HomeMy WebLinkAboutR1937-03 Tax Sale Certificate No. 99 Redemption Certificate to C. W. Wilson0 Iq 1 R E S O L U T I O N AREAS, it appears to the Board of County Commissioners of Eagle County from the records and files of Eagle County, Colorado,that on the 26th day of October, 1897, the Treasurer of Eagle County sold the Pest half of the 12orthwest quarter and the Vilest half of the Southwest quarter (V2SW4) of Section 10, Township 5 South of Range 85 Best of the 6th Principal ideri- than for delinquent taxes for the year 1896 to Chas. Y. Phillips ae evidenced by tax 80, Certificate IJo. 99. It Further Appearing to the Board that said Tax Sale Certificate 11o. 99 was surrendered by the said Chas. K. Phillips to the then acting County Treasurer of Eagle County, through an oversight was not assigned by the said Chas. L. Phillips to Eagle County or to Andrew Kalouiet, the then owner o:" said land, or to any other person. IT FURTHER APPEARING TO 'T?iE -BOARD, from the notations in the Tax Sales Record now on file in the County Treasurer's office, that said Tax Sale Certificate io. 99 was redeemed by A. Kalquist :and that as a matter of justice and right, the tax sale certifi- crate No. 99 should now be cancelled and redemption certificate issued. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PESOLVED That Harry S. Dickerson, now acting and duly qualified County Treasurer of Slagle County, is hereby authorized to issue the redemption certificate for the said Tax Sale Certificate No. 99 to C. W. Wilson, the present owner of said land. Passed, adooted, signed and approved at a regular meeting held this 1st day of February, A. D. 1937. BOARD OF COUIiTY C Attested � by: i ' `-'�' C =rk 01 the oard-