HomeMy WebLinkAbout17 Ranch Rd - 194105100003Professional services October 16, 2012 VIA Hand Delivery Eagle County Building Department P.O. Box 850 Eagle, CO 81631 Reference: Piney Valley Ranches Outhouse structure and septic system 17 Ranch Road, Wolcott, CO Dear Building Department: ff -,L,LG 876 Mesa Drive P.O.B. 3644 Eagle, CO 81631 Direct 970-471-2121 Fax 970-328-0875 brockcons ulting @centurytel. net This letter is to clarify the proposed structure on the Piney Valley Ranch Trust (Ranch), Parcel Number 1941-051-00-003, located in a remote part of the ranch, listed as 17 Ranch Road, about 8 miles north of There is an existing 806 SF staging cabin used for guide and outfitter use on the ranch since about 1980. The structure is not inhabited and does not have running water or toilet facilities. A proposed agricultural storage building foundation is to be converted for a bathroom/water closet structure for use by ranch hands and guests. A separate OWTS permit is being applied for it. Residential properties are approximately 2 miles away with their related accommodations. Please feel free to call me to discuss any planning or building code issue. Sincerely, Vern L. Brock, P.E. Colorado Reg. # 30511 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH (970) 328-8755 FAX: (970) 328-8788 TOLL FREE: 800-225-6136 NmnA eaolecouotv.us P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631 www.eaglecounty.us :ki:plc%'r•�:is�:���:;cr,.Ya:�;<:k#�=x�=�=•.'.'-�=:k=kx��:�:�=a:�=X.1:%Y�=1c%kY:%I:y:J:X%1:�:%I;is�:�Ta:�:�%k#•k-��:��:xa:8::t:Y�:�:�•k•=k�::e�=%k�#i::k�c$cx=F-ki= PERMIT APPLICATION FOR ONSITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM OWTS PERMIT # BUILDING PERMIT # INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED (SITE PLAN MUST BE INCLUDED) FEESCHEDULE APPLICATION FEE $800.00 MAJOR REPAIR FEE 800.00 MINOR REPAIR FEE 00.00 This fee includes the OWTS Permit, Site Evaluation (Percolation Test, or Soil Profile Observation) and Final Inspection. Additional fees may be charged if a re -inspection is necessary, or a pre -construction site visit or consultation is needed. The re -inspection fee is $135.00 Make all remittance payable to: Eagle County Treasurer. Property Owner: �1 t L�YT U l�1 1 L� ��uCN i `"`Phone: 4 M6 '" 37� JA � — 16 b Mailing Address: P C� ,D 46o, Iit 1--Va Q �G�'1 6 email !)"C_ ✓LCV � � l� �G� Registered Professional Engineer: ll Q.� 1 L. V�--Phone: Applicant or Contact Person: U RN LPhone: 441 7 2 1 Z 1 Licensed Systems Contractor: �LQla C7C r License # �p -rr Phone:4— Gy QZ___ , S0 Company / DBA: T�4.rAa n'Y Mailing Address: % f(p�__email mr_ 6�''+s Permit Application is for: Location of Propo< Legal Description: W New Installation Alteration Repair Tax Parcel Number: I q 41— 0151 `r b0—00—S Assessor's Link: www. ea;;lecounty.us/patie/ Lot Size: Oe-) Physical Address: I'7 aA Cry 966u4 w�(CA ' Co �rtGSS Building Type: Residential / Single Family Number of Bedrooms. Residential / Multi Family Number of Bedrooms: ' Commercial /Industrial* Type of Use: i lc�� �•,�' fwvl5 *These systems require design my a Registered Professional Engineer Type of Water Supply: AZ,, Private Well Spring Surface Public If Public Name of Applicant Signature: _ l=�k$=-k8=�k>k:k%kh:�F%k****>fX=��k>FX->K�•:,••�k�i=X=�%1�=K'�i�%i�>h•M�k•k>kek•kx�'>k�k�xxxx. Office Use Only Date: Amount Paid: Receipt #: Check #: BROCK CONSUL'1o'INC, LLC Professional Services OCTOBER 16, 2012 PINEY VALLE'RA JCHESWOLCOTT. COLORADO 17 RANCH ROAD P N 1941-051-00-003 DESIGN CALCULATIONS FOR ABSORPTION TRENCH SYSTEM ra REFERENCES i P.O. BOX 3644 Eagle, CO 81631 Cell 970-471-2121 Fax 970-328-087 Individual Sewage Disposal Systems, Colo. Dept. of Health, Amended 9/15/2004 Eagle County Regulations for Individual Sewage Disposal Systems (ISDS) Infiltrator Chamber Systems Septic Design and Installation, Current Edition Because of the site conditions and gis designedhfor butureTrench expans on and recommended for this site. Thissystem permitting without compromising the site! DESIGN FLOWS The proposed water closets will be used for varying seasonal use as a part of outfitter operations and guide services. The anticipated use is 20 guests per day, Recreational & Seasonal, Day Camp use only. Loading 15 gal/day/guest (per Chapter IV Table) The shower is for occasional mishaps of people needing a shower after a ride or other "once a day" type use. Assumed 1 hour (100 gal/fixture/hour) (allows for 7 showers) All fixtures will be low water use. Current Proposed flows: 300 gal/day Guests: 20 X 15 gal/day/guest * = 100 gal/day Shower: (use Delta model 75155 shower head, 1.5 gpm or equal ) Additional future use sizing: Caretaker cabin/trailer, # of bedrooms = 1 150 gal/day Oave = 1 bdrms x 2 persons/bdrm x 75 gallons/person/day = g y Q = total design flow Q = 550 gpd This is considered very conservative because the guests do not stay — only passing through! Page 1 of 5 SEPTIC TANK Volume = Qmax/24hrs x 30hrs Detention V = 825/24 X 30 = 1,031 gallons Use 1,500 Gallon (2 compartment) Valley Precast or equivalent. First compartment 1002 gal, second compartment 503 gallons. See drawing. ABSORPTION AREA Design percolation rate was calculated to be T = 17 MPI (minutes per inch) Based on a Percolation rate of 17, and S 34 Sandy Loam to Loam, a Long Term Acceptance Rate (LTAR) of 0.72 GAL/Day/sf is shown in the table (CDPHE, pg ) as acceptable. A = Q/LTAR A = 550/0.72 = 764 sf As a double check, Using Eagle County & CDPHE Equation A=Q/5 Xti't: A = 550/5 X -N"17 = 454 sf For conservancy, this design to use 764 SF. INFILTRATOR CHAMBER SYSTEM IN SERIAL TRENCH DISTRIBUTION State Reduction for Trenches in Chamber System is 50% Square Feet per chamber is 10.0 (Quick 4) 30"x48" Final Absorption Area Required = 764 (0.50) = 382 sf Number of Chambers = Req'd Area/10.0 sf/chamber = 382/10 = 38 Chambers Given site conditions, Use 2 Rows of approx. 20 Chambers each. Product to be Infiltrator Systems, Inc. "Quick 4" Chambers INSTALLATION Install all components to the required setbacks required by regulations. No over excavation allowed for septic tank. Install septic tank level. Install the delivery pipe from the residence to the septic tank and septic tank to absorption trench. All pipe to be minimum 2% slope, Schedule 40. Insulate under driveway with 2" rigid insulation. Install chambers level. Connect relief pipe from trench to trench per plans. Backfill and compact the pipe trench, septic tank, and chambers to manufacturerspecifications. child pCover oof (1'OOpb.ction Min lids with maximum 8-inches of soil. All covers hal Page 2 of 5 NOTES: 1. All installations shall meet the rules and regulations of the Eagle County Environmental Health Division, Chapter 4, Individual Sewage Disposal Systems, 2. The building sewer line from the house to the septic tank shall have a maximum slope of/4 inch per foot. Bends in the building sewer shall be limited to 45 degrees. 3. The septic tank shall be installed level. The tank shall have removable covers or manholes to within 8 inches of the finished grade, for inspection and cleaning. 4. Strip all topsoil in absorption bed area. Reuse for vegetative cover. 5. Excavate three (3) feet wide trenches where possible. The horizontal distance from sidewall to sidewall between the trenches shall be a minimum of six (6) feet. 6. The bottom and the sidewalls of the trenches shall be raked to eliminate smearing. 7. Assemble and install the Infiltrator Chambers in the trenches according to the manufacturer's recommendations. 8. Backfill the sidewall area with sandy soil for proper support. 9. Backfill the trenches with a minimum of 12 inches of tamped soil cover. 10. Avoid vehicle traffic over the system. 11.The Septic System Installation shall be inspected by the Design Engineer prior to Backfill. MINIMUM DIMENSIONS TO FACILITIES ACTUAL (MIN. REQUIRED) SEPTIC TANK TO BUILDING 15 FT 30 FT (5 FT) (10 FT) SEPTIC TANK TO WATER LINE SEPTIC TANK TO ABSORPTION TRENCHES 800 FT (10 SEPTIC TANK TO WELL 120 FT (50 T) FT) (2150 ABSORPTION TRENCHES TO BUILDING FT (20 FT) ABSORPTION TRENCHES TO WATER LINE ABSORPTION TRENCHES TO IRRIGATION DITCH 620 ABSORPTION TRENCHES TO WELL FT 25 FT (100 FT) (10 FT) BUILDING SEWER TO WATER LINE October 11, 2012 Piney Valley Ranch Septic System Soils evaluation See 8 ft. profile hole on septic site plan for location below proposed field site. Page 3 of 5 The above profile hole picture taken during percolation testing. Hole is below the proposed absorption field. Based on the Basic Soil -textural Classes and field sifting, my so called sieve analysis by weight is: Page 4of5 Silty Clay 20% Sandy Loam 70% Coarse Ground Shale 10% There is absolutely no evidence of bedrock in the two 8 ft deep profile holes, Topsoil material has extensive organics. See picture of absorption field. ; �``R XQ,QoRE/ST Chi I Page 5 of 5 _ n G.Iou n e'rep Ses S !tom F{exlble\ Section Boot j\ View *Meets ASiTM C422T spec including C46".06 for resilient connectors 400Q psi concrem ® Delivered complete With internal piping pvo, poly or concrete risers available option of pump or siphon installed 1 53" i I Digging SpsoS Invert \\, Dhrwmton• IT Long x V Wide inlet outlet Length Width Height 56' below inlet Invert 56' 53' 132' 68" << ei' �-6 Not Capaaih► Inlet Side ' outlet Side Total 1,002 gallons 503 gallons 1,505 gallons waawwater ® Systems VALLEY a Phu= ❑ p%MASTO Ina. e Service Net weight Lid Tank 3,600 lbs 11,180 the (719) 395.6764 Total 14,780 Ibs 912'i1 www.valleyprocasLam z O W Z_ D a in0 � J U) W 2Dl¢—�Q U Q O W W U F-)Q=zo O Y W Z ¢ i— F- U cn w a Q Z I— Ci J LL Z O 40 �0 Z zQ za w� U U w .o m ZQ �,o^� 0m Q U p 0 —' n N V a00 V �0 \ W �Nm0 as- I— M H %o oQ Ow mmm� O o U <NQ Z � 5 H d LL Z co W m 0 S.o 3 Z o C a_, 3 3 0 Fa-- N 0 W Z Q I z I � w w In w m 7 G cn w m x U Of O J Z z_ J J Q W W � W O Z d t.i ui U > a W w a v M ° r J � a `j U Z co co ry J Lu W (j J W Q �QoC) ne0U0 W o Z O Q V ry Z J � �0 Z x W\ O w H Q W w 2 U) m Cn w w Q z Q 0 w w a. O a. O w z D O U) Q w LLI CL Q Ld U LL -JOQ Q J o F- W n Q U Z O W U W 0 , K �I U H O M N � 4, U 3 vL 0 Op O w 'o m ?O � Oow U O H O O _ 0oo� O M O < O o.O mEm. Z J a D a LL Z co m 3 O z z 0 5 w 2 Cf) co U w W m W J 1—:2U)coQ =>- 0� Up�O -oY U H ry z �O�~ W IL O D z U) 0 O w w > O z O Q w J w z w x w w w W n Q If U J Q Z 0 w 0 Tf W O U W Q H W w J m H w CO ww Q Q LL 0 w _I O Z O Zz �Z CV z O H U M J IL IL Q U) F— Z o w l� U) CD w `r\ z m Q Q I wo w ui U Q w oa U w 00 z w J 1) J �Ay J Q ui 0 � Q W J w CV U Z z"':0 n LU - wcm�w NQQL N IL O� U,w0 m O0U x -i Q U L _0 Q 0<LLJ cn W O NI _ O z UCJ� u OU Z 0 v W J 'O Co - Q o o 0 C) Q U O O0 cn r �^ Na 7O 0 t- OpN mOoo- O Cl)Owpm��� O H Z i J � � 5 - - Z m m z p 5 a) � C/) C) 0 co ry O 2 Z U0 d- I— YU U n r J W 0 O U) Q0 U z Z U_ n w Q O �N l.L W Cl) LAN_ LL W cm G a v Q 0 Q- O 0 W 0 W } LL _M o LU as <~ a a rQ a J Q U v 0 aoQ� 0 (1)Lu s W 0 U W a a- fr UzaU CL W U W K ¢ ? N 0 O xEr m� Wx 'om JW > wx w w0a j> J Zo nm J K W D U QI o0 mow NL �� U w�af N N = Q O W O U � C 0 o ~ Z U xm U aa�� O a U a coa aQ Qj a O w �o a x 0 > a rW Lij Q < v m cn 0 �L Q U LLI Q 0 U (n0� w�- Y J O n U U 0 =Ow Z¢ w ¢ N j Q Y w U 2 zo< �QD Z Uf NQO nf� ` z OYO QUI= w J C Z Z 0 0 O LLJ U �? .0 m �< < O � Oaf vo ' U 01 rQXON2� F Owpm0�< 0 CD Q :z >- V '7 �m CL Z m N O U z 0 <Q wow r w C) O co O�2 U � U Q = � w �- C3 U '- U cn � z U N 0 v o u - o CO Z v N Q p Q o.o � u p Y � cD r/7 C o U — N x N n O N � y[ O O p p O M o w m S W I z Q Z ci Y � t -5 m cn DID U LU Z_ m U) < � 2 H U U) Q �ry o �z oQ QF- �U) �C) z� _ O Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT Water Quality Control Division 5 CCR 1003-6 STATE BOARD OF HEALTH GUIDELINES ON INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS Amended September 20, 2000, effective October 30, 2000 Section iV.K. amended September 15, 2004, effective November 30, 2004 (Q), and the percolation rate in minutes per inch, (t), according to the formula: A=Q�t 5 Note: Where the percolation rate is found to be faster than five minutes per inch in soils of sandy texture, the minimum value of the "t" for use in this formula shall not be less than "5". (2) Long Term Acceptance Rates (LTAR): The minimum absorption area A in square feet may also be computed as a function of the design flow (Q) and the Long Term Acceptance Rate (LTAR) accn toto�the formula: A= Q LTAR LTAR's for Wastewater for Soil Absorption Typical soil MaxunumLoading Percolation Rate Textures Rate (Minutes/Inch) (gal/sq. ft./day) <5** Gravel** Not Suitable 1-5 Coarse to Medium Sand 1.30 6-1.0 Fine Sand to Loamy Sand 1.20 11-20 �' Sandy Loam to Loam . 2 21-30 Loam .50 31-40 Loam to Silty Loam* .40 41-60 Clay Loam to Clay* .30 Over 60** Silty Clay Loam/Silty Clay .20 *Soils without highly expansive clays **Design by Registered Professional Engineer required Note: Percolation rates faster than 5 minutes per inch require a Professional Engineer design as per C.l.b.(1) above. e. Allowable Absorption Area Reductions and Increases: (1) Adjustment for Deep Gravel: The length of an absorption trench or seepage bed may be calculated by allowance for the sidewall area of additional depth of gravel in excess of six (6) inches below the bottom of the distribution pipe -34- OWTS PERMIT # BUILDING PERMIT # —, CQUNTY OWNER: J' % A PHSYSICAL A] SOILS EVALUATION/PERCOLATION TEST EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH P Mim ■ ELIAW ME I CR7■C16 Nl1A Rom ills NN TEST HOLES PRE-SOAKED: MYES "INU SOIL TIME C ATE KEPI INCHES OF FALL RATE PROFILE -�-- ff c 0, n (7- 3444 12:�� 36 �iZ ��3� ��3% �l� ��f � - Zv ?c) 2� 2) O J 3 6 3/4r 39 36_ r 11 ¢ 1/4- 14 Zc) 3'�6 1/z 10 40 X., - _q� �� ,� 8 (/,�_ T4� 91) 41 31,41 WI/9, 14- 101 TIME TO DROP LAST INCH: PERC RATE_.__ 17 m Pr MINIMUM LEACH FIELD SIZE: MINIMUM SEPTIC TANK SIZE: COMMENT c AA swS� � R EG { � �� d��•� ! !� CJ ��� APO maeeem �ul� ��'i WATER SUPPLY: ❑ PUBB C �KPRIVA ''� :.,ma`s WELL LOCATION: - OTHER WATER FEATURES: Od °� p e ° e ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SPECIALIST PINEY VALLEY RANCHES TRUST PO BOX 640 VAIL, CO 81658-0640 Property Record Card Eagle Account: R015800 Tax Area: SC078 - WOLCOTT (AREA) - SC078 Acres: 640.000 Parcel: 1941-051-00-003 Situs Address: Value Summary Legal Description Section: 6 Township: 4 Range: 83 NI/2 SE1/4-SE1/4SE1/4 Section: 8 Value By: Market Override Township: 4 Range: 83 NWI/4NW1/4 Section: 5 Township: 4 Range: 83 S1/2SW1/4-SI/2N1/2-NI/2SE1/4-NI/2SW1/4 LOTS 9,10 BK-0131 PG Land (1) $16,720 N/A 0299 Total $16,720 $16,720 BK-0406 PG-0597 QCD 02-02-85 BK-0524 PG-0867 PRD 03-20-90 BK-0539 PG-0559 PRD 09-19-90 Land Occurrence 1 Abstract Code 4147 - GRAZING LAND- Percentage 100.0 AGRICULTURAL 4000 -AGRICULTURAL Neighborhood 100 -AGRICULTURAL Use Code 5499 DRY GRAZING 35 A AUM Super Neighborhood 50 AG. PROPERTIES Land Code - Size 640 ACTUAL EFFECTIVE HEATED FOOTPRINT SubArea 640 Land A 640.00 Total Value Rate Rate Rate Rate $16,720 26.13 Abstract Summary Code Classification Actual Value Taxable Actual Taxable Value Override Override 4147 GRAZING LAND- $16,720 $4,850 NA NA AGRICULTURAL A#: R015800 P#: 194105100003 As of: 10/11/2012 Page 1 of 2 BROCK CONSULTING, LLC Professional Services February 1, 2013 VIA email: [environment@eaglecounty.us] Eagle County Building Department P.O. Box 850 Eagle, CO 81631 CLLC 876 Mesa Drive P.O.B. 3644 Eagle, CO 81631 Direct 970-471-2121 Fax 970-328-0875 brockconsultingOcenturytel.net Reference: Engineering Certification Letter for Piney Valley Ranches Outhouse Permit # OWTS 10-12-8254 17 Ranch Road, Wolcott, Colorado Dear Department of Environmental Health: Please accept this certification letter, as -built drawing and pictures as certification of the OWTS serving the Outhouse structure at 17 Ranch Road, Wolcott, Colorado in Eagle County, Colorado has been installed as reflected on the As Built Drawing, attached, and constructed per Eagle County Septic Regulations by licensed septic installer Vern L. Brock (license #35-12) and general contractor/owner Bangert Enterprises. If you have any concerns with this submittal, please call me. 'ncerely, i,_;, Vern L. Brock, P.E. Brock Consulting, LLC cc: Darryl Bangert Attachments: AS -BUILT DRAWING, 2/01/13 Actual Dimensions to Facilities.doc Progress Pictures of 10-29-12 BROCK CONSULTING LLC ACTUAL DIMENSIONS TO FACILITIES SEPTIC TANK TO BUILDING SEPTIC TANK TO WATER LINE SEPTIC TANK TO ABSORPTION TRENCHES SEPTIC TANK TO WELL ABSORPTION TRENCHES TO BUILDING ABSORPTION TRENCHES TO WATER LINE ABSORPTION TRENCHES TO IRRIGATION DITCH ABSORPTION TRENCHES TO WELL BUILDING SEWER TO WATER LINE Measured October 29, 2012 Piney Valley Ranches Septic System BCLLC ACTUAL (MIN. REQ'D) 13 FT (5 FT) 23 FT (10 FT) 92 FT (10 FT) 94 FT (50 FT) 100 FT (20 FT) 125 FT (25 FT) NA (50 FT) 200 FT (100 FT) 20 FT (10 FT) :'fONA1e- EAGLE COU i OWTS-10-12-8254 je Ray Merry <ray. merry @eaglecounty. us> To: Vern Brock <brockconsulting@centurytel.net> Cc: #environment <environment@eaglecounty.us> Vern, Please find the permit attached. Terri Vroman <terri.vroman@eaglecounty.us> Fri, Oct 19, 2012 at 1:19 PM If you could get us a clean copy of your report, we can probably get a better, color scan for our records. You could do this as you submit the as -built drawing. Give us a call when this gets finished to see if we're available to get GPS coordinates but if you plan to complete the installation over this weekend, go ahead and finish then provide us the as-builts with the system certification letter. Since we understand there is a residence proposed to be built next year that will be connected to this system, the language I inserted about installing a stub out may be awkward. This permit will expire in 120 days without a building permit associated with it so if the plan is to use the system before the residential structure is built, we will need to final out this permit and have you obtain an alteration permit next year detailing and authorizing connection to the new residence. Call with any questions. Thanks. Raymond P. Merry, REHS Director of Environmental Health PO Box 179 Eagle, CO 81631 970.328.8757 ray.merry@eaglecounty.us AThanks for not printing electronic media n OWTS-10-12-8254 Piney Valley Ranch Trust.pdf 118K DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH (970)328-8755 FAX: (970) 328-8788 TOLL FREE: 800-225-6136 www.eaglecounty.us EAGLE COUNTY February 4, 2013 Piney Valley Ranches Trust PO Box 460 Wolcott, CO 81655 RAYMOND P. MERRY, REHS Director RE: Final approval of septic permit OWTS-10-12-8254; Tax parcel #1941-051-00-003; Property location: 17 Ranch Rd., Wolcott, CO To Whom It May Concern: This letter is to inform you that the above -referenced septic permit has been inspected and finalized. This permit was approved for an outfitter :` guide restroom facility. Additional information about the maintenance of your septic system as well as information about private wells can be accessed through web site links provided on the Environmental Health Department's home page at http://www.eaglecounty.us. envHealtb Be aware that changes in the use of your property or alterations of your building may require commensurate changes to, or relocation of, your septic system. Landscape features, trees with tap roots, irrigation systems and parking areas above the drain field can cause premature system failure. It is equally important that you notice and immediately repair dripping faucets and hissing toilets as this will certainly cause the system to fail. By following a few simple guidelines, like avoiding grease or other additives down the drain and makinp- sure -your septic tank is on a pumping schedule, your system has been designed to last for many years. If you have any questions regarding this information, please contact us at (970) 328-8755. Sincerely, Terri Vroman Administrative Technician IV cc: OWTS permit folder Energov electronic file OLD COURTHOUSE BUILDING, 551 Broadway, P.O. Box 179, Eagle, Colorado 81631 -0179 133 HS x m z D r-- m m m ;7 m z m -Ti r- m =m-p m U) �zO amm ci a a -C a f C V1 0 (A F M D 0 0 0 0 v � C 0 0 0<� 0 �u z MD � C7 � � 0 0D m �l aD-T,0 0 �xom000 o�M � C) �� o omm TDC oz � � � � 00 M C) Page | 1 PINEY VALLEY RANCHES OWTS # 10-12-8254 PROGRESS PICTURES DATE 10-29-2012 INLET INTO TRENCH 1 CHAMBERS. BACKFILL WITH ¾” SCREEN ROCK AROUND PIPE AND COVER TRENCH 1 LOOKING WEST, TOWARDS INLET END (LEVEL) Page | 2 TRENCH 1 TO TRENCH 2 CONNECTION PER INFILTRATOR PORTS Page | 3 LOWER TRENCH 2 LOOKING WEST TYPICAL CHAMBER DEPTH 3 FT Page | 4 TYPICAL PIPE SPECIFICATION SDR 35, 4 INCH TRENCH SIDES - TYPICAL Page | 5 END OF TRENCH 2 CHAMBERS ; VIEW EAST WITH INSPECTION PIPE VIEW OF BOTH ABSORPTION TRENCHES PRIOR TO BACKFILL. SEPARATE TOP SOIL FOR TOP 8 INCHES OF FIELD. Page | 6 1500 GAL SEPTIC TANK Page | 7 OUTHOUSE AND SEPTIC LINE AND CLEANOUT Page | 8 Page | 9 SEPTIC TANK RISERS. LID 8 INCHES BELOW GRADE. INSPECTION PORTS AT ENTRANCE AND END OF EACH TRENCH OF CHAMBERS (20 EACH) ( TOTAL 40) Page | 10 2 INCH RIDGID INSULATION AT DRIVEWAY CROSSING TYPICAL INLET TEE PER MANUFACTURER Page | 11 SEPTIC TANK PRIOR TO RISERS INSTALLED AND BACKFILL