HomeMy WebLinkAboutR1936-03 Tax Sale Certificate #29 Cancellation" S14 r) RESOLUTION 3 BY THE B0:'ED OF COUI'.TY COi:II;ISSION -M S OF EAGLE COUNTY V "HEhEAS, by an error, t.. ".e County Treasurer of Eagle County, Colorado, sold the property described in and reprec-ented by Tax Sale Certificate #129 of the sale of 1935. and, ' ;JHEREAS by such erroneous sale the records of both the County Treasurer and the County Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County are incorrect, and, '=r AS it is proper to correct records both of the County Treasurer and the County Cler" and Recorder by the cr:ncellation and voiding of Tax Sale Certificate 729 of the sale of 1935. 'seTiER:'_'FORE it is resolved by the 'O.�RD OF COU ?'1'Y CO :;,-LISr ICSIE ?:S OF EjAGLE COUNTY, sitting in a regular meeting this 6th day of July A.D., 1936, that the above mentioned Tax Sale Certific --te #'29 of the s .lc of 19-`5 be, and the sa.n,e hereby is,duly cancelled and revo:.ea, and the County Treasurer and the County Cler_ and Recorder of !".agle County are hereby authorized to correct the records in conformity with this resolution and clearing the property described in the above mentioned Tax Sale Certi ie:te 729 by redemption or other !ise as they may be advised. Duly considered, oassed and adopted this 6th day of July A.D.,1936. ° 'y hai_�man of the B and Attested: By 7h- --, C �� Mf Clerk o- the 3card