HomeMy WebLinkAboutR21-101 Adopting a 5th Supplementary Budget for Fiscal Year 2021 DocuSign Envelope ID:22B66E4B-DEA1-4183-8DF6-0EB4E3AB6758
Commissioner McQueeney moved adoption
of the following Resolution:
RESOLUTION NO.2021 - 101
WHEREAS, the County has received certain unanticipated revenues, hereinafter
described; and
WHEREAS, said revenues were not anticipated at the time of the adoption of the 2021
budget and/or such revenues were not assured at the time of the adoption of the 2021 budget and
therefore were not appropriated; and
WHEREAS, in view of the needs of the various offices, departments, boards,
commissions, and other spending agencies, it is also necessary to transfer certain previously
budgeted and appropriated monies; and
WHEREAS, the Board has the authority to expend such unanticipated or unassured
revenues by enacting a supplementary budget and appropriation, and to transfer budgeted and
appropriated revenues from one county fund to another county fund,pursuant to C.R.S. §§ 29-1-
109 and 29-1-111; and
WHEREAS, Eagle County's Finance Director has determined that such budget
appropriations are in compliance with the provisions of the Colorado Constitution, Article X,
Section 20,also known as "Amendment One: The Taxpayer's Bill of Rights"; and
WHEREAS, notice of this proposed supplementary budget has been published in a
newspaper having general circulation within the territorial limits of the County of Eagle, State of
Colorado, as required by the terms of C.R.S. § 29-1-106.
THAT, the Board hereby authorizes a supplementary budget and appropriation of
unanticipated revenues, unassured funds, and transfers from fund balance as described in
Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference.
DocuSign Envelope ID:22B66E4B-DEA1-4183-8DF6-0EB4E3AB6758
THAT, the Treasurer of the County of Eagle is hereby requested and directed to take all
action necessary to effectuate the intent of this Resolution.
THAT,the Eagle County Budget Officer is hereby requested and directed to immediately
transmit an original or certified copy of this Resolution to the affected spending agencies and the
officer or employee of the County of Eagle whose duty it is to draw warrants or orders for the
payment of money.
THAT, the Eagle County Budget Officer is hereby further requested and directed to file
an original or certified copy of this Resolution with the Division of Local Governments in the
Department of Local Affairs.
THAT,this resolution is necessary for the public health, safety and welfare of the citizens
of Eagle County, Colorado.
MOVED,READ AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of the County
of Eagle, State of Colorado, at its regular meeting held the 7th day of
Decemeber , 2021.
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County Commissioners County Commissioners Chair
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Commissioner 3/0 seconded adoption of the foregoing resolution. The roll
having been called,the vote was as follows:
DocuSign Envelope ID:22B66E4B-DEA1-4183-8DF6-0EB4E3AB6758
Commissioner Scherr Aye
Commissioner Chandler-Henry Aye
Commissioner McQueeney Aye
This resolution passed by 3/0 vote of the Board of County Commissioners of
the County of Eagle, State of Colorado
DocuSign Envelope ID:22B66E4B-DEA1-4183-8DF6-0EB4E3AB6758
5th Supplemental Request to the 2021 Budget
To: Board of County Commissioners
From: Finance Department
CC: County Manager's Office, Elected Officials,and Department Heads
EAGLE COUNTY Date: 12/1/2021
Finance Re: 5th Supplemental to the 2021 Adopted Budget
Included in this memo are the following items:
-A summary of the revenues and expenditures included in this supplemental request by fund.(Bottom of this page)
-Request Summary.This sheet is a summary of all program and project requests.(Page 2)
-Project Description. This sheet provides details of each program or project request.(Page 3)
-Fund Balance/Net Position Summary. The purpose of this sheet to give a high level update of projected 2021 fund
balance/net position for all Eagle County funds, including the impacts of the 2021 adopted budget and all budget amendments
on fund balance/net position.(Page 4)
Following is a summary of the 5th Supplemental to the 2021 Adopted Budget request:
Fund# Fund Name Revenues Expenditures
1001 -General Fund $ 4,598,582 $ 1,557,479
1151 -ECO Transit $ 5,251,102 $ 185,000
1152-ECO Trails $ 167,683 $ -
1160-Airport $ - $ 119,900
1170-Conservation Trust $ 20,000 $ 500
1200-Public Health $ - $ 250,000
1442-Open Space $ 236,619 $ 236,619
2150-Capital Improvements $ 766,644 $ -
3600-Landfill $ 250,000 $ 34,600
3680-Lake Creek Village $ - $ 38,000
3700-Fleet $ - $ (374,869)
Total $ 11,290,630 $ 2,047,229
Coversheet 1
DocuSign Envelope ID:22B66E4B-DEA1-4183-8DF6-0EB4E3AB6758
5th Supplemental Request to the 2021 Budget
Fund Name Department Name ProjecERequesf Name - - Total Revenue 'Total Expenses
1001-General Fund Building Building Fees increase $ 1,595,380 $ -
Clerk&Recorder Recording Revenue increase $ 450,434 $ -
Facilities Chapel Square CAM&Utilities $ - $ 16,000
Miller Ranch Water Bill $ - $ 11,500
Finance Increase sales tax projections $ 1,423,768 $ 336,643
Northwest Loan Fund Pass Through Grant $ 1,129,000 $ 1,129,000
Natural Resources Wildlife Survey $ - $ 16,500
Treasurer Treasurer Fees increase $ - $ 47,836
1001-General Fund Total .. $ 4,598,582 _$ 1,557,479
1151-ECO Transit ECO Transit Bus Operator wage increase $ - $ 150,000
Receipt of CRRSAA Reimbursement $ 3,500,000 $ -
Finance Increase sales tax projections $ 1,751,102 $ 35,000
1151-ECOTransit Total ' ' $ 5,251,102 $ 185,000
1152-ECO Trails Finance Increase sales tax projections $ 167,683 $ -
1152-ECO Trails Total $ 167,683 $ -
1160-Airport Airport Aiport Equipment $ - $ 13,900
Light Pole Replacement $ - $ 106,000
1160-Airport Total $ - $ 119,900
1170-Conservation Trust Finance Increase in Conservation Trust fund revenue $ 20,000 $ 500
1170-Conservation Trust Total $ 20,000 $ 500
1200-Public Health Public Health and Enviomment Tobacco Prevention Coordinators $ - $ 250,000
1200-Public Health Total $ - $ 250,000
1442-Open Space Open Space BCVROS/Adam's Way Trail Grant $ 51,619 $ 51,619
Eagle Valley Outdoor Movement Grant $ 185,000 $ 185,000
1442.Open Space Total $ 236,619 $ 236,619
2150-Capital Improvements Finance Increase sales tax projections $ 766,644 $ -
2150-Capital Improvements Total $ 766,644 $ -
3600-Landfill Solid Waste&Recycling Drone Survey $ - $ 6,600
Landfill charges $ 250,000 $ -
Temp Labor for MRF $ - $ 28,000
3600-Landfill Total $ 250,000 $ 34,600
3680-Lake Creek Village Housing Legal Fees for Lake Creek Village Sale $ - $ 30,000
Overtime for Maintenance Staff $ - $ 8,000
3880-Lake Creek Village Total $ - $ 38,000
3700-Fleet Fleet Services FASTER Upgrade $ - $ (100,000)
Remove vehicle purchases due to supply chain $ - $ (274,869)
3700-Fleet Total $ - $ (374,869)
Grand Total $ 11,290,630 $ 2,047,229
Request Summary 2
DocuSign Envelope ID:22B66E4B-DEA1-4183-8DF6-0EB4E3AB6758
5th Supplemental Request to the 2021 Budget
Project/Request Name. Project/Request Brief Description
Aiport Equipment Distance Measuring Equipment and Air Traffic Control Tower replacement beacon
BCVROS/Adam's Way Trail Grant Eagle County received$51,618.91 from Great Outdoors Colorado and passed it to Vail Valley
Mountain Trails Association
Building Fees increase This is to account for increased building fee collections in 2021.
Bus Operator wage increase When the ECO bus driver wage increase and new bonus structure was approved earlier this year,
we did not increase their budget.Now with the increased wages,seasonal hiring and sign on
bonus payments we need to increase their wages budget.
Chapel Square CAM&Utilities Requesting budget to pay for common area maintenance fees and utilities for the lease at Chapel
Square in Avon.This building will offer public health,motor vehicle,and elections services to the
Drone Survey The drone survey ended up costing more than we had budgeted. This request is the difference.
Eagle Valley Outdoor Movement Grant Pass through grant for Walking Mountains Science Center from Get Outside Colorado
FASTER Upgrade The FASTER upgrade will be delayed to 2022 and the updated expenses will be added to the 2022
adopted budget.
Increase in Conservation Trust fund revenue This is to increase the revenue expected from state lottery funds and to increase the treasury
fees due to the collection of additional revenue.
Increase sales tax projections Increase sales tax projections to account for additional revenue we expect to receive.The
revenue is offset by the amount paid to RFTA in the ECO Transit fund and to the towns in the
General Fund.
Landfill charges Revenues at the Landfill and MRF are trending higher than expected during the 2021 budget
Legal Fees for Lake Creek Village Sale During the sale process of LCV,we have enlisted outside counsel to prepare forms in a timely
manner to expedite a closing. The$30,000 supplemental should cover all costs through closing.
Light Pole Replacement We will be replacing 29 light poles at the airport and acquiring 2 extra to keep on hand.This
project is for improved safety.We plan to share this expense with Eagle County Air Terminal Corp
Miller Ranch Water Bill We were mistakenly not billed and therefore budgeted incorrectly for water service at Miller
Ranch since 2019(meter problem)so we have a large outstanding invoice due to ERWS.
Northwest Loan Fund Pass Through Grant The Northwest Loan Fund makes loans to small businesses. We anticipate that the NLF will
request additional grant dollars and we will the pass the funds through to NLF.
Overtime for Maintenance Staff Extra work was required in 2021 by the LCV Maintenance Staff. We were short staffed for a few
months in the middle of the year and extra work was required to prepare for the listing of Lake
Creek Village. These extra hours required more overtime expenses which were not budgeted for
in 2021.
Receipt of CRRSAA Reimbursement We will receive reimbursement for eligible operating and administrative expenditures that
qualify as part of the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act.
Recording Revenue increase Increase in recording revenue to account for increased collections in 2021.
Remove vehicle purchases due to supply chain Supply chain issues in 2021 have reduced the availability of vehicles for purchase. We are
delaying purchase of ten vehicles to 2022 so are formally removing them from our 2021 budget
Temp Labor for MRF Due to COVID we are still having to utilize temp labor at the MRF.
Tobacco Prevention Coordinators Due to confusion with the 2021 budget department entries and final adopted budget we had
$250,000 removed from our expense budget with the last supplemental in error. Those funds
should have remained in the ECPHE budget for 2021 in order to cover the agreement we had in
place with Eagle County School District to cover their Tobacco Prevention Coordinators.This
request is to add those funds in the amount of$250k back into our budget.
Treasurer Fees increase This is to account for an increase in treasurer fees associated with increased revenue collections.
Wildlife Survey This is to pay for a wildlife survey that was conducted this fall.Outcomes will assist in decision
Project Description 3
DocuSign Envelope ID:22B66E4B-DEA1-4183-8DF6-0EB4E3AB6758
5th Supplemental Request to the 2021 Budget
5th Supplemental Requests Updated
Audited 12/31/20 2021 Amended Projected 12/31/21 Projected 12/31/21
Fund Balance/Net Budget Net Fund Balance/Net Updated 2021 Fund Balance/Net
Position Revenue Position Revenue Expenses Net Revenue Position
1001-General Fund $ 37,689,167 $ (7,343,389) $ 30,345,778 $ 4,598,582 $ 1,557,479 $ (4,302,286) $ 33,386,881
1004-Public Trustee Fund $ 126,930 $ (4,013) $ 122,917 $ - $ - $ (4,013) $ 122,917
1100-Road and Bridge $ 8,720,517 $ 387,782 $ 9,108,299 $ - $ - $ 387,782 $ 9,108,299
1110-Human Services $ 3,876,534 $ (434,175) $ 3,442,359 $ - $ - $ (434,175) $ 3,442,359
1140-Offsite Road Improvements $ 983,670 $ 15,834 $ 999,504 $ - $ - $ 15,834 $ 999,504
1151-ECO Transit $ 10,570,470 $- (1,183,604) $ 9,386,866 $ 5,251,102 $ 185,000 $ 3,882,498 $ 14,452,968
1152-ECO Trails $ 1,713,040 $ 327,639 $ 2,040,679 $ 167,683 $ - $ 495,322 $ 2,208,362
1153-RFV Transit $ 56,155 $ (56,155) $ - $ - $ - $ (56,155) $ -
1154-RFV Trails $ 4,971 $ (4,971) $ - $ - $ - $ (4,971) $ -
1160-Airport $ 8,195,910 $ 2,041,532 $ 10,237,442 $ - $ 119,900 $ 1,921,632 $ 10,117,542
1170-Conservation Trust $ 174,607 $ 56,200 $ 230,807 $ 20,000 $ 500 $ 75,700 $ 250,307
1180-800 MHz $ 1,576,406 $ 155,637 $ 1,732,043 $ - $ - $ 155,637 $ 1,732,043
1191-Emergency Reserve(TABOR) $ 2,747,427 $ - $ 2,747,427 $ - $ - $ - $ 2,747,427
1200-Public Health $ 3,228,892 $ 526,364 $ 3,755,256 $ - $ 250,000 $ 276,364 $ 3,505,256
1210-Mental Health $ 485,067 $ (117,947) $ 367,120 $ - $ - $ (117,947) $ 367,120
1400-Housing Loans $ 703,599 $ (255,000) $ 448,599 $ - $ - $ (255,000) $ 448,599
1401-Housing Operations $ 968,849 $ (237,368) $ 731,481 $ - $ - $ (237,368) $ 731,481
1410-Workforce Housing Rentals $ 8,305 $ 15,130 $ 23,435 $ - $ - $ 15,130 $ 23,435
1442-Open Space $ 9,401,480 $ 3,143,352 $ 12,544,832 $ 236,619 $ 236,619 $ 3,143,352 $ 12,544,832
2150-Capital Improvements $ 11,725,929 $ 21,906,797 $ 33,632,726 $ 766,644 $ - $ 22,673,441 $ 34,399,370
3600-Landfill $ 16,329,837 $ (529,374) $ 15,800,463 $ 250,000 $ 34,600 $ (313,974) $ 16,015,863
3650 -EagleCountyAirTerminalCorp $ 26,185,843 $ 1,157,600 $ 27,343,443 $ - $ - $ 1,157,600 $ 27,343,443
3660-The Valley Home Store $ 138,183 $ (4,477) $ 133,706 $ - $ - $ (4,477) $ 133,706
3670-Eagle County Housing and Development Auth $ 17,426,338 $ (370,514) $ 17,055,824 $ - $ - $ (370,514) $ 17,055,824
3680-Lake Creek Village $ 1,001,799 $ 172,996 $ 1,174,795 $ - $ 38,000 $ 134,996 $ 1,136,79S
3700-Fleet $ 17,978,072 $ 284,819 $ 18,262,891 $ - $ (374,869) $ 659,688 $ 18,637,760
3730-Insurance Reserve $ 386,769 $ (82,385) $ 304,384 $ - $ - $ (82,385) $ 304,384
3790-Health Insurance $ 9,108,228 $ (2,116,327) $ 6,991,901 $ - $ - $ (2,116,327) $ 6,991,901
3900-E911 Authority $ 602,512 $ (49,292) $ 553,220 $ - $ - $ (49,292) $ 553,220
3990-Golden Eagle $ 165,915 $ (24,155) $ 141,760 $ - $ - $ (24,155) $ 141,760
Total $ 192,281,421 $ 17,378,536 $ 209,659,957 $ 11,290,630 $ 2,047,229 $ 26,621,937 $ 218,903,358
Fund Balance/Net Position 4