HomeMy WebLinkAboutR1896-001 Tax Sale Certificatecl C, R i SQ LR.f i I GA NALtUASP it yreariag to the iioard of County Com: -.19— sioners of Eagle County, Colorado, that on October ,, 1696, cer- tair. lzi.nc assessed to r:. k. 6aerwood was gold for delinquent taxes. for the year 1895 and twit said land is descriued as follows, to —wit: The 144- Xi—, t3 N=y;, tmd NW of LZI of section 17, the 54 zl-4 and 1 .;; of Section 16, .e 5&» Lit and m ; i ti; of section 7, ana L 11 w and 6—x /3 Acres in Si; BL-w of Section S. e.11 in Township 4 6outh, i °:nge 53 West of the 6th Prim cipal iaeridian. That Tax sz�,. le Certificate 14c. 29'� was issued Uctober 12, 1596, by L. �. Pierce, the then acting County Treasurer to L. le County, Colorrao, for the total a::ouat of taxes, interest anu costs, to —wit: f"�72.7'). And it furt::er ai,earing to the Bonrd of County Com. Uesi )ners ths.t s -,.ic T:.x male Certificate No. 29� was assigned to The Crippen Lawrence lnvest:r:ent Cai:: e-ny on the 7th deY of Deee,:.ber, 3896, for the E;u' of 477.12. Tnat on tue 26th day of ,rY� rch, 1695, one J. ri. Lck-..sters paid into the office of the County Treasurer the sum of UO0 .99,.plus 600 redemption fee. That said ax ,>'.le certificate was surreni -erect to tae County Treasurer on tine 27t , uay of :�::y, 16)6. in woras and fi ures ..:s follows, t:,_ it: »a 5/27/)8 >>_ rrer Page --r2. It further apper_r1k--,, that in the Redem­tl�;r. Coertiflct�te Issued upon the surrender of said Tax S&le Certificate tae Sifi.� and V, of bi-­ of Election 7 ana the N*c of NWT of bection L b, fowr ik South, R -.n 83 West of the 6th rlrincipul geri- 1i aian' was - note included in fm Id i"-edemption Certif ict-te. it fu�ihez%,.,appearing to the Board that all of the taxes aue.said ry Vou4ty sil:v A in saia Tax Sale Certificate No. 2��o for the CO taxes is to-ether with rll Interest and costs were t of- ,-Wtounty.in fuli and that the failure to issue hed4m4i�tian er tificate for L.11 of the land was clericr-1 error or f.n oversight on the p -rt- of the then acting County Treasurer T.,iREFORL,, BL IT RLWULD that the County Treazmrer of Ltw.gle County be em owered and hereby Is authorized to issue c Rede:Lption Certifiente for Tt,_x Certificate 114o. 295 afareet-Ad, showing; that said of Nl-- and the L{ of NW-AL of 4 6ection 7, and the Of 21*`;� of Ziection 6 was redeemed on the 26th any of ifp.rch, le95, and all taxes were paid In full. PASSED, ADOxTLL, AND AieFQViLD this 16th day of November, 1936. Attest's WARL 04- CQUNTT CO, 13Y • Qua i r m a n. Clerk.