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R21-005 Adopting the Eagle County 2021 Legislative Policy Statement
DocuSign Envelope ID:AFE37BD8-FOOC-415E-8DAB-5FC0F6E3447A Commissioner McQueeney moved adoption of the following Resolution: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO RESOLUTION NO 2021- 005 RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE EAGLE COUNTY 2021 LEGISLATIVE POLICY STATEMENT WHEREAS, Eagle County follows the activity of the state and federal legislature closely in order to identify any potential impacts on the county and its citizens; and WHEREAS,,due to the nature of the legislative process and the ever-changing language of numerous bills of substance, it is critical that Eagle County maintains an effective and responsive system for adopting and communicating official county positions on relevant legislation; and WHEREAS, an integral part of this system is the adoption of an Eagle County 2021 Legislative Policy Statement, which identifies general legislative issues of interest to the county along with the county's policy principles on these issues; and WHEREAS, Eagle County officials and staff will utilize the 2021 Legislative Policy Statement as a guiding policy when reviewing and analyzing bills that may have an impact on the county's interests; and WHEREAS, the Eagle County 2021 Legislative Policy Statement incorporates Eagle County's Strategic Plan Goals and Objectives. NOW,THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle,State of Colorado: THAT,the attached Eagle County 2021 Legislative Policy Statement, representing the county's policy principles on these legislative issues, is hereby adopted. MOVED,READ and ADOPTED by the Board of County commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, at its regular meeting held the 12th day of January, 2021. DocuSign Envelope ID:AFE37BD8-FOOC-415E-8DAB-5FC0F6E3447A COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO, By and Through Its 46"fe BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ATTEST: r—DocuSigned by: DoeuSigned by: .I/tZt gttbvi se. By: 669 atAibtAt,r—iittati Clerk to th- :tiaet5r+34"..- .400 itl1t-Henry County Commissioners Chair —DocuStgned by: (11"4"14- 4"‘•44's JeariffeMliteeriey Commissioner ,e—DocuSigned by: 644 S.davv malt OM/18E0473.. Commissioner Commissioner Chandler-Henry seconded adoption of the foregoing resolution. The roll having been called,the vote was as follows: Commissioner Chandler-Henry Aye Commissioner McQueeney Aye Commissioner Scherr Aye This resolution passed by 3/0 vote of the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado DocuSign Envelope ID:AFE37BD8-FOOC-415E-8DAB-5FC0F6E3447A Y i �9 �z '9 df q i ,4, f ,1).. �ti,,„ K t ,a �.q wa tea.� . 'a �� �r�' .y 9tw. 1 >t s ( 1 }y �,'".'w ' i � 1 j „aWLw*"+M x 3+ as � `''gy '1» ,-� � x: °.. _ 4e, u :, m • — ,.ars.,a✓ '"'. ,w Eagle County 2021 Legislative Policy Statement €. EAGLE COUNTY • DocuSign Envelope ID:AFE37BD8-FOOC-415E-8DAB-5FC0F6E3447A Eagle County Legislative Policy Statement I 2021 TABLE OF CONTENTS Overview 3 Eagle County Strategic Plan 3 Strategic Focus Areas 6 COVID-19 Pandemic Early Childhood Education Health Care Access and Cost Housing Mental Health Sustainability and Climate Protection Transportation Additional Policy Principles 10 Broadband Economic Development Environmental Health Land Use and Development Public Health Public Lands Public Safety Governance and Fiscal Issues 2 DocuSign Envelope ID:Aps37eo8f000415a*oxo-5Fo0r6s34*7* Eagle County Legislative Policy Statement I 2021 OVERVIEW Eagle County's Legislative Policy Statement identifies the county's key policy principles on legislative issues.The county will utilize the Legislative Policy Statement as a guiding document when reviewing and analyzing specific bills that impact Eagle County interests. The policy statements included in this document are necessarily broad and by no means all-inclusive. Eagle County will take Official County Positions on a limited number of significant bills. Official County Positions are not automatically assumed on bills simply because they are congruent with the policy statements contained in this document.The Board of County Commissioners(BoCC)has discretion in determining Official County Positions. Additionally,as a member of the legislative advocacy groups Counties&Commissioners Acting Together,Colorado Counties Inc.,and Colorado Communities for Climate Action,the BoCC helped to formulate the 2021 policy agendas of these three organizations.Eagle County is aligned with these agendas,and their positions are reflected in this document. When significant legislation is identified that might warrant an Official County Position,the BoCC,other elected officials and county staff will coordinate review through the County Manager's Office.In coordination with the County Attorney's Office,the County Manager's Office will provide the BoCC with a brief summary of the substance of the legislation and,if warranted,a proposed Official County Position that is consistent with the principles of the Legislative Policy Statement.The BoCC will consider the Official County Position,and if adopted,the county will communicate the position to legislators and the public. Eagle County welcomes the opportunity to discuss the county's legislative priorities and positions.This Legislative Policy Statement provides a reference tool when considering legislation that may impact Eagle County. EAGLE COUNTY STRATEGIC PLAN With a mission of"Creating a better Eagle County for all,"the Strategic Plan provides a roadmap as the county allocates resources,gauges progress and ensures the delivery of quality services to constituents.The strategic plan identifies underlying principles on which decisions are based,and includes goals and objectives to be achieved through a variety of efforts.The Eagle County Legislative Policy Statement is consistent with the Eagle County Strategic Plan's goals and objectives. Therefore, Eagle County: • Supports legislation that is consistent with and works towards the achievement of the County's strategic plan goals and objectives. • Opposes legislation that runs counter to or prevents the achievement of the County's strategic plan goals and objectives. 3 DocuSign Envelope ID:AFE37BD8-FOOC-415E-8DAB-5FC0F6E3447A Eagle County Legislative Policy Statement I 2021 -� MISSION Creating a better Eagle County for all. VISION Eagle County is made up of thriving communities for families and is home to a vibrant workforce, with personal health and wellness achievable for all. Our natural beauty is preserved through purposeful environmental stewardship. We are an international year-round resort destination with a diverse, resilient economy. VALUES Eagle County a reativity espect ngagement accountability ©earn excellence ®ervice a better place for all 4 _ _ DocuSign Envelope ID:AFE37E1D8-FOOC-415E-8DAB-5FC0F6E3447A Eagle County Legislative Policy Statement l 2021 11111.11011.1.1 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES EAGLE COUNTY IS FINANCIALLY SOU ND EAGLE COUN IS A GREAT PICE TO LIVE FOR ALL Define service levels based on available resurce and Increase access to affordable health care and preventative communxyuemands. services.����� p�nm,mcmme�inoasuucmvc.smmngovdmaimrnane �N0� Ex»amuusarcmmhoouucve/^nmentvnnvnu�ue� — — within nn�e�eu�venuev ---- ' Encourage more affordable housing choices,including type Deliver county services in the most cost effective and and price levels. efficient manner possible . Become a more inclusive county welcoming to all. Enhance productivity and customer service through Expand se apnmp,iaoe/=c»nv)�vn=tems nhosand vwpvnun�esuvmeethe needof � vulnerable populations. Leverage county resources through grantsoutsidemndinu sourcesand nauncnhips �panuuai|mnnecu��v Complete major traffic improvement projects. Actively pursue code and zoning violations that affect health, .�� safety,wildlife,and/or the environment. Create communities with a sense of place. Connect communities through a variety of transportation systems. EAGLE COUNTY PROTECTS THE NATURAL EAGLE COUNTY PROMOTES A DIVERSE AND ENVIRONMENT RESILIENT ECONOMY Protect surface and ground water quality and quantity. |ncnao,menumue,�us°uh�mNe�aocs Protect ConcentratePmmmebusiness expansion,n�`nmvnand aumcuvn. dme/o»men in»vnu|m�aa���mome�uv ����| Expand cnmm*o�|air senxca Q ,mauom��hpnnup|cs� �---� Encourage competition and cost reductions in health care. Preserve community buffers and open spaces. Encourage opportunities for businesses identified in the county Reduce greenhouse gas emissions in county government economic development plan. and our communities. Support innovators and entrepreneurs. Achieve a community waste diversion goal of 30%by 2030. Advocate to decrease congestion on 1-70. Evaluate county policies and practiceto support business development. L/\(,i[ ( ()iN Y |\ A ! |KJ| PFR|{)RVI|N(' 01-.:( -ANI/7\ 12)N Recruit retain,and develop a top quality county workforce Achieve strategic goals that reflects community demographics Align the county organization with the mission and vision illirr Require all supervisors managers and directors have management pmc�ced`ec"m,a|ve, ��meg�n������m�a��� — ^numeasuenemnmams�.....it. uen«i�aunh|em}ofmpe,tiseamong supervisors,managers and directors Provide outstanding customer service. maim�mcompeu�vecnmvensmvnbased upon ma,kg E�aWishacu8u�orconhoumaimpn�em�nt and performance. mMww.eagUecounty.us/countyco0mmissioners/strategicpDan 5 DocuSign Envelope ID:AFE37BD8-FOOC-415E-8DAB-5FC0F6E3447A Eagle County Legislative Policy Statement I 2021 • STRATEGIC FOCUS AREAS COVID-19 PANDEMIC 0 Eagle County will look back on 2020 as one of the most trying years for its residents,its communities,and its businesses.While the promising scientific evidence of the Covid-19 vaccine provides hope for relief from this global pandemic,there is still much work to be done.In December 2020,Eagle County saw disease trends continue to increase to over 800 cases per 100,000 individuals with 50%of cases caused by community spread.As of December 2020,fourteen Eagle County residents lost their lives due to Covid-19.These troubling statistics point to a greater need to better support local public health efforts both at the state and federal levels of government. Additionally,Eagle County's private sector and its workforce have been severely impacted throughout this pandemic. At the beginning of the Covid-19,Eagle County experienced 21%unemployment,double that of the Colorado state average.While there were programs to support businesses,employees,and unemployed residents at the beginning of the pandemic,many of these resources have gone away or diminished greatly,leaving many without access to basic needs.According to the U.S.Census,more small businesses reduced employment(12.2%)than increased it (4.3%)in November 2020,while also experiencing a 38%drop in revenue.Nearly all the small businesses that received the Paycheck Protection Program have exhausted their funding,and over 26%expect to need additional financial help in the next six months.Individuals are also feeling the financial stress and need help.Over 30%expect to lose employment income in the next month. Nearly 8%are either not current on their rent or mortgage or have little confidence they can make next month's payment. The key to Eagle County's successes have been based on collaboration and trust with our community partners. Throughout the emergency,Eagle County has been able to call upon its trusted partners to work on various public health,communications,and economic strategies.Eagle County has coordinated a regional response to Covid-19 thanks to its jurisdictional partnerships with surrounding counties and communities.Eagle County has also financially supported economic relief programs for those affected by Covid-19 with the help of many local nonprofit organizations.Finally,Eagle County has developed and implemented various economic resilience strategies under the direction of our economic development organizations and chambers of commerce. Eagle County: • Supports clear,evidence-based policy decisions mandating the use of masks to curb disease spread. • Supports the transparent and equitable distribution of vaccines throughout 2021. • Supports any efforts to increase testing capacity and access. • Supports further development and distribution of personal protective equipment for healthcare and essential workers. • Supports federal efforts to directly support small businesses,its employees,and those who find themselves unemployed amidst the Covid-19 global pandemic. • Supports an extension of direct monetary aid for the jobless through the end of the pandemic. • Supports federal legislation to provide funding to state and local governments to offset the financial burden of Covid-19. • Supports a second round of small business relief,in addition to addressing the needs of child care facilities,educational settings,and other social supports. • Supports a continued moratorium on rental evictions and continued direct rental assistance. 6 DocuSign Envelope ID:AFE37BD8-FOOC-415E-8DAB-5FC0F6E3447A Eagle County Legislative Policy Statement 2021 EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION 0 Early childhood education programs create safe,healthy,nurturing and stimulating environments for infants,toddlers and preschoolers.Children who have access to early childhood education are more likely to do well in school,earn higher wages,live healthier lives,and give back to their communities.The first five years are crucial to a child's lifelong success,as 90%of a child's brain develops by age five. Early childhood education is an investment that offers short and long term benefits for our kids,families,local businesses,and community.Research shows that high-quality birth-to-five programs for disadvantaged children can deliver a 13%per year return on investment.Significant gains are realized through better outcomes in education, health,social behaviors,and employment(Garcia,Jorge Luis,et al.Quantifying the life-cycle benefits of a prototypical early childhood program.No.w23479. National Bureau of Economic Research,2017.).Supporting early childhood care and education options can help our local businesses attract and retain a workforce that is present,prepared and productive.Finally,programs in our communities will help hard-working Eagle County families stay in Eagle County, rather than moving to seek more options elsewhere. According to Eagle County's Early Childhood Roadmap,there are 4,300 children ages 0 to 5 in Eagle County and that number is expected to grow.Approximately 2/3 of those children have all available parents employed,yielding 2,881 children who may need childcare.Currently, 1,500 of these children are in licensed care,leaving 1,381 others whose parents may need or want childcare,but may not be able to obtain it. Eagle County: • Supports legislation that promotes access to affordable,quality early childhood education opportunities. • Supports legislation that expands the early childhood professional workforce,including scholarship programs,concurrent enrollment,apprenticeships,and streamlining and improving credentialing system/process. • Supports increased state funding for the Colorado Child Care Assistance Program(CCCAP). • Supports county-level management of CCCAP to meet the needs of families and childcare providers, including fully reimbursing providers at their private rates and streamlining administrative processes for providers,families,and county staff. • Supports quality initiatives for family,friends and neighbor care. • Supports additional investments in early childhood mental health and development through expansion of home visitation program funding and mental health screenings and consultations(for families and child care providers). HEALTH CARE ACCESS AND COSTS 0 Eagle County promotes the availability of and access to quality,culturally appropriate,and affordable health care, including preventative care.Access to care includes being able to gain entrance to and navigate the healthcare system.There are many barriers to accessing care in Eagle County including the lack of affordable,adequate health insurance plans,a lack of providers who accept public insurance such as Medicaid,and a growing rate of uninsured residents,which is reducing the capacity of the safety net systems.According to Mountain Family Health Centers,the growth in uninsured patients has outpaced any other type of patient in the past two years.According to the American Community Survey 2018 estimates, 15.1%of Eagle County residents do not have health insurance,compared to 8.1% for the State of Colorado as a whole. Eagle County: • Supports legislation that promotes quality health care access and improves the affordability of care for all populations. • Supports adequate funding of federally qualified health centers. • Supports a public option buy in program that targets or results in reduction of cost and increase in efficiencies. • Supports reinsurance programs that provide a stop loss against large claims,and help to stabilize the market. • Supports insurance policies and co-ops that cover pre-existing conditions. 7 111. DocuSign Envelope ID:AFE37BD8-FOOC-415E-8DAB-5FC0F6E3447A Eagle County Legislative Policy Statement I 2021 • Supports transparency that enables health systems to be studied,costs to be analyzed and published,costs to be reduced,and efficiencies found. • Opposes legislation that may create barriers and fears in immigrant communities,which leads to potential decreases in accessing necessary services and resources. HOUSING 0 Affordable housing is a critical workforce issue in Eagle County and across the state.Since the end of the recession,around 2011,demand for workforce housing has outpaced supply for that type of housing,and that has created many challenges including frustration for employees seeking housing;employers facing unfilled positions,high turnover,higher training costs, and lost productivity;a precipitous increase in home prices,well beyond the means of most local residents;overcrowding within existing units;and extremely low vacancy rates,resulting in limited choices and rising costs for renters.According to the 2018-2022 Regional Community Health Assessment(RCHA),one of the key barriers to good health in Eagle County is the high cost of living,which includes housing costs. Covid-19 may only exacerbate these tensions.During the global pandemic in 2020,second homeowners chose to make Eagle County their primary residence which may further limit available long term rental stock.Non-resident owners are aggressively purchasing homes in Eagle County at two times the rate of sales in past years since July 2020.For sale real estate inventory is at an all time low with only four months of inventory in the Vail Board of Realtors Multiple List Service,creating an increase in median sales prices and price per square foot. Eagle County: • Supports legislation that creates more opportunities for attainable and affordable housing,including securing State funding for new development. • Supports legislative efforts that provide additional protections for manufactured and mobile home park housing to preserve existing affordable housing stock. • Supports legislation that will increase the supply of affordable housing in multifamily buildings by limiting construction defect litigation. • Supports legislation that identifies a permanent funding source for the statewide Affordable Housing Trust Fund. • Supports legislation that continues the Private Activity Bond program which can be used to issue revenue bonds for the purpose of financing qualified residential rental projects or single-family mortgage loans to low-and moderate-income persons and families. • Supports legislation that provides mechanisms for regulation,taxation,and restriction of the short-term rental market. MENTAL HEALTH 0 Mental health is the leading community health priority in Eagle County. Based on Eagle County's 2017 Community Health Assessment,about 1 in 5 adults experience mental illness,with 1 in 25 living with a serious and chronic mental illness.Suicide is the 4th leading cause of death in Eagle County(2017).According to Eagle Valley Behavioral Health, Eagle County averaged one suicide attempt everyday in 2018.One in four 7th and 8th graders considered a suicide attempt this past year.The Eagle County's Sheriff's Office also reported an increase in inmates with mental health issues. Due to the nature of criminal charges,a secure facility is needed.Therefore,Eagle County is focused on increasing awareness of mental health,improving mental health screening and referral,increasing protective factors among youth and families,and increasing access to in-and out-patient mental health services. 8 DocuSign Envelope ID:AFE37BD8-FOOC-415E-8DAB-5FC0F6E3447A Eagle County Legislative Policy Statement I 2021 Eagle County: • Supports legislation and policies that increase capacity and infrastructure in the behavioral health system to raise awareness about mental illness and suicide prevention. • Supports funding for more mental health services,especially for more crisis beds,across the state. • Supports expanding the use of Medicaid and other federal dollars so schools can hire mental health professionals and provide mental health services. • Supports legislation to strengthen laws requiring insurance companies to provide care and coverage for mental health and substance use disorders. • Support mental health parity in insurance payments. • Supports funding for more mental health bed space at the state mental health facility in Pueblo and an increase in the number of mental health beds on the western slope. • Supports funding to address the service gaps for children and adults needing mental health assessments,evaluations,and culturally competent in-home evidence-based treatment. • Supports funding of and public/private insurance payment toward a full continuum of behavioral health services,including prevention,screening,case management,transportation,tele-health,and crisis intervention. • Supports alignment and coordination between state agencies to simplify,streamline,and align mental health funding to reduce duplication and fragmentation and enhance ease of access. SUSTAINABILITY AND CLIMATE PROTECTION 0 COLORADO COMMUNITIES FOR CLIMATE ACTION Eagle County is committed to climate protection and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions within county operations,in the community,and in the state. In 2016,Eagle County adopted the Climate Action Plan,which identified strategies in the building,transportation,power supply,waste diversion,and education sectors to achieve a 25%GHG reduction by 2025 and 80%GHG reduction by 2050. Eagle County also sets internal emissions targets beyond the Climate Action Plan;in 2020 Eagle County achieved its goal of a 50%GHG reduction by 2030,ten years ahead of schedule. Eagle County joined the Colorado Communities for Climate Action(CC4CA)in 2018,and adopted a shared Policy Agenda for 2020-21. Eagle County: • Supports collaboration between state and federal government agencies and Colorado's local governments to advance local climate protection. • Supports state and federal programs to reduce carbon pollution,including adequate and ongoing funding of those programs. • Supports analyses,financial incentives,and enabling policies for the development and deployment of clean energy technologies. • Supports locally driven and designed programs to support communities impacted by the clean energy transformation. • Supports prioritizing policies that put people at the center of decision-making,do not exacerbate or create disparities in growing the green economy,and enhance equitable outcomes for all. 9 DocuSignsnvempeID:AFE37oD8-FOOc-415s*oAB-5FC0F6E3447A Eagle County Legislative Policy Statement I 2021 11.11111.. WASTE DIVERSION AND RECYCLING Eagle County set an objective through the Climate Action Plan to achieve a waste diversion goal of 30%by 2030. According to the CDPHE,Colorado recycles only 15.9%of its waste,which is well below the national average of 32.1% calculated by the EPA. Residential curbside recycling is available in less than half of counties statewide and more than 65%of Coloradans never recycle or recycle only sporadically. There are many innovative strategies which could help change behavior of residents in Eagle County and increase the diversion rate.Options include increased access to disposal options like national bottle law and bottle deposits,computer take-back,and recycling leftover paint,in addition to control of toxics found in electronics.The development of local end-markets for recycled materials would decrease transport costs of materials and GHG emissions. Studies also show that adoption of market-based pricing strategies similar to those used in the energy and water sectors,will result in increases in recycling and composting rates and reductions in the overall amount of materials sent to landfill."Pay-as-you-throw"(PAYT)pricing,as it is often described,accomplishes this by charging the consumers the same amount for every unit of trash that they dispose of. Finally,continued inquiry and investment in new technologies like waste-to-energy and brownfield redevelopment can further increase waste diversion. Eagle County: • Supports legislation to increase the level of recycling and composting in Colorado and provide Colorado's residents and businesses with increased access to waste reduction services. • Supports setting statewide recycling goals with interim targets,ensuring that all Coloradans have access to recycling services. • Supports legislation and other means for promoting and advancing product stewardship and local markets for recyclable materials. • Supports legislation to provide statutory counties with authority to implement pay-as-you-throw pricing structures. • Supports waste-to-energy and brownfield redevelopment incentives. TRANSPORTATION 0 Eagle County believes that the safe,efficient,and environmentally sensitive movement of people and goods is vital to the continued economic success of the State of Colorado,and to the maintenance of the high quality of life that Coloradans enjoy.In order to ensure these conditions,Colorado voters,the Colorado Legislature,the State of Colorado and federal government must be willing to make significant investments to maintain and improve the state's transportation system, including roads,bridges,and multimodal systems.Colorado's unique TABOR Amendment, which limits the collection of state revenue,coupled with a lack of increases in the state and federal gas"tax"since the early 1990's,results in the Colorado Department of Transportation experiencing a$1 billion per year revenue shortfall.This translates to municipal and county governments taking on greater construction,maintenance, and financial responsibilities and costs for transportation infrastructure.The COVID-19 pandemic has also had a devastating impact on transit,which is essential to our region's economic health and quality of life. Eagle County: • Supports long-term transportation funding at the state and federal levels in the form of new revenue streams,to meet Colorado's growing transportation and transit needs. • Supports innovative transportation funding mechanisms like a Vehicle Mlles Traveled(user)tax. • Supports financing tools,including,but not limited to bonding,public private partnerships and the issuing of state tax credits as options for expediting transportation projects,when offset by new revenue streams or other rational funding mechanisms. DocuSign Envelope ID:AFE37BD8-FOOC-415E-8DAB-5FC0F6E3447A Eagle County Legislative Policy Statement I 2021 • Supports extending transfers from the state general fund to transportation(enacted under SB09- 228),and supports expanding the uses of these funds for maintenance,provided new funding for transportation construction projects is in place. • Supports initiatives and programs that provide multi-modal funding opportunities,including infrastructure for trails,transit,and passenger rail. • Supports legislation and programs that enable affordable,safe and efficient public transportation in resort-based communities,including efforts to better integrate transportation and land use policies and encourage transit-oriented development. • Supports initiatives and programs that facilitate the implementation and integration of new transportation and transit delivery technologies to improve safety and increase mobility. • Supports policies that promote alternative modes of transportation and alternative fuels to achieve a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. • Supports efforts to reduce closures on 1-70 during the winter months. • Supports new infrastructure,road improvement projects,and travel demand management programs as contemplated in the 1-70 Mountain Corridor Record of Decision. • Supports the availability of federal Payment in Lieu of Taxes(PILT)dollars for road and bridge needs. • Supports an equitable Highway Users Transportation Fund(HUTF)allocation formula and restrictions on the use of•off the top"diversions. • Supports legislation that ensures local shareback is provided for transportation projects from all transportation revenue sources. • Supports state funding for the Safe Routes to School program. • Opposes financing mechanisms that are not offset through new revenue streams or other rational funding mechanisms. • Opposes efforts to pass along additional State roadway construction or maintenance responsibilities to local governments,without increased and adequate funds to meet these additional responsibilities. • Opposes funding mechanisms which eliminate or reduce local shareback for transportation projects. • Opposes any reduction in the Funding Advancements for Surface Transportation and Economic Recovery Act of 2009(FASTER). • Supports the availability of higher quality and real time crash data on local and state roads to improve motor vehicle safety and reduce serious injuries and deaths from motor vehicle crashes. • Supports initiatives to provide additional COVID-19 related operating assistance for transit. ADDITIONAL POLICY PRINCIPLES BROADBAND 0 Access to broadband can provide remote workforce employment opportunities,help local businesses access markets well beyond our borders,enable residents access to quality and location neutral health care services,and expand educational opportunities for students that will enrich the communities in which they live. 11 DocuSign Envelope ID:AFE37BD8-FOOC-415E-8DAB-5FC0F6E3447A Eagle County Legislative Policy Statement I 2021 • Supports small-scale cottage industries that assist in broadening the economic base in resort tourist communities. • Supports efforts that respect county authority in fostering community beautification and enhancement. • Supports programs that further sustainable recreation while protecting the environment on which the economy depends. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Q WATER RESOURCES Protecting the quality and quantity of Colorado's water is vital to its environment,economy,and the public's health. Eagle County will advocate for legislation,regulations,and other policy approaches that focus on the critical goals of protecting water quality and quantity,and conserving water resources. Eagle County: • Supports Colorado's doctrine of prior appropriation. • Supports water conservation and reuse efforts. • Supports the application of county powers related to water resources,including 1041 powers,to address local impacts on and protection of Colorado's water resources. 1041 powers must be broadly and liberally construed to ensure maximum flexibility and authority for counties. • Supports cooperative statewide water planning efforts that do not negatively impact the basin of origin communities and are supported by such communities. • Supports efforts to maintain and seek state primacy of federal water quality programs that adequately fund counties to ensure compliance with the Clean Water Act. • Supports legislation that promotes efficient water use and water conservation.The Colorado State Water Plan provides sustainable water resource management practices,including linking land and water planning,public policy incentives and regulations to achieve greater conservation and more efficient use of Colorado's water supply. • Opposes any attempt to limit application of local 1041 powers. • Opposes attempts by the federal government to usurp the prior appropriation system when issuing federal permits. • Supports restoring local control to allow local governments to adopt any ordinance,rule,resolution,or charter provision,or statute,concerning the use and application of pesticides within the jurisdictional boundaries of such local government in exercising its local police powers to protect public health,safety, and the environment. FOOD SAFETY The Covid-19 pandemic has caused significant financial hardship for many of Eagle County's restaurants. Many establishments have seen declining revenues due to occupancy restrictions,and some have or faced staffing shortages due to workforce leaving the area or being required to stay home for quarantine or isolation.Eagle County Environmental Health staff in 2021 will be focused on supporting restaurants and other retail food establishments, with a focus on food safety and disease prevention. Eagle County: • Supports consistent and clear policies for restaurants and bars that encourage safe operations while maintaining economic viability. • 13 DocuSign Envelope ID:AFE37BD8-FOOC-415E-8DAB-5FC0F6E3447A Eagle County Legislative Policy Statement I 2021 AIR QUALITY Outdoor air quality is a concern in Eagle County. Under the Clean Air Act,the EPA establishes air quality standards to protect public health,with special attention to the health of"sensitive"populations(children under 10 years, adults over 65 years,and asthmatics).Poor air quality has significant public health and environmental impacts,from increasing doctor and hospital admissions,to compromising the unique value of our open space lands and negatively impacting wildlife and habitat. Radon gas,an indoor air pollutant that causes lung cancer,is present in elevated levels in over 40%of homes in Eagle County.Testing homes and businesses for radon is the first critical step in identifying if a problem exists,followed by mitigation if the building has high levels of radon. Eagle County: • Supports state and federal legislative,regulatory,and other efforts to protect public and environmental health by reducing the emissions of harmful pollutants. • Supports funding for air monitoring resources and local program support at the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment,especially as it relates to wildfire smoke response. • Supports state and federal grants for radon testing,mitigation,and education. WILDFIRE MITIGATION AND FOREST HEALTH In 2020,Colorado witnessed unprecedented fire events,with the three largest fires occurring in this year alone.Over 800 structures were lost during the Cameron Peak,East Troublesome,and Pine Gulch fires.Wildfire mitigation and forest health efforts have the benefit of minimizing the devastating effects of wildfire in Colorado,a problem that is only growing larger due to the impacts of climate change.Wildfire mitigation measures modify the forest environment surrounding a structure that is at risk from destruction by a wildfire,and forest health efforts improve the conditions of Colorado's forests to restore ecosystems to a healthier state.Activities such as developing and maintaining defensible space and a safe home ignition zone around homes,forest thinning,and prescribed fire are common and proven tools for reducing wildfire risk.Local governments have access to an array of tools to reduce the risk of wildfire by considering the amount and type of development that occurs in areas at risk for wildfire and establishing requirements for wildfire mitigation measures for any development within these areas. Eagle County: • Supports funding for wildfire mitigation efforts through the reauthorization of the Department of Natural Resources'Wildfire Risk Reduction Grant Program. • Supports emphasizing and prioritizing wildfire risk education,risk reduction,mitigation and preparedness activities and programs that support community fire adaptation. • Supports legislative efforts that promote forest health and restoration projects that improve overall forest conditions. • Supports forestry projects that reduce fuels for fire and create fuel breaks and safe access points to our communities. • Supports increased private homeowner awareness and action in the creation and maintenance of defensible space and a safe home ignition zone;and increased use of ignition-resistant building materials in residential construction,renovations,decks,roofs,and additions in the wildland urban interface. • Supports efforts to further develop partnerships with private entities,like insurance providers,realtors, and other stakeholder based groups to create innovative approaches to motivate property owners to complete wildfire mitigation actions. • Supports efforts to seek alternative federal funding options in lieu of the United States Forest Service(USFS)for wildfire response and recovery. This would result in additional resources for much- underfunded forest management activities. 14 DocuSign Envelope ID:AFE37BD8-FOOC-415E-8DAB-5FC0F6E3447A Eagle County Legislative Policy Statement I 2021 NATURAL RESOURCES Colorado's natural environment contributes to its high quality of life and robust economy.Recognizing this,the state and its local government partners have developed an array of public policy and programmatic initiatives designed to preserve and protect Colorado's land,water and natural resources.Examples include the Conservation Easement Tax Credit and Great Outdoors Colorado.Eagle County will continue to utilize these tools to protect our local environment and will advocate for their continuation and expansion to ensure the preservation of the environment and quality of life that Coloradans have grown to expect. Eagle County: • Supports the development of tools the state and local governments may use to conserve and protect natural resources. • Supports efforts to protect floodplains and riparian areas from encroachment. • Supports efforts to protect aquatic and terrestrial wildlife populations from threats such as impacts to sensitive environments,wildlife habitat,and connectivity. • Supports efforts to support recreation opportunities which help drive the economy and public appreciation of natural resources in a manner which does not degrade or adversely impact such resources. HUMAN SERVICES 0 Human Services provides an array of essential services which support building well-being for community members across the age range. ABUSE PREVENTION, EDUCATION, AND INTERVENTION Eagle County prioritizes the health,safety,and welfare of children,families,and adults in the community. All children and teens should grow up in a safe,stable and secure family that supports their long-term well-being.At-risk adults should be able to live lives free of mistreatment and neglect. Eagle County: • Supports funding to address increases in Adult Protective Services caseloads resulting from the implementation of mandatory reporting for elder abuse. • Supports legislation as recommended by the SB19-254 Delivery of Child Welfare Services Task Force that facilitates the implementation of the Family First Prevention Services Act in Colorado and locally through funding,resources,and required statutory/policy revisions. • Supports expansion of early intervention services to prevent child and adult abuse and neglect. • Supports keeping SB18-254 funding(specific to FTE)as a separate fund versus incorporating it into the child welfare block allocation to maintain the priority of funding appropriate numbers of child welfare workers. • Opposes changes to the 80/20 split for out of home placements which would increase the county level share of these expenses. 15 DocuSign Envelope ID:AFE37BD8-FOOC-415E-8DAB-5FC0F6E3447A Eagle County Legislative Policy Statement I 2021 FAMILY-CENTERED ASSISTANCE AND SUPPORTS Eagle County supports a two-generation approach,which serves children and their caregivers together to harness the family's full potential and to put the entire family on a path to permanent economic security. Policies should support aligning funding streams,programs,and resources to build a whole family's assets jointly and avoid further systemic fragmentation of services. Eagle County: • Supports policies that reduce the"cliff effect"for people moving off public benefits toward self- sufficiency. • Supports investments in non-custodial parent work support programs through Child Support Services. • Supports state-level efforts to provide paid sick leave to all workers.Women and minorities have disproportionately lower access to paid sick leave,and thus more negative economic and health impacts when sick. • Opposes policies which,directly or indirectly,disproportionately,negatively impact immigrant populations'access to food,medical care,and other critical human services. PROGRAM FUNDING AND ADMINISTRATION Programming required by state and federal legislation should be adequately funded by those entities to ensure successful, high-quality implementation and administration.The County Administration Allocation is intended to fund direct,common supportive staff and all operating expenditures for the two largest Human Services programs,Food Assistance and Medicaid.Currently statewide,this funding is expected to overspend by nearly 20 million dollars,potentially increasing the county share beyond expected twenty percent. Eagle County: • Supports efforts under SB 190 to close the funding gap between state allocations and the costs of administering human services programs. • Supports the federal-state-local structure for financing and delivering Medicaid services. • Opposes legislation that would further shift federal and state Medicaid costs to counties. LAND USE AND DEVELOPMENT Q Eagle County seeks to create communities with a sense of place. Land use authority is critical to shaping safe,well- planned developments,while supporting economically and naturally sound environments to live. Eagle County accomplishes this through its Comprehensive Plan,various area community plans,and land use regulations. Eagle County: • Supports legislation which would maintain or increase county construction review and oversight authority, including timely adjudication and appropriate penalties for building code violations. • Supports efforts to work with state departments and other regulatory agencies in order to allow counties more control over the fee structure regarding electrical permits. • Supports establishing mechanisms ensuring proposed urban renewal projects meet the current statutory requirement of ameliorating blight or slum conditions. • Supports right-to-farm ordinances and acquisition of conservation easements and conservation leases to maintain agricultural uses. • Supports legislation regarding water quality and water preservation in land use decisions. • Supports legislation that allows for more streamlined public noticing and electronic noticing options. 16 DocuSign Envelope ID:AFE37BD8-FOOC-415E-8DAB-5FC0F6E3447A Eagle County Legislative Policy Statement I 2021 • Opposes legislation that would supersede,override,or preempt local land use authority both from regulatory and comprehensive planning perspectives. • Opposes any state or federal effort to preempt or further limit local government regulatory authority over any extractive industry. PUBLIC HEALTH 0 HEALTH DISPARITIES AND ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE Environmental Justice encompasses the right to a safe,healthy,productive,and sustainable,and resilient environment where people live,work,and play.Environmental justice addresses disproportionate risks often experienced by socially disadvantaged populations due to inequities in policies,practices,and social norms and the inequitable distribution of resources that result in health disparities. Health disparities exist in Eagle County and are preventable differences in the impact of disease,injury,violence or opportunities among populations (CDC,Community Health and Program Services:Health Disparities Among Racial/Ethnic Populations,2008).These disparities in Eagle County occur by populations of race,ethnicity,gender,education,income,disability,geographic location,and sexual orientation. Eagle County: • Supports policies and legislation that are foundational to a healthy community,including health determinants such as affordable housing,a living wage,a healthy built environment,transit oriented development,affordable health care,and access to goods and services. • Supports policies and practices that are culturally relevant,inclusive and promote equity among all Eagle County residents. • Supports funding for effective strategies that work to reduce physical,mental,and social health disparities and better understand the underlying causes of these disparities. • Supports initiatives and efforts to better define and support environmental justice efforts to promote health equity FAMILY PLANNING AND LONG-ACTING REVERSIBLE CONTRACEPTIVES By providing greater access to voluntary contraception,including long-acting reversible contraceptives(LARC5), Colorado has become a national leader in reducing unintended pregnancies.Since 2009,the Colorado Family Planning Initiative has increased health care provider education and training and reduced the costs of the most effective forms of long-term contraceptives,such as intrauterine devices and implants.As a result,the number of Colorado women choosing these methods has increased dramatically and Colorado has seen unprecedented declines in the birthrate and number of abortions. From 2009-2014,the teen birth rate in Colorado fell 50%and teen abortions declined by 50%thanks to a six-year program that distributed free LARCs to teens and young women(Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment,January 2017). Unintended pregnancies have serious health ramifications for mother and baby,as well as high economic and social costs for the new family. Eagle County: • Supports legislation that funds LARC distribution efforts for family planning purposes. • Supports policies that dedicate funding and resources to Title X Family Planning Clinics and other reproductive health care organizations in Colorado. 17 DocuSign Envelope ID:AFE37BD8-FOOC-415E-8DAB-5FC0F6E3447A Eagle County Legislative Policy Statement I 2021 -� INJURY PREVENTION Injuries are the leading cause of death for Americans ages 1 to 44 and are responsible for nearly 193,000 deaths per year.Motor vehicle crashes account for the highest number of unintentional deaths in Eagle County. Slips,trips and falls from steps or stairs are by far the leading cause of hospitalizations nationwide.Adults ages 55 and older are more prone to becoming victims of falls,and the resulting injuries can diminish the ability to lead active,independent lives. Eagle County: • Supports legislation to enact a primary seatbelt law. • Supports a first conviction(driving while impaired)ignition interlock law. • Supports legislation using evidence-based practices to mitigate distracted driving. • Supports laws that prevent early licensing of teens,such as those who go through driver's education. • Supports other legislation aimed at reducing deaths and injuries from motor vehicle crashes. • Supports legislation that enacts policies proven to reduce injuries,including,but not limited to a child helmet law and prescription drug monitoring programs. PUBLIC HEALTH IMPROVEMENT PLANS Colorado's local public health agencies and the state have developed public health improvement plans as required by the Public Health Act of 2008(SB 08-194). Developed through a stakeholder engagement process every five years, these plans assess and set priorities for the public health system and guide the system in targeting core public health services and functions. Eagle County: • Supports funding of local public health systems. Adequate funding will provide accountability in the systems and assure positive public health outcomes through program development,implementation,and evaluation. VAPING AND SMOKING Tobacco use remains the number one cause of preventable death and disease in the U.S.and in Colorado.5,100 Coloradans die every year from smoking alone.The vast majority of cigarette smokers start smoking as children,with almost 90%of all regular smokers beginning at or before age 18.To recruit new users,tobacco companies create new products that are appealing to youth such as vape products and candy-flavored products. High school and middle school students in Colorado now use vape products more than all other tobacco products combined. In fact,a 2018 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study of high school youth vape product use across 37 states found Colorado's youth using at the highest rate in the nation at more than twice the national average. In 2020,Colorado passed Proposition EE,which will create a new tax for nicotine and vaping products and increase existing taxes on cigarettes and other tobacco products.It is estimated this tax will raise around$250 million in revenue this fiscal year and next.Revenues will initially go towards K-12 education, rural schools,tobacco programs and a smaller portion to general state spending.Since 2017,communities within Eagle County like Avon, Basalt, Gypsum,and Minturn,as well as Eagle County itself,have passed comprehensive tobacco retail licenses and increased the minimum sales age to 21 (T21). Local taxes on all tobacco products have also been approved by Eagle County; and neighboring counties and several of their communities have passed similar measures to curb youth vaping and discourage tobacco use overall.These policy advances have happened despite declining state funding for tobacco control efforts,which hit rural Colorado communities the hardest. Eagle County: • Supports legislative efforts to clarify county authority to implement tobacco retailer licensing,unit price increase, sales age increase,flavor bans,and additional measures to curb youth initiation and use of all tobacco products. 18 DocuSign Envelope ID:AFE37BD8-FOOC-415E-8DAB-5FC0F6E3447A Eagle County Legislative Policy Statement I 2021 • Supports the coordination of local efforts in our communities to adopt these preventative tobacco use measures. • Supports any efforts of the State to make vaping and smoking less appealing and more difficult to obtain for youth. • Opposes further cuts to the State Tobacco Education and Prevention Program funding stream for local public health grantees. COLORADO IMMUNIZATION INFORMATION SYSTEM The Colorado Immunization Information System(CIIS)is a confidential,population-based,computerized system that collects and disseminates consolidated immunization information for Coloradans of all ages.Operated by the Colorado Immunization Program at the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment(CDPHE),CIIS works to increase and sustain high immunization rates by consolidating immunization records from multiple providers, allowing providers to generate notices for individuals who are not up-to-date,minimizing over-immunization,and identifying missed opportunities for immunization.First implemented in 2011,CIIS has struggled with technical and other issues that have limited its acceptance and use by health care providers,an outcome which ultimately compromises its effectiveness.Broad,statewide implementation of CIIS will meet multiple public health priorities, especially for children.The importance of CIIS has been made even more evident since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic.According to the state's Covid-19 immunization plan,the CIIS will serve as a"backbone"for delivering COVID-19 vaccines to the public.That includes everything from ordering,distribution,redistribution,inventory management,administration documentation,safety monitoring and second dose reminders. Eagle County: • Supports funding and other approaches to expand implementation of the CIIS. PUBLIC LANDS 0 Approximately 85%of the land area in Eagle County comprises public lands. This greatly elevates the importance of federal and state policies related to public lands.Federal programs like"Payments in Lieu of Taxes"(PILT)help offset losses in property taxes due to non-taxable Federal lands within County boundaries.Secure Rural Schools(SRS)federal payments provide numerous critical services including infrastructure,conservation projects,search and rescue missions and fire prevention programs.Absent federal action,the last SRS payments will be in 2021.When the authorization for SRS lapsed in FY 2016,federal forest payments to counties decreased by over 80 percent on average.Land and Water Conservation Fund(LWCF)provides offset funding from oil and gas development to purchase and develop wildland and wetland areas. With the signing of the"Great American Outdoors Act"into law in 2020,the LWCF is now permanently and fully funded at$900 million a year.Eagle County appropriately benefits from these programs and supports permanent allocation of funding for PILT,SRS,and LWCF. Eagle County also recognizes that protection of these lands is important.Not only do many residents and visitors utilize these lands for recreation,but a diverse array of species rely on this natural habitat. 19 DocuSign Envelope ID:AFE37BD8-FOOC-415E-8DAB-5FC0F6E3447A Eagle County Legislative Policy Statement I 2021 Eagle County: • Supports new legislation to be enacted that provides forest revenue sharing payments to counties and promotes active natural resource management for the stability and well-being of forest counties and communities. • Supports full Congressional appropriation of Payment-In-Lieu-of-Taxes(PILI)and Secure Rural Schools (SRS)to compensate counties for the costs associated with the presence of federal tax-exempt lands. • Supports all efforts to compensate counties for lost property tax revenue from tax-exempt lands. • Supports legislation that encourages the state and federal governments to provide sufficient funding to local governments to alleviate the burden from the negative impacts attributable to wildfire,fuel loads, road and trail maintenance,search and rescue efforts,law enforcement,wildlife,predators,pests, noxious weeds,and undesirable plants originating on state and federal lands. • Supports control of the allocation of USFS PILT remaining solely with the boards of county commissioners. • Supports the timely and judicious allocation of Land and Water Conservation funds to federal,state and local governments under the Great American Outdoors Act. • Supports proposed legislation that would allow the State Land Board to sell land directly to local governments. • Supports legislation that encourages public land managers to develop and implement vegetation management programs that create and maintain healthy,diverse wildland communities and are consistent with affected county policies. • Supports legislation intended for the recovery and preservation of endangered species considering all potential impacts and subject to local government involvement and approval. • Supports legislation that would create special land designations that are consistent with land use policies within the county of designation. All proposed wilderness legislation should include county input. • Supports efforts to improve hunting and fishing within the county consistent with local authority while minimizing and mitigating impacts from hunting and fishing on other affected areas and private property. • Supports adequate opportunity for public input on state and federal land use changes. • Opposes mandatory linkages among federal payment programs that reduce county receipts. • Opposes legislation that would designate wild and scenic rivers or any other designation where Eagle County has not participated in the designation,or if such designation would conflict with local land use policies. • Opposes reducing wilderness areas or redrawing wilderness boundaries to accommodate development. PUBLIC SAFETY 0 Eagle County continually strives to provide a safe and secure environment for its residents and visitors alike,whether it be on the road,in the community,or out on public lands.Public safety agencies like the Eagle County Sheriff's Office, Eagle County Emergency Management,local police agencies,fire districts,and paramedic services coordinate to provide services to address a continuum of needs throughout Eagle County,including emergency management and mitigation,law enforcement,community outreach,education,and crime prevention. 20 DocuSign Envelope ID:AFE37BD8-FOOC-415E-8DAB-5FC0F6E3447A Eagle County Legislative Policy Statement I 2021 Eagle County: • Supports counties'emergency management roles while maintaining the effectiveness of our all-hazards public safety preparedness programs,and emergency responses to natural and manmade disasters. • Supports additional state and federal resources to enhance and expand community resiliency planning and mitigation for emergency disasters like wildfire,flood,and drought. • Supports a continuum of evidence-based approaches to build individual and family resiliency,reduce crime,and prevent violence,including designing effective evidence-based prevention and early intervention programs for youth and families at risk. • Supports the responsible expenditure of taxpayer funds in association with the safe and effective operations of Colorado's courts and public safety systems. GOVERNANCE AND FISCAL ISSUES ° UNFUNDED MANDATES In order to effectively serve the needs of their communities,county officials must have the financial resources and authority commensurate with the responsibilities placed on them by state and federal laws,regulations and court decisions. In all decision making,state and federal governments should refrain from solving budget shortfalls with county government resources. State and federal government should base decisions about laws and regulations affecting county governments on comprehensive data and measurable outcomes.Relying on these two standards to scrutinize existing and proposed laws and regulations will help reduce unnecessary,unfunded or underfunded mandates,streamline government and utilize limited resources more efficiently. Eagle County: • Supports the provision of adequate funding for any future state or federally-imposed mandates upon local government,including the need for technology improvements necessary to fulfill these mandates. • Opposes cost shifting from state and federal government to local governments. LOCAL CONTROL AND FLEXIBILITY Eagle County believes that the authority to address issues that pertain to the county must reside firmly with the county,where state or federal authority does not already exist. Local governments are best suited to identify solutions to local issues,particularly in regards to the services it provides and the land use decisions that it makes. Local authority also includes the flexibility to determine use of funding for specific initiatives. The most effective governance results from local,state and federal officials working in true partnership toward the development and implementation of programs and services. Eagle County: • Supports legislative efforts that strengthen and preserve local control and authority of county governments. • Opposes legislation that reduces local control or weakens administrative flexibility of county governments. 21 DocuSign Envelope ID:AFE37BD8-FOOC-415E-8DAB-5FC0F6E3447A Eagle County Legislative Policy Statement I 2021 RULE-MAKING Eagle County believes county commissioners are important and necessary stakeholders in any rule-making process. Eagle County: • Supports county participation in legislative and regulatory efforts that impact counties. • Opposes the exclusion of counties from participating in legislative and regulatory efforts to promulgate rules and regulations that affect counties. INTERGOVERNMENTAL PARTNERSHIPS Eagle County recognizes the important role all levels of government play. Eagle County respects the unique and important roles of the federal,state and local government,and believes counties are more than an administrative arm of state government. Commissioners represent the interests of their constituents,and counties must be viewed as partners,not as a"special"interest. Eagle County: • Supports involvement of counties in executive department restructuring that directly affects operations and programs administered by county government. • Supports commissioner representation on state boards,commissions and working groups appointed by members of the executive,legislative or judicial branch whose decisions affect county government. LONG-TERM FISCAL STABILITY OF THE STATE OF COLORADO Eagle County recognizes the importance of a state government that operates in a fiscally responsible way and advances the economic vitality and well-being of all Coloradans. Eagle County appreciates the transparency in the state budgeting process and the opportunity to provide input,and it seeks collaboration with the state,especially with regard to decisions and processes that affect our organization or our constituents. The state and its counties are intertwined in many different,significant ways when it comes to the delivery of services to Colorado residents. Rising costs of doing business,including the costs of healthcare and health insurance premiums,present a significant challenge for the state and its counties. Eagle County: • Supports and will continue to engage with any substantive effort to evaluate and address the ongoing structural and budgetary challenges that negatively impact the fiscal stability and sustainability of the State of Colorado and by extension,its local government partners. GOVERNMENTAL IMMUNITY Eagle County recognizes that the complexity and diversity of its operations and services required to meet the needs of the community may expose the county,its officers,and employees to liability for damage and injury.The county strongly believes that public officers and employees need to be assured that this liability will not impair the lawful and proper provision of necessary services to the public. Eagle County: • Supports legislation that protects the interests of counties,their officers,and their employees in the lawful and proper performance of their duties and responsibilities. • Supports legislation that discourages baseless and frivolous claims and demands made against counties, their officers,and their employees. • Supports the availability of public liability insurance at reasonable costs and the ability of counties to reduce these costs through self-insurance. • Opposes legislation that expands or increases county liability,or,conversely,further limits county immunity. 22 DocuSign Envelope ID:AFE37BD8-FOOC-415E-8DAB-5FC0F6E3447A Eagle County Legislative Policy Statement I 2021 WORKERS' COMPENSATION Eagle County recognizes that the Colorado Workers'Compensation Act was developed as a no-fault system established"to assure the quick and efficient delivery of disability and medical benefits to injured workers at a reasonable cost to employers,without the necessity of any litigation,recognizing that the workers'compensation system in Colorado is based on a mutual renunciation of common law rights and defenses by employers and employees alike." The county is concerned about any legislation that will erode the ability of an employer to control their claim costs and inhibit an employer's ability to get competitive quotes from the market for quality insurance coverage. Eagle County: • Supports legislation that maintains the spirit of the Colorado Workers'Compensation Act,for the protection of both Colorado employers and employees. • Opposes legislation that creates presumptive eligibility coverage within the law,promotes litigation or adds significant insurance premium costs or administrative burdens to employers. ELECTIONS As with other counties across the state,most responsibility for administering state and local elections falls on Eagle County. State reimbursement for election administration,including regular election staffing,has not increased in recent years while the complexity of conducting elections safely,securly,and according to law has increased exponentially. Eagle County: • Supports increasing the state reimbursement for elections as well as equitable sharing of the costs of elections by all governmental entities with a stake in elections. MOTOR VEHICLE FEE RESTRUCTURING The Motor Vehicle responsibilities in county offices,directed by the Colorado Department of Revenue,are customer service centric,complicated and demanding. Despite the fact that sales of new and used cars and corresponding registration fee revenues have increased in recent years,county revenues to administer these services are relatively flat. Eagle County: • Supports increasing the Clerk Hire Fee and the county share of late fees to enable counties to keep pace with the necessary costs of providing this service at a level that meets customers'needs and expectations. E-RECORDING SURCHARGE FEE EXTENSION In 2006,the state instituted a surcharge on all recorded documents of$1.00 per document. This surcharge was intended to help counties pay for systems,equipment and training for electronic recording of legal documents. Eagle County made this transition several years ago,but there are ongoing costs to maintain and upgrade the system every year. As protectors of the permanent public records related to real estate transactions, marriage and death certificates,loans,covenants,plats and maps,it is imperative that Eagle County preserve these documents in a manner that is readable for modern technology capabilities. The surcharge is about to sunset. Colorado's recording fees are among the lowest in the nation. Eagle County: • Supports legislation to extend the e-recording surcharge fee permanently,as well as to increase the amount retained by the county from$1.00 per document for a total of$2.00. 23 DocuSign Envelope ID:AFE37BD8-FOOC-415E-8DAB-5FC0F6E3447A Eagle County Legislative Policy Statement I 2021 Contact the Eagle County Commissioners : x I• From left: Commissioner Kathy Chandler-Henry Commissioner Jeanne McQueeney Commissioner Matt Scherr Address: 11111141F:10 P.O.Box 850 Email: eagleadmin@eaglecounty.us 500 Broadway Eagle,Colorado 81631 Website: www.eaglecounty.us Phone: EAGLE COUNTY 970-328-8605 24