HomeMy WebLinkAboutR21-012 Approval of the 10 Acre PUD and Zone Change File No(s). PDSP-9012 and ZC-9017 Eagle County, Co 202104169 DocuSign Envelope ID:2A1E8F3D-OCD5-4969-B5CF-DCB947823E96 Regina O'Brien 02/26/2021 Pgs: 43 11:40:03 AM REC: $0.00 DOC: $0.00 Commissioner Chandler-Henry moved adoption of the following Resolution: BOARD OF EAGLE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY OF EAGLE,STATE OF COLORADO RESOLUTION NO.2021- 012 RESOLUTION TO APPROVE THE 10 ACRE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT(PUD)AND ZONE CHANGE Eagle County File No(s).PDSP-9012 and ZC-9017 WHEREAS,on or about February 6,2019,the County of Eagle,State of Colorado,accepted for filing an application (File No(s).PDSP-9012 and ZC-9017) submitted by 10 Acre Holdings,LLC (the "Applicant") for consideration of a consolidated Sketch/Preliminary Plan for Planned Unit Development(the"PUD")and Zone Change for a parcel designated as APN 2465-034-00-036 located on Willits Lane in the El Jebel area, more particularly described in Exhibit A. attached hereto and incorporated herein(the"Property");and WHEREAS,the Applicant proposes to rezone the Property from Resource(R)to Planned Unit Development to allow for development of five single family residential units and up to four accessory dwelling units on the Property;and WHEREAS,in accordance with Eagle County Land Use Regulations (the"ECLURs"), Section 5-210.E - Notice of Public Hearings, notice of the proposed PUD and Zone Change was mailed to all owners of property located within and adjacent to the Property and was duly published in a newspaper of general circulation throughout the County concerning the subject matter of the application and setting forth the dates and times of hearings for consideration of the application by the Roaring Fork Valley Regional Planning Commission(the"Planning Commission") and the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle(the"Board");and WHEREAS,at its regular public hearings held on November 21, 2019;January 2, 2020;June 4, 2020; and June 18, 2020; the Planning Commission considered the proposed PUD, Zone Change, associated plans, requests for variations, the statements and concerns of the Applicant, the Eagle County staff,and other interested persons;and WHEREAS,at its public hearing held on June 18 2020,the Planning Commission,based upon its findings, unanimously recommended approval with conditions of the proposed PUD and approval of the Zone Change;and WHEREAS,on August 4,2020,the Board conducted a site visit to the Property;and WHEREAS, at its regular public hearings held on August 4, 2020 and August 25, 2020, the Board considered the proposed PUD, Zone Change, associated plans, requests for variations, the statements and concerns of the Applicant,the Eagle County staff, other interested persons, and the 1 Eagle County, CO 202105645 Regina O'Brien 03/11/2021 Pgs: 52 09:04:54 AM REC: DOC: $0.00$0.00 DocuSign Envelope ID:2A1E8F3D-0CD5-4969-B5CF-DCB947823E96 recommendation of the Planning Commission;and WHEREAS,at its public hearing held on August 25,2020,the Board,based upon its findings, voted unanimously to approve with conditions and requested variations the PUD, and to approve the Zone Change, as set forth below, and authorized the Chair to sign on its behalf the foregoing resolution evidencing such approvals;and WHEREAS,the approved 10 Acre PUD Guide(the"PUD Guide")is attached to this resolution as Exhibit B;and WHEREAS, the Variations Table outlining the approved variations is attached to this resolution as Exhibit C;and WHEREAS, the Illustrative Site Plan outlining the layout of the PUD, location of building envelopes,and conceptual landscaping is attached to this resolution as Exhibit D;and WHEREAS,a PUD Agreement form outlining the details of the pertinent development actions is attached to this resolution as Exhibit E. NOW, THEREFORE, based on the evidence, testimony, exhibits, and study of the Comprehensive Plan for the unincorporated areas of Eagle County,as well as comments of the Eagle County Community Development Department, comments of public officials and agencies, the recommendations of the Planning Commission,and comments from all interested parties,the Board finds as follows: THAT,the application for a PUD complies with the standards in ECLUR Section 5-240.F.3.e- Standards for Preliminary Plan for PUD,as set forth below: 1. Unified ownership or control. Pursuant to Section 5-240.F.3.e(1),the Applicant is the owner of the single parcel within the boundaries of the proposed PUD.Thus,the PUD is under a unified ownership and control and therefore meets this standard. 2. Uses. Pursuant to Section 5-240.F.3.e(2), the allowed uses in the PUD are uses that are designated as uses that are allowed, allowed as a special use or allowed as a limited use in ECLUR Table 3-300, "Residential, Agricultural and Resource Zone Districts Use Schedule".The underlying zone district in effect for the Property at the time of the application for PUD is Resource (R). The proposed uses include single family residential, accessory dwelling units, customary accessory residential uses, home business and home occupations,agriculture and accessory uses to agriculture, and various utility uses for renewable energy. All uses allowed within the PUD are allowed in the R zone district.The Applicant did not request any variations to uses. Additionally,the PUD allows short term rentals of the accessory dwelling units for a minimum of 60 days or more. 3. Dimensional Limitations. Pursuant to Section 5-240.F.3.e(3), the dimensional limitations that shall apply to the PUD are those specified in ECLUR Table 3-340, "Schedule of Dimensional Limitations",for the zone district in effect for the Property 2 DocuSign Envelope ID:2A1E8F3D-OCD5-4969-B5CF-DCB947823E96 at the time of the application for PUD. The zone district in effect for the existing Property was Resource (R). Applicant requested one variation to dimensional limitations,minimum lot area,in the R zone district pursuant to Section 5-240.F.3.f, Variations Authorized, to achieve the stated purposes of obtaining desired design qualities.The approved variance table is attached hereto as Exhibit C.The approved variation leaves adequate distance between buildings for access and fire protection, and ensures proper ventilation, light, air, and snowmelt between buildings. Dimensional limitations for the PUD are outlined in Section 7 of the PUD Guide. Additionally, the PUD Guide restricts many of the dimensional limitations more so than the ECLURs through the implementation of platted building envelopes and limitations on floor area, lot coverage, and impervious coverage within the platted building envelopes.The Illustrative Site Plan shows the proposed location and size of the building envelopes and other dimensional limitations.The location of the building envelopes proposed at final plat shall mirror that of the Illustrative Site Plan as the location of the building envelopes was pertinent to the PUD meeting the standard of approval for conformance with the comprehensive plan and compatibility with surrounding uses.Additionally,the PUD Guide includes limitations to building height dependent on the type of structure and implements a View Corridor Overlay on two of the lots that further limits building heights regardless of type of structure. 4. Off-Street Parking and Loading. Pursuant to Section 5-240.F.3.e.(4), the PUD parking requirements comply with the standards of Article 4, Division 1, Off-Street Parking and Loading Standards.There are no variations to any standards related to parking.Adequate parking is required for the single-family units in Section 8 of the PUD Guide, and in Section 6.3 for the accessory dwelling units.Additionally, Section 8.2 of the PUD Guide restricts the parking of non-residential vehicles more than what the ECLURs allow. Adequate snow storage is provided per the ECLUR standards. Finally,the building envelope for each lot can be served by a driveway conforming to ECLUR Section 4-620.J.D.9. 5. Landscaping. Pursuant to Section 5-240.F.3.e (5),the landscaping provided for the PUD complies with the standards of Article 4, Division 2, Landscaping and Illumination.There are no variations to landscaping or illumination.Section 10 of The PUD Guide includes specific requirements for allowable fencing on each lot. These requirements are above and beyond what is required by the ECLUR and were stipulated by the Applicant to achieve an open agricultural feel within the community and deter from perimeter privacy fencing of lots. Additionally, the PUD requires a fence along the length of Willits Lane per the request of the Town of Basalt (the "Town") to ensure safe crossing of pedestrians at the appropriate location at the Willits Lane and Meadow Drive crosswalk.The Willits Lane fence is not the obligation of the Applicant,but a requirement of the future property owners of Lots 3 and 4.No variations to the ECLUR illumination standards are requested.The PUD Guide does require that all outside lighting be downcast. 6. Signs. Pursuant to Section 5-240.F.3.e (6), the PUD is consistent with the sign standards as specified in Article 4, Division 3, Sign Regulations. The PUD did not propose a sign plan under Section 4-340.D - Signs Allowed in a Planned Unit 3 DocuSign Envelope ID:2A1E8F3D-OCD5-4969-B5CF-DCB947823E96 Development.The signs allowed in Section 9 of the PUD Guide are consistent with the ECLUR requirements for signs and no variations are requested. 7. Adequate Facilities. Pursuant to Section 5-240.F.3.e(7), the PUD is provided with adequate facilities and infrastructure including water,sewer,solid waste, electrical, fire protection and roads. Mid Valley Metropolitan District will provide water and sewer service to the PUD and the District provided a "will serve letter" agreeing to such provision of services. The PUD gains access from Willits Lane, a public road owned by the Town, at a location directly aligned with the existing intersection of Willits Lane and Meadow Drive as shown on Exhibit D.At the time of approval of the PUD,the Town accepted the proposed access to the development and indicated that it would grant an access permit with conditions prior to Final Plat in its April 3,2020 referral letter. Additionally, the Applicant voluntarily offered to provide a right-of- way dedication to the Town along Willits Lane to assist in future improvements necessary for Willits Lane. However, no right-of-way improvements are identified other than improvements associated with the Meadow Drive intersection as indicated by the Town in the April 3, 2020 referral letter.The Applicant will provide a private access easement on Lot 4 to allow the PUD to maintain conforming access should the geometry of Willits Lane change due to Town capital improvements. Adequate facilities for solid waste disposal, electrical supply, fire protection, and emergency services are available and will be provided to the PUD by the appropriate district or private contractor. The PUD conveniently located in relation to schools, police and fire protection,and emergency medical services. 8. Improvements. Pursuant to Section 5-240.F.3.e(8), the improvements standards applicable to the development are as specified in Article 4, Division 6, Improvements Standards and include analysis of safe and efficient access, internal pathways, emergency vehicles, principal access points, sidewalk and trails, excavation and grading,snow storage,and drainage.The Applicant did not request any variations to ECLURs. The PUD demonstrated safe and efficient access by meeting all criteria required for an Urban Cul-de-sac and applicable geometric design standards related to approaches and driveways.An internal pathway is designed to provide internal circulation throughout the PUD and connects to the existing public trail along the east side of Willits Lane via crosswalk at the entrance to the PUD.The Applicant designed the PUD in a way that allows for adequate access from emergency vehicles such as fire trucks and ambulances as confirmed by the Roaring Fork Fire Rescue Authority. Additionally,a 50-foot agricultural access easement along the southern boundary of the Property on Lot 4, provided at Final Plat, will serve the adjacent property to provide opportunity for a consolidated access point in the future if necessary. The easement is sufficient to provide adequate access to both properties for existing agricultural and residential uses. Only one point of access is required for the development, which is proposed with no variations requested. Adequate snow storage is provided per the ECLURs with no variations requested. Finally, the proposed PUD conforms to all Drainage Standards required by ECLUR Section 4-650. 9. Compatibility with Surrounding Land Uses.Pursuant to Section 5-240.F.3.e(9),the PUD proposes uses, dimensional limitations, and densities that are consistent with 4 DocuSign Envelope ID:2A1E8F3D-OCD5-4969-B5CF-DCB947823E96 residential neighborhoods adjacent to the east and north of the site that are zoned Rural Residential and PUD. The PUD has larger lots and similar dimensional limitations as that of the neighborhood to the east and has similar lot sizes of the neighborhood to the north,representing a transition of density from east to west and north to south. The PUD is compatible with the residential and agricultural uses to the south and west as the proposed uses in the PUD are consistent with what is permitted in the Resource zone district,the zoning of the adjacent parcel.Thus,the proposed PUD is compatible with current and future permissible uses on the surrounding properties. 10. Conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. Pursuant to Section 5-240.F.3.e(10) and Section 5-280.B.3.e(1), the PUD is in substantial conformance with the 2005 Eagle County Comprehensive Plan and 2018 Mid Valley Area Community Plan as the proposed single family residential and agricultural uses are consistent with the Future Land Use Map(the"FLUM")designation of both plans.The PUD meets the uses described in the Large Lot Residential FLUM designation in the Mid Valley Area Community Plan and corresponding density target stated in the plan. Additionally, components of the proposed PUD support the goals and policies within the plans related to transition of densities, development in proximity to transit and other services, protection of views, workforce housing, and sustainability. The PUD also meets the intent and policies stated in the Eagle County Affordable Housing Guidelines, an adopted document pertaining to affordable housing needs of the community.The Housing Plan is part of the PUD Guide and further described in the attached PUD Agreement. Thus, the PUD is in substantial conformance with the comprehensive plan and ancillary adopted documents pertaining to natural resource protection,affordable housing,and infrastructure management. 11. Phasing. Pursuant to Section 5-240.F.3.e (11), the PUD proposes one phase of development including the platting of lots, construction of infrastructure including access drive, landscaping,and common area recreation spaces.Upon completion of infrastructure required,individual lots will be sold for construction of permitted uses per the PUD Guide. 12. Common Recreation and Open Space.Pursuant to Section 5-240.F.3.e(12),the PUD complies with the requirements outlined in Section 5-240.F.3.e(12) of the ECLURs. The PUD proposes a common area and recreation open space easement on Lot 1 of the PUD of land to be managed and maintained by the Homeowners Association for access by all residents of the PUD. The ECLUR standards require a minimum of.23 acres of common recreation and open space.The PUD exceeds this requirement by providing approximately one acre of usable and conveniently accessible common recreation and open space as defined by the ECLURs.The common area location and associated improvements are depicted on the Illustrative Site Plan in Exhibit D of this resolution and outlined in Table 2 of the PUD Guide. Uses allowed within the open space tracts are that proposed by the PUD and no variations are requested. Improvements proposed for the common recreation and open space will be constructed prior to Certificate of Occupancy for any building permit within the PUD. Additionally,the Illustrative Site Plan indicates a fishing pond as part of the common 5 DocuSign Envelope ID:2A1E8F3D-OCD5-4969-B5CF-DCB947823E96 area, however, dependent on final water augmentation the pond may not be constructed if adequate water is not available. A pond is not a requirement of the common area space and may be replaced by other passive recreation areas. 13. Natural Resource Protection. Pursuant to Section 5-240.F.3.e(13), the PUD considered recommendations made by the applicable analysis documents and recommendations of referral agencies as specified in Article 4, Division 4, Natural Resource Protection Standards. Based on the Environmental Impact Report and recommendations from Colorado Geological Survey and Colorado Parks and Wildlife, the PUD is protective of identified natural resources by adhering to wildlife friendly fencing recommendations, restrictions on wood burning devices, and compliance with the County's wildfire mitigation requirements at construction. The PUD is not located in a key wildlife protection area, ridgeline development area, or hillside development area. THAT,the application for a PUD complies with the standards in ECLUR Section 5-280.B.3.e- Standards for Preliminary Plan for Subdivision,as set forth below: 1. Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan.Pursuant to Section 5-280.B.3.e(1),the PUD is in substantial conformance with the purposes,goals and policies of the Eagle County Comprehensive Plan, Area Community Plans, and any applicable ancillary County adopted documents pertaining to natural resource protection, affordable housing,and infrastructure as outlined above in Standard 5-240.e(10). 2. Consistent with Land Use Regulations.Pursuant to Section 5-280.B.3.e(2),the PUD complies with all the standards of this Section and all other provisions of the ECLUR including but not limited to the applicable standards of Article 3, Zone Districts and Article 4, Site Development Standards. The PUD complies with the ECLUR requirements for uses, landscaping, illumination, parking and loading, signage, natural resource protection, and site improvements. The Applicant requested a variation to minimum lot area and the Board granted the variation,as the variation meets the desired design quality for the PUD. 3. Spatial Pattern Shall Be Efficient. Pursuant to Section 5-280.B.3.e(3), the PUD is located and designed to avoid creating spatial patterns that cause inefficiencies in the delivery of services,or require duplication or premature extension of public facilities, or result in a"leapfrog" pattern of development. The PUD is located within existing service areas for emergency services,utilities,and schools.Additionally,the PUD is a development site surrounded by residential development and agriculture compatible with the PUD. 4. Suitability for Development. Pursuant to Section 5-280.B.3.e(4), the Property subject to the PUD is suitable for development, considering its topography, environmental resources and natural or man-made hazards that may affect the potential development of the Property, and existing and probable future public improvements to the area.Potential future public improvements to Willits Lane were identified during the review of the application.The Applicant is voluntarily offering 6 DocuSign Envelope ID:2A1E8F3D-OCD5-4969-B5CF-DCB947823E96 to provide additional right-of-way to the Town to accommodate future expansion of Willits Lane for vehicular,bicycle,or pedestrian circulation needs. 5. Compatibility with Surrounding Uses.Pursuant to Section 5-280.B.3.e(5),the PUD is generally compatible with the existing and currently permissible future uses of adjacent land, and other substantially impacted land, services, or infrastructure improvements.The PUD contains uses that are compatible with the surrounding land uses of residential and agriculture. 6. Adequate Facilities.Pursuant to Section 5-280.B.3.e(5),the PUD demonstrated that adequate facilities for potable water,sewage disposal,solid waste disposal,electrical, fire protection and roads will be provided by supplying conditional capacity to serve letters and commitments for private contracted services for solid waste and electrical. The PUD is within service areas for all emergency services and conveniently located to schools. THAT,the application for a Zone Change complies with the standards in ECLUR Section 5- 230.D-Standards for Zone Change,as set forth below: 1. Conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. Pursuant to Section 5-230.1/1, the proposed change in zoning is in substantial conformance with the purposes,intents, goals and policies of the 2005 Eagle County Comprehensive Plan.The proposed uses are consistent with the FLUM and the PUD and Housing Plan are consistent with statements of intent and density of the Mid Valley Area Community Plan and the 2005 Eagle County Comprehensive Plan. 2. Compatible with Surrounding Uses. Pursuant to Section 5-230.D.2, the proposed change in zoning is compatible with the type,intensity,character and scale of existing and permissible land uses surrounding the Property.Dimensional limitations of the PUD result in development that will be harmonious with the physical character of existing or permissible uses surrounding the Property as the setbacks, building height,and floor areas are similar to those of surrounding properties. 3. Public Benefit. Pursuant to Section 5-230.D.3, the proposed change in zoning addresses a demonstrated community need or otherwise results in one or more particular public benefits that offset the impacts of the proposed uses. The PUD includes the Housing Plan that meets the recommendations of the County's Affordable Housing Guidelines with a cash-in lieu payment per the County's guidelines. However, per the Housing Plan in the PUD Guide and the attached PUD Agreement in Exhibit E, the cash-in-lieu is intended to be used to offset the construction of three price capped deed restricted units at 80% AMI through a partnership with Roaring Fork Valley Habitat for Humanity.Three units is more than the minimum required housing mitigation per the guidelines.Additionally,the PUD is dedicating right-of-way to the Town for future road improvements including potential bike and pedestrian connections.These commitments by the PUD outweigh the anticipated impacts of the five residential units and four accessory dwelling units proposed in the PUD and zone change. 7 DocuSign Envelope ID:2A1E8F3D-OCD5-4969-B5CF-DCB947823E96 4. Change of Circumstances. Pursuant to Section 5-230.D.4, the proposed change in zoning is in response to a beneficial material change that has occurred to the immediate neighborhood or to the greater Eagle County community.The underlying zoning designation of R predates the 2005 Eagle County Comprehensive Plan and the Mid Valley Area Community Plan.The FLUM designation of Large Lot Residential in the Mid Valley Area Community Plan indicates a development vision that is implemented through the proposed zone change. 5. Adequate Infrastructure.Pursuant to Section 5-230.D.5,the Property subject to the proposed change in zoning is served by adequate roads, water, sewer and other public use facilities. The Property is within the service areas of Mid Valley Metropolitan District, Roaring Fork Fire Rescue Authority, and the Eagle County School District with adequate service confirmed by each entity.The Town owns and maintains the public road providing access to the Property. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle,State of Colorado: THAT, proper public notice was provided as required by law for the hearings before the Planning Commission and the Board;and, THAT this PUD and Zone Change(File No(s).PDSP-9012 and ZC-9017)described herein and in the PUD Guide attached as Exhibit B.are hereby approved,subject to the following conditions: 1. An approved access permit must be obtained from the Town prior to Final Plat recording for the development. All on and off-site improvements associated with the access permit approval, must be completed prior to Temporary Certificate of Occupancy or Certificate of Occupancy of any building permit issued unless alternative sequence is approved in writing by the Town. 2. As offered by the Applicant, the Final Plat shall include dedication of right-of-way along Willits Lane sufficient to provide a 30-foot right-of-way from the centerline of the road to the eastern property boundary for the full length of the Property. 3. The Final Plat application shall include a revised exhibit of the Easement to Accommodate Future/Potential Bike Lane which adequately demonstrates the proposed easement is sufficient to accommodate a re-aligned,conforming access and pedestrian crossing. 4. The first 30 feet of the access drive,measured from the outer edge of asphalt on Willits Lane,must be paved.Construction plans submitted with the PUD Final Plat shall include a pavement design signed and stamped by a Professional Engineer. 5. Except as otherwise modified by this development permit,all material representations made by the Applicant in this application and in public meeting shall be adhered to and considered conditions of approval. 8 DocuSign Envelope ID:2A1E8F3D-OCD5-4969-B5CF-DCB947823E96 THAT,the Board directs the Department of Community Development to provide a copy of this Resolution to the Applicant. THAT,the Board hereby finds,determines and declares that this Resolution is necessary for the health,safety,and welfare of the citizens of Eagle County. MOVED, READ AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle,State of Colorado,on this 23rd day of February ,2021 nunc pro tunc August 25,2020. COUNTY OF EAGLE,STATE OF COLORADO,By and Through Its o.OFt BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 4ATTEST: DocuSigned by: C L J 11 2 C er 'to-tue o°ard \ggan Matt K app0473 Chair /—DDooccuuSigneed by�j �r�asLar� c _/ (Ja CA4A BF AA47A Jeanne McQueeney Commissioner rDocuSigned by: aYCffMMM1ffr-Henry Commissioner Commissioner McQueeney seconded adoption of the foregoing resolution. The roll having been called,the vote was as follows: Commissioner Scherr Aye Commissioner McQueeney Aye Commissioner Chandler-Henry Aye 9 DocuSign Envelope ID:2A1 E8F3D-OCD5-4969-B5CF-DCB947823E96 EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY A PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN TRACT 47, TOWNSHIP 8 SOUTH, RANGE 87 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M.; SAID PARCEL BEING ENTIRELY WITHIN THAT PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THAT DOCUMENT RECORDED JUNE 12, 1985 AS RECEPTION NO. 313171 OF THE EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO RECORDS; SAID PARCEL LYING WEST OF THE COUNTY ROAD KNOWN AS WILLITS LANE, AS SAID ROAD WAS USED AT THE DATE OF THE EXECUTION OF THAT CERTAIN WARRANTY DEED DATED DECEMBER 24, 1903 RECORDED IN BOOK 65 AT PAGE 532 OF THE RECORDS IN THE EAGLE COUNTY RECORDER'S OFFICE,AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID PROPERTY RECORDED AS RECEPTION NO. 313171, SAID POINT BEING A POINT AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE NORTH LINE OF TRACT 47 AND THE WEST EDGE OF THE ASPHALT OF SAID WILLITS LANE (WITH ALL BEARINGS HEREIN BEING RELATIVE TO A BEARING OF S.89°54'55"E. BETWEEN THE WITNESS CORNER FOR AP4,TRACT 47, MONUMENTED BY A#5 REBAR AND 1.25" CAP STAMPED L.S. 14111 AND THE WITNESS CORNER FOR AP3,TRACT 47, MONUMENTED BY A 2"ALUMINUM PIPE AND 3.25" CAP STAMPED L.S. 28643); THENCE S.00°29'29"E., ALONG THE EASTERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID RECEPTION NO. 313171 AND SAID WEST EDGE OF ASPHALT,A DISTANCE OF 565.16 FEET;THENCE LEAVING SAID EASTERLY BOUNDARY LINE AND SAID WEST EDGE OF ASPHALT N.89°54'55"W.,A DISTANCE OF 537.96 FEET; THENCE N.50°44'11"W.,A DISTANCE OF 143.47 FEET; THENCE N.29°38'18"W.,A DISTANCE OF 110.61 FEET; THENCE N.62°47'41"W., A DISTANCE OF 174.90 FEET; THENCE N.00°05'05"E., A DISTANCE OF 298.71 FEET MORE OR LESS TO SAID NORTH LINE OF TRACT 47; THENCE S.89°54'55"E.ALONG SAID NORTH LINE OF TRACT 47, A DISTANCE OF 854.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. COUNTY OF EAGLE STATE OF COLORADO 10 DocuSign Envelope ID:2A1 E8F3D-OCD5-4969-B5CF-DCB947823E96 EXHIBIT B PUD Guide 11 10 Acre PUP PUD Guide EAGI.E COUNTY,COLORADO PUD Combined Sketch and Preliminary Plan and Zone District Amendment PDSP-009012 2019 4,4 , 4:`: PUD Guide for 10 Acre PUD,Feb.2021 Table of Contents Table of Contents 2 List of Tables 3 1. Introduction 4 2. Purpose; Effect 4 3. General Information 4 4. Definitions 5 5. Common Areas Plan 6 6. Uses 8 6.1 Allowed Uses 8 6.2 Uses Prior to Construction 9 6.3 Accessory Dwelling Units 9 6.4 Agricultural Uses 9 7. Dimensional Limitations 9 7.1 Maximum Density 9 7.2 Minimum Lot Area 10 7.3 Building Envelopes 10 7.4 .Maximum Floor Area and Square Footage 10 7.5 Maximum Lot Coverage 11 7.6 Maximum Building Height 11 7.7 Number of Buildings 11 7.8 View Corridor Overlay 12 8. Parking 13 8.1 Parking of Other Vehicles 13 8.2 Signs 13 9. Wood Burning Controls 13 10. Fences 14 11. Sustainability 14 11.1 Renewable Energy System 14 11.2 Electric Vehicle Chargers 15 12. Site Specific Soils Analysis 15 13. Modifications of the PUD Guide 15 14. Other Restrictions 16 2 PUD Guide for 10 Acre PUD,Feb.2021 15. Enforcement 16 16. Housing Plan 16 17. PUD GUIDE EXECUTION 18 List of Tables Table 1. Acreages 5 Table 2. Uses in Common Areas 7 Table 3. Square Footage for Other Buildings 10 Table 4. Maximum Lot Coverages 11 3 PUD Guide for 10 Acre PUD,Feb.2021 1. Introduction This Planned Unit Development Guide ("Guide", "PUD Guide" or "Development Guide") sets forth the land use and development standards for the properties in the 10 Acre Planned Unit Development("PUD"). The Guide defines the permitted use of land and provides for open spaces and includes additional supplementary regulations. 2. Purpose; Effect The primary purpose of this Guide is to establish the standards, restrictions, and regulations that govern development and land use within the PUD as shown on 10 Acre PUD Final Plat. It also ensures the PUD is developed as a comprehensive planned community. This Guide will ensure the orderly and compatible development of the 10 Acre PUD. The Guide constitutes the standard zoning provisions for the PUD with site-specific restrictions for the development plan and conditions of the land contained within this development. The provisions of the Eagle County Land Use Regulations (ECLUR) and the successors thereof, are by this reference incorporated herein as if set forth in full, to the extent not in conflict with the provisions of this PUD Guide. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event of a conflict between the ECLUR and this PUD Guide, the provisions of this PUD Guide, as amended, shall prevail and govern the development of 10 Acre Planned Unit Development provided, however, that where the provisions of this PUD Guide do not clearly address a specific subject, the ordinances, resolutions or regulations of Eagle County shall prevail.Definitions and uses established herein shall take precedence over definitions and uses established in the ECLUR, as amended, whenever expressly provided for herein. This PUD Guide is authorized pursuant to Eagle County Resolution dated approving the Final Plat for the 10 Acre PUD. 3. General Information The PUD is comprised of 9.79 acres and 5 Lots. The "Uses" section permits one Single Family Dwelling per Lot. All but one Lot is allowed one Accessory Dwelling Unit therefore this PUD may have up to 9 dwelling units. Acreages are indicated below in Table 1: 4 • PUD Guide for 10 Acre PUD,Feb. 2021 Table 1. Acreages Acres % Building Envelopes 3.24 33.1% Utility&Access Easement 0.95 9.7% Common Open Space & Recreation Area 0.83 8.5% Balance' 4.77 48.7% Total 9.79 100% 1. Balance represents private property that lies between i) the Building Envelope and ii) lot line, Utility & Access Easement or Common Open Space &Recreation Area This PUD's primary intended use is residential with agricultural uses secondary to residential uses. 4. Definitions The following definitions apply to this PUD Guide. • Accessory Building means a Building located on the same Lot as the principal Building to which it is accessory that is clearly incidental, subordinate, secondary and devoted which is customarily found in conjunction with the principal Building. • Agricultural Building means a Structure designed and constructed to house farm and landscaping implements for use within the PUD; hay, grain and feed; keeping livestock, small animals or fowl; or other products that support the agricultural uses allowed by this PUD Guide. This Structure shall not be a place of human habitation. • Average Grade means the arithmetic mean of elevations measured at corners of the Building Envelope that a Building is located within. • Fence - Exclusion means a fence that excludes wildlife, animals or people out of an area. For example, an Exclusion Fence can be constructed around a vegetable garden. Fences to contain pasturing livestock are not considered Exclusion Fences. • Fence - Privacy means a fence that is constructed or planted in such a fashion as to cause 80 percent or more opaqueness at any angle of view through such fence. • Floor Area means the sum of the gross horizontal areas of all floors of a Building measured from the outside of all exterior walls and includes all habitable spaces, lofts, stairways, fireplaces, halls, habitable attics, bathrooms, closets, storage areas and areas of basements which are more than 12 inches above ground but excludes utility/mechanical areas, cellars, crawl spaces, non- habitable attics, Garages or areas designed for parking or loading within the Building. 5 PUD Guide for 10 Acre PUD,Feb.2021 • Garage means an Accessory Building, or an accessory portion of a main Building, designed for shelter or storage of motor vehicles which are owned and operated by the occupants of the main Building. 5. Common Areas Plan The PUD contains Common Areas, which may be owned or leased by the Homeowners' Association for the PUD and consists of two areas that will be used primarily for the indicated uses as listed below. These two areas are labelled on the Plat: • Utility & Access Easement: intended for access to Lots and utilities that serve the PUD as well associated maintenance. • Common Open Space & Recreation Area: intended for aesthetic, wildlife, and recreation uses such as picnicking,fishing,etc.,and intended solely for use of the residents of the PUD,and their guests, not the general public. Columns 1 and 2 in Table 2 lists the common uses that are allowed in each of the areas. Separately, uses that serve only individual Lots are allowed as indicated in column 3 of the table. Column 3 only applies to the Utility & Access Easement. As an example, snow storage is examined: snow that is plowed from the access driveway, which is used in common by all Lot owners, may be stored within the Utility& Access Easement. However, snow that is plowed from an individual driveway serving one Lot may not be stored within the Utility& Access Easement but should be stored within that Lot and outside of the Utility& Access Easement. Uses that serve only individual Lots are not allowed in the Common Open Space &Recreation Area,unless noted otherwise. The Common Areas may have constructed thereon, improvements, Structures or facilities associated with such uses and ancillary improvements. Collectively these shall be referred to as Common Area Items. The Homeowners' Association is responsible for the operation, maintenance, replacement, and repair of the portions of the Common Area Items that serve a shared use and are not the responsibility of utility providers. For example,the HOA will maintain irrigation piping serving landscaping common to the PUD while the HOA will not maintain irrigation piping buried in the Common Area that serves individual Lots. No Buildings are allowed in the Common Areas unless otherwise specified in this section. 6 PUD Guide for 10 Acre PUD,Feb.2021 Table 2. Uses in Common Areas Common Uses Allowed in Each Area Uses Serving Individual Uses Common Open Space Utility& Access Lots &Recreation Area Easement Column#1 Column#2 Column#3 1 Footpaths Allowed Allowed 2 Signs Allowed Not Allowed 3 Stormwater drainage features Allowed Allowed 4 Snow storage Allowed Not Allowed 5 Buried irrigation piping,irrigation control Allowed Allowed wiring 6 Buried power lines for irrigation pumps Allowed Not Allowed 7 Hardscapes,shrubs and trees Allowed Not Allowed 8 Landscaping excluding#7 above Allowed Allowed 9 Fences Allowed Not Allowed 10 Gates Allowed Allowed 11 Utilities such as lift stations,transformers, utility boxes,pads and similar items and Allowed Not Allowed structures 12 Utility poles Allowed only within the Utility Easement Not Allowed 13 Other temporary features required for the construction of structures and Allowed Allowed improvements therein _14 Ponds and docks Allowed Not Allowed Not Allowed 15 Ditches to supply water to and from Allowed Not Allowed Not Allowed ponds 16 Picnic tables and shelters,and similar Allowed Not Allowed Not Allowed structures 17 Turnouts and irrigation pumping equipment and enclosures to house said equipment provided they are located Allowed Not Allowed Not Applicable immediately adjacent to the Northside Pioneer Ditch or a pond' 18 Roadway surfaces,shoulders,driveways Not Allowed Allowed Allowed 19 Buried utilities,excluding Use #6 above Not Allowed2 Allowed Allowed Notes 1) This use is allowed in the Common Open Space and Recreation Area for serving Lot 1. 2) Allowed for serving structures located in the Common Open Space and Recreation Area 7 PUD Guide for 10 Acre PUD,Feb.2021 6. Uses 6.1 Allowed Uses Only the following uses are allowed in addition to the uses described in the section "Uses Prior to Construction"below. These uses apply to Lots 1 through 5 unless otherwise specified: Primary Use(s): 1. Single Family Dwelling Accessory Use(s): 2. Customary Accessory Residential Uses 3. Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU's) shall conform to Section 6.3. 4. Agriculture and Customary Accessory Agricultural Buildings shall conform to Section 6.4 5. Home Business is allowed on Lot 1 only 6. Home Occupation 7. Small Hydro Electric Energy 8. Structure-integrated or Ancillary Ground-Mounted Solar Energy System 9. Water Diversion Structures, Ditches and Pipeline Structures engineered to convey fifteen (15) cfs of water or less or designed to serve as a domestic supply for less than ten(10) dwelling units 10. Water Impoundment 11. Wind Energy Systems - Small Scale 12. Short term rentals (60 days or more) If the first dwelling unit constructed conforms with all provisions for an ADU,a second dwelling unit may be constructed by designating the first dwelling unit an ADU. If contiguous Lots are under the same ownership, Accessory Uses shall be allowed on any such Lots if Primary Uses have been established on one such Lot. In the event that one of the properties under contiguous ownership is sold, no additional Accessory Uses shall be permitted until a Primary Uses is established. 8 PUD Guide for 10 Acre PUD,Feb.2021 6.2 Uses Prior to Construction Prior to initial construction of residential Structures on a Lot, pasturing of cattle and horses is allowed on such Lot provided that sound pasturing practices are implemented,the Lot is irrigated and properly fenced to contain these animals and animals are not aggressive and not injurious to people. The Homeowners' Association may implement and enforce any Covenants and/or Rules regarding sound pasturing practices. 6.3 Accessory Dwelling Units No more than one (1) Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) shall be permitted in conjunction with and in addition to the principal use of each Lot except for Lot 3 with the following restrictions. • The ADU shall have a maximum Floor Area of 1,200 sq ft. • The ADU shall not be condominiumized or sold separately from the principal use of the parcel. • The ADU shall have adequate facilities for potable water supply, sewage disposal, solid waste disposal, electrical supply and fire protection. • The ADU may be attached or detached if integrated into an Accessory Building or Garage. • There shall be one (1) additional off-street parking space provided for any ADU that is a studio or one bedroom unit. An ADU containing two(2) or more bedrooms shall have two(2)off-street parking spaces. 6.4 Agricultural Uses Agricultural uses, including keeping livestock, small animals or fowl,may be present but should conform to the following: • Must not be commercial in nature or constitute a primary occupation. • Must not expose soils to the wind for extended periods of time or cause ground to become denuded or"dust bowls." • Used, in such a manner that a condition resulting from the same, shall not constitute a nuisance. • Pasturing of Large Livestock is allowed on Lots with lot sizes 1.5 acres or greater, contiguous Lots under the same ownership, or adjoining Lots with pasture exceeding 1.5 acres or greater. 7. Dimensional Limitations 7.1 Maximum Density The maximum density shall be five (5)residential Lots and a total of nine (9) dwelling units. 9 PUD Guide for 10 Acre PUD,Feb.2021 7.2 Minimum Lot Area The Minimum Lot area shall be 1.0 acre. 7.3 Building Envelopes All newly constructed Buildings must be located within the designated Building Envelope, as indicated on the Final Plat,unless allowed otherwise in this document. Roof overhangs, stairways and decks greater than thirty (30) inches in height may project eighteen (18) inches outside of Building Envelopes. Decks that are less than thirty(30) inches in height may project outside of Building Envelopes without limitation. Any adjustment to Building Envelopes shall • not be inconsistent with the intent of the Final Plat, • not increase the square footage of the Building Envelope, and • be approved by the HOA prior to approval by Eagle County. 7.4 .Maximum Floor Area and Square Footage The Maximum Floor Area of dwellings and the maximum square footage of other Buildings shall be as indicated in the Table 3. Table 3. Square Footage for Other Buildings Single Family Dwelling 5,000 Accessory Dwelling Units 1,200 Tft �j*� `Y� '"t�"-;�:4;.e 4.: Cxk,C;''`;x c'.3^,;.�:�I*H!r:,��',, '.;z�;,.�c;-:Y.,...0 pf .'„ ° `.4 4',tt`.".r .%:z�> Get ;� Each Accessory Building Excluding 850 Agricultural Buildings and Garages Each Agricultural Building 1,300 Each Detached Garage 1,300 Garage Attached to Single Family Dwelling 1,000 Garage Attached to ADU 750 Additionally,the total square footage of i)Garages attached to the Single Family Dwelling and ii)detached Garages shall be 2,000 sq ft or less. 10 PUD Guide for 10 Acre PUD,Feb.2021 7.5 Maximum Lot Coverage The Maximum Lot Coverage shall conform to the following table: Table 4. Maximum Lot Coverages Lot 1 All Other Lots Buildings (sq ft) 12,500 9,000 Impervious Surface 25% 40% The following items below shall be excluded from the Lot Coverage for Impervious Surfaces: • Any improvements within the Common Areas, including but not limited to roadway surface or shoulder and footpaths • Ponds • Ditches for irrigation, drainage or carrying water to/from any ponds. 7.6 Maximum Building Height Maximum Building Height shall be as follows: • Single Family Dwellings: 35 ft for Lot 1 and 30 ft for all other Lots • Agricultural Buildings: 20 ft • Accessory Buildings except Agricultural Buildings: 15 ft • Notwithstanding the above, if an ADU is integrated into an Accessory Building or Agricultural Buildings and parts of the ADU occupy the top story, the Maximum Building Height for those parts are 35 ft for Lot 1 and 30 ft for all other Lots. Building height shall be measured from Average Grade or finished grade, whichever is more restrictive. Stacks, vents, cooling towers, elevator structures and similar mechanical building appurtenances and spires, domes, cupolas, towers, antennas intended as an accessory use, and similar non-inhabitable building appurtenances, if allowed, may exceed the maximum height limitation by not more than 30%. Collectively these shall be referred to as Roof Appurtenances. 7.7 Number of Buildings Lot 1 shall have no more than 5 Buildings and all other Lots shall have no more than 3 Buildings on each Lot. Pump houses, fences and lift stations shall be excluded from these limitations on the number of Buildings. Any Structures within the Common Areas shall be excluded from these limitations on the number of Buildings. 11 N - PUD Guide for 10 Acre PUD,Feb.2021 7.8 View Corridor Overlay , A View Corridor Overlay shall be applied as a supplemental regulation superimposed on all restrictions and requirements in this PUD Guide and the ECLUR. The Building Height of any Building that is located within the View Corridor shall be no more than 20 ft and shall be measured from Average Grade or finished grade,whichever is more restrictive. The View Corridor is indicated in Figure 1. i.. -- ,. - ..n .. II View Corridor ' 122.5' I .,,`� / \ E / � 1 �,/ f 9tF ........re...---...„,,%„,s%,\ \:\e/// �{ y , 1j 1 � 1` ° t 1 1 1 1 1 1 I J %- Figure 1. Boundaries of the View Corridor Overlay 12 PUD Guide for 10 Acre PUD,Feb.2021 8. Parking Three (3) off-street parking spaces shall be provided per Single Family Dwelling. 8.1 Parking of Other Vehicles No vehicles, boats or trailers, may be stored for a fee or barter with an individual or entity that is not a resident. Commercial vehicles shall not be parked on any Lot or common space, unless it is used for a permitted home occupation or home business or is a company vehicle used for commuting that is parked overnight.Heavy equipment used in a business operation shall not be parked on any Lot or common space. However,commercial vehicles or heavy equipment used in a business may be parked on a Lot or common space if it is actively being used for construction within 10 Acre PUD. Vehicles making deliveries may be parked on Lots during deliveries.No vehicles requiring a Commercial Driver's License shall be parked overnight or stored on any Lot or common space unless it is actively being used for construction within 10 Acre PUD. 8.2 Signs The top of all signs shall be no higher than 6 ft. The maximum allowed sign area is as follows: • Recreation area: 12 sq ft • All other signs: 6 sq ft Signs that follow Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways (MUTCD) and signs that are required by jurisdictional regulations and by law are exempt from the above height and. maximum sign area provisions. Other requirements are listed below: • Signs must comply with provisions of sections Prohibited Signs and Illumination, as amended, as set forth in Article 4 of the ECLUR and MUTCD and the Colorado Supplement thereto. • All sign illumination must be downcast. • Signage for home businesses and home occupations are not allowed. • Additional sign requirements will be set forth in the Rules of the Homeowners' Association. 9. Wood Burning Controls No wood burning devices shall be installed in any Structure except for EPA Step 2 certified wood burning devices. 13 PUD Guide for 10 Acre PUD,Feb.2021 10. Fences All new installation of fences shall conform to the following requirements: • All fences except Exclusion Fences and Privacy Fences shall be required to meet the wildlife friendly fencing guidelines of Colorado Parks and Wildlife. • Fencing may not enclose more than 33%of the Lot area except for fencing conforming to wildlife friendly fencing guidelines of Colorado Parks and Wildlife. • Privacy Fences may not exceed 60 total linear feet in any one direction. • Privacy Fences may only be located within Building Envelopes. • Drainage easements shall be free of Exclusion Fences. • All fences must be 8 ft or less in height. • Fences shall not be constructed within infiltration or detention ponds or their embankments. Fences shall not be constructed in a location or manner to interfere with the function of utilities and drainage or impede access to such features and their associated easements. A split rail fence, or other fence of rural character, shall be provided along Willits Lane that prevents pedestrians crossing at locations other than at Meadow Drive. 11. Sustainability 11.1 Renewable Energy System All Single Family Dwellings shall fulfill one of the following, which are above and beyond ECLUR requirements: 1. Provide an on-site renewable energy system that offsets 50% or more of its energy use. 2. Achieve a Home Energy Rating System(HERS) Index of 31 or less. 3. Achieve a HERS Index of 45 and install a photovoltaic system sized at lesser of i) the maximum allowed by the local electric utility or ii) 1.5 Watt per square foot of Floor Area. Electric vehicle chargers shall be excluded in the calculation of such offsets and HERS Indices. Demonstration of compliance with the requirements of this section shall be provided at building permit application. 14 PUD Guide for 10 Acre PUD,Feb.2021 11.2 Electric Vehicle Chargers Newly constructed Structures with a dedicated attached or detached Garage shall facilitate future installation and use of electric vehicle chargers. For each dwelling unit, a 208/240-volt individual branch circuit or a listed raceway to accommodate a future individual branch circuit shall be installed. The raceway shall not be less than trade size 1 (nominal 1-inch inside diameter). The raceway shall originate at the main service or subpanel and shall terminate into a listed cabinet, box or other enclosure in close proximity to the proposed location of the electric vehicle charger. Raceways are required to be continuous at enclosed, inaccessible or concealed areas and spaces. The service panel or subpanel circuit directory shall provide capacity to install a 40-ampere minimum dedicated branch circuit and space(s) reserved to permit installation of a branch circuit overcurrent device. Electrical vehicle supply equipment shall be installed in accordance with NFPA 70. 12. Site Specific Soils Analysis Prior to submittal of a building permit application, site specific soils analysis shall be performed. Appropriate mitigation shall be performed during construction if needed for structural integrity. 13. Modifications of the PUD Guide Amendments or major modifications to Preliminary Plan for PUD shall be processed according to the section Amendment to Preliminary Plan for PUD in Article 5 of ECLUR, or as amended. Minor deviations or minor modifications to the Preliminary Plan for PUD shall be processed according to the Minor Deviations paragraph in the section Preliminary Plan for PUD in Article 5 of ECLUR,or similar administrative process as amended. Minor modifications include,but are not limited to: • Any minor change to address technical errors • Altering the Building Envelope line on the south, west, and southwest boundaries of the PUD only when the following can be demonstrated: • The request is a result of a subsidence hazard that precludes the building of the dwelling unit within the Building Envelope. • The request represents the minimum amount necessary to accommodate the dwelling unit. • No other variances from dimensional limitations are being requested. 15 PUD Guide for 10 Acre PUD,Feb. 2021 • The request is accompanied by a report stamped by a licensed geotechnical engineer demonstrating that the building site is the only suitable location for the dwelling unit based on geo hazards present. • Any minor change, including utilities, which are first discovered during actual development which could not reasonably be anticipated during the approval process. 14. Other Restrictions Buyers of Lots or parcels in the PUD should be aware that requirements more restrictive than those contained in this Guide may be imposed as a result of the Covenants,Conditions&Restrictions(CC&R's), duly adopted Rules of the Homeowners' Association, Final Plat or other applicable development documents that are recorded separately for the PUD. The most current CC&R's and Rules of the Homeowners' Association for a particular filing should be consulted prior to formalizing development plans for construction at the PUD. 15. Enforcement The Homeowners' Association shall have the responsibility for interpreting and enforcing this Guide in accordance with the terms of the CC&Rs, provided, however, Eagle County shall have the independent right to enforce the provisions of this Guide. Eagle County expressly reserves the right to refuse to approve any application for a building permit or certificate of occupancy for the construction or occupancy of any Building or Structure within the PUD if said Building or Structure fails to comply with the requirements of this Guide.This provision shall not be construed as a waiver by any appropriate party,including without limitation, any owner of a Dwelling Unit, the Homeowners' Association, or the Declarant, of any right to appeal, pursuant to the appeal rights otherwise available under the Land Use Regulations, Eagle County building codes or by other applicable law. The Homeowners' Association may be dissolved or terminated through a Minor Modification without requiring an amendment to the PUD so long as the maintenance of common elements is accomplished through some other mechanism satisfactory to the Community Development Director, such as a perpetual recorded maintenance agreement between Lot owners. 16. Housing Plan The 10 Acre PUD Housing Plan will provide"price gap funding"to three(3)Habitat for Humanity of the Roaring Fork Valley, Incorporated("HFH RFV")price capped for sale units priced at 80%AMI, located in close proximity to the 10 Acre PUD,preferably in Eagle County. 16 PUD Guide for 10 Acre PUD,Feb.2021 10 Acre Holdings, LLC will deposit the calculated payment in lieu of $184,987.73 to Eagle County Housing Development Authority ("ECHDA") prior to the recording of the project's Final Plat. Once received, ECHDA will acknowledge that the 10 Acre PUD has satisfied its required housing mitigation as required by the Eagle County Affordable Housing Guidelines. The payment in lieu funds will provide RFV HFH the opportunity to use these funds toward constructing at least three (3)units priced at 80% of AMI in close proximity to the 10 Acre PUD, preferably in Eagle County. HFH RFV will notify ECHDA that it has received approval of a development permit for at least three(3)units priced at 80% of AMI in close proximity to the 10 Acre PUD, preferably in Eagle County, and those units have a price gap. ECHDA will approve the calculation and methodology of the price gap, then ECHDA will release the funds to HFH RFV to fund the construction of three(3)units priced at 80% AMI. If the approved calculation of the price gap for 3 units priced at 80% AMI, is less than the payment in lieu 10 Acre Holdings, LLC will receive a refund of the remaining payment in lieu balance. In the event that five (5) years has passed from the time of receipt of the payment in lieu, and RFV HFH has not requested the funds for an approved project,the entire payment in lieu fee will no longer restricted and ECHDA may use the payment in lieu fee to fund housing projects and initiatives in the Roaring Fork Valley preferably in Eagle County. 10 Acre Holdings, LLC will no longer be eligible for a refund of any payment in lieu balance. 17 PUD Guide for 10 Acre PUD,Feb.2021 17. PUD GUIDE EXECUTION IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Eagle County and the Developer have executed this PUD Guide as of Date effective: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF EAGLE COUNTY COLORADO ,.—DocuSigned by: /s/ Ault Sd -81E782D718E0473... Matt scherr , CHAIRMAN of ATTEST: /--DocuSigned by: Is/ 't t 1-'byit,A, se "--F9 D 62 F246896440... Regina O'Brien , CLERK&RECORDER 10 ACRE HOLDINGS, LLC ^-DocuSigned by: '-64BE15996A304CA... BRIAN ROSE, MEMBER 18 DocuSign Envelope ID:2A1E8F3D-OCD5-4969-B5CF-DCB947823E96 EXHIBIT C Variations Table 12 DocuSign Envelope ID:2A1E8F3D-OCD5-4969-B5CF-DCB947823E96 ,µ'u via"" . E ctog, : cu U iC crs •Ei CD it 'a Q tv dA. f3, •G1 GJ C Rf gO UhD r z,e"gy.pp Q a v j Q oif 3 Fa ,m fe i s:'rr. DocuSign Envelope ID:2A1E8F3D-OCD5-4969-B5CF-DCB947823E96 EXHIBIT D Illustrative Site Plan 13 . DocuSign Envelope ID:2A1E8F3D-OCD5-4969-B5CF-DCB947823E96 A N } ,5,+� r Yk� ��ef 6 x � k w w.t F. q 'sir '��' + � a, „ M O a eue1 st+IPM aerny es N b m° ie + , k : T a nM V Easement kl\ . d9 '444;: ,r `,# , g # w T a � au.a N a t � fl„ a ` d , , ,Y d Art N g ^ C E N I a) ai C e) 0 ei kr C CI) t d U a .b x sy � N S -` V t 3 we a'. = c P , a a d > m a iv ,-.., t' cl g• a0 c°fv $ ., m3Sma ,- = e— w DocuSign Envelope ID:2A1E8F3D-OCD5-4969-B5CF-DCB947823E96 EXHIBIT E Form of PUD Agreement 14 COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT FOR THE 10 ACRE PUD PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT File Number: PDSP-9012 WHEREAS, on or about February 6, 2019, 10 Acre Holdings, LLC, a Colorado limited liability company(hereinafter referred to as the"Applicant"), did file an application with the Eagle County Department of Community Development, State of Colorado, pursuant to Article 5 of the Eagle County Land Use Regulations, for a Sketch and Preliminary Plan for the 10 Acre PUD Planned Unit Development(the "PUD"), File No. PDSP-9012; and, WHEREAS, the Applicant requested approval of a consolidated Sketch and Preliminary Plan for the 10 Acre PUD (the"Sketch/Preliminary Plan for PUD") for a proposed development consisting of 5 single-family residential dwelling units and allowing for 4 accessory dwelling units ("ADU") on a 10.02-acre site located on Willits Lane in unincorporated Eagle County, as more particularly described on Exhibit A attached hereto (the "Property"); and, WHEREAS, on August 25, 2020, the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners (the "Board") approved Applicant's Sketch/Preliminary Plan for PUD with conditions, as set forth in Eagle County Resolution No. 2021- 12 ("Resolution"); and, WHEREAS, as part of the approval of Applicant's Sketch/Preliminary Plan, the Board approved the Planned Unit Development Guide for 10 Acre PUD (the "PUD Guide"), recorded at Reception No. 202104387 in the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder's Office and attached hereto as Exhibit B; and, WHEREAS, concurrent with the approval of the Sketch/Preliminary Plan for PUD,the Applicant and the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners (the"Board")hereby enter into this Planned Unit Development Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement"), binding the PUD to any conditions placed in the Resolution approving the Sketch/Preliminary Plan for PUD and this Agreement and such supplemental agreements relating to the PUD as may be appropriate and necessary; and, WHEREAS, this Agreement provides for the inclusion of a Common Open Space, Park&Recreation Area for the benefit of the residents of 10 Acre PUD, a landscape plan and a Housing Plan in accordance with the Eagle County Land Use Regulations (the"ECLUR"); and, WHEREAS, this Agreement ensures installation of necessary public improvements planned to accommodate the development of the PUD in accordance with the ECLUR; and C21-056 WHEREAS,pursuant to Article 5-240.F.3.h. items (1) through(4) of the ECLUR, the Board finds that the following shall set forth the obligations of the Applicant pursuant to this Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of approval of the Sketch/Preliminary Plan for PUD, and the promises, covenants, and agreements to be kept and performed by the parties hereto, it is agreed: 1. CONDITIONS IN THE RESOLUTION The PUD, including the Applicant and successive owners of any part thereof, is bound to all of the conditions placed in the Resolution. 2. COMMON OPEN SPACE AREAS 2.1 Common Areas Plan. The Applicant agrees to be bound by its verbal and written assurance as to its common open space and recreation area as set forth in the Common Areas Plan contained in the PUD Guide. The Common Areas Plan outlines the area of common open space,parks,trails and recreation lands and includes terms by which any common areas will be maintained. Applicant must submit a final Common Areas Plan with its application for the Final Plat which must be consistent with the Common Areas Plan contained in the PUD Guide. 3. LANDSCAPE PLAN AND PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT GUARANTEE; PHASING 3.1 Construction Phasing. The Applicant anticipates constructing the infrastructure for the PUD in a single phase. 3.2 Landscape Plan. The Applicant agrees to submit with the application for the Final Plat approval a Landscape Plan for the common areas of the Property subject to such Final Plat that complies with the ECLUR Section 4-220 and the Conceptual Landscape Plan contained in the Applicant's application for the PUD. The Landscape Plan must be approved by the Board before or concurrently with approval of the Final Plat. 3.3 Agreement to Guarantee Landscaping. The Applicant agrees to provide a guarantee pursuant to the requirements of the ECLUR in a form acceptable to the County Attorney to ensure landscaping complying with the approved Landscape Plan for the PUD is being installed. The Applicant agrees to provide such guarantee for no less than one hundred and twenty-five percent(125%) of the estimated cost to install the landscaping improvements. The Applicant agrees that the landscaping guarantee for the PUD shall be provided at the time of recording of the Final Plat. In the event such guarantee is not received, the Final Plat shall not be recorded. 3.4 Release of Landscape Guarantee. As portions of the landscape improvements are completed, the Eagle County Community Development Director, or designated representatives within the County staff, shall inspect them, and upon approval and acceptance, 2 shall authorize the release of the agreed estimated cost for that portion of the improvements, except that ten percent (10%) shall be withheld until all proposed improvements are completed and approved, and an additional twenty-five percent(25%) shall be retained until the improvements have been maintained in a satisfactory condition for two (2) years. 3.5 Guarantee for Public Improvements. The Applicant agrees to provide for the PUD a guarantee in a form acceptable to the County Attorney to ensure necessary public improvements are installed according to the development approval for no less than one hundred percent (100%) of the estimated cost of the public improvements, as estimated by the Applicant's engineer and approved by the Eagle County Engineer. The Applicant agrees that the guarantee for the PUD shall be provided at the time of recording of the Final Plat. In the event such guarantee is not received, the Final Plat shall not be recorded. As portions of the public improvements are completed,the Eagle County Engineer shall inspect them, and upon approval and acceptance, shall authorize the release of the agreed cost for that portion of the improvements except that ten percent(10%) shall be withheld until all proposed improvements for are completed and approved by the Eagle County Engineer. A. Warranty. The Subdivision Improvements Agreement, discussed below, shall provide for a warranty period of two (2) years following substantial completion of the last of the public improvements within the PUD. 3.6 Subdivision Improvement Agreements. The Applicant agrees to execute a Subdivision Improvements Agreement(hereinafter referred to as the "SIA")prior to approval of the Final Plat for the PUD. The SIA will contain, among other things, the following provisions: A. Specification of Improvements. The improvements to be installed for the PUD (the"PUD Improvements") shall be specified, including but not limited to landscaping and public improvement guarantees, and shall include requirements as set forth in the Resolution approving File No. PDSP-9012. B. Indemnification. The Applicant shall indemnify and hold the County harmless from any and all claims made against the County by any contractor, subcontractor, materialmen, employee, independent contractor, agent or representative involved in the work necessary to comply with the SIA, or on account of any other claims against the County because of the activities conducted in furtherance of the terms of the SIA. This indemnification and hold harmless provision shall include any reasonable and customary legal expenses or costs incurred by the County. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Applicant shall not be liable to indemnify the County for claims caused by the act or omission of the County without regard to the involvement of the Applicant. C. Certificates of Insurance. The Applicant shall secure from any contractor or subcontractor engaged in the work necessary to comply with the SIA a Certificate of Insurance providing for liability protection in the minimum amount of$350,000 per individual and $990,000 per occurrence, naming the County as an additional insured. The Developer, if it serves as the contractor for the PUD Improvements, shall provide insurance in the same form and amounts as required of the general contractor. Said limits shall be adjusted to comply with any changed limits in the Colorado Governmental Immunity Act, Title 24, Article 10, Section 3 114(1)(a), Colorado Revised Statutes. D. County Incurs No Liability. The County shall not, nor shall any officer or employee thereof, be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or damage happening or occurring to the PUD and/or PUD Improvements specified in the SIA prior to the completion and acceptance of the same; nor shall the County, nor any officer or employee thereof,be liable for any persons or property injured or damaged by reasons of the nature of said work on the PUD Improvements, but all of said liabilities shall be and are hereby assumed by the Applicant. The Applicant hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the County and any of its officers, agents and employees against any losses, claims, damages or liabilities for which the County or any of its officers, agents, or employees may become subject to, insofar as any such losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in respect thereof) arise out of or are based upon any performance by the Applicant hereunder; and the Applicant shall reimburse the County for any and all legal and other expenses incurred by the County in connection with investigating or defending any such loss, claim, damage, liability or action. This indemnity provision shall be in addition to any other liability which the Applicant may have. 4. HOUSING PLAN 4.1 The Applicant has agreed to the Housing Plan approved as part of the PUD, which Housing Plan stated in the PUD Guide. 5. OTHER MATTERS 5.1 Internal PUD Roadways; Construction and Maintenance. At Final Plat approval for the PUD, the new roadway to be constructed pursuant to the PUD and depicted on the Final Plat("PUD Roadway") shall be constructed to County Standards, subject to a warranty period and acceptance. Further, construction, maintenance and repair of the PUD Roadway and sidewalks shall be the responsibility of the Applicant or its successor or assigns (which may be an owner's association)pursuant to plat notes delineated on the Final Plat with respect to the PUD Roadway and sidewalks created by the Final Plat. The responsibilities undertaken by the Applicant or its successor or assigns with respect to the PUD Roadway and sidewalks include, without limitation, the obligation of construction, maintenance and repair of the PUD Roadway and sidewalks, to include traffic control signs and markings, and of compliance with the snow management plan for the PUD. 5.2 Public School Dedication Fee. In accordance with the ECLUR, the PUD is subject to a school land dedication requirement or fees-in-lieu payment for the benefit of the RE- 1 School District(the"District"). Fee in lieu will be calculated at Final Plat and paid prior to recording of Final Plat. 5.3. Dedication to Town of Basalt. The PUD contemplates dedication of a strip of land to the Town of Basalt adjacent to Willits Lane contemporaneously with the recordation of the Final Plat for the PUD. Upon such dedication, such strip of dedicated land shall automatically be released from the obligations hereof. 4 6. GENERAL PROVISIONS 6.1 Compliance with Land Use Regulations. The Applicant and its successor or assigns shall be required to obtain all necessary permits and comply with the provisions of the ECLUR as the same are in effect at the time of commencement of construction of the PUD Improvements referred to herein. 6.2 Sole Responsibility of Applicant Prior to County Acceptance. The Applicant agrees and understands that at all times prior to the completion and acceptance by the County of the on and off-site PUD Improvements set forth in this Agreement and the SIA, each of said improvements not accepted as complete shall be the sole responsibility and charge of the Applicant. 6.3. Severability. Whenever possible, each provision of this Agreement and any other related documents shall be interpreted in such a manner as to be valid under applicable law; but if any provision of any of the foregoing shall be invalid or prohibited under said applicable law, such provision shall be ineffective to the extent of such invalidity or prohibition without invalidating the remaining provisions of such subsection or document. 6.4 Amendment and Modification. The parties hereto mutually agree that this Agreement may be amended or modified from time to time, provided that such amendment or modification is in writing and signed by the County and the Applicant or the Applicant's successor(s) affected by any such amendment. Minor deviations from this Agreement may be approved by the County Community Development Director or his or her designee within the County staff. Minor deviations that are authorized are those generally described in Section 5- 240.F.3.1 of the ECLUR. 6.5 Assignability. This Agreement shall be enforceable against the Applicant, provided,however,that in the event the Applicant sells, transfers or assigns all or part of the PUD, the obligations of the Applicant under this Agreement as to that portion of the PUD may be assumed in writing by the purchaser of the parcel,and the Applicant shall have no further obligations hereunder. It is agreed, however, that no such assumption of these obligations shall be effective unless the County gives its prior written approval to such assumption following an investigation of the financial condition of the purchaser, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. The Applicant shall not otherwise assign, transfer, convey,pledge or otherwise dispose of this Agreement without prior written consent of the County,which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. 6.6 Binding upon Successors. This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto,their respective successors, and assigns. 6.7 No Rights to Third Parties. This Agreement does not and shall not be deemed to confer upon or grant to any third party any right to claim damages or to bring any lawsuit, action or other proceedings against either the County or its officers, employees or agents because of any breach hereof or because of any terms, covenants, agreements or conditions contained herein. 5 6.8 Enforcement. At its sole option, the County may enforce the provisions of this Agreement in the same manner and with the same remedies applicable to the enforcement of land use regulations pursuant to the ECLUR, as they may be amended from time to time, or as otherwise provided by law. Alternatively, the terms of this Agreement shall be enforceable by the Board or its designee by any appropriate equitable or legal action, including but not limited to specific performance, mandamus, abatement, or injunction. The remedies explicitly provided herein are cumulative, and not exclusive, of all other remedies provided by law. 6.9 Notice. Any notice required pursuant to the terms of this Agreement shall be deemed given on the day that the same is placed in the United States Mail, postage prepaid, certified or registered mail, return receipt requested. Address for giving notice to County: Eagle County Attorney's Office • P.O. Box 850, 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631 (970) 328-8685 Address for giving notice to Applicant: Brian Rose Manager 10 Acre Holdings, LLC 180 Riverside Dr. Basalt Colorado, CO Any party may change its address for receiving notices by delivery of at least seven(7) days' prior notice to the other party pursuant to the foregoing provisions. With respect to any successor to Applicant with respect to the PUD as provided in this Agreement, unless another address is provided in writing by such successor, the notice address for such successor shall be the address on file with the Eagle County Assessor's Office or the address of such successor's Registered Agent with the Colorado Secretary of State's Office, if applicable. [remainder of page intentionally blank] 6 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement the day and year first above written. EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO, by and through its Board of County Commissioners DocuSigned by: By: hal+ Sd ui" a 'Seffdfr0Thair ATTEST: ,--DocuSigned by: r4L Ot'bvitAA, Clerk to the'a iE4i'$96440... County Commissioners APPLICANT: 10 Acre Holdings, LLC , a Colorado limited liability company /—DocuSigned by: By: --- Name: Brian R68 i5gg6A3Q4CA,. Its: General Manager Exhibit List: Exhibit A: Legal Description of the Property Exhibit B: PUD Guide 7 k. EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY A PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN TRACT 47, TOWNSHIP 8 SOUTH, RANGE 87 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M.; SAID PARCEL BEING ENTIRELY WITHIN THAT PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THAT DOCUMENT RECORDED JUNE 12, 1985 AS RECEPTION NO. 313171 OF THE EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO RECORDS; SAID PARCEL LYING WEST OF THE COUNTY ROAD KNOWN AS WILLITS LANE, AS SAID ROAD WAS USED AT THE DATE OF THE EXECUTION OF THAT CERTAIN WARRANTY DEED DATED DECEMBER 24, 1903 RECORDED IN BOOK 65 AT PAGE 532 OF THE RECORDS IN THE EAGLE COUNTY RECORDER'S OFFICE, AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID PROPERTY RECORDED AS RECEPTION NO. 313171, SAID POINT BEING A POINT AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE NORTH LINE OF TRACT 47 AND THE WEST EDGE OF THE ASPHALT OF SAID WILLITS LANE (WITH ALL BEARINGS HEREIN BEING RELATIVE TO A BEARING OF S.89°54'55"E. BETWEEN THE WITNESS CORNER FOR AP4, TRACT 47, MONUMENTED BY A#5 REBAR AND 1.25" CAP STAMPED L.S. 14111 AND THE WITNESS CORNER FOR AP3, TRACT 47, MONUMENTED BY A 2" ALUMINUM PIPE AND 3.25" CAP STAMPED L.S. 28643); THENCE S.00°29'29"E., ALONG THE EASTERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID RECEPTION NO. 313171 AND SAID WEST EDGE OF ASPHALT, A DISTANCE OF 565.16 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID EASTERLY BOUNDARY LINE AND SAID WEST EDGE OF ASPHALT N.89°54'55"W., A DISTANCE OF 537.96 FEET; THENCE N.50°44'11"W.,A DISTANCE OF 143.47 FEET; THENCE N.29°38'18"W., A DISTANCE OF 110.61 FEET; THENCE N.62°47'41"W., A DISTANCE OF 174.90 FEET; THENCE N.00°05'05"E., A DISTANCE OF 298.71 FEET MORE OR LESS TO SAID NORTH LINE OF TRACT 47; THENCE S.89°54'55"E. ALONG SAID NORTH LINE OF TRACT 47, A DISTANCE OF 854.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. COUNTY OF EAGLE STATE OF COLORADO 8 EXHIBIT B THE 10 ACRE PUD GUIDE 9 COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT FOR THE 10 ACRE PUD PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT File Number: PDSP-9012 WHEREAS, on or about February 6, 2019, 10 Acre Holdings, LLC, a Colorado limited liability company(hereinafter referred to as the "Applicant"), did file an application with the Eagle County Department of Community Development, State of Colorado, pursuant to Article 5 of the Eagle County Land Use Regulations, for a Sketch and Preliminary Plan for the 10 Acre PUD Planned Unit Development(the"PUD"), File No. PDSP-9012; and, WHEREAS, the Applicant requested approval of a consolidated Sketch and Preliminary Plan for the 10 Acre PUD (the "Sketch/Preliminary Plan for PUD") for a proposed development consisting of 5 single-family residential dwelling units and allowing for 4 accessory dwelling units ("ADU") on a 10.02-acre site located on Willits Lane in unincorporated Eagle County, as more particularly described on Exhibit A attached hereto (the "Property"); and, WHEREAS, on August 25, 2020, the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners (the "Board") approved Applicant's Sketch/Preliminary Plan for PUD with conditions, as set forth in Eagle County Resolution No. 2021- 12 ("Resolution"); and, WHEREAS, as part of the approval of Applicant's Sketch/Preliminary Plan, the Board approved the Planned Unit Development Guide for 10 Acre PUD (the "PUD Guide"), recorded at Reception No. 202104387 in the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder's Office and attached hereto as Exhibit B; and, WHEREAS, concurrent with the approval of the Sketch/Preliminary Plan for PUD, the Applicant and the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners (the "Board")hereby enter into this Planned Unit Development Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement"), binding the PUD to any conditions placed in the Resolution approving the Sketch/Preliminary Plan for PUD and this Agreement and such supplemental agreements relating to the PUD as may be appropriate and necessary; and, WHEREAS, this Agreement provides for the inclusion of a Common Open Space, Park&Recreation Area for the benefit of the residents of 10 Acre PUD, a landscape plan and a Housing Plan in accordance with the Eagle County Land Use Regulations (the "ECLUR"); and, WHEREAS, this Agreement ensures installation of necessary public improvements planned to accommodate the development of the PUD in accordance with the ECLUR; and C21-056 WHEREAS, pursuant to Article 5-240.F.3.h. items (1)through (4) of the ECLUR, the Board finds that the following shall set forth the obligations of the Applicant pursuant to this Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of approval of the Sketch/Preliminary Plan for PUD, and the promises, covenants, and agreements to be kept and performed by the parties hereto, it is agreed: 1. CONDITIONS IN THE RESOLUTION The PUD, including the Applicant and successive owners of any part thereof, is bound to all of the conditions placed in the Resolution. 2. COMMON OPEN SPACE AREAS 2.1 Common Areas Plan. The Applicant agrees to be bound by its verbal and written assurance as to its common open space and recreation area as set forth in the Common Areas Plan contained in the PUD Guide. The Common Areas Plan outlines the area of common open space, parks, trails and recreation lands and includes terms by which any common areas will be maintained. Applicant must submit a final Common Areas Plan with its application for the Final Plat which must be consistent with the Common Areas Plan contained in the PUD Guide. 3. LANDSCAPE PLAN AND PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT GUARANTEE; PHASING 3.1 Construction Phasing. The Applicant anticipates constructing the infrastructure for the PUD in a single phase. 3.2 Landscape Plan. The Applicant agrees to submit with the application for the Final Plat approval a Landscape Plan for the common areas of the Property subject to such Final Plat that complies with the ECLUR Section 4-220 and the Conceptual Landscape Plan contained in the Applicant's application for the PUD. The Landscape Plan must be approved by the Board before or concurrently with approval of the Final Plat. 3.3 Agreement to Guarantee Landscaping. The Applicant agrees to provide a guarantee pursuant to the requirements of the ECLUR in a form acceptable to the County Attorney to ensure landscaping complying with the approved Landscape Plan for the PUD is being installed. The Applicant agrees to provide such guarantee for no less than one hundred and twenty-five percent(125%) of the estimated cost to install the landscaping improvements. The Applicant agrees that the landscaping guarantee for the PUD shall be provided at the time of recording of the Final Plat. In the event such guarantee is not received,the Final Plat shall not be recorded. 3.4 Release of Landscape Guarantee. As portions of the landscape improvements are completed, the Eagle County Community Development Director, or designated representatives within the County staff, shall inspect them, and upon approval and acceptance, 2 shall authorize the release of the agreed estimated cost for that portion of the improvements, except that ten percent(10%) shall be withheld until all proposed improvements are completed and approved, and an additional twenty-five percent(25%) shall be retained until the improvements have been maintained in a satisfactory condition for two (2) years. 3.5 Guarantee for Public Improvements. The Applicant agrees to provide for the PUD a guarantee in a form acceptable to the County Attorney to ensure necessary public improvements are installed according to the development approval for no less than one hundred percent(100%) of the estimated cost of the public improvements, as estimated by the Applicant's engineer and approved by the Eagle County Engineer. The Applicant agrees that the guarantee for the PUD shall be provided at the time of recording of the Final Plat. In the event such guarantee is not received, the Final Plat shall not be recorded. As portions of the public improvements are completed, the Eagle County Engineer shall inspect them, and upon approval and acceptance, shall authorize the release of the agreed cost for that portion of the improvements except that ten percent(10%) shall be withheld until all proposed improvements for are completed and approved by the Eagle County Engineer. A. Warranty. The Subdivision Improvements Agreement, discussed below, shall provide for a warranty period of two (2) years following substantial completion of the last of the public improvements within the PUD. 3.6 Subdivision Improvement Agreements. The Applicant agrees to execute a Subdivision Improvements Agreement(hereinafter referred to as the "SIA") prior to approval of the Final Plat for the PUD. The SIA will contain, among other things,the following provisions: A. Specification of Improvements. The improvements to be installed for the PUD (the "PUD Improvements") shall be specified, including but hot limited to landscaping and public improvement guarantees, and shall include requirements as set forth in the Resolution approving File No. PDSP-9012. B. Indemnification. The Applicant shall indemnify and hold the County harmless from any and all claims made against the County by any contractor, subcontractor, materialmen, employee, independent contractor, agent or representative involved in the work necessary to comply with the SIA, or on account of any other claims against the County because of the activities conducted in furtherance of the terms of the SIA. This indemnification and hold harmless provision shall include any reasonable and customary legal expenses or costs incurred by the County. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Applicant shall not be liable to indemnify the County for claims caused by the act or omission of the County without regard to the involvement of the Applicant. C. Certificates of Insurance. The Applicant shall secure from any contractor or subcontractor engaged in the work necessary to comply with the SIA a Certificate of Insurance providing for liability protection in the minimum amount of$350,000 per individual and $990,000 per occurrence, naming the County as an additional insured. The Developer, if it serves as the contractor for the PUD Improvements, shall provide insurance-in the same form and amounts as required of the general contractor. Said limits shall be adjusted to comply with any changed limits in the Colorado Governmental Immunity Act, Title 24, Article 10, Section 3 114(1)(a), Colorado Revised Statutes. D. County Incurs No Liability. The County shall not, nor shall any officer or employee thereof,be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or damage happening or occurring to the PUD and/or PUD Improvements specified in the SIA prior to the completion and acceptance of the same; nor shall the County, nor any officer or employee thereof, be liable for any persons or property injured or damaged by reasons of the nature of said work on the PUD Improvements, but all of said liabilities shall be and are hereby assumed by the Applicant. The Applicant hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the County and any of its officers, agents and employees against any losses, claims, damages or liabilities for which the County or any of its officers, agents, or employees may become subject to, insofar as any such losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in respect thereof) arise out of or are based upon any performance by the Applicant hereunder; and the Applicant shall reimburse the County for any and all legal and other expenses incurred by the County in connection with investigating or defending any such loss, claim, damage, liability or action. This indemnity provision shall be in addition to any other liability which the Applicant may have. 4. HOUSING PLAN 4.1 The Applicant has agreed to the Housing Plan approved as part of the PUD, which Housing Plan stated in the PUD Guide. 5. OTHER MATTERS 5.1 Internal PUD Roadways; Construction and Maintenance. At Final Plat approval for the PUD, the new roadway to be constructed pursuant to the PUD and depicted on the Final Plat("PUD Roadway") shall be constructed to County Standards, subject to a warranty period and acceptance. Further, construction, maintenance and repair of the PUD Roadway and sidewalks shall be the responsibility of the Applicant or its successor or assigns (which may be an owner's association)pursuant to plat notes delineated on the Final Plat with respect to the PUD Roadway and sidewalks created by the Final Plat. The responsibilities undertaken by the Applicant or its successor or assigns with respect to the PUD Roadway and sidewalks include, without limitation, the obligation of construction, maintenance and repair of the PUD Roadway and sidewalks, to include traffic control signs and markings, and of compliance with the snow management plan for the PUD. 5.2 Public School Dedication Fee. In accordance with the ECLUR, the PUD is subject to a school land dedication requirement or fees-in-lieu payment for the benefit of the RE- 1 School District(the "District"). Fee in lieu will be calculated at Final Plat and paid prior to recording of Final Plat. 5.3. Dedication to Town of Basalt. The PUD contemplates dedication of a strip of land to the Town of Basalt adjacent to Willits Lane contemporaneously with the recordation of the Final Plat for the PUD. Upon such dedication, such strip of dedicated land shall automatically be released from the obligations hereof 4 6. GENERAL PROVISIONS 6.1 Compliance with Land Use Regulations. The Applicant and its successor or assigns shall be required to obtain all necessary permits and comply with the provisions of the ECLUR as the same are in effect at the time of commencement of construction of the PUD Improvements referred to herein. 6.2 Sole Responsibility of Applicant Prior to County Acceptance. The Applicant agrees and understands that at all times prior to the completion and acceptance by the County of the on and off-site PUD Improvements set forth in this Agreement and the SIA, each of said improvements not accepted as complete shall be the sole responsibility and charge of the Applicant. 6.3. Severability. Whenever possible, each provision of this Agreement and any other related documents shall be interpreted in such a manner as to be valid under applicable law; but if any provision of any of the foregoing shall be invalid or prohibited under said applicable law, such provision shall be ineffective to the extent of such invalidity or prohibition without invalidating the remaining provisions of such subsection or document. 6.4 Amendment and Modification. The parties hereto mutually agree that this Agreement may be amended or modified from time to time, provided that such amendment or modification is in writing and signed by the County and the Applicant or the Applicant's successor(s) affected by any such amendment. Minor deviations from this Agreement may be approved by the County Community Development Director or his or her designee within the County staff. Minor deviations that are authorized are those generally described in Section 5- 240.F.3.1 of the ECLUR. 6.5 Assignability. This Agreement shall be enforceable against the Applicant, provided, however, that in the event the Applicant sells, transfers or assigns all or part of the PUD, the obligations of the Applicant under this Agreement as to that portion of the PUD may be assumed in writing by the purchaser of the parcel, and the Applicant shall have no further obligations hereunder. It is agreed, however, that no such assumption of these obligations shall be effective unless the County gives its prior written approval to such assumption following an investigation of the financial condition of the purchaser, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. The Applicant shall not otherwise assign, transfer, convey, pledge or otherwise dispose of this Agreement without prior written consent of the County, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. 6.6 Binding upon Successors. This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto, their respective successors, and assigns. 6.7 No Rights to Third Parties. This Agreement does not and shall not be deemed to confer upon or grant to any third party any right to claim damages or to bring any lawsuit, action or other proceedings against either the County or its officers, employees or agents because of any breach hereof or because of any terms, covenants, agreements or conditions contained herein. 5 6.8 Enforcement. At its sole option, the County may enforce the provisions of this Agreement in the same manner and with the same remedies applicable to the enforcement of land use regulations pursuant to the ECLUR, as they may be amended from time to time, or as otherwise provided by law. Alternatively, the terms of this Agreement shall be enforceable by the Board or its designee by any appropriate equitable or legal action, including but not limited to specific performance, mandamus, abatement, or injunction. The remedies explicitly provided herein are cumulative, and not exclusive, of all other remedies provided by law. 6.9 Notice. Any notice required pursuant to the terms of this Agreement shall be deemed given on the day that the same is placed in the United States Mail, postage prepaid, certified or registered mail, return receipt requested. Address for giving notice to County: Eagle County Attorney's Office P.O. Box 850, 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631 (970) 328-8685 Address for giving notice to Applicant: Brian Rose Manager 10 Acre Holdings, LLC 180 Riverside Dr. Basalt Colorado, CO Any party may change its address for receiving notices by delivery of at least seven(7) days' prior notice to the other party pursuant to the foregoing provisions. With respect to any successor to Applicant with respect to the PUD as provided in this Agreement, unless another address is provided in writing by such successor, the notice address for such successor shall be the address on file with the Eagle County Assessor's Office or the address of such successor's Registered Agent with the Colorado Secretary of State's Office, if applicable. [remainder of page intentionally blank] 6 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement the day and year first above written. EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO,by and through its Board of County Commissioners DocuSigned by: By: Sd rr a 1SEVd r chair S�0.OF Eqs��'rp ti ATTEST: e—DocuSigned by: � 41A.a et'britAZI no f Clerk to the'aF�f896440.__ County Commissioners APPLICANT: 10 Acre Holdings, LLC , a Colorado limited liability company —DocuSigned by: By: Name: Brian l 5996A304CA.. Its: General Manager Exhibit List: Exhibit A: Legal Description of the Property Exhibit B: PUD Guide 7 EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY A PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN TRACT 47,TOWNSHIP 8 SOUTH, RANGE 87 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M.; SAID PARCEL BEING ENTIRELY WITHIN THAT PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THAT DOCUMENT RECORDED JUNE 12, 1985 AS RECEPTION NO. 313171 OF THE EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO RECORDS; SAID PARCEL LYING WEST OF THE COUNTY ROAD KNOWN AS WILLITS LANE, AS SAID ROAD WAS USED AT THE DATE OF THE EXECUTION OF THAT CERTAIN WARRANTY DEED DATED DECEMBER 24, 1903 RECORDED IN BOOK 65 AT PAGE 5 <QF THE RECORDS IN THE EAGLE COUNTY RECORDER'S OFFICE, AND BEING MOi 'ARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID PROPERTY RECORDED AS RECEPTION NO. 313171, SAID POINT BEING A POINT AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE NORTH LINE OF TRACT 47 AND THE WEST EDGE OF THE ASPHALT OF SAID WILLITS LANE (WITH ALL BEARINGS HEREIN BEING RELATIVE TO A BEARING OF S.89°54'55"E. BETWEEN THE WITNESS CORNER FOR AP4, TRACT 47, MONUMENTED BY A#5 REBAR AND 1.25" CAP STAMPED L.S. 14111 AND THE WITNESS CORNER FOR AP3, TRACT 47, MONUMENTED BY A 2" ALUMINUM PIPE AND 3.25" CAP STAMPED L.S. 28643); THENCE S.00°29'29"E., ALONG THE EASTERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID RECEPTION NO. 313171 AND SAID WEST EDGE OF ASPHALT, A DISTANCE OF 565.16 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID EASTERLY BOUNDARY LINE AND SAID WEST EDGE OF ASPHALT N.89°54'55"W., A DISTANCE OF 537.96 FEET; THENCE N.50°44'11"W., A DISTANCE OF 143.47 FEET; THENCE N.29°38'18"W., A DISTANCE OF 110.61 FEET; THENCE N.62°47'41"W., A DISTANCE OF 174.90 FEET; THENCE N.00°05'05"E., A DISTANCE OF 298.71 FEET MORE OR LESS TO SAID NORTH LINE OF TRACT 47; THENCE S.89°54'55"E. ALONG SAID NORTH LINE OF TRACT 47, A DISTANCE OF 854.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. COUNTY OF EAGLE STATE OF COLORADO 8 EXHIBIT B THE 10 ACRE PUD GUIDE 9