HomeMy WebLinkAbout0942Ix W m z 0 z 'Q cc 0 W G z z cc 0 W co z z a 0 W z z CU 7i Ln o w = m z z z Cc a cc LU II G z z Q 0 co m �-a: a Ir a. 0 z W a w o m TS z r 2 F- -i o _-j o C- 7 a U- Q 0 LU W Ln �n a Lj o m LOz z a • d r m U w O O �w � m Ci U z z w W n z y -- z T u � m o cr a m U d IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT RENO SUBDIVISION LOTS 3 AND 4, BLOCK M TOWN OF RED CLIFF — — — — — — — — — — , EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO ------------ - - - - -- WATER STREET (40' R. 0. W.) STORM SEWER O MANHOLE (TYPICAL) I ® WA TER ---MANHOLE — D S88:55'007- 142.79' 8" REBAR CONCRE7F SET 518' WING WALLA / CONCRETE WITH 1 -112" PLASTIC CAP WING WALL P.E. & P.L.S. 26626 / �� / S SANITARY /, SEWER X / MANHOLE 0 10 20 Feet rid SCALE 1 /NCH = 10 FEET o � G LOT 28 i / APPROX /MA TE EDGE OF WA 7FR FROM RENO SU801 N,90N PLA T / RECEP77ON NO. 200805816 DA TED MARCH 14, 2008. SET 518" REBAR N5970'14 "E 12.14' WITH 1 -112" ALUM /NUM CAPZ P.E. & P. L. S. 26626 N68.1132 E 2.39 SET 5 1e" REBAR WITH 1 -112" ALUM /NUM CAP FOUND 518" REBAR P.E. & P.L.S. 26626 W TH 1 -112" ALUMINUM CAP E 32.60 / SET 5/8' REBAR / 5.5' WITNESS CORNER " P.E. & P.L.S. 26626 ,o•30 / WITH 1 -1/2" ALUM /NUM CA N / P.E. & P.L.S. 26626 LOT 4 18,485 S. F. n f 19.1 A �Or-C FOUND 518" REBAR WITH 1 -112' PLAS77C CAP P.E. & P. L. S. 26626 NOTE& 1. Basis of Bearings is a line bearing N8655'00 "E on the north property line of Lot 3 also being the south right –of –way line of Water Street between a set 518" rebor with 1 -112" plastic cap (P.E. & P.L.S. 26626) and a found 518" rebar with a 1 -1/2" plastic cap (P.E. & P.L.S 26626). 2. Date of Survey. May 2013. J. Title research was performed by Land T/t /e Guarantee Company under Order Number V50036205 with an effective date of May 8, 2013 for Lot 3 and Order Number 1/50035743 -3 with and effective date of May 13, 2013 for Lot 4. 4. The units of lineal measurement ore U.S. Survey Feet. 5. 187 indicates a street address. 6. Notice: According to Colorado law you must commence any legal action based upon any defect In this survey within three years after you first discover such defect. In no event, may any action based upon any defect in this survey be commenced more than ten years from the date of cent /fication shown hereon. POWER POLE (TYPICAL) N8855'00 "W 206.29' SURVEYOR'S CE 79 LATE: 1, Duane Fehringer, a duly registered land surveyor in the State of Colorado, do hereby, certify that the survey shown hereon was prepared for T7mothy C. Parks, and was done by me or under my direct supervision and the pins found as shown hereon are accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief. 2 626 on � �AD�V: Duane D. Fehringer Professional Land Survey No. 26626 DECK EDGE OF — ASPHALT — 42.5' SET 518" REBAR WITH 1 -1/2' PLAS77C CAP P.E. & P. L. S 26626 FOUND 518' REBAR WITH 1 -112" PLAS77C CAP 2.0' W177VESS CORNER P.E. & P. L. S. 26626 63.0' h h N O Z. N 14.9' 14.6' SIDEWALK LOT 3 7, 702 S. F. 0.177 ACRES CONCRETE PAD \x 2238; \x�x FOUND 518" REBAR N x \x WITH 1 -112" PLAS77C CAP O P.E. & P.L.S. 26626 ^ \x \x x W 0 O Z S8855100 1E 73.60' (BASIS OF BEARINGS) DECK CONCRETE PAD in LEGAL DESriFTbN' Lot 3, Reno Subdivision according to the pl t recorded March 19, 2008 under reception number 200805816, County of Eagle, State of Colorado. The above described parcel contains a 177 acres, more or less. Lot 4, Reno Subdivision, according to the plat recorded March 19, 2008 under reception number 200805816, County of Eagle, State of Colorado. The above described parcel contains 0.424 acres, more or less. FOUND 518" REBAR WITH 1 -112" PLASTIC CAP P. E. & P, L. S. 26626 N88 55'00 "W 52.56' O 0 z� �o — FOUND 518" REBAR Wl1N 1 -112" PLASTIC CAP P.E. & P.L.S. 26626 GROOM ALLEY 22.5' — SET 518" REBAR O WITH 1 -112" ALUM /NUM CAP O 10.0' WITNESS CORNER O P.E. & P. L. S. 26626 County. Eagle Plot Index No. Section 19, 7.6S., R80W. 6th P.M. Plat by. Duane D. Fe- hringer PE & PLS No. 26626 Deposit this day of 2013, at . 20 in Book -of the C my Surveyors Land Survey/Rights –of –way records at Page , Reception No. :II Q W1I 0 0 z Z O D M 0 l� Q U- of O D' 0 U LJ V, cc- > O O Y J O W M f 0 0 J < Z Q Q W V) H O r a� N mom 4182 ` tu .O 3oz W ,�Q :5b man L �r Ors 1 •"� 6 N Ej5 w � ggny o.s!••�ECC 3 _«Fti a CpCp `, CLI OW.•0 Z O D M 0 l� Q U- of O D' 0 U LJ V, cc- > O O Y J O W M f 0 0 J < Z Q Q W V) H O r fro` INS =o Q��5I :5b a L �r Ors 1 •"� 6 H OED$ Ej5 w O ggny o.s!••�ECC _«Fti • s tall CpCp `, CLI OW.•0 Z O D M 0 l� Q U- of O D' 0 U LJ V, cc- > O O Y J O W M f 0 0 J < Z Q Q W V) H O