TANK LOCATED 280 DEGREES AND 6 FEET 0 INCHES FROM FIRST CLEANOUT FROM HOUSE      COMMENTS:      ANY ITEM NOT MEETING REQUIREMENTS WILL BE CORRECTED BEFORE FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM IS MADE. ARRANGE A RE-INSPECTION WHEN WORK IS COMPLETED. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL:     DATE:      Department of Environmental Health Eagle (970) 328-8755 Fax: (970) 328-8788 El Jebel (970) 704-2700 TOLL FREE: 800-225-6136 EAGLE COUNTY P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631 www.eaglecounty.us APPLICATION FOR INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT ISDS Permit # o(5q3-0� Building Permit # INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED (SITE PLAN MUST BE INCLUDED) FEE SCHEDUL - APPLICATION FE $350tst, This fee includes the ISDS Permit, Site Evaluation (Pert ` or Soil Profile Observation) and Final Inspection. Additional fees may be charged if a re -inspection is necessary, or a pre -construction site visit or consultation is needed. The re -inspection fee is $55.00. The pre -construction site visit fee is $85.00. Make all remittance payable to: Eagle County Treasurer. Property Owner: X;Fe #*esisplgy 444 Phone: Mailing Address: 604 t,f, /n9/,/ Sr 4%pa✓ -/ CO gge6// Applicant/Contact Person: 71-M #WVCXZ Licensed Systems Contractor:�s� Company/DBA: $'iJg/ Mailing Address: ;P.O. 3,)?c COfO Phone: I7b- IX7-//4/ License # Phone: �7p .q43 , 0377 Permit Application is for: New Installation F- Alteration F- Repair Location of Proposed Individual Sewage Disposal System: Legal Description: 'j _2F ,q'1-44Y-.mo Tax Parcel Number: 22>$1 3Og 6000 Lot Size: 72. 02 Assessor's Link: www.eacilecounty.us/patie/ Physical Address: 2,5po ]yV,�.4 e1Zt=e e-i*� Building Type: Pk Residentia[/Single Family Number of Bedrooms: F- Residential/Multi Family Number of Bedrooms: r Commercial/Industrial* Type of Use: *These systems require design by a Registered Professional Engineer Type of Water Supply: �rivate Well F- Spring F- Surface r Public If Public Name of Supplier : Applicant Signature : Office Use Only Amount Paid: Receipt#: Check#: Date: July 25, 2006 Aspen Earthmoving P.O. Box 1090 Carbondale, CO 81623 RE:Issuance of Individual Sewage Disposal System (ISDS) Permit #2543-06. Tax Parcel 2387-304-00-001, Property Location: 2900 Taylor Creek Rd. Dear Mr. Lizotte, Please find enclosed ISDS permit,number 2543-06 to conduct the construction exactly as stated on the engineer design stamped,signed,and dated July 12,2006.It remains valid for 120 days or for the duration of a current building permit.The enclosed copy of the permit must be posted at the installation site.Any changes in plans or specifications must be pre-approved by this department.If you are receiving this permit and have not been contracted to perform the installation, please contact us immediately. Also enclosed is a final inspection completeness check list to assist you in making sure all of the detailed points of an inspection have been properly addressed before calling for your final inspection.It is important to pay close attention to the special conditions which may have been included to address site specific issues.All components of the system must be exposed for our inspection.Projects that require multiple inspections will be assessed a re-inspection fee of $55.00 payable before or at the time of inspection.It is extremely important to remember to rake all infiltrative surfaces and avoid installing systems in wet or frozen ground. In addition to avoiding installations during unfavorable site conditions,please be advised of our annual time frame for ISDS installations,unless otherwise specifically approved by this department.Permits issued on or before November 15 must be installed prior to December 1.Spring field activities typically resume around mid March.If unfavorable conditions prevail between the installation and the final inspection special precautions must be taken to protect the drain field area from the elements. Please keep this office informed regarding the progress of your installation so we can provide responsive customer service when scheduling your final inspection.The Temporary Occupancy Permit (TCO)associated with the building permit cannot be issued without the septic system being finally inspected.Systems designed by a registered professional engineer must be inspected and certified by the design engineer as well as Eagle County Environmental Health. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at (970) 328-8755. Sincerely, Terri Vroman, Administrative Technician IV cc:electronic permit folder electronic chronological file hard copy permit file Sopris Engineering Enclosures:ISDS Permit # 2543-06 Final Inspection Completeness Checklist Engineer design February 16, 2007 Pure Horseplay 604 W. Main St. Aspen, CO 81611 RE:Final approval of Individual Sewage Disposal System ISDS Permit #:2543-06; Tax parcel #:238730400001; Property location: 2900 Taylor Creek Rd. Dear Mr. Myers, This letter is to inform you that the above-referenced ISDS Permit has been inspected and finalized.Your septic system has been sized to accommodate 4 bedrooms.Enclosed is a copy to retain for your records along with a brochure regarding the care of your septic system.Additional information about the maintenance of your septic system as well as information about private wells can be accessed through web site links provided on the Environmental Health Department’s home page at http://www.eaglecounty.us/envHealth/ Be aware that changes in the use of your property or alterations of your building may require commensurate changes to,or relocation of,your septic system.Landscape features,trees with tap roots,irrigation systems and parking areas above the drain field can cause premature system failure.It is equally important that you notice and immediately repair dripping faucets and hissing toilets as this will certainly cause the system to fail.By following a few simple guidelines,like avoiding grease or other additives down the drain and making sure your septic tank is on a pumping schedule, your system has been designed to last for many years. If you have any questions regarding this information, please contact us at (970) 328-8755. Sincerely, Terri Vroman Administrative Technician IV cc:ISDS permit folder Eagle County Building Department Chrono efile Encl:Final ISDS Permit Informative materials DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH (970)328-8755 FAX: (970) 328-8788 TOLL FREE: 800-225-6136 www.eaglecounty.us EAGLE COUNTY February 16, 2007 Pure Horseplay 604 W. Main St. Aspen, CO 81611 RAYMOND P. MERRY, REHS Director RE: Final approval of Individual Sewage Disposal System ISDS Permit #:2543-06; Tax parcel #:238730400001; Property location: 2900 Taylor Creek Rd. Dear Mr. Myers, This letter is to inform you that the above -referenced ISDS Permit has been inspected and finalized. Your septic system has been sized to accommodate 4 bedrooms. Enclosed is a copy to retain for your records along with a brochure regarding the care of your septic system. Additional information about the maintenance of your septic system as well as information about private wells can be accessed through web site links provided on the Environmental Health Department's home page at htlp://www.eaglecoqllty.us/envHealth/ Be aware that changes in the use of your property or alterations of your building may require commensurate changes to, or relocation of, your septic system. Landscape features, trees with tap roots, irrigation systems and parking areas above the drain field can cause premature system failure. It is equally important that you notice and immediately repair dripping faucets and hissing toilets as this will certainly cause the system to fail. By following a few simple guidelines, like avoiding grease or other additives down the drain and making sure your septic tank is on a pumping schedule, your system has been designed to last for many years. If you have any questions regarding this information, please contact us at (970) 328-8755. Sincerely, Terri Vroman Administrative Technician IV cc: ISDS permit folder Eagle County Building Department Chrono efile Encl: Final ISDS Permit Informative materials 500 Broadway, P.O. Box 179, Eagle, Colorado 81631-0179 January 26, 2007 Victor D. Crocco Eagle County Environmental Health Department P. O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle CO 81631-0179 Jim Gohery Harriman Construction 280 Cody Lane Basalt, CO 81621 RECEIVED JAN 3' 2007 ENVIRONMENTAL F!EALTH DEPARTMENT RE: AS -BUILT On -site Wastewater System 4, Ranch Parcel Facility, Ranch Hand Bunkhouse, on the Peace Ranch, Eagle County Colorado Sopris Engineering, LLC Job No. 24055.01 Eagle County Permit Nos. Dear Gentleman: Pursuant to Eagle County regulations, this letter and attached drawings provide documentation that the new On -site Wastewater Systems (OWS Systems 4) recently installed is in general compliance with the permitted design. Sopris Engineering has performed site visits to inspect and document the as built conditions of the constructed OWS. The as -built size and configuration of the completed system components were installed in accordance with the design plan drawings. The OWS components have been installed, utilizing specified materials, in accordance with Eagle County Regulations, the design presented in the Sopris Engineering Report and the design drawing, dated July 7, 2006, and revised July 7, 2006. The Parcel improvements associated with OWS-4 include the construction of a 4-bedroom residential structure. As -Built Conditions System-4 System-4 handles the effluent from the 4-bedroom ranch hand bunkhouse and includes a 1500-gallon septic tank and a serial distribution trench absorption system located on gently sloping terrain down gradient from the residential structure. The system meets required setbacks and is installed as indicated on the plan. A double compartment, 1500-gallon concrete septic tank system has been installed with an inlet sanitary tee and an effluent filter in the outlet sanitary tee. The gravity sewer line was installed at a 2% slope from the buildings to the tank. The tank is accessible for maintenance within the landscape area adjacent to the structure off the parking area. Effluent discharges to a new 750 square foot soil absorption trench system configured for serial distribution. Three trenches were installed level and each has an inspection port on the serial end of each trench. The bottom elevation of each trench has an average depth of 2.5 to 3 feet to the infiltrative surface below the finished grade. Adjacent trenches have a minimum horizontal separation 502 Main Street • Suite A3 • Carbondale, CO 81623 • (970) 704-031 1 • Fax (970) 704-0313 SopRis ENGINEERING • LLC civi I consultants Victor Crocco & Jim Gohery SE Job No. 24055.01 January 26, 2007 Page 2 of 7 feet. The total as -built trench absorption area is 750 SF; utilizing 75 Quick-4 Infiltrator leaching chambers installed in-3 serial trenches 100' long. The gravity sewer line was installed at a 2% slope from the buildings to the tank. The tank is accessible for maintenance within the landscape area adjacent to the structure off the parking area. The exposed soils after grubbing were suitable and consistent across the field. The chambers were backfilled with excavated material. A minimum of 12 to 24 inches of backfill was placed over the chambers to the finish sloped grades that have been shaped to provide drainage away from the trenches. Appropriate grading around the down gradient side of the field was completed with approximate side slopes at 3:1 to daylight. Additional observations of the soils within the field were performed during construction indicating that the soils are consistent with the descriptions in the geotechnical report. The as -built locations are delineated on the attached plans. ISDS Operation and Maintenance The systems shall be inspected on a regular basis and be properly maintained. The systems and responsibility for repair and maintenance of the systems will remain with the Owner. The onsite systems should require minimal maintenance. Several factors influencing the need for maintenance include: actual wastewater flows versus design flows, the volume of kitchen/domestic waste (excluding human waste and toilet paper), excessive household chemicals, harsh detergents (Tide Ultra, Oxy Clean) and other toxic liquids. The tanks, absorption fields and effluent filters and pump assemblies should be visually inspected bi-annually for debris, wear, damage, leaks, or other potential problems. In general, for a properly utilized system, septic tanks should be pumped and inspected every 3 - 6 years. The effluent filters should be cleaned every six months and at the time of pumping. Absorption fields should be maintained with suitable cover and kept free of root invasive plants. Positive surface drainage away from the absorption fields should be maintained. We recommend that SE conduct a follow up inspection and performance check next spring to insure the components are operating and functioning as designed in accordance with the design specifications. If you have any question or need any additional information, please call. Sincerely, SOPRIS ENGINEERING, LLC Paul E. Rutledge Design E ineer Projectifiieer ISDS Permit # L S c ,S Inspector Date /0 ISDS Final Inspection Completeness Form Tank is ), 100 gallons. Tank material Tank (1) is located ft. and L degrees from r 5 P� � _ ( l (e r �� Jr V J Lf Imo. 0 (! Tank (2) is located ft. and -----degrees, from Tank set level. Tank lids within 8" of finished grade. Size of field 7 S � ft2 7 units 3 0 0 lineal ft. Technology L t ; -, �, 1 Vt cVa r ✓ Cleanout is installed in between tank and house and one every 100ft? "T" that goes down 14 inches in the inlet and outlet of the tank. Effluent filter on outlet- a or No Inlet and outlet is sealed with tar tape,rubh CxZaskvt, etc. \./ Tank has two compartments with the larger compartment closest to the house. Measure distance and relative direction to field. Depth of field ft. l,; ; S ' S v Soil interface raked. Inspection portals within each trench. ✓Proper distance to setbacks. ✓Chambers properly installed as per manufacturers specifications. P (Chambers latched, end plates properly installed, rocks removed from trenches, etc.) -✓ Splash plate(s) installed at trench inlets. Type of pipe used for building sewer lines 0 2 3 leach field ' t = , l 1 r e 4%-) c Other Inspection meets requirements. s S R � r S r(' 3 i Copy form to installer's file if recom ndAo s4or im rovemen� were P suggested. ACTION TAKEN: Setbacks: Well Potable House Property Lake Dry Tank Drain Field Water Lines line Stream Gulch Field 100 25 20 10 50 25 10 Tank 50 10 S 1n �� ,„ ta i'scls 2543-06 Pure Horsepiay I 2.900 Taylor Creek, Ba-salt'. field is 63' avid 7--.deg off of North,from end of tank 2 jQ Vol 4_x T7 art of field 10_,i24-06 final iS4 2543-06 Purejlorseplay 290'0 Tayreek, basalt cleanout > nk is 6' and 280 deg off of North�frorn cleanout- bob. July 11, 2006 Tim Maytr Harriman Construction 280 Cody Lane Basalt, CO 81621 RE: Ranch Hand Bunk House, Proposed On -site Wastewater System No. 4, for the Peace Ranch, Eagle County Colorado Sopris Engineering, LLC Job No. 24055.01 Dear Tim: Pursuant to your request, this letter/report presents our findings in regard to the feasibility and design for an engineered Onsite Wastewater System (OWS) at the above referenced Site. This design is based on our evaluation of the site conditions with information provided by you for use in supporting your application to Eagle County. Our recommendations are in accordance with Eagle County and the State of Colorado ISDS Regulations. Eagle County must permit any proposed improvement to the site. We have reviewed the information forwarded to us, conducted a site visit, formulated an OWS design and created a site plan with construction details as part of our scope of work. conchisinnc Based on our findings we believe that the design and installation of an approved OWS is feasible in accordance with the Regulations of Eagle County and the State of Colorado. We recommend that a new 1500 gallon septic tank be installed that will discharge effluent to a 750 square foot soil absorption trench system. The soil absorption system can be installed in natural soils and will be located within the general area down gradient of the proposed house, as delineated on the attached plan. The system meets all required setbacks and will be installed within the general boundaries indicated on the plan. Our design is outlined below and delineated on the attached site plan. Site Location The subject site is located in the vicinity of East Taylor Creek, approximately 3.5 miles North of the Frying Pan River on Forest Service Road 510, in Eagle County, Colorado. The site is situated in Section 30, T 7 S, R 85 W of the 6t" P.M. The Site comprises approximately 72 acres. The site is bounded on the south, east and west by adjacent parcel of the Peace Ranch and Forest Service property. Existing Site Conditions The site is located on undeveloped, mountainous range and pasture land. The site has a moderate slopes (15%-35%) toward the southwest toward the main fork of Taylor Creek. The existing ground surface in the proposed absorption field area has an approximate slope of 20%. The site is covered with native grasses, weeds and Aspen trees. Domestic water will be supplied by a domestic well and water system onsite. There are no wells within 100 feet of the general vicinity of the proposed absorption field. 502 Main Street • Suite A3 • Carbondale, CO 81623 • (970) 704-031 1 • Fax (970) 704-0313 Aeft MM So�rmb'm ENGINEERING' e L L U civil consultants Tim Meyers SE Job No. 24055.01 July 11, 2006 Page 2 Proposed Site Conditions It is our understanding that you intend to construct a 4-bedroom bunk house. The maximum number of rooms to be utilized as bedrooms in the future is 4. Therefore the system is designed to handle the flow from a 4-bedroom house. The proposed improvements will include a new OWS, bunk house and driveway with appropriate site grading. The new structure is to be generally located as shown on the plan. Subsurface Conditions A subsurface investigation and percolation test was conducted on May 25, 2006 by Hepworth-Pawlak Geotechnical, Inc (HP). The results are attached in the HP report dated July 6, 2006, Job Number 104 354. The subsoil encountered at the site consists of 2 '/2 to 3 '/2 feet of topsoil overlying sandy, silty clay with gravel and cobbles to a depth of 9 feet. Groundwater was not encountered in the profile test boring. Percolation testing utilized three test holes, which yielded similar absorption rates. The fastest measured rate was 20 minutes per inch and the slowest measured rate was 30 minutes per inch. The average percolation rate is 27 minutes per inch and should be suitable for a conventional absorption system. An additional profile hole may need to be excavated for visual inspection by the Eagle County Environmental Health Specialist and the Engineer prior to installation of the absorption field. The evaluations and inspections may result in modifications to the design that may include field size revisions and possible soil replacement in select areas if needed. Sufficient notice to Eagle County and the Engineer by the owner/contractor needs to be made in order to schedule the site visit. Design Criteria The absorption field is designed based on utilizing the suitable native soil for treatment in trenches. Based on the reported percolation rate and observations of the percolation holes and review of the geotechnical information we have designed a system that will treat the calculated quantity of effluent with native soils utilizing the Long Term Acceptance Rate (LTAR) for the native soils. The treated effluent will then be absorbed into the natural soils across the bottom area and a portion of the sidewall areas of the trench excavation. . The LTAR is based on the interpolation of absorption rates corresponding to the average percolation rate. The wastewater application rates are from Table 7-2, EPA Design Manual, Onsite Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Systems. The absorption field is designed based on utilizing the suitable native soil for treatment in trenches. However if some areas in the proposed trenches need soil replacement to mitigate the presence of concentrated cobbles and or boulders, we recommend the placement of suitable soil or concrete sand, as needed, to a level grade with the rest of the trench. Tim Meyers SE Job No. 24055.01 July 11, 2006 Page 3 Desian Flow Proposed residence is a 4-bedroom house. The design flow is calculated as follows: Residence unit - 4 bedrooms @ 2 person /bedroom = 8 person From the Eagle County I. S. D. S. Regulation; Max. Design flow (Qd) = # of people x 1.5(avg. flow) gal/person/day. Gallons per day for the subject house = 75 gal/person/day Qd= 8*75*1.5 =900 Qa� 1/day Septic Tank Design Residence Q = 8*75*1.5 =900 Volume (V) of tank = Design Flow * 1.25 (30 hour retention time) V = 900 gal/day * 1.25 = 1125 Use one 1500-gallon septic tank Soil Absorption System Desian The percolation test indicated the slowest percolation rate of 30 minutes per inch and an average rate of 27 minutes per inch. Therefore this range is used to estimate a loading rate for the soil and size the absorption area required for treatment utilizing native soils. A = Absorption Area Long Term Acceptance Rate method (LTAR): LTAR loading rate for soil with perc rate between 16 and 30 min/inch = 0.6 gal/S.F./day A=Q/LTAR = 900/0.60 = 1500 sq. ft. We recommend using a gravelless leaching chamber absorption trench system. The county allows up to a 50% adjustment in absorption area if gravelless leaching chambers are used in suitable soils. The equivalent Absorption area per the Infiltrator Quick-4 leaching chamber unit is 10 S.F. Apply a 50% reduction for utilizing gravelless infiltration chambers in a trench configuration. A = 1500 sq. ft. x 0.50 = 750 sq. ft. (Apply a 50% reduction) Assume 10 square feet per chamber: 750 sq.ft. = 75 chambers Use 75 chambers 10 sq.ft/chamber Tim Meyers SE Job No. 24055.01 July 11, 2006 Page 4 We recommend using a trench system composed of 3 trenches up to 100 feet long and 3 foot wide, containing 25, Infiltrator Quick-4 chamber units in 3 serial trenches respectively. Excavate absorption trenches to accommodate a minimum 750 S.F. of interior surface area. Pursuant to previous discussions with Eagle County Environmental Health, serial distribution is recommended. Distribution An effluent filter shall be installed on the outlet of the secondary chamber in the septic tank. The filter should be inspected every six months. Maintenance shall include cleaning the filter as needed and after periodic pumping of the tank. We recommend that the trenches be connected with the inlet pipe coming into the inlet port of the first serial trench chamber. The effluent flow will run the length of the first trench discharge through the outlet pipe connected to the end chamber. The outlet pipe will run across the minimum 6' separation distance to the second serial trench and connect to the inlet port of the first chamber. The flow will run the length of the second trench and connect the same way to the first chamber in the third trench. Each trench will be constructed level with successive trenches installed at a lower elevation than the preceding trench to accommodate drainage in the distribution pipes and surface grades. Each trench shall be constructed not to exceed a maximum depth of 3 feet. The method allows for the sloped terrain, provides increased longevity of the system and allows for maintenance and/or partial reconstruction if needed. An inspection port should be installed on the top cut out port on the serial end chamber in each trench. This will allow for checking the performance of the system over time. The gravity sewer line from the house to the tank shall be SDR-35 PVC or schedule 40 PVC pipe bedded and backfilled with class 6 aggregate base material. The minimum bedding depth shall be 4" below the pipe with a minimum bedding width of 12" in the trench. The backfill shall be placed to a minimum 4" above the top of the pipe across a minimum 12" width. All SDR-35 PVC or schedule 40 PVC Pipe installed under landscaped areas shall be bedded in accordance with the above bedding specifications. SDR-26 PVC pipe may be installed in landscaped areas over suitable soil and backfilled with material free of rocks in excess of 3" diameter and/or partially bedded and backfilled with class 6 aggregate base course as needed. All other specifications in the design plan and report shall be followed. Contractor should review any conditions on the issued permit and coordinate with the engineer regarding construction of the system. Tim Meyers SE Job No. 24055.01 July 11, 2006 Page 5 ISDS Operation and Maintenance The system shall be inspected on a regular basis and be properly maintained. The system and responsibility for repair and maintenance of the system will remain with the Lot Owner. The onsite system should require minimal maintenance. Several factors influencing the need for maintenance include: actual wastewater flows versus design flows, the volume of kitchen/domestic waste (excluding human waste and toilet paper), excessive household chemicals, strong laundary detergents and other toxic liquids. The tank, absorption field and effluent filter should be visually inspected bi-annually for debris, wear, damage, leaks, or other potential problems. In general, for a properly utilized system, septic tanks should be pumped and inspected every 4 - 8 years. The effluent filters should be cleaned every six months and at the time of pumping. Absorption fields should be maintained with suitable cover and kept free of root invasive plants. Positive surface drainage away from the absorption field should be maintained. Construction and Inspections Prior to construction of the permitted system the engineer should be contacted by the contractor and owner well in advance to provide adequate time to discuss the system components with the contractor, answer questions, resolve any conflict issues and schedule inspection site visits based on construction progress. County Regulations require that the Design Engineers of record perform site inspections of the permitted system during construction and provide "As -Built" documentation of the installed system to the County after construction is complete. The Regulations further require site inspections and approval by the County Environmental Health Department of the exposed components of the system prior to backfilling. Therefore the County Environmental Health Department should also be contacted and notified of the construction schedule. General Notes 1) All materials and installation practices shall conform to the Eagle County Individual Sewage Disposal Regulation. 2) All sewer lines and distribution lines in the system shall be 4" Schedule 40 or SDR-35 PVC unless specified otherwise on the plans. 3) Add a two-way clean out on the service line from the proposed house. 4) The system shall be plumbed to distribution effluent into the trenches with serial distribution. 5) The contractor shall ensure that the concrete septic tank and sewer lines are watertight. 6) The trench area must be protected to prevent damage from vehicular or livestock traffic and must be crowned to divert drainage runoff away from the trenches to minimize surface infiltration. 7) The infiltration chambers shall be installed level in each trench. A splash plate shall be installed on the trench bottom surface below the inlet in each serial trench to prevent scouring from the effluent or an appropriate chamber end plate may be used to prevent scouring from the effluent. The top of the backfill over the chambers shall be covered with filter fabric or other suitable pervious material to prevent the migration of fines from the overlying topsoil layer. I Tim Meyers SE Job No. 24055.01 July 11, 2006 Page 6 8) The trenches must have a minimum cover of 12 inches. A final cover of topsoil suitable for vegetation, a minimum 4" deep, shall be placed from the top of the pervious cover layer to the finished surface grade. 9) The absorption trenches must be sodded or covered with vegetative ground cover. Our design and recommendations are based upon data supplied to us by others. If subsurface or site conditions are found to be different from those presented in this report, we should be notified to evaluate the effect it may have on the proposed ISDS. If the County Environmental Health Department requests changes or modifications to this design, we should be contacted to evaluate the effect on the ISDS. If you have any question or need any additional information, please call. Sincerely, SOPRIS ENGINEERING, LLC Paul E. Rutledge Z 0 W 0 E a� CJ .� X v \ 1 in � 3 Q` b` v L ail O y z. t11 w{ C p L a �' of z o� � w { � OC a L a V ti v 0-0 1 IA Qi A � 2 rJ Uj v' 3 cn t 0 Q �-t p S z_ 10-24-06 final isds 2543-06 Pure Horseplay 1 r-� 2900 Taylor Creek Rd, Basalt 1(y, t A Nt:� a 4f yM �: s GRAPHIC SCALE \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ so ( IN FEET) i inch = 20 ft. \ PT \ \ \ \ \ \ CLEANGUTS \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ SEWAGE LINE \ \ \ \0� \ \ \ \ \ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \ INSTAL ED�50b GAL. 2—Ct1MDARTM�IV� \ PT 2 CON RE PTIC TANK, W/ EFF`LUE O \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ (.TEI�. SE S VVb�/ LIDS AT\SURFAC& \ 0 -7� \ \ \ \\ \�W PVC �FFLIQENT L1N� 2 - \ \ \ INSPECTION �qRi\(T�P.) \ \ \ ` \ \ 10.34 f3EQR60M \ \ \ \ \ \ \ INC TYR, \ \ \ \ \ \ BUNK HOU�`E\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 4 SERIAL Lis �70N L ( ) \ y F. , \ \ \ \ \ F. EL-8261.25E \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ `7.0'; \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 7 T1 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ QUICK- 4� END, CAR\ (�R• \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ �IVST�►LL LZ �5\Q%JI K �4 WFILTRA TOR H HERS �\ `O . A\TOT, L �OF 7�5Q S --OF \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ i I� IL A l SURF�ACE�ARE`A IS T'RO QED. LOCATtO�l \ \ \ --,"100 � \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ OF TRENCHES MEET`COUN "_ �TBACK REQUIIPE-MENTS. \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ THE SYSTEM I S PLU�OBBW F R GR 1 VI�`Y\SE'RI 1 L \ \ \ \ DIS�' IBUTI0�1. T CHAMBERS 114 E�fi H TRENCFt ARE \ \ \ i23 \ \ RADE. THE OTT0W ELEVA770N \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ �DRI VEWA�Y/PARKING\A\REA \ \ v \ J\ INSI�ALLED �►T LEVE4 G \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ENCH VARIES TH AN A o ERA'GE DEPT�1 \ \ \ \ � \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ � \ OF EACH THE B TT011�SURIFACt BELOW\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ OF �30-36 NCHES Q \ TH FINISH D GRADE \ ENS INEER INI SPECTEDI NEW Pf OFILE P►i AT TIME OF \ CONST RUCTI bN TO CONFIRM 14EPORTEDI SOIL CONDITIONS. I \ LA�6UT OF PROPOSE TRENCHES ANDI SOIL CQNDITIONS I WERE APPROVED BY E ENGINEER PRIOR TO INSTALLATIO1 OF CH MBERS. I ) I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I I I I I I \ I \ \ \ I I bSE�D iVUELL LOCATION\ I N I I I / CqOy I 6+56 i )J 00 F OWS SYSTEM NOTES TESTING, INSPECTIONS AND CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT 1, ALL MATERIALS AND INSTALLATION SHALL CONFORM TO STATE AND ADDITIONAL OBSERVATRIONS, EVALUATIONS AND INSPECTIONS BY THE ENGINEER COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM (ISDS) REGULATIONS. 1. MAY BE PERFORMED DURING INITIAL STAGES OF CONSTRUCTION TO VERIFY EXISTING CONDITIONS ASSOCIATED WITH THE OWS DESIGN. A PROFILE HOLE MAY 2. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO CONTACT ALL NEED TO BE EXCAVATED FOR VISUAL INSPECTION BY THE ENGINEER AND THE UTILITY COMPANIES FOR FIELD LOCATIONS OF UTILITIES PRIOR TO EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SPECIALIST PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION OF CONSTRUCTION AND EXCAVATION. THE ABSORPTION TRENCHES. 3, ALL GRAVITY SEWER LINES TO BE SDR-35, SDR-26 OR SCHEDULE 40 P.V.C. 2. THE EVALUATIONS AND INSPECTIONS MAY RESULT IN MODIFICATIONS TO THE PIPE. INSTALLED ON A 2% GRADE. LINES MAY BE STEPPED DOWN BETWEEN 2% DESIGN THAT MAY INCLUDE FIELD SIZE REVISIONS AND POSSIBLE SOIL RUNS TO SEPTIC TANK. SEE PLAN FOR ADDITIONAL SPECIFICATIONS. REPLACEMENT IN SELECT AREAS IF NEEDED. SUFFICIENT NOTICE TO THE ENGINEER BY THE PROJECT MANAGER/CONTRACTOR NEEDS TO BE MADE IN 4, GRAVITY LINES TO BE BEDDED IN ROAD BASE OVER COMPACTED TRENCHES AND ORDER TO SCHEDULE THE SITE INSPECTIONS. BACKFILLED WITH A MINIMUM OF 6" SUITABLE ON SITE MATERIAL OR ROADBASE. MINIMUM DEPTH OF BURY OF ALL SEWER LINES SERVICE LINES IS 2'. 3. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION OF THE PERMITTED SYSTEM THE ENGINEER SHOULD BE CONTACTED BY THE PROJECT MANAGER/CONTRACTOR WELL IN ADVANCE TO 5. INSTALL A TWO-WAY CLEAN OUT ON THE SERVICE LINE FROM THE HOUSE. PROVIDE ADEQUATE TIME TO DISCUSS THE SYSTEM COMPONENTS WITH THE ADDITIONAL CLEANOUT REQUIRE AT UPSTREAM GRADE BREAKS, AND AT A CONTRACTOR, ANSWER QUESTIONS, RESOLVE ANY CONFLICT ISSUES AND MINIMUM 100' DISTANCE ALONG ALL GRAVITY LINES. SCHEDULE INSPECTION SITE VISITS BASED ON CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS. 6, THE SEPTIC TANK SHALL BE INSTALLED LEVEL ON COMPACTED EARTH. INSTALL COUNTY REGULATIONS REQUIRE THAT THE DESIGN ENGINEERS OF RECORD WATERTIGHT RISERS AS NECESSARY TO BRING ALL REQUIRED ACCESS 4, SITE INSPECTIONS OF THE PERMITTED SYSTEM DURING CONSTRUCTION POINTS TO THE FINISHED SURFACE GRADE. PROVIDE BOUANCY COMPENSATION PERFORM AND PROVIDE "AS -BUILT" DOCUMENTATION OF THE INSTALLED SYSTEM TO THE IF GROUNDWATER LEVELS WILL RISE ABOVE THE BOTTOM OF THE TANK. COUNTY AFTER CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETE. THE FEGULATIONS FURTHER REQUIRE SITE INSPECTIONS AND APPROVAL BY THE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL 7. A SANITARY BAFFLE TEE IS REQUIRED ON THE SEPTIC TANK INLET AND OUTLET. HEALTH DEPARTMENT OF THE EXPOSED COMPONENTS OF THE SYSTEM PRIOR TO INSTALL THE INLET AND OUTLET TEES PLUMB AND IN A POSITION TO ALLOW BACKFILLING. THEREFORE THE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT EASY INSPECTION AND MAINTAINANCE OF TANK FROM THE TANK RISERS. SHOULD ALSO BE CONTACTED AND NOTIFIED OF THE CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE. g, WE RECOMMEND THE INSTALLATION OF A 4" EFFLUENT FILTER CONTAINED IN THE 5. WE RECOMMEND THAT INSTALLED OWS COMPONENTS BE SURVEYED TO OBTAIN 4" BAFFLE OUTLET TEE OF THE SEPTIC TANK. THE FILTER SHOULD BE REQUIRED AS -BUILT INFORMATION. INSPECTED EVERY SIX MONTHS. THE EFFLUENT FILTER SHALL BE MAINTAINED AND CLEANED WHEN THE TANK IS PERIODICALLY PUMPED OR AS NECCESSARY. 6, OUR DESIGN AND RECOMMENDATIONS ARE BASED U70N INFORMATION SUPPLIED INSTALL A SUITABLE EXTENSION ON THE FILTER WITH A HANDLE TO BE WITHIN TO US BY OTHERS. IF SUBSURFACE OR SITE CONCITIONS ARE FOUND TO BE 6" BELOW THE ACCESS LID. DIFFERENT FROM CONDITIONS ASSUMED OR INDICATED, WE SHOULD BE NOTIFIED TO EVALUATE ANY EFFECT ON THE PROPOSED OWS. IF THE COUNTY 9 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ENSURE THAT THE SEWER LINES, SEPTIC TANK AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT REQUESTS CHANGES OR MODIFICATIONS TO RISERS ARE WATERTIGHT. ALL PLUMBING FIXTURES AND OWS COMPONENTS THIS DESIGN, WE SHOULD BE CONTACTED TO EVALUATE AND RESPOND TO THE SHALL BE INSTALLED AND MAINTAINED TO AVOID SURFACE OR GROUNDWATER REQUEST. FROM ENTERING THE SYSTEM AND TO PREVENT LEAKAGE FROM THE SYSTEM. IN-HOUSE PLUMBING FIXTURES SHALL BE MAINTAINED TO PREVENT EXCESS 7. CONTRACTOR SHOULD REVIEW ANY CONDITIONS ON `HE ISSUED PERMIT AND WATER FROM ENTERING THE SEPTIC SYSTEM. COORDINATE WITH THE ENGINEER REGARDING CONSTRUCTION OF THE SYSTEM. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTION OR NEED ANY ADDITIOIIAL INFORMATION, PLEASE 10. THE DIMENSIONS AND NOTES SHOWN ON THE PLAN INDICATE MINIMUM AREA, LENGTH, WIDTHS AND SEPARATION DISTANCES FOR THE TRENCHES, BED OR CALL. MOUNDED ABSORTION FIELD. 11. THE ABSORPTION TRENCHES SHALL BE EXCAVATED TO LEVEL GRADE IN NATIVE EARTH. INFILTRATOR QUICK-4 LEACHING CHAMBERS WILL BE PLACED IN THE TRENCHES OVER THE NATIVE SOIL. THE TRENCH BOTTOM AND SIDEWALLS SHALL BE SCARIFIED AND/OR RACKED IF SMEARING TYPICAL YARD LAN SCAPED SURFACE TYPICALYARD OCCURS. SUITABLE SOIL REPLACEMENT MAY BE PLACED AS NEEDED TO AAL PAN D SURFACE FILL VOIDS FROM THE EXCAVATION AND MITIGATE THE THE PRESENCE OF BOULDERS OR EXCESSIVE COBBLES AND/OR REMOVAL OF BOULDERS. 12. THE LEACHING CHAMBERS SHALL BE INSTALLED LEVEL ALONG THE EXISITNG CONTOURS WITHIN THE PROPOSED ABSORPTION FILED AREA. BACKFILL TO PROVIDE A MINIMUM COVER OF 10 INCHES NOT TO EXCEED 24 INCHES. \ 13. A SPLASH PLATE SHALL BE INSTALLED ON THE TRENCH BOTTOM BELOW EACH TRENCH INLET OR AN APPROPRIATE CHAMBER END PLATE SHALL BE 6"_ MIN. EXCAVATED MATERIAL COMPACTED INSTALLED TO PREVENT SCOURING. END PLATES SHALL BE INSTALLED ON TO 90% STANDARD PROCTOR THE END CHAMBERS IN EACH TRENCH. 14. VERTICAL INSPECTION PORTS SHALL BE INSTALLED FROM THE CENTER PRE 4" SUITABLE BACKFILL OR CLASS 6 ROAD BASE MARKED HOLE ON THE TOP OF THE SERIAL END CHAMBERS. (TYP. END OF EACH ROW) THE PORTS MAY HAVE TREADED CAPS AT GRADE. THE CHAMBERS WILL BE BACKFILLED WITH EXCAVATED MATERIAL VOID OF 4" 15. ROCKS, THE BACKFILL MATERIAL SHALL NOT EXCEED 2 1/2" DIAMETER AND THE 'FRENCH CROSS—SECTION FOR SHALL BE PLACED TO AT LEAST 6 INCHES ABOVE THE TOP 0 SDR-35 26 OR HOPE PIPES CHAMBERS. THE TOP OF THE PLACED BACKFILL SHALL BE COVERED WITH A LAYER OF FILTER FABRIC. A MINIMUM 4" DEPTH OF TOPSOIL IS TO BE N.T.S. PLACED ABOVE THE BACKFILL TO THE SURFACE. 16. ALL INSTALLATION OF LEACHING CHAMBERS SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURES INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. NOTE: EACH RUN OF CHAMBERS MUST BE LEVEL. INSTALL INLET 17. THE ABSORPTON TRENCHES/BED OR MOUND MUST BE GENERALLY MARKED AND END CAPS TO BE USED ON EACH END OF CHAMBER. AT THE FOUR CORNERS WITH INSPECTION PORTS AND/OR BURIED REBAR. INSTALL 4" PVC INSPECTION W/ CAP ON THE SERIAL END THE FIELDS MUST BE PROTECTED FROM VEHICULAR AND LIVESTOCK TRAFFIC. CHAMBER OF EACH ROW. THE SUCESSIVE SERIAL TRENCHES MAY BE INSTALLED LOWER IN ELEVATON TO 18. THE ABSORPTON FIELD SURFACES MUST BE CROWNED TO DIVERT ENSURE ADEQUATE OVERFLOW DRAINAGE FROM THE SURFACE DRAINAGE AWAY FROM THE MOUNDED FIELD. PRECCEDING SERIAL TRENCH AND TO ACCOMMODATE CHANGE IN SURFACE GRADE. MAINTAIN 6' OF 19. THE ENTIRE ABSORPTION FIELD SURFACE MUST BE REVEGATATED. UNDISTURBED SOIL BETWEEN TRENCHES. IF EXCESSIVE LARGE COBBLES OR BOULDERS ARE ENCOUNTERED IN THE ABSORPTION FIELD SHALL BE INSTALLED PER THE REQUIRED SETBACK ANY PART OF THE EXCAVATION, OVER EXCVATE AND DISTANCES: BACKFILL WITH SAND OR SUITABLE SCREENED NATIVE 10 feet from any property line. SOILS. 25 feet from any potable water supply line. 20 feet from any occupied dwelling. 100 feet from any well, spring or cistern. CROWN FIELD TRENCH TO 50 feet from any stream or water course. DIVERT SURFACE WATER 6' MIN 3' MIN -� REVEGATATION DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM TOPSOIL LAYER 19. EFFLUENT WILL GRAVITY DISCHARGE THROUGH THE OUTLET BAFFLE TEE 12" _ 24" FROM THE SECONDARY COMPARTMENT OF THE SEPTIC TANK TO THE FIRST FILTER FABRIC _ MIN. MAX. SERIAL TRENCH LEACHING CHAMBER. EFFLUENT WILL BE SERIAL DISTRIBUTED TO THE REMAINING SERIAL ABSORPTION TRENCHES VIA 4" %:t: = =:ri • " '' OVER FLOW DISTRIBUTION LINES. SCREENED BACKFILL LAYER ' 4 `� " '� - �•• -- 20. THE EFFLUENT WILL DISTRIBUTE OVER THE BOTTOM SURFACE OF THE FIRST NATURAL ONSITE SOILS FREE:- \ fl.. : •• \ > 12" AND SUCCEEDING TRENCHES. THE MINIMUM SLOPE OF THE DISCHARGE LINE OF GRAVEL AND ROCKS IN = //� EXCESS OF 2 1/2" DIAMETER FROM THE TANK TO THE FIRST TRENCH SHALL BE INSTALLED AT A MINIMUM 2% SLOPE. THE CONNECTING DISTRIBUTION LINES SHALL BE INSTALLED AT / QUICK-4 LEACHING CHAMBER / \ A MINIMUM OF 2% SLOPE TO THE INLET EACH SERIAL TRENCH. ALL FITTINGS \\ DISTRIBUTION PIPING, CONNECTIONS AND FITTINGS SHALL BE TIGHT AND INSTALLED TO INSURE DISTRIBUTION THROUGH THE SYSTEM. INLET/OUTLET PORT ELECT SOI; REPLACEMENT ONCRETE AND AS NEEDED GENERAL NOTES: SCARIFY/TILL BOTTOM SURFACE TO UNDISTURBED :OIL A DEPTH OF 3" AND RAKE LEVEL 1. THE EXIS77NG CONTOUR INTERVAL IS ONE (2) FOOT (DASHED). THE PROPOSED CONTOUR INTERVAL IS ONE (2) FOOT (SOLID). INFILTRATOR CROSS SECTION DETAIL 2. EXISTING CONDITIONS ARE FROM PREVIOUS SURVEY BY HIGH NTS COUNTRY ENGINEERS INC. AND SOPRIS ENGINEERING. PROPOSED OWS, ROADWAY DRAINAGE DESIGN AND GRADING BY SOPRIS ENGINEERING, TWO WAY CLEAN OUT PROPOSED GRADE— rYicTwr: GRADF \--EFFLUENT DRAIN LINE AT MINIMUM 2% SLOPE SEPTIC TANK EFFLUENT DISCHARGE LINE AT MINIMUM 1% SLOPE DISTRIBUTION LINES AT MINIMUM 2% SLOPE CROSS SECTION SLOPE DETAIL N.T.S. 24055.01 1/25/07 DE-OWS-RICORD.DWG LLC. 3. THE PROPOSED BUNK HOUSE BUILDING LAYOUT, AND OTHER SITE IMPROVEMENTS BY CCY ARCHITECTS. RECEIVED JAN 3 2007 RECORD DRAWING N0. DATE REVISION ��d0 ®°?�'� PEACE RANCH `�EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO fll6lill I Itl`t11��� RANCH HAND BUNK HOUSE EAST FORK TAYLOR CREEK AS —BUILT ONSITE WASTEWATER SYSTEM-4 OPRIS ENGINEERING, LLC. SYSTEM PLAN AND DETAILS VIL CONSULTANT 502 MAIN STREET, SUITE A3 DES. PER CK. YTN FILE NO. SHEET 1 CARBONDALE, CO 81623 DRF. PER DATE 9— 25— 07 24055.01 OF � .1w •*� GRAPHIC SCALE 20 0 10 20 4.0 TESTING, INSPECTIONS AND CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT 1. ADDITIONAL OBSERVATRIONS, EVALUATIONS AND INSPECTIONS BY THE ENGINEER MAY BE PERFORMED DURING INITIAL STAGES OF CONSTRUCTION TO VERIFY EXISTING CONDITIONS ASSOCIATED WITH THE OWS DESIGN. A PROFILE HOLE MAY NEED TO BE EXCAVATED FOR VISUAL INSPECTION BY THE ENGINEER AND THE EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SPECIALIST PPIOR TO CONSTRUCTION OF THE ABSORPTION TRENCHES. 2. THE EVALUATIONS AND INSPECTIONS MAY RESULT IN MODIFICATIONS TO THE DESIGN THAT MAY INCLUDE FIELD SIZE REVISIONS AND POSSIBLE SOIL REPLACEMENT IN SELECT AREAS IF NEEDED. SUFFICIENT' NOTICE TO THE ENGINEER BY THE PROJECT MANAGER/CONTRACTOR NEEDS TO BE MADE IN ORDER TO SCHEDULE THE SITE INSPECTIONS. 3. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION OF THE PERMITTED SYSTEM 7HE ENGINEER SHOULD BE CONTACTED BY THE PROJECT MANAGER/CONTRACTOR 'NELL IN ADVANCE TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE TIME TO DISCUSS THE SYSTEM COMPONENTS WITH THE CONTRACTOR, ANSWER QUESTIONS, RESOLVE ANY CONFLICT ISSUES AND SCHEDULE INSPECTION SITE VISITS BASED ON CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS. 4, COUNTY REGULATIONS REQUIRE THAT THE DESIGN ENGINEERS OF RECORD PERFORM SITE INSPECTIONS OF THE PERMITTED SYSTEM DURING CONSTRUCTION AND PROVIDE "AS —BUILT" DOCUMENTATION OF THE INSTALLED SYSTEM TO THE COUNTY AFTER CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETE. THE REGULATIONS FURTHER REQUIRE SITE INSPECTIONS AND APPROVAL BY THE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT OF THE EXPOSED COMPONENTS OF THE SYSTEM PRIOR TO BACKFILLING, THEREFORE THE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT SHOULD ALSO BE CONTACTED AND NOTIFIED OF THE CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE. 5. WE RECOMMEND THAT INSTALLED OWS COMPONENTS BE SURVEYED TO OBTAIN REQUIRED AS —BUILT INFORMATION. 6, OUR DESIGN AND RECOMMENDATIONS ARE BASED UPON INFORMATION SUPPLIED TO US BY OTHERS, IF SUBSURFACE OR SITE CONDITIONS ARE FOUND TO BE DIFFERENT FROM CONDITIONS ASSUMED OR INDICATED, WE SHOULD BE NOTIFIED TO EVALUATE ANY EFFECT ON THE PROPOSED OWS. IF THE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT REQUESTS CHANGES OR MODIFICATIONS TO THIS DESIGN, WE SHOULD BE CONTACTED TO EVALUATE AND RESPOND TO THE REQUEST. 7. CONTRACTOR SHOULD REVIEW ANY CONDITIONS ON THE ISSUED PERMIT AND COORDINATE WITH THE ENGINEER REGARDING CONSTRUCTION OF THE SYSTEM. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTION OR NEED ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, PLEASE CALL. T"^ICAL YARD LANSCAPED SURFACE AGGREATE PAVED SURFACE DATED MATERIAL COMPACTED )% STANDARD PROCTOR kBLE BACKFILL OR CLASS 6 ROAD BASE TRENCH CROSS-SECTION FOR SDR-35 26 OR HDPE PIPES N.T.S. NOTE: EACH RUN OF CHAMBERS MUST BE LEVEL. INSTALL INLET AND END CAPS TO BE USED ON EACH END OF CHAMBER. INSTALL 4" PVC INSPECTION W/ CAP ON THE SERIAL END CHAMBER OF EACH ROW. THE SUCESSIVE SERIAL TRENCHES MAY BE INSTALLED LOWER IN ELEVATON TO ENSURE ADEQUATE OVERFLOW DRAINAGE FROM THE PRECCEDING SERIAL TRENCH AND TO ACCOMMODATE CHANGE IN SURFACE GRADE. MAINTAIN 6' OF UNDISTURBED SOIL BETWEEN TRENCHES. IF EXCESSIVE LARGE COBBLES OR BOULDERS ARE ENCOUNTERED IN ANY PART OF THE EXCAVATION, OVER EXCVATE AND BACKFILL WITH SAND OR SUITABLE SCREENED NATIVE SOILS. CROWN FIELD TRENCH TO DIVERT SURFACE WATER REVEGATATION s' MIN s' MIN TOPSOIL LAYER FILTER FABRIC '_ p ~• ' - - MIN. MAX. SCREENED BACKFILL LAYER NATURAL ONSITE SOILS FREE 12 OF GRAVEL AND ROCKS IN EXCESS OF 2 1/2" DIAMETERJS QUICK-4 LEACHING CHAMBER �j //\\V,�j\\\\ INLET/OUTLET PORT SELECT SOIL ZEPLACEMENT ONCRETE SAVD AS NEEDED SCARIFY/TILL BOTTOM SURFACE TO UNDISTURBED SOIL A DEPTH OF 3" AND RAKE LEVEL INFILTRATOR CROSS SECTION DETAIL N TS TWO WAY CLEAN OUT PROPOSED GRADE — EXISTING GRADE EFFLUENT FILTER OUTLET TEE `—EFFLUENT DRAIN LINE j� AT MINIMUM 2% SLOPE SEPTIC TANK EFFLUENT DISCHARGE LINE AT MINIMUM 1% SLOPE DISTRIBUTION LINES AT MINIMUM 2% SLOPE CROSS SECTION SLOPE DETAIL N.T.S. 24055.01 7/11/06 RH—Bunk—SIT'.DWG OWS SYSTEM NOTES 1. ALL MATERIALS AND INSTALLATION SHALL CONFORM TO STATE AND COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM (ISDS) REGULATIONS. 2, IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO CONTACT ALL UTILITY COMPANIES FOR FIELD LOCATIONS OF UTILITIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AND EXCAVATION. 3. ALL GRAVITY SEWER LINES TO BE SDR-35, SDR-26 OR SCHEDULE 40 P.V.C. PIPE. INSTALLED ON A 2% GRADE. LINES MAY BE STEPPED DOWN BETWEEN 2% RUNS TO SEPTIC TANK. SEE PLAN FOR ADDITIONAL SPECIFICATIONS. 4, GRAVITY LINES TO BE BEDDED IN ROAD BASE OVER COMPACTED TRENCHES AND BACKFILLED WITH A MINIMUM OF 6" SUITABLE ON SITE MATERIAL OR ROADBASE. MINIMUM DEPTH OF BURY OF ALL SEWER LINES SERVICE LINES IS 2'. 5. INSTALL A TWO—WAY CLEAN OUT ON THE SERVICE LINE FROM THE HOUSE. ADDITIONAL CLEANOUT REQUIRE AT UPSTREAM GRADE BREAKS, AND AT A MINIMUM 100' DISTANCE ALONG ALL GRAVITY LINES. 6. THE SEPTIC TANK SHALL BE INSTALLED LEVEL ON COMPACTED EARTH. INSTALL WATERTIGHT RISERS AS NECESSARY TO BRING ALL REQUIRED ACCESS POINTS TO THE FINISHED SURFACE GRADE. PROVIDE BOUANCY COMPENSATION IF GROUNDWATER LEVELS WILL RISE ABOVE THE BOTTOM OF THE TANK. 7. A SANITARY BAFFLE TEE IS REQUIRED ON THE SEPTIC TANK INLET AND OUTLET. INSTALL THE INLET AND OUTLET TEES PLUMB AND IN A POSITION TO ALLOW EASY INSPECTION AND MAINTAINANCE OF TANK FROM THE TANK RISERS. 8, WE RECOMMEND THE INSTALLATION OF A 4" EFFLUENT FILTER CONTAINED IN THE 4" BAFFLE OUTLET TEE OF THE SEPTIC TANK. THE FILTER SHOULD BE INSPECTED EVERY SIX MONTHS. THE EFFLUENT FILTER SHALL BE MAINTAINED AND CLEANED WHEN THE TANK IS PERIODICALLY PUMPED OR AS NECCSSSARY. INSTALL A SUITABLE EXTENSION ON THE FILTER WITH A HANDLE TO BE WITHIN 6" BELOW THE ACCESS LID. 9, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ENSURE THAT THE SEWER LINES, SEPTIC TANK AND RISERS ARE WATERTIGHT. ALL PLUMBING FIXTURES AND OWS COMPONENTS SHALL BE INSTALLED AND MAINTAINED TO AVOID SURFACE OR GROUNDWATER FROM ENTERING THE SYSTEM AND TO PREVENT LEAKAGE FROM THE SYSTEM. IN—HOUSE PLUMBING FIXTURES SHALL BE MAINTAINED TO PREVENT EXCESS WATER FROM ENTERING THE SEPTIC SYSTEM. 10. THE DIMENSIONS AND NOTES SHOWN ON THE PLAN INDICATE MINIMUM AREA, LENGTH, WIDTHS AND SEPARATION DISTANCES FOR THE TRENCHES, BED OR MOUNDED ABSORTION FIELD. 11. THE ABSORPTION TRENCHES SHALL BE EXCAVATED TO LEVEL GRADE IN NATIVE EARTH. INFILTRATOR QUICK-4 LEACHING CHAMBERS WILL BE PLACED IN THE TRENCHES OVER THE NATIVE SOIL. THE TRENCH BOTTOM AND SIDEWALLS SHALL BE SCARIFIED AND/OR RACKED IF SMEARING OCCURS, SUITABLE SOIL REPLACEMENT MAY BE PLACED AS NEEDED TO FILL VOIDS FROM THE EXCAVATION AND MITIGATE THE THE PRESENCE OF BOULDERS OR EXCESSIVE COBBLES AND/OR REMOVAL OF BOULDERS. 12. THE LEACHING CHAMBERS SHALL BE INSTALLED LEVEL ALONG THE EXISTTNG CONTOURS WITHIN THE PROPOSED ABSORPTION FILED AREA. BACKFILL TO PROVIDE A MINIMUM COVER OF 10 INCHES NOT TO EXCEED 24 INCHES. 13. A SPLASH PLATE SHALL BE INSTALLED ON THE TRENCH BOTTOM BELOW EACH TRENCH INLET OR AN APPROPRIATE CHAMBER END PLATE SHALL BE INSTALLED TO PREVENT SCOURING. END PLATES SHALL BE INSTALLED ON THE END CHAMBERS IN EACH TRENCH. 14. VERTICAL INSPECTION PORTS SHALL BE INSTALLED FROM THE CENTER PRE MARKED HOLE ON THE TOP OF THE SERIAL END CHAMBERS. (TYP. END OF EACH ROW) THE PORTS MAY HAVE TREADED CAPS AT GRADE. 15 THE CHAMBERS WILL BE BACKFILLED WITH EXCAVATED MATERIAL VOID OF ROCKS, THE BACKFILL MATERIAL SHALL NOT EXCEED 2 1/2" DIAMETER AND SHALL BE PLACED TO AT LEAST 6 INCHES ABOVE THE TOP OF THE CHAMBERS. THE TOP OF THE PLACED BACKFILL SHALL BE COVERED WITH A LAYER OF FILTER FABRIC. A MINIMUM 4" DEPTH OF TOPSOIL IS TO BE PLACED ABOVE THE BACKFILL TO THE SURFACE. 16. ALL INSTALLATION OF LEACHING CHAMBERS SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURES INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. 17. THE ABSORPTON TRENCHES/BED OR MOUND MUST BE GENERALLY MARKED AT THE FOUR CORNERS WITH INSPECTION PORTS AND/OR BURIED REBAR. THE FIELDS MUST BE PROTECTED FROM VEHICULAR AND LIVESTOCK TRAFFIC. 18. THE ABSORPTON FIELD SURFACES MUST BE CROWNED TO DIVERT SURFACE DRAINAGE AWAY FROM THE MOUNDED FIELD. 19. THE ENTIRE ABSORPTION FIELD SURFACE MUST BE REVEGATATED. THE ABSORPTION FIELD SHALL BE INSTALLED PER THE REQUIRED SETBACK DISTANCES: 10 feet from any property line. 25 feet from any potable water supply line. 20 feet from any occupied dwelling. 100 feet from any well, spring or cistern. 5D feet from any stream or water course. DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM t9. EFFLUENT WILL GRAVITY DISCHARGE THROUGH THE OUTLET BAFFLE TEE FROM THE SECONDARY COMPARTMENT OF THE SEPTIC TANK TO THE FIRST SERIAL TRENCH LEACHING CHAMBER. EFFLUENT WILL BE SERIAL DISTRIBUTED TO THE REMAINING SERIAL ABSORPTION TRENCHES VIA 4" OVER FLOW DISTRIBUTION LINES, 20. THE EFFLUENT WILL DISTRIBUTE OVER THE BOTTOM SURFACE OF THE FIRST AND SUCCEEDING TRENCHES. THE MINIMUM SLOPE OF THE DISCHARGE LINE FROM THE TANK TO THE FIRST TRENCH SHALL BE INSTALLED AT A MINIMUM 2% SLOPE. THE CONNECTING DISTRIBUTION LINES SHALL BE INSTALLED AT A MINIMUM OF 2% SLOPE TO THE INLET OF EACH SERIAL TRENCH. ALL DISTRIBUTION PIPING, CONNECTIONS AND FITTINGS SHALL BE TIGHT AND INSTALLED TO INSURE DISTRIBUTION THROUGH THE SYSTEM. GENERAL NOTES: 1. THE EXISTING CONTOUR INTERVAL IS ONE (2) FOOT (DASHED). THE PROPOSED CONTOUR INTERVAL IS ONE (2) FOOT (SOLID). 2. EXISTING CONDITIONS ARE FROM PREVIOUS SURVEY BY HIGH COUNTRY ENGINEERS INC. AND SOPRIS ENGINEERING. PROPOSED OWS, ROADWAY, DRAINAGE DESIGN AND GRADING BY SOPRIS ENGINEERING, LLC. 3. THE PROPOSED BUNK HOUSE BUILDING LAYOUT, AND OTHER SITE IMPROVEMENTS BY CCY ARCHITECTS. R�CENED V TAL EN��R®Epp,RTMENT N0.1 DATE I REVISION PEACE RANCH EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO RANCH HAND BUNK HOUSE EAST FORK TAYLOR CREEK ONSITE WASTEWATER SYSTEM-4 OPRIS E NGINEERING, LLC. SYSTEM PLAN AND DETAILS VIL CONSULTANT 502 MAIN STREET, SUITE A3 DES. PER CK. YTN FILE NO. SHEET CARBONDALE, CO 81623 DRF. PER DATE 7-11-06 94055.01 OF 3