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A Parcel of Land, located in Tracts 51 and 52 and in Sections 17 and 18, T4S, R83W of the 6th P.M., County of Eagle, Stale of Colorado, more particularly described as
COMMENCING at Comer 4, of Tract 52 which is described as a 2 -1/2' GLO brass capped monurnent on a 1' pips, from which Comer 5 of said Tract 52 a 2 -11T GLO brass
cap on a 1' pipe 1918 bears South 0 degrees 00 mmmfxutes 30 seconds West, (Basis of Bow") 1529.36 feet; thence North 75 degrees 19 mfxu/ss 24 seconds East, 1367.86
feet to the Southerly right of way line of 1 -70W to a found 3.25" aluminum monument PS37939 -No. 3897 as shown in Land Survey Plata, deposited as Book 1, Pages 745 -
750, Eagle County, Colorado and the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING;
Thence North 77 degrees 10 minutes 45 seconds East, 161.92 feet Wong said Southerly right of way line of 1-70W to a found 3.25" akumirnurn monument PS37939 -No. 3896
as recorded in said Book 1, Pages 745 - 750;
Thence North 82 degrees 11 minutes 04 seconds East, 456.91 feet along said Southerly right of way line of 1-70W, to a found 3.25" akxninum moron umard PS37939 -No. 3895
as recorded In sold Book 1, Pages 745 - 750;
Thence Northeasterly, 412.31 feet Wong the are of a curve concave to the North, said arc along saki 1-70W right of way Nine, to a found 3.25" akurnirnurn monument
PS37939 -No. 3894 as recorded in said Book 1, Pages 745 - 750, said curve having a radius of 1606.30 feet, a certral angle of 14 degrees 42 miwles 24 seconds, and
being subtended by a chord that boars North 75 degrees 01 minutes 47 seconds East, 41 1.1 8 feet;
Thence North 67 degrees 55 minutes 58 seconds East, 199.73 feet along said Southerly right of way line of 1-70W, to a found 3.25' aluminum monument PS37939dro. 3893
as recorded in said Book 1, Pages 745 - 750;
Thence Northeasterly, 621.40 feet akxg the arc of a curve concave to the Northwest, said arc Wong said 1-70W right of way line, to a found 3.25" aluminum monument
PS37939 -No. 3608 as recorded In said Book 1, Pages 745 - 750, said curve having a radius of 11428.20 feet, a central angle of 3 degrees 06 minutes 56 seconds, and
being subtended by a chord that bears Nash 65 degrees 07 minutes 23 seconds East, 621.32 feet;
Thence Northeasterly, 429.96 fest along the arc of a curve concave to the Northwest, saki are aorg said 1-70W Agin of way line to a found 3.25" aiuninum mon umord
PS37939 -No. 3606 as recorded in said Book 1, Pages 745 - 750, said curve havfg a radius of 3788.80 feat, a central angle of 6 degrees 30 n*kfte 07 seconds, and being
subtended by a chord that bears North 60 degrees 10 minutes 35 seconds East, 429.73 feet,
Thence North 56 degrees 53 minutes 42 seconds East, 602.62 feet Wong said Southerly right of way line of 1-70W to a found 3.25" aluminum monument PS37939 -No. 3892
as recorded in said Book 1, Pages 745 - 750;
Thence North 0 degrees 09 minutes 50 seconds West, 23.78 feet along said Southerly right of way line of 1-70W to a ford 3.25" aluminum monument PS37939 -No. 3891
as recorded In said Book 1, Pages 745 - 750;
Thence North 56 degrees 54 minutes 30 seconds East, 1146.35 feet along said Southerly right of way line of 1-70W to a found 3.25" afmnirt un morxuhent PS37939 -No.
3890 as recorded in saki Book 1, Pages 745 - 750
Thence leaving sold Southerly right of way Mme South 43 degrees 44 minutes 19 seconds East, 253.95 feet Wong Westerly Line of Parcel No. 79 described in Reception No.
11 51 00 and Southwesterly right of way line of 1 -70W to a found 3.25' aluminum monument PS37939 -No. 3727 as recorded in said Book 1, Pages 745 - 750
Thence South 57 degrees 52 minutes 45 seconds East, 224.38 feet along said Southwesterly right of way Mme of 1-70W to an angle poft as recorded In said Book 1, Pages
Thence South 59 degrees 08 minutes 19 seconds East, 111.41 fast Wong said Soufft westsAy right of way line of 1-70W to an angle post as recorded In said Book 1, Pages
Thence South 58 degrees 01 minutes 14 seconds East, 83.15 fed Wong said Southwesterly right of way Mme of 1-70W to a feud 3.25" akuminum monumerk PS37939 -No.
3728 as recorded in said Book 1, Pages 745 - 750;
Thence North 38 degrees 31 minutes 54 seconds East, 211.92 feet along said Southherly right of way Mme of 1-70W to a found 3.25" aluminum monument PS37939 -No. 3729
as retorted in said Book 1, Pages 745 750;
Thence North 68 degrees 22 minutes 51 seconds East, 436.68 fed along saki Southerly right of way line of 1-70W to a found 3.25" aluminum monument PS37939 -No. 3730
as recorded in said Book 1, Pages 745 - 750;
Thence North 67 degrees 32 minutes 56 "condo East, 113.78 feet along said Southerly right of way Mme of 1-70W to a found 3.25" skmmimum monument PS37939 -No. 3718
as recorded in said Book 1, Pages 745 - 750;
Thence North 69 degrees 53 minutes 49 seconds East, 309.28 fed along said Southerly right of way line of 1-70W to a found 3.25" aluminum m monument PS37939 -No. 3719
as recorded in said Book 1, Pages 745 - 750;
Thence North 74 degrees 16 minutes 29 seconds East, 137.24 fed along said Southerly right of way line of 1-70W to a found 3.25" akudnum monument P337939 -No. 3830
as recorded In saki Book 1, Pages 745 - 750;
Thence North 49 degrees 40 minutes 35 seconds East, 105.08 feet Wong said Southerly right of way Mme of 1-70W to a found 3.25" skuhirnnt monument PS37939 -No. 3829
as recorded In saki Book 1, Pages 745 - 750;
Thence Northeasterly, 405.41 fed Wong the arc of a curve concave to the Northwest, said arc along said I-70W right of way Mme, to a found 3.25' aluminum m monument
PS37939 -No. 3836 as recorded in sold Book 1, Pages 745 - 750, said curve having a radius of 5879.80 fed, a central angle of 3 degrees 57 minutes 02 seconds, and being
subtended by a chord that beers North 81 degrees 20 minutes 28 seconds East, 405.41 feet;
Thence North 79 degrees 25 minutes 51 seconds East, 918.77 feet along said Southerly right of way Mme of 1-70W to East Line of Trod 45, to a set T Aluminum cap on a 06
re-bar marked, PLS 37958 Eagle County Eng. Dept;
Thence South 0 depress 02 minutes 01 seconds East, 3798.84 feet Wong the East Line of said Trod 45, to a 2 -1/2" GLO brass capped mornunert an a 1' pipe marked as
Comer No. 4 of said Tract 45;
Thence South 89 degrees 49 minutes 38 seconds West, 1319.83 fed along the South Line of said Tract 45, to a set T Aluminum cap an a #6 re-bar marked as a Caner 3
of said Trod 45, PLS 37958 Eagle County Eng. Dept;
Thence North 0 degrees 04 minutes 38 seconds East, 2639.65 fed along the West Line of said Trod 45, a 2 -1/2" GLO brass capped monument ment on a 1" pipe marked as
Comer 6 of saki Tract 51;
Thence South 89 degrees 55 minutes 56 seconds West, 865.51 feet aorg the South Line of said Tract 51 to the Northwest Caner of Governnhent Lot 5, to a set T
Aluminum cap on a #6 re-bar marked, PLS 37958 Eagle County Eng. Dept., Section 17, T4S, R83W;
Thence South 0 degrees 34 minutes 40 seconds East, 1543.53 fed Wong the West Line of saki Government Lot 5 to the Saudi~ Comer thereof, to a ad T Akmdrnnn
cap on a 06 re-bar marked C-E 1/16, PLS 37958 Eagle County Erg. DepL, also being the East - West Quarter Line of Section 17;
Thence South 89degrees 43 minutes 18 seconds West, 2627.59 feet along saki East - West Quarter Line to the Southwest Caner of Government Lot 3, to a set T
Aluminum cap on a 06 re-bar marked C-W 1/16, PLS 37958 Eagle Carty Eng. Dept said Section 17;
Thence North 0 degrees 32 minutes 50 seconds West, 238.49 fed along the West Line of saki Government Lot 3 to the South Line of said Trod 51, to a set T Akumknxn
cap on a #5 re-bar marked, PLS 37958 Eagle Canty Eng. Dept;
Thence North 89 degrees 56 minutes 53 seconds West, 466.92 foot along the South Line of said Tract 51 to Corner 3 of saki Trod 51, to a set T Akuhknum cap an a 06
re-bar marked as a Comer 3 of said Tract 51, PLS 37958 Eagle County Eng. Dept, also being the Easterly Line of Trod 52;
Thence South 0 degrees 02 minutes 00 seconds East, 1316.43 fed along the East Line of saki Trod 52 to Caner 6, a 2-1/2" GLO brass capped monu merit on a 1' pipe
marked as Carrier 6 of said Trod 52;
Thence South 89 degrees 49 minutes 36 seconds Wed, 2144.26 feet Wong the South Line of sold Tract 52 to a Northeasterly Caner of Government Lot 9, Sedan 18, T4S,
R83W, to a set 3.25' Aluminum cap on a #6 re-bar marked, PLS 37958 Eagle County Eng. DepL;
Thence South 0 degrees 08 minutes 50 seconds East, 243.32 feet along the East Line of said Government Lot 9 to the Southeasterly Caner thereof, to a set T Almdntrn
cap on a M6 re-bar marked, PLS 37958 Eagle Carty Eng. Dept.;
Thence North 89 degrees 34 minutes 46 seconds West, 466.19 fed Wong the South Line of sold Government Lot 9 to a point in the centerihe of the Eagle River;
Thence North 49 degrees 37 minutes 43 seconds East, 114.49 fed along said artw*w of the Eagle River,
Thence North 29 degrees 56 mirhutes 28 seconds East, 86.88 feet Wong sold cetterlfhe of the Eagle River,
Thence North 11 degrees 27 minutes 41 seconds East, 136.01 feat along said centerlle of the Eagle River,
Thence North 23 degrees 51 minutes 12 seconds East, 122.88 feet along said arterlirne of the Eagle River;
Thence North 46 degrees 53 minutes 42 seconds East, 204.71 feet along said cetterMne of the Eagle River;
Thence North 73 degrees 07 minutes 03 seconds East, 223.52 fed along said centerline of the Eagle River;
Thence North 48 degrees 30 minutes 19 seconds East, 349.37 feet alorg said anterMne of the Eagle River,
Thence North 16 degrees 54 minutes 58 seconds East, 218.47 feet to the Southeasterly night of way line of HWY 6 8 24;
Thence South 64 degrees 47 miutes 45 seconds West, 126.49 fed along saki Soutmoasterly right of way line to a point labeled as Point No. 504 as recorded in Land
Survey Plot Book 1, Pages 462 - 464 and as described in deed recorded In Reception No. 739045;
Thence South 68 degrees 41 minutes 24 seconds West, 259.91 fed Wong said Southeasterly right of way Mme to a point labeled as Point No. 503 as recorded In Land
Survey Plot Book 1, Pages 462 - 464 and as described in deed recorded in Reception No. 739045;
Thence South 46 depress 34 minutes 06 seconds West, 315.50 feet along said Southeasterly right of way Mme to a pokt labeled as Point No. 502 as recorded in Land
Survey Plat Book 1, Pages 462 - 464 and as described In deed recorded in Reception No. 739045;
Thence South 39 degrees 40 minutes 13 seconds West, 128.92 fast Wong said Southeasterly right of way Mme to a point labeled as Point No. 501 se recorded in Land
Survey Plat Book 1, Pages 462 - 464 and as described in deed recorded in Reception No. 739045;
Thence leaving saki Southeasterly right of way North 31 degrees 16 minutes 07 seconds East, 593.64 fed to a point an the Northerly right of way ilne of HWY 6 & 24;
Thence Northeasterly, 262.85 fed along the arc of a curve concave to the West, sold arc being Wang the Southerly right of way ko of said Denver and Rio Grande Western
Railroad Company, said curve having a radius of 1148.98 fed, a central angle of 13 degrees 06 rtnfwtes 27 seconds, and being subtended by a chord that boom Nor 14
degrees 58 minutes 58 seconds East, 262.28 fed;
Thence Nor 19 degrees 26 minutes 48 seconds East, 230.54 feet to a point an the Northerly right of way ire of said Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad Company;
Thence Northeasterly, 715.92 fiat along the arc of a curve concave to the Southeast, said arc being along the Northerly of the right of way ire of the Denver and Rio
Grande Western Railroad Company, said curve having a radius of 1220.57 feat, a antral angle of 33 degrees 36 minutes 24 seconds, and being subtended by a chord that
bars Nor 60 dograss 22 minutes 33 seconds East, 705.70 feet;
Thence leaving said Northerly right of way line of the Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad Company, North 12 degrees 49 mrhutes 15 seconds West, 1.00 feet t0 a
point on the Southerly right of way Ww of 1-70W, to a found 3.25' alrnkwm monument PS37939 -No. 3897 as recorded in sold Book 1, Pages 746 - 750 to the TRUE POINT
SAVING AND EXCEPTING from the above described property easements and rights of way for the Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad, Irterstate 70, State Highways
6 and 24 and those certain por ors of the above described property heretofore conveyed as evil. rood by and described in the following fatrtm eats recorded in the ofioe
of the County Clerk and Recorder in std for Eagle County, Colorado, to -wit:
Quit -Chaft Dead from Polar Peterson to the Denver Nil Rio Grande Railroad Company, recorded In Book 5 at Page 201,
Quit -Clain DOW from Rupert M. Sherwood to the Denver and Rio Grande Railroad Company recorded in Book 5 at Page 204,
Warrarty Deed from Rupert M. Sherwood to the Denver and Rio Grande Railroad Company recorded in Book 45 at Page 117,
Warrarty Deed from Peter Peterson to the Denver and Rio Grande Railroad Company recorded in Book 45 at Page 100,
Warranty Deed from George W. Watson to the Board of County Commissioners of Eagle County State of Colorado recorded in Book 106 at Page 432,
Warranty Deed from George W. Watson to the Deriver and Rio Grande Western Railroad Company recorded in Book 106 at Page 436,
Warranty Dead from John Hiz, George W. Watson and Frances E. Watson to County of Eagle, State of Colorado, recorded in Book 116 at Page 173,
Warranty Deed from Frances E. Watson and George W. Watson to John H irc recorded in Book 116 at Page 174,
Warranty Dead from Frances E. Watson to the County of Eagle, State of Colorado recorded in Book 116 at Page 224,
Special Warranty Deed from Leonard Horn to the Department of H igli ways, State of Colorado recorded January 8, 1971 in Book 219 at Page 473,
Special Warranty Deed from The Piney Valley Ranches Trust to Department of Transportation State of Colorado recorded September 15, 2000 as Reception No. 739045.
And also exception that portion deeded to David E. Mott and Susan D. Mott in Dead recorded February 8, 1979 in Book 281 at Page 661.
Areaz 325.877 Acres, more or less total.
Area- 287.640 Acres, more or Iwo without rights of way and Ham Excplion Plat.
Area- 29.352 Aces, more or hears rights of way.
Area-8.885 Apes, more of Was for Hom Exemption Plat
A Parcel of Land, located in Tracts 51 and 52 in Sections 17 and 18, T4S, R83W of the 6th P.M., County of Eagle, State of Colorado, more particularly described as follows:
BEGINNING at Comer 4, of Tract 52 which is described as a 2 -1/2- GLO brass capped monument on a 1" pipe, from which Corner 5 of said Tract 52 a 2 -1/2" GLO brass cap on a 1" pipe marked 1918 beans
South 0 degrees 00 minutes 30 seconds West, (Basis of Besrfg)1318.97 feet;
Therhoe South 89 degrees 59 minutes 21 seconds East, 491.64 fed along the North Line of said Tract 52 to the Southwest corner of Gover mmert Lot 7, to a set T Aluminum cap on a t6 re-bar marked, PLS
37958 Eagle County Eng. Dept.;
Thence North 0 degrees 09 minuses 41 seconds West, 1091.92 fed along the West Line of said Government Lot 7 to the Northwest corner thereof, to a set T Aluminum m cap on a #6 mbar merited, PLS
37958 Eagle Courtly Eng. Dept.;
Thence South 89 degrees 23 minutes 55 seconds East, 827.20 fed along the North Line of said Governrnert Lot 7 to the Northeast corner thersof and the Wed Line of Tract 52, to a set T Al uhinum cap on a
#6 re-bar marked, PLS 37958 Eagle County Eng. Dept.;
Thence North 0 degrees 17 minutes 47 seconds West, 235.41 fed along the West Line of said Tract 52 to Comer 2 of said Tract 52, a 2-1/2" GLO brass tap on a 1" pips marked 1918;
Thence North 89 degrees 51 minutes 22 seconds East, 496.24 fed along the North Line of said Tract 52 to the Southwest Comer of Govertwnent Lot 1 of said Section 17, T4S, R83W;
Thence North 0 degrees 14 minutes 05 seconds West, 1075.82 fed along the Wed Line of said Government Lot 1 to the Northwest Cartier of said Section 17, T4S, R83W, a 2 -1/2" GLO boas cap on a T
pips marked 1918;
Thence North 88 degrees 57 minutes 42 seconds East, 828.60 fad along the North Line of said Section 17;
Thhm" North 89 degrees 34 minutes 28 seconds East, 0.37 feet along the North Line of said Section 17 to the West Line of said Tract 51;
Thence North 0 degrees 02 mrxutss 00 seconds West, 227.67 fast along the West Line of said Trail 51 to Comer 2 of acid Tract 51, a 2 -1 /2" GLO bass tap on a 1' pips marked 1918 ;
Thence Nov 89 degrees 56 minutes 00 seconds East. 2632.15 feet along the Nor Line of said Tract 51 t0 Comer 3 of Trail 44, a 2- 112" Akuhinurn cap on a T pipe marked Johnson Kunkel d Assoc.. PLS
Thence tortihuig along said North Line of Tract 51 North 89 degrees 56 minutes 00 seconds East, 474.20 fed to a point 1.00 foot Southerly of the right of way line of The Denver and Flo Grande Western
Railroad Company and on the Northwesterly Line of Parcel No. 79 described in Reception No. 115099, to a set T Akunihum cap on a #5 re-bar marked. PLS 37958 Eagle County Eng. Dept.;
Thence South 51 degrees 52 minutes 11 seconds West, 256.06 foot along the Northwesterly Line of said Parcel No. 79, to a set T Aluminum tap on a #5 re-bar marked, PLS 37958 Eagle County Eng. Dept.;
Thence Southwesterly, 8.50 fed along the arc of a curve concave to the Northwest, said arc being 1.00 feet southerly of the right of way line of said Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad Company and
Northerly Line of said Parcel No. 79, Bald curve having a radius of 2915.90 feet, a central angle of 0 degrees 10 minutes 01 seconds, and being subtended by a chord that boors South 51 degrees 26 minutes
21 seconds West, 8.50 fed, to a set T Alumfxnn cap on a 05 re-bar marked, PLS 37958 Eagle County Eng. Dept.;
Thence along said Northerly Line of Parosl No. 79, South 84 degrees 41 minutes 54 seconds West, 1.83 fed to the southerly right of way Mme of said Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad Company, to a
set T Airninum cap on a 89 re-bar marked, PLS 37958 Eagle County Eng. Dept;
Thence Southwesterly, 292.72 feat along the arc of a curve concave to the Norltraset, said arc being along the right of way Mme of said Denver and Rio Grande WesMm Railroad Company and saki Parcel No.
79, said curve having a radius of 27".27164 s central angle of 6 degrees 06 mkxdn 41 seconds, and being subtended by a chord that bears South 54 degrees 36 minutes 56 seconds; West, 292.58 fed, to
a set T Aluminum cap on a 85 re-bar marked, PLS 37958 Eagle Carty Eng. Dept;
Thence South 56 degrees 52 minutes 06 seconds West, 193.57 feet along said right of way Mme of the Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad Company, to a set T Akumrxrt tap on a #5 re-bar marked,
PLS 37958 Eagle County Eng. Dept;
Thence South 57 degrees 01 minutes 56 seconds West, 368.12 feet along said right of way of the Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad Company, to the most Westerly Corner of said Parcel No. 79, to a
set T Aluminum cap on a 05 re-bar marked, PLS 37958 Eagle County Eng. DspL;
Thence North 43 degrees 44 minutes 19 secode West, 104.33 feet to a found 3.25" akmmrwm monument PS37939 -No. 3890 as recorded in Land Survey Plats in the Engineering Department Eagle,
Colorado, Book 1, Page 745 - 750, to the Southerly right of way Ins of 1-70W;
Thence South 56 degrees 54 minutes 30 seconds West, 1146.35 fed along said Southerly right of way Mme of 1-70W to a found 3.25" aluminum monument PS37939 -No. 3891 as recorded in sold Book 1,
Pages 745 - 750;
Thence South 0 degrees 09 minutes 50 seconds East, 23.78 feat along said Southerly right of way Mme of 1 -70W to a found 3.25' aluminum monument PS37939 -No. 3892 as recorded in said Book 1, Pages
745 - 750;
Thence South 56 degrees 53 mirnutse 42 seconds West, 602.62 fed along said Southerly right of way Mme of 1 -70W to a found 3.25" akmmrnum monument PS37939 -No. 3606 as recorded in said Book 1, Pages
Thence Southwesterly, 429.96 fast along the we of a curve concave to the Northwest, said arc Mang said 1-70W right of way line to a ford 3.25" aluminum monument PS37939 No. 3608 as recorded In saki
Book 1, Pages 745 - 750, sold curve having a radius of 3788.80 feet, a central angle of 6 degrees 30 minutes 07 seconds, and being subtended by a chord that bears South 60 degrees 10 mirwtss 35 seconds
West, 429.73 fast•,
Thence Southwesterly, 621.40 feet along the arc of a curve concave to the Northwest, said arc Wong saki 1-70W right of way Mme to a ford 3.25 slumixum monument PS37939 -No. 3893 as recorded in sold
Book 1, Pages 745 - 750, said curve having a radius of 11428.20 test, a central angle of 3 degrees 06 minutes 56 seconds, and being subtended by a chord that bears South 65 degrees 07 minutes 23
seconds West, 621.32 feet;
Thence South 67 degrees 55 minutes 56 seconds West, 199.73 feet along sold Southerly right of way line of 1-70W to a found 3.25" aluminum monument PS37939 -No. 3894 as recorded in saki Book 1, Pages
Thence Southwseisrly, 412.31 feet Wong the ant: of a curve concave to the North, sold arc along said 1--70W right of way line to a found 3.25" ak,mtnurn monument PS37939 -No. 3895 se recorded in said Book
1, Pages 745 - 750, sold curve having a radius of 1606.30 feat, a central angle of 14 degrees 42 minutes 24 seconds, and being subtended by a chord that bears South 75 degrees 01 minutes 47 seconds
West, 411.18 fast;
Thence South 82 degrees 11 minutes 04 seconds Wed, 456.91 feet Wong said Southerly right of way line of 1 -70W to a found 3.25" aluminum monument PS37939 -No. 38% as recorded in said Book 1, Pages
745 - 750;
Thence South 77 degrees 10 minutes 45 seconds West, 161.92 feet along said Southerly right of way the of 1 -70W to a found 3.25" aluminum monument PS37939 -No. 3897 as recorded in said Book 1, Pages
745 - 750;
Thence leaving said Southerly right of way line of 1-70 South 12 degrees 49 minutes 15 seconds East, 1.00 feet to the Northerly right of way Line of The Denver and Ro Grande Westsm Railroad Company, to
a set T Aluminum inum cap on a 86 no-bar marked, PLS 37958 Eagle Courtly Eng. Dept.;
Thence Southwesterly, 715.92 feet Wong the arc of a curve concave to the Southeast, said arc being along the Northerly right of way Nine of the Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad Company, saki curve
having a radius of 1220.57 fed, a central argle of 33 degrees 36 minutes 24 seconds, and berg subtended by a chord that beams Saute 60 degrees 22 minutes 33 scads West, 705.70 feet, to a set T
Akmhfwm cap on a 06 re-bar marked, PLS 37958 Eagle County Erg. Dept;
Thence Waving the said Northerly right of way of the Denver and Ric Grande Western Railroad, South 19 degrees 26 minutes 48 seconds West, 230.54 feet to a point on the Southerly right of way line of said
Denver and RIo Grande Western Railroad Company, to a set T Al rnrhum cap on a 06 re-bor marked, PLS 37958 Eagle County Eng. Dept;
Thence Southwedorly, 262.85 fed along the arc of a curve concave to the West, said arc being along the Southerly right of way line of said Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad Company, said curve
havi g a radius ol 1148.98 fed, s antral aagle of 13 degrees 06 minwtes 27 seconds, and being subtended by a chord that bears South 14 degrees 58 minutes 58 seconds West, 262.28 fed to the North right
of way ilne of HWY 6 & 24, to a set T Aluminum cap on a t6 re-bar marked, PLS 37958 Eagle County Eng. Dept.;
Thence South 31 degrees 16 minutes 07 seconds West, 593.64 feat to a paint on the Southeasterly right of way line of HWY 6 & 24 to a found 3.25" aoumrnum monument marked as PLS29420, Point No. 501
as recorded in Land Survey Plats in the Engfhserig Deportment, Eagle Carty, Colorado, in Buck 1, Pages 462 - 464 and as described in deed recorded it Reception No. 739045;
Thence Nor 39 degrees 40 minutes 13 seconds East, 128.92 feet along saki Southeasterly right of way lice to a ford 3.25' aluminum monument marked as PLS29420, Port No. 502 as recorded in Land
Survey Plat Book 1, Pages 462 - 464 and as described in deed recorded at Reception No. 789045;
Thence Nor 46 degrees 34 mmirnutes 06 seconds East, 315.50 fed Wong said Soutsaterly right of way line to a found 3.25" alumfwm monument marked as PLS29420 Post No. 503 as recorded in Land
Survey Plat Book 1, Pages 462 - 464 and as described in deed recorded at Reception No. 739045;
Thence Nor 68 degrees 41 minutes 24 seconds East, 259.91 feet Wong saki Southeasterly right of way Mme to a found 3.25" aluminum monnumermt marked as PLS29420 Point No. 504 as recorded in Land
Survey Plat Book 1, Pages 462 - 464 and as described in deed recorded at Reception No. 739045;
Thence Nor 64 degrees 47 mrxuies 45 seconds East, 126.49 feet along said Southeasterly right of way line to a point to the centerlkhe of the Eagle River,
Thence Moving said So utheosMrly right of way lies South 16 degrees 54 mnfwtes 58 seconds West, 218.47 feet along said centerline of the Eagle River,
Thence South 48 degrees 30 minutes 19 seconds Week 349.37 feat along said oenterbie of the Eagle River,
Thence South 73 degrees 07 minutes 03 secants West, 223.52 fast along said centerline of the Eagle River,
Thorne South 46 degrees 53 minutes 42 seconds West, 204.71 feet along said centerline of the Eagle River,
Thence South 23 degrees 51 minutes 12 seconds West, 122.88 feet along said centerline of the Eagle River,
Thence South 11 degrees 27 minutes 41 seconds West, 136.01 feet along said cwt dkw of the Eagle River;
Thence South 29 degrees 56 minutes 28 seconds West, 86.88 feet along said centerline of the Eagle River;
Thence South 49 degrees 37 minutes 43 seconds West, 114.49 feet along sold owiledine of the Eagle River to the South Line of
Government Lot 9;
Thence North 89 degrees 34 minutes 46 seconds West, 853.74 feet along the South Line of Govemment Lot 9 to the Southwest Caner
thereof, to a set T Aluminum cap on a 06 re-bar marked, PLS 37958 Eagle County Eng. Dept.;
Thence Note 0 degrees 11 minutes 10 seconds West, 1354.12 feet along the West Line of said Government Lot 9 to the Northwest
Carrier thereof, to a set T Aintfwm cep on a 06 re-ber marked, PLS 379W Eagle County Eng. Dept.;
Thence South 89 degrees 04 minutes 26 seconds East, 830.19 feet along the North Line of said Govemrnert Lot 9 to the West Line of
Tract 52, to a set T Akurr*nurn cap an a 06 re-ber marked, PLS 37958 Eagle County Erg. Dept.;
Thence North 0 degrees 00 minutes 30 seconds East, 210.40 feet to Caner 4 Tract 52, a 2 -1 1T GLO brass cap on a 1" pipe marked
SAVING AND EXCEPTING from the above described property a estmeMs and rights of way for the Denver and Rio Grande Western
Railroad, Interstate 70, State Highways 6 and 24 and those certain portions of the above described property heretofore conveyed as
evidenced by and described in the following fhstrcunerts recorded In the of loo of the County Cleric and Recorder in and for Esgle
County, Cdorado, to-wit
Quk -Claim Deed from Peter Peterson to the Denver 8 Rio Grande Railroad Company, recorded in Book 5 at Page 201,
Quk -Claim Dead from Rupert M. Sherwood to the Denver and Rio Grande Railroad Company recorded in Book 5 at Page 204,
Warranty Dead from Rupert M. Sherwood to the Denver and Rio Grande Railroad Company recorded in Book 45 at Page 117,
Warranty Dead from Peter Peterson to the Denver and Rio Grande Railroad Company recorded in Book 45 at Page 100,
Warranty Dead from George W. Watson to the Board of County Canmiseloners of Eagle County State of Colorado recorded in Book
106 at Page 432,
Warranty Dead from George W. Watson to the Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad Company recorded in Book 106 at Page 436,
Warranty Dead from John Hirz, George W. Watson and Frances E. Watson to County of Eagle, State of Colorado, recorded in Book 116
at Page 173,
Warranty Deed from Frances E. Watson and George W. Watson to John Hfz recorded in Bode 116 at Page 174,
Warranty Deed from Frances E. Watson to the County of Eagle, State of Colorado recorded in Book 116 at Page 224,
Special Warrarty Deed from Leonard Horn to the Deparmnent of Highways, State of Colorado recorded January 8, 1971 in Book 219 at
Page 473,
Special Warranty Dead from The Piney Valley Ranches Trust to Department of TranspoAatiorh State of Colorado recorded September
15, 2000 as Reception No. 739045.
Area - 180.749 acres, more or lose total.
Area = 114.783 acres, more or less without rights of way.
Area - 65.968 acres, more or less rights of way.
Railroad rights of way are based on best available reaps and existing tracks as they are on the ground at this time. I have researched at
the railroad rmwseum In Golden, MOT surveyor in Grand Junction, Eagle County recorder's 0111108, Union Pacific Railroad along with
other surveyors and legal descrhpliorhs available. What I have found Is that In this area where Hells Gate Road or Eagle County Road 55
is located the railroad tracks and right of way has been changed at a mN>krmmrn of 2 times M not 3. Legal descriptions rate old location
and how it moved from there and are very ambiguous to fallow. The irdormadan that has been found has boon ambiguous at bed.
Highway rights of way have been musty located by existing monuments as found and supported by Land Survey Plat recorded in the
Eagle County Engineering departments Land Survey Plat vault in Book 1, Pope 745 - 750 on record and recorded by COOT. 1 visited
with Jade Messenger a Surveyor for CDOT out of Grand Junction and he stated west of Hells Gate road monumwntation of the high way
right of way for 1-70 was never place according to a map on record. i have tried to support the right of way location based on where the
existing monxxnerts ended and the deeds available along with held ftamhstion that is available or has not been destroyed.
Comer 3 of Tract 45 was set by using Grant boundary method. An existing re-bar with no cap was found 12.43 feet east of computed
comer at an existing fence comer. After further review I found a disc and nail with PLS 11980 an fence post. After tradcirg him down
and having a phone conversation with him what he rernsrtrbsred was it was a reber for aerial control only and was not to represent the
location on the comer. I have researched the monument records and nothing has been filed. There for I have set this monument at the
position show on the map.
Comets 3 Nil 4 of Tract 51 and Corner 1 of Tract 52 were not found. Being Comer 1 Tract 52 and Comer 3 Tract 51 were orightelhy
placed on a straight Ina I placed comers on a sfgle proportion between ford Comer 2, Tract 52 and found Comer 6 of Trod 52. 1
then calculated using the Grant boundary method to perpetuate the location of Comer 4, Tract 51 as on the map. Addilonal research
and 3 search visits didn't turn up any additional information for original locetfon.
Cloefg Comer set West of Comer 6 was found after finding Caner 6 of Tract 52 after additional search.
East Quarter Caner of Section 17 was labeled on the GLO Brass cap Incorrectly. The way the cap Is shown is how it was located in the
field. Monument record has been tiled and noted.
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A Parcel of Land, located in Tracts 51 and 52 and in Sections 17 and 18, T4S, R83W of the 6th P.M., County of Eagle, Stale of Colorado, more particularly described as
COMMENCING at Comer 4, of Tract 52 which is described as a 2 -1/2' GLO brass capped monurnent on a 1' pips, from which Comer 5 of said Tract 52 a 2 -11T GLO brass
cap on a 1' pipe 1918 bears South 0 degrees 00 mmmfxutes 30 seconds West, (Basis of Bow") 1529.36 feet; thence North 75 degrees 19 mfxu/ss 24 seconds East, 1367.86
feet to the Southerly right of way line of 1 -70W to a found 3.25" aluminum monument PS37939 -No. 3897 as shown in Land Survey Plata, deposited as Book 1, Pages 745 -
750, Eagle County, Colorado and the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING;
Thence North 77 degrees 10 minutes 45 seconds East, 161.92 feet Wong said Southerly right of way line of 1-70W to a found 3.25" akumirnurn monument PS37939 -No. 3896
as recorded in said Book 1, Pages 745 - 750;
Thence North 82 degrees 11 minutes 04 seconds East, 456.91 feet along said Southerly right of way line of 1-70W, to a found 3.25" akxninum moron umard PS37939 -No. 3895
as recorded In sold Book 1, Pages 745 - 750;
Thence Northeasterly, 412.31 feet Wong the are of a curve concave to the North, said arc along saki 1-70W right of way Nine, to a found 3.25" akurnirnurn monument
PS37939 -No. 3894 as recorded in said Book 1, Pages 745 - 750, said curve having a radius of 1606.30 feet, a certral angle of 14 degrees 42 miwles 24 seconds, and
being subtended by a chord that boars North 75 degrees 01 minutes 47 seconds East, 41 1.1 8 feet;
Thence North 67 degrees 55 minutes 58 seconds East, 199.73 feet along said Southerly right of way line of 1-70W, to a found 3.25' aluminum monument PS37939dro. 3893
as recorded in said Book 1, Pages 745 - 750;
Thence Northeasterly, 621.40 feet akxg the arc of a curve concave to the Northwest, said arc Wong said 1-70W right of way line, to a found 3.25" aluminum monument
PS37939 -No. 3608 as recorded In said Book 1, Pages 745 - 750, said curve having a radius of 11428.20 feet, a central angle of 3 degrees 06 minutes 56 seconds, and
being subtended by a chord that bears Nash 65 degrees 07 minutes 23 seconds East, 621.32 feet;
Thence Northeasterly, 429.96 fest along the arc of a curve concave to the Northwest, saki are aorg said 1-70W Agin of way line to a found 3.25" aiuninum mon umord
PS37939 -No. 3606 as recorded in said Book 1, Pages 745 - 750, said curve havfg a radius of 3788.80 feat, a central angle of 6 degrees 30 n*kfte 07 seconds, and being
subtended by a chord that bears North 60 degrees 10 minutes 35 seconds East, 429.73 feet,
Thence North 56 degrees 53 minutes 42 seconds East, 602.62 feet Wong said Southerly right of way line of 1-70W to a found 3.25" aluminum monument PS37939 -No. 3892
as recorded in said Book 1, Pages 745 - 750;
Thence North 0 degrees 09 minutes 50 seconds West, 23.78 feet along said Southerly right of way line of 1-70W to a ford 3.25" aluminum monument PS37939 -No. 3891
as recorded In said Book 1, Pages 745 - 750;
Thence North 56 degrees 54 minutes 30 seconds East, 1146.35 feet along said Southerly right of way line of 1-70W to a found 3.25" afmnirt un morxuhent PS37939 -No.
3890 as recorded in saki Book 1, Pages 745 - 750
Thence leaving sold Southerly right of way Mme South 43 degrees 44 minutes 19 seconds East, 253.95 feet Wong Westerly Line of Parcel No. 79 described in Reception No.
11 51 00 and Southwesterly right of way line of 1 -70W to a found 3.25' aluminum monument PS37939 -No. 3727 as recorded in said Book 1, Pages 745 - 750
Thence South 57 degrees 52 minutes 45 seconds East, 224.38 feet along said Southwesterly right of way Mme of 1-70W to an angle poft as recorded In said Book 1, Pages
Thence South 59 degrees 08 minutes 19 seconds East, 111.41 fast Wong said Soufft westsAy right of way line of 1-70W to an angle post as recorded In said Book 1, Pages
Thence South 58 degrees 01 minutes 14 seconds East, 83.15 fed Wong said Southwesterly right of way Mme of 1-70W to a feud 3.25" akuminum monumerk PS37939 -No.
3728 as recorded in said Book 1, Pages 745 - 750;
Thence North 38 degrees 31 minutes 54 seconds East, 211.92 feet along said Southherly right of way Mme of 1-70W to a found 3.25" aluminum monument PS37939 -No. 3729
as retorted in said Book 1, Pages 745 750;
Thence North 68 degrees 22 minutes 51 seconds East, 436.68 fed along saki Southerly right of way line of 1-70W to a found 3.25" aluminum monument PS37939 -No. 3730
as recorded in said Book 1, Pages 745 - 750;
Thence North 67 degrees 32 minutes 56 "condo East, 113.78 feet along said Southerly right of way Mme of 1-70W to a found 3.25" skmmimum monument PS37939 -No. 3718
as recorded in said Book 1, Pages 745 - 750;
Thence North 69 degrees 53 minutes 49 seconds East, 309.28 fed along said Southerly right of way line of 1-70W to a found 3.25" aluminum m monument PS37939 -No. 3719
as recorded in said Book 1, Pages 745 - 750;
Thence North 74 degrees 16 minutes 29 seconds East, 137.24 fed along said Southerly right of way line of 1-70W to a found 3.25" akudnum monument P337939 -No. 3830
as recorded In saki Book 1, Pages 745 - 750;
Thence North 49 degrees 40 minutes 35 seconds East, 105.08 feet Wong said Southerly right of way Mme of 1-70W to a found 3.25" skuhirnnt monument PS37939 -No. 3829
as recorded In saki Book 1, Pages 745 - 750;
Thence Northeasterly, 405.41 fed Wong the arc of a curve concave to the Northwest, said arc along said I-70W right of way Mme, to a found 3.25' aluminum m monument
PS37939 -No. 3836 as recorded in sold Book 1, Pages 745 - 750, said curve having a radius of 5879.80 fed, a central angle of 3 degrees 57 minutes 02 seconds, and being
subtended by a chord that beers North 81 degrees 20 minutes 28 seconds East, 405.41 feet;
Thence North 79 degrees 25 minutes 51 seconds East, 918.77 feet along said Southerly right of way Mme of 1-70W to East Line of Trod 45, to a set T Aluminum cap on a 06
re-bar marked, PLS 37958 Eagle County Eng. Dept;
Thence South 0 depress 02 minutes 01 seconds East, 3798.84 feet Wong the East Line of said Trod 45, to a 2 -1/2" GLO brass capped mornunert an a 1' pipe marked as
Comer No. 4 of said Tract 45;
Thence South 89 degrees 49 minutes 38 seconds West, 1319.83 fed along the South Line of said Tract 45, to a set T Aluminum cap an a #6 re-bar marked as a Caner 3
of said Trod 45, PLS 37958 Eagle County Eng. Dept;
Thence North 0 degrees 04 minutes 38 seconds East, 2639.65 fed along the West Line of said Trod 45, a 2 -1/2" GLO brass capped monument ment on a 1" pipe marked as
Comer 6 of saki Tract 51;
Thence South 89 degrees 55 minutes 56 seconds West, 865.51 feet aorg the South Line of said Tract 51 to the Northwest Caner of Governnhent Lot 5, to a set T
Aluminum cap on a #6 re-bar marked, PLS 37958 Eagle County Eng. Dept., Section 17, T4S, R83W;
Thence South 0 degrees 34 minutes 40 seconds East, 1543.53 fed Wong the West Line of saki Government Lot 5 to the Saudi~ Comer thereof, to a ad T Akmdrnnn
cap on a 06 re-bar marked C-E 1/16, PLS 37958 Eagle County Erg. DepL, also being the East - West Quarter Line of Section 17;
Thence South 89degrees 43 minutes 18 seconds West, 2627.59 feet along saki East - West Quarter Line to the Southwest Caner of Government Lot 3, to a set T
Aluminum cap on a 06 re-bar marked C-W 1/16, PLS 37958 Eagle Carty Eng. Dept said Section 17;
Thence North 0 degrees 32 minutes 50 seconds West, 238.49 fed along the West Line of saki Government Lot 3 to the South Line of said Trod 51, to a set T Akumknxn
cap on a #5 re-bar marked, PLS 37958 Eagle Canty Eng. Dept;
Thence North 89 degrees 56 minutes 53 seconds West, 466.92 foot along the South Line of said Tract 51 to Corner 3 of saki Trod 51, to a set T Akuhknum cap an a 06
re-bar marked as a Comer 3 of said Tract 51, PLS 37958 Eagle County Eng. Dept, also being the Easterly Line of Trod 52;
Thence South 0 degrees 02 minutes 00 seconds East, 1316.43 fed along the East Line of saki Trod 52 to Caner 6, a 2-1/2" GLO brass capped monu merit on a 1' pipe
marked as Carrier 6 of said Trod 52;
Thence South 89 degrees 49 minutes 36 seconds Wed, 2144.26 feet Wong the South Line of sold Tract 52 to a Northeasterly Caner of Government Lot 9, Sedan 18, T4S,
R83W, to a set 3.25' Aluminum cap on a #6 re-bar marked, PLS 37958 Eagle County Eng. DepL;
Thence South 0 degrees 08 minutes 50 seconds East, 243.32 feet along the East Line of said Government Lot 9 to the Southeasterly Caner thereof, to a set T Almdntrn
cap on a M6 re-bar marked, PLS 37958 Eagle Carty Eng. Dept.;
Thence North 89 degrees 34 minutes 46 seconds West, 466.19 fed Wong the South Line of sold Government Lot 9 to a point in the centerihe of the Eagle River;
Thence North 49 degrees 37 minutes 43 seconds East, 114.49 fed along said artw*w of the Eagle River,
Thence North 29 degrees 56 mirhutes 28 seconds East, 86.88 feet Wong sold cetterlfhe of the Eagle River,
Thence North 11 degrees 27 minutes 41 seconds East, 136.01 feat along said centerlle of the Eagle River,
Thence North 23 degrees 51 minutes 12 seconds East, 122.88 feet along said arterlirne of the Eagle River;
Thence North 46 degrees 53 minutes 42 seconds East, 204.71 feet along said cetterMne of the Eagle River;
Thence North 73 degrees 07 minutes 03 seconds East, 223.52 fed along said centerline of the Eagle River;
Thence North 48 degrees 30 minutes 19 seconds East, 349.37 feet alorg said anterMne of the Eagle River,
Thence North 16 degrees 54 minutes 58 seconds East, 218.47 feet to the Southeasterly night of way line of HWY 6 8 24;
Thence South 64 degrees 47 miutes 45 seconds West, 126.49 fed along saki Soutmoasterly right of way line to a point labeled as Point No. 504 as recorded in Land
Survey Plot Book 1, Pages 462 - 464 and as described in deed recorded In Reception No. 739045;
Thence South 68 degrees 41 minutes 24 seconds West, 259.91 fed Wong said Southeasterly right of way Mme to a point labeled as Point No. 503 as recorded In Land
Survey Plot Book 1, Pages 462 - 464 and as described in deed recorded in Reception No. 739045;
Thence South 46 depress 34 minutes 06 seconds West, 315.50 feet along said Southeasterly right of way Mme to a pokt labeled as Point No. 502 as recorded in Land
Survey Plat Book 1, Pages 462 - 464 and as described In deed recorded in Reception No. 739045;
Thence South 39 degrees 40 minutes 13 seconds West, 128.92 fast Wong said Southeasterly right of way Mme to a point labeled as Point No. 501 se recorded in Land
Survey Plat Book 1, Pages 462 - 464 and as described in deed recorded in Reception No. 739045;
Thence leaving saki Southeasterly right of way North 31 degrees 16 minutes 07 seconds East, 593.64 fed to a point an the Northerly right of way ilne of HWY 6 & 24;
Thence Northeasterly, 262.85 fed along the arc of a curve concave to the West, sold arc being Wang the Southerly right of way ko of said Denver and Rio Grande Western
Railroad Company, said curve having a radius of 1148.98 fed, a central angle of 13 degrees 06 rtnfwtes 27 seconds, and being subtended by a chord that boom Nor 14
degrees 58 minutes 58 seconds East, 262.28 fed;
Thence Nor 19 degrees 26 minutes 48 seconds East, 230.54 feet to a point an the Northerly right of way ire of said Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad Company;
Thence Northeasterly, 715.92 fiat along the arc of a curve concave to the Southeast, said arc being along the Northerly of the right of way ire of the Denver and Rio
Grande Western Railroad Company, said curve having a radius of 1220.57 feat, a antral angle of 33 degrees 36 minutes 24 seconds, and being subtended by a chord that
bars Nor 60 dograss 22 minutes 33 seconds East, 705.70 feet;
Thence leaving said Northerly right of way line of the Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad Company, North 12 degrees 49 mrhutes 15 seconds West, 1.00 feet t0 a
point on the Southerly right of way Ww of 1-70W, to a found 3.25' alrnkwm monument PS37939 -No. 3897 as recorded in sold Book 1, Pages 746 - 750 to the TRUE POINT
SAVING AND EXCEPTING from the above described property easements and rights of way for the Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad, Irterstate 70, State Highways
6 and 24 and those certain por ors of the above described property heretofore conveyed as evil. rood by and described in the following fatrtm eats recorded in the ofioe
of the County Clerk and Recorder in std for Eagle County, Colorado, to -wit:
Quit -Chaft Dead from Polar Peterson to the Denver Nil Rio Grande Railroad Company, recorded In Book 5 at Page 201,
Quit -Clain DOW from Rupert M. Sherwood to the Denver and Rio Grande Railroad Company recorded in Book 5 at Page 204,
Warrarty Deed from Rupert M. Sherwood to the Denver and Rio Grande Railroad Company recorded in Book 45 at Page 117,
Warrarty Deed from Peter Peterson to the Denver and Rio Grande Railroad Company recorded in Book 45 at Page 100,
Warranty Deed from George W. Watson to the Board of County Commissioners of Eagle County State of Colorado recorded in Book 106 at Page 432,
Warranty Deed from George W. Watson to the Deriver and Rio Grande Western Railroad Company recorded in Book 106 at Page 436,
Warranty Dead from John Hiz, George W. Watson and Frances E. Watson to County of Eagle, State of Colorado, recorded in Book 116 at Page 173,
Warranty Deed from Frances E. Watson and George W. Watson to John H irc recorded in Book 116 at Page 174,
Warranty Dead from Frances E. Watson to the County of Eagle, State of Colorado recorded in Book 116 at Page 224,
Special Warranty Deed from Leonard Horn to the Department of H igli ways, State of Colorado recorded January 8, 1971 in Book 219 at Page 473,
Special Warranty Deed from The Piney Valley Ranches Trust to Department of Transportation State of Colorado recorded September 15, 2000 as Reception No. 739045.
And also exception that portion deeded to David E. Mott and Susan D. Mott in Dead recorded February 8, 1979 in Book 281 at Page 661.
Areaz 325.877 Acres, more or less total.
Area- 287.640 Acres, more or Iwo without rights of way and Ham Excplion Plat.
Area- 29.352 Aces, more or hears rights of way.
Area-8.885 Apes, more of Was for Hom Exemption Plat
A Parcel of Land, located in Tracts 51 and 52 in Sections 17 and 18, T4S, R83W of the 6th P.M., County of Eagle, State of Colorado, more particularly described as follows:
BEGINNING at Comer 4, of Tract 52 which is described as a 2 -1/2- GLO brass capped monument on a 1" pipe, from which Corner 5 of said Tract 52 a 2 -1/2" GLO brass cap on a 1" pipe marked 1918 beans
South 0 degrees 00 minutes 30 seconds West, (Basis of Besrfg)1318.97 feet;
Therhoe South 89 degrees 59 minutes 21 seconds East, 491.64 fed along the North Line of said Tract 52 to the Southwest corner of Gover mmert Lot 7, to a set T Aluminum cap on a t6 re-bar marked, PLS
37958 Eagle County Eng. Dept.;
Thence North 0 degrees 09 minuses 41 seconds West, 1091.92 fed along the West Line of said Government Lot 7 to the Northwest corner thereof, to a set T Aluminum m cap on a #6 mbar merited, PLS
37958 Eagle Courtly Eng. Dept.;
Thence South 89 degrees 23 minutes 55 seconds East, 827.20 fed along the North Line of said Governrnert Lot 7 to the Northeast corner thersof and the Wed Line of Tract 52, to a set T Al uhinum cap on a
#6 re-bar marked, PLS 37958 Eagle County Eng. Dept.;
Thence North 0 degrees 17 minutes 47 seconds West, 235.41 fed along the West Line of said Tract 52 to Comer 2 of said Tract 52, a 2-1/2" GLO brass tap on a 1" pips marked 1918;
Thence North 89 degrees 51 minutes 22 seconds East, 496.24 fed along the North Line of said Tract 52 to the Southwest Comer of Govertwnent Lot 1 of said Section 17, T4S, R83W;
Thence North 0 degrees 14 minutes 05 seconds West, 1075.82 fed along the Wed Line of said Government Lot 1 to the Northwest Cartier of said Section 17, T4S, R83W, a 2 -1/2" GLO boas cap on a T
pips marked 1918;
Thence North 88 degrees 57 minutes 42 seconds East, 828.60 fad along the North Line of said Section 17;
Thhm" North 89 degrees 34 minutes 28 seconds East, 0.37 feet along the North Line of said Section 17 to the West Line of said Tract 51;
Thence North 0 degrees 02 mrxutss 00 seconds West, 227.67 fast along the West Line of said Trail 51 to Comer 2 of acid Tract 51, a 2 -1 /2" GLO bass tap on a 1' pips marked 1918 ;
Thence Nov 89 degrees 56 minutes 00 seconds East. 2632.15 feet along the Nor Line of said Tract 51 t0 Comer 3 of Trail 44, a 2- 112" Akuhinurn cap on a T pipe marked Johnson Kunkel d Assoc.. PLS
Thence tortihuig along said North Line of Tract 51 North 89 degrees 56 minutes 00 seconds East, 474.20 fed to a point 1.00 foot Southerly of the right of way line of The Denver and Flo Grande Western
Railroad Company and on the Northwesterly Line of Parcel No. 79 described in Reception No. 115099, to a set T Akunihum cap on a #5 re-bar marked. PLS 37958 Eagle County Eng. Dept.;
Thence South 51 degrees 52 minutes 11 seconds West, 256.06 foot along the Northwesterly Line of said Parcel No. 79, to a set T Aluminum tap on a #5 re-bar marked, PLS 37958 Eagle County Eng. Dept.;
Thence Southwesterly, 8.50 fed along the arc of a curve concave to the Northwest, said arc being 1.00 feet southerly of the right of way line of said Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad Company and
Northerly Line of said Parcel No. 79, Bald curve having a radius of 2915.90 feet, a central angle of 0 degrees 10 minutes 01 seconds, and being subtended by a chord that boors South 51 degrees 26 minutes
21 seconds West, 8.50 fed, to a set T Alumfxnn cap on a 05 re-bar marked, PLS 37958 Eagle County Eng. Dept.;
Thence along said Northerly Line of Parosl No. 79, South 84 degrees 41 minutes 54 seconds West, 1.83 fed to the southerly right of way Mme of said Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad Company, to a
set T Airninum cap on a 89 re-bar marked, PLS 37958 Eagle County Eng. Dept;
Thence Southwesterly, 292.72 feat along the arc of a curve concave to the Norltraset, said arc being along the right of way Mme of said Denver and Rio Grande WesMm Railroad Company and saki Parcel No.
79, said curve having a radius of 27".27164 s central angle of 6 degrees 06 mkxdn 41 seconds, and being subtended by a chord that bears South 54 degrees 36 minutes 56 seconds; West, 292.58 fed, to
a set T Aluminum cap on a 85 re-bar marked, PLS 37958 Eagle Carty Eng. Dept;
Thence South 56 degrees 52 minutes 06 seconds West, 193.57 feet along said right of way Mme of the Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad Company, to a set T Akumrxrt tap on a #5 re-bar marked,
PLS 37958 Eagle County Eng. Dept;
Thence South 57 degrees 01 minutes 56 seconds West, 368.12 feet along said right of way of the Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad Company, to the most Westerly Corner of said Parcel No. 79, to a
set T Aluminum cap on a 05 re-bar marked, PLS 37958 Eagle County Eng. DspL;
Thence North 43 degrees 44 minutes 19 secode West, 104.33 feet to a found 3.25" akmmrwm monument PS37939 -No. 3890 as recorded in Land Survey Plats in the Engineering Department Eagle,
Colorado, Book 1, Page 745 - 750, to the Southerly right of way Ins of 1-70W;
Thence South 56 degrees 54 minutes 30 seconds West, 1146.35 fed along said Southerly right of way Mme of 1-70W to a found 3.25" aluminum monument PS37939 -No. 3891 as recorded in sold Book 1,
Pages 745 - 750;
Thence South 0 degrees 09 minutes 50 seconds East, 23.78 feat along said Southerly right of way Mme of 1 -70W to a found 3.25' aluminum monument PS37939 -No. 3892 as recorded in said Book 1, Pages
745 - 750;
Thence South 56 degrees 53 mirnutse 42 seconds West, 602.62 fed along said Southerly right of way Mme of 1 -70W to a found 3.25" akmmrnum monument PS37939 -No. 3606 as recorded in said Book 1, Pages
Thence Southwesterly, 429.96 fast along the we of a curve concave to the Northwest, said arc Mang said 1-70W right of way line to a ford 3.25" aluminum monument PS37939 No. 3608 as recorded In saki
Book 1, Pages 745 - 750, sold curve having a radius of 3788.80 feet, a central angle of 6 degrees 30 minutes 07 seconds, and being subtended by a chord that bears South 60 degrees 10 mirwtss 35 seconds
West, 429.73 fast•,
Thence Southwesterly, 621.40 feet along the arc of a curve concave to the Northwest, said arc Wong saki 1-70W right of way Mme to a ford 3.25 slumixum monument PS37939 -No. 3893 as recorded in sold
Book 1, Pages 745 - 750, said curve having a radius of 11428.20 test, a central angle of 3 degrees 06 minutes 56 seconds, and being subtended by a chord that bears South 65 degrees 07 minutes 23
seconds West, 621.32 feet;
Thence South 67 degrees 55 minutes 56 seconds West, 199.73 feet along sold Southerly right of way line of 1-70W to a found 3.25" aluminum monument PS37939 -No. 3894 as recorded in saki Book 1, Pages
Thence Southwseisrly, 412.31 feet Wong the ant: of a curve concave to the North, sold arc along said 1--70W right of way line to a found 3.25" ak,mtnurn monument PS37939 -No. 3895 se recorded in said Book
1, Pages 745 - 750, sold curve having a radius of 1606.30 feat, a central angle of 14 degrees 42 minutes 24 seconds, and being subtended by a chord that bears South 75 degrees 01 minutes 47 seconds
West, 411.18 fast;
Thence South 82 degrees 11 minutes 04 seconds Wed, 456.91 feet Wong said Southerly right of way line of 1 -70W to a found 3.25" aluminum monument PS37939 -No. 38% as recorded in said Book 1, Pages
745 - 750;
Thence South 77 degrees 10 minutes 45 seconds West, 161.92 feet along said Southerly right of way the of 1 -70W to a found 3.25" aluminum monument PS37939 -No. 3897 as recorded in said Book 1, Pages
745 - 750;
Thence leaving said Southerly right of way line of 1-70 South 12 degrees 49 minutes 15 seconds East, 1.00 feet to the Northerly right of way Line of The Denver and Ro Grande Westsm Railroad Company, to
a set T Aluminum inum cap on a 86 no-bar marked, PLS 37958 Eagle Courtly Eng. Dept.;
Thence Southwesterly, 715.92 feet Wong the arc of a curve concave to the Southeast, said arc being along the Northerly right of way Nine of the Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad Company, saki curve
having a radius of 1220.57 fed, a central argle of 33 degrees 36 minutes 24 seconds, and berg subtended by a chord that beams Saute 60 degrees 22 minutes 33 scads West, 705.70 feet, to a set T
Akmhfwm cap on a 06 re-bar marked, PLS 37958 Eagle County Erg. Dept;
Thence Waving the said Northerly right of way of the Denver and Ric Grande Western Railroad, South 19 degrees 26 minutes 48 seconds West, 230.54 feet to a point on the Southerly right of way line of said
Denver and RIo Grande Western Railroad Company, to a set T Al rnrhum cap on a 06 re-bor marked, PLS 37958 Eagle County Eng. Dept;
Thence Southwedorly, 262.85 fed along the arc of a curve concave to the West, said arc being along the Southerly right of way line of said Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad Company, said curve
havi g a radius ol 1148.98 fed, s antral aagle of 13 degrees 06 minwtes 27 seconds, and being subtended by a chord that bears South 14 degrees 58 minutes 58 seconds West, 262.28 fed to the North right
of way ilne of HWY 6 & 24, to a set T Aluminum cap on a t6 re-bar marked, PLS 37958 Eagle County Eng. Dept.;
Thence South 31 degrees 16 minutes 07 seconds West, 593.64 feat to a paint on the Southeasterly right of way line of HWY 6 & 24 to a found 3.25" aoumrnum monument marked as PLS29420, Point No. 501
as recorded in Land Survey Plats in the Engfhserig Deportment, Eagle Carty, Colorado, in Buck 1, Pages 462 - 464 and as described in deed recorded it Reception No. 739045;
Thence Nor 39 degrees 40 minutes 13 seconds East, 128.92 feet along saki Southeasterly right of way lice to a ford 3.25' aluminum monument marked as PLS29420, Port No. 502 as recorded in Land
Survey Plat Book 1, Pages 462 - 464 and as described in deed recorded at Reception No. 789045;
Thence Nor 46 degrees 34 mmirnutes 06 seconds East, 315.50 fed Wong said Soutsaterly right of way line to a found 3.25" alumfwm monument marked as PLS29420 Post No. 503 as recorded in Land
Survey Plat Book 1, Pages 462 - 464 and as described in deed recorded at Reception No. 739045;
Thence Nor 68 degrees 41 minutes 24 seconds East, 259.91 feet Wong saki Southeasterly right of way Mme to a found 3.25" aluminum monnumermt marked as PLS29420 Point No. 504 as recorded in Land
Survey Plat Book 1, Pages 462 - 464 and as described in deed recorded at Reception No. 739045;
Thence Nor 64 degrees 47 mrxuies 45 seconds East, 126.49 feet along said Southeasterly right of way line to a point to the centerlkhe of the Eagle River,
Thence Moving said So utheosMrly right of way lies South 16 degrees 54 mnfwtes 58 seconds West, 218.47 feet along said centerline of the Eagle River,
Thence South 48 degrees 30 minutes 19 seconds Week 349.37 feat along said oenterbie of the Eagle River,
Thence South 73 degrees 07 minutes 03 secants West, 223.52 fast along said centerline of the Eagle River,
Thorne South 46 degrees 53 minutes 42 seconds West, 204.71 feet along said centerline of the Eagle River,
Thence South 23 degrees 51 minutes 12 seconds West, 122.88 feet along said centerline of the Eagle River,
Thence South 11 degrees 27 minutes 41 seconds West, 136.01 feet along said cwt dkw of the Eagle River;
Thence South 29 degrees 56 minutes 28 seconds West, 86.88 feet along said centerline of the Eagle River;
Thence South 49 degrees 37 minutes 43 seconds West, 114.49 feet along sold owiledine of the Eagle River to the South Line of
Government Lot 9;
Thence North 89 degrees 34 minutes 46 seconds West, 853.74 feet along the South Line of Govemment Lot 9 to the Southwest Caner
thereof, to a set T Aluminum cap on a 06 re-bar marked, PLS 37958 Eagle County Eng. Dept.;
Thence Note 0 degrees 11 minutes 10 seconds West, 1354.12 feet along the West Line of said Government Lot 9 to the Northwest
Carrier thereof, to a set T Aintfwm cep on a 06 re-ber marked, PLS 379W Eagle County Eng. Dept.;
Thence South 89 degrees 04 minutes 26 seconds East, 830.19 feet along the North Line of said Govemrnert Lot 9 to the West Line of
Tract 52, to a set T Akurr*nurn cap an a 06 re-ber marked, PLS 37958 Eagle County Erg. Dept.;
Thence North 0 degrees 00 minutes 30 seconds East, 210.40 feet to Caner 4 Tract 52, a 2 -1 1T GLO brass cap on a 1" pipe marked
SAVING AND EXCEPTING from the above described property a estmeMs and rights of way for the Denver and Rio Grande Western
Railroad, Interstate 70, State Highways 6 and 24 and those certain portions of the above described property heretofore conveyed as
evidenced by and described in the following fhstrcunerts recorded In the of loo of the County Cleric and Recorder in and for Esgle
County, Cdorado, to-wit
Quk -Claim Deed from Peter Peterson to the Denver 8 Rio Grande Railroad Company, recorded in Book 5 at Page 201,
Quk -Claim Dead from Rupert M. Sherwood to the Denver and Rio Grande Railroad Company recorded in Book 5 at Page 204,
Warranty Dead from Rupert M. Sherwood to the Denver and Rio Grande Railroad Company recorded in Book 45 at Page 117,
Warranty Dead from Peter Peterson to the Denver and Rio Grande Railroad Company recorded in Book 45 at Page 100,
Warranty Dead from George W. Watson to the Board of County Canmiseloners of Eagle County State of Colorado recorded in Book
106 at Page 432,
Warranty Dead from George W. Watson to the Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad Company recorded in Book 106 at Page 436,
Warranty Dead from John Hirz, George W. Watson and Frances E. Watson to County of Eagle, State of Colorado, recorded in Book 116
at Page 173,
Warranty Deed from Frances E. Watson and George W. Watson to John Hfz recorded in Bode 116 at Page 174,
Warranty Deed from Frances E. Watson to the County of Eagle, State of Colorado recorded in Book 116 at Page 224,
Special Warrarty Deed from Leonard Horn to the Deparmnent of Highways, State of Colorado recorded January 8, 1971 in Book 219 at
Page 473,
Special Warranty Dead from The Piney Valley Ranches Trust to Department of TranspoAatiorh State of Colorado recorded September
15, 2000 as Reception No. 739045.
Area - 180.749 acres, more or lose total.
Area = 114.783 acres, more or less without rights of way.
Area - 65.968 acres, more or less rights of way.
Railroad rights of way are based on best available reaps and existing tracks as they are on the ground at this time. I have researched at
the railroad rmwseum In Golden, MOT surveyor in Grand Junction, Eagle County recorder's 0111108, Union Pacific Railroad along with
other surveyors and legal descrhpliorhs available. What I have found Is that In this area where Hells Gate Road or Eagle County Road 55
is located the railroad tracks and right of way has been changed at a mN>krmmrn of 2 times M not 3. Legal descriptions rate old location
and how it moved from there and are very ambiguous to fallow. The irdormadan that has been found has boon ambiguous at bed.
Highway rights of way have been musty located by existing monuments as found and supported by Land Survey Plat recorded in the
Eagle County Engineering departments Land Survey Plat vault in Book 1, Pope 745 - 750 on record and recorded by COOT. 1 visited
with Jade Messenger a Surveyor for CDOT out of Grand Junction and he stated west of Hells Gate road monumwntation of the high way
right of way for 1-70 was never place according to a map on record. i have tried to support the right of way location based on where the
existing monxxnerts ended and the deeds available along with held ftamhstion that is available or has not been destroyed.
Comer 3 of Tract 45 was set by using Grant boundary method. An existing re-bar with no cap was found 12.43 feet east of computed
comer at an existing fence comer. After further review I found a disc and nail with PLS 11980 an fence post. After tradcirg him down
and having a phone conversation with him what he rernsrtrbsred was it was a reber for aerial control only and was not to represent the
location on the comer. I have researched the monument records and nothing has been filed. There for I have set this monument at the
position show on the map.
Comets 3 Nil 4 of Tract 51 and Corner 1 of Tract 52 were not found. Being Comer 1 Tract 52 and Comer 3 Tract 51 were orightelhy
placed on a straight Ina I placed comers on a sfgle proportion between ford Comer 2, Tract 52 and found Comer 6 of Trod 52. 1
then calculated using the Grant boundary method to perpetuate the location of Comer 4, Tract 51 as on the map. Addilonal research
and 3 search visits didn't turn up any additional information for original locetfon.
Cloefg Comer set West of Comer 6 was found after finding Caner 6 of Tract 52 after additional search.
East Quarter Caner of Section 17 was labeled on the GLO Brass cap Incorrectly. The way the cap Is shown is how it was located in the
field. Monument record has been tiled and noted.
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