HomeMy WebLinkAbout1194M M 2 z ('] _Z O LU 2 z Z Q D W m 07 G 5M C3 a0 l W z z— N LLT aWy amp. T5® wzz zea . IL �o oW Ir co co I I I f Q W W z aW oma wz= z ¢ ;i • d ca Cn m W Ir _ U p p0S CL O CUR VF TABLE UNE TABLE Length Radius LINE BEARING Chord Directlon LENGTH L 1 S 18'4845,* W 106.51' L2 S 5771'06" E 193.62' L3 N 86 `31'27" W 427.10' L4 N 78'02'47" W 123.50' L5 N 54775fA' W 32.83' L6 N 4670'38" W 91.09' L71 N 8576'31 " W 124.00' L81 N 58°0'46" W 246.56' CUR VF TABLE CURVE Length Radius Tangent I Chord Chord Directlon Delta AEC1 179.22 350.00 177.27 91.62' S 71507" E 29'20'19" C1 1 143.70' 587.99' 72.21' 143.34' S 254849" W 14'00'09" C2 128.02' 250.00' 65.44 126.62' S 71507" E 2920'21 " C3 88.69 625.77' 44.42' 88.61' N 5074'15" W 08'07'13" C4 182.26' 267.10' -9 4 - Y47 178.75' N 65'43'34" W 39'05'52" C5 22Z721 478.581116.06' 225.58' S 7138'38" E 2775'45" LEGEND AND NOTES.• - p IND/CA TES FOUND OV5 REBAR WTH 1 1/4" YELLOW PLASTIC CAP L.S. #38215 HCE - • INDICATES FOUND #5 REBAR WTH 1 1/4" YELLOW PLASTIC CAP (MELTED) 0 INDICATES FOUND #5 REBAR WTH 1 1/4" YELLOW PLAS77C CAP L.S. #19598 HCE - Q INDICATES FOUND #5 REBAR WITH 1 1/4" RED PLAS77C CAP L. S. #33638 7SS DA 7E- OF SURVEY.• MAY 21, 2019 - UNIT OF MEASUREMENT.• US SURVEY FOOT - BEARINGS ARE BASED UPON A FOUND 0 REBAR WITH 1 1/4" YELLOW PLAS77C CAP LS #19598 A T 77E NORTHMES7ERL Y CORNER AND A T THE sou rHWES7ERL Y CORNER 807H OF SUBJECT LOT 5 /N SAID SPRING PARK RANCHES, USING A BEARING OF N 0054'18" W BETWEEN THE TW DESCRIBED MONUMENTS AS SHOWN HEREON. ALL BEARINGS ARE RELA 77W TO THE RECORD BEARINGS SHOWN ON SAID SPRING PARK RANCHES PLANNED COMMUNITY PLAT. - THIS SURVEY DOES NOT REPRESENT A 777LE SEARCH BY THIS SURVEYOR Tn DE7ERMINE OWNERSHIP OR TO DISCOVER EASEMENTS OR OTHER ENCUMBRANCES OF RECORD ALL INFORMA 770N PERTAINING M OWNERSHIP, EASEMENTS OR OTHER ENCUMBRANCES OF RECORD HAS BEEN TAKEN FROM 777LE INSURANCE COMMITMENTS ISSUED BY 777LE COMPANY OF 7HE ROCKIES, DA TED EFFEC77VE MA Y 14, 2016 AS COMMITMENT NO. 0905778-C ��11��w���y�AKsir f ISL ii 47f.wl7 1 M ® 4/1W Noce. According to Colorado law, you must commence any legal action based upon any defect an M& survey within three years after you ,/3'rst discover such defect In no event may any legal action based upon any defect in this survey be commenced more than ten years from the date of the certification shown lcereon LAND SURVEY PLAT Lot 5 Planned Community Plat for Sprinq Park Ranches Situated in Section 10, Section 11 and Section 1A Township 7 South, Range 87 Xesi of the 6tli P. ff, County of Zagle, State of Colorado 36.14 Ac. 2,?0 ,Spring Park Ranch .Road CC3- GRAPHIC SCALE (INS') 1 inch = 100 tL 00 Lot 3 A BzQ,3,o6�' ASO ??,-_ a� 30.4 IM77VESS CORNER W ,h ` 4 265 81' 1 M ro y / S * / , k / �� PROPOSED AUTOCOURT /G� 1-6i` PROPOSED S �. No HOUSE ��84279 7999, E EXISTING g X0;5 BUILDINGS De velopm erg t \ `\w`) NON A c ti yr t v_ -►�.. io En velope --- I� j7,9 9 79 E I 1 \ \\ m AREA TO BE REMOVED FROM 1 , `\ /DEVELOPMENT AC77WTY ENVELOPE . 1 10,112 Sq Ft +/- (DASH) 33. 86' 0 \ ; �0 tGh GE W 0 0) , \A 494 75' 0 4 1 3 84 • r 14 52861 ' E T evo`%', Lot 6 '�.. o C�31 ®y Cen terlin e o r i. u wiae Mountain Meadow Ditch � as depicted on recorded plat V 70.00' THE LAND REFERRED TO IN THIS LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY COMMITMENT DATED MAY 14, 2016 IS LOCATED IN THE COUNTY OF EAGLE, STA 7F OF COLORADO, AND IS MORE PAR77CULARL Y DESCRIBED AS FOL LOWS. • The Land referred to herein is located in the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, and described as follows. - Lot 5, SPRING PARK RANCHES, according to the Planned Community Plat for Spring Park Ranches recorded May 12, 1995 Book 667 at Page 208 as Reception No. 563230. County of Eagle, State of Colorado, THIS PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING EXCEPTIONS PER SAID 177LE COMMITMENT NO. 0905778-C 9. Right of the Proprietor of a Vein or Lode to extract and remove his ore therefrom, should the some be found to penetrate or intersect the premises, as reserved in United States Patents recorded October 19, 1896 in Book 48 at Page 209 and April 10, 1900 in Book 48 at Page 234. (Can not be plotted) 10. Right of way for ditches or canals constructed by the authority of the United States, as reserved in United States Patent recorded April 10, 1900 in Book 48 at Page 234. (Can not be plotted) 11. Ditch Agreement recorded April 9, 1925 in Book 105 at Page 150 under Reception No. 44389. (Can not be plotted) 12. Easement granted to the United Stated of America in instrument recorded in Book 369 Page 754 as Reception No. 266074 (Can not be plotted) 13. Covenants, conditions, restrictions, notes, easements, reservations and rights of ways as shown on the Plat of Planned Community Plat for Spring Park Ranches recorded May 12, 1995 In Book 667 at Page 208 as Reception No. 563230. (As shown hereon) 14. Covenants, conditions, restrictions and easement provisions contained in the Declaration of Protective Covenants for Spring Park Ranches recorded May 12, 1995 in Book 667 at Page 209 as Reception No. 563231, First Amendment thereto recorded October 7, 1999 as Reception No. 711421, Second Amendment thereto recorded March 27, 2014 as Reception No. 201404851, and Third Amendment to Deslgn Guldelines recorded September 18, 2014 as Reception No. 201416107. (Can not be plotted) 15. Utility Easement recorded September 25, 1995 in Book 676 at Page 786 as Reception No. 572799. (plots offsite) 16. Notice of Missourl Heights Irrigation Company concerning easements and rights of ways for ditches recorded December 18, 1998 as Reception No. 680641. (Can not be plotted) 17. Terms and provisions in the Ditch Realignment and Alteration Consent Agreements recorded April 5, 1999 as Reception No. 691710 and Reception No. 691711, and October 31, 2002 as Reception No. 812070. (Can not be plotted) 18. Terms, agreements, provisions, conditions and obligations as contained in Declaration Of Restrictive Covenant View Plane Restrictions recorded August 23, 2007, at Reception No. 200710266. AREA TO ADDED TO (Can not be plotted) DEVELOPMENT AC7714TY ENVELOPE 19. Easement Deed and Agreement recorded August 24, 2009 as 10,112 Sq Ft +/- (DOTS) Reception No. 200918623, and re-recorded February 24, 2014 as Reception No 201402775, (Can not be plotted) �i COUNTY SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE Deposited this � day of dollf M9 �j Book of the Eagle County Surveyor°s La SUrve��R--.m. in .� of -Way Surveys at Page This Land Survey Plat complies witl- r0 4 Section 38-51-102, of the Colorado Revised Statutes. Gate I 'ON Jj 4� Ditch Easement Note: There is hereby reserved to the Association by deed, 3,3 2' easement or other legal document suflicien t for such XPurposes, the right to grant ditch easements up to ten feet ay Barn (10) on either side of the existing ditches for the benefit of downstream owners of the Mountain Meadow, Eureka and Monarch ditches, said easements to be on such terms, ?� provisions and conditions as the Association shall determine. SURVEYOR'S CERT/F/CA TE 1, Jeffrey Allen Tutt/e, do hereby certify that / am a Professional Land Surveyor licensed to practice /and surveying under the laws of the State of Colorado, that this plat was made from an accurate survey of said property by me and/or under my supervision and accurately shows the location and dimensions of the boundary lines and rights of way that such plat is based upon the professional /and surver's knowledge, Information and belief, that such plat has been prepared in accordance with app//cable standards of practice, and that such plat is not a guaranty or warranty, either expressed or implied. /n Witness Whereof, / have set my hand and seal this —_ '� day of Jeffrey Aller L. S. #33638 L+n t