HomeMy WebLinkAboutR1937-09 Tax Certificate No. 38 Lots 13 and 14 Block 20 EagleRESOLUTION
0'n TTTT" '_QO OF CC Ul.-Y '1011,1-is's I Ci S o7l E ' 'iLT' COTT"?Y
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a �oe- E fror�.-I the rcco-rds, of the Coum%7
Tre`;surer of Ea,--le County, Colcr°do, t1rir-t- "o. 94, Certi-
ficate I.o. 51E, 0,.te6 :.oycll-'•,er 6, 11`97, is --re
h,ls iisvor bcc�i -prc,oc2-1,' rccice:.!od, as of rccord, aoiC
in Lots 1�, ni-Z 1� in lloc' 20, "o-ni ef ..C�o*.aid, r.""ich
foi-T:ierl, Lot ", L '31ccl: 6, C4' 4-1e; -10
Ile C 0 "-4r t, C 12. r 0 2.� 0
It a-;, De=E: th,��'
c Coilmt, ,, bI • his Ole- i uu 17 17 T. L-ittlo, icEned cc,rtifi-
c f_.t- e u.-nCer the ilanile cf the Coualt„- '2roasvrer of :*,`.file County
sttiri"- that there wc27c no 6uc. This cer.'U._i_'ic.,Uc was
4, 1901, some ;7e�?r after 'lie date o- '--',ie above
s J. u 0 te � u
cer'vi-fic,te; and
thete is T-,:;: 119 .-epreFen'.c6 1 7 Certificate
Eo. .56, dated October 17, 1901, for Lots 15 and 14 in ;'1r)(,::
._cDor-ld and
.;-,c ri or the boo!--- of the County
`,'reasurer that this cefti-fic'.te beer roOeet eE btt e^owing
th-t, this ll^C -Ccir, scr,tc!lcc. oil-i, lllC 0-.,. �(Ic sice of
the rec.ei.-pticri _12 -o1,-_ce0 thc r-crd 11 ,j it "; alld,
ha%.-c -lot becr. c-.rrie6 on
)c book— a- ta7ieE C.re, ')?it ec co,lztitv -e P
oil the tit1c
t�,c!�e Icts; iirC,
ti, re is I-. onest,ion oalJout 11-lic. 1,crle:-r -i jo of
-'e �) U r
certific, tes.
'2lli_-_t- the Oornt: C"l-e-1-:: G116
--oco-Cer of r..ae County be, "P6 she hereb,-7 is, in_L-_.,nc,ue6 to
re-'e'-ptiori of 'both 9! C r t i i i c t. e TIO. JC 1
1. - , _,C ay 119
c for Lo� --,joc, 2 'to, C. e �, o . H, -0
0,- ff0,_-!_,cr1, tho ",own ot, J.c o ri `:.I
1. 0 l' c 1
10-1, Z in _�'Ioc': 6, of C-stic; all'
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G instmicted allF to c'—.n w e e corcl in co—pliance
rith the above.
e w, Csco -Vic -prC7,ef, p.4-
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