HomeMy WebLinkAboutR1937-15 Poor Farm PlatRESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COPa- IISSIONERS OF EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO VMREAS, a plat of a portion of the property heretofore known as the Poor Warm and belonging to the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, as heretofore made for the purpose of selling certain lots thereof, and; WHMAS, certain discrepancies were found in said plat and it was thought advisable to have a new plat made by the County purveyor of Eagle County, and: WHEREAS, a new plat has now been made setting said plot of ground out as a block and dividing said block up into lots having an alleyway on the south side of said block and a connect- ing alleyway on the east side of said block, and; IIIH,EREAS, it is possible that a portion of the street known as Eagle Street has never been properly dedicated for the use of the public, and; 'veHEREAS, it is believed advisable that the abovementioned property should be made a portion or an addition to the Town of Gypsum, said property being situate inside the incorporated limits of the gown of Gyps=,and that said allyes should be dedicated to the use of the public. iT iS ThEREZOEE EESOLVED That a proper map showing lots in said block be made; that said map or plat be properly filed with the County Clerk and xecorder of Eagle County; that a proper dedication of streets and alleys be made on said map or plat re- serving all minerals of whatsoever kind or nature and the right to mine, lease or convey said mineral rights provided such leasing or mining does not disturb the streets ;and alleys as such. SE iT FURTHER EESOL'VED That be and he hereby is made Commissioner f Ueeds for the purpose only of conveying lots in the aforementioned block as is provided by Statute. r -2- f, BE IT FURTEER RESOLVED That said block be knoim as .-. C C A94 ;W4:8 'Town of Uypsum. Duly considered, read, passed and approved this day of --6 A. D. 1937. BOARD OF COUN'T'Y C01vEdISSIONERS OF E 00',7RTY, COLORADO Air f ATTESTED: Clerk oft he Board and County Clerk and Recorder -2-