HomeMy WebLinkAboutR1936-02 County Public Welfare FunRESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY CO:L`,IS5i0iI::RS OF
``HSREAS Senate Bill No. 1, cited and known as "The
711 are OrCgnization Act of 1936 ", and relating. to "ublic �el-
Vare Administration, and,
W7 ;: EAS =Sou ^e Bill Tao, 1, the same being, an act to
provide, inlloca:to and distribute fundn for the administration
and oupport of State and County activities, and,
?HEREAS both of the above mentioned acts were duly
pasrod by the Second Extraordinar; Session of the Thirtieth
General Assembly of the State of Colorado, one becoming effec-
tive on Larch 28, 1936, and the other as of :larch 31, 1936,
"♦'?::: i'A`3 the Board of County Commissioners of Bugle
County, at a saecially called meeting of said Board, held
on the 10th day of April A, D. 1936, did by resolution requeetor
and instructot the County Treasurer of Eagle County to set up
a fund knorn qs "7elfPre Administration Fund, and another and
separate fund to be known as "County Puhlic '.elfare Pund ", and,
'• ° A?' BAS the County has a fund for Kind Benefit and
a hother's Compensation Fund, and,
"7STEAS it is apparently the invent and 'purpose of
the Legiclature in passing the t •o abovo nont i oned acts, and
the Additional acts kno:n as House Bills Eos, 2,3,&,4 of the
Second Ktraordinary Session of 1936, to provide for Public
lilfare, Old Ago Assistance, Aid to the Blind, laid to Depend-
ent Children and the tating care of Unemployables by and
t'r ugh the County Depnrtment under the direction of the County
Board, and,
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''IrE?EAS to date the County Board has not been
Supplied with any uniform rules or regulations by the State
Department or any other authority, and,
71ER3AS the Board of County Commissioners of Eagle
County believes it to be desirable and proper to transfer
all remaining and unexpendec funds, now qith the County
Treasurer in what is H own as the .Blind Benefit Fund and the
Mother's Compensation :mound, by warrnnt and resolution to what
is now known as the County Public elfare Fund and that the
County Public "elfare .Fund be separated into jour parts,
to -wit:
A. Old Age Assistance Fund.
B. Unemployable Fund,
C. Aid to the Blind Fund.
D. Aid to Dependent Children lPund.
' EAS it is apparently the intent of the legisla-
ture,as set oat in the above mentioned acts, that the adminis-
tration of ?ublic "eliare be administrated in the'di:fferent
counties and districts in the State of Colorado by rind through
the County Departments under the supervision of County Boards
and in conjunction with the State Board of Public welfare, and,
K;3: _ IAS warrants are to be drawn by the County Depart-
ment on the County Treasurer in payment of awards made.
HIS filr'OF:r: _.MSC)y +.iD That Orzrrants may be drawn
from time tc tim% and as needed for any fund remaining, in the
County Treasury, for Blind Be- refit, and made 0ayable to the
County Public elfsre Fund, s d from there dispersed on proper
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warrant in Aid to the Blind, and that a warrant bo drawn an the
Mother's Compensation Fund, for all moneys remaining in said fund
in the County Treasury, and made payable to the County Public
Welfare Fund, and from there be dispersed on proper warrants in
Aid to Dependent Children.
IT IS rURTHER Ri3SOLVED That distribution be made in
substantial compliance with CSDPW427, to which reference is here-
by made and which was issued by,the State Department of Public
Welfare; that a copy of this roeolution be extended in the minutes
of the Board of County Commissioners, and also in the minutes of
the County Department.
Read, considered, and unanimously )assed this 1st day
of :+une A, D. 1936,
L J��
Clerk o ie oar —'
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