HomeMy WebLinkAboutR21-077 Adopting a 4th Supplementary Budget for Fiscal Year 2021 DocuSign Envelope ID:6F9E41D4-1473-469C-881B-A7B575A6E5D5
Commissioner Chandler-Henry moved adoption
of the following Resolution:
RESOLUTION NO.2021 - 077
WHEREAS, the County has received certain unanticipated revenues, hereinafter
described; and
WHEREAS, said revenues were not anticipated at the time of the adoption of the 2021
budget and/or such revenues were not assured at the time of the adoption of the 2021 budget and
therefore were not appropriated; and
WHEREAS, in view of the needs of the various offices, departments, boards,
commissions, and other spending agencies, it is also necessary to transfer certain previously
budgeted and appropriated monies; and
WHEREAS, the Board has the authority to expend such unanticipated or unassured
revenues by enacting a supplementary budget and appropriation, and to transfer budgeted and
appropriated revenues from one county fund to another county fund,pursuant to C.R.S. 29-1-109
and C.R.S.29-1-111;and
WHEREAS, Eagle County's Finance Director has determined that such budget
appropriations are in compliance with the provisions of the Colorado Constitution, Article X,
Section 20,also known as "Amendment One: The Taxpayer's Bill of Rights"; and.
WHEREAS, notice of this proposed supplementary budget has been published in a
newspaper having general circulation within the territorial limits of the County of Eagle, State of
Colorado,as required by the terms of C.R.S. 29-1-106.
THAT, the Board hereby authorizes a supplementary budget and appropriation of
unanticipated revenues, unassured funds, and transfers from fund balance as described in
Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference.
DocuSign Envelope ID:6F9E41D4-1473-469C-881B-A7B575A6E5D5
THAT, the Treasurer of the County of Eagle is hereby requested and directed to take all
action necessary to effectuate the intent of this Resolution.
THAT,the Eagle County Budget Officer is hereby requested and directed to immediately
transmit an original or certified copy of this Resolution to the affected spending agencies and the
officer or employee of the County of Eagle whose duty it is to draw warrants or orders for the
payment of money.
THAT, the Eagle County Budget Officer is hereby further requested and directed to file
an original or certified copy of this Resolution with the Division of Local Governments in the
Department of Local Affairs.
THAT, this resolution is necessary for the public health, safety and welfare of the
citizens of Eagle County,Colorado.
MOVED, READ AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of the
County of Eagle, State of Colorado, at its regular meeting held the 21 st day of
September 2021.
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DocuSigned by: 'O W(' DOcuSigned by:
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Clerk to eirtliNffe"°. Matt Scherr 81E7132D718E0473...
County Commissioners County Commissioners Chair
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Jeanne McQu128F8An47A
Commissioner McQueeney seconded adoption of the foregoing resolution. The roll
having been called,the vote was as follows:
DocuSign Envelope ID:6F9E41 D4-1473-469C-881 B-A7B575A6E5D5
Commissioner Scherr Aye
Commissioner Chandler-Henry Aye
Commissioner McQueeney Aye
This resolution passed by 3'0 vote of the Board of County Commissioners of
the County of Eagle, State of Colorado
4th Supplemental Request to the 2021 Budget-FINAL
To: Board of County Commissioners
From: Finance Department
CC: County Manager's Office, Elected Officials,and Department Heads
EAGLE COUNTY Date: 9/17/2021
Finance Re: 4th Supplemental to the 2021 Adopted Budget
Included in this memo are the following items:
-A summary of the revenues and expenditures included in this supplemental request by fund.(Bottom of this page)
- Request Summary.This sheet is a summary of all program and project requests. (Pages 2-3)
- Project Description. This sheet provides details of each program or project request. (Pages 4-6)
-Summary of Personnel Changes.This sheet provides details of staffing changes approved in previous supplementals and
recommendations of the Full Time Equivalent committee for approval by the BoCC in this request.(Page 7)
- Fund Balance/Net Position Summary. The purpose of this sheet to give a high level update of projected 2021 fund
balance/net position for all Eagle County funds, including the impacts of the 2021 adopted budget and all budget amendments
on fund balance/net position. (Page 8)
Following is a summary of the 4th Supplemental to the 2021 Adopted Budget request:
Fund# Fund Name Revenues Expenditures
1001 -General Fund $ 1,979,457 $ 1,392,167
1004- Public Trustee Fund $ - $ 2,020
1100- Road and Bridge $ 246,515 $ 89,132
1110- Human Services $ 10,000 $ 172,176
1151 - ECO transit $ 453,375 $ 310,425
1152- ECO Trails $ 50,375 $ (1,174,576)
1160-Airport $ - $ 101,092
1180-800 MHz $ - $ 1,581
1200- Public Health $ 787,310 $ 454,088
1210- Mental Health $ - $ 25,440
1401 - Housing Operations $ 6,000 $ 18,368
1410-Workforce Housing Rentals $ 12,000 $ 21,800
1442-Open Space $ - $ 13,324
2150-Capital Improvements $ 23,130,269 $ 1,005,922
3600- Landfill $ - $ 25,242
3650 -Eagle County Air Terminal Corp $ 1,840,450 $ 889,845
3660-The Valley Home Store $ 5,000 $ 19,191
3670- Eagle County Housing and Development Authority $ - $ 3,000
3680- Lake Creek Village $ - $ 53,500
3700- Fleet $ - $ 15,391
3990-Golden Eagle $ - $ 11,600
Total $ 28,520,751 $ 3,450,728
Coversheet 1
4th Supplemental Request to the 2021 Budget-FINAL
Fund Name Department Name Project/RequestName Total Revenue Total Expenses
1001-General Fund CBOE Modem Codecraft $ - $ 12,000
Communications 1.0 FTE-Public Relations Manager $ - $ 23,500
Modem Codecraft $ - $ 12,000
Economic Development Additional SBDC Funding $ 40,000 $ 40,000
Facilities Exercise equipment at the Senior Center. $ - $ 5,000
Justice Center Shower Remodel $ - $ 101,043
Modular Removal $ - $ 22,150
MSC Fence $ - $ 70,000
Fair and Rodeo Fair and Rodeo $ 24,825 $ 6,400
Finance CVRF grant revenue for Indoor Air Quality Project $ 50,000 $ -
Increased Sales Tax Collections $ 1,560,000 $ 250,000
Human Resources Market pay adjustment $ - $ 526,680
IT Conference Room Google Meet Build Out $ - $ 32,000
IT Telecomms Operating Budget $ - $ 30,000
Natural Resources United States Geological Survey $ - $ 4,517
Project Management Architectural Services $ - $ 10,000
Sheriffs Office Active Shooter Response Training $ 12,895 $ 12,895
Vail Mountain Rescue Group $ - $ 41,671
Vail Mountain Rescue Group DOLA Grant 2021 $ 18,696 $ 18,696
Sustainable Communities Eagle Valley Outdoor Movement Grant $ 273,041 $ 273,041
Sustainable Communities projects $ - $ (99,426)
1001-General Fund Total $ 1,979,457 $ 1,392,167
1004-Public Trustee Fund Human Resources Market pay adjustment $ - $ 2,020
1004-Public Trustee Fund Total $ - $ 2,020
1100-Road and Bridge Finance Road and Bridge ARPA Funds $ 246,515 $ -
Human Resources Market pay adjustment $ - $ 49,132
Road&Bridge Overtime wages $ - $ 40,000
1100-Road and Bridge Total $ 246,515 $ 89,132
1110-Human Services Human Resources Market pay adjustment $ - $ 111,287
Human Services Collaborative Management Program $ - $ 50,889
Elder Justice Act-ARPA $ 10,000 $ 10,000
1110-Human Services Total $ 10,000 $ 172,176
1151-ECO Transit ECO Transit Chemical Spill Cleaning $ - $ 7,400
Vail Daily Bus Stop Work $ - $ 3,500
Finance Increased Sales Tax Collections $ 453,375 $ 166,000
Human Resources Market pay adjustment $ - $ 133,525
1151-ECO Transit Total $ 453,375 $ 310,425
1152-ECO Trails Finance Increased Sales Tax Collections $ 50,375 $ -
Human Resources Market pay adjustment $ - $ 5,424
Project Management Eagle Valley Trail $ - $ (1,180,000)
1152-ECO Trails Total $ 50,375 $ (1,174,576)
1160-Airport Airport 1.0 FTE-Airport Admin Tech I $ - $ 10,935
1.0 FTE-Airport Deputy Director $ - $ 37,454
Human Resources Market pay adjustment $ - $ 52,703
1160-Airport Total $ - $ 101,092
1180-800 MHz Human Resources Market pay adjustment $ - $ 1,581
1180-800MHz Total $ - $ 1,581
1200-Public Health Human Resources Market pay adjustment $ - $ 50,369
Public Health Advancing Health Literacy Grant $ 748,531 $ 587,092
Child Fatality Program $ (3,500) $ -
Communities that Care Grant $ - $ (531)
Health Disparities Grant Program(HDGP) $ - $ (342)
Inmate Medical Services/Tobacco $ - $ (250,000)
Public Health Office Remodel Planning $ - $ 65,000
The Latino Community Foundation Award $ - $ 2,500
Tuberculosis Grant $ (2,721) $ -
Women Infants Children Grant $ 45,000 $ -
1200-Public Health Total $ 787,310 $ 454,088
1210-Mental Health Public Health Violet Light Contract $ - $ 25,440
1210-Mental Health Total $ - $ 25,440
1401-Housing Operations Human Resources Market pay adjustment $ 6,000 $ 18,368
1401-Housing Operations Total $ 6,000 $ 18,368
1410-Workforce Housing Rentals Housing Operation of 800 Castle Drive $ 12,000 $ 6,000
Two10 Roof Improvements $ - $ 15,000
Human Resources Market pay adjustment $ - $ 800
1410-Workforce Housing Rentals Total $ 12,000 $ 21,800
1442-Open Space Human Resources Market pay adjustment $ - $ 13,324
Request Summary 2
4th Supplemental Request to the 2021 Budget-FINAL
Fund Name Department Name Project/RequestName Total Revenue Total Expenses
1442-Open Space Total $ - $ 13,324
2150-Capital Improvements Engineering Highway 6 West Edwards Land Acquisition $ - $ (1,500,000)
Finance 2021 Trails COP Proceeds&Fees $ 22,276,544 $ 517,125
Increased Sales Tax Collections $ 840,000 $ -
Housing Purchase of 800 Castle Drive $ 13,725 $ 771,175
Project Management Eagle Valley Trail $ - $ 1,180,000
Justice Center Annex Roof $ - $ 37,622
2150-Capital Improvements Total $ 23,130,289 $ 1,005,922
3600-Landfill Human Resources Market pay adjustment $ - $ 25,242
3600-Landfill Total $ - $ 25,242
3650 -Eagle County Air Terminal Corp Airport COVID Relief for ECAT Tenants $ - $ 439,845
CRRSAAAirport Grant $ 1,840,450 $ -
Roof Drainage Project $ - $ 450,000
3650-Eagle County Air Terminal Corp Total $ 1,840,450 $ 889,845
3660-The Valley Home Store Housing 1.0 FTE-Housing Program Administrator $ - $ 14,671
Purchase of 800 Castle Drive $ 5,000 $ -
Human Resources Market pay adjustment $ - $ 4,520
3660-The Valley Home Store Total $ 5,000 $ 19,191
3670-Eagle County Housing and Development Housing Electronic compliance at The Valley Home Store $ - $ 3,000
3670-Eagle County Housing and Development $ - $ 3,000
Authority Total
3680-Lake Creek Village Housing Countertops and paving $ - $ 45,000
Human Resources Market pay adjustment $ - $ 8,500
3680-Lake Creek Village Total $ - $ 53,500
3700-Fleet Human Resources Market pay adjustment $ - $ 15,391
3700-Fleet Total $ - $ 15,391
3990-Golden Eagle Housing Golden Eagle Snow Removal Equipment $ - $ 10,000
Human Resources Market pay adjustment $ - $ 1,600
3990-Golden Eagle Total $ - $ 11,600
Grand Total $ 28,520,751 $ 3,450,728
Request Summary 3
4th Supplemental Request to the 2021 Budget-FINAL
ProjectlRequest Name Project/Request Brief Description ,
1.0 FTE-Airport Admin Tech I This amount will cover the costs of this newly requested staff person through the end of 2021.
1.0 FTE-Airport Deputy Director This amount will cover the costs of this newly requested staff person through the end of 2021.
1.0 FTE-Housing Program Administrator This amount will cover the costs of this newly requested staff person through the end of 2021.
1.0 FTE-Public Relations Manager This amount will cover the costs of this newly requested staff person through the end of 2021.
2021 Trails COP Proceeds&Fees The 2021 Trails certificates of participation proceeds and their associated issuance costs
Active Shooter Response Training The purchase of this active shooter response simulation training system is offset by revenue
received from confiscated funds.
Additional SBDC Funding The Northwest Small Business Development Center received additional grant funding and is
requesting to expand its programming by extending one temporary position through the end of
the new grant period and hiring a new staff person whose term will be limited based upon grant
Advancing Health Literacy Grant This federal grant was awarded to Eagle County Public Health and Environment in order for us to
implement evidence-based health literacy strategies that are culturally appropriate to enhance
COVID-19 testing,contact tracing and/or other mitigation measures(e.g.,
public health prevention practices and vaccination)in racial and ethnic minority populations and
other socially vulnerable populations,including racial and ethnic minority rural communities.
Architectural Services Project Management would like to add money for architectural services. There are quite a few
new projects that we will enlist Luis Menendez's help in design,including Public Health remodel,
MSC wash bay,etc.
Chemical Spill Cleaning Unanticipated expense for chemical spill cleaning.
Child Fatality Program The Office of Planning,Partnership and Improvement awarded us$3500 in 2021 for the child
fatality services we provide at Eagle County.However,the Dept of Human Services is the
department that has actually been doing the child fatality work so we have coded all revenue to
DHS for 2021.This request is to remove the revenue we had budgeted in Public Health for this
Collaborative Management Program Matching of expenses to the State grant budget
Communities that Care Grant The Communities that Care(CTC)grant expired June 30th 2021. We need to remove all
remaining funds from our budget that we did not use.
Conference Room Google Meet Build Out Deploy virtual meeting capabilities across all County conference rooms
Countertops and paving Two separate expense increases to the overall capital budget at Lake Creek Village. The first is
for epoxy countertops are failing in multiple units. We have contracted for a high end Formica to
be cut in Grand Junction and delivered and installed 20 units that have failed so far this year.
This will prolong the life of the units and reduce staff time on unit turnovers. The second is to
pave and fence the maintenance area next to the shop,as well as patch the potholes on
COVID Relief for ECAT Tenants COVID relief extended to ECAT tenants.
CRRSAA Airport Grant FAA Airport Coronavirus Response Grant Program funds to be irrevocably committed to ECAT
debt service.
CVRF grant revenue for Indoor Air Quality ECG was awarded$50,000 in CVRF reserve funding from DOLA to use for the facilities indoor air
Project quality project.
Do not delete this line from All Projects List
Eagle Valley Outdoor Movement Grant We received the final grant from GOCO that was used to close out the Eagle Valley Outdoor
Movement Grant. The grant proceeds were passed through to Walking Mountains for its work
on the grant.
Eagle Valley Trail With the 2021 issuance of the Certificates of Participation to fund the remainder of the Eagle
Valley Trail,we are moving all associated expenses to the CIP budget where the proceeds of the
COP issuance are held.
Elder Justice Act-ARPA Elder Justice Act related to Adult Protection Client Services
Electronic compliance at The Valley Home Store The Valley Home Store's HomeKeeper database add-ons for annual compliance of existing deed
restricted owners through ElectricBaby.
Exercise equipment at the Senior Center. The Senior Center would like to purchase some new pieces of exercise equipment.
Project Description 4
4th Supplemental Request to the 2021 Budget-FINAL
Project/Request Name Project/Request Brief Description
Fair and Rodeo There was additional cost increases for the annual Fair and Rodeo.Record breaking revenues
this year which increased costs for supplies.
Golden Eagle Snow Removal Equipment Snow removal will be done in house with our in house maintenance technician. We have a
pickup truck,but it needs to be outfitted with a plow. For the sidewalks,a heavy duty snow
blower is required.
Health Disparities Grant Program(HDGP) The HDGP grant expired on June 30th 2021 and we need to remove any remaining funds from
our budget that we did not use under this grant.
Highway 6 West Edwards Land Acquisition During the 2021 budget cycle we were negotiating to purchase a parcel of land,however,the
land is no longer being offered for sale,so we will eliminate this expenditure from the budget.
Increased Sales Tax Collections To account for higher sales tax collections as well as higher payments to towns and RFTA for May
-July 2021.
Inmate Medical Services/Tobacco Public Health had budgeted$250,000 in expenses for the Detention Center to expand services
using Tobacco Sales Tax dollars,however these expenses were also budgeted under the
Detention Centers budget. We are removing these expenses from our budget.
IT Telecomms Operating Budget Telecomms operating budget is going to be over budget in 2021 for a variety of reasons:
Primarily 1)Budgeting error 2)Comcast Universal Service Fund issues 3)Comcast data service
delivery timing delays due to Gypsum construction issue 4)Town of Eagle Internet broadband
service delivery delays 5)Operational service and billing issues with new Long Distance service
Justice Center Annex Roof The JC Annex roof was replaced in 2020.The contractor did an audit of the project and found an
invoice that was never paid.so we had to pay it in 2021 when the mistake was discovered.
Justice Center Shower Remodel The showers in the jail were deemed unsafe because of some cracked tile and the inmates being
able to break of pieces and make a weapon. We tried out a new product to fix the worst
showers. The jail staff and Facilities are happy with the results and would like to finish all the
Market pay adjustment 3%market pay adjustment
Modern Codecraft Ongoing maintenance for CBOE and Website maintenance
Modular Removal We are working with a contractor to have the modular removed from the Old Road and Bridge
site,now currently Facilities storage,and potentially a Housing project.
MSC Fence We would like to request money for a fence on the additional parcel at MSC. We started leasing
this property from the Airport in 2019 when the new Facilities shop was built. Road&Bridge and
Fleet are currently storing equipment and Fleet vehicles back there. We would like to fence it in
to keep equipment safe.
Operation of 800 Castle Drive This represents the rental income and operating expense of operating the employee housing
property at 800 Castle Drive.
Overtime wages Due to the Glenwood Canyon Closures our crew had to man Cottonwood Pass 24/7 which in turn
exhausted our overtime budget.
Public Health Office Remodel Planning Request for funding for the initial planning stages of our office remodel.This funding is needed
to start the work in 2021 and then we will submit a CIP request in 2022 for the remainder of the
work.The work that will begin in 2021 is for architectural,structural and mechanical engineering.
This amount being requested assumes only minor structural alterations will be needed.
Purchase of 800 Castle Drive TVHS will earn a commission for its assistance with the purchase of this property.
We are under contract to purchase a duplex unit located at 800 Castle Drive in Eagle. We will use
this property to house ECG employees,on either a short term or long term basis.The property is
adjacent to land that we already own in West Eagle and will be part of the planning process.
Road and Bridge ARPA Funds Road and Bridge will receive$246k in ARPA funds that are being passed through from the state
to cities and counties. The HUTF formula was used to calculate the amount.
Roof Drainage Project This is a repair to the new roof to improve drainage and prevent dangerous ice buildup.Original
budget of$150,000 is not sufficient.This repair will be funded by ECAT's Capital fund.
Project Description 5
4th Supplemental Request to the 2021 Budget-FINAL
Project/Request Name Project/Request Brief Description
Sustainable Communities projects With the loss of Adam and Seth,the sustainable communities department was not able to get to
all of its 2021 planned projects. We are requesting to adjust the 2021 budgets to eliminate
projects that will not be done in 2021 as well as adjust the Walking Mountains contract upward
as more assistance was offered by Walking Mountains. We will request priority projects within
the context of the 2022 budget.
The Latino Community Foundation Award The Latino Community Foundation Award in the amount of$2500 was supposed to be
recognized as revenue in 2021 and also spent on work with the Campeones. Mistakenly we
deposited the revenue to 2020 and since we cannot go back to retrieve this revenue we are
asking for a supplemental of$2500 so we can continue to do the work we had planned on doing
with those funds.The funding would be used for the Campeones retreat-venue,food and child
Tuberculosis Grant Eagle County will not receive funding for our TB(Tuberculosis)program for State Fiscal Year 2022
that went into effect on July 1st 2021.This is due to Eagle County not hitting the required
percentage of the total burden in the state over the 5 year period from 2016 to 2020 and
therefore didn't result in a TB prevention and control contract or PO for FY2022.We will need to
remove any remaining revenue in the budget for TB since we will not be awarded any more
funding in 2021.
Two10 Roof Improvements Roof improvements are necessary in two areas because of snow and animals. The snow fence
on the roof will be extended out to block more snow from sliding off of the roof onto the ground
below. The solarpanels will beprotected bymetal fencingto keepbirds off of the panels
protecting them for a longer lifespan.
United States Geological Survey $3,811 to United States Geological Survey for services provided in 2020 but processed in 2021;
$706 to United States Geological Survey from an annual increase in 2021 over 2020 that was not
Vail Daily Bus Stop Work Additional ground preparation costs related to Vail Daily bus stop relocation
Vail Mountain Rescue Group Per the new Memorandum of Understanding between the Sheriffs Office and Vail Mountain
Rescue Group(VMRG),the Sheriff's Office will make an additional contribution to the VMRG to
cover the cost of its workers compensation policy.
Vail Mountain Rescue Group DOLA Grant 2021 VMRG received DOLA grant funds in 2021 that are required to run through the Sheriffs Office
general fund
Violet Light Contract Request to use Marijuana Sales tax collection to support the contract between Eagle County and
Violet Light LLC as we are projected to collect over what we have budgeted in 2021. The contract
provides meditation classes and Reiki sessions for Spanish speaking residents to support
reducing risk factors and strengthening protective factors of mental wellness.Workshop topics to
address additional means of self care,wellness and means of strengthening protective factors of
mental wellness.
Women Infants Children Grant Eagle County Public Health received additional funds from WIC for the FFY21 grant cycle to cover
staff wages as our original WIC grant amount does not cover a full 12 months of wages.
Project Description 6
4th Supplemental Request to the 2021 Budget- FINAL
2021 Budget
Fund 2019 Adopted Budget 2020 Adopted Budget 2021 Adopted Budget Amendments
1001-General Fund 269.1 252.8 244.50 7.2
1004-Public Trustee Fund 1.6 1.6 1.55 0.0 Number of vacant positions(as of 9/13/21)
1100-Road and Bridge 23.0 23.0 22.00 0.0 34
1110-Human Services 39.3 59.6 60.55 3.0 6.4%
1151-ECO Transit 67.5 67.5 65.02 0.0 (excludes temporary and seasonal openings)
1152-ECO Trails 2.1 2.1 2.10 0.0
1160-Airport 27.4 26.7 23.69 4.0
1180-800 MHz 1.0 1.0 1.00 1.0
1200-Public Health 30.2 37.2 43.20 4.8
1401-Housing Operations 12.5 12.5 12.50 -0.5
3660•The Valley Home Store 2.0 2.0 2.00 2.0
1442-Open Space 3.7 3.7 3.65 0.0
3600-Landfill 12.9 12.9 12.85 0.0
3700-Fleet 16.0 17.0 16.00 0.0
Total Full Time Equivalent 508.0 519.4 510.61 21.5
Growth 21.01 11.4 -8.83 21.5
Growth% 4.31% 2.25% -1.70% 4.20%
Fund BoCC Approval Process Department Total FTE Position Change&Description Funded
1001-General Fund 1st Supplemental Planning 1.00 Temporary Staff Planner-Temp term date 12/31/21 0
1001-General Fund 1st Supplemental Motor Vehicle 1.00 Motor Vehicle Technician-Returns to 2020 budget level ❑
1200-Public Health 1st Supplemental Public Health 0.50 Vaccine Distribution Coordinator-Temp term date 12/31/21 Q
1200-Public Health 1st Supplemental Public Health 0.50 Clinical Vaccine Technicians-Temp term date 12/31/21 IS
1200-Public Health 1st Supplemental Environmental Health 0.00 Environmental Health Specialist-extend 3 temp positions,2 perm one 12/31/22 0
1001-General Fund 2nd Supplemental Attorney 1.00 Assistant County Attorney 0
1160-Airport 2nd Supplemental Airport 1.06 Maintenance Technician ❑
1180-800 MHz 2nd Supplemental 800 MHz 1.00 Communication System Technician 0
1001-General Fund 2nd Supplemental Fire Mitigation 1.00 Wildfire Specialist ❑
1110-Human Services 2nd Supplemental OHS 1.00 Economic Services Specialist-Temp term date 12/31/21 ! .Q
1001-General Fund 2nd Supplemental Sheriffs Office 1.00 Records Technician-To manage body worn cameras 0
1200-Public Health 2nd Supplemental Public Health 1.00 ;Regional Public Health Emergency Preparedness ' Q
1160-Airport 2nd Supplemental Airport 1.00 Curbside seasonals-Extend seasonal positions 0
3660-The Valley Home Store s.3rd Supplemental The Valley Home Store 1.00 Broker Associate I-Bold Housing Moves execution ❑
1401-Housing Operations 3rd Supplemental Lake Creek Village -0.50 Housing Technician 0
1160-Airport Current Request Airport 1.00 Deputy Director
1160-Airport Current Request .Airport 1.00 Admin Technician I 0
1200-Public Health Current Request Public Health 1.00 Grant Manager for Advancing Health Literacy Q
1200-Public Health Current Request Public Health 0.75 Vaccine Clinical Coordinator-Temp term date 12/31/22 Si
1001-General Fund Current Request Communications 1.00 Public Relations Manager ❑
1001-General Fund Current Request Communications 1.00 Community Engagement Specialist -- - - '__..0
1001-General Fund Current Request Planning
-1.00 Planner 11 ❑
1110-Human Services Current Request' CCAP 2.00 CCAP Recruitment and Enrollment Specialist Q
1200-Public Health Current Request Public Health 1.00 Community Organizer for Advancing Health Literacy Q
1001-General Fund Current Request Economic Development 0.20 Northwest SBOC Program Coordinator-Extend term date Q
1001-General Fund Current Request Economic Development 1.00 Northwest SBDC Program Manager Q
3660-The Valley Home Store Current Request Housing 1.00 Housing Program Administrator 0
Summary of Personnel Changes 7
4th Supplemental Request to the 2021 Budget-FINAL
4th Supplemental Requests Updated
Audited 12/31/20 2021 Amended Projected 12/31/21 Projected 12/31/21
Fund Balance/Net Budget Net Fund Balance/Net Updated 2021 Fund Balance/Net
Position Revenue Position Revenue Expenses Net Revenue Position
1001-General Fund $ 37,689,167 $ (7,930,679) $ 29,758,488 $ 1,979,457 $ 1,392,167 $ (7,343,389) $ 30,345,778
1004-Public Trustee Fund $ 126,930 $ (1,993) $ 124,937 $ - $ 2,020 $ (4,013) $ 122,917
1100-Road and Bridge $ 8,720,517 $ 230,399 $ 8,950,916 $ 246,515 $ 89,132 $ 387,782 $ 9,108,299
1110-Human Services $ 3,876,534 $ (271,999) $ 3,604,535 $ 10,000 $ 172,176 $ (434,175) $ 3,442,359
1140-Offsite Road Improvements $ 983,670 $ 15,834 $ 999,504 $ - $ - $ 15,834 $ 999,504
1151-ECO Transit $ 10,570,470 $ (1,326,554) $ 9,243,916 $ 453,375 $ 310,425 $ (1,183,604) $ 9,386,866
1152-ECO Trails $ 1,713,040 $ (897,312) $ 815,728 $ 50,375 $ (1,174,576) $ 327,639 $ 2,040,679
1153-RFV Transit $ 56,155 $ (56,155) $ - $ - $ - $ (56,155) $ -
1154-RFV Trails $ 4,971 $ (4,971) $ - $ - $ - $ (4,971) $ -
1160-Airport $ 8,195,910 $ 2,142,624 $ 10,338,534 $ - $ 101,092 $ 2,041,532 $ 10,237,442
1170-Conservation Trust $ 174,607 $ 56,200 $ 230,807 $ - $ - $ 56,200 $ 230,807
1180-800 MHz $ 1,576,406 $ 157,218 $ 1,733,624 $ - $ 1,581 $ 155,637 $ 1,732,043
1191-Emergency Reserve(TABOR) $ 2,747,427 $ - $ 2,747,427 $ - $ - $ - $ 2,747,427
1200-Public Health $ 3,228,892 $ 187,642 $ 3,416,534 $ 787,310 $ 454,088 $ 520,864 $ 3,749,756
1210-Mental Health $ 485,067 $ (92,507) $ 392,560 $ - $ 25,440 $ (117,947) $ 367,120
1400-Housing Loans $ 703,599 $ (255,000) $ 448,599 $ - $ - $ (255,000) $ 448,599
1401-Housing Operations $ 968,849 $ (225,000) $ 743,849 $ 6,000 $ 18,368 $ (237,368) $ 731,481
1410-Workforce Housing Rentals $ 8,305 $ 24,930 $ 33,235 $ 12,000 $ 21,800 $ 15,130 $ 23,435
1442-Open Space $ 9,401,480 $ 3,156,676 $ 12,558,156 $ - $ 13,324 $ 3,143,352 $ 12,544,832
2150-Capital Improvements $ 11,725,929 $ (217,550) $ 11,508,379 $ 23,130,269 $ 1,005,922 $ 21,906,797 $ 33,632,726
3600-Landfill $ 16,329,837 $ (504,132) $ 15,825,705 $ - $ 25,242 $ (529,374) $ 15,800,463
3650 -Eagle County Air Terminal Corp $ 26,185,843 $ 206,995 $ 26,392,838 $ 1,840,450 $ 889,845 $ 1,157,600 $ 27,343,443
3660-The Valley Home Store $ 105,132 $ 8,414 $ 113,546 $ 5,000 $ 19,191 $ (5,777) $ 99,355
3670-Eagle County Housing and Development Auth $ 18,566,283 $ (367,514) $ 18,198,769 $ - $ 3,000 $ (370,514) $ 18,195,769
3680-Lake Creek Village $ 1,001,799 $ 226,496 $ 1,228,295 $ - $ 53,500 $ 172,996 $ 1,174,795
3700-Fleet $ 17,978,072 $ 300,210 $ 18,278,282 $ - $ 15,391 $ 284,819 $ 18,262,891
3730-Insurance Reserve $ 386,769 $ (82,385) $ 304,384 $ - $ - $ (82,385) $ 304,384
3790-Health Insurance $ 9,108,228 $ (2,116,327) $ 6,991,901 $ - $ - $ (2,116,327) $ 6,991,901
3900-E911 Authority $ 602,512 $ (49,292) $ 553,220 $ -• $ - $ (49,292) $ 553,220
3990-Golden Eagle $ 165,915 $ (12,555) $ 153,360 $ - $ 11,600 $ (24,155) $ 141,760
Total $ 193,388,315 $ (7,698,287) $ 185,690,028 $ 28,520,751 $ 3,450,728 $ 17,371,736 $ 210,760,051
Fund Balance/Net Position 8