HomeMy WebLinkAboutR21-082 Terminating Special Use Permit ZS-315-91 Water Ski Lake and Wetlands Eagle County, Co 202123420
DocuSign Envelope ID:1144F40C-C236-4F5B-B783-4424193264A3 Regina O'Brien 10/18/2021
Pgs: 8 01:11:48 PM
REC: $0.00
DOC: $0.00
Commissioner Chandler-Henry moved adoption
of the following Resolution:
WHEREAS,Woody Ventures, LLC and the Tree Farm RFV, LLC are the current owners
of the real property described in the Special Use Permit described and defined below (the
"Property"); and
WHEREAS, Andrew Lane previously sought and obtained a special use permit for the
operation of a private water ski lake on the Property (Eagle County File No. ZS-315-91) as set
forth in Eagle County Resolution No. 92-75 recorded July 30, 1992, in the Eagle County Clerk
and Recorder Records as Reception No.482031,which is attached hereto and incorporated herein
as Exhibit A("Special Use Permit"); and
WHEREAS, subsequent to the issuance of the Special Use Permit, the portion of the
Property on which the lake is located became subject to the Tree Farm Planned Unit Development,
as amended ("PUD"), originally approved by the Board of County Commissioners on June 26,
2017, and evidenced by Eagle County Resolution No. 2017-064 recorded in the Eagle County
Clerk and Recorder Records as Reception No. 201718206; and
WHEREAS,because the lake within the Property is now governed by the Tree Farm PUD,
Andrew Lane, Woody Ventures, LLC, and Tree Farm RFV, LLC requested that the County
extinguish the Special Use Permit for the Property, as it is no longer needed and is superseded by
the PUD.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of
the County of Eagle, State of Colorado:
THAT, the Special Use Permit (Eagle County File No. ZS-315-91) for the operation of
a private water ski lake as set forth in Resolution No. 92-75, attached hereto as Exhibit A, and
recorded on July 30, 1992 in the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder Records as Reception No.
482031 is hereby extinguished and terminated as to the Property.
THAT, the Board of County Commissioners finds, determines and declares that this
Resolution is necessary for the public health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of the County of
Eagle, State of Colorado.
DocuSign Envelope ID:1144F40C-C236-4F5B-B783-44241932B4A3
MOVED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State
of Colorado, at its regular meeting held the 12th day of October 2021.
OF EAGLE COLORADO, By and Through Its
DocuSigned by: •
r Absent
Clerk todcsofo- Matt Scherr
County Commissioners Chair
,-DocuSigned byVrg t
Jeanne IVic.QueencryAmm
DocuSigned by:
Kathy Chattolsier4lemoy
Commissioner Chandler-Henry seconded adoption of the foregoing resolution. The roll
having been called, the vote was as follows:
Commissioner Chandler-Henry Aye
Commissioner McQueeney Aye
Commissioner Scherr Absent
This resolution passed by 2/0 vote of the Board of County Commissioners of
the County of Eagle, State of Colorado.
DocuSign,Envelope ID:1144F40C-C236-4F5B-B783-44241932B4A3
Special Use Permit
DocuSign Envelope ID:1144F40C-C236-4F5B-B783-44241932B4A3
71-- '
Commissioner 1 moved adoption
of the following Resolution:
t:.o. RESOLUTION NO. 92 -
Andrew Lane - Water Ski Lake and Wetlands �. C
FILE NO. ZS-315-91
WHEREAS, Andrew (Ace) Lane ("Applicant") did file an appli-
cation with the Eagle County Department of Community Development
on or about November 11, 1991, . for, a Special Use Permit for a
private water ski lake within a Resource Zone District, in the
Q . unincorporated area of Eagle County described as follows:
-1 c See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incor-
p. porated herein by this reference.Q. LI
WHEREAS, based on the evidence, testimony, exhibits, study
of the Master Plan for the unincorporated areas of Eagle County,
0 •comments of the Eagle County Department of Community Development,
1 `as comments of public officials and agencies, the recommendation of
the Planning Commission, and comments from all interested par-
' ties, the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle,
C) State of Colorado ("the Board") , finds as follows:
1. That proper publication and public notice was provided
as required by law for the hearings before the Planning
Commission and the Board.
2. That the proposed special use conforms to the.require-
:c � ments of Section 2.09 of the Eagle County.Land Use
Regulations, which are incorporated herein as if set
03 Z forth with particularity.ILI
3. That the proposed special use will be compatible with
. existing uses in the area.
2 •
IQ'z" 4. That the followinghave been considered: The potential
! oa a effect of the use on the character of the neighborhood,
1-). adequacy of access to and from the area, a q Yppropriate- •
ness of the physical arrangement of the use on the
proposed site, and consistency with the Master Plan and
the environmental impact report.
DocuSign,Envelope ID:1144F40C-C236-4F5B-B783-44241932B4A3
5. That for the above-stated and other reasons, the pro-
posed special use is in the best interest of the
health, safety, morals, convenience, order, prosperity
and welfare of the citizens of Eagle County.
THAT, the application of Andrew (Ace) Lane, File No. ZS-315-
91, for a Sp cial Use Permit for a privai-e water ski (lake with'in:: . _,
the ResourceIZone District described herein, be approved, subject
to the conditions as set forth herein.
,�1 THAT, the following
shall be placed upon this
approval and that violation of any condition shall be the basis
for revocation of the Special Use Permit: G.?
1. The twenty-acre illegal parcel located on the subject
property, in the vicinity of the proposed lake, will
either be increased in size to at least 35 acres, or be
dissolved. This shall be documented through a recorded
Warranty Deed or Deeds.
2. The Applicant will have all appropriate water rights in
place and an approved augmentation plan, or establish a
letter of credit and reclamation plan satisfactory to
the County Attorney and the County Engineer, before any
construction takes place.
3. There will be no commercial operations associated with
this project, including, but not limited to, ski
clinics or ski schools for a fee, general concessions,
ticketed events and admission charges..
4. A liner adequate to control seepage will be incorpor-
ated into the construction of the lake.
5. The Applicant will comply with the requirements of the .
Army Corps of Engineers, Section 404 of the Clean Water
Act, and Nationwide Permit 26.
6. Access related to the project will be from the Appli-
cant's access easement to the northwest of the lake.
The agricultural access point just north of the lake
will not be used for lake-related access.
7. The Applicant will follow the Wetland Mitigation and
Wildlife Habitat Improvement Plan, Lane Parcel, date;
July 1, 1991.
8. The Applicant shall construct and operate the lake and
wetlands in accordance with all applicable local, State
and Federal Regulations.
482031 8 -585 P�-927 07 ,70/ ';' .1 C,. :a:
DocuSign Envelope ID:1144F40C-C236-4F5B-B783-44241932B4A3
9. All material representations made by the Applicant in
the application and public meeting shall be adhered to .:
and considered conditions of approval, unless otherwise
amended by other conditions.
10. Operations shall be limited to the hours between 7:30
a.m. and sunset.
11: The lake shall be limited to the use of one water ski
boat at a time.
12. All water ski boats shall be AWSA certif;ed tournament
ski boats. Noise levels shall not excee.t_ 75decibels �..
at 100 feet. ,\?
13. There shall be no artificial lighting of the lake for .
night-time water skiing. .
14. The Applicant will produce and follow amosquito and
algae/weed/odor control plan acceptable to the County
THAT, this Permit shall be subject to periodic review by the
Planning Department and shall be heard by the Board of County
Commissioners only if complaints are received and not satisfac-
torily resolved by the staff. .
That,. the Board directs the Department of Community Develop-
ment to provide a copy of this Resolution to Applicant.
THAT, the Board hereby finds, determines and declares that ..
this Resolution is necessary for the health, safety and welfare `
of the citizens of Eagle County.
MOVED, READ AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners
of the County of Eagle, Stat of Colorado, at its regular meeting
held the ' ` . day of , 1992.
COLORADO, by and Through Its
J erk to the Board of -i hard L. t. - on, c man
County Commissioners ;
482031 9-585 P-927 07,43'0,;w, , .ic:- J ;, M ;' ..5
DocuSigr,Envelope ID:1144F40C-C236-4F5B-B783-44241932B4A3
George . Gates, Commissioner,.
Donald H. Welch, Commissioner
Commissioqnner. }TS seconded adoption of
the foregoing resolution. The roll having been called, .-.th vote
was as follows:
Commissioner George A. Gates
Commissioner Richard L. Gustafs ..i
Commissioner Donald H. Welch AL- y ^�
This Resolution passed by ei ✓xoits vote of the Board of
County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State. .of: Colorado.
THAT, this permit shall be subject to periodic review by the
Planning Department, and shall be heard by the Board of County
Commissioners only if complaints are received and not satisfac-
torily resolved by the staff.
THAT, the Board of County Commissioners directs the Depart-
ment of Community Development to provide a copy of this Resolu-
tion to. the Applicant.
482031 8-585 P�-927 07/30.,%:'�� .t,<;, 3
DocuSign Envelope ID:1144F40C-C236-4F5B-B783-44241932B4A3 °i _ , .. -:!; ,t'- ? .,
...- . , i III &,-,d,.• 11411, •,. IIV : :
' A tract of land situate. in Section 35 of TOwnSiiiio -7 South,:Range 87 West';:•° ,'.: : '
-- . • and Section2 of Township 8 `South, Range 87 West. of the 6th :Principal: ,,_
Meridian being more particularly described as follows:
. Beginning at. the southwest corner of said Section 35i thence Al 02°07'04 E : :' •
670.16 feet along the west'line of said •Section 35; thence S 88'55'51" E
2622.50 feet: along the north line of, the S 1/2 of the S 1/2 of the SW 1/4 .,•`
of said Secti 35; .thence S 00°40'49" W 667.61 feet along the north-south . ' .
. centerline of said Section 35 • to the S 1/4 corner of Section 35,':alsa '
.. being AP 1 of Tract 38,of said Section 2; thence' S 00°41 '38" W along 'line
1-6 of said Tract 38 to AP 6 of Tract 38, also being the northwest corner
of Lot 7 of survey approved by Surveyor General on .January . 20, 1891;
thence S 01'12'04" W 1319.45 feet along the west line of lots 7 and 10 to
a point on 'the northwest boundary of Laurel J. Estates, -County of Eagle,
State of Colorado; thence along the north and west boundary of Laura J.' . •
Estates the following nineteen (19) oourses: . •
1) N 89°37'45" W 64.87 feet; thence •
• • 2) N 01'12'27" E 364.73 feet; thence '
3) N 89'00'45" W 236.80 feet; thence
4) • S 04°50'45" E 52.54 feet; thence • • • '
5) S 03°29'15" W 51.41 feet; thence
6) S 23°48'15" W 108.46 feet; thence
7) S 00°56'15" W 205.14 feet; thence
8) ,S 10°07'45" E 90.55 feet; thence
9) S 18°17'15" W 79.16 feet; thence
10) S 29'14'15" W 90.82 feet; thence
11) S 83°17'15" W 162.69 feet; thence
12) .S 61'08'15" W 135.86 feet; thence .
A . . ._13) . S 04°47'45" E 36.83 feet; thence
`0 14) S.25°06'15" W 96.33 feet; thence
15) S 34'17'15" W 80.60 feet; thence
.161 S 36'05'15" W 104.58 feet; thence
. .17) S 10'42'15" W 41.48 feet; thence .
18) S 05'44'45" E• 134.08 feet; thence •
19) S 36°59'15" W 198.55 feet to the easterly right-of-way line of Colo- •
R rado State Highway No. 82; thence 1146.35 feet along the arc of a 2905.00 .
'n • foot radius curve to the left, having a central angle of 22°36'35" and
.o subtending a chord bearing N 27°43'50" W 1138.93 feet along said easterly
right-of-way line; thence N 39°02'07" -W 1805.40 feet along said easterly
' right-of-way line; thence 46.40 feet along the arc of 3860.00 foot
radius curve to the left, having a central angles of 00°41 '19" and sub-
C. tending a chord bearing N 39'22'47" W 46.40 feet; thence •
S 85°14'43" E 98.94 feet; thence N 18°48'19" W 67.58 feet; thence
N 15°02'29" W 119.52 feet; thence N 09°45'49" W 38.25 feet; thence
n .N 04'43'44" W 44:33 feet; thence N•00°57-'26" 8 35.53 feet; thence
o-., N 18'32'47" E 62.61 feet; thence N 18°28'08" E 84.30 feet; thence
`i N 11 °37'20" E 206.63'feet; thence N 13°01 '28" 8 149.29 feet; thence
,r, N 02'48'58" E• 23.73 feet; thence N 27°14'26" W 178. 15 feet; thence
' ' N :12'38'10" E 49.39 .feet;.. thence N 06°.49'30" W 98.27 feet; thence
e . 1 . .N 18°15'37" W-- -34,40'feet, thencel 27'11 '00" W MOO feet to the AP 3 of .
' ' Tract •38: t-.henrP t‘i fi(?°d'+..t(?n.M L. »i r c` •- •'- � •A9 - ..1-..,...3.4.J417 .mil K: J-L ll;. it Q*:;- •50 to .
AP 2 of Tract`'3,8,,.also beinc{ 'the couthwest darner of Section 35, the point .
M: of beginning, .00h-taints 3- 206.047 acres gore 'or less:
Except.a tract of larK1 previoi.s.l•y descri-iF d' oantaining 6.81 acres more or
a less.