HomeMy WebLinkAboutR21-034 2nd Supplemental Fiscal Year 2021 DocuSign Envelope ID:6325893E-1B48-4717-966A-B90F4CA67335
Commissioner McQueeney moved adoption
of the following Resolution:
RESOLUTION NO.2021 - 034
WHEREAS, the County has received certain unanticipated revenues, hereinafter
described; and
WHEREAS, said revenues were not anticipated at the time of the adoption of the 2021
budget and/or such revenues were not assured at the time of the adoption of the 2021 budget and
therefore were not appropriated;and
WHEREAS, in view of the needs of the various offices, departments, boards,
commissions, and other spending agencies, it is also necessary to transfer certain previously
budgeted and appropriated monies;and
WHEREAS, the Board has the authority to expend such unanticipated or unassured
revenues by enacting a supplementary budget and appropriation, and to transfer budgeted and
appropriated revenues from one county fund to another county fund,pursuant to C.R.S. 29-1-109
and C.R.S.29-1-111;and
WHEREAS, Eagle County's Finance Director has determined that such budget
appropriations are in compliance with the provisions of the Colorado Constitution, Article X,
Section 20,also known as "Amendment One:The Taxpayer's Bill of Rights"; and
WHEREAS, notice of this proposed supplementary budget has been published in a
newspaper having general circulation within the territorial limits of the County of Eagle, State of
Colorado, as required by the terms of C.R.S.29-1-106.
THAT, the Board hereby authorizes a supplementary budget and appropriation of
unanticipated revenues, unassured funds, and transfers from fund balance as described in
Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference.
DocuSign Envelope ID:B325893E-1 B48-4717-966A-B90F4CA67335
THAT, the Treasurer of the County of Eagle is hereby requested and directed to take all
action necessary to effectuate the intent of this Resolution.
THAT,the Eagle County Budget Officer is hereby requested and directed to immediately
transmit an original or certified copy of this Resolution to the affected spending agencies and the
officer or employee of the County of Eagle whose duty it is to draw warrants or orders for the
payment of money.
THAT, the Eagle County Budget Officer is hereby further requested and directed to file
an original or certified copy of this Resolution with the Division of Local Governments in the
Department of Local Affairs. .
THAT,this resolution is necessary for the public health, safety and welfare of the citizens
of Eagle County, Colorado.
MOVED,READ AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of the County
of Eagle, State. of Colorado, at its regular meeting held the 22 day of
June ,2021.
p`0 EAGt�.co COLORADO, By and Through Its
r—DocuSl,n.d by: ro DneuBgn.d by:
A' toRAOa, [M4t S(luwrublA f '�Yln.
By: 81E782D/18E84/d...
Clerk to tt- Flloar off`° Matt Scherr
County Commissioners County Commissioners Chair
Kathy Chandler-Henry
CDoeu8lpnsd by:
Jeans "t e'eney
Commissioner Scherr seconded adoption of the foregoing resolution. The roll
having been called,the vote was as follows:
DocuSign Envelope ID:B325893E-1B48-4717-966A-B90F4CA67335
Commissioner Scherr Aye
Commissioner Chandler-Henry Absent
Commissioner McQueeney Aye
This resolution passed by 2/0 vote of the Board of County Commissioners of
the County of Eagle, State of Colorado
2nd Supplemental Request to the 2021 Budget- FINAL
To: Board of County Commissioners
tle From: Finance Department
CC: County Manager's Office, Elected Officials,and Department Heads
EAGLE COUNTY Date: 7/6/2021
Finance Re: 2nd Supplemental to the 2021 Adopted Budget
Included in this memo are the following items:
-A summary of the revenues and expenditures included in this supplemental request by fund.(Bottom of this page)
-Request Summary.This sheet is a summary of all program and project requests.(Page 2)
-Project Description. This sheet provides details of each program or project request.(Page 3-4)
-Fund Balance/Net Position Summary. The purpose of this sheet to give a high level update of projected 2021 fund
balance/net position for all Eagle County funds,including the impacts of the 2021 adopted budget and all budget amendments
on fund balance/net position.(Page 5)
The Full Time Equivalent/Personnel Committee is recommending the following positions: 1.0 FTE Assistant County Attorney, 1.0
FTE Maintenance Tech(Airport), 1.0 FTE Communication System Technician(800 MHz Fund), 1.0 FTE Wildfire Specialist, 1.0 FTE
temporary Economic Services Specialist,1.0 FTE Records Technician(ECSO), 1.0 FTE Regional Public Health Emergency
Preparedness position,and additional hours(approximately 1.0 FTE among variety of staff)for seasonal staff at the airport.
Following is a summary of the 2nd Supplemental to the 2021 Adopted Budget request:
Fund# Fund Name Revenues Expenditures
1001 -General Fund $ 1,037,500 $ 970,937
1110-Human Services $ 227,665 $ 227,665
1151 -ECO Transit $ 514,501 $ 535,565
1152-ECO Trails $ 50,375 $ -
1153-RFV Transit $ - $ 56,155
1154-RFV Trails $ - $ 4,971
1160-Airport $ 42,500 $ 249,789
1180-800 MHz $ - $ 123,295
1200-Public Health $ 890,919 $ 536,208
1210-Mental Health $ - $ 50,000
1400-Housing Loans $ - $ 50,000
2150-Capital Improvements $ 542,500 $ 95,000
3600-Landfill $ 18,957 $ 170,000
3700-Fleet $ 122,000 $ 122,000
Total $ 3,446,917 $ 3,191,585
Coversheet Page 1
2nd Supplemental Request to the 2021 Budget- FINAL
Fund Name Department Name Project/Request Name Total Revenue Total Expenses
1001-General Fund Attorney 1.0 FTE-Assistant County Attorney and salary $ - $ 85,400 ail
Uinta Basin&Tennessee Pass Legal Fees $ - $ 85,000
Clerk&Recorder Vail 24-hour ballot box $ - $ 7,000 -
Communications AV improvements/repair for Eagle County room $ - $ 39,629
ECSO 1.0 FTE-Records Retention Technician $ - $ 27,373
Body Cameras $ - $ 125,000
Inmate Transports $ 30,000 $ 30,000
Wildland Fire Uniforms $ - $ 10,000
Facilities Facilities Supplies $ - $ 55,000
Security Wage Increase $ - $ 28,000
Finance Increased Sales Tax Collections $ 1,007,500 $ 170,500
Fire Mitigation 1.0 FTE-Wildfire Specialist $ - $ 123,295
Eagle Valley Wildland Team program funding $ - $ 184,740
1001-General Fund Total $ 1,037,500 $ 970,937
. 1110-Human Services Early Head Start EHS Covid&COLA Funds $ 123,172 $ 123,172
Human Services 1.0 FTE-Temp ESS for Medicaid backlog cases $ 99,293 $ 99,293
Employment Retention Support $ 3,200 $ 3,200
'River Training Course $ 2,000 $ 2,000
1110-Human Services Total $ 227,665 $ 227,665
1151-ECO Transit ECO Transit Hotsy Pressure Washer $ - $ 20,000
Mobile Fare Equipment $ - $ 80,000
Small transit vehicles purchase $ - $ 285,000
Vehicle Inspections $ - $ 10,565
Finance Close out fund to ECO Transit $ 61,126 $ -
Increased Sales Tax Collections $ 453,375 $ 140,0
1151-ECO Transit Total $ 514,501 $ 535,565
1152-ECO Trails Finance Increased Sales Tax Collections $ 50,375 $ -
1152-ECO Trails Total $ 50,375 $ -
1153-RFV Transit Finance Close out fund to ECO Transit $ - $ 56,155
1153-RFV Transit Total $ - $ 56,155
1154-RFV Trails Finance Close out fund to ECO Transit $ - $ 4,971
1154-RFV Trails Total $ - $ 4,971
1160-Airport Airport 1.0 FTE-Airport Maintenance Technician $ - $ 56,124
1.0 FTE-Summer Seasonal Employees $ - $ 48,657
Distance Measuring Equipment $ - $ 135,008
Project Management AIP 64-Rehabilitate Taxiway A(Design) $ 42,500 $ 10,000
1160-Airport Total $ 42,500 $ 249,789
1180-800 MHz 800 MHz 1.0 FTE-Communication Systems Technician $ - $ 123,295
1180-800 MHz Total $ - $ 123,295
1200-Public Health Public Health and Environ 1.0 FTE-Emergency Preparedness and Response $ 26,494 $ 54,020
COVID19 Immunization#3 Grant $ 246,244 $ 225,767
Epidemiology&Laboratory Capacity(ELC)Grant $ 615,400 $ 253,640
Awards Round 1 and 2
Healthy Aging Nutritional Services Incentive Program $ 2,781 $ 2,781
(NSIP)Additional Revenue
1200-Public Health Total $ 890,919 $ 536,208
1210-Mental Health Public Health and Environ La Cocina Contract $ - $ 25,000
Trio Therapy Partners Additional Funding $ - $ 25,000
1210-Mental Health Total $ - $ 50,000
1400-Housing Loans Housing ECHDA DPA loan program fees $ - $ 50,000
1400-Housing Loans Total $ - $ 50,000
2150-Capital Improvements Attorney Office Remodel $ - $ 35,000
Facilities Eagle County Building Cooling Tower $ - $ 60,000
Finance Increased Sales Tax Collections $ 542,500 $ -
2150-Capital knprovements Total $ 542,500 $ 95,000
3600-Landfill Solid Waste&Recycling Alternative Daily Cover $ - $ 25,000
Edwards Recycle Drop Site $ - $ 45,000
HHW Heating Project $ - $ 100,000
Recycling Drop Off Site Operation $ 18,957 $ -
3600-Landfill Total $ 18,957 $ 170,000
3700-Fleet Fleet Services Vehicles for Communication Systems Technician and $ 122,000 $ 122,000
Wildfire Specialist
3700-Fleet Total $ 122,000 $ 122,000
Grand Total $ 3,448,917 $ 3,191,585
Request Summary Page 2
2nd Supplemental Request to the 2021 Budget- FINAL
Project/Request Name Project/Request Brief Description•
1.0 FTE-Airport Maintenance Technician In the 2021 budget process,we promoted a maintenance technician to a supervisor and did not
backfill. Because of flight volume,we are recommending refilling the technician position.
1.0 FTE-Assistant County Attorney and salary Costs for pay increases and the hiring of an addition attorney.
1.0 FTE-Communication Systems Technician Cost for hiring a Communications Systems Technician and a one-time purchase of a vehicle and
1.0 FTE-Emergency Preparedness and ECPHE is being awarded additional funding from the state for our EPR(Emergency Preparedness
Response Grant and Response)grant for the next fiscal year that begins July 1st 2021.These additional funds are
being awarded to us for the Regional EPR Staff position that we will be hiring.
1.0 FTE-Records Retention Technician Because we will be deploying body cameras,we will need a technician to track and share
relevant evidence.
1.0 FTE-Summer Seasonal Employees Additional hours for 4 curbside/baggage temporary seasonal employees for summer needed
due to increase in flights.Additional hours for 2 grounds maintenance temporary seasonal
employees for summer.
1.0 FTE-Temp ESS for Medicaid backlog cases Medicaid participants had their eligibility frozen during COVID whether they were truly eligible or
not. All of these cases must now be manually reviewed to determine whether or not they are
eligible. Funds will be used to hire temp staff for 1 year July 2021 to June 2022 to review all cases.
1.0 FTE-Wildfire Specialist Cost for hiring a Wildfire Specialist and one-time purchase of a vehicle and tools.
AIP 64-Rehabilitate Taxiway A(Design) The FAA had decided to fund this project 100%.Initially when we entered the budget we thought
CDOT would be contributing and the Airport. This request is to add additional revenue from FAA
and reduce the contribution from CDOT.
Alternative Daily Cover We need to purchase alternative daily cover and did not have it in our initial 2021 budget.
AV improvements/repair for Eagle County room Clerk&Recorder/Admin recordings are incomplete due to the failure of a line of mics on the
meeting room table.We also are experiencing a degradation of sound quality due to three DSPs
(digital signal processors)in the audio rack which are over 10 years old and well past EOL.This is
affecting all of the microphones and speakers in the Eagle County room.Attached is a quote for a
replacement of the DSPs,projector and tuning and re-programming of the AV system.
Body Cameras Purchase of body cameras,technical support and storage.
Close out fund to ECO Transit To close out the separate fund to ECO Transit fund. This was done for ease of administration
and for transparency. -
COVID19 Immunization#3 Grant This project aims for Local Public Health Agencies(LPHA)to plan and provide direct services for
COVID-19 vaccine.Local public health agencies will promote and provide COVID-19 immunization
services throughout the State,according to established best practices and standards.
Distance Measuring Equipment The FAA is requiring that we update our Navaid parts with 415 Distance Measuring Equipment SE
Electronic Subsystem&Full Set Spares.
Eagle County Building Cooling Tower The original estimate to replace the main Eagle County building cooling tower is not enough. We
would like to request additional money to keep the project moving.
Eagle Valley Wildland Team program funding The Eagle Valley Wildland Team is a collaboration between Eagle County and the Greater Eagle
and Eagle River Fire Protection Districts.The intent of this joint program is to reduce the overall
wildfire risk of the communities it serves through effective mitigation,appropriately-scaled
wildfire suppression,and collaborative community outreach and education.Upon Board of
Commissioners approval,Eagle County will be contributing$184,740 in 2021 to help fund
additional program positions.
ECHDA DPA loan program fees Housing down payment assistance loan funds request to increase budget for ECLF&EHOP Loan
Program fees
Edwards Recycle Drop Site The Edwards recycle drop site has had a few changes to the initial design and a few extra
unanticipated steps. We would like to add budget to the project to cover the overages.
EHS Covid&COLA Funds Early Head Start received additional federal funds to cover supplies expenses of$110,813 and
$12,359 for COLA that will be paid to EHS providers.
Employment Retention Support Employment Retention Support-Goodwill to cover expenses for 8 case management at a
reimbursement rate of$400 per case.
Epidemiology&Laboratory Capacity(ELC)Grant Round 1 -Our COVID19 ELC(Epidemiology&Laboratory Capacity)grant was initially set up as
Awards Round 1 and 2 automatic monthly payments to ECPHE,however,the state decided to change this to be a
reimbursable grant so we now have the ability to bring in more revenue than budgeted based on
the amount we are billing against the grant each month.All additional funds will cover wages.
Round 2-The project will strengthen and support local public health agencies responding to
COVID-19 by funding personnel to perform critical containment activities,such as disease
surveillance,case investigation,contact tracing,and testing,based on jurisdictional needs.The
project also supports local responses to COVID-19 outbreaks,infection prevention efforts at
health care and other settings,and promotes health equity aspects of the response.
Project Description Page 3
2nd Supplemental Request to the 2021 Budget- FINAL
Project/Request Name Project/Request Brief Description
Facilities Supplies Facilities is requesting additional money to purchase unplanned supplies including bear proof
trash cans,new AED's for certain locations,new tent,and bathroom supplies for Eagle County
building bathroom upgrades.
Healthy Aging Nutritional Services Incentive Public Health's Healthy Aging Program has received additional funds from the state for our NSIP
Program(NSIP)Additional Revenue Program(Nutritional Services Incentive Program). We budgeted a total of$7,000 for this but
have received an additional$2,781 in funding that we are requesting to add.
HHW Heating Project The HHW needs to have the heating system upgraded. Our initial estimate is coming in higher.
Hotsy Pressure Washer Replacement Hotsy Pressure Washer for ECO Transit Wash Bay.
Increased Sales Tax Collections To account for higher sales tax collections as well as higher payments to towns and RFTA for the
first 4 months of 2021.
Inmate Transports Our transports budget line is over budget but is offset by incoming revenue from the state.
La Cocina Contract A new 2021 contract for La Cocina to support mental health efforts in Eagle County.
Mobile Fare Equipment Acquisition of mobile fare validators for ECO Fleet.
Office Remodel Office build to accomodate the additional attorney hired.
Recycling Drop Off Site Operation CDPHE rebate for operating one or more free public recycling drop-off sites in Colorado.
River Training Course Child Fatality Prevention Team:To educate community members about river safety.
Security Wage Increase The County Managers office requested we take a look at the wage of our security guards and
make sure their rate was fair. It was determined their rate increase from$27.38 to$31.25 a
Small transit vehicles purchase Acquisition of 3 small transit vehicles for pilot service projects
Trio Therapy Partners Additional Funding Additional funding for the 2021 Trio Therapy Partners contract we currently have in place to
support mental health efforts in Eagle County.
Uinta Basin&Tennessee Pass Legal Fees Ongoing outside legal services and expert costs regarding the Uinta Basin and Tennessee Pass
proposed railroad operations.
Vail 24-hour ballot box This request would cover the costs to install a secure,24-hour ballot box at the Town of Vail
Municipal building. The Town of Vail supports this addition. The costs include the 24-hour box
and signage as well as statutory required video surveliance and lighting.
Vehicle Inspections Payment for third-party inspection of transit vehicles.
Vehicles for Communication Systems Technician Costs for the purchase of new vehicles and maintenance for the Communication Systems
and Wildfire Specialist Technician and Wildfire Specialist
Wildland Fire Uniforms Last year CPW charged and collected a$10,000 fine for poaching. The money was received by
ECG. CPW has requested that the money be used to assist them in outfitting their law
enforecement staff with Nomex pants,shirts,and hard hats to be used when the assist with local
wildland fire fighting. The remainder of the dollars will be used to outfit ECSO staff with the
same equipment.
Project Description Page 4
2nd Supplemental Request to the 2021 Budget- FINAL
2nd Supplemental Requests
Unaudited Updated
12/31/20 Fund 2021 Amended Projected 12/31/21 Projected 12/31/21
Balance/Net Budget Net Fund Balance/Net Updated 2021 Fund Balance/Net
Position Revenue Position Revenue Expenses Net Revenue Position
1001-General Fund $ 37,689,167 $ (2,611,242) $ 35,077,925 $ 1,037,500 $ 970,937 $ (2,544,679) $ 35,144,488
1004-Public Trustee Fund $ 126,930 $ (1,993) $ 124,937 $ - $ - $ (1,993) $ 124,937
1100-Road and Bridge $ 8,720,517 $ 230,399 $ 8,950,916 $ - $ - $ 230,399 $ 8,950,916
1110-Human Services $ 3,876,534 $ (271,999) $ 3,604,535 $ 227,665 $ 227,665 $ (271,999) $ 3,604,535
1140-Offsite Road Improvements $ 983,670 $ 15,834 $ 999,504 $ - $ - $ 15,834 $ 999,504
1151-ECO Transit $ 10,570,470 $ (1,305,490) $ 9,264,980 $ 514,501 $ 535,565 $ (1,326,554) $ 9,243,916
1152-ECO Trails , $ 1,713,040 $ (947,687) $ 765,353 $ 50,375 $ - $ (897,312) $ 815,728
1153-RFV Transit $ 56,155 $ - $ 56,155 $ - $ 56,155 $ (56,155) $ -
1154-RFV Trails $ 4,971 $ - $ 4,971 $ - $ 4,971 $ (4,971) $ -
1160-Airport $ 8,195,910 $ 2,349,913 $ 10,545,823 $ 42,500 $ 249,789 $ 2,142,624 $ 10,338,534
1170-Conservation Trust $ 174,607 $ 56,200 $ 230,807 $ - $ - $ 56,200 $ 230,807
1180-800 MHz $ 1,576,406 $ 280,513 $ 1,856,919 $ - $ 123,295 $ 157,218 $ 1,733,624
1191-Emergency Reserve(TABOR) $ 2,747,427 $ - $ 2,747,427 $ - $ - $ - $ 2,747,427
1200-Public Health $ 3,228,892 $ (167,069) $ 3,061,823 $ 890,919 $ 536,208 $ 187,642 $ 3,416,534
1210-Mental Health $ 485,067 $ (42,507) $ 442,560 $ - $ 50,000 $ (92,507) $ 392,560
1400-Housing Loans $ 703,599 $ (165,000) $ 538,599 $ - $ 50,000 $ (215,000) $ 488,599
1401-Housing Operations $ 968,849 $ (225,000) $ 743,849 $ - $ - $ (225,000) $ 743,849
1410-Workforce Housing Rentals $ 8,305 $ 24,930 $ 33,235 $ - $ - $ 24,930 $ 33,235
1442-Open Space $ 9,401,480 $ 3,156,676 $ 12,558,156 $ - $ - $ 3,156,676 $ 12,558,156
2150-Capital Improvements $ 11,725,929 $ (665,050) $ 11,060,879 $ 542,500 $ 95,000 $ (217,550) $ 11,508,379
3600-Landfill $ 16,329,837 $ (353,089) $ 15,976,748 $ 18,957 $ 170,000 $ (504,132) $ 15,825,705
3650-Eagle County Air Terminal Corp $ 26,185,843 $ 206,995 $ 26,392,838 $ - $ - $ 206,995 $ 26,392,838
3660-The Valley Home Store $ 105,132 $ 8,414 $ 113,546 $ - $ - $ 8,414 $ 113,546
3670-Eagle County Housing and Development Auth $ 18,566,283 $ (367,514) $ 18,198,769 $ - $ - $ (367,514) $ 18,198,769
3680-Lake Creek Village $ 1,001,799 $ 226,496 $ 1,228,295 $ - $ - $ 226,496 5 1,228,295
3700-Fleet $ 17,978,072 $ 300,210 $ 18,278,282 $ 122,000 $ 122,000 $ 300,210 $ 18,278,282
3730-Insurance Reserve $ 386,769 $ (82,385) $ 304,384 $ - $ - $ (82,385) $ 304,384
3790-Health Insurance $ 9,108,228 $ (2,116,327) $ 6,991,901 $ - $ - $ (2,116,327) $ 6,991,901
3900-E911 Authority $ 602,512 $ (49,292) $ 553,220 $ - $ - $ (49,292) $ 553,220
3990-Golden Eagle $ 165,915 $ (12,555) $ 153,360 $ - $ - $ (12,555) $ 153,360
Total $ 193,388,315 $ (2,527,619) $ 190,860,696 $ 3,446,917 $ 3,191,585 $ (2,272,287) $ 191,116,028
Fund Balance/Net Position Page 5
DocuSign Envelope ID:8D400A1D-D500-4EFB-9E29-520967A5BCD7
moved adoption
of the following Resolution:
RESOLUTION NO.2021 - 017
WHEREAS, the County has received certain unanticipated revenues, hereinafter
described; and
WHEREAS, said revenues were not anticipated at the time of the adoption of the 2021
budget and/or such revenues were not assured at the time of the adoption of the 2021 budget and
therefore were not appropriated;and
WHEREAS, in view of the needs of the various offices, departments, boards,
commissions, and other spending agencies, it is also necessary to transfer certain previously
budgeted and appropriated monies; and
WHEREAS, the Board has the authority to expend such unanticipated or unassured
revenues by enacting a supplementary budget and appropriation, and to transfer budgeted and
appropriated revenues from one county fund to another county fund,pursuant to C.R.S.29-1-109
and C.R.S. 29-1-111; and
WHEREAS, Eagle County's Finance Director has determined that such budget
appropriations are in compliance with the provisions of the Colorado Constitution, Article X,
Section 20,also known as"Amendment One: The Taxpayer's Bill of Rights"; and
WHEREAS, notice of this proposed supplementary budget has been published in a
newspaper having general circulation within the territorial limits of the County of Eagle, State of
Colorado, as required by the terms of C.R.S. 29-1-106.
THAT, the Board hereby authorizes a supplementary budget and appropriation of
unanticipated revenues, unassured funds, and transfers from fund balance as described in
Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference.
DocuSign Envelope ID:8D400A1 D-D500-4EFB-9E29-520967A5BCD7
THAT, the Treasurer of the County of Eagle is hereby requested and directed to take all
action necessary to effectuate the intent of this Resolution.
THAT,the Eagle County Budget Officer is hereby requested and directed to immediately
transmit an original or certified copy of this Resolution to the affected spending agencies and the
officer or employee of the County of Eagle whose duty it is to draw warrants or orders for the
payment of money.
THAT, the Eagle County Budget Officer is hereby further requested and directed to file
an original or certified copy of this Resolution with the Division of Local Governments in the
Department of Local Affairs.
THAT,this resolution is necessary for the public health,safety and welfare of the citizens
of Eagle County,Colorado.
MOVED,READ AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of the County
of Eagle, State of Colorado, at its regular meeting held the 16th day of
March , 2021.
COLORADO, By and Through Its
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ATTEST: y`"!
DocuSlgned by: j r—DocuStived by
,. _ By: Sclu.vr
Clerk to :: 'oRAo° Nte Self i" pare...
County Commissioners County Commissioners Chair
-DocuSlpned by:
katfff urffe r-Henry
—DocuSIgned by:
Commissioner McQueeney seconded adoption of the foregoing resolution. The roll
having been called, the vote was as follows:
DocuSign Envelope ID:8D400A1D-D500-4EFB-9E29-520967A5BCD7
Commissioner Scherr Aye
Commissioner Chandler-Henry Aye
Commissioner McQueeney Aye
This resolution passed by 3/0 vote of the Board of County Commissioners of
the County of Eagle, State of Colorado
To: Board of County Commissioners, Elected Officials,
County Manager,and Department Heads
From: Finance Department
Date: 3/11/2021
Finance Re: 1st Supplemental to the 2021 Adopted Budget
Included in this memo are the following items:
-A summary of the revenues and expenditures included in this supplemental request by fund.(Bottom of this page)
- New Request Summary.This sheet is a summary of all new program and project requests. (Page 2)
-Carry Forward Request Summary. This sheet outlines both the revenues and expenditures being carried forward
from the 2020 budget to the 2021 budget. You will note that these requests do not impact fund balance/net
position calculations as we had budgeted to receive the revenue and/or incurr expenditures in 2020, so it is already
included in the 2021 projected fund balance.(Page 3)
- Fund Balance/Net Position Summary. The purpose of this sheet to give a high level update of projected 2021 fund
balance/net position for all Eagle County funds, including the impacts of the 2021 adopted budget and all budget
amendments on fund balance/net position.(Page 4)
- Project Description. This sheet provides details of each program or project request. (Pages 5-8)
The Full Time Equivalent/Personnel Committee is recommending the following positions: 1)a temporary staff planner
(1.0 FTE)with a term that ends on 12/31/21, 2)a 1.0 FTE in the Clerk's Office returning to 2020 budget levels-and to
address increased transaction volume, 3)a 0.50 FTE temporary vaccine distribution coordinator(approximately 20
weeks total)4)adding 0.5 FTE temporary FTE which will likely be 2-4 individuals to help with the clinical side of the
vaccine clinics,and 5) moving 2 temporary environmental health specialist positions to permanent and extending the
3rd temporary EH specialist to 12/31/22(no budget impact in 2021).
Following is a summary of the 1st Supplemental to the 2021 Adopted Budget:
Fund# Fund Name Revenues Expenditures
1001 -General Fund $ 40,428 $ 784,324
1110-Human Services $ 38,000 $ 34,000
1140-Offsite Road Improvements $ - $ 133,166
1151 - ECO Transit $ 200,000 $ 198,488
1160-Airport $ 170,344 $ -
1200- Public Health $ 151,155 $ 389,679
1210- Mental Health $ - $ 54,015
2150-Capital Improvements $ - $ 141,700
3600-Landfill $ - $ 25,000
3680- Lake Creek Village $ - $ 150,000
3700-Fleet $ 10,000 $ 77,858
Total $ 609,927 $ 1,988,230
1st Supplemental to the 2021 Budget Coversheet Page 1
Fund Name Department Name Project/Request Name Total Revenue Total Expenses
1001 -General Fund Administration Equity and Inclusion consulting services $ - $ 10,000
Front Country Ranger Program $ 30,428 $ 40,000
Clerk&Recorder FTE-Motor Vehicle Tech $ - $ 56,509
Communications Metro Ethernet Service $ - $ 9,492
Engineering Contract Service $ - $ 25,000
Engineering Office Remodel $ - $ 40,000
Road Impact Fee Update $ - $ 6,400
Traffic counting $ - $ 10,000
Facilities Indoor Air Quality Project $ - $ 150,000
Planning FTE-Temp Assistant Planner $ - $ 82,933
Sustainable Communities Climate Action Collaborative,2021 ECG funding $ - $ 10,000
Rocky Mountain Climate Organization Study $ - $ 2,000
Vail Board of Realtors Wildfire Mitigation Contribution $ 10,000 $ 10,000
1001-General Fund Total $ 40,428 $ 452,334
1110-Human Services Human Services Child Maltreatment Prevention $ 25,000 $ 25,000
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families(TANF) $ - $ 9,000
Vintage/Alpine Area on Aging $ 13,000 $ -
1110-Human Services Total $ 38,000 $ 34,000
1151 -ECO Transit ECO Transit CARES Act Surge Funding $ 200,000 $ -
Vehicle Repair and Maintenance-Avon $ - $ 40,000
1151-ECO Transit Total $ 200,000 $ 40,000
tinGrantforDistribution 151 155 63 529
1200-Public Health PH and Environ COVID Immunization #2 Vaccine $ $ ,
and Administration
FTE-Temp Vaccine Clinicians $ - $ 46,699
FTE-Temp Vaccine Distribution Coordinator $ - $ 40,927
1200-Public Health Total $ 151,155 $ 151,155
1210-Mental Health PH and Environ Roaring Fork School District Mental Health Contract $ - $ 20,000
1210-Mental Health Total $ - $ 20,000
3600-Landfill Solid Waste&Recycling Mod 9 Design&Construction $ - $ 25,000
3600-Landfill Total $ - $ 25,000
3700-Fleet Fleet Early replacement of ECSO Vehicle $ 10,000 $ 77,858
3700-Fleet Total $ 10,000 $ 77,858
Grand Total $ 439,583 $ 800,347
1st Supplemental to the 2021 Budget New Requests Page 2
pProject/Request Fund Name De Department Name Total Revenue Total Expenses
1001 -General Fund IT BoCC Broadband Study $ - $ 11,415
Planning Land Use Regulation Rewrite $ - $ 236,939
Process Guide Updates $ - $ 29,000
Sustainable Communities Wildfire Mitigation Funds $ - $ ' 54,636
1001 -General Fund Total $ - S 331,990
1140-Offsite Road Improvements Engineering Hill Crest Roundabout Improvement Hwy 6 West $ - $ 133,166
1140-Offsite Road Improvements Total $ - $ 133,166
1151 -ECO Transit ECO Transit Driver Safety Measures $ - $ 64,000
US 6 West Edwards Design Improvement Project $ - $ 94,488
1151-ECO Transit Total $ - $ 158,488
1160-Airport Airport FAA Cares Grant $ 170,344 $ -
1160-Airport Total $ 170,344 $ -
1200-Public Health PH and Environ Communities that Care $ - $ 9,308
Healthy Housing Grant $ - $ 34,716
Mi Salud Mi Charco Grant $ - $ 194,500
1200-Public Health Total $ - $ 238,524
1210-Mental Health PH and Environ Mind Springs Mental Health Contract $ - $ 25,182
Public Health and Mountain Youth Contract $ - $ 8,833
1210-Mental Health Total $ - $ 34,015
2150-Capital Improvements IT El Jebel Video Enhancements $ - $ 16,700
Sheriffs Office Jail Records Management Software $ - $ 125,000
2150-Capital Improvements Total $ - $ 141,700
3680-Lake Creek Village Housing Lake Creek Village-Recycle/Trash Project Upgrade $ - $ 150,000
3680-Lake Creek Village Total $ - $ 150,000
Grand Total S 170,344 S 1,187,883
1st Supplemental to the 2021 Budget Carry Forward Page 3
1st Supplemental 1st Supplemental
Carryforward from 2020 New Requests Updated
Projected Projected Updated Projected
12/31/20 Fund 2021 Adopted 12/31/21 Fund Amended 12/31/21 Fund
Balance/Net Budget Net Balance/Net Budget Net Balance/Net
Position Revenue Position Revenue* Expenses* Revenue Expenses Revenue Position
1001-General Fund $ 32,774,844 $ (1,867,346) $ 30,907,498 $ - $ 331,990 $ 40,428 $ 452,334 $ (2,611,242) $ 30,495,592
1004-Public Trustee Fund $ 116,100 $ (1,993) $ 114,107 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ (1,993) $ 114,107
1100-Road and Bridge $ 8,208,799 $ 230,399 $ 8,439,198 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 230,399 $ 8,439,198
1110-Human Services $ 2,175,872 $ (275,999) $ 1,899,873 $ - $ - $ 38,000 $ 34,000 $ (271,999) $ 1,903,873
1140-Offsite Road Improvements $ 825,044 $ 149,000 $ 974,044 $ - $ 133,166 $ - $ - $ 15,834 $ 974,044
1151-ECO Transit $ 9,064,133 $ (1,307,002) $ 7,757,131 $ - $ 158,488 $ 200,000 $ 40,000 $ (1,305,490) $ 7,917,131
1152-ECO Trails $ 1,315,656 $ (947,687) $ 367,969 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ (947,687) $ 367,969
1153-RFV Transit $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
1154-RFVTrails $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
1160-Airport $ 5,744,071 $ 2,179,569 $ 7,923,640 $ 170,344 $ - $ - $ - $ 2,349,913 $ 7,923,640
1170-Conservation Trust $ 163,891 $ 56,200 $ 220,091 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 56,200 $ 220,091
1180-800 MHz $ 1,290,169 $ 280,513 $ 1,570,682 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 280,513 $ 1,570,682
1191-Emergency Reserve(TABOR) $ 2,747,427 $ - $ 2,747,427 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 2,747,427
1200-Public Health $ 1,016,830 $ 71,455 $ 1,088,285 $ - $ 238,524 $ 151,155 $ 151,155 $ (167,069) $ 1,088,285
1210-Mental Health $ 265,719 $ 11,508 $ 277,227 $ - $ 34,015 $ - $ 20,000 $ (42,507) $ 257,227
1400-Housing Loans $ 655,919 $ (165,000) $ 490,919 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ (165,000) $ 490,919
1401-Housing Operations $ 943,249 $ (225,000) $ 718,249 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ (225,000) $ 718,249
1410-Workforce Housing Rentals $ 23,704 $ 24,930 $ 48,634 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 24,930 $ 48,634
1442-Open Space $ 8,471,075 $ 3,156,676 $ 11,627,751 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 3,156,676 $ 11,627,751
2150-Capital Improvements $ 10,297,777 $ (523,350) $ 9,774,427 $ - $ 141,700 $ - $ - $ (665,050) $ 9,774,427
3600-Landfill $ 16,038,934 $ (328,089) $ 15,710,845 $ - $ - $ - $ 25,000 $ (353,089) $ 15,685,845
3650 -Eagle County Air Terminal Corp $ 25,817,302 $ 206,995 $ 26,024,297 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 206,995 $ 26,024,297
3660-The Valley Home Store $ 105,132 $ 8,414 $ 113,546 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 8,414 $ 113,546
3670-Eagle County Housing and Develops $ 16,860,553 $ (367,514) $ 16,493,039 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ (367,514) $ 16,493,039
3680-Lake Creek Village $ 681,456 $ 376,496 $ 1,057,952 $ - $ 150,000 $ - $ - $ 226,496 $ 1,057,952
3700-Fleet $ 16,576,341 $ 368,068 $ 16,944,409 $ - . $ - $ 10,000 $ 77,858 $ 300,210 $ 16,876,551
3730-Insurance Reserve $ 328,321 $ (82,385) $ 245,936 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ (82,385) $ 245,936
3790-Health Insurance $ 7,823,993 $ (2,116,327) $ 5,707,666 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ (2,116,327) $ 5,707,666
3900-E911 Authority $ 619,508 $ (49,292) $ 570,216 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ (49,292) $ 570,216
3990-Golden Eagle $ 173,268 $ (12,555) $ 160,713 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ (12,555) $ 160,713
Total $ 171,125,087 $ (1,149,316) $ 169,975,771 $ 170,344 S 1,187,883 $ 439,583 $ 800,347 $ (2,527,620) $ 169,615,007
1st Supplemental to the 2021 Budget Fund Balance/Net Position Page 4
Project/Request Name Type of Request Project/Request Brief Description
BoCC Broadband Study Carry Forward Broadband Study project spanned 2020/2021
CARES Act Surge Funding New Request Supplemental CARES Act funding to support winter season transit
Child Maltreatment Prevention New Request Funding to reduce the number of children and families involved in the
child welfare system and to help families remain safely together.
Funding will help grow collaboration and new community partners and
develop programs and best practices.
Climate Action Collaborative,2021 ECG funding New Request The Climate Action Collaborative(CAC)is a program of Walking
Mountains. Members include local governments and businesses that
work together to achieve the goals of our community's Climate Action
Plan. In 2020 Eagle County contributed$60,000 to the Climate Action
Collaborative(CAC).In fall 2020 the CAC team met with the BOCC and
requested an increase to$70,000 for year 2021.The request was
supported and included in the 2021 agreement,but was not changed in
the budget.
Communities that Care Carry Forward Communities that Care grant funds were awarded and received for
state fiscal year 2021,so we're moving the remaining unspent funds
from the 2020 budget into the 2021 to continue our work on the grant.
Contract Service New Request We would like to hire a contractor to provide support to Engineering
Department for permit review. This contract would be used to help
with permit review during busy permit review periods and allow Staff
Surveyor to dedicate more time to survey work.
COVID Immunization Grant#2 for Vaccine New Request We have received a second Immunization grant related to COVID for
Distribution and Administration Vaccine distribution and administration expenses.This was not
budgeted for 2021 so we will need to add the expected revenue and
related expenses.We will only be receiving$170,269 of the total grant
amount in 2021,remainder will be received in 2022.We have already
budgeted$19,114 in our 2021 budget,adding the remainder with
Driver Safety Measures Carry Forward Funds for driver barriers and COVID-related protective equipment
Early replacement of ECSO Vehicle New Request We have a patrol car that would have been scheduled to be replaced in
2022,however it came into the Fleet shop needing extensive work.
Instead of spending significant dollars to repair and then replacing it
next year,we'd like to replace it in 2021. Additionally,we will replace
this vehicle with a hybrid,helping us move forward on converting our
fleet.The fleet fund has already collected$56,000 towards the purchase
of this vehicle.
El Jebel Video Enhancements Carry Forward El Jebel Video Enhancements deferred from 2020 to 2021
Engineering Office Remodel New Request Enclose Engineering offices to help with sound barriers,reduce the
spread of germs,and help with office distractions.
Equity and Inclusion consulting services New Request $10,000 for consulting services to help the Equity&Inclusion Steering
Committee engage a consultant to develop a scope for a full RFP.The
RFP will seek responses from consultants to develop a vision,
goals/objectives,roadmap and deliver training to Eagle County staff.
This request may also fund some training in the interim as the RFP
process is completed.
FAA Cares Grant Carry Forward Remaining grant funds not requested in 2020.
Front Country Ranger Program New Request The Front Country Range program was originally budgeted with
$120,000 going to the USFS. After discussion with USFS and a desire to
increase the funding,we are requesting addition$40,000 for a total of
$160,000 with$18,525 coming from ECG and the remainder from our
municipal partners.
1st Supplemental to the 2021 Budget Project Description Page 5
Project/Request Name Type of Request Project/Request Brief Description ,
FTE-Motor Vehicle Tech New Request The Clerk had a 1.0 FTE in 2020 that was that was not added to the 2021
budget. This requests to reinstate this position as both the motor
vehicle and recording departments must work in-person,provide on-
demand customer service,and are required by law. This position is
crucial for continuity of operations,meeting statutory deadlines,and
critical off-counter training.
FTE-Temp Assistant Planner New Request To decrease the backlog of land use applications resulting from staff
deployment on COVID and other EOC needs,a 12 month contract
planner at the Assistant Planner was requested.The Assistant Planner
will conduct building permit review,planner on duty responsibilities,
and process administrative land use applications.The budget estimate
includes salary and wages,equipment,computer licenses,and a small
training budget.As this position was an addition,all new equipment
was purchased.
FTE-Temp Vaccine Clinicians New Request These temporary employees(likely will hire 2 to 4 people to fill spots for
clinics)will provide the following types of services: administer shots,
assistance with clinic set-up and break down,provide temporary
oversight for clinical manager or inventory manager,draw up doses and
coach volunteers, coordinate the administrative paperwork for each
shot and reconcile against our registration system,work vaccination
clinics throughout the week.
FTE-Temp Vaccine Distribution Coordinator New Request This temporary(budgeted for 20 weeks)position will supervise vaccine
clinics and the distribution of vaccines throughout the community.
Duties will include managing staff,communicating with public,
addressing complex scheduling issues,maintaining vaccination
registration lists,and compile vaccination clinic data and upload to
Healthy Housing Grant Carry Forward We received a total of$364,552 for SFY 21 (July 1st 2020-June 30th
2021)and we are asking to carry forward the budgeted funds from 2020
that were not spent yet in the amount of$34,716 in order to continue to
do the work on this grant.
Hill Crest Roundabout Improvement Hwy 6 West Carry Forward Carry forward remaining money from 2020 to 2021 to continue West
Edwards Edwards project.
Indoor Air Quality Project New Request Equipment to reduce the risk of viral spread in Eagle County buildings,
CDC additional recommendations for a multi-layer strategy include
addition of air purification systems to HVAC equipment for buildings
with occupied spaces.Add-on equipment will ensure that ECG keeps
pace with what is evolving as a best practice in the building operator
Jail Records Management Software Carry Forward In 2020,we budgeted to upgrade our jail records management
software.We did not have a vendor selected in 2020 but have identified
a vendor and are ready to complete the upgrade in 2021.
Lake Creek Village-Recycle/Trash Project Carry Forward Lake Creek Village-Recycle/Trash Project Upgrade Carry Forward. In
Upgrade 2020,$300,000 was budgeted and only$150,000 was used. The
remaining is to be added to the 2021 budget figure of$400,000 to pay
for the$550,000 expense phase 2.
Land Use Regulation Rewrite Carry Forward Continuation of Land Use Regulation Rewrite
Metro Ethernet Service New Request Communications is assuming the cost of this service which was
previously covered by the IT department but not included in the 2021
budget.This circuit provides our TV signal path to the Comcast head
end in Avon.
1st Supplemental to the 2021 Budget Project Description Page 6
Project/Request Name Type of Request Project/Request Brief Description
Mi Salud Mi Charco Grant Carry Forward Grant awarded to Eagle County through The Colorado Health
Foundation in the amount of$500,000 for work with the Latinx
Community. We received our first payment$250,000 of this award in
2020 however,we did not use any of the funds in 2020 and are
requesting to carry them forward to 2021.Staff time devoted to this
grant was already included in the 2021 budget.
Mind Springs Mental Health Contract Carry Forward Mind Springs was unable to be spend all of their contractual funds in
2020 due to COVID shutting things down for a period of time and in
person programs were unable to occur for quite some time;therefore
we are giving them more time to spend these dollars.Have extended
their contract into 2021.
Mod 9 Design&Construction New Request We will be constructing Mod 9 of the Landfill in 2022,we would like to
add a budget for 2021 so we can start putting together bid documents
and working with the state on getting it approved.
Mountain Youth Contract Carry Forward Mountain Youth contract in 2020 was for$21,600.They used it for their
Eat Chat Parent series,but due to COVID they could not hold those
meetings in person and their expenses went down. They did not fully
spend their funds in 2020,so we allowed them to extend contract
• through the end of March 2021.
Process Guide Updates Carry Forward Process Guides are informational communication documents that assist
the public in navigating the land use application process including but
not limited to outlines of processes,information on application
submittal requirements,and frequently asked questions.These guides
primarily support the Planning Division's Current Planning arm.
Road Impact Fee Update New Request Study update to evaluate adding incomplete portions of the Eagle Valley
Trail as projects in the Transportation Impact Fee Study.
Roaring Fork School District Mental Health New Request An additional$20,000 needs to be added to the Mental Health 2021
Contract budget in order cover the full amount of the contract with Roaring Fork
School District.Full amount of the contract is$180k,but only$160k was
budgeted for at the time of preparing the 2021 budget. There are
enough funds in the fund balance to cover this additional$20k.
Rocky Mountain Climate Organization Study New Request We committed an additional$2,000 to Northwest Colorado Council of
Governments for the Rocky Mountain Climate Organization study for
climate data collection in the Vail area(in addition to the 2 original
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families(TANF) New Request This request was inadvertently omitted from the 2021 budget and is an
existing federal program that helps to avoid the"cliff effect"while
keeping families engaged with our case manager in activities that
support self sufficienty.
Traffic counting New Request Contract to provide traffic counting services for annual countywide
counts. Contracting this work would free up staff time for permit and
development review and save money on equipment replacement.
US 6 West Edwards Design Improvement Project Carry Forward US 6 West Edwards Roadway Improvement Recommendations-Study
and Prelinimary Designs
Vail Board of Realtors Wildfire Mitigation New Request Vail Board of Realtors contributed$10,000 toward wildfire mitigation
Contribution reimbursements to property owners for measures taken to reduce fuels
and wildfire risk to homes and structures.This is to budget that revenue
and the corresponding expense.
Vehicle Repair and Maintenance-Avon New Request Additional funds for cleaning/sanitization of ECO vehicles based in
Avon/Swift Gulch
Vintage/Alpine Area on Aging New Request Grant funding for adults that do not meet the level of adult protective
services but need help navigating systems and connecting to resources
to better their lives.
1st Supplemental to the 2021 Budget Project Description Page 7
Project/Request Name Type of Request Project/Request Brief Description
Wildfire Mitigation Funds Carry Forward Funding from BLM is used to reimburse property owners for measures
taken to reduce fuels and wildfire risk to homes and structures.All of
the 2020 funds were not expended in 2020,so we are requesting to use
them in 2021.
1st Supplemental to the 2021 Budget Project Description Page 8