HomeMy WebLinkAbout0977cc W m z z a 0 cc W G z 0 z cc Q ❑ cc W G z 0 �1 z Qoc Q� W m Z z a � IY ❑ 0 cn w z z w a 0 w e a m �a U � tZ 0 cr G 0- LD Q 0 w z 5� , Ln n Cc � 0 m ° z Z m � w 5 0 w Q � a U L0 0 w z w a o wz z Q •s �EL CD o a 0 L ua a 0 M w z z L LO o w = m w z Z IE a 00 ° a� O CJ L0 L0 2 ti �I O a I�a S � . � I si I� F Colorado Deportment of Transportation 222 South 6th Street Q Room 317 Grond Junction, CO 81501 Phone: 970 -683 -6233 FAX: 970 -683 -6249 Region 3 JEM A SECTION, CORNER QUARTER, SIXTEENTH, AND SECTION CORNERS O I I SET EASEMENT TEMPORARY RIGHT OF WAY MONUMENT EASEMENT POINT MARKER O BLM Po 0 0 p N OLM MARKER PROPERTY PIN NDAA- MARKER QUARTER, SIXTEENTH, AND SECTION tON CORNERS S FED wt q We BtA U °S FEDERAL MONUMENT WITNESS CORNER BENCH MARK USCS MARKER 1a 13 ROW LOCAL OR PLSS SECONDARY CONTROL RIGHT OF WAY MONUMENT MONUMENT MARKER AN 9.88 ON 10.13 ON 10.38 E 3.81 E 3.81 E 3.81 EL 0.00 EL O.OD EL O.OD PROJECT CONTROL DENSIFICATIDN HIGH ACCURACY REFERENCE r... MaRAEFIT CONTROL MONUMENT NETWORK CONTROL MONUMENT RWA;WNT, PROPERTY, SLOX'E, R UTILITY EASEMENT LINE TEiP�tARY EASE0 LIE (EXISTING) -- - t t t -t PROPERTY BOUNDARY LINE (EXISTING AND PROPOSED) - ACCESS CONTROL LINE If 11 If tl BARRIER ACCESS CONTROL LINE RIGHT OF WAY LINE - VIRGIN immi DF WAY LINE (PROPOSED) CITY LIMIT LINE (EXISTING) A COUNTY LINE (EXISTING) - m QUARTER SECTION LINE oSECTION LINE y ---------r-------n----- x --------------------- SIXTEENTH SECTION LINE w STATE LINE (EXISTING) A W TOWNSHIP LINE (EXISTING) .a SURVEY /ROW 0 a h - a TOP OF CUT -. - - -- . -- -,- $ TOE OF FILL - - TERRAIN 0 m e C a 'v isions 11 Sheet Revisions 11 Sheet Revisions DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Begin Right of way Project 846 +29.22= Project CX(FC) 24- 0082 -26 Cation 846 +29.22 MP 16.4 Begin Const Project Station: 645+62.6 M.P.: 12.5 STATE OF COLORADO RIGHT OF WAY PLANS OF PROPOSED PROJECT NO. SHE 0821 -096 STATE HIGHWAY NO. 82 SECTION 32 AND SECTION 33 TOWNSHIP 7 SOUTH, RANGE 87 WEST, 6TH P.M. GARFIELD COUNTY AND EAGLE COUNTY R.D.W. Length of Project = 1.64 Niles Const. Length of Project = 7.00 Miles Note: For a complete listing of symbology used within this set of plans, please refer to the M -160 -1 Standard Symbols of the Colorado Department of Transportation M &S Standards Publication doted July 2012. Existing features are shown as screened weight (gray scale), except as noted with the word (existing). Proposed or new features are shown as full weight without screening, except as noted with the word (proposed). PROJECT LOCATION MAP 0' 5,000' 10,000• 20,000• Lineal Units = U.S. Survey Feet Scale: 1 in - 10,000 ft f SH SHEET NO. INDEX OF SHEET 1.01 (1) Title Sheet 2.01 -2.02 ensats �� Tabulation of Properties 3.01 -3.02 (2) Project Control Diagram 4.01 -4.03 (3) Land Survey Control Diagram 5.01 -5 -01 (1) Monumentation Sheets 6.01 -6.OX (NA) Tabulation of Rood Approach Sheets C +' (6) Plan Sheets 8.01 -8.03 (3) ownership Map 3. This plan set is subject to change and may not be the (18) TotatSheets t contained on the attached drawing is not valid unless this copy bears on originolsignoture of the Professional land End Const Project Surveyor hereon named. 4 o8 /t4 Station: 1010 +18.6 NOTICE: According to Colorado law you must commence M.P.: 19.5 County references any legalaction based upon any defect in this survey three first discover such defect. within years after you In no event may any action based upon any defect in this survey be commenced more than ten years from the date of the certification shown hereon. - - rerroved PE-5 from this sheet oral GarfWd County to locatwn column o' t Code. Last Mod. Date Subset Sheet No: ro' Codt Cast Mod. to Subset sheet Sheet 2 - Tabulation of Properties R.O.W. TABULATION OF PROPERTIES IN GARFIELD & EAGLE COUNTY STATE WN Irk. 82 Book and Pepe Title Otegership Naae and Mailing Area In Square Feet #Acres) No. And /Or Cael�itae No. Resiarks Parcel No. Address Site Address Location Area Of Existing Net Area Reteainder Remainder Reception No. Parcel ROM Left Right Tovin d9p 7 South, 41M/14 I 2.G1 Sheet 1 - Tabulation of Properties R.O.W. TABULATION OF PROPERTIES IN GARFIELD A EAGLE COUNTY STATE HWY NO. 82 Parcel No. Owwrship Nape and Nailing Address Site Address Location Area In Square Feet (Acres) Book and Pape No_ And /or Reception No. Title t,owitteent No. Range: 87 Wept, 61h PM Area Of Parcel Exists � ROW Net Area Reminder Left Ressinder Right Towndtip 7 South, Garfield County Range: 97 Weak 91h PM PE-5 MKS in estmet", L1-C. 19 Larkspur Drive Lot 8, Section 32 1,814 1,814 834290 1211002 For construction and maintenance of a Deer fence 333 Surllbvrer Loon Carbondale. CO Lot 1. Cerise Ramb Subdivision (0.042) (0.042) 1 The Kurt E. vogelrnan Relloceble Thist 16702 HVjy 82 pact h Lot 5 Section 32 Carbone, CO 81623 310 62,542 Note: For a complete listing of symbology used within this set of plans, please refer to the M -160 -1 Standard Symbols of the Colorado Department of Transportation M &S Standards Publication doted July 2012. Existing features are shown as screened weight (gray scale), except as noted with the word (existing). Proposed or new features are shown as full weight without screening, except as noted with the word (proposed). PROJECT LOCATION MAP 0' 5,000' 10,000• 20,000• Lineal Units = U.S. Survey Feet Scale: 1 in - 10,000 ft f SH SHEET NO. INDEX OF SHEET 1.01 (1) Title Sheet 2.01 -2.02 (2) Tabulation of Properties 3.01 -3.02 (2) Project Control Diagram 4.01 -4.03 (3) Land Survey Control Diagram 5.01 -5 -01 (1) Monumentation Sheets 6.01 -6.OX (NA) Tabulation of Rood Approach Sheets 7.01 -7.06 (6) Plan Sheets 8.01 -8.03 (3) ownership Map 3. This plan set is subject to change and may not be the (18) TotatSheets Scales of Originolllxl7 Drawings Plan Sheets 7.01 -7.03 P =20' Plan Sheets 7.04 -7.06 1" =100' Ownership Maps 8.01 -8.02 P-100' Ownership Map 8.03 V =300' DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STATE OF COLORADO ROW PLANS AuTHMIZED: E RtGHr OF Ay MANAGER SURVEYOR STATEMENT (ROW PLAN) I Jackson E. Messenger, a protessionallald surveyor licensed irf the fate of Colorado, do hereby state to the Colorado Department of Transportation that based upon my knowledge, information and belief, reseorck calculations and evaluation of the survey evidence were performed and this Right -of -Way Plan was prepared under my responsiete charge in accordance with q*kcoble standards of practice defkwd by Colorado Deportment of Tronspartation pit cotton§. This statement is not a guaranty or warranty, either expressed or ing4ied. PLS Aid. 27272 0 w Colorado Deportment of Transportation p p 222 South 6th Street Room 317 Grand Junction, CO 81501 Phone: 970- 683 -6233 FAX: 970-683-6249 J Region 3 EM Basis of Bearings: Bearings used in the calculations of Sheet Revisions coordinates are based on a grid bearing of N74 139'34 "W Easting from CP 158 0 MP 15.8 to CP 184 0 MP 18.4. Both Dote Description monuments are CDOT Type II marked by CP Number. The surveyy data was previously established on CDOH project CX(FC) 24- 0082 -26). Dote 1. This Right -of -Way Plan is not a boundary survey of the Iritials adjoining property and is prepared for the Colorado Description Deportment of Transportation purposes only. Tabulation of Properties End Right of way Project 932+95.83= 2. For title information, The Colorado Department of Transportation relied on Title Commitments prepared by /--Project Cx(FC) 24- 0082 -26 Commonwealth Title Company of Garfield County, Inc. 154570442 1546616.40 Station 932+95.83 MP 18.0 9184 574002.6B Project Number: SHE 0821 -096 3. This plan set is subject to change and may not be the Pr0'eCt Number: SHE 0871 -096 most current set. It is the user's responsibility to verify with CDOT that this set is the most current. The information Added Parcels PE -3 PE -3 and PE-5 contained on the attached drawing is not valid unless this copy bears on originolsignoture of the Professional land End Const Project Surveyor hereon named. 4 o8 /t4 Station: 1010 +18.6 NOTICE: According to Colorado law you must commence M.P.: 19.5 County references any legalaction based upon any defect in this survey three first discover such defect. within years after you In no event may any action based upon any defect in this survey be commenced more than ten years from the date of the certification shown hereon. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STATE OF COLORADO ROW PLANS AuTHMIZED: E RtGHr OF Ay MANAGER SURVEYOR STATEMENT (ROW PLAN) I Jackson E. Messenger, a protessionallald surveyor licensed irf the fate of Colorado, do hereby state to the Colorado Department of Transportation that based upon my knowledge, information and belief, reseorck calculations and evaluation of the survey evidence were performed and this Right -of -Way Plan was prepared under my responsiete charge in accordance with q*kcoble standards of practice defkwd by Colorado Deportment of Tronspartation pit cotton§. This statement is not a guaranty or warranty, either expressed or ing4ied. PLS Aid. 27272 0 w Colorado Deportment of Transportation p p 222 South 6th Street Room 317 Grand Junction, CO 81501 Phone: 970- 683 -6233 FAX: 970-683-6249 J Region 3 EM Sheet Revisions Sheet Revisions Sheet Revisions Easting Ri ht f W Plans Dote Description INtiols Dote Description Iritials Dote Description ir"als Tabulation of Properties 3 8 13 This Sheet Added to Plan set 10 22 12 corrected ft for Parcel 8189 ; 57635 W 8179 574581.70 8181 574273.62 154570442 1546616.40 6408.47 Found CDOT Type 2 Mori nwit 6421.33 Found CDOT Type 2 Motturnert 9184 574002.6B Project Number: SHE 0821 -096 4/08/14 if ece Mi.. Ian -s for PE-6 and PE -7 Pr0'eCt Number: SHE 0871 -096 3/18/13 Added Parcels PE -3 PE -3 and PE-5 'ink alliAforrnati n for PE-5 and added 4 o8 /t4 Added Reception No.s for aKOwner Project Location: SH 82 and JW Drive Improvements County references Project Location: SH 82 and JW Drive Improvements odditunolowner nirormotar for PE- - - rerroved PE-5 from this sheet oral GarfWd County to locatwn column o' t Code. Last Mod. Date Subset Sheet No: ro' Codt Cast Mod. to Subset sheet Sheet 2 - Tabulation of Properties R.O.W. TABULATION OF PROPERTIES IN GARFIELD & EAGLE COUNTY STATE WN Irk. 82 Book and Pepe Title Otegership Naae and Mailing Area In Square Feet #Acres) No. And /Or Cael�itae No. Resiarks Parcel No. Address Site Address Location Area Of Existing Net Area Reteainder Remainder Reception No. Parcel ROM Left Right Tovin d9p 7 South, 41M/14 I 2.G1 Sheet 1 - Tabulation of Properties R.O.W. TABULATION OF PROPERTIES IN GARFIELD A EAGLE COUNTY STATE HWY NO. 82 Parcel No. Owwrship Nape and Nailing Address Site Address Location Area In Square Feet (Acres) Book and Pape No_ And /or Reception No. Title t,owitteent No. Range: 87 Wept, 61h PM Area Of Parcel Exists � ROW Net Area Reminder Left Ressinder Right Towndtip 7 South, Garfield County Range: 97 Weak 91h PM PE-5 MKS in estmet", L1-C. 19 Larkspur Drive Lot 8, Section 32 1,814 1,814 834290 1211002 For construction and maintenance of a Deer fence 333 Surllbvrer Loon Carbondale. CO Lot 1. Cerise Ramb Subdivision (0.042) (0.042) 1 The Kurt E. vogelrnan Relloceble Thist 16702 HVjy 82 pact h Lot 5 Section 32 Carbone, CO 81623 310 62,542 631001 1202052 Dated October 8. 2003 Carbondale. Co Rec # 708825 (.007) (1.438) PO Box 806 The Cerise Ranch Property Owners Association hc- 834288 Rec # 6383 157 Carise Ranch Road Carbondale, CO 81623 AC-1 Same as above Same as above Rec # eW= 631002 Access Control Township 7 Souan, 2 Julian A. Ulrych 16706 Hwy 82 Tract In Loll 3 8 6 Section 32 374 Range: U Went, 60 PM 374 166,367 834871 1202053 5003 CR 3 CON) Eagle County COW) (3.819) Carbondale, CO 81623 Carbondale. Co Roc # 490825 PE-6 Blue Lance Dwrners' Association, Open space Lot 10, Section 33 1,142 1,142 201307833 454- HO354793- 060 -101111 Foconshx#oo and maintenance ofa Deer Fence a Colorado ion Carbondale. CO 81623 Tract E, Blue Lake P.U.D., Filing V TE -2 Sane as above 189 J. W. Drive, unit A Same as above 50 (0.026) 50 (0.026) Same as above For access construction Carbondale, CO 81623 -7739 (.001) (.001) Rec # 532133 AC4 Sam as above Sarne as above Sane as above 834872 Access Control PE -7 Blue Lake Ho neow hers Association 189 J. W. Drive Lot 10. Section 33 1,122 1,122 201307834 454410354786- 060 -l11H1 For constuckin and maintenance of a Deer Fence Erin N. Patter and Russell D. Potter 189 J. W. Drive Carbondale, CO 81623 Tract C. Skis lake P.U.D., Filing N (0.026) 1,719 (0.026) 834289 1211001 For construction and maintenance of a Doer Fence Carbondale, CO 81623 Carbondale, CO Lot 85, Cerise Ranch Subdivision (0-039) (0-039) Roc # 431777 Rec #812934 The Cerise Ranch Pmperty Ownws Association Inc. 634287 167 Cerise Ranch Road Carbondale, CO SIM Rec 0 890533 PE-3A Same as above Sane as above Sarre as above 476 476 834289 Same as above For conat action and maintenance of a drainage pipe (0.011) (0.011) 634287 4 Patel Ntanber Not Used n v Colorado Department of Transportation - 222 South 6th Street 0 Room 317 Grand Junction, CO 81501 Phone: 970- 683 -6233 FAX: 970 - 683 -6249 Region 3 JEM Sheet Revisions Sheet Revisions Sheet Revisions Easting R' f Plans e r n rd to cr an ntwls a escnrion 1539946 07 T t' o f Proper-ties 10 22 12 corrected ft for Parcel 8189 ; 57635 W 8179 574581.70 8181 574273.62 154570442 1546616.40 6408.47 Found CDOT Type 2 Mori nwit 6421.33 Found CDOT Type 2 Motturnert 9184 574002.6B 1547860.44 Found CDOT Type 2 Montu wit Pr0'eCt Number: SHE 0871 -096 3/18/13 Added Parcels PE -3 PE -3 and PE-5 'ink 4 o8 /t4 Added Reception No.s for aKOwner Project Location: SH 82 and JW Drive Improvements odditunolowner nirormotar for PE- - - rerroved PE-5 from this sheet oral GarfWd County to locatwn column ro' Codt Cast Mod. to Subset sheet 41M/14 I 2.G1 Sheet 1 - Tabulation of Properties R.O.W. TABULATION OF PROPERTIES IN GARFIELD A EAGLE COUNTY STATE HWY NO. 82 Parcel No. Owwrship Nape and Nailing Address Site Address Location Area In Square Feet (Acres) Book and Pape No_ And /or Reception No. Title t,owitteent No. Rwarks Area Of Parcel Exists � ROW Net Area Reminder Left Ressinder Right Towndtip 7 South, Range: 97 Weak 91h PM Gartleld Cour ty 1 The Kurt E. vogelrnan Relloceble Thist 16702 HVjy 82 pact h Lot 5 Section 32 310 310 62,542 631001 1202052 Dated October 8. 2003 Carbondale. Co (.O(Y7) (.007) (1.438) PO Box 806 Edwards, CO, 81632 Rec # 6383 AC-1 Same as above Same as above Same as above 631002 Access Control 2 Julian A. Ulrych 16706 Hwy 82 Tract In Loll 3 8 6 Section 32 374 374 166,367 834871 1202053 5003 CR 3 CON) COW) (3.819) Carbondale, CO 81623 Carbondale. Co Roc # 490825 TE -2 Sane as above Same as above Same as above 50 50 Same as above For access construction (.001) (.001) AC4 Sam as above Sarne as above Sane as above 834872 Access Control PE-3 Erin N. Patter and Russell D. Potter 52 Cerise Ranch Road Lot 8, Section 32 1,719 1,719 834289 1211001 For construction and maintenance of a Doer Fence 52 Cerise Ranch Rd. Carbondale, CO Lot 85, Cerise Ranch Subdivision (0-039) (0-039) Carbondale, CO $1623 Rec #812934 The Cerise Ranch Pmperty Ownws Association Inc. 634287 167 Cerise Ranch Road Carbondale, CO SIM Rec 0 890533 PE-3A Same as above Sane as above Sarre as above 476 476 834289 Same as above For conat action and maintenance of a drainage pipe (0.011) (0.011) 634287 4 Patel Ntanber Not Used Colorado Department of Transportation Sheet Revisions Sheet Revisions Sheet Revisions _ Pr 'e t Control i r 2p22 South 6th Street p 3 8 /t3 Addedi -Descr NoC�ce SEa[emen, nitids Date Description _ -_ -- Initials Plan h t Initials Dote Description Q Room 317 and mode titM bkxk demeans "' " -' -" Project Number: SHE 0821 096 Grand Junction, Co 81501 Project Location: SH 82 and JW Drive Improvements Phone : 970- 683 -6233 FAX: 970-683-6249 ro' t Code Last Mod. Subset Sheet W. Region 3 JEM » PROJECT CONTROL DIAGRAM SH 82 AND JW DRIVE IMPROVEMENTS Section 31, 32, 33 & 34 0` 2W 400' B0 Township 7 South, Range 87 West LINEAL ()NITS = uSOOSFeet FEET Section 25, 26 & 36 Township 7 South, Range 88 West 6th Principal Meridian Counties of Garfield & Eagle MP 15.8 to MP 18.4 0 v y 3 0 v TR Q( C wF D. r Typical Control Monument Cop t Not to Scale -""-- ♦ CM -MP - Control Point Monuments set by CDOT. They are COOT Type 2 monuments, a 31/4" dio. aluminum control monument cop (as shown) on a -�� 'r'�" `►,. T xy4" olio. aluminum security rod on a Y xyi" dia. smooth aluminum rod. g Refer to the M -629 -1 Survey Monuments of the Standard Plans doted a July, 2006 found in The Colorado Deportment of Transportation, M & S N Standards for typicolsurvey monument descriptions x Basis of Bearings: Bearings used in the calculations of coordinates are based on a grid bearing of N74a 39'34 "W from CP 158 0 MP 15.8 to CP 184 ffi 0 Mp 18.4. Both monuments are CDOT Type 1I, marked appropriately for their milepost location and control position. 0 Basis of Elevations: Elevations are project elevations previously established on f CDOH Project No. CX(FC) 24- 0082 -26. COORDINATE DATUM: Project coordinates are coordinates previously established " an CDOH Project No. CX(FC) 24- 0082 -26. x This Project ControlD'fagrom is not a boundary survey of the adjoining property and is prepared far the Colorado Deportment of Transportation 0 purposes only. n FOUND PROJECT CONTROL MONUMENTS Point Northing Nam Easting Elevation Remarks 7 577542.51 1534756.76_ Found CDOT Cortr_oi Pooh ; 576575.25 Found CDOT Control Point 1539946 07 8158 577425.13 1536384.29 15409127.74 6300.16 Found CDOT Type 2 Mmurrmilt 63EO.76 Found CDOT Type 2 Mon unw t 8189 ; 57635 W 8179 574581.70 8181 574273.62 154570442 1546616.40 6408.47 Found CDOT Type 2 Mori nwit 6421.33 Found CDOT Type 2 Motturnert 9184 574002.6B 1547860.44 Found CDOT Type 2 Montu wit NOTICE: According to Colorado low you must commence any legoloction based upon any defect in this survey within three years otter you first discover such defect. In no event may any action based upon any defect in this survey be commenced more than ten years from the date of the certification shown hereon. a -rft r,- - 4e5 # r tr A . uef -vial r ev r rn a vni %if- �✓ � . r r t t ti- eve _, r%r IN BOOK BOOK 1 OF THE EAGLE COUNTY SURVEYOR'& LAND SURVEY PLATSIRIGHTS -OFANAY SURVEYS AT PA(3E 9-44 . RECEPTION NUMBER